Unidentified Heddins People

Unidentified Heddins/Heddin Relatives

The following are a list of Heddins & Heddin individuals whose names were located via internet searches. Most, if not all of these people belong in our family tree, but I have no information as to which families they are a part of.  The ones that give a birthdate and a place of birth were obtained from birth records, while the ones that say, "live/lived in or near..." are from driver's license records.  If you recognize any of these names and know which family they are a part of, please email me so we can place these people in the correct places in our family tree. Thanks for any help you can give in identifying these relatives of ours!  -Roland

HEDDIN/HEDDINS Individuals in Texas:
AMANDA LYNN HEDDIN, born 2 Sept. 1982 in Dallas Co., TX
JAMIE LEE HEDDIN, born 21 Feb. 1979, Tyler, Smith Co, TX
JARED JEBIDIAH DYLAN HEDDIN, born 27 Oct. 1990, Tyler, Smith Co, TX
JEREMY RYAN DAKOTA HEDDIN, born 14 Nov. 1988, Tyler, Smith Co, TX
JESICCA SUE HEDDIN, born 16 Nov. 1979, Dallas Co, TX
JOSHUA CHANCE HEDDIN, born 14 July 1984, Tyler, Smith Co, TX
KRYSTAL LEA HEDDIN, born 2 July 1974, Dallas Co, TX
LISA L. HEDDIN, born 04-FEB-61, live/lived in or near Dallas, TX
RONALD SHANE HEDDIN, born 14 Sept. 1975, Dallas Co, TX
RUSSELL LEE HEDDIN, born 30 Jan. 1981, Dallas Co, TX
TABITHA RENAE HEDDIN, born 28 April 1995, Dallas Co, TX

AMANDA G. HEDDINS, born 30-JUL-64, live/lived in or near Bowie, TX (Cloyce & Carol's?)
ASHLEY CAPRICE HEDDINS, born 24 Sept. 1984, Hansford Co, TX (Don's granddau.?)
CURTIS ISAIAH HEDDINS, born 4 June 1964, in or near Houston, Harris Co, TX
DONNA B. HEDDINS, born 11-MAR-67, live/lived in or near Bowie, TX (Cloyce & Carol's?)
EZRA SCOTT HEDDINS, born 9 Oct. 1984, Amarillo, Potter Co, TX (Don's grandson?)
JON (& wife EIJA) HEDDINS/HEDDENS, Riddle, OR (possibly unrelated)
KIMBERLY DIANN HEDDINS, born 28 Oct. 1989, Amarillo, Potter Co, TX (Don's granddau.?)

HEDDIN/HEDDINS Individuals in Illinois & Other States:
SHIRLEY A. HEDDIN, born 28-JUN-35, live/lived in or near Sullivan, IL. She may have been the same
   Shirley Heddins who graduated Annandale High School in Minnesota in 1953.
LORI HEDDIN, born 14-SEP-62, live/lived in or near Sullivan, IL
ALVIN L. HEDDIN, born 03-MAY-51, live/lived in or near Wedgefield, SC
DAVID M. HEDDIN, born 30-JUN-48, live/lived in or near Vincennes, IN
FRANCES M. HEDDIN, born 13-SEP-74, live/lived in or near Hesston, KS
SAMUEL HEDDIN, died at age 60 on 3 July 1952 in Hammond, IN
SCOTT HEDDIN, born 20-SEP-68, live/lived in or near Brighton, CO
WILLIAM M. HEDDIN, born 17-JAN-77, live/lived in or near Newton, KS (son of Wayland & Linda?)

AMY J. HEDDINS, born 21-OCT-71, live/lived in or near Cumberland Co, IL
FREDERICK HEDDINS, worked with IBM at the Kennedy Space Center in FL (1983)
JENNIFER HEDDINS, born in 1977 or 1978 in IL.
MRS. SAMUEL HEDDINS, was listed as being a teacher in Fulda, MN in 1952.
VERA H. HEDDINS, died at age 64 on 6 July 1965 in Bradford, IL.


4 June 2006