1945 Intermediate (4th, 5th, & 6th Grades) Group Photo - St. Lawrence, South Dakota
1945 4th, 5th & 6th Grades
St. Lawrence Public School
St . Lawrence,  South Dakota

From the first SLHS Yearbook
Last modified by Carolyn S. Rosemore 8 Jan 2006

~ St. Lawrence 1945 4th, 5th & 6th Grades
Top to Bottom:

Wesley Williams - Duke Kindlespire - Roger Carter - Richie Ross - Billy Oligmueller
Byron Luke - Donald Schultz -Robert VanZee

Keith Renshaw - Richard Oakley - Warren Skinner - Howard Cotton - Trubert Grimm
Gordon Magness - Thomas Snyder - Miss ____ Evelo, teacher *

Susan Egan - Isabel Ramey - Helen Ross - Donna Fanning - Mavis Snyder
Shirley Gilliland - Dixie Carter - Darlene Davis - Margaret Fanning
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* No first name found for Miss Evelo within the yearbook.  Sorry. csr