MAY 30, 1913 - HAND COUNTY NEWS - St. Lawrence, South Dakota
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Page updated by Carolyn S. Rosemore 2 Mar 2009
VOL. 6.     ST. LAWRENCE, SOUTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913.     NO. 37
Professional Cards
Office: Second Floor of Collins' Drug Store
Miller, South Dakota
Phone Office, Red 55; Res., Green 55
Office on block west and one block north of the depot.
Office over Collins' Drug Store. Phone No. Main 16.. Calls answered day or night.

Miller, South Dakota
Practice in all Courts. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to our care.
Practice in All Courts of the State ______
Judge of Probate Hand County, S. D.
Double service for single day. Two percent charged for first $509; over that amount one percent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge will be made.
Phone Green 143, St. Lawrence, S.D.
June 17-18-19
The Miller Race Association will hold their annual race meet at Miller, June 17-18-19.  There are several horses in training at the track now and entries are coming in from all over the northwest and the coming meeting promises to be the best ever held in Miller.  There is $2800.00 offered in purses and it is attracting the best horses in the country that will come and compete for the big money.

The race meeting will be the biggest thing of the seasoon, come and enjoy yourself and bring the family.

Locals and Personals
Gus Smith went to Broadland yesterday morning to visit his son.  Miss Elsie Thompson has charge of the postoffice.

Miss Edna Fritts left on Wednesday's night passenger enroute to Newcastle, Wyoming, to visit relations for somee time.

Everand Reeves has secured a position as accountant in the office of the J.L. Case Thresher Co. in Racine, Wisconsin.  He began work about three weeks ago.

J. C. McCool arrived on Tuesday's forenoon passenger from his trip to Atlanta, Georgia, where he attended the Pan-Presbyterian convention as delegate from this district.

F. F. Simpson, president, and S. A. Clatterbuck, vice-president of the Sioux City Horse and Mule Company, were here Weddnesday to get B. F. Magness to become a member of their company.

Dr. McWhorter, of Miller, was called out to the Chris Lenz
[Lanz] home north of town, Tuesday to attend Mr. Lenz's son [Arthur ?] who was driving a six-horse team hitched to a harrow, when, in some manner, his foot was caught in a wheel of the cart and his shoe torn off.  Upon examination it was found that he escaped with a sprained ankle.

Miss Anna VanBrunt returned from a few days visit in Huron and Cavour.  Miss VanBrundt, who, by the way, possesses considerable talent as an artist, has been taking lessons in painting in Huron for some time, but this trip learned that her teacher had gone to Idaho because of poor health.  Those who have had the pleasure of seeing some of Miss VanBrunt's paintings speak very highly of them.

George Fugate was a Huron visitor yesterday forenoon.

Weller's orchestra, of Miller, played for a dance here Tuesday night.

The Misses Bertha and Frances King departed on their trip Saturday morning instead of Friday.

C. H. Williams returned from Huron with a new five-passenger Ford auto yesterday, accompanied by F. A. Abbott, the purchaser.

The following Holden township farmers marketed hogs in St. Lawrence last Saturday;  M. Hiatt, J.H. Bingham
, L. S. Boles, and E. E. Bingham.

Dr. J. B. Taylor arrived home on Saturday's forenoon train from his visit at Knapp, and other Wisconsin points.  He also made a trip to Chicago.

Memorial Day services were held Sunday forenoon in the M.E. church.  Rev. J. L. Walsh delivered an appropriate address, and Mr. Ruth, of  Sioux City, Iowa, rendered a vocal solo.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jordan, of Putnam, Conn., who visited their uncle M. C. Blackmer, a number of days, started on their homeward journey Saturday evening, stopping on their way to visit relations at Lindenwood, Illinois.

L. C. Mulvany started on his overland trip to his claim in the Short Pine Hills country in Harding county, last Saturday.  He was accompanied by E. J. Nelson, who also has a homestead west of the Big Muddy, in the vicinity of Isabel.

F. P. Calkins shipped a car load of hogs to Sioux City, Iowa, last Saturday.

S'more rain Saturday and Sunday forenoons.  One hears an occasional kick of "too omuch rain."  Let 'er come.

The biggest event of the season - the race meet at Miller, June 17-18-19.  Do not fail to attend.  (adv.)

Mr. Ruth, of Sioux City, Iowa, was a guest at the C. L. Starr home for a few days since our last issue of the News.

J. B. Kintigh, accompanied by his family, drove his auto down to Pleasant Valley townsip Sunday, for a visit at the homes of their parents.

Two excellent artesian wells have been put down in Holden township recently -- one for F. P. Calkins and one for Mrs. E. G. Dougherty -- with a flow of 100 gallons a minute.

Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Shephard, who are delegates to the A.O.U.W. grand lodge and D.of H. respectively, departed Monday evening for Aberdeen.  Their two youngest children accompanied them.

C. E. Reeves, of Harrold, was in town last Friday and rented from C. H. Williams the house recently vacated by C. C. Porter.  Mr. Reeves and family intend to move to St. Lawrence about the 5th of June.

Not withstanding the rain Saturday afternoon, a number of Preston Swab's little friends surprised him by calling at his home to help him celebrate his eighth birthday anniversary.  The little folks report having had a royal time and a lot of good things to eat.

MILLER - A class of 11 will be graduated from the high school here tonight.  Exercises occur in the opera house.  The graduates are Ira S. Johnson, Leone Cotton, Viola Zimmerman, Bernice Kintigh, Elizabeth Galkins, Hugh W. Connor, Marguerite Waite, Goldie Wilson, Joseph Lawler, Marguerite Weir.

PIERRE - The Secretary of State received the first application for automobile licenses under the new law Thursday morning.  Beadle county getting four, Spink country, three, and Lawrence county, one.  Tag number 1, however, will be issued to S.W. Crawford of Letcher, Sanborn county.  Mr. Crawford introduced the new motor vehicle bill in the legislature last session.

MILLER - It is now estimated by cattlemen that the country around here and west to the river is again filled with stock cattle.  Besides the stockers shipped in, hundreds of Holstein dairy cows have been added to the numbers.

ONIDA - W. H. spencer, of western Sully county, who owns the old abandoned town of Fairbank, once the metropolis of this county has completed the first unit of his irrigation plant and is ready to turnthe water upon 200 acres of rich Missouri River bottom in case he needs it.  His plant is sufficient to pump water for 1,000 acres.

SPEARFISH - Her horse, frightening at a rapidly passing automobile, caused a serious runaway near town, in which Mrs. William Morden, aged 70, was thrown out and it is believed fatally injured.

LENNOX - Dick Highstreet sold an 80-acre tract of land to his nephew, John S. Highstreet, the land adjoining the latter's farm;  the consideration being $90 per acre.

BRIDGEWATER - The graduating exercises of the Bridgewater schools will take place Tuesday evening, May 27, when 11 young ladies and gentlemen will receive their diploma, vis;  Harris Shannard, Tillie Mayer, Anastasia Heiberger, Averill Smith, Linda Guilander, Lena Mayer, Clara Larson, Charles McCay, Ralph Harter, Clarence Clasuer, Claude Rasmussen.  The address to the class will be made by Dr. George W. Nash, president of the Aberdeen Normal.
PHILIP - Children playing with matches on the farm of Floyd Humbert, 15 miles northwest of Philip, caused a heavy loss to Humbert.  A granary and barn, with a great deal of stuff that had been stored in the granary, were consumed.  Humbert is working in Manitoba, and at the time of the fire Mrs. Humbert and her two children were living on the hmestead alone.

WAUBAY - May 27 has been set aside as
"good roads day" at Waubay.  On that day the business men of Waubay and the farmers living nearby will join forces in improving all the roads running into Waubay. 
BURKE, SD - May 24. -- On June 9 probably 5,000 men, with teams, traction engines, scrapers, road drags and all other necessary paraphernalia, will be at work on the Rosebud and Black Hills Scenic highway between Norfolk and White River, a distance of nearly 250 miles.  The work is in charge of the leading business men in each community, a "boss" having been selected in each town through which the route is to pass, whose duty it is to organize an army with which to make the road perfect in his district on that day.

On May 26 the entire route will be marked by means of painted posts, so that no tourist will have to stop to inquire the way, nor be in doubt as to which course to pursue at a crossroads.  The posts will have a three-inch stripe in black at the top, then an eight-inch stripe of white with a red rosebud stenciled upon it, then a three-inch stripe of yellow
Ok..tell, in 1913, did they get this organized?  Did it get done?  Did the weather cooperate?  How many posts did it take to mark the 250 mile route?  What kind, and who painted all those? Don't forget the stenciled "rosebud"!!  csr
Brookings, SD. - May 24 -- Later reports from Burce, where Jack Harris was shot and killed by Leslie Doop, a young man of 18, are to the effect that undue fright on the part of the Doop family caused the shooting, which was entirely unnecessary.  It is said Harris, who was ordinarily well-behaved, had been at Pierre, and got off the train at the junction near Brookings, to walk to Bruce, where he had an aunt living.  He apparently lost his way, and had stopped at the Doop home to get his bearings.  Eith because he was badly chilled from his walk in the cool night air, or because he was slightly intoxicated, he had difficulty in making himself understood and the elder Doop, who had opened the door in response to the man's rap, became frightened and ran upstairs calling to his son, who had a rifle, to shoot.  The son did so, and Harris fell mortally wounded to the ground.
[see previous edition ...csr]
Oldham, SD.  May 23 -- Friends in Kingsbury county may make a demand for an investigation by the proper officers of the United States government of the mysterious death at sea of Andrew Jacobson, a pioneer farmer of Kingsbury county, who after a visit at the old home in Denmark was returning to the United States and South Dakota.  Jacobson was accompanied on the journey to Denmark by Soren Peterson and wife, who lived near him in Kingsbury county and were old friends.

They took passage on a steamer, and the second day out Jacobson was taken suddenly ill and died about two hours later.  The Petersons were aware that Jacobson ad considerable money on his person when he sailed, but after his death no money was found.  It is further charged by Peterson, who has reached his home in South Dakota, that the officers on the boat were reticent as to the cause of Jacobson's death and would not permit Peterson to see the body.  The officers of the boat sent the remains of the dead man by a passing boat back to Denmark for burial.  The dead man was a pioneer settler in South Dakota.

[[Maybe names spelled as Jacobsen and Petersen if from Denmark? ...csr]
Winner, SD. -- May 24 --- Leonard and Elmer West are under arrest here charged with beating their father, G. E. West, 60 years old, Tuesday night.  Mr. West was unconscious for some time and doubts were felt as to his recovery.

Mrs. West is suing for divorce and the case came up Tuesday.  The Wests are quite prominent and wealthy and the boys have sided with their mother in the case.  The old man was to have gone on the witness stand Tuesday evening.  The boys met him on the street and after a few words, it is charged they knocked him down and kicked him.  The family formerly resided at Wisner, Nebraska where the senior West was engaged in the implement business.
FAULKNER --[ FAULKTON ? Can't  find Faulkner listed among old towns in the Faulk Co. History book. -- csr]
Samuel Loy,  a resident of Faulk county for 30 years, died at his farm nine miles southeast of this place on Monday morning of heart failure. He  had  been ailing the greater part of the spring.