St Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Seel Street Liverpool L1 St Peter's was erected in 1788 in what was then almost a rural location; when it was built, the church was almost surrounded by fields. The church survived as a Catholic building until 1976, after which it served the local Polish community for- a short time, under the name of Our Lady of Czestochowa. For this reason it is affectionately known as the Polish Church'. St Peter's Church is one of the oldest buildings in the city centre, and although recently its prospects looked bleak, the building's future has been secured, albeit for secular use. The above description comes from 'The Churches of Liverpool' by David Lewis Published by The Bluecoat Press ISBN 1 872568 76 9 © 2001 David Lewis (This book also has many fine photographs of Liverpool churches) Reproduced with the permission of: Colin Wilkinson of The Bluecoat Press Bluecoat Chambers School Lane Liverpool L1 3BX ***** Extracts from Archdiocese of Liverpool Directories: Built: 1788 Parish closed 1978. Registers at St Vincents ***** Early registers have been deposited at the Liverpool Record Office Record Office ref.: PET 282 Registers: Bap. 1788 - 1890 * Mat. 1812 - 1890 * Others 1812 - 1890 Microfilm: Registers 1890 - 1941 ***** Information online: Marriages at St Peter's, 1812 - 1890 ***** * ORIGINAL REGISTERS NOT AVAILABLE IF MICROFILM COPY ARE HELD BY THE RECORD OFFICE. MANY REGISTERS WERE MICROFILMED IN THE 1940'S AS A PRECAUTION AGAINST LOSS DUE TO ENEMY BOMBING. THE QUALITY OF SOME OF THESE COPIES IS NOT GREAT.
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