Adam & Eve



                                Cainan                                                                                      1 5 0   G E N E R A T I O N S

                                Mahalalel                                                                  F R O M   A D A M   &  E V E   T O   P R E S E N T







                                Arphaxad (Arpachshad)











Jacob                                                                      Nabit (Nebaioth)

Judah                                                                      Yashjub                                                    ?

Perez                                                                      Ya'rub                                                      Ramses I (King of Egypt)

Hezrom                                                                  Tayrah                                                     Seti I (King of Egypt)

Ram                                                                        Nahur                                                      Ramses II (King of Egypt)

Amminadab                                                            Mugawwam                                              Seknakht

Nashson                                                                  Udad                                                        Ramses III (King of Egypt)

Salmon                                                                    Adnan                                                     Ramses VI (King of Egypt)

Boaz                                                                        Ma'add                                                    Ramses IX (King of Egypt)

Obed                                                                        Mizar                                                      Ramses X (King of Egypt)

Jesse                                                                        Mudar                                                      Ramses XI (King of Egypt)

David (King of Israel)                                             Ilyas                                                        Henttawy

Solomon (King of Israel)                                       Mudrika Amir                                          Psibkha'emne I

Rehoboam  (King of Judah)                                     Khuzayma                                               Istemkheb

Reheboham (King of Judah)                                     Kinama                                                   Pinudjem II (High Priest of Amun at Thebes)

Abijah (King of Judah)                                             al-Nadr                                                    Psusennes II (High Priest of Amun at Thebes)

Asa (King of Judah)                                                 Malik                                                      Maat 'Ka re'

Jehoshaphat (King of Judah)                                    Fahr                                                        Takelot I

Jehoram (King of Judah)                                          Ghalib                                                     Osorkon II

Ahaziah (King of Judah)                                           Lu'ayy                                                    Shoshenk "D" (High Priest of  Ptah at Memphis)

Joash (King of Judah)                                               Ka'b                                                        Takelto "B" (High Priest of Ptah at Memphis)

Uzziah/Azariah (King of Judah)                                Murra                                                     Es amlj Dked Bast

Jotham (King of Judah)                                            Kalab                                                      Pimay (Great Chief of Ma)

Ahaz (King of Judah)                                                Qusayy (Zayd)                                       Osorkon "C" (Great Chief of Ma)

Hezekiah (King of Judah)                                         Abdulah Manaf                                       Tefnakhte Shepses re

Manasseh (King of Judah)                                         Hashim                                                  Bakenranef Wah Ka Re                                            

Amon (King of Judah)                                              Abdulah al Muttalib                                Nekau ba Irib Re

Josiah (King of Judah)                                              Abdulah Allah                                         Necho I Whem.Ib.Re

Jeconiah/Jehoiakim (King of Judah)                         Muhammad (Islam founder)                  Psamtek I Wahib.Re

Shealtiel                                                                   Fatima                                                    Necho II Wehem.Ib.Re

Zerubbabel                                                                Hasan                                                     Psamtek II Nefer.Ib.Re

Rheza                                                                       Husain                                                    Wahibre (Ha'a'  

Joanan                                                                      Zohra (female)                                       Neithiyti                                   Nebuchadnezzar II (King of Babylon)

Joda/Jude/Judah/Judas                                                Na'im al-Lakhmi                                     Atossa                                       Nebuchadnezzar III (Prince of Babylon)

Josech/Joseph                                                           Itaf                                                         Xerses I (King of Persia)           Nebuchadnezzar IV (King of Babylon)

Semein                                                                     Amr                                                        Artaxerxes I (King of Persia)---husb.& wife---Andia

Mattathias                                                               Aslan                                                       Darius II (King of Persia)

Maath                                                                      Amr                                                        Artaxerxes II (King of Persia)

Naggai/Nogah                                                           Abbad                                                     Rodogune (of Persia)

Hesli/Esli                                                                  Qarais                                                     Aroandes II (King of Armenia)

Nahum                                                                      Ismail                                                     Mithranes I (King of Armenia)                

Amos                                                        Kadi abul-Kasim Muhammad I                                Aroandes III (King of Armenia)              Lucius Julius Lebo

Mattathias                                    Abu Amr Abbad ben Muhammad II al-Mutamid                   Samos I (King of Armenia)                     Lucius Julius Lebo

Joseph                       Abul-l-Kasim Muhammad III ben Abbad al-Mutamid (Emir of Seville)    Arsames I (King of Armenia)                  Numericus Julius Ceasar

Jannai/Johanan                                        Zaida/Ximena (Isabella/Elizabeth)                             Xerses I (King of Armenia)                     Lucius Julius Ceasar

Melchi/Melki                                                     Teresa de Castille                                           Zariadres I (King of Sophene)                 Sextus Julius Ceasar

Levi                                                   Alphonse I Henrigius (King of Portugal)                        Artaxias I (King of Armenia)                  Sextus Julius Ceasar

Matthat (Nasi)                                                   Urraca (female)                                             Tigranes I (King of Armenia)                  Lucius Julius Ceasar

Joseph of Arimathea---brothers--Eli/Heli      Alphonse IX (King of Leon, Spain)                Artavasdes I (King of Armenia)              Lucius Julius Ceasar

Anna of Arimathea                     Mary                           |                                                        Artaxias I (King of Iberia)                       Julia Caesonia Caesar

Lud                                             Jesus Christ              |                                                        Artaces I (King of Iberia)                        Mark Anthony III

Tenuantius                                                                      |                                                               |                                                       Antonia Minor

Cymbeline                                                                       |                                                               |                                                       Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero I

Arviragus------------------------------------------------------------------------------husband & wife------|-----------------------------------------Genissa/Venissa

Meric / Marius                                                                 |                                                               |

Coilus/Cole "Old King Cole"                                    |-----------------------------------------------|---------|

Athildis (female)-----------------------------------------------------brother & sister----------------------|---------|--------------Lleiffer Mawr (Lucius) (King of the Britons)        

Clodomir IV (King of Franks)                                                                                                        |            |                   Gladys (the Younger)             

Farabert (King of West Franks)                                                                                                      |            |                   Strada "the Fair" (of Cambria)

Sunno                                                                           Pharnabazus I (King of Iberia) --------------           |                   Helena "of the Cross"

Hilderic (King of Franks)                                             ? (Princess of Iberia)                                               |                   Constantine the Great (Roman Emperor)

Batherus (King of West Franks)                                   Pharasmenes I (King of Iberia)                                |                   Constantius II (Roman Emperor)

Clodius III                                                                    Mithradates I (King of Iberia)                                  |                   Constantius III (Western Roman Emperor)

Walter (King of Franks)                                               Amazaspus I (King of Iberia)                                   |                   Valentinian III (Western Roman Emperor)

Dragobert I                                                                  Pharasmenes II (King of Iberia)                               |                    Eudoxia

Genebald I                                                                    Rhadamiste I (King of Iberia)                                  |                     Hilderic (King of Vandals)

Dragobert II                                                                 Pharasmenes III (King of Iberia)                             |                     Hilda

Clodius I                                                                       ? (Princess of Iberia)                                               |                     Halfdan (King of Denmark)

Marcomir                                                                     Khusraw I "the Brave" (King Armenia)                   |                     Ivar Vidfadma (King of Denmark & Sweden)

Pharamond (King of Westphalia)                                 Tiridat II (King of Armenia)                                   |                     Roric Slingeband (King of Denmark & Sweden)

Clodio (Clodius) (King of Franks)                                 Khusraw II "the Valient" (King Armenia)                |                     Harold Hildetand (King of Denmark & Sweden)

Merovech (King of Franks)                                          Tiran "the Great" (King of Armenia)                      |                     Sigurd Ring

Childeric I (King of Salic Franks)                                 Chosroes III (King of Armenia)                               |                     Rayner Lodrok (King of Denmark & Sweden)

Clovis I The Great (King of  France)                            Bambisn                                                                  |                     Sigurd Snodoye (King of Denmark & Sweden)

Clothaire I (King of Franks)                                         Narses I "the Great" (King Armenia)                       |                     Horda Knut (King of Denmark)

Sigibert I                                                                       Isaac I "the Great" (King Armenia)                         |                     Frotho (King of Denmark)

Ingunda                                                                        Sahakanoysh                                                            |                     Gorm Enske (King of Denmark)

Athangildo                                                                   Hmayeak Mamikonian                                            |                      Harald Parcus (King of Denmark)

Ardebasto                                                                    Vard Mamikonian                                                    |                      Gorm "the Old" (King of Denmark)

Ervigio                                                                         Hmayeak Mamikonian                                           |                       Harald II "Bluetooth" (King of Denmark)

Pedro                                                                           Mousegh Mamikonian                                             |                      Gunnora of Crepon

Fruela                                                                          Vahan II Mamikonian                                              |                      Richard II (Duke of Normandy)

Rodrigo Frolaz                                                             Dawith (David) Mamikonian                                   |                      Robert I "the devil" (Duke of Normandy)

Diego Rodrigues                                                           Hamazasp II Mamikonian (Armenia)                      |                      William I "the Conqueror" (King of England)

Urraca                                                                         Artavazd Mamilonian                                              |                      Henry I "Beauclear" (King of England)

Roderick                                                                      Hmayeak                                                                 |                      Matilda

Diego Rodriguez                                                           Konstantinos                                                           |                      Henry II (King of England)

Solabella                                                                       Basil I (Bysantine Emperor)                                    |                      Eleanor Plantagenet

Gonsalo Fernandez                                                       Leo VI (Bysantine Emperor)                                   |                      Berengaria

Fernan Gonsalez                                                           Anna                                                    <-----brother & sister----->Blanche (of Castille)                             

Garcia Fernandes                                                          Constantine Charles                              |                                         Louis IX (King of France)

Sancho Garsias                                                              Boson II                                               |                                         Philip III (King of France)

Munia (Nunnia)                                                            Willelmus II                                          |                                         Margaret

Fernando I The Great                                                   Constance                                             |                                         Edmund Plantagenet (Earl)

Alfonso VI (King of Castille)                                        Henry I (King France)                          |                                         Joan Plantagenet

Urraca (female)                                                            Philip I (King France)                           |                                        Thomas Holland (Earl)

Alfonso VII (King of Castille)                                      Louis VI (King France)                         |                                         Eleanor Holland

Sancha                                                                           Pierre                                                   |                                         Joyce Cherlton

Alphonso of Aragon                                                      Alice                                                    |                                          Joyce Tiptoft

Raymond Berenger V                                                    Isabella                                                 |                                          Sir John Sutton

Eleanor (of Provence)-----------husband & wife--------Henry III                   Ferdinand III (King of Castille)                      Margaret Sutton

Edward I (King of England)------------husband & wife------------------------Eleanor of Castille                                        William Butler

Edward II (King of England) -------------brother & sister------------------------Joan Plantagenet                                           Margaret Butler

Edward III (King of England)                                                                         Margaret de Clare                                          Capt./Rev. Lawrence Washington

John of Gaunt----father & son--------John De Neville                                    Amy de Gaveston                                          Col. John Washington (George’s gr-grdfather)

Joan de Beaufort                                Earl Ralph De Neville                           Alice de Driby                                               Anne Washington

Mary de Ferrers                                 Edward Neville                                      Sir William Malory                                       John Wright

John Neville                                      Sir George Neville Sr.                            Margaret Malory                                           John Wright II

Jane Neville                                       George Neville Jr.                                 Mary Corbet                                                  Capt. John Wright III

Joan Gascoigne                                  Ursula Neville                                       Richard Charlton                                           Lucretia (Lucy) Wright

John Vavasour                                   Lady Ann St. Leger                               Randall Grosvenor                                         Thomas Moore Petty

Anne Vavasour                                  Sir Knight Dudley Digges---|                  Elizabeth Grosvenor                                      Nancy Petty

Grace Gascoigne                                                                            |                  Rev. Edward Bulkeley                                   Samuel Benton Curtis

Mary Wentworth (Mrs. William Brewster of Mayflower)           |                  Dorcus Bulkeley                                             Beula Benton Curtis

Jonathan Brewster                                                                          |                  Olive Ingoldsky                                                           |

Benjamin Brewster                             Gov. Edward Digges--------|                  Rev. Thomas James                                                      |

William Brewster                               Catherine Digges                                   Sarah James                                                                   |

Ebenezer Brewster *                          Edward Herndon                                    John Stanbrough                                                          |

Comfort Brewster                              John Herndon                                       Josiah Stanborough                                                         |

Thomas Brewster I                            Jacob Herndon                                       Nehemiah Stanbury                                                        |

Thomas Brewster II                           James Herndon                                      Ezekiel Stanberry                                                           |

Clarinda Lee Brewster                        Reuben Herndon                                    Samuel Stanbery                                                            |

Isaiah Lafayette Heddins                    Matilda Jane Herndon                           Nathaniel (Nathan) Stanbery*                                        |

Rev. John Ivan Heddins                      Mintie Bond -----husband & wife-------Van Buren Stanbery                                                       |

Early Clifford Heddins                                                                                  Thomas Marion Stanbery--------husband & wife----------|

                |-----------------------------------husband & wife------------------------Lillie Bell Stanbery


                 Charles Roland Heddins------------brothers---------------Gerald Clifton Heddins

Roland       David               Stuart       -   Jonathan                    Ramey          -         Brad

           Caleb & DeAnn     Ryan & Ethan                              John & Hannah      Reagan & Amanda




This rough chart displays some of the many lines of descent from Adam and Eve to present through kings, queens, royals & commoners throughout Europe, the Middle East, and America. Some of the lineages are certainly questionable and some may be missing a generation or more (e.g. far fewer generations between Ishmael & Muhammad than other lines). The Royal lines are well documented, but as we go back in time serious questions arise. Many more lines of descent exist but only these few which include notable historical characters have been included in this chart. Other notable individuals who also descend from British & European Royalty include American presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford, and Calvin Coolidge. Also Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Q. Adams, James Monroe, Franklin Pierce, William H. Taft, William Henry Harrison,  Grover Cleveland, and Benjamin Harrison, and well known people such as Nelson Rockefeller, Walt Disney, Daniel Boone, Nancy Reagan, and of course Queen Elizabeth II, making us distant cousins of each of the above.


* Some Links Yet to be Documented

1.        Heddins/Brewster: Although we know that Clarinda Lee (Brewster) Heddins descended from William and Mary Brewster (of the Mayflower), the exact line between them and Ebenezer Brewster is still in question. The lineage listed is the most likely. Also Mary’s maiden name is believed to have been Wentworth by many, but we lack sufficient documentation to prove it without a doubt so many researchers question it. Of course, if Mary was not a Wentworth, then that whole lineage branch is inaccurate!

2.        Stanbery: We know that Van Buren Stanbery’s father was named Nathaniel Stanbery, but we lack documentation to prove that he was the same Nathan who was a son of Samuel & Matilda Stanbery. There are several clues which lead us to believe that this is the right lineage, but until we prove the link we must present this disclaimer.

3.        There may be other questions/doubts in other lines but since much of the information has been gleaned from other sources posted on the internet, we know little about their accuracies.


SOURCES: Information on the royal lineages were obtained through multiple sources, including the following contributors of GEDCOM files on AOL & CompuServe Genealogy forums and/or
James Emmett Mays III (Blue Mountain, MS, 1995)
          Matthew James Buell (Renner, SD, 1995)
          Samuel H. Sloan (San Rafael, CA, 2002)
          Denis R. Reid (Broadview Heights, OH, 1992)


      NOTE: If the generation columns don't line up properly, make sure your browser window is maximized and that your text size is not set too large.






c 2002 (revised Jan. 2024), Compiled by Roland Heddins

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