Hibernia Family History Emails for December 2006
Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007
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From: Clare Fleming
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 01-Dec-2006 17:11
Subject: RE: Ford Cemetery
Hi Patrick
Thanks so much for this information.
Could you please also look up for me Anne or Annie Fleming. Unfortunately I don't know when she died (it's some time after 1901 and before 1940) but I'm pretty certain she's in Ford Cemetery. She'll probably be in a pauper plot.
ClareAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Here are three/four possibilities:
Anne Fleming, Ford, G 138 (private plot for Nolan, Hogan & Fleming), 90 Bond Street, age 74, 12/1/1921
Annie Fleming, Ford, 1A 328 (private plot for Callon, Burn & Fleming), 132 Hornby Street, age 53, 6/12/1918
Annie Fleming, Ford, AD 694 (pauper plot), 8 Fletcher Street, age 3 months, 5/9/1913
Annie Fleming, Ford, SJ 815 (pauper plot), 6 Fletcher Street, age 62 years, 12/5/1921
Let me know if you think one of the above is your Anne or Annie Fleming
From: Catherine Sansbury
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 01-Dec-2006 19:26
Subject: Re: Burial Record
Hi Patrick
Many thanks for the burial record of my Grandmother and other relations buried with her, including my sister Anita. There must be a misprint Baker should be Barker but there is no doubt this is the right grave.
I was hoping my Grandfather Daniel Nolan would have buried there. He died Dec 1938 at Whiston Hospital. If you have time I would appreciate it if you would look him up for me.
I have sent my donation to CAFOD's General Fund via your site.
Thank you for all the good work you are doing for CAFOD and for all the people like me looking for their ancestors in Liverpool.
Answer sent Monday 11th December 2006Catherine,
My apologies, you are right the name is Barker not Baker.
Here is your Daniel Nolan:
Ford Cemetery
Section: AE
Private Plot: 321
Plot Owner: Bridget McCullough (Nee Nolan)Daniel Nolan
1 Warrington Road, L35
Age: 67 years
Interment: 23/12/1938William John McCullogh
32 Winbourne Place, Liverpool L14
Age: 67 years
Interment: 4/7/1975Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmThank you for your donation to CAFOD.
From: JMeacock
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 01-Dec-2006 19:26
Subject: Hibernia_Emails
Dear Mr. Neill,
I wondered if you knew of anyone who would take a photograph for me of a family grave in the Ford Catholic Cemetery in Liverpool?
It is Section AH, Grave 16. The family names are SHEARWOOD, KEHOE and BURNS. I would be pleased to pay any fee or cost .
Thank you for your excellent website. Through it, I have been able to contact an unknown cousin & she did not know she had any family at all. It has been wonderful.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Julia Meacock,
Great Boughton,
Answer sent Monday 11th December 2006
I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone. No charge if no headstone found.I'm glad you found the website of use.
From: rosemary folco
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 01-Dec-2006 20:25
Subject: Burns, Rose Ann(Annam) & Carolum Ward
Hi Pat
Would it be possible for you to do the look up on the above marriage at St. Peter's RC Church in Seel Street. I think, from what I can find that Carolum is a form of Charles, Charley. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
RosemaryAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
BURNS, ROSE ANNAM & CAROLUM WARD, 11 JUN 1859, St Peter's RC church Seel Street
Yes, Carolum is the Latin form of Charles, Charley
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: Kelly Keane
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 03-Dec-2006 01:14
Subject: Plot Records
I have limited information regarding my grandmothers death but hopefully enough.
Her Married Name - Agnes Mary Keane
Married Name - Carroll
Died - Oct/Nov/Dec 1957, age 26
I have been told she is buried in Ford Cemetery.
If you can help me at all I would really appreciate it.
Many Thanks
Kelly KeaneAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Here is your Agnes Keane:
Ford Cemetery
Section: JL
Private Plot: 90
Plot Owner: Sarah Murphy 4A, 2CCharles McCormick
10 Thistle Terrace
Age: 51 years
Interment: 19/9/1933Elizabeth Ann McCormick
Whiston Hospital, L35
Age: 8 months
Interment: 14/1/1942Charles Parry
Netherfield Road Hospital, Liverpool L5
Age: 3 years
Interment: 16/2/1942Agnes McCormick
Whiston Hospital L35
Age: 36 years
Interment: 1/4/1942John H. McCormick
Fazakerley Hospital, Liverpool L10
Age: 14 months
Interment: 27/2/1948Agnes Keane
23 Hilary Avenue, Liverpool L14
Age: 26 years
Interment: 23/12/1957Anthony McCormick
92 Swifts Lane, Liverpool L21
Age: 10 years
Interment: 11/7/1962Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
One hour & 15 minutes spent answering 6 family history emails on Monday 11th December 2006
Jane Macgillivray
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 03-Dec-2006 19:05
Subject: Alexvina Dornford
Dear Patrick,
I am a living descendant of the husband of Alexvina Dornford who is mentioned in your emails from:
George O'Leary,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Answer sent Monday 13th June 2005
I would be delighted to correspond with George O’Leary and wondered whether you could give me his address.
George Smart, born abt. 1818, married at least three times. His first wife was Emma Baines, his second Alexvina Dornford, and in the 1881 census his wife’s name is Jessie. From his first wife, he had son Edward Rowland Smart who was a church minister in Jamaica, then Tobago, then because he ‘lost his voice’, left the ministry and became surveyor in Trinidad. His daughter Dorothy was my grandmother.
I have given you very skimpy information but would be delighted to correspond with George O’Leary and discover how we might be related.
Many thanks indeed for putting the info on the web! I have spent years researching the family of my grandfather John Walker Macgillivray, and have written a book ‘The Dunmaglass Claim’ about the Macgillivray's, but unfortunately have spent little time investigating other ancestors.
Very best wishes,
JaneAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
I don't give out address's/email address's, but I have forwarded your email onto George O’Leary. I hope he is able to respond to you.
PS St James Toxteth CofE church had connections with the sugar trade with the West Indies, see a small website I have just set-up:
From: Jane Macgillivray
To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 05-Dec-2006 21:05
Subject: Re: Ford Burial
Hi Pat
Thanks for the details .
Sorry I have not got back sooner , I have been away.
The next time your Son is at Ford Cemetery could you ask him to take a Photo of the Grave and email it to me if it is still there . Please send me details on how to pay.
Thanks for your help.
JennyAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Ford Cemetery
Section: I
Private Plot: 231
Plot Owner: Mary Ellen Gardiner - No int. 07 07 1918 Purchased 20 07 1915I will ask Jonathan to check the next time he is in Ford Cemetery. If there is a headstone, I will let you have the details of how to pay him.
From: Tim McGrail
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 07-Dec-2006 02:00
Subject: Dominic McGrale and Honor Philbin
Please send any information you have on this Liverpool marriage at St.
Anthony's (Ant). Thank you.Answer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
McGRALE, DOMINIC & HONOR PHILBIN, 05 OCT 1851, St Anthony's RC church
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: Janruthm
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 07-Dec-2006 16:04
Subject: Thanks
Thanks for continuing your work on the website. I have recommended it to my genealogy club as many are Irish descent and are still trying to trace the birth places in Ireland of their grandparents. My grandparents are listed in your list of marriages and I hope to eventually trace the birthplace in Ireland of my grandfather. So many people came to America but listed Ireland and nothing else. I know of several just in my own area digging, and finally some success. I plan to visit the Liverpool area when I get more of my research done on this end because I understand that it is the best way to go about things. Once again, thank you for your work.Answer sent Monday 11th December 2006
I'm glad to be of help. Yes, Irish Family History research is very difficult, especially when our ancestors only give Ireland as their previous address or place of birth. But it also makes it more of a challenge and more rewarding when you eventually track down the ancestral home in Ireland. It took me fifteen years to locate the birth place in Ireland of one of my ancestor; Isaac Neill. So the fact that some Irish and others give their address's in some of the Liverpool RC Marriages registers' is one of the reasons I have set-up the Hibernian website and produced the Liverpool RC Marriage Indexes. See also 'Cultural Roots of the Liverpool People' :
It gives address's of Irish and other's...
Yes, you must check out all leads you can at your end before coming to Liverpool to do any research; Marriages, Births, Deaths, Wills, Census, Newspapers, Family Bibles... and talk to any elderly relatives before it's too late, sometime the information they give might not be correct but it might just give the break through you need!
A lot of the RC church marriage register are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlYou must contact the LVRO well before coming to Liverpool, to book microfiche/film readers etc. Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the Liverpool RC churches, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
For Liverpool Area RC Cemetery Search Service, see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
From: Doug Jarrell
To: ron formby
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 7:09 PM
Subject: Help with my geneology!!!
I emailed you back in July when I had returned home from Liverpool. Have since been doing research about my dad's family who were all settled around the Scotland road area.
This can be very time consuming!! Would you happen to have the name(s) of someone who I could hire to do my family background? Your reply is much appreciated.
Brenda Jarrell
Belleville, Ontario, CanadaAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Ron Formby passed your email to me.
Here's a list of researchers:
Also some of the following email reply may be of interest:
Irish Family History research is very difficult, especially when our ancestors only give Ireland as their previous address or place of birth. But it also makes it more of a challenge and more rewarding when you eventually track down the ancestral home in Ireland. It took me fifteen years to locate the birth place in Ireland of one of my ancestor; Isaac Neill. So the fact that some Irish and others give their address's in some of the Liverpool RC Marriages registers' is one of the reasons I have set-up the Hibernian website and produced the Liverpool RC Marriage Indexes. See also 'Cultural Roots of the Liverpool People' :
It gives address's of Irish and other's...
Yes, you must check out all leads you can at your end before coming to Liverpool to do any research; Marriages, Births, Deaths, Wills, Census, Newspapers, Family Bibles... and talk to any elderly relatives before it's too late, sometime the information they give might not be correct but it might just give the break through you need!
A lot of the RC church marriage register are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlYou must contact the LVRO well before coming to Liverpool, to book microfiche/film readers etc. Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the Liverpool RC churches, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
For Liverpool Area RC Cemetery Search Service, see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
From: michaelking8
To: patrick_neill_fh
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 23:13:52 +0000
Hi Patrick,
Could you please check the burial indexes for me for Michael King, died:a) Q4 1869 L'pool age 33,
b) died Q3 1868 L'pool age 36, and
c) Q4 1864 L'pool.
I think one of these may be my G.G uncle as he disappeared off the radar between the 1861 and 1871 census's. Also could you check a Jane Lawless, died Q3 1864 L'pool please. Any details would be very helpful but there's no hurry as I know you get loads of these requests.
Thanks, Michael.
Best Wishes
M.J.KingAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
I found the following:
Ford Cemetery
Section: DZ
Public (Pauper) Plot: 795Michael King
No address
Age: 35 years
Interment: 3/9/1868
Ford Cemetery
Section: DZ
Public (Pauper) Plot: 187Michael King
Portland Street, 5 Court, Liverpool L5
Age: 45 years
Interment: 9/10/1864I ask for one request at a time, as I always have emails sitting in my Inbox to deal with, so when I have answered all the other emails I will check for Jane Lawless.
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: Maria Keane
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 10-Dec-2006 09:52
Subject: Search For Ford Cemetery
Hi Pat
I hope you can help, these are the details I know: -
Mrs Agnes Mary Keane (Nee Carroll)
Ford Cemetery
Approximate Date of Death 1957 (possibly in the last quarter of the year)
Age at Death 26
I have an address but it may not be relevant: 23 Hilary Avenue, Huyton
Any information would be much appreciated I keep hitting a brick wall.
Kind Regards
Shawn KeaneAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Do you know Kelly Keane?
Here is an email I sent to them yesterday:
Here is your Agnes Keane:
Ford Cemetery
Section: JL
Private Plot: 90
Plot Owner: Sarah Murphy 4A, 2CCharles McCormick
10 Thistle Terrace
Age: 51 years
Interment: 19/9/1933Elizabeth Ann McCormick
Whiston Hospital, L35
Age: 8 months
Interment: 14/1/1942Charles Parry
Netherfield Road Hospital, Liverpool L5
Age: 3 years
Interment: 16/2/1942Agnes McCormick
Whiston Hospital L35
Age: 36 years
Interment: 1/4/1942John H. McCormick
Fazakerley Hospital, Liverpool L10
Age: 14 months
Interment: 27/2/1948Agnes Keane
23 Hilary Avenue, Liverpool L14
Age: 26 years
Interment: 23/12/1957Anthony McCormick
92 Swifts Lane, Liverpool L21
Age: 10 years
Interment: 11/7/1962Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 10-Dec-2006 13:00
Subject: LiverpoolRC Marriages St Annes
I am searching for a Patrick McNally from Mullinger, Westmeath who married a Mary (Maiden name unknown) from County Cavan. Their first child was born in 1853 so they would have married around that time and both be in their early 20s.
There is a ref in the Liverpool RC Marriages for:
Is there any other info you could kindly provide?
Phil OrrellAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: JMeacock
To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 11-Dec-2006 14:09
Subject: Re: grave photograph
Hello Patrick,
I should be most grateful if your son, Jonathan, would photograph the headstone mentioned in my last e-mail to you. If he will post an A4 picture to me please. I will sent a cheque for £4 if I can have details of name & address.
Thank you for this excellent service.
Best wishes,
Julia MeacockAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Re. Ford Cemetery, Section AH, Grave 16. The family names are SHEARWOOD, KEHOE and BURNS
I will ask Jonathan to check the next time he is in Ford Cemetery. If there is a headstone, I will let you have the details of how to pay him.
From: Clare Fleming
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 11-Dec-2006 18:05
Subject: RE: Ford Cemetary
Hi Patrick
I think it is either the first or the last Annie Fleming in your list. Could you let me have any more details about the private plot?
ClareAnswer sent Monday 11th December 2006
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Plot Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: G
Private Plot: 138
Plot Owner: Annie FlemingMargaret Nolan
no address
Age: 64 years
Interment: 11/1/1889John Hogan
27 Westmorland Street
Age: 78 years
Interment: 23/1/1889Bernard Fleming
9 Upper Milk Street
Age: 17 months
Interment: 8/2/1889Catherine Fleming
9 Upper Milk Street
Age: 48 years
Interment: 26/5/1896Martin Fleming
74 Eldon Street
Age: 62 years
Interment: 18/3/1903Anne Fleming
90 Bond Street
Age: 74 years
Interment: 12/1/1921Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
Two hours & 15 minutes spent answering 13 family history emails on Tuesday 12th December 2006
From: Mags Beardall
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 14-Dec-2006 23:35
Subject: Liverpool Area RC Marriage Index
Please can you provide any further information that you have on the marriage of
Pritchard, Gulielmum and Catharinam Dignan, PET
Many thanks
Mags Beardall
Answer sent Wednesday 27th December 2006Mags,
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
PRITCHARD, GULIELMUM & CATHARINAM DIGNAN, 25 JUN 1871, St Peter's RC church, Seel Street, Liverpool L1
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: Janis Armstrong
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 15-Dec-2006 03:10
Subject: Marriage date
Dear Pat,
Could I please have the date of the following marriage that I found in the
St Peter's Seel St
James Murphy and Mary Lappen (born 1810)
about 1826.
I acknowledge that I am to make a donation to a charity fund of my choice.
Many thanks for your help,
Janis Armstrong (in Sydney)
Answer sent Wednesday 27th December 2006
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
LAPPEN, MARY & JAMES MURPHY, 4-Sep-1825, St Peter's RC church, Seel Street, Liverpool L1
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: CKerr94549
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 20-Dec-2006 16:26
Subject: Simplified Request
Upon reviewing your wonderful web site, I think I figured out the best way to discover my ancestors' Irish county of origin. The two marriage entries below were the marriages of two of Peter and Bridget's children. They were born in Ireland before emigration. Thanks for any help you can provide. I would be happy to make a charitable donation in your honour.Thanks Chris (PS I tried to email Miss McQuade but the Liverpool records office provided an incorrect email address)
Answer sent Wednesday 27th December 2006Chris,
Here are the details I have on the marriages:
CONBEYS, CATHERINAM & JACOBUM MORGAN, 13 JUN 1866 St Peter's RC church, Seel Street, Liverpool L1
CONBOY, MICHAELEM & MARIAM WHITEHEAD GILSON, 29 DEC 1868, St Peter's RC church, Seel Street, Liverpool L1
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:recoffice.central.library
For pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: bonnieandmarty
To: liverpoolHibernian
Cc: Terence Brown ; Georgia Brown ; David Brown
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 11:43 PM
Subject: Clarke marriage information
Hi Pat, I am looking for information about my g.g.grandfather/mother. Thomas Clarke and Ann Burke were married at St Peters on Seel St in Liverpool on Oct. 10, 1852. My family tree ends there. They are listed on the index, and I am wondering if there is any additional information listed about them. I would love to know the names of the parents, and where they were from in Ireland. Any information you can find would be most welcomed.
Thank you, Bonnie Anderson
I wish to make my contribution for your help to the American Cancer SocietyAnswer sent Wednesday 27th December 2006
Here are the details I have on the marriages:
CLARKE, THOMAS & ANN BURKE, 10-Oct-1852 St Peter's RC church, Seel Street, Liverpool L1
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlThe records for St Peter's do not have much addition family history information. But if you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspBoth my parents died of cancer, so thank you for any donation you make to the American Cancer Society.
One hours spent answering four family history emails on Wednesday 27th December 2006
From: michaelking8
To: patrick_neill_fh
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 23:13:52 +0000
Hi Patrick,
Could you please check the burial indexes for me for a Jane Lawless, died Q3 1864 Liverpool please. Any details would be very helpful but there's no hurry as I know you get loads of these requests.
Thanks, Michael.
Best WishesAnswer sent Thursday 28th December 2006
This could be your Jane Lawless:
Ford Cemetery
Section: DZ
Public (Pauper) Plot: 167Jane Lawless
29 Cemaes Street, Liverpool L5
Age: 11 months
Interment: 17/8/1864There will be no marker as it is a Public (Pauper) Grave. But if you speak to the grave diggers at the cemetery, they may be able to guide you to the plot, they are normally there Monday to Friday.
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information is of use, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: Sean Cowan
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 13-Dec-2006 02:47
Subject: Liverpool_cemetery_links_page
Hi Pat,
I am trying to find the grave of my great, great grandfather Peter Cowan. He was born in Scotland, but lived in the parish of Toxteth Park from at least 1881 until his death in the June quarter of 1913. I’m assuming he was probably buried at Toxteth Park cemetery, but don’t know for sure. Can you suggest the best paths I should follow? Being in Australia, it’s tough to do most things! Any tips or hints would be much appreciated.
Sean CowanAnswer sent Thursday 28th December 2006
I did not find a Peter Cowan in the Liverpool RC Burial Index. I suggest you contact the Liverpool Record Office, they may do a search for you.
Here is the website of the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlHere is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryIf that fails, you could try; Bob Halliday <halliday.b>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.
From: Newall, Francis
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 13-Dec-2006 13:23
Subject: Death_Burial_Links
I've just found that my 4th Great Grandmother is buried in Ford RC Cemetery, sadly her husband who died six months after her in 1902 is buried in Kirkdale Cemetery, public grave, section 16, Church of England. She also in a public grave at Ford, I've been told its in section A plot 130, I've got the map of Ford Cemetery and I can see section A, it's on the top right hand side of the map but it does not say public as I can see on the map only two public sections. I do have a copy of the burial record and it dose say section A plot 130, I know there will be no stone markers on the public graves. so how will I know where in section A the public graves are? Will it just be a big green space like Kirkdale Cemetery, where you can just make out some plots? I know Kirkdale did have a map on how the plots were laid out but sadly it was lost in a fire. So if you can give me any information on section A public plots, I would be very grateful to you, sorry this is a long e/mail,
Yours Sincerely
Francis NewallAnswer sent Thursday 28th December 2006
Is this your Great Grandmother:
Ford Cemetery
Section: A
Public (Pauper) Plot: 130Jane Newall
Walton Workhouse, Liverpool L9
Age: 74 years
Interment: 9/2/1902There will be no marker as it is a Public (Pauper) Grave. But if you speak to the grave diggers at the cemetery, they may be able to guide you to the plot, they are normally there Monday to Friday.
There are Public (Pauper) Graves in many of the sections at Ford Cemetery
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information is of use, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: klp
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 17-Dec-2006 03:29
Subject: RE Byrne/Burns, Cornelius b. ab. 1795 occ: tailor m. 1819 or pre, had son also Cornelius b. abt. 1820
Dear Pat
I have searched and searched for this relative with no luck. He migrated to Hobart and then Sydney Australia in 1832 on the Clyde from Liverpool arriving Jan 1833 at Hobart with his wife and son who was aged 13 in 1832, his father Cornelius aged 37 and his wife aged 29. I have searched my end thoroughly and cannot find a death that fits even closely to their birthdates. I have check their names for the marriage index on roots but no luck. the Irish records, what there are of them, have not yielded any results.
Kind regards,
Mrs Kym Pearce
Sydney AustraliaAnswer sent Thursday 28th December 2006
Mrs Pearce,
I only found the following Cornelius Burns, but he was born too late:
Ford Cemetery
Section: C
Private Plot: 96
Plot Owner: Catherine MannCornelius Burns
60 Wilton Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 65 years
Interment: 17/11/1922Regards,
One hours spent answering four family history emails on Thursday 28th December 2006
From: JMeacock
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 19-Dec-2006 17:33
Subject: grave location
Hello Pat,
I wondered if you could give me any information about PATRICK BRODERICK? From the Liverpool 1851 Census, I have discovered he was born in Ireland ( His sister was born in Tipperary) about 1806. In 1851, he was living in Saltney St.
Best wishes,
Julia MeacockAnswer sent Monday 1st January 2007
In the Liverpool RC Marriage Index, I found:
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
PatrickPS I checked the Liverpool RC Burial Index and found, (but all born too later to be your man):
Patrick Alexander Brodrick, interred 1/3/1930
Patrick J. Broderick, interred 26/8/1927
Patrick Joseph Broderick, interred 27/2/1967
From: CKerr94549
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 20-Dec-2006 15:54
Subject: Hibernia_Emails
I am seeking assistance with my family tree research. I am descended from Peter and Bridget Conboy, who emigrated from Ireland to Liverpool in 1850 or 1851. Attached is a copy of the 1861 UK Census record regarding this family.
I am interested in learning Bridget's maiden name (perhaps Flanagan) and the family's townland and county when they lived in Ireland. Unreliable sources have variously claimed that the family was from County Leitrim, County Offaly (Kings) and County Roscommon.
Bridget's maiden name and the family's place of origin may be on various records in the UK. I have looked at all the census records without success. My suggestions for further research: the birth or RC Church baptismal records for the three offspring born in Liverpool--Thomas (born about 1854-55), Joseph (b 1866-7) and Lucy (b. 1859-60). Or Peter and Bridget's death records. Peter died in 1862 in Liverpool. Bridget died in 1900 in Liverpool. Or son James's marriage record---he married Elizabeth Mountain in Liverpool during the summer of 1877.
Please let me know if you can help me and what it would cost. My late father was born in Liverpool but I am in the US. I am enjoying doing my family research and recently found out my grandfather was the second cousin of Sir Joseph Jackson Cleary, the late former Lord Mayor of Liverpool.
Sincerely, Chris KerrAnswer sent Monday 1st January 2007
I did not find a Peter Conboy in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, but I did find a Bridget Conboy, but the age is wrong! Unless she was 91, not 81?:
Ford Cemetery
Section: C
Private Plot: 237
Plot Owner: Mary ConboyBridget Conboy
27 Strand Street
Age: 81 years
Interment: 3/6/1900Annie Morgan
Womens Hospital Liverpool L7
Age: 26 years
Interment: 29/3/1905Catherine Morgan
2 Arnold Street
Age: 7 months
Interment: 9/10/1912Maria Morgan
22 Arnold Street
Age: 8 months
Interment: 2/11/1912Catherine Morgan
17 Washington Street
Age: 73 years
Interment: 7/12/1914Teresa Conboy
17 Washington Street
Age: 79 years
Interment: 20/11/1918Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmCheck out the Baptism records at St Peter's RC church, Seel Street, Liverpool:
St Peter Seel St. (282 PET) Baptisms: 1788-1890 7 Vols. INDEX 1&2 (-1811) (1988 IGI)
The Baptism registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may do a look-up for FREE.
Here is their Email address:recoffice.central.library
For pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Birth Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: Jenny McDonnell
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 15-Dec-2006 23:27
Subject: re advise on O'Brien family please
Hello Pat,
I have been reading your Hibernian site with great interest.
I have family that originate from Ireland Patrick O'Brien born about 1811 (father John O'Brien a Farmer. possibly Tipperary ), & his first wife Catherine? with children John 1839 Liverpool, Peter 1841 Liverpool, Catherine 1847 Liverpool. Then after death of first wife Catherine between 1847-1849 maiden name unknown he remarried Sarah Brannon daughter of Hugh Brannon a Flax dresser in 13 Sep 1849 at St Anthony Chapel, Scotland Road, Liverpool. Children: Rose Ann 1855, Sarah 1859, Mary Ellen 1860 christened at Our Lady of Reconciliation 22 Dec 1860, Edward 1864 all Liverpool.
Patrick was a Tea Dealer at 12 & 53 Summer Seat 1845-1862. He died between 1862 -1868 not sure where he was buried or when he died exactly.
He is mentioned in trade directories 1841 39 Cherry Lane,
1845&47, 12 Summer Seat Lodging House
1849-1855,,12 Summer Seat Tea Dealer
1857-62, 53 Summer Seat Tea & Coffee Dealer
1864, no mention of Patrick
1868-70, 38 Blenheim St North Sarah O'Brien Tea Dealer
1871, 9 Elizabeth Terrace Blenheim St. Sarah Tea Dealer
1872, 61 Bostock Street Sarah Tea DealerCensus:
1841 census: Cherry Lane, Liverpool.
Patrick O'Brien, 30, Lab,
Catherine, 20, No, I,
John, 3, Yes, Peter, 1, yes,
Bridget O'Brien 20, unm, Ireland,
John, 20, unm, Lab,I reland,
Morgan ,20,Unm,Lab,Ireland,1851 census: 12 Summer Seat, Liverpool St Albans:
Patrick O'Brien, Hd, 40, Tea Dealer, Ireland,
Sarah, wife, 28, Ireland,
John, 12, Liverpool,
Peter, 10, Liverpool,
Catherine, 5, Liverpool.
Sarah O'Brien (Patricks sister) 22, unm, House servant, Ireland.1861 census: 53 Summer Seat cant find family as census is in poor condition for odd number for Summer Seat.
1871census: 61 Bostock St
Sarah O'Brien, Hd, 46, Shopkeeper, Ireland,
Rose A, 16, Domestic servant, Liverpool,
Sarah, 12, Liverpool,
Mary Ellen, 10, Liverpool,
Edward, 7, Liverpool.1881 census: 6H8 Co Ashfield Street, Liverpool.
Sarah O'Brien, 49, widow, Ireland,
Edward, 17, Telephone fixer,
Mary Ellen Lord, 20, M, Liverpool.By 1891 Sarah O'Brien widow had moved to Manchester and by 1901 she was still there.
I have no idea of where Patrick is buried, who his first wife was or when where they married or where she is buried.
How do I go backwards with Patrick to trace where in Ireland he was from. I have found a possible brother Morgan O'Brien on 1881 census for Liverpool it states he is a Police Constable/Superintendent born Tipperary but whether this is same Morgan O'Brien from 1841 census I can't be sure.Any ideas or advice greatly appreciated to help me proceed with my O'Brien family.
Many thanks for your time
Jenny McDonnellAnswer sent Monday 1st January 2007
Here are a couple of early marriages, the first looks promising:
O'BRIEN, PATRICK & KATHERINE TRODDEN, 26 AUG 1837, St Mary's RC church Highfield
O'BRIEN, PATRICK & CHARLOTTE O'HARA, 22-May-1825 St Peter's RC church Seel StreetThe church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the churches, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspHave you checked the church marriage register for 13 Sep 1849 at St Anthony Chapel, Scotland Road, Liverpool? It may give the mothers of the bride and groom...
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: annemarie Hogan
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 21-Dec-2006 16:55
Subject: Ford Cemetery
Hi Pat,
I hope you do not mind me contacting you. I have been told you maybe able to
assist me in my search.
I am trying to find a grave of my great great grandfather and as far as I am
aware he was buried at Ford Cemetery.
Details follow:
Michael Hogan Born, Ireland in 1851 or maybe 1847 and died, in Liverpool do
not have a date of death. He had a wife named Ellen who was more than likely
buried alongside him (at another date).
Last home address I have for him is 42, Lemon Street, Liverpool
I appreciate the details I have given you are very vague but would be ever
so grateful for any assistance.
I am also looking for the burial of:
Emmanuel Rodriguez born 1848-1892
Thank you,
Anne-Marie Hogan
P.S. If I need to pay you do not hesitate to forward me your details.Answer sent Monday 1st January 2007
There are twenty X Michael Hogan's in the Liverpool RC Burial Index:
Ford Cemetery:
H 235 17/6/1921
B 212 5/12/1959
BZ 861 28/3/1893
SV 1386 1/8/1884
SJ 1154 18/2/1877
SJ 1208 5/5/1877
DZ 941 11/10/1869
SV 2601 8/2/1889
BZ 1938 28/2/1897
A 79 13/12/1901
AD 760 11/12/1913
SJ 243 23/10/1918
AD 890 18/7/1914
X 428 17/1/1905
SV 1331 11/6/1884
SV 779 22/2/1882
SV 282 15/2/1880
TW 129 5/5/1978
Yew Tree Cemetery:
A 29 9/5/1897
A 794 9/4/1926
I will need a rough date to check further...
There are only two X Emmanuel Rodriguez's in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, here is your man:
Ford Cemetery
Section: M
Private Plot: 68
Plot Owner: Nicholas ConwayDaniel Morgan
Died at Sea (Life Boat)
Age: 45 years
Interment: 24/7/1892William Ruffles
Died at Sea (Life Boat)
Age: 41 years
Interment: 24/7/1892Emmanuel Rodriguez
Died at Sea (Life Boat)
Age: 44 years
Interment: 24/7/1892The next plot is also a Rodriguez plot:
Ford Cemetery
Section: M
Private Plot: 68
Plot Owner: Julia Ann RodrigueContaining: Mary Rodriguez, Mary Elizabeth Rodriguez, Joseph Roderick/Rodriguez, Mary Jane Rodriguez, Julia Ann Roderick and George Roderick.
If you want the full details, please let me know.
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
PatrickPS. If you check the Newspapers around 24/7/1892, there should be an article about the lost of a Life Boat Crew.
From: Gjdonaghy
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 27-Dec-2006 22:52
Subject: Plot location
I am trying to locate the grave of my Grandmother. My Grandmother was buried in a family plot at Yew Tree Cemetery. The plot was originally purchased by my Great Grandfather and may not be in the name of my Grandmother. I will provide the details of my Grandmother first, and to assist you further I will then provide the details of my Great Grandparents.
Catherine Ball (Barton) 04/09/1914
Year of death 1957, aged 42 years.
Her address at the time was 63 Hillbury Avenue, Tuebrook
Great Grandparents
Joseph Ball
Margaret Ball
27 Childer Street, Old Swan
I hope this is of assistance. Thank you for your time and help.
Mr Gary Donaghy
Gary,Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Plot Records:
Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 2A
Private Plot: 453
Plot Owner: Margaret BallJoseph ball
Fazakerly Sanatorium Liverpool L10
Age: 43 years
Interment: 13/2/1925Margaret Ball
107 Rice Lane Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 51 years
Interment: 2/1/1934Catherine Ball
Hillberry Avenue Liverpool L13
Age: 42 years
Interment: 2/4/1957Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/yewcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information is of use, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: AHBramhill61
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 28-Dec-2006 14:14
Subject: The marriage of my Grandparents at St Sylvester's in 1929
Hello Pat- nice to see a web-site devoted to marriages at St Sylvester's. I was wondering if you had any information on the marriage of my grandparents, George McKinlay and Margaret Hesketh in 1929? I am presently involved in constructing my family tree and I was wondering what data is kept on the marriage in the parish archives. Do you think it was likely for the couple to have a post marriage celebration at this time? Times were very hard and I appreciate that formal celebrations like we have now are totally out of the question. Do you think many pictures of the happy couple would have been taken? I am something of a novice in terms of constructing family trees and some of the questions that I have asked you may be naive but if you do not ask you will never find out.
Is St Sylvester's church still open today? I went to Archbishop Whiteside school as a boy and I remember a church quite close to the school. Is that St Sylvester's?
Enough questions. Thank you Pat for responding to my email.
Hope to hear from you soon. Frank (exiled scouser) living in Cardiff, South Wales. Have a happy 2007.Answer sent Monday 1st January 2007
I don't have access to the records to St Sylvester's RC church, the church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.libraryFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspYes, the church is still open. I'm not sure on the location of Archbishop Whiteside school, but St Sylvester's is in St Silvester's Liverpool L5.
Two and half hours spent answering seven family history emails on Monday 1st January 2007.
Total of eight hour spent answering the December family history emails.
Last Updated August
Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007