Herriman Mansion Restoration Project - Two 1861 Articles About A Social Party

From The Public Review, West Union, Iowa, January 31st and February 14th, 1861

Two 1861 Articles About A Social Party At Major Herriman�s House In Wadena, Iowa

The Public Review, Thursday January 31th, 1861
West Union, Iowa

An Independent Paper Devoted To The Special Interests of Fayette County

Social Party - Be it known that for the last two years, our little friend, Maj. D. B. Herriman, has been engaged in building a model farmhouse on his model farm at Wadena. And be it further known that he promised the "Boys" when said house should be completed, to give them a chance to "warm" it; and to carry out said promise, and keep peace in the family, on Friday Feb 8th the "Boys" will meet at the residence of the Maj., and proceed to enjoy themselves as seemeth to them best. Tickets of invitation have been issued and those who fail to respond will miss one of the rarest treats of the season. Good music will be in attendance, and those who wish to dance can do so. Col. Richardson has agreed to be there-and say Col., suppose the Press give legal fraternity a lesson on–checkers.

There is plenty of sleighing now–too much to be good–but it will probably be beaten down so as to be good on Friday, 8th. It will be a pleasant ride to Wadena.

The Public Review, Thursday February 14th, 1861
West Union, Iowa

An Independent Paper Devoted To The Special Interests of Fayette County

Local and Personal

The Social Party, at the residence of Maj. Herriman last Friday, has not been surpassed by anything of the kind held this winter. West Union was well represented. McGregor and Fayette also. The merits of the Majors new house were well tried by the young folks in threading the maze dance, while the old enjoyed themselves in social converse and innocent games. The supper was as good of one we ever set down to, all had plenty and still there was plenty left. We have heretofore given a description of Wadena, the Majors farm and fine buildings, in this paper. He has indeed a model farm and a model house and and [sic] is just the man to enjoy them. Long life to the Major and his amiable wife.