Hibernia Family History Emails for January 2008
Copyright © Patrick Neill 2008
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from Rachel Roberts
to liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Dec 2007 14:44
subject Cemetery Search
Hi, Patrick. I wondered if you’d be able to do a look up for me? Isabella Burns, died December quarter 1851. She may well not be there – not sure if she was RC. She seems to have been the first in a line of wives of Michael Burns, whose 3rd wife was my widowed great great grandmother Marcella CAULFIELD (nee CALLIGAN/COLLIGAN). Although she was a Catholic (my great grandfather was christened, and later married in Holy Cross), the couple married in Our Lady & St Nicholas. Strange. There is a Michael Burns in Adlington St in 1851, 1861 and 1871 – different wife each time. He’s still there in 1881, but on his own as a widower. I wonder if he married again!
RachelAnswer sent Sunday 6th January 2008
Hi Rachel,
I did not find an Isabella Burns in the Liverpool RC Burial index for the year 1851.
I'll pass your email onto Bob Haliday, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.
from M Overton & B Marsden
to liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Dec 2007 17:18
subject For Patrick Neill
Hello Patrick
I have a question re a marriage at St. Anthony’s Chapel in 1859. I have the certificate and the surprise is the location as my ancestors were Church of England.
January 24th 1859 John Fox married Ann Heyes. I looked at the microfilm at William Brown library on a recent visit to Liverpool and found a Latin addition to the entry which I can’t quite read. This marriage was to the deceased wife’s sister so would have been illegal in the C of E. (The vicar wrote ‘illegal marriage’ against the Anglican baptism of the first 2 children.)
The Latin entry seems to be explaining that reasons exist for allowing this marriage. If you can get it correctly for me I would be most grateful.
In anticipation and with thanks
Meriel OvertonAnswer sent Sunday 6th January 2008
Hi Meriel,
If you contact the Liverpool Record Office, they may look at the original register and give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
from susan wemyss
to liverpoolhibernian
date 2 Jan 2008 12:56
subject St Vincent De Pauls
Hello Pat.
Hoping you will be able to help.
I have the marriage cert for =
Robert Collins and Susannah Nicholson.
Married 25th August 1861 at St Vincent De Pauls, St James Street.
Address for both of them at that time was Simpson Street
Robert was aged 26 and Susannah 17.
I was hoping that maybe you would be able to tell me if Robert gave a former address to be entered in the church records of where he came from in Ireland.
Thank you. Sue.Answer sent Sunday 6th January 2008
Hi Sue,
I checked the Liverpool RC Marriage index, they did not give an address in Ireland but the date I have is 24th Aug 1861.
If you contact the Liverpool Record Office, they may look at the original register and give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
from Mlittlerai
to Liverpoolhibernian
date 4 Jan 2008 01:54
subject Emailing: Murphy Bible Cover
The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
Happy New Year Patrick - please acknowledge if you received the scanned pages of the Murphy bible, I'm new at this, you may receive two of the same.
Atlanta , GeorgiaAnswer sent Friday 4th January 2008
Happy New Year Marie,
Yes, I have received the scanned cover of the Murphy bible OK. It looks very interesting.
PatGood Morning Patrick - thanks for replying, what are the next steps for researching the written information, do you know if the births & deaths are recorded at those churches listed? I'm so excited!
Best regards,
Answer sent Sunday 6th January 2008Hi Marie,
If you pick one of the events and contact the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO), they may give you the full information for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the churches, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
I live in Bury, which is about 40 miles from the LVRO, so I am not able to do any research. You could try the Liverpool & S.W Lancs Family History Society Forum, see:
Might be a good idea if you transcribe the bible cover and sent that to me
from Aidan Mac Donnell
to liverpoolhibernian
date 5 Jan 2008 19:18
subject Family Research - Mary Sullivan - Ford Cemetery
I'm doing some family research and hope you can help me.
I have a record of a Mary Sullivan buried at Ford Cemetery on 6th June 1880.
She died on 4th June 1880 aged 36 years.
Unfortunately I don't have an address.
I would be grateful if you could find any further information and I would be more than happy to donate to a famine relief charity.
Many thanks in advance,
Aidan Mac DonnellAnswer sent Sunday 6th January 2008
Hi Aidan,
Here are the details of the family grave from the Liverpool RC Burial Board Plot Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: SP
Private plot: 271
Plot Owner: Mary Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
36 Field Street, Liverpool L3
Age: 37 years
Interred: 6/6/1880Mary Dwyer
164 Field Street, Liverpool L3
Age: 50 years
Interred: 10/10/1880
Catherine Ross
97 Hudson Place, Liverpool L6
Age: 47 years
Interred: 4/12/1881Jeremiah Sullivan
4 Belgrave Terrace
Age: 70 years
Interred: 1/4/1914Mary Sullivan
4 Belgrave Terrace
Age: 69 years
Interred: 19/12/1919William Sullivan
Lluesty Hospital
Age: 57 years
Interred: 22/9/1944
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmThank you for any donation you make.
PatPS. If you can't get to the cemetery, let me know and I will check to see if there is a headstone. If there is, I can take a photograph of it and post/email it for a small fee.
from "DawkinsCarlP
to liverpoolhibernian
date 6 Jan 2008 14:46
subject Berry Birth or Baptism
Hello Patrick, It may not be your subject but I would be grateful for any help locating the birth or baptism of Henry Berry (or Henry A. Berry) born Liverpool about 1818.
He began training for the priesthood at St Alban's College, Valladolid, but left and then joined the British Army for the rest of his life from 1838, mainly abroad. His family and descendants included two sons who became Roman Catholic priests, and two daughters who married and produced Roman Catholic families.
Any suggestions welcome, Yours Peter Dawkins
Answer sent Sunday 20th January 2008Hi Peter,
Sorry I don't do Liverpool RC Births/Baptisms. If you check the RC Registers held at the Liverpool Record Office, you will see that there were at least six RC churches in the Liverpool area that carried out baptisms around the year 1818, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmHere is the web site for Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlHere is their Email address:
from Linda Carden
to liverpoolhibernian
date 11 Jan 2008 16:29
subject FAO - PAT NEILL
Hello Pat,
I would be grateful if you could look up the date of marriage for JOHN HANDRICK and JANE SMITH, that I have seen listed under St Anthony's Church, Liverpool on the website.
With thanks,
Linda CardenAnswer sent Sunday 20th January 2008
Hi Linda,
Here are details from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:
HANDRICK, JOHN & JANE SMITH, 5-Jul-1842, St Anthony's Church, Liverpool
The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
from Anne Lloyd
to liverpoolhibernian
date 11 Jan 2008 22:02
subject f - marriage info from Liverpool
Dear Pat,
I wonder if you can help. I have found your address on the internet as being able to provide information about Catholic marriages in Liverpool.
I have found the marriage of my great-grandfather Ernest Coleman to my great-grandmother Mary Carroll at St Vincent de Paul.
Please could you send my any further information that is available.
Thanks a lot in advance for your time. I will send a donation to Cafod as I think it does good work.
Best Wishes
Anne LloydAnswer sent Wednesday 23rd January 2008
Hi Anne,
Here are details from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:
COLEMAN, ERNESTUM & MARIAM CARROLL, 9-Apr-1877, St Vincent de Paul RC church, Liverpool
The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of the marriage for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
Thank you for any donation you make to CAFOD.
from Janice K
to liverpoolhibernian
date 15 Jan 2008 00:56
subject marriages in Liverpool
Hi Pat,I have written to you before. I am researching my Kelly family.
Having ordered the marriage certificate of Bridget Kelly to Daniel McCarthy, I am now researching one of the witnesses, a Mary Byrne.
I believe she may have married Patricium Byrne and her maiden name according to your list was Mariam Kelly, and the wedding was at PET.
I think her mother was Catherine married name Kelly, but do not have her father's name yet.Mariam Kelly married Patrick Byrne in 1871, I think. Then he died about 1879, and she appears on the 1881 at 13 Crooked Lane, living with her mother Catherine Kelly.
Between 1881 and 1890 she remarried, and is on your list of marriages as Byrne (wid.Kelly) Mariam to Jacobum McCarthy, at PET. She appears on the 1901 census as Mary McCarthy, at 13 Crooked Lane. I am also interested in the marriage of Catharinam (wid.O'Neil) to Joannem Kelly at PET, and presumably if this is Mary's mother, this marriage would have been around 1850 or earlier. It is in your list as well.
Please provide dates of marriages and anything else you have in regards to these marriages. Lastly, I would appreciate it if you could give me the English version of Joannem.
Thank you, Janice Kelly (Canada)
Answer sent Wednesday 23rd January 2008Hi Janice,
Here are details from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:
BYRNE, PATRICIUM & MARIAM KELLY, 20 AUG 1871, St Peter's RC church, Seel Street, Liverpool.
McCARTHY, JACOBUM & MARIAM BYRNE(wid.KELLY), 13 APR 1887, St Peter's RC church, Seel Street, Liverpool.
KELLY, JOANNEM & CATHARINAM KELLY(wid.O'NEIL), 3 JUL 1873, St Peter's RC church, Seel Street, Liverpool.
The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
PatPS. Joannem = John
from lamerlino
to liverpoolhibernian
date 16 Jan 2008 01:11
subject burial help
My ancestor Henry Fallon (died 22 Aug 1840) was buried at St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Chapel Yard Copperas Hill. Since the Church was torn down and rebuilt, I contacted them to inquire what became of those who were buried. Dr. Meg Whittle said that remains were buried at Ford Cemetery and if they did not have a visible marker they were put in a mass grave. She said there was a Henry Fallon listed for Ford Cemetery but that he was buried Dec 1889.
I checked your website (wonderful service and I will make a contribution to that very worthy cause) and found my ancestors death recorded (CRO Vol 20, pg 5) and that of the other Henry Fallon (this one was 1 year old). Is there a way to check whether or not he was buried in a mass grave. I have a receipt for a grave/stone for my ancestor, so I know a stone was purchased (whether it was legible or not is a different matter). Since I am not familiar with the system in England, I’m not sure if her response meant he was buried in a mass grave or that he just wasn’t listed in the church records. Any help you can provide is appreciated.
Thank you.
LindaAnswer sent Wednesday 23rd January 2008
Hi Linda,
HENRY FALLON was interred at St Nicholas' RC church, Liverpool on 25th August 1840.
(see: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/nic/eagan2koskill.htm)
If there was a headstone at St Nics, there may be a transcript of it at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
The church burial registers are held at the LVRO:
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one burial for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukI have no information about the remains being put into a mass grave at Ford Cemetery, but it makes sense that they would have been interred at Ford, as it is the main RC burial ground for Liverpool and holds over 300,000 bodies.
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Board Plot Records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: SV
Public (Pauper) plot: 2838HENRY FALLON
Coroners order
Age: 12 months
Interred: 15/12/1889There will be no marker on a Public (Pauper) Graves.
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmThank you for any donation you make to CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
From: walls
To: liverpoolhibernia
Subject: Fred Wall
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 04:24:13 +0000
Dear Friends,
I'm researching my family and much appreciate your kind assistance. I was particularly interested to see the name Fred Wall listed against St Nicholas, Copperas Hill for in 1860 my Great Grand parents were married in the Pro Cathedral, namely Edward Wall and Catherine 'Kate' Kealey.
My family roots are 'over the bridge' #26 Athol Street, Liverpool and seeing Fred shared the same family name was a pleasant surprise.
Search? my Dad (James 'Jimmy' Wall) was born in Athol Street and we have his birth as October 24 1905, however for the life of me I cant find his birth certificate in any of the usual search engines.Q1. Pat, any chance you could take a look for me?
Q2. Fred, pse take a look at tribalpages.com and go to wallclan, as guest use password ***** and you can see most all of the 'Wall' family.
Thanks in advance for your help
Best Wishes
Pete Wall / Oregon.Answer sent Thursday 24th January 2008
Hi Pete,
Sorry I don't have access to Liverpool RC/Irish birth/baptisms and I live in Bury Lancashire, not Liverpool, so am unable to do a search for you. I suggest you contact the Liverpool Record and ask if they will check for the baptism of your father in the baptism records of St Alban's RC church in Athol Street.
They may give you the full details of one baptism for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
Here are a some burials that might be of interest to you:
Ford Cemetery
Section: SD
Private plot: 1584
Owner: Mary WallJames Wall
80 Lemon Street
Age: 63 years
Interred: 6/1/1928Catherine Philomena Tierney
80 Lemon Street
Age: 5 months
Interred: 22/10/1930Catherine Bryne
107 Rice lane, Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 43 years
Interred: 27/9/1937Mary Wall
26 Athol Street
Age: 68 years
Interred: 17/5/1939Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 3D
Private plot: 498
Owner: James WallPaul James Wall
Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool L12
Age: 6 months
Interred: 1/5/1947Terence Wall
6 Seldon Street, Liverpool L6
Age: 25 years
Interred: 26/7/1956James Wall
6 Seldon Street, Liverpool L6
Age: 64 years
Interred: 10/6/1970Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:
If you would like me to check for anymore burial (ONE PERSON at a time), see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
PatPS. If you can't get to the cemeteries, let me know and I will check to see if there is a headstone. If there is, I can take a photograph of it and post/email it for a small fee.
to liverpoolhibernian
date 18 Jan 2008 10:55
subject Connor
I know it must take up a lot of your time, but I'm trying to help my wife out with her Irish ancestry research, and wondered if it would be possible for you to search for a couple of individuals who may be buried at either Ford or Yew Tree Cemetery.
Their names were John CONNOR and his wife Bridget (or Brigid).
I know they were both born in Ireland, prior to 1892 (Mayo; poss Castlebar or Swinford), and would have died in Liverpool sometime between 1940-1950.
I've had a look through the deaths index, and have found the following :
1941: March quarter; Bridget Connor (a. 65) L'pool North
1941: September quarter; Bridget Connor (a.52) L'pool South
1945: September quarter; Bridget Connor (a.69) L'pool North
For possibles of 'John Connor' I have the following:
1942: March quarter (a.66) L'pool North
1943: June quarter (a.63) Liverpool
1943: June quarter (a.69) Liverpool
1944: March quarter (a.60) L'pool North
1944: March quarter (a.71) L'pool North
1945: June quarter (a.65) L'pool South
1946: December quarter (a.70) L'pool North
1947: Decemberquarter (a.73) L'pool North
1949: December quarter (a.59) L'pool North
1950: March quarter (a.63) L'pool South
The only clue here would seem to be any 'John' recorded as having a connection to a 'Bridget' in the records, is likely to be the person I'm looking for.
I'm sorry I can't provide any further detailed information. But if you're able to help it would be greatly appreciated, and I would be more than happy - as you suggest - to make a donation to a deserving cause.
best wishes,
Leslie Carter
Answer sent Thursday 24th January 2008Hi Leslie,
I only search for one person at a time and I need the following information:
- Cemetery, if known.
- Approximate date of death/burial.
- Approximate age or date of birth.
- If you have an address, that might also be of help.
- If you have the name of a spouse, parents or children, that also may be of help
With John & Bridget being common names I need more information to do a proper search.
to liverpoolhibernian
date 18 Jan 2008 11:38
subject Apologies
My apologies. I got so wrapped up in my CONNOR searches in the deaths index, that I completely overlooked your very clear instructions not to send multiple requests.
If you're still willing to check the burials records for me, perhaps you could just look at one of the names I've submitted , then I can start deleting individuals from my list of 'possibles'.
John CONNOR (aged: 69)
died: June quarter 1945
The actual person I'm looking for had the following personal details:
born: Mayo (before 1892)
spouse's name: Bridget or Brigid
probably lived in the Scotland Road area
son's name: Thomas (born Swinford: May 1909)
Sorry for being such an idiot. Many thanks.
Leslie CarterAnswer sent Thursday 24th January 2008
Hi Leslie,
From the Liverpool RC Burial records, here are the detail of the John Connor you request
Ford Cemetery
Section: PO
Private plot: 244
Owner: Norah ConnorJohn Connor
33 Eldon Place
Age: 69 years
Interred: 23/5/1945Mary Duffy
18 Eldon Place
Age: 70 years
Interred: 23/2/1949Ann Connor
33 Eldon Place
Age: 47 years
Interred: 16/10/1952Honora Connor
33 Eldon Place
Age: 76 years
Interred: 14/1/1955Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
I suspect it it the wrong John Connor, so no donation required.
from terence bennett
to liverpoolhibernian
date 19 Jan 2008 03:12
Dear Pat
I have looked at your site after seeing it on Bootle Times Past and present, I hope you do not mind me asking for advice.
I have been trying to get a copy of my Mothers birth certificate and have not had any luck. This is how I have filled forms in, This is the only information that I have. Is there something else I need and do not have. Thank you.Best Wishes
Terence Bennett of Skelmersdale, Lancashire
Her birth name was Jane Birnie
Born 22nd November 1900
Birth address 9 Berry Street Bootle
Fathers name James Birnie
Mothers name Ann or Annie Birnie
Her Mothers maiden name was NolanAnswer sent Thursday 24th January 2008
Hi Terence,
The information you provided the Registrar seems fine to me. If Jane Birnie was RC, she may have been baptised in St James' RC church Bootle. The registers are held at Crosby Library, see:
Have checked St Catherine Index?
from Paul Cuddy
to liverpoolhibernian@
date 20 Jan 2008 21:50
subject RC marriage at St. James, Bootle
Dear Pat,
I am writing in the hope that you might be able to provide me with any details of the following marriage that I suspect may have taken place at the above church.
John Jordan & Mary Jane Clements, 1st Quarter 1888
The relevant church index code is JAM.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
Yours sincerely
Paul CuddyAnswer sent Thursday 24th January 2008
Hi Paul,
The marriage not not appear in the Liverpool RC Marriage Index, but it does appear in the Lancashire free BMD webiste:
I suspect Bootle is not in the West Derby district.
from Paul Cuddy
to liverpoolhibernian
date 20 Jan 2008 22:02
subject Fao: Pat Neill Re: Transcription error within Liverpool Area RC Marriage Index
Dear Pat,
I would just firstly like to say thanks for an excellent website. I'd been trying to locate the marriage of my Great, great, great grandparents for some time, and happened to stumble across a likely entry within the above database only recently.
The marriage in question is transcribed within the above Index as:
However, I can confirm that Elizabeth's actual maiden name was 'Cox'. I was able to verify this via the GRO birth certificate for their son Henry (My Great, great grandfather). Also, on locating their marriage, I was able to locate the baptism of three more of their children, where here maiden name was quite visibly 'Cox'.
Again, many thanks for such a useful website.
Yours sincerely
Paul Cuddy
Answer sent Thursday 24th January 2008Hi Paul,
I'm glad you found the web site of use.
Many thanks, I have corrected the error.
Here are the details:
CUDDY, LAWRENCE & ELIZABETH COX, 20 AUG 1833, St Nicholas RC church Liverpool
The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
No donation required.
from a brennan
to liverpoolhibernian
date 21 Jan 2008 16:17
subject St James Bootle marriage records
I have obtained your details from a Liverpool family history website, I hope you can help
I am trying to find the marriage details of my great grand parents who lived in St James Parish in the 1890’s
Their names are Jeremiah and Margaret (formerly Quirk) Prendergast
Jeremiah died age 36 in 1903
My grandmother, Margaret Prendergast was baptised at St James in Jan 1892.
If you are able to help I will gladly make a donation to CAFOD
Albert Brennan
Answer sent Monday 28th January 2008Hi Albert,
I did not find the marriage in the Liverpool RC Marriage Index, but I did find:
QUIRK Margaret, PENDER, Jeremiah, West Derby, Register Office or Registrar Attended, Liverpool, REG_WD/126/1, 1890, see:
I did not find a Jeremiah Prendergast in the Liverpool RC Burial Index.
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
PS. The records for St James' Bootle are held at Crosby Library:
from kathy cribbin
to liverpoolhibernian
date 21 Jan 2008 19:48
Hi Pat,
I am trying to find where my granddad is buried, the details are as follows;
McGrath, John Thomas (known as Jim)
Date of birth 1897 born in Ireland
Date of death 1960 Liverpool possible church Sacred Heart
Buried at Yew Tree Cemetery
Thank you for any help you can give me.
KathyAnswer sent Monday 28th January 2008
Hi Kathy,
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 1H
Private plot: 49
Owner: Ann McGralt (this is the spelling in the records) 2 Leopold Road, Liverpool L7John Thomas McGrath
2 Leopold Road, Liverpool L7
Age: 65 years
Interred: 4/3/1961Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
PatPS. If you can't get to the cemetery, let me know and I will check to see if there is a headstone. If there is, I can take a photograph of it and post/email it for a small fee.
from Janice K
to Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
date 23 Jan 2008 13:41
subject RE: marriages in Liverpool
Thank you once again, Pat.
Though still circumstantial we believe Mariam Kelly's father may have been my great great grandfather's brother. Is there any way to find out more about where in Ireland families came from, that you know of ? ie: any other parish records
Cork is all we know, and even that is not certain.
Will proceed from here !Janice
Answer sent Monday 28th January 2008
Hi Janice,
All I can suggest is to check the original RC marriage/baptism registers (someone may give an address in Ireland) or check the the Census records for the family, someone may say where in Ireland they came from.
PS. It took me 15 years to find the birth place in Ireland of one of my Irish ancestors!
from "walls
to Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
date 24 Jan 2008 18:41
subject Re: FW: Fred Wall
Thank you ever so much, you've given me my Grandparents Ford Cemetery location as also my Mom, Dad and, brothers Terence and Paul in Yew Tree Cemetery. Story begins in Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow from there to Liverpool and then like many other Liverpool Irish families to a new world wherever it might be.
Annie and I are in the beautiful state of Oregon in pacific far west but then again Bury is well known to me in a couple of different ways, the one is as a teenager I played soccer for Winsford United and Bury reserves was one of our fixtures. Much later I was to fly into Europe on many occasions and conduct business at Beloit Walmsley, Bury and other papermaking companies in the locale. I cant recall exact name but 'Hotel' I used to stay at was up a side street on hillside - its come to me the 'last drop inn' !
I used to entertain the Walmsley folks in that 'Inn'
Small world? thx again and I'll now try to find my elusive Grand Father James Wall born probably Dunlavin 1861 he's the same Jimmy Wall listed as living at 80 lemon street in your email, we also owned a grocery store at 26 Athol Street = "Over The Bridge" off Great Howard Street, Liverpool 3.
As to one part of the family being buried in a different cemetery, Ford (Bootle) was opened to cater for the surge of Irish Catholic immigrants after the 1843 famine, once full Yew Tree being located way out in the boonies was nearest resting place for those to follow.
PS. Not forgotten = I promise to put an extra penny on the plate @ Saturday mass.
Thanks again Pat
Best Regards
Pete Wall / Oregon USA
Answer sent Monday 28th January 2008Hi Pete,
I'm glad to be of help. Thanks for any donation you make. Yes, it is a small world, one of my ancestors (Isaac Neill) came from Carnew in Co WICKLOW (b.1821), also his Grandson (also Isaac Neill) married Teresa WALL in Liverpool in 1928. Also I live in Walmersley...Good luck with your research
from rod boyd
to liverpoolhibernian
date 24 Jan 2008 22:49
subject Catholic marriage Liverpool
Hello there Pat,Just come across the web site for catholic marriages in Liverpool. Would it be possible to check the following. I am particularly interested in any parents names or place name in Ireland.
Church code ANT (St Anthonys, Scotland Road)
Bernard Mills and Johanna Colliton. 1846 I think.Best regards
Rod Boyd
Answer sent Monday 28th January 2008
Hi Rod,
Here are the details I have on the marriage:
MILLS, BERNARD & JOHANNA COLLITON, 10-May-1846, St Anthony's RC church Liverpool
The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
http://www.cafod.org.uk/get_involved/give_money/by_chequeIf you want a copy of the marriage certificate, you can order it via:
To: patrick_neill_fh
From: terrylowe
Subject: Ford Cemetery Look-up
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 19:34:09 +0000
Hi Patrick
I hope you're still well as we start another new year.
I've just got a quick question for you if you are still helping people
with cemetery searches.
I'm trying to find Sarah Kearns who died 9th Jan 1915 age 46 and is
buried at Ford Cemetery.I would just like to know the location of the plot who it was bought by
and if anybody else was buried with her.
Many thanks
Terry LoweAnswer sent Monday 28th January 2008
Hi Terry,
From the Liverpool RC Burial Records, here are the detail you requested:
Ford Cemetery
Section: AD
Public (Pauper) plot: 983Sarah Kearns
94 Leyden Street
Age: 46 years
Interred: 13/1/1915There will be no marker, as it is a Public plot
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
from malcolm hart
to liverpoolhibernian@
date 26 Jan 2008 01:26
subject Jacob Haines
Dear Sir/Madam
I see on your web site that John Lovelady was enquiring about Jacob Haines being his GGrandfather.
My GG Grandfather was Jacob Haines whose wife was Mary Ann My Mothers name was also Cassidy I was wondering if we might be connected.
I would appreciate it if you would forward my email to him
Yours Sincerely
Malcolm HartAnswer sent Monday 28th January 2008
Hi Malcolm,
I have sent your email onto John Lovelady, hopefully he will contact you. If he is able to assist, please let me know.
Chris Birch
to liverpoolhibernian
date 30 Jan 2008 01:31
subject St Peter's Church Records, Liverpool
Dear Mr Neill
I came across your website whilst searching on the internet. I am one of the “millions” of people currently doing genealogical research on their forebears. Right now I am searching for the marriage record of my great great grandfather, Joseph Hewitson to my great great grandmother, Elizabeth Killip. Joseph was born and raised in Cumberland and Elizabeth in the Isle of Man. However all their children were baptized in St Peter’s Church in Liverpool including my great grandfather, Henry Hewitson.
I have been unable to find any record of their marriage – certainly not in Cumberland nor the Isle of Man so have a strong suspicion that they were married in Liverpool….and therefore, probably, in St Peter’s? The eldest child was born in 1833 so again I suspect that the marriage probably took place in 1831 or thereabouts.
Are you able to assist with my query or should I approach a professional researcher do you think?
I was born and raised in Liverpool before emigrating to New Zealand in 1973. My wife and I visit the UK most years and of course will be doing so this year – the year of European Culture! (We are joining my 4 brothers and their wives plus many other family members in July for a week of “culture”)
Kind Regards
Chris Birch
PS The spelling of Hewitson could be as loose as Huetson or even Hewson so the record may take some searching!
Answer sent Wednesday 30th January 2008Hi Chris,
You do not say which St Peter's church where they were baptised, but I suspect it would have been the Church of England church in Church Street, not the RC church in Seel Street Liverpool.
I checked the Marriage records for St Peter's CofE church in Church Street (1800-1837) but did not find their marriage. Here are three KILLIP's I found:
KILLIP, ESTHER, Spinster, 26.09.1824, JOHN, MOORE, MARINER, L, St. Pteter's, Church Street (CofE), LIVERPOOL, LIVERPOOL
KILLIP, THOMAS, BLACKSMITH, 30.05.1824, ESTHER, KINRADE, Spinster, B, St. Pteter's, Church Street (CofE), LIVERPOOL, LIVERPOOL
KILLIP, EDWARD, SHOE-MAKER, 23.05.1825, ELLEN, WINSTANLEY, Spinster, B, St. Pteter's, Church Street (CofE), LIVERPOOL, LIVERPOOL
Here is a HEWITSON family in the 1851 Census of Liverpool:
from Chris Birch
to Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Jan 2008 06:04
subject RE: St Peter's Church Records, Liverpool
Hi Pat
Thank you for your speedy response. Please tell me if I am a nuisance with my questions and I will stop them!!!
However, if I may ask you a couple of things from your knowledge of Liverpool genealogy?
Firstly, the Hewitson side of my family was Roman Catholic – at least back to my great grandfather, Henry Hewitson, who married a Margaret Charnock in St Mary’s RC church in Scarisbrick. At the present time I do not know whether his mother and father, Joseph Hewitson and Elizabeth Killip, were Catholic or not. As I mentioned in my earlier email all their children, including Henry, were baptized/christened in St Peter’s C of E church in Church St Liverpool. This is probably a very naïve question but does that automatically make the family C of E and therefore NOT Catholic at that time?
And that leads on to my second question….in your reply you said that you suspected that the Hewitson children were baptized in St Peter’s C of E church. So, might I ask why you suspected that? (You were correct of course)
All the best
Answer sent Thursday 31st January 2008Hi Chris,
No problem, things are quiet at the moment.
Things are not always black and white when it comes to religion or family history. Most marriages take place in the brides church. Sometimes it's a mixed marriage, if that is the case, there could be family pressures for one church or another. Or one family could be more religious than the other. If the groom worked for a government agency, he might find it better to get married in the established church. This has happened in my family, an Isaac Neill a Customs Officer, baptised in the Church of Ireland church in Carnew, Wicklow. He married a Catholic girl in Liverpool in a CofE church, they baptised some of there children in St Peter's CofE church and some in RC churches. They also had a second marriage ceremony in a RC church 10 months after their first marriage, see:
(I suspect this was due to pressure on his wife by the Catholic priest.)
I have another Neill family members being baptised in a CofE church by their mother and baptised again in a Catholic church by their father, see:
To answer your second question, I suspect the the IOM and Cumberland are not strong Catholic areas but Ireland and Lancashire are very Catholic. Plus the names Hewitson and Killip are not very common in my Liverpool RC marriage Index.
The best thing to do in family history (like life) is to not to say things are black or white, but rather sometimes they are grey. So if you don't find the marriage/baptism/burial in a a CofE site, try a RC site and vice versa. But don't forget the nonconformists, they were very strong in Liverpool.
to Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Jan 2008 21:57
subject Bridget Connor?
Dear Pat,
If not too much trouble, I'd appreciate it if you
could look up the following individual for me in the
RC burial records for Liverpool.
The details I have from the deaths index are as
Bridget CONNOR
died: March Quarter 1952 - Liverpool North
aged: 69
(born circa 1883)
If she's the individual I've been looking for, her
details should tally with the following:
Husband's name: John CONNOR
Address: 53 Doncaster Street, L'pool (or thereabouts)
son's names: Thomas CONNOR; J.P. CONNOR
Many thanks,
Leslie CarterAnswer sent Sunday 3rd February 2008
Hi Leslie,
Here are the burial details you requested:
Ford Cemetery
Section: AF
Private plot: 605
Owner: Bridget Connor - Headstone 19/2/85 3APatrick Connor
241 Westminster Road, Liverpool L4
Age: 63 years
Interred: 1/5/1941Bridget Connor
42 Belmont Road, Liverpool L6 (hospital)
Age: 69 years
Interred: 17/1/1952Sarah Jane Connor
6 Newport Terrace, Liverpool L5
Age: 47 years
Interred: 2/11/1954John Connor
67 Hamstead Road, Wallasey
Age: 75 years
Interred: 5/12/1985Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
I suspect it it the wrong Bridget Connor, so no donation required.
Many thanks to you.
I think you've found the elusive 'Bridget Connor'. My
wife cross-referenced information she had on a
potential husband of Bridget's (John Connor) and the
address is the same for both 'Bridget' and 'John' (42
Belmont Rd, L6)
This has to be them. I'll be more than happy to make a
donation to a suitable worthy cause - and can only
thank you for all the time and trouble taken. It's
very kind of you to help people in this way.
best wishes,
Leslie CarterAnswer sent Sunday 3rd February 2008
Hi Leslie,
Sorry to 'burst your bubble' but 42 Belmont Road Liverpool L6 is a hospital! Also the first person in the plot is Patrick Connor, I suspect he is the husband of this Bridget!
No donation required.
from karen phippen
to liverpoolhibernian
date 1 Feb 2008 13:03
subject St Nicholas RC Church Liverpool, Burial Index (1997 entries), 1813-1854 - ANN PLATT
I have come across your site regarding Irish Catholics in Liverpool
On the above mentioned page, the person ANN PLATT is mentioned.
I am wondering if there is anyway that I may be able to obtain some further details regarding this.
I hope that you can assist.
The Phippen Family
Sydney, AustraliaAnswer sent Sunday 3rd February 2008
Hi Karen
The quickest way to get the information is to download it from my BT Digital Vault.
You can download the files from the link below. Here's the instructions:
1. Create a folder (name disk002)
2. Download all 78 files into the folder (disk002)
3. Once you have downloaded all the files, open the folder and double click the file 'index', you should be able to navigate the information using your browser.
4. You can burn the 78 files onto a CD ROM if required; it should auto run when put into a CD ROM drive (windows only).
5. Please pass on the CD ROM to other interested people. But ask them to contact me, so I can advise them of any updates/additions.
PS. Let me know how you get on!PPS. The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office:
If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one event for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukPPS. If the information I have supplied on the CD ROM is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
from Glenda Hutchinson
to liverpoolhibernian
date 1 Feb 2008 13:50
subject Information from church records
Hello Pat
I've just started doing some family history and found the web site quite by chance. My great grandparents (my mother's paternal grandparents) were James Moran and Ellen Murphy who were married at St Anthony's Church/Chapel, Scotland Road, Liverpool on 28 February 1848. I'm hoping this will have some information on both their parents' names as I only have their father's names (John Moran and Patrick Murphy) but not their mother's names. James and Ellen emigrated to Australia in 1853. I'd like to know more about their antecedents. It's certainly difficult when the surnames are not exactly unusual! My twin sister and I are our mother Kathleen's youngest children; she was her father Edward's youngest child and Edward was in turn the youngest child of James and Ellen. I was born in 1941, my mother in 1907, my grandfather in 1859 so the generation gaps are fairly wide and also overlap so information is sparse to negligible and there certainly are no relatives of the right vintage left to ask.
The code you quoted was ANT. I'm more than happy to make a donation to an appropriate charity.
Many thanks
Glenda K Hutchinson
AustraliaAnswer sent Sunday 3rd February 2008
Hi Glenda,
Here are details from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:
MORAN, JAMES & ELLEN MURPHY 28-Feb-1848, St Anthony's Church, Liverpool
The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlIf you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE (Mother's names are sometimes found in the St Anthony's marriage registers, see: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/edward/marent05.htm )
Here is their Email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
No donation required, as you already have the date of the marriage.
PatPS. Reading through my email requests and answers may assist you in your research, see:
from Jacqueline Wisner
to liverpoolhibernian
date 1 Feb 2008 14:48
subject A St. James Bootle marriage
Dear Pat:
Thank you so much for your assistance on a previous marriage. I would like some more information on a new marriage also at St. James, Bootle. The groom was Michael Culleton and his wife Anna Donaghue. Thank you again.
Jacqueline Wisner
Timonium, Maryland, USAAnswer sent Sunday 3rd February 2008
Hi Jacqueline,
Here are details from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:
CULLETON, MICHAELEM & ANNAM DONOGHUE, 03 MAY 1880, St James' RC church, Bootle
The church marriage registers is held at Crosby Library:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records/seflib.htmIf you contact them, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE!
For pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Or by check/cheque, see:
from Cathy Kelly
to liverpoolhibernian
date 1 Feb 2008 15:02
subject burial
Dear Pat, I wonder can you help me or point me in the right direction.
I am trying to find an ancestor for a new found relative in Ireland.
Her GGrandfather was buried in Liverpool after 1924 (because she has a
postcard from Garston to his son in Dublin dated march 1924, asking
for some shamrock) She knows he died here because his son and
grandson (her father) came to Liverpool for the funeral. Where would I
begin? His name is Henry Murphy, born 1855 in Little Bray, Wicklow, a
widower, lodging with a family named Johnson in Garston in 1924. So he
dies after this date, but they don't when or where he was buried. (His
son's name was Samuel Murphy and grandson was Patrick , they came from
Ireland for the burial) He was Catholic, would it have been Allerton or
and where would you suggest I begin? Thanks for any help you can
Answer sent Sunday 3rd February 2008Hi Catherine,
I have checked the Burial Index for Ford Cemetery but did not find a Henry Murphy interred there or at Yew Tree in 1924. I don't have any records for Allerton Cemetery. You would need to contact the Liverpool City Council but they charge a fee for doing a search.
You could contact the priest at St Austin's RC church (Garston), there may have been a burial service there for Henry. Here is their email address: staustinsoffice?aol.com
For pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmNo donation required.
Last Updated August
Copyright © Patrick Neill 2008