
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Parker. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Elisha [I2943] 1660-05-05 1717-06-30
Elisha [I2942] 1631 1717
Elizabeth [I2944] 1640 1701
Joshua [I2945] 1587  
Mary [I2946] 1672-12-03 1692-10-05
Mary Gay [I2947] 1736-09-23 1807-04-13
Marytje [I2948] 1665 1690-07-10
Robert Thomas [I2950] 1595-06-08 1677-04-24
Rosie Lee [I2951]
Sarah [I2953] 1678 1718
Sarah [I2952] 1678 1718