
My Genealogy

If you are like me, you have found the Internet to be a tantalizing way to look for genealogical material. I have been surfing the web for over a year in hopes that I would stumble across a gold mine of information, but of course that hasn't happened. What has happened is that I have found some information that is questionable at best and in some cases, just plain wrong. I have finally decided that rather than waiting for more resources to be placed online, I should make mine available for others.

If you have done genealogical research for any time you understand that it is never completely finished. My main efforts will be to place online the work I have done on my parents' lines (Wilson and Williams) and the line about which I have written a book (Settlemyer--my mother's mother's family). Click here to learn more about the book.

The Families I am Researching: 

Ball, Barclift, Baxter, Beatty, Bieber, Blanton, Boyd, Brandon, Brown, Cansler (Canceller, Ganzler), Carpenter (Zimmerman), Carson, Cathey, Chancey (Chauncey), Cherry, Childers, Chisholm, Cook, Dellinger, Devenpaugh, Doerffler (Dörffler), Easley, Eichelbauer, Freeman, Fullbright, Gaines, George, Goforth, Greene, Guthrie (Gutry), Hamrick, Harrill, Hawkins, Huddlestone, Huffman, Johnson, Keaton, Killian, Kincaid, Lee, McDowell, McFarland, McHerd, Markham, Montgomery, Moore, Nixon, Phillips, Prince, Rudisell, Scott, Settlemyer (Settlemyre, etc.), Shook, Smart, Smith, Stafford, Steele, Stewart, Street, Thompson, Toms, Volbrecht, Waddy, Walker, Watson, Williams, Wilson, Withrow, Zettelmeyer (Zettlemoyer)

I hope to be updating the family information pretty regularly, so check back to see what has been added.

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Last Updated on Wednesday, September 06, 2000 07:53 PM