Havercroft Family Trees A to Z
 Havercroft Family Trees Updated October 2008 Caution: This is a volatile database. Please verify the data. The content is subject to change.
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This section contains an alphabetical list of Family Trees. Where a Havercroft Family has a number of generations of descendants their Family Tree has been included here. There are two large Family Trees based on Joseph b.1746 and Roberte b.Bef 1580. The other Family Trees are smaller family groups that are so far not included in either of the large Family Trees. The Trees are sorted Alphabetically by the oldest known ancestor. The data is presented in a tree - to view the descendants click on the + sign. The spouse(s) are shown first. Each time a plus sign appears there are other family members to be explored. To find an individual's family data click on the individual's icon.

To find a Family Tree click on one of the letters of the Alphabet.

Every attempt has been made to ensure that no living persons are included in the data presented here. If you find this not to be the case and you wish for an individual or family to be removed then please send me an email with the reference number of the person or persons to be removed.