Hibernia Family History Emails for January 2007
Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007
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From: annemarie Hogan
To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 01-Jan-2007 18:37
Subject: Re: Ford Cemetery
Hi Pat,
Thank you so much for replying and for your search.
I have looked through the dates you gave me for graves for Michael Hogan and
I realised he was still alive at the time of his sons marriage in 1913 and
was living at Naylor Street.
Therefore, he must of been buried in either 1913, 1914, 1918 or 1921 as far
I am aware, it was at Ford? He would of been buried I assume with his wife
Hope this helps?
Also concerning Emmanuel Roderiguez I would be grateful if you could
possibly supply me with the full details of the burials .
If your son does have time I would love photos of the headstones e-mailed to
me if possible. If he can do this for me I would gladly pay for this if his
details could be forwarded to me with method of payment.
Once again thank you so much for all your help.
Anne-Marie.Answer sent Monday 15th January 2007
Here are the details you requested:
Ford Cemetery
Section: AD
Public (Pauper) Plot: 760Michael Hogan
62 Naylor Street
Age: 53 years
Interment: 11/12/1913
Ford Cemetery
Section: AD
Public (Pauper) Plot: 890Michael Hogan
34 Great Mersey Street
Age: 69 years
Interment: 18/7/1914
Ford Cemetery
Section: SJ
Public (Pauper) Plot: 243Michael Hogan
36 Paul Street
Age: 47 years
Interment: 23/10/1918
Ford Cemetery
Section: H
Private Plot: 235
Plot Owner: William HoganFrancis Hogan
Woolton Road, Liverpool L15
Age: 19 years
Interment: 19/9/1933Michael Hogan
107 Beaufort Street
Age: 72 years
Interment: 17/6/1921Elizabeth Ann Hogan
126 Smithdown Road, Liverpool L15 (hospital)
Age: 29 years
Interment: 14/7/1921Thomas James Riley
6 Northumberland Terrace
Age: 5 days
Interment: 2/5/1924George Oswald Luido
Grafton Street - 25 Court, 8 House
Age: 22 months
Interment: 9/1/1928Thomas Christian Bakstad
Southern Hospital Liverpool L8
Age: 12 years
Interment: 15/6/1932
Ford Cemetery
Section: M
Private Plot: 69
Plot Owner: Julia Ann Rodrigue
Mary Rodriguez
Tranmere Workhouse Infirmary - Birkenhead
Age: 22 years
Interment: 28/6/1898Mary Elizabeth Rodriguez
17 Rose Place
Age: 2 years
Interment: 5/11/1902Joseph Roderick/Rodriguez
28 Comus Street
Age: 44 years
Interment: 16/10/1918Mary Jane Rodriquez
144A Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L3 (Workhouse?)
Age: 46 years
Interment: 3/8/1926Julia Ann Roderick
241 Westminster Road, Liverpool L4
Age: 84 years
Interment: 28/3/1935George Roderick
54 Cedar Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 63 years
Interment: 24/2/1942
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
PatrickPS. I will ask Jonathan to check for headstones on plots: M 68 & M 69, the next time he is in Ford Cemetery.
From: Lovettpod
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 06-Jan-2007 10:29
Subject: Burials
Hello Pat,
Hope this finds you and yours well, and if it's not too late into the month, Happy New Year
As previously I am hoping you might be able to find the time to look for a burial for me. I am looking for:
Arthur McEvoy
Died 09/09/1901
2 Hopwood Street
Many thanks for your time and trouble
Helen LovettAnswer sent Monday 15th January 2007
Best wishes to you and yours. Here are the details you requested:
Ford Cemetery
Section: K
Private Plot: 357
Plot Owner: None McEvoyMary Josephine McEvoy
2 Hopwood Street
Age: 6 years
Interment: 19/8/1890Mary Ann McEvoy
2 Hopwood Street
Age: 37 years
Interment: 22/9/1891Arthur McEvoy
N address
Age: 3 months
Interment: 29/10/1891Mary Magdalen McEvoy
2 Hopwood Street
Age: 16 years
Interment: 2/12/1897Arthur McEvoy
2 Hopwood Street
Age: 64 years
Interment: 12/9/1901Francis J. Burke
2 Hopwood Street
Age: 3 days
Interment: 7/12/1904Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 06-Jan-2007 19:32
I have been trying to trace my ancestor Michael Connolly who is on the 1841 census married to Elizabeth. He was Irish and she was born in Liverpool. The eldest child in 1841 is 15 so I would assume they married in the early 1820s.
On your list I have traced the following;
I wonder if this is perhaps the couple I want and I would be grateful for any information you could give me.
Thanking you in anticipation of your assistance.
Yours faithfully
Patricia PadillaAnswer sent Monday 15th January 2007
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
CONNELLY, MICHAELEM & ELIZAM CONNELLY, 5 FEB 1856, St Peter's RC church Seel Street.
Looks like this marriage could be too late..
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
From: Jackie James
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 07-Jan-2007 00:09
Subject: Family Finder
Dear Pat
Can you please find information for my grandmother’s grave at Ford Cemetery, Liverpool, e.g., the plot and location. My grandmothers name is Catherine Dean and she died in 1974 age 81 years her last address was Antons Road Halewood Liverpool 26. In the same grave is my sister Pauline Foster who would have been buried about 1948 aged 1 year
Thank you
JackieAnswer sent Monday 15th January 2007
Here are the details you requested:
Ford Cemetery
Section: AF
Private Plot: 491
Plot Owner: Catherine Dean - 2A2CTeresa Foster
126 Smithdown Road, Liverpool L15
Age: 23 years
Interment: 10/10/1941John Joseph Foster
28A Caryl Gardens
Age: 1 month
Interment: 22/10/1941Pauline Foster
Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool L12
Age: 1 year
Interment: 25/11/1947Thomas Dean
Southern Hospital, Liverpool L8
Age: 56 years
Interment: 19/5/1950Catherine Dean
Roseheath House, Liverpool L26
Age: 71 years
Interment: 21/4/1975Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: Malcolm McFarland
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 07-Jan-2007 02:29
Subject: Family research
Dear Pat;
Having found your website relating to baptisms at St. Austin RC Church, Grassendale I am requesting copies of two baptisms one of which I sincerely hope is that of my maternal ggrandmother Anne McGill. The particulars are as follows: McGill, Anna 07 May 1863 (Birth) 10 May 1863 (Baptism) father Daniel, mother Anne and a second entry - McGill, Anne 16 Oct. 1865(Birth) 22 Oct.1865 (Baptism) father Danielis , mother Anna.Unfortunately I have been unsuccessful in relocating your website for further instructions but I do understand that I may be supplied with the baptismal documents free of charge but a donation is to be made to a charity of my choice. I am quite willing to fulfil that obligation as I am so appreciative of being able to obtain the above-mentioned documents. Please advise further on this matter. I have been looking for my ggrandmother's birth registration in the civil records for some time but with no success thus far. My dear mother is 91 years old and fondly remembers her Grandmother "Annie" who helped raise her in Liverpool.
Thanking you in advance for your assistance in this matter,
Yours very truly,
Christine McFarlandAnswer sent Monday 15th January 2007
I don't provide copies of Baptisms, but I can provide you with a route to take.
The Baptism register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Birth Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
PatrickPS. Here are the Baptisms, St. Austin's RC Church, Grassendale, Garston, Liverpool, 1856-1882. Transcribed by Peter Doyle:
From: margaret mcgee
To: LiverpoolHibernia
Date: 07-Jan-2007 15:10
Subject: burial record
I have been searching to find where my half sister is buried for a long time. her name was Isabella Ravenscroft she died age 3 on 23 November 1922 at 86 Richton Street Liverpool.
There was an inquest on her death .
Please can you helpAnswer sent Monday 15th January 2007
There are only four X Ravenscroft's in the Liverpool RC Burial index:
Ada Mary, Ford, BZ 70, 6/8/1890
Elizabeth, Ford, SV 2761, 4/9/1889
Gertrude, Ford, BZ 316, 26/5/1891
Mary, Ford, BZ 243, 2/6/1861
You could try; Bob Halliday <halliday.b?merseymail.com>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.
No donation required.
PS. If you check the local Newspapers of the time, you may find a notice for an inquest.
From: Mike Healy
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 09-Jan-2007 16:15
Subject: Cemetery plot records
Hi, Patrick.
Hello again and a happy New Year to you and yours.
I recently found references to two family graves amongst some notes from a late cousin who had done some research. With respect to your wishes for only one at a time here are what details I have for my Grandfather.
Michael Sarsfield. Born Dublin Ireland Feb 19th 1867. Died Liverpool Aug 8th 1938. Address at time of death either 38 Aylton Rd. Huyton or 103 Dinas Lane Huyton. Plot No. AE 213. Yew Tree??
I will request your help later with the other grave which is my Great Grandfathers. I will of course make a donation to a famine relief charity.
MikeAnswer sent Monday 15th January 2007
Best wishes also to you and yours. Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Plot Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: AE
Private Plot: 213
Plot Owner: Mary Sarsfield - 2A1MMichael Sarsfield
126 Smithdown Road, Liverpool L15 (hospital)
Age: 71 years
Interment: 20/8/1938Mary Sarsfield
103 Dinas Lane, L36
Age: 89 years
Interment: 3/2/1958Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmThank you for any donation you make to a Famine Relief Charity.
From: Nicholas Fried
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 10-Jan-2007 10:59
Subject: Trying to find a specific grave site
I have a friend here in Australia whose parents are buried at Yew Tree Cemetery in Liverpool.
I shall be coming to the UK shortly, and visiting Liverpool.
My friend would like me to place flowers on his parents' grave.
To facilitate me finding the grave I wonder whether you would kindly provide me with the specific site.
Thank you very much indeed.
Details: GEORGE NORBURY died March 1973 and MARY ELIZABETH NORBURY died 1979.
NicholasAnswer sent Monday 15th January 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Plot Records:
Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 1G
Private Plot: 230
Plot Owner: Mary Elizabeth Norbury - 26 Clinton Road, Liverpool L12George Norbury
26 Clinton Place, Liverpool L12
Age: 68 years
Interment: 21/3/1963Mary Elizabeth Norbury
Park House Nursing Home, Liverpool L22
Age: 84 years
Interment: 28/11/1975Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/yewcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.
I could arrange to place some flowers on the grave, if required.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information is of use, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: Jane Murdock
To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 12-Jan-2007 21:36
Subject: liverpool burial
Hello Pat
I am trying to locate the grave of Bridget Gibbons who died - aged 78 - at 40 Howe Street - Bootle on 7 May 1938 and was interred 10 May at Ford Cemetery.
Any information you could provide would be much appreciated. Thank you.
JaneAnswer sent Monday 15th January 2007
Here are the details of the family grave from the Liverpool RC Burial Plot Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: G
Private Plot: 103
Plot Owner: Andrew MuntaughMichael Murtaugh
Age: 2 years
Interment: 20/11/1887Andrew Murdock
19 Beresford Street
Age: 35 years
Interment: 31/8/1893Andrew Murtaugh
Mill Road Hospital, Liverpool L6
Age: 3 years
Interment: 29/10/1893William M Gibbons
30 Garibaldi Street
Age: 6 months
Interment: 26/4/1905Margaret Kelly
40 House Street, Liverpool L5
Age: 25 years
Interment: 3/11/1912Julia McPhail
40 Howe Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 17 months
Interment: 3/1/1925John Joseph McPhail
45 Howe Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 12 months
Interment: 20/11/1925Bridget Gibbons
40 Howe Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 78 years
Interment: 10/5/1938John Gibbons
40 Howe Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 75 years
Interment: 17/1/1940Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: Laura Campbell
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 14-Jan-2007 20:11
Subject: Marriage
Hello Pat,
I am looking for the marriage details of Charles Addison and Margaret Gallagher married at St Peters Liverpool 1840
and what to do next. They are my husbands great great grandparents Many thanks
Laura CampbellAnswer sent Monday 15th January 2007
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
ADDISON, CHARLES & MARGARET GALLAGHER, 2-Aug-1840, St Peter's RC church Seel Street, Liverpool.
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
Three hours spent answering 15 family history emails on Monday 15th January 2007
From: "Douglas, Moira
Date: 2007/01/15 Mon PM 12:34:07 GMT
To: ronformby
I am tracing my family history and several of my Great Uncles were
Municipal Gas lamplighters - early 1900s
Curran's - who came over in 1847 during the potato famine
I am having difficulty finding any info or employment records on
I wondered if you have ever come across any info?
I have found your website very interesting
Kind regards
Moira DouglasAnswer sent Friday 26th January 2007
Ron Formby of Scottie Press passed on your email to me, to see if I could help.
Have you checked out the Hibernia Website? If not, see Researching Irish/RC Family History in Liverpool:
Notes on Research:
Burial look-up service:
Marriage look-up service:
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 16-Jan-2007 16:43
Subject: Re:
Thankyou for your assistance. Obviously this is not the record I want. I have found another one on the IGI. Maybe that is it.
Please could you tell me what is the Parish Church of Liverpool in 1853 and of which religion.?
Is the parish church of St. Peter the one in Seel St?
Would a marriage cert. for that period state whether or not it was Roman Catholic?
Thank you again for your help. I will make the donation to CAFOD as asked.
Patricia PadillaAnswer sent Friday 26th January 2007
The Parish Church (Church of England) of Liverpool was St Peter's in Church Street. Sometimes St Nicholas' church near the Pier Head was known as the Parish Church (Church of England) of Liverpool.
The established church in England is the Church of England (CofE). In the IGI, if the church is the establish church, then it would not mention (CofE). But if it mentions another religion; like St Peter's in Seel Street, it would say St Peter's Catholic or Roman Catholic church. Just to confuse things in Liverpool, there was also a Roman Catholic church called St Nicholas' (the Pro. Cathedral) in Hawke St. And to confuse things even more, I have seen records of the same couple being married in St Peter's CofE and St Peter's RC on the same day or within a few days of each other.
See notes on Research:
Burial look-up service:
Marriage look-up service:
From: Mike Healy
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 16-Jan-2007 15:31
Subject: Re: Cemetary plot records
Thanks for the info on my query.
Could you please check out the following:-
Section: O, Plot: 190. Cemetery not known. Thomas Sarsfield 20th Feb 1907 and Mary Ann Sarsfield or maybe Daly, 13th May 1924. There may also a reference to someone else.
MikeAnswer sent Friday 26th January 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: O
Private Plot: 190
Plot Owner: Mary Sarsfield - Deed on File (If you contact the Liverpool RC Burial Board, they may give you the deed)Thomas Sarsfield
6 Titchfield Street, Liverpool L3
Age: 60 years
Interment: 20/2/1907Catherine Buckley
10 Bembridge Street
Age: 65 years
Interment: 9/1/1912Susan Hannil
144A Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L3 (Workhouse)
Age: 53 years
Interment: 22/11/1922Mary Ann Sarsfield
23 Newshan Street
Age: 86 years
Interment: 13/5/1924Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: Pat And Ron
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 17-Jan-2007 09:10
Subject: John Carroll
Buried at Ford Cemetery in 1950
Aged: 46
Family address 37c Dingle Mount
Wife: Elizabeth Ann CarrollAnswer sent Friday 26th January 2007
Pat & Ron,
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: R
Private Plot: 358
Plot Owner: John Carroll - 2A 3CConsepta Teresa Carroll
277 Scotland Road
Age: 7 months
Interment: 17/5/1914John Carroll
226 Faulkner Street (Royal Infirmary Liverpool L3)
Age: 49 years
Interment: 14/11/1929Eileen Carroll
17 Orry Street
Age: 2 months
Interment: 17/3/1932Terence Carroll
Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool L12
Age: 4 months
Interment: 7/3/1935John Carroll
Bootle Hospital, Liverpool L20
Age: 46 years
Interment: 5/4/1950Mary Carroll
42 Belmont Road (hospital)
Age: 71 years
Interment: 28/2/1952Mary Josephine Carroll
226 Faulkner Street, Liverpool L8
Age: 52 yearss
Interment: 11/3/1965Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: Mimi Giroux
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 17-Jan-2007 11:47
Subject: marriage index
Dear Pat,
I am looking for the marriage of Thomas Connelly to Anna Conroy about 1867. The index lists a Thomas Connely and Anna Connely at St Pater, Seel St. I wonder if this is an error. If this entry can be checked it would be very helpful. Thomas is my gr gr uncle. Thank you very much for your time and effort.
Mimi Giroux
Pittsburgh, PA USAAnswer sent Friday 26th January 2007
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
CONNELY, THOMAM & ANNAM CONNELY, 8 FEB 1863, St Peter's RC church Seel Street
The marriages appears to be a bit early.
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: James Schumacher
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 17-Jan-2007 15:29
Hello Pat,
Please make a search for the following.
Name: James McCaffrey
DOB: 12-Nov-1884
Death: Nov-1973
Cemetery: Ford
Kind Regards
Jim SchumacherAnswer sent Friday 26th January 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: JL
Private Plot: 443
Plot Owner: Elizabeth McCaffreyRichard McCaffrey
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 37 years
Interment: 4/1/1934Margaret Ellen McCaffrey
17 Karonga way, Liverpool L10
Age: 83 years
Interment: 22/1/1970James John McCaffrey
8 Manica Crescent, Liverpool L10
Age: 88 years
Interment: 14/11/1973Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 17-Jan-2007 16:42
Subject: the russel children
Hi pat
Thanks for all your help last time in finding Our Mary. The information you
provided was excellent and led us to find a lot more information about the
rest of the family and where they are now. It also led us to find out my
Nanna has three brothers and sisters also buried at Ford.
The only information we have is the names and ages an possibly the plot number
of SD793
They are as follows:James Rusell, age 5 months
Joseph Russel, age 3 months
Ann Russel, age 14 years
Any information you could provide would be most helpful. Thanks once again
for your help last time. And a donation has been made to CAFOD by my Nanna.
Hope to hear from you soon
Keiron KennyAnswer sent Friday 26th January 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: SD
Private Plot: 793
Plot Owner: Ann Moore - H/stone 153 - IndemnityMargaret Jane Noore (spelling as found)
45 Kew Street
Age: 22 years
Interment: 11/11/1927John Russell
45 Kew Street
Age: 3 months
Interment: 29/7/1933Mary Jane Belton
36B Prince Edwin Street
Age: 72 years
Interment: 4/1/1934Joseph Russell
Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital, Liverpool L7
Age: 5 months
Interment: 26/11/1934Ann Moore
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 54 years
Interment: 2/1/1936Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: Peter & Angela McMurtry
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 18-Jan-2007 08:15
Subject: Marriages_Hibernia_web_site
Hi There
Wondering if you could help me.
I found some burials for my family through a link on your site. The Church was ST NICHOLAS RC dates 1840
The same family had kids who were getting married OUR LADY ST NICHOLAS, ST ANN, ST PETER.
I'm confused as to whether these are the same church. Can you help ? Google shows OUR LADY a C of E Church but they do have MASS on Fridays !
Answer sent Friday 26th January 2007Angela,
There were two St Nic's in Liverpool; St Nicholas' RC church in Hawke St (the Pro Cathedral, now demolished) and Our Lady St Nicholas' CofE church near the Pier Head, see:
Here's a list of some of the Liverpool's RC churches:
Many of my RC ancestors were married in non RC churches and some couples married twice first in CofE and then in a RC church...
From: Helena Marshall
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 18-Jan-2007 10:37
Subject: information from the plot records at Ford Cemetery
Could you please let me have any information which is available on the burial plot records of my grandmother Mrs Harriet Marshall, who passed away in December 1970 or 1971. She was in her nineties. It was also a family plot, and I think my two brothers, Alan Marshall and Peter Marshall were also buried here.
Many thanks and Regards
Helena MarshallAnswer sent Friday 26th January 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: R
Private Plot: 378
Plot Owner: Harriet Marshall - 2A?4CGerald Gordon Marshall
33 Fox Street
Age: 2 years
Interment: 6/7/1914Dora Marshall
33 Fox Street
Age: 8 months
Interment: 30/3/1917Theophile Marshall
21 Great Homer Street
Age: 54 years
Interment: 1/3/1922Alan Marshall
Whiston Hospital, Liverpool L35
Age: 14 months
Interment: 14/4/1944Peter Marshall
Whiston Hospital, Liverpool L35
Age: 5 months
Interment: 18/5/1946Harriet Marshall
72 Herrick Street, Liverpool L13
Age: 91 years
Interment: 1/1/1971Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
Two and half hours spent answering 9 family history emails on Friday 26th January 2007.
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 18-Jan-2007 20:05
Hello, my name is Joanne and I am trying to find the plot for my dad, his details are:-
Lesley Anthony Comer
Cemetery Yew Tree
DOB 31/05/1931 Liverpool
DOD 31/08/1979 Knowsley
Address at time of death 9 Bramcote Rd, Northwood, Kirkby.
There was an inquest into his death held on 22/12/1978 I don't know if this makes any difference.
I would be grateful for any information that you can give me.
Kind regards, JoanneAnswer sent Sunday 28th January 2007
I did not find Lesley Anthony Comer in the Liverpool RC Burial Index.
You try contacting Sandra Malone at the RC Burial Board, she only deals with enquires by telephone, her number is 0151 522 1017.
If that fails you could try; Bob Halliday <halliday.b?merseymail.com>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 19-Jan-2007 00:17
Subject: Grave in Ainsdale Cemetery
I would be very grateful if you could tell me where I can locate the grave of Sr. Finbarr Duggan (Rose) buried in Grave C213a in 1965 in Ainsdale Cemetery. It is unmarked and I am trying to get a headstone done, but the undertaker is being very slow. I am wondering if I have the right grave space - I have looked two or three times. If you could tell me who is on either side, or any other clues I would be grateful.
Thank you very much
Sister Anne CunninghamAnswer sent Sunday 28th January 2007
Sister Anne,
Here are the graves either side:
C212: Regan & Rimmer
C213: O'Keefe
Aindale Cemetery
Section: C
Private Plot: 213a
Plot Owner: Rev. Sister Superior - St Marie's Convent Sea Bank Road, SouthportFinnbar Duggan
St Marie's Convent, Southport
Age: 74 years
Interment: 30/11/1965C214: Rimmer
C215: Hankinson & Keegan
You could try contacting Sandra Malone at the RC Burial Board, she only deals with enquires by telephone, her number is 0151 522 1017.
PS. The fact that the plot is 213a, normally indicates that the plot is at the end of a row and it has been added due to lack of space.
From: Malcolm McFarland
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 19-Jan-2007 01:56
Subject: Request for plot record for William Robert Ward
Dear Pat,
This is a request for a plot record for my maternal grandfather:
William Robert Ward
Buried Ford Cemetery
Date of death March 27, 1917
Age 28 years.
His address at the time was probably 2 Garden View Lane, Upper Beau St. Liverpool.I hope that this is sufficient information for your search. I hope to get to Liverpool someday to visit my relatives' gravesites. Thanking you in advance for your assistance in this matter.
Yours very truly,
Christine McFarlandAnswer sent Sunday 28th January 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: AD
Public (Pauper) Plot: 1492William Robert Ward
Walton Workhouse, Liverpool L9
Age: 28 years
Interment: 31/3/1917With it being a Public (Pauper) Grave, there will be no headstone.
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
From: Malcolm McFarland
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 19-Jan-2007 02:02
Subject: Request for plot record for Annie Lyons
Dear Pat,
This is a request for the plot record for my maternal great grandmother Ann (Annie) Lyons, buried Ford Cemetery (according to my mother's information), date of death Sept. 8, 1924, age 56 years on death certificate, address 56 Upper Beau Street, Liverpool. I hope that this is sufficient information for you to make a successful search. Thanking you in advance for your assistance in this matter.
Yours very truly,
Christine McFarlandAnswer sent Sunday 28th January 2007
I did not find Ann (Annie) Lyons in the RC Burial Index.
You could try contacting Sandra Malone at the RC Burial Board, she only deals with enquires by telephone, her number is 0151 522 1017.
If that fails try; Bob Halliday <halliday.b?merseymail.com>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.
From: Jane Murdock
To: Patrick <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 19-Jan-2007 19:13
Subject: liverpool burials
Many thanks for the information on my Great Grandmother, Bridget Gibbons, which has proved very useful as I have been able to identify people I have been hunting for for ages and discover others I knew nothing about.
A donation will be made as requested.
I would appreciate a photograph by email of a headstone if there is one but am not sure if payment for that should be included in the donation or not. Please let me know.
Once again, thank you for your time.
Jane.Answer sent Sunday 28th January 2007
When the weather is a bit better, I will get my son to check for a headstone. If there is a headstone, I will give you the details how to pay for email copy of plot:
Ford Cemetery
Section: G
Private Plot: 103
Plot Owner: Andrew Muntaugh
Michael Murtaugh
Age: 2 years
Interment: 20/11/1887
Andrew Murdock
19 Beresford Street
Age: 35 years
Interment: 31/8/1893
Andrew Murtaugh
Mill Road Hospital, Liverpool L6
Age: 3 years
Interment: 29/10/1893
William M Gibbons
30 Garibaldi Street
Age: 6 months
Interment: 26/4/1905
Margaret Kelly
40 House Street, Liverpool L5
Age: 25 years
Interment: 3/11/1912
Julia McPhail
40 Howe Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 17 months
Interment: 3/1/1925
John Joseph McPhail
45 Howe Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 12 months
Interment: 20/11/1925
Bridget Gibbons
40 Howe Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 78 years
Interment: 10/5/1938
John Gibbons
40 Howe Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 75 years
Interment: 17/1/1940Regards,
From: jwirish
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 21-Jan-2007 01:37
Subject: St. Austin's marriage entry
Hi Pat:
I found an entry for a couple I am researching in the Liverpool Catholic marriage index. It is for Rose Ann Healey and John O'Reilly. They married the second quarter of 1872 per the civil registration index. I understand that you can give me full details from the parish register.
Do you also have details from the St. Austin's baptism records? I located several of their children on the online baptism index as well.
Judy Wight
Answer sent Sunday 28th January 2007Judy,
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
HEALEY, ROSAM ANNAM of GARSTON, & JOANNEM O`REILLY of Garston, 15 MAY 1872, St Austin's RC Church, Grassendale
The church marriage and Baptism registers are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Birth or a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: Edward Martin
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 22-Jan-2007 18:04
Subject: Marriage in St Vincent de Paul RC Church of Henricum Steging & Mariam McGill
Dear Pat Neill.
I would be grateful if you could ascertain the date of the above wedding. I suspect Henricum Steging is related to my mother, Elizabeth Steging, who was born in Leece Street, Liverpool in 1914.
With thanks in advance,
Yours sincerely,
Edward MartinAnswer sent Sunday 28th January 2007
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
STEGING, HENRICUM & MARIAM McGILL, 29-Oct-1869, St Vincent de Paul RC church Liverpool.
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
PatrickPS. There are five X Steging's in the Liverpool RC burial Index; Bridget, Edward, Elizabeth Margaret & Mary. let me know if you would like the details.
From: Colbeck
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 24-Jan-2007 12:27
Subject: Burial Details Please
Hi Pat,
If you can would you be able to look for burial details for;
Linda Booth age at death 53. Birth Date 25/06/1946
Death Registration Month/Year Feb 2000
Registration District Liverpool
Inferred County Lancashire
Register number A25D
Entry No: 21
I believe Linda may have been C/E she was born in South of Liverpool
At time of death her home address may have been Speke Liverpool
Any information much appreciated
Kindest Regards Teresa ColbeckAnswer sent Sunday 28th January 2007
I did not find a Linda Booth in the Liverpool RC Burial Index.
You could try; Bob Halliday <halliday.b?merseymail.com>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.
From: Sharronarts
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 24-Jan-2007 18:43
Subject: ford cemetery
Dear Pat
I am doing a family tree and trying to trace my great great grandparents who are buried at Ford.
Details are:
Edward Wright
Born 1899
Died in early 1970s
Also wife:
Catherine Wright
Born 1898
Died 1945
They also had a daughter who died about 1950 by name of Edith
They lived in Aughton Street and went to St Alphonsus church
Many thanksAnswer sent Sunday 28th January 2007
I found the following in the Liverpool RC Burial Index:
Ford Cemetery
Section: EX
Private Plot: 27
Plot Owner: Edward Wright - 36 Lathom St. Liverpool L5 7'4'' deep, 4 only
Catherine Wright
36 Lathom St. Liverpool L5
Age: 73 years
Interment: 14/4/1965
James Wright
54 Commercial Road, Liverpool L5
Age: 1 year
Interment: 16/5/1969Edward Wright
36 Lathom St. Liverpool L5
Age: 80 years
Interment: 18/8/1973If they are not the correct people, get back to me and I will check further.
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
Two hours spent answering nine family history emails on Sunday 28th January 2007.
from Fon Lombari
to LiverpoolHibernian
date 25-Jan-2007 09:56
subject Anfield cemetery Retta Isabel Owen
Hello Pat
I have learned that some of my wife’s ancestors are interred at Anfield Cemetery and I would be grateful for the following information about her
Retta Isabel Owen b. 26th May1895 - d. 5th March 1946.
Kind regards
Fon Lombari
Ps I think this is a very ingenious and rewarding way to raise funds for famine relief and wish you all the best for 2007Answer sent Monday 5th February 2007
I don't have any records for Anfield Cemetery, I only do searches for Ford, Yew Tree and Ainsdale Cemeteries.
You could try; Bob Halliday <halliday.b?merseymail.com>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.
from JMcseat
to liverpoolhibernian
date 25-Jan-2007 18:08
subject Burial at Ford
Hi Pat
I was wondering if you could help me again please.
I am trying to find a burial for Mary Daly. I have searched ancestry for a possible match for her death.
According to the 1891/1901 census Mary was born 1858/1863. The only other information i have that may help is on her daughters wedding certificate in 1917, she gives her address as Byrom Street. Could you please check for her burial in 1920 age 58 and 1924 aged 64.
If Any of the burials are Private, her Husband William should be with her.
Kindest of Regards Jenny
Answer sent Monday 5th February 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: SJ
Public (Pauper) Plot: 717Mary Daly
29 Byrom Street, Liverpool L3
Age: 58 years
Interment: 2/12/1920With it being a Public (Pauper) Grave, there will be no headstone.
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
PatrickPS, Mary or her children make have used the drinking fountain in Byrom Street, see:
From: g.a-wilkinson
To: patrick_neill_fh
Subject: Family History
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 09:50:06 +0000
Dear Patrick
I am trying to to find details of my family.
Thomas Wilkinson and Catherine Massey I think were married in St Peters Catholic Chapel in Great Crosby on the 2 June 1838 .The priest was William Breen. Are there any records still in the modern replacement church anywhere which might help me in my quest? I hope this is not too much trouble for you.
As I live in Somerset any information would be much appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Gordon WilkinsonAnswer sent Monday 5th February 2007
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
WILKINSON, THOMAS & CATHERINE MASSEY, 02 JUN 1838, SS Peter & Paul RC church, Crosby
The church marriage register is still held at the church, but a copy is held at Crosby Library, see:
For pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspNo donation required.
From: mcarroll
To: patrick_neill_fh
Subject: Thanks for the church pictures
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 21:20:47 -0700
Dear Mr. Neill,
I received today a copy of my grandparents' marriage certificate. It says they were married at St. Sylvester's in Liverpool, on the 29th of October, 1906. Not having heard of this church before, I ask Google what it thinks, and it turns up your photos. Thank you very much for making them available.
Best wishes,
Mike Carroll
Oro Valley, AZ, USAAnswer sent Monday 5th February 2007
I'm glad the pictures are of use.
Have you seen the page of marriages at St Sylvester's?, see:
You might like to add grandparents' details!
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlSometimes the church copy has additional information, If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
from Pat And Ron
to Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
date 26-Jan-2007 21:15
subject Re: John Carroll
Hi Patrick,
Many thanks for the information you have supplied, it's very much appreciated. Regarding a donation, for over twenty years we have sponsored a child through Save the Children Fund and have also supported The Pacific Leprosy Society since 1987. With this in mind, will it be acceptable to you if we increase our next donation to the Leprosy Society? We usually make a donation quarterly and are due to do so again in March. If not, we can make some other arrangement.My parents John and Elizabeth Anne Carroll had another son who is not listed and I have an uncle not listed. I wondered if it would be possible for you to check these out. Francis Carroll died as a baby possibly 1933-1937 and my uncle Vincent Carroll died approx' 1952-1955. . One question that comes to mind regarding death certificates. Is the place of birth recorded and if it is, I would like to know where and when my father John Carroll (interment 5/4/1950) was born.
Many thanks once again
Ron Carroll
New Zealand
PS Regarding the headstone. A photo is not required thanksAnswer sent Monday 5th February 2007
I'm glad to be of help. Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: SV
Public (Pauper) Plot: 3086Francis Carroll
Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool L10
Age: 20 months
Interment: 10/11/1937With it being a Public (Pauper) Grave, there will be no headstone.
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmA donation to a charity of your choice is fine.
I did not find a Vincent Carroll in the Liverpool RC Burial Index.
You could try; Bob Halliday <halliday.b?merseymail.com>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.
Death certificates in England have very few useful family history details!
from Moira Douglas
to LiverpoolHibernian
date 27-Jan-2007 16:26
Hi Pat
Thanks for sharing your website and I am finding it very interesting
I am looking for burial records as follows :
Was alive at the 1861 census but missing from the 1871 census
Died between 1861 and 1871?
Can you help please?
Many thanks
Moira DouglasAnswer sent Monday 5th February 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: DZ
Public (Pauper) Plot: 196Michael Curran
Kew Street, 6 Court, Liverpool L5
Age: 55 years
Interment: 30/10/1864With it being a Public (Pauper) Grave, there will be no headstone.
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
from alan.nicholson
to LiverpoolHibernian
date 27-Jan-2007 21:24
subject Ford Cemetery Search
Hi Pat,
Could you please do a search for the records of my father’s burial?
His name was JAMES PATRICK LUNDON. He died 17th Jan 1971 age approximately 61. His address at the time of death would have been 17B, Highfield Gardens, Liverpool. I believe that he is buried in Ford Cemetery but have never found out the plot number.
Thank you in anticipation of your help,
Cathy Nicholson (nee Lundon)Answer sent Monday 5th February 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: EX
Private Plot: 1111
Plot Owner: James Lundon - 46 Court, Portland Gardens, Liverpool L5
James Michael Lundon
17D Highfields Gardens. Liverpool L3
Age: 66 years
Interment: 21/1/1971
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
from Fred Wall
to LiverpoolHibernian
date 28-Jan-2007 01:30
subject Marriage Look-up Request
Hi Pat
I haven't bothered you in quite a while, so I hope you won't mind this request.
I'm trying to track down a GEORGESON link to my line and the following marriages look possible:
Both at Saint Patrick's, Park Place.
GEORGESON, Jacobum and Margaritam MURPHY
GEORGESON, Jacobum and Margaretam NORTON (I suspect her name might be MORTON)
Could I have the details, please.
Thanks in advance, and
Best regards
Fred Wall
Nanaimo, CanadaAnswer sent Monday 5th February 2007
Here are the details I have on the marriages:
GEORGIGAN, JOHN & MARY PHILLIPS, 16 JUN 1845, NIC1The church marriage registers areheld at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one of the marriages for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
from Helena Marshall
to LiverpoolHibernian
date 29-Jan-2007 10:28
subject Liverpool_cemetery_links_page
Hello Pat
I am looking for details of my Grandfather’s grave in Ford Cemetery. His name was Theophile Marchand and I think he was interred there in 1920/1921. If it helps, my Grandmother, Harriet Marshall was interred there in 1970, and there are also my two brothers, Alan and Peter in the same grave.
Any information which you could give me would be great, as I am researching my Grandfather’s side of the family. As you can see from the name, he is of French descent. Apparently he was born in Russia, according to his passport, in 1866, but this might only have been an issue date.
Thanks and Kind Regards
Helena Marshall
Answer sent Monday 5th February 2007
You should have the following details, I sent them on Friday 26th January 2007:
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: R
Private Plot: 378
Plot Owner: Harriet Marshall - 2A?4CGerald Gordon Marshall
33 Fox Street
Age: 2 years
Interment: 6/7/1914Dora Marshall
33 Fox Street
Age: 8 months
Interment: 30/3/1917Theophile Marshall
21 Great Homer Street
Age: 54 years
Interment: 1/3/1922Alan Marshall
Whiston Hospital, Liverpool L35
Age: 14 months
Interment: 14/4/1944Peter Marshall
Whiston Hospital, Liverpool L35
Age: 5 months
Interment: 18/5/1946Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
Two and half hours spent answering nine family history emails on Monday 5th February 2007.
from James Nolan
to LiverpoolHibernian
date 29-Jan-2007 13:52
subject Marriage Info
Dear Marie/Pat,
Please supply info for wedding between Michaelem Nolan & Mariam McCarthy - REC.
Yours Faithfully,
Jim NolanAnswer sent Monday 5th February 2007
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
NOLAN, MICHAELEM of IRELAND, Co. HIGHLAND in HIBERNIA & McCARTHY, MARIAM of IRELAND, WEXFORD, 09 FEB 1863, Our Lady of Reconciliation RC church Liverpool
The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:
http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/registrars_office/certificates/index.aspIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
from Jackie James
to Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
date 29-Jan-2007 22:47
subject Re: Family Finder
Dear Patrick
Thank you for the details on my grandparents grave which was very helpful for my family tree. Could you please find any information on my nephew James Mooney who was buried in Yew Tree cemetery Liverpool in May or June of 1996 or 1997 age 34 or 35. Sorry if this is vague but I have lost contact with my sister Norma Mooney who is the mother of James
Thank You
JackieAnswer sent Monday 5th February 2007
The records I have on microfiche go from 1859 to 1989.
You could try contacting Sandra Malone at the RC Burial Board, she only deals with enquires by telephone, her number is 0151 522 1017.
from Debhol23
to LiverpoolHibernian
date 31-Jan-2007 20:42
I wonder if you can help me trace my grandmothers plot at Ford Cemetery
her name is Kathleen McAlinden
She died about 1958 -1964
She lived in king gardens in Toxteth and was married to James McAlinden
She had 4 boys and one girl
Sorry I don't know the proper date but my dad does not like to talk about it and I know he would love to visit her grave as no one ever took him
thank you so much if you can help
Answer sent Monday 5th February 2007
I did not find her in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, if you think she is buried at Ford, then you could try contacting Sandra Malone at the RC Burial Board, she only deals with enquires by telephone, her number is 0151 522 1017.
If that fails, you could try; Bob Halliday <halliday.b?merseymail.com>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.
No donation required.
from fl.harrison
to Neill, Pat <LiverpoolHibernian
date 31-Jan-2007 15:36
subject Ford/Yew Check
Pat could you check the cemetery records for a Maria BROADY or BRODIE, from
1892 to 1915 is that too broad a date?
Frank HarrisonAnswer sent Monday 5th February 2007
Here are the details a Mary Brodie from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: O
Private Plot: 393
Plot Owner: Michael BrodieMary A. Brodie
No address
Age: not known
Interment: 4/7/1909Ellen Brodie
59 Benledi Street
Age: 19 yeas
Interment: 5/8/1919Teresa Brodie
59 Benledi Street
Age: 38 years
Interment: 9/4/1920John Ryan
67 Blenheim Street
Age: 1 months
Interment: 15/10/1930Michael Ryan
13 Benledi Street
Age: 2 weeks
Interment: 28/10/1935Michael Brodie/Broder
96 Adcote Road
Age: 73 years
Interment: 18/10/1945Anthony Wright
Alder hey Hospital, Liverpool L12
Age: 1 month
Interment: 8/5/1947Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
from julains
to LiverpoolHibernian
date 31-Jan-2007 15:57
subject Ford RC Cemetery
Dear Sir,
I wonder if you could help me?
My ancestors are buried at Ford Catholic Cemetery
The plot no. is JL ( I think ) 496
The family name is Roberts
My grandfather was William, who lived at 132 Linacre Lane
b.1874 d. Dec 10 1949
His wife is also buried in the same plot and also some of their children
Yours sincerely
Julie AinsworthAnswer sent Monday 5th February 2007
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: JL
Private Plot: 496
Plot Owner: William RobertsPatrick Roberts
Rainhill County Mental Hospital
Age: 33 years
Interment: 12/5/1934Benjamin Roberts
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 58 years
Interment: 9/12/1943William Roberts
132 Linacre Lane
Age: 75 years
Interment: 14/12/1949Catherine Roberts
132 Linacre Lane
Age: 73 years
Interment: 27/12/1952Nicholas Roberts
94 Worcester Road, Liverpool L20
Age: 36 years
Interment: 8/10/1953Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan) if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found. Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by cheque, see:
Two and half hours spent answering nine family history emails on Tuesday 6th February 2007. Total of twelve and half hours spent answering the January family history emails.
Last Updated August
Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007