Hibernia Family History Emails for November 2007

Hibernia Family History Emails for November 2007

Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007

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from Pat Rynearson
to liverpoolhibernian
date 28 Oct 2007 15:05
subject Priest Histories

Dear Pat,

What a fabulous site!!! I have found most of my Irish relatives who
immigrated to Liverpool in the records. I was able to sort out
several confusing items.

I found a David H Barry who was a priest at St Peter's on Seel
Street. He officiated at the marriage of my great great uncle. Do
you know how I could get more information about him? This gg uncle's
Mother, and my great grandmother was Mary Barry, and I wondered if
he was related, perhaps an uncle or brother. The marriage was
performed in May of 1867.

I have tried contacting various parishes before and they were not
very responsive.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Pat Rynearson

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Pat,

I'm glad you found the site of use. You could try the archivist at the Metropolitan Cathedral (Meg Whittle) on 0151 709 9222. She works part-time (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 09:00 - 16:30).

Or you could try the Liverpool Record Office:


Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:




from Francis Murphy
to liverpoolhibernian
date 28 Oct 2007 21:52
subject Liverpool Area RC Marriage Index


I have just visited your excellent site, could you please let me have further
information on the following wedding celebrated in the Oratory of St. Philip Neri:


Best regards

Frank Murphy

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Frank,

I'm glad you found the site of use. Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

MURPHY, JOSEPHUM & ROSABELLAM WOODS, 23 OCT 1871, St Philip Neri RC church

The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the new church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from Tony Kehoe
to liverpoolhibernian
date 28 Oct 2007 22:37
subject Marriage records

Hi Patrick

I am trying to find some extra details on my great grandparents marriage.

Thomas Kehoe and Rose Adderley on 18th August 1869 at St Patrick's Chapel Toxteth Park. I have a copy of the certificate which shows both fathers names but I am trying to trace details of the mothers names. Would the actual church records show that.

Tony Kehoe

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Tony,

I checked my records but they did not show an address in Ireland.
But the church records may have additional information.

They are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:




from Pat Rynearson
to Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
date 29 Oct 2007 14:00
subject Re: disc


What is the disc that is mentioned on the site? My great grandparents and great uncle and 3 great Aunts were married at Saint Patrick's, most of their children and grandchildren were married at St Peter's. I guess I don't understand, Marie has been so generous to transcribe the records on line, but she doesn't want to release when the couples were married or who there parents were, so people can make sure they have the correct couple? How does one get the records?

I do appreciate your website. It was thrilling to see them all listed and the churches where they were married.
Thank you for providing such a wonderful reference. Family genealogy can be very expensive. It is so nice to have records available where someone is not just out to make a profit. I have just donated $15 to Breast cancer research.


Pat Rynearson

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Pat,

I'm glad you found the site of use. The disc is a CD ROM that contains some Liverpool family history indexes, that I hold the copyright to, see:


I don't hold the copyright to Marie McQuade's indexes (like St Patrick's or St Peter's), but she allows me to pass on the marriage date if people make a donation to a famine charity or charity of their choice. Send me the names of the couple(s) and I will provide the date they were married.



to liverpoolhibernian
date 30 Oct 2007 21:01
subject Marriage

Dear Mr. Neill,
Have just found the marriage of my great grandparents, James Trainor and Mary Connolly, on the Liverpool Area Marriage Information Page. The relevant code is ANT, for St. Anthony's Church, Scotland Road. James Patrick was born in Liverpool; Mary Connolly was born in Armagh. They ended up in Lancaster, via the Fylde area and Barrow. Would you please send me the details of their marriage? I shall make a donation as you request. Thanks very much, in anticipation of your assistance.

Paul Kirby

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Paul,

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

TRAINOR, JAMES & MARY CONNOLLY, 24-Apr-1845, St Anthony's RC church

The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


Thank you for any donation you make.



from Roy Birch
to liverpoolhibernian
date 30 Oct 2007 23:57
subject Burial records

Not sure I have the right contact!

Do you have index to cemeteries including Ford?

If so, can you please check for:

died between 1901-1908, possible during 1st quarter of 1906.
Age would be about 47.
Might be reference to wife Margaret and/or children Margaret or Catherine.


Roy Birch

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Roy,

There are 3 X John Curran's in the Liverpool RC Burial Board Plot Records for the period 1901-1908:

Ford Cemetery
Section: X
Public (Pauper) plot: 1011

John Curran
Stanley Road, Liverpool L20
Age: 53 years
Interred: 22/7/1907


Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: A
Pauper (Public) plot: 220

John A. Curran
Woodlands Road, Liverpool L17 (Kelton Home)
Age: 4 years
Interred: 7/4/1906


Ford Cemetery
Section: P
Private plot: 205
Plot Owner: John Curran

John Joseph Curran
81 Saxony Street
Age: 30 years
Interred: 18/5/1902

Also in the plot: Mary Curran, Catherine Curran, William Larkin, Robert Patrick Curran & Julia Curran.
(let me know if you want the full details)

There will be no marker Public (Pauper) Graves.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




to liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Oct 2007 16:56
subject RE Marriage at St James

Pat Neill,

Just found your site. Wondering if you could give me any information about the marriage of Bernardum Lynch and Elisabeth Franey married at St. James, Bootle. Cannot find them on the census records so wondering if your information can help me further in this search.

Thanking you in advance for your help in this matter.

Chelle Lynch

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Chelle,

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

LYNCH, BERNARDUM & ELISABETH FRANEY, 09 JUL 1885, St James' RC church Bootle.

The church marriage register is held at the Crosby Library:


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from Alison Moore
to liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Oct 2007 19:18
subject RC marriage index


I have searched your index and found a marriage at PET (St Peter’s) for Jeremiah Sweeney and Mary Melvin, which I think is what I have been looking for. Could you please let me know the date of the marriage (and any other info of any relevance), also, in view of the difficulties you have had with the index, can you confirm that this couple did marry each other?

Many thanks


Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Alison,

I can confirm these are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

SWEENEY, JEREMIAH & MARY MELVIN, 25-May-1853, St Peter's RC church, Seel Street

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from Irene Dodd
to liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Oct 2007 23:39
subject marriage records

Hi Pat.
I have come across this excellent Hibernia website whilst trying to trace the records of my g g grandparents here below:


ANT St. Anthony's, Scotland Road, L5 24 Oct 1837 - 19 Jan 1851, 21 Jan 1851 - 18 Feb 1865

And I wonder what information you can give me from the records you hold, for which I will certainly add something
extra to the CAFOD envelope.

Irene Dodd

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Irene,

I'm glad you found the site of use. Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

CRAWFORD, HUGH & MARY ELLEN McNAMARA, 12 FEB 1861, St Anthony's RC church

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


Thank you for your donation to CAFOD.



from Colleen Ranger
to liverpoolhibernian
date 5 Nov 2007 10:16
subject Surname query

Hi Patrick

Congratulations and thanks for all the help you offer via your site. I have a very tall brick wall because I just don't have any firm details, so I just wanted to ask if you'd come across the surname MELBURN (or variations - MELBIN, MELBEN) in various registers?

My ancestor Arthur MELBURN (also MELBIN and MELBEN) was convicted at Lancaster Assizes in 1855 and transported here to Fremantle in West Australia in 1857.

We know nothing about his family in England. He was born c1836-1839.

If this surname is prevalent in the Liverpool area (where he was convicted), then we would at least have a starting point.

Thanks for any advice you could offer.

Colleen - great, great granddaughter of Arthur Melbin

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Colleen,

I'm glad you found the site of use. Your email says he was convicted at 'Lancaster Assizes in 1855' and then it says 'Liverpool area (where he was convicted)'

So was it Lancaster or was it Liverpool?



from Cheryl McCarthy
to liverpoolhibernian
date 4 Nov 2007 21:22

Dear Pat
Would you be able to give me the marriage date of the following couple.


With thanks & kind regards
Cheryl McCarthy
Brisbane, Australia

date 7 Nov 2007 20:52

Dear Pat
Please cancel my request. My apologies - marriage would have taken place prior 1827.

From: <Margwareing
Date: Nov 8, 2007 6:31 PM
Subject: (no subject)
To: liverpoolmonuments

Hello Patrick

Haven't spoken to you for a while so I hope you are keeping well.

Could I ask you to look up a grave record in Ford Cemetery?
It is my grandfather and the details are as follows:

Thomas Ford
Born Liverpool, St. Alban's parish 1875/76
Died Liverpool July 8th 1911

(he was drowned in the Leeds Liverpool canal and there was a coroner's inquest)

His wife was Mary
His children were Thomas, Patrick and Margaret

Hope you can help if possible. and will send donation to CAFOD

Many thanks

Margaret Wareing

Answer sent Friday 9th November 2007

Hi Margaret,

I'm not too bad thanks, hope you are OK.

I did not find a Thomas Ford interred in Liverpool RC burial Index in July/August 1911.

There will probably be mention of his death in the local newspapers and they may give were he was interred.

No donation Required.

Regards and best wishes,


Two and a half hours spent answering thirteen family history emails on Friday 9th November 2007.

from Agovanknight
to liverpoolhibernian
date 4 Nov 2007 19:40
subject MARRIAGE


Can you supply details of marriage
Michael Hegarty to Rose Carey between 1865- 1870 St. Patrick's RC church


Answer sent Saturday 17th November 2007

Hi Agovanknight,

Looks like the wrong marriage, Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Marriage Index:

HEGARTY, MICHAELEM & ROSAM ANNAM CAREY, 02-May-1909, St Patrick's RC church

The date is too late to be the marriage you are looking for.

No donation required.

St Patrick's RC church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




from Francis Murphy
reply-to frank
to liverpoolhibernian
date 5 Nov 2007 19:20
subject Liverpool Area RC Cemetery Search Service


Could you possibly check your copy of the cemetery records for the following:

Name: Leah Murphy
Date of Death: 1st January 1947
Cemetery: not known
Age at Death: 65 years
Address at death (from death certificate): 11 Valencia Road, Liverpool 15
Name of spouse: Patrick Murphy or John Murphy or Patrick John Murphy (he seems to have
used all 3 names at different time).

Best regards,

Frank Murphy

Answer sent Saturday 17th November 2007

Hi Frank,

Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 3D
Private plot: 402
Plot Owner: Charles Murphy

Leah Murphy
11 Valencia Road
Age: 65 years
Interred: 4/1/1947

Lucy Jones
Belmont Road, Liverpool L6 (hospital)
Age: 68 years
Interred: 28/9/1967

Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




PS. If you can't get to the cemetery, I could check for a headstone.

from Colleen Ranger
to Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
date 9 Nov 2007 11:26
subject Re: Surname query

Hi Pat,

Thanks for your prompt reply. This is the information we found at the National Archives in Kew:
Ref: National Archives PL 28/19 Lancaster Summer Assizes 1855

At the General Session of Assizes of hearing and determining and General Gaol Delivery held at the Assize Courts in Liverpool in and for the County Palatine of Lancaster on Saturday the eleventh day of August in the nineteenth year of the Reign of Queen Victoria. Before Sir Thomas Joshua Platt Knight and Sir Richard Budden Crowder Knight and others Justices and Commissioners assigned to deliver the Gaol of the said county of the Prisoners being therein.

HO27/111 County of Lancaster, Criminal Register 1855: 'All persons committed or bailed to appear for Trial at the Assizes, held at Liverpool on the 11th day of August 1855, shewing the nature of their offences, and the result of the Proceedings". Page 115, Line 7: Arthur Melburn. Offence: Robbery together with others, and in violence. Sentence: Transportation 15 years. Others mentioned are Patrick McKenna, John Effey, William Whitehead and Matthew Danson.

Then there is quite a lot more about the trial and who else was involved. After his conviction, Arthur went to Kirkland Prison, then to Millbank Prison, then to Portland Prison.

There are other references to the trial in the prison registers; all have basically the same information:
The entry in the Millbank Prison Register reads: Arthur Melburn, age 17, single, can read, occupation - carter. Convicted on 11 Aug 1855 at Liverpool of robbery. Sentenced to transportation for 15 years. Received at Millbank on 27th Sep 1855 from Kirkdale. Removed 7th Jun 1856 to Portland Prison. There is one other column in this register that refers to previous convictions and the notation 'Thrice summarily' is recorded there. This suggests that Arthur may have had a previous record.

HO 8/128 Portland Prison Qtr ending Jun 1856. Prisoner No 6090 Arthur Melburn received at Portland Prison 1st April 1856, age 17 years. Offence - robbery. Where - Liverpool; When - 11th August 1855; Sentence 15 years transportation. Surgeon's Report - good health. Behaviour during the Qtr - Good.

So - that's all the info we have about Arthur. I've trawled through census returns for 1841 and 1851, but I can't find anyone that seems likely and I've tried all sorts of variations for the surname.

So, I was wondering if Melburn/Melben/Melbin was a name was found in the Liverpool (or Lancashire) areas, or whether I should look further afield? I've found similar names in Cumberland, Staffordshire and Yorkshire, and I've also seen variations for people born in Scotland.

My other thought was ... did they come across to Liverpool from Ireland - as so many others did?

Thanks for your interest


Answer sent Saturday 17th November 2007

Hi Colleen,

I've checked my Liverpool RC Marriage and Burial indexes, but did not come across the name Melburn or similar. So I don't think he was Irish. I checked the 1851 Census for Liverpool, checking all the Arthur's, the closest I got was:


Sorry, I am not able to help. Are there any records in Australia you could check?



from Andy Green
to liverpoolhibernian
date 9 Nov 2007 20:29
subject Genealogy research


I have found your details on your rootsweb website where I have discovered details of the marriage of my great, great, great grandparents, John Michael Green and Johanna(h) Butler at St Patrick’s Park Place, L8.

I would be truly grateful if you can possibly let me have the date of the marriage, to enable me to request a copy of the certificate from the records office.

Many thanks for your help and if you can let me have a link/ contact details for your recommended charity donation, I will send this straight away.

Kind regards,

Andy Green

Answer sent Saturday 17th November 2007

Hi Andy,

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

GREEN, JOHN MICHl. of IRELAND & JOHANNA BUTLER, 18 SEP 1853, St Patrick's RC church

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from Jackie James <jackie_lawson
to liverpoolhibernian
date 14 Nov 2007 12:01
subject Pat Neill,Great Granparents wedding can you help

Dear Pat,

I have noticed on your marriage page that my Great Grandparents marriage may be recorded on your site, on the page for names Catam to Clysdale:


My Great Grandparents were called Philip Chandler and Susan Davies. I think they were married in 1886 at Our Lady of Reconciliation RC church, Liverpool.

If you could let me know of any information you have it would be great i.e. Susan's fathers name etc, I'm convinced it's them.

All The Best,

Ian James

Answer sent Saturday 17th November 2007

Hi Ian,

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

CHANLER, PHILIPPUM & SUSANNAM DAVIES, 01 DEC 1886, Our Lady of Reconciliation RC church, Liverpool.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from Colleen Ranger
to Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
date 17 Nov 2007 09:55
subject Re: Surname query Melburn/Melben/Melbin

Hi Pat

Many thanks for all your efforts. This man really has us stumped. Once they were convicted, there wasn't much written about their past, just lots of records about their years in prison. Of course, once they received their 'conditional pardon', they kept very quiet about their past life. It's been really interesting looking at newspaper reports of their funerals in Northam (a town about 100 kms east of Perth). All my gg grandfathers (4 of them) were convicts. On each occasion, in their funeral write-ups, they were described in terms like 'an respected pioneer of the town'. I think so many of the men in and around Northam were convicts, people just conveniently forgot about the past and concentrated on what they'd contributed to the local community.

Often, on marriage certificates and death certificates here in WA, the parents' names are listed as 'unknown', so there's never much of a clue there.

Thanks for the extra 1851 census clue. The only one I found that was interesting were two Malbon children living in the workhouse in Cheadle, Staffordshire - a bit of a stretch from Liverpool.

1851 Census: An Arthur Malbon, aged 11 years and sister Anna Malbon aged 9 years are living in the Union Workhouse at Cheadle in Staffordshire. Both were born in Checkley, Staffordshire. There are many other Malbon entries for Cheadle and some for Checkley. Ref: HO107/2009/437, Page 49

Thanks again for your help. One day - something might turn up. If I can help any of your readers with West Aust queries, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best wishes

Answer sent Saturday 17th November 2007

Hi Colleen,

I will post your email on my emails page:


Someone may contact me about the name Melburn / Melben / Melbin, if they do, I will pass the email onto you.



PS. Do you know anything about some Irish Census/Pension applications that were produce on microfiche in Australia in the 1990's?

Two hours spent answering six family history emails on Saturday 17th November 2007. A total of four and a half hours spent answering thirteen family history emails in November.


    Ford Cemetery Lookups


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      Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007