March 28, 1913 - HAND COUNTY NEWS - St. Lawrence, South Dakota
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VOL. 6.     ST. LAWRENCE, SOUTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, March 28, 1913.     NO. 28
Professional Cards
Office: Second Floor of Collins' Drug Store
Miller, South Dakota
Phone Office, Red 55; Res., Green 55
Office on block west and one block north of the depot.
Office over Collins' Drug Store. Phone No. Main 16.. Calls answered day or night.

Miller, South Dakota
Practice in all Courts. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to our care.
Practice in All Courts of the State ______
Judge of Probate Hand County, S. D.
Double service for single day. Two percent charged for first $509; over that amount one percent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge will be made.
Phone Green 143, St. Lawrence, S.D.

Oliver Cletus Humphrey Died
Locals and Personals
Seed Corn For Sale.
At my farm (S.E. 1/4 27-111-66, two miles west and four south of Wessington) at $1.00 per bushel.  This corn has been raised in this community for the last 25 years.
(adv.)   O.J. Moran.
I am prepared to pay the highest market price for cream.  Call and see me next door south of First State Bank.
William Wilson  (adv)
Harness! Harness! Harness!
Public Sale.
Dakota News.
Do you need a set.  If you do call and see the assortment of Studebaker Harness we have in stock;  not the cheapest, but the best on the market.
(adv.)  St. Lawrence Lumber Co.
White Dent Seed Corn For Sale.
Tests 90 per cent and more.  Has been raised and matured in Handy county the past 20 years.  The good kind.  Price $2.50 per bu. in sacks.
(adv.)  Geo. P. Sexauer.
A plush robe which owner can get by proving property and paying for this notice.  At Thomas Kelley farm home.
5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c articles
Granite and Tinware, each 5c to 20c
China and Tinware from 5c to 25c
Hooks and Eyes, Safety Pins, Hair Nets and Buttons, 2 pkgs  only 5c
Good White Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c
Lace and Insertion, per yd., 3 to 10c
Brooches and Belts Pins, 10c to 25c
Embroideries, per yd. from 7c to 20c
Latest Hair Barrettes, from 10c to 25c
TOYS -- Garden Sets, Brooms, Dolls, Toy Kitchen Ware, Balls, Marbles, Dominoes, Whistles, Etc., Etc.

Call and Examine Our Goods.

To make room for my new Stock of Shoes
I will GIVE a
Big Discount for 30 Days
on Shoes for Women, Men and Children
These shoes will be on the counter. Call in and get my prices.
Having rented my farm I will sell at public auction on section 10 York township, six miles north and two miles east of the village of St. Lawrence, So. Dak.
Tues., March 18, 1913,
beginning at 12 o'clock sharp, the following described property, to-wit:

Seventy head of cattle consisting of one black full-blood Poll Angus bull, twelve head of No. 1 milch cows, nine head of 2-year-old heifers in calf, seven head of 2 year-old high grade steers, eighteen head of 1-year-old black Poll Angus steers, fourteen head of 1-year-old White Face and Durham steers, nine head of 1-year-old White Face heifers.  All these cattle are of good quality, high grade, and home grown stock.

Nine head of horses consisting of one sorrel mare 9 years old, in foal, weight 1250;  one bay mare 9 years old, in foal, weight 1400, one roan mare 10 years old, weight 1400; one stallion 5 years old, sound, weight 1650;  one gelding 3 years old, sound, weight 1300;  one gelding 2 years old, sound, weight 900;  two good yearling colts, one good saddle pony, safe for wife and children to drive.

Farm machinery, etc.  One mower with dropper, one gang plow, good as new;  one wagon, run one season;  one low truck farm wagon,  one 7-ft. pulverizer, one 24-ft. harrow, and other numerous articles for the farm.

Free Lunch at Noon.

Terms of Sale:  All sums of $10 and under ccash;  on all sums over $10 time will be given to October 1, 1913, purchaser to give approved note bearing interest at the rate of  10 per cent per annum.  Settlement must be made according to terms of sale before property is removed from the premises.

S.S. Roberts, Owner.
B.F. and J.M. Magness, Auctioneers
L.T. Jarmuth, Clerk.  (adv.)
South-East Hand.
Young Kansas Woman Would Marry Rancher
Harness and shoe repairing at Fugate's store.  (adv)

Miss Viola Danburg is down at Loomis visiting relations.

Dan Murphy,the Wessington stock buyer, was in town on business Monday.

Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Jones, of Vayland, visited St. Lawrence relations last Sunday.

An 11-pound son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shephard, of Redfield, on Easter Sunday.

Floyd Reeves and sister, Miss Fay, visited for several days with friends in  St.. Lawrence and vicinity.

Leon Thorn and a couple of friends departed Friday morning for Fairview, Montana, by way of Oakes, N.D.

A very interesting Easter program was rendered Sunday night in the Presbyterian church.  The attendance was quite large.

Miss Jennie Swab, who is attending school at Mitchell college has secured a position as one of the teachers in the Elkton high school, beginning with the fall term.

The Misses Emily, Hazel and Alma Flint entertained several members of the B.J.K. club at their home last Saturday night.  Various games were played and light refreshments served.

Frank Pitzer was up from his farm near Winifred for a few days for the purpose of shipping don twenty head of sheep, but he sold them to C.L. Starr Tuesday and returned home that day.

L. C. Mulvany closed a seven months term of school in Bates township last Friday.  As soon as weather permits and roads are in shape he intends to drive to his claim near Harding to reside for the summer.

Last Friday was L.T. Jarmuth's birthday anniversary and that night he was agreeably surprised by a number of his neighbors and friends who came to help him celebrate the event.  Several hours were enjoyed by the gathering in playing ''500'. 

Will Barker, who has been employed by the Brumwell Lumber Co., of Huron, for about fifteen months and prior to that was with the St. Lawrence Lumber Co., arrived Monday night from his home at Fairmont, Minnesota, preparatory to going up to Weyburn, Canada, again with Ray Shoop.  As soon as weather conditions are more favorab le the trip will be made.

Mr. & Mrs. O.L. Anderson and children of Hiland township, returned a few days ago from a 3-month's sojourn in southern Iowa and northern Missouri.  Mr. Anderson had a sale last fall and partly made this trip with a veiw to looking up a location where he might better himself finaancially, but informed us that he found nothing in his travels that looked as good to him as Hand county, and accordingly will farm in Hiland again.

Under date of March 24 L.H. Dunn writes from Newell ordering the News sent to him for a year.  He says:  "The outlook is bright for a good season here--the recent snowfall has assured a crop on the dry farms and there is an ample reserve for the irrigation project.  The U.S.R.S. will spend $100,000 on what is called the North canal, besides that which will be expended for maintenance and operation of the canals and laterals already completed.  Everyone seems to think that hard times in Newell and vicinity are at an end."

Rev. G. Issac was given the second and third degrees in Odd Fellowship Monday night.

R. C. Rhode Island Reds eggs for hatching 13 for 50c, or $8.00 per hundred.  --- Mrs. H. Clegg.

C.E. Sorensen has been confined to his home for several days with a severe attack of tonsilitis.

Money to loan on Hand county land at all times.  Rates reasonable.  Prompt settlement
First State Bank, St. Lawrence, SD--(adv)

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Milne's little son of Holden township, who has been very sick with typhoid fever, is reported to be slowly recovering.

Spring began last Friday with the thermometer standing that morning at 6 degrees below zero.  Since then considerabbe snow has fallen on nearly every day.

J.B. Kintigh, who has been in Minnesota for the past two or more months buying cattle for Magness Bros., arrived home Friday night for an over-Sunday visit with his family.

Miller Press:  Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Bushfield rejoice over the arrival at their home Tuesday of about the finest 8 1/2 pound young lady this writer has seen for twenty some years.

Snowdrifts made some of the east-west roads of southeast Hand quite impassable.

Oscar Johnson moved last Thursday to the Jensen farm. His own will be worked by a renter this year.

Carl Woodruff, of Rosehill township, attended religious services in Bates Sunday before last and stayed over to help J.R. Greeno haul hay, etc.

School No. 1 in Bates district, taught by L.C. Mulvany, colsed Friday the 21st.  The term was one of seven months, having begun early in September last year. The teacher was requested to take the school next term, but hardly thinks he can do so as he has a claim in Harding county and has not yet proved up on it.

School No. 3 in Bates district in also closed, Thursday, the 20th inst., having been the last day of the term.  The teacher, Samuel R. Harding, and the pupils of the school rendered an interesting program in the afternoon.  Ice cream and other dainties were also indulged in.  Mr. Harding pleased patrons, school officers, and pupils by his work in the school room throught the term, and was asked to return next term.  As he wishes to add to his own scholarship and ability by attending some institution of higher learning, he could not promise to take the school again.  Mr. Harding's parents live in Wessington Springs, and he departed for that place Saturday.
Tuesday, March 18, 1913, Oliver Cletus Humphrey, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Humphrey, at their home near St. Lawrence, was taken from loving parents, brothers and sister.

"Tho the little life was spared only three brief months, it was long enough to tighten the bonds of love in the home;  long enough to leave the shadow of his baby smile a sweet memory to loving hearts."

After brief services in St. Anne's church in Miller the little body was laid to rest in the cemetery nearby.  (Contributed)
IIROQUOIS-- The stockholders of the farmers' telephone company which owns a series of lines in this vicinity have elected the following officers:  Presiden, Thomas Tyrrell; vice president, Percy Toovey;  secretary, Elmer Walter;  treasure, F.H. VanTassel.  The company is considering an offer of the Dakota Central for the purchase of its lines.

MADISON-- Raymond A. Davis, aged 30, after suffering for about a year, died at the home of his wife's parents near here as the result of injuries received last year while employed in a large implement house at Fargo, ND.  A belt broke and struck him in the face, a cancer on the lip developing from the injury.

PIERRE-- The question of selling liquor in the unincorporated town of Zell, Faulk county, which is less than five miles from the incorporated town of Rockham, is submitted to the legal department.  The attorney general has advised that if Zell wants to quench its thirst it will have to incorporate.

COUNCIL BLUFFS-- Lowell F. Lillinbridge, a banker from Burke, SD and Mrs. Kincheloe, also of Burke, were married here by Rev. J.M. Williams, of the Broadway Methodist Episcopal church at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Waterman, 601 Minster Street.

MITCHELL-- Charged with collecting money for a Sioux Falls firm and failing to turn it over, T.F. Danaher was arrested in St. Paul and brought back to this city last evening by Sheriff Berry.  Danaher's examination will be held next Monday.

GROTON-- Ole Bender, a wealthy farmer, was arrested and fined $50 and costs for cruelty to animals.  Bender is charged with having maltreated a horse, knocking out both it's eyes and otherwise injuring it until it had to be shot.

WEBSTER-- A number of the women have organized a musical club.  The officers are:  President, Mrs. George C. Dunton;  vice president, Mrs. J.D. Garrick;  secretary, Miss Margaret Wist;  treasurer, Mrs. Frank Anderson.

DOLAND-- The space in the business district which in January was burned over by a disastrous fire has been cleared of all debris, and as soon as spring opens the work of rebuilding the burned district will commence.

DE SMET-- A Mr. Lark, colored, died here of a complication of diseases, aged about 65 years.  He ran a barber shop up to the time of his last illness, being a resident of this town and county for nearly 30 years.  The funeral was held in the Methodist Episcopal church (white) at 2 p.m. All business was suspended in the town from 2 until 3 o'oclock.  The pallbearers were business men of the town.  He leaves a wife and two sons.

ABERDEEN-- The South Dakota State Launderers' association adjourned after having elected the following officers;  resident, W.H. Barnett, Sioux Falls; vice president, C.M. Lyon, Watertown;  secretary, H.O. Fish, Redfield;  treasurer, J.M. Foasberg, Huron;  sergeant at arms, E.F. Taylor, Aberdeen.  Watertown was chosen as the meeting place next year.

DOLAND-- The ranks of the old veterans of the civil was here have been sadly depleted by death.  L.A. Drake, who died a few days ago, is the third veteran to pass away since last Memorial day.  This leaves the post with only four members, whereas a few years ago it was numerically strong.

Pierre, SD, March 22, 1913 -- Not daunted by the recent terrible blizzard, a young woman at Piper, Kansas has written a touching appeal to the postoffice at Pierre praying for help to find a Dakota ranchman for a husband.  Following is the statement of her wants:

I am a young Kansas woman and want a young ranchman for a husband.  I can cook and keep house.  In fact I can do all kinds of work that is in a hme.  I have blue eyes, auburn hair, and a fair complexion.  I am five and a half feet tall and weigh 120 pounds.  I have heard of several ranchmen in South Dakota that were looking for wives and I want to find one.  I want a man who has a good home and one who is able to keep a woman.  One who has a kind disposition.  I also want a man who does not use any intoxicating liquors.  I also want a man between 20 and 32 years old, but I do not want a man who is over 32 years old.  I also want a man whom I can trust and love.  All important matter regarding this must be addressed to Miss A.M. Holyfield, Piper, Kansas.

Accompanying the statement given above, the young woman says she is hunting herself a husband, and will thank anyone from the depth of her heart who will help her out.
Dogs Lead To Arrest Of Kadoka Incendiaries
Kadoka, SD, March 21, 1913 -- With the aid of two Mitchell bloodhounds, John Rush and Jesse Hodges were tracked from the scene of the burning of a claim shanty near this place.  The two men had made application to N.C. Snodgrass for a loan on their farm land, but the security did not satisfy the banker, and he refused it.  The men were incenses over his refusal, and securing a quantity of kerosene oil they went out to his claim and, breaking open the the door, spread the inflammable material over the interior and then seet fire to it.  A neighbor came along at about the same time and saw the men emerge from the house, and later saw the smoke issuing from the window.  With the aid of others the house was saved.  The bloodhounds were placed on the track of the men and the animals followed them all one day and tracked the men to a house where they had stopped a short time.  The dogs followed the men to their own home, but they had left there and the scent led into Kadoka.  Following that lead, the hounds approached within a couple of miles of town, when they saw two men coming.  Both dogs made a lunge at the men as the guilty parties, and they were arrested.  After an examination they were bound over to the circuit court in $1000 each.
Four Veterans Taken In Twenty-Four Hours
Hot Springs, SD, March 24, 1913-- Four deaths occurred at the Battle Mountain sanatorium, national home for disabled volunteer soldiers, within the past 24 hours.  John Clark, Co. H Second Kansas Infantry, claiming residence at Seattle, Washington;  Willie Warner, Seventy-second company, U.S.C..C., claiming residence at Ozark, Arkansas;  John E. Fawcett, Co. A., Fifty-seventh Ohio infantry, whose home is at Marshalltown, Iowa, and John G. Hickman, Co. H. Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry, who came to the home from Viewfield, S.D.

The remains of Fawcett will be shipped to Marshalltown, Iowa and those of Hickman will be shipped to New Underwood, S.D. for interment.

Clark and Wrner, having no known relatives will be laid at rest in the home cemetery with the usual military honors.

Last Rites Over Bodies Of Victims Of Blizzard
Rapid City, SD, March 24, 1913-- Arranged in the order of their seniority, the bodies of the six members of the Perry family, who perished on the Box Elder divide in last Friday's blizzard, lay in the Behrens undertaking establishment this morning while a crowd of 2000 people passed by them to take a final look at the victims of the worst tragedy which has ever visited the Black Hills.
