Hibernia Emails for September 2003

Edited 'Hibernia Emails' for September 2003

Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007

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    Ford Cemetery Lookups


Subject: Church being demolished
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 14: 42: 04 +0100
Attachment : HolyCrossChurch.JPG (68k) 

Patrick - I attach a photo of Holy Cross Church, Great Crosshall Street, Liverpool 3
which is now encircled by scaffolding and due for demolition within a 6 week contract
time-scale. I have put an article onto the Scottie Press website www.scottiepress.org 
- you will find it on the homepage. This article highlights the stained glass windows
in the church. The architect for the original Holy Cross Church was E. W. Pugin and I 
am trying to find out if there is any recorded evidence of the windows being produced 
by John Hardman. I have emailed the John Hardman Studios who are trying to help.
I have also emailed the Pugin Society to advise them that Holy Cross Church is being
demolished. If you want to use any of the stained glass window photos on the Scottie 
Press website please do.
Best regards - Ron (Scottie Press) 



Thanks for letting me know about Holy Cross. My son tried to take photos of Holy Cross
some time back, but the camera went faulty when he took the first shoot. We have been 
meaning to go back and try again, but it looks like we have left it too late.
I have just come back for holiday on Friday, so on Saturday we went to Holy Cross
to take some pictures. The weather was very poor, so we didn't take many pics. 
Yes, I would like to use the pics on your site. 
I will visit your site and copy the pics.
Thanks again,

Subject: RC_cemetery_search_service
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 15: 39: 23 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)

Can you check for: Ellen Cunningham Ford Cemetery Year: 1945/6 Appox age: 60 yrs Address : 1 Springfield Avenue Litherland

Reply 1:


The Plot Records show: Ellen Cunningham Ford Cemetery Private plot: AB 733 (Deed holder: John Cunningham) 1 Springfield Gardens, Liverpool, L21 Age: 59 years Burial: 5/2/1946 Also in the same plot: James Cunningham, 1 Springfield Gardens, L21, Age: 64 years, 2/1//1943. Margaret Fahy, 1 Springfield Gardens, L21, Age: 72 years, 5/7/1949. Reply 2: Sheila, As I was in Liverpool, I dropped in and took a picture of the headstone, find copy attached.

Dear Patrick, Thank you so very much for this picture of my grandparents grave, it was really very kind of you. I will send a donation to Cafod as I know it is a very worthy charity. My best wishes,


Reply 3: Sheila Many thanks, for the donation.

Subject: Hello 
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 17: 26: 01 +0100

First may I say I think you are all doing a fantastic job keeping this information so well documented Thank You! May I ask if you would kindly look at an entry you have for James Conroy/Margaret Gallagher. St Patrick’s. Park Place, Liverpool 8. Reference: PAT/Marie McQuade. I think this may be my great grandparents, but I will only be able to confirm this if Margaret came from Bolton and James from Ireland. I am grateful for any information you can give me. My donation will go into Diabetes Research, as my son suffers from the disease Many thanks for everything you all do to help people like me, who keep hitting brick walls in the genealogy world!!!!

Carolyn Conroy



The marriage took place on 15th February 1836. I don't have an address for either of them. You could try contacting the Liverpool Record Office: http: //www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.html Thank you for the donation.

Subject: Winters Family 
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 13: 36: 13 +0800


I have seen a couple of family marriages on your Liverpool Catholic records and hope you can help me with one. I have my gg parents certificate - Catherine Winters and Thomas Monaghan (PET) but am wondering what you can tell me about what I think is her sister, Jane Winters & James Turley Thanking you in anticipation.

Dorothy, Perth WA Australia.


Dorothy, Jane Winters married James Turley at St. Vincent de Paul RC church Liverpool on the 10th February 1872, neither gave an address in Ireland.

Subject: RC_cemetery_search_service 
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 21: 48: 54 +0100


I'm trying to locate a grave site of one of my ancestors in England. Would you happen to have anything listed for: Name: Christine (Chrissy) Smith Address: Fairclough Road, Huyton, Liverpool, England Died: October ? 1970 Buried: Yew Tree Cemetery Look forward to hearing from you,

regards. MK (NL)

Reply 1:

MK, Here is the info. you requested. Christina Smith Yew Tree cemetery Plot: M 456 (Deed holder: Edward Smith, 35 Wallace Avenue, Liverpool L36) 184 Fairclough Road, Liverpool L36 Age: 71 years Burial: 11/12/1970 Also in the same plot: Thomas Smith, 184 Fairclough Road, L36, Age: 73 years, 10/12/1971. Reply 2: MK, As I was in Liverpool, I dropped in and took a picture of the headstone. See attached…


Many thanks for the photo of the headstone, I was surprised by your very kind gesture. We actually visited the grave about two weeks ago, and with the help of a gardener located the plot after about 15 minutes. Afterwards we purchased a small potted conifer at the cemetery gates to place by the headstone, and it was good to see on your photo that it is still there and upright. I've made a donation to the Cancer Research Fund, but shall send a cheque off to Cafod this week.   Thanks again for your search, and the photo.

Kind regards, Mike

Reply 3: Mike,

Many thanks for your donations

Subject: research 
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 14: 42: 42 +0100

Dear Patrick

Again I ask for your help in return for a donation to CAFOD. In the RC Marriage Index I would like details of: CRIGHTON JOSEPHUM to MARIAM HELENAM ALEXANDER - REC. I don't know if he is the right Joseph but here's hoping!

Many thanks Marie (Lawrie)


Marie, The marriage took place at Our Lady of Reconciliation on the 18th November 1872, I do not have any info on the address's.

Subject: King marriages 
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 02: 34: 35 +0100

Hi Patrick,

I would be grateful if you could supply me with any details you have of the following marriages : - michael king to betsy murray (mar) michael king to ann tummey (mar) michael king to mariam rooney (pet) michael king to margaret clark (pat) michael king to bridget dougherty (pat) john hegan to catharine murphy (pet) margaret hegan to patrick ford (rec) john coughlin to mary lamont (ant) joannem balczunas to mariannem sejbutis (rec) I will be happy to make a donation to a charity of your choice.

Thanks, Mike,




Subject: Re: RC_cemetery_search_service 
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 10: 29: 31 +0100


Thank you very much for the info, it's been a great help indeed. Much appreciated. I wonder if you could find out any details of my grandmother, but I'm not sure if she was buried at Yew Tree or Anfield?, and after living abroad for almost thirty years I've had little contact with relatives to verify this. This is what I do know anyhow: ----------------------------- Name: Johanna Kerfoot Age: approx 86 years? Died: 1968 - 9? Buried in the "Graham" family grave together with the child Angela Graham, aged 3 or 4 years? parents names of the child - Winifred and Bernard Graham. ----------------------------- These are the only details that I have. Look forward to your reply, regards. MK (Mike)


Mike, Here are your grandmother's details: Johanna Kerfoot Yew Tree cemetery Private plot: 1E 23 (deed holder Bernard Graham - 53 Manor Farm Road, Liverpool L36) 29 Shelly Close, Liverpool, L36 Age: 85 years Burial: 8/8/1969 Also in the same plot: Angela Graham, 53 Manor Farm Road L36, Age: 23 months, 11/12/1958.

Subject: Liverpool RC Registers 
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 10: 34: 03 +0100

Hi Patrick,

Have found a marriage on the Liverpool RC Registers site and would appreciate any details you could give me. The couples are Winifred Farrell and John Terry NER which I gather is St. Philip Neri. Any information you could give me would be very much appreciated. Regards, Anita Weldon.


Anita, WINIFREDAM FARRELL & JOANNEM TERRY were married on the 27th February 1871 at St. Philip Neri RC church, Liverpool. Neither gave an address in Ireland.

Subject: Marriage dates 
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16: 46: 38 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)


I am trying to undertake some family research and would appreciate if you would supply the dates for the following marriages. Thomas Austin McArdle to Elizabeth Sheehan (MAR) Elizabeth McArdle (Wid) to Edwardum Harvey (JAM) Michael McMahon to Ellen Makin (PAT) Michael McMahon to Ellenam Eliz Carter (PAT) Thank you and I am willing to offer a donation

Sue Patterson

Reply: Sue,

THOMAS AUSTIN McARDLE & ELIZABETH SHEEHAN 30 JUN 1859 ? St. Mary's Highfield Liverpool. ELIZABETHAM McARDLE(wid.) & EDWARDUM HARVEY 26 JAN 1891 ? St. James Bootle. MICHAEL McMAHON & ELLEN MAKIN 9 JUN 1864 ? St. Patrick's Liverpool. MICHAELEM McMAHON & ELLENAM ELIZ. CARTER 18 MAY 1868 ? St. Patrick's Liverpool.

Subject: Marriage Cert for a liverpool Irish ancestor 
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 21: 09: 49 +0000

Dear Patrick,

Apologies for bothering you with what may seem to be a general question. I've looked on the Hibernia web page and seen information about an Irish ancestor of mine, George Kane, who was married in St Michael's Church, L6. I see that their entry is listed and the owner is Marie McQuade - hence my contact with you. I have the copy of the certificate from the GRO and would be grateful to know what would be involved in obtaining the contents of the certificate from the church, what that certificate would contain and what the cost of getting the details would be? The marriage took place on 25th December 1867 and was between Geroge Kane and Maria McClaskey. I'd be grateful if you could point me in the right direction, as I'm pretty new to all of this. Sorry again for bothering you,

kind regards Andy James

Reply: Andy,

The register is now held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO). It may contain the same information as the GRO certificate or it may have some additional info. If you live in the Liverpool Area, you could check the register yourself, if not you could contact the LVRO, see below: http: //www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.html Liverpool Record Office, Local Studies and Family History Service Central Library William Brown Street Liverpool L3 8EW Tel: 0151 233 5817 (enquiries) Tel: 0151 233 5811 (microform bookings) Fax: 0151 233 5886 (mark for attention of Record Office) Email: recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.uk WWW: http: //www.liverpool.gov.uk/

Subject: RC_cemetery_search_service 
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 09: 35: 22 +0100

Hi Pat,

I would be grateful if you could you please look up the plot number for: THOMAS COMER 19 KINGSHEATH AVENUE, LIVERPOOL Aged: 48 Buried in Yew Tree Cemetery. His death was registered in the July/August/September quarter of 1940

Thank you Janet



Here are the plot details: THOMAS COMER Yew Tree Cemetery Plot: 2C 401 (Deed Holder: Margaret Comer) 119 Kings Heath Avenue Age: 48 years Burial: 3/9/1940

Subject: Wedding of Shevlin/Cumiskey 
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 15: 39: 06 EDT

How can I obtain a copy of this marriage certificate: Philip Shevlin to Annie Cumiskey(Comisky, etc) I believe they were married in the first Quarter of 1871 but I may be wrong.

Thank you. Nancy M. Shevlin



PHILIPPUM SHEVLIN & ANNAM CUMISKEY were married 26 February 1871 at St. Peter's RC church, Seel street, Liverpool L1. You could write to the Registrar General, Cotton Exchange, Old Hall Street. Liverpool L3. Or go to/contact the Liverpool Record Office (who hold the marriage register): http: //www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.html Liverpool Record Office, Local Studies and Family History Service Central Library William Brown Street Liverpool L3 8EW Tel: 0151 233 5817 (enquiries) Tel: 0151 233 5811 (microform bookings) Fax: 0151 233 5886 (mark for attention of Record Office) Email: recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.uk WWW: http: //www.liverpool.gov.uk/

Subject: RC_cemetery_search_service 
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 22: 44: 05 -0700 Hello


I am trying to find where my 2nd great grandmother is buried. She died at the age of 33, on April 10th, 1867. She was living at 6 Brunswick Place, Kirkdale at the time of her death. She died of Typhoid Fever. Her name was Sarah Christie. As per your request, I will make a donation to CAFOD if you are successful in finding where she was laid to rest. Thanking you in advance, Sarah Christie 6 Brunswick Place Died: April 10th, 1867 Age: of 33 Dennis Murphy



Sorry, not one Sarah Christie in the RC burial index.

Subject: Marriage Date: 
Wed, 17 Sep 2003 22: 41: 32 -0700


I'm so excited to find my great grandparents listing on your web page. Can I kindly get the dates of the wedding and maybe where I can find more information? JOSEPHUM TUTTY & HELENAM MOORE JAM

Thanks in advance

Barb Faurot Canada

Reply:1: Barb, The marriage took place at St. James's RC church in Bootle, Liverpool, on 29th April 1875. The records are held at the Crosby Library, near Liverpool. Neither gave an address in Ireland.

Dear Patrick

Thank you SO MUCH for this information. I am in Canada and its very difficult for me to get any information on my side of the family - so it is very much appreciated. You probably understand the joy of finding information you have tried to garner for many years - I thought my GGparents had married in Ireland and I never thought to check what was under my nose (St James, Bootle!) THANK YOU! If anyone is looking for information on this side of the pond, please let me know and I will try and reciprocate. Thanks again and if you know of a decent researcher on your side for Bootle please let me know.

Barb Faurot Vancouver


Barb, I rang Crosby Library (0151 257 6400), they have St. James marriages on microfilm. I will try to visit the library and make a photocopy of the marriage for you... Reply:3: Barb, As I was in Liverpool, I dropped in at Crosby Library and photocopied the attached marriage entry.

Subject: Ford Cemetery, Liverpool 
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 18: 15: 23 +0100


Saw your web site. Do you have any information on the history of Ford Cemetery in Liverpool, especially when and how it was established? Yours, Andrew Bartley



I don't have a history of Ford Cemetery. I seem to remember reading that the land was given by Lord/Earl of Derby to the Catholic authorities to cater for the large Irish Catholic population of Liverpool in the 1850's. I will ask a Liverpool Local History group if anyone would like to compile a history of Ford Cemetery, if so I will put it on the Hibernia Web Site.   Reply From Jo McCann: Pat, I haven't got much time at the moment. I am busy looking for new premises for history society, which is proving a bit of a problem. However, I did mention what you said to Marie and she said she already had information on a lot of the churches. I will pass on your e-mail to her and she will probably get in touch. I'll see what I can come up with regarding Ford. I know the priests at St. Anthony's bought the ground after it became impossible to bury within city boundary, after typhus epidemic in late 1840`s. Again Marie will know precise dates. Will be in touch.

Subject: Liverpool Yew Tree Cemetery Index 
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20: 32: 00 +0100

hi pat,

can you locate burial of Catherine White, wife of William, died Quarter two, 1936 ?


Fred, Here are the details for Catherine White: Catherine White Yew Tree Cemetery Public plot: A 1036 63 Saxby Road Age: 39 years Burial: 16/4/1936

Subject: Liverpool ancestry 
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 06: 08: 43 EDT


Could you please supply marriage details and any other information you have of the following from your records: Annam Langan & Jacobum Baxter VIN Cattarinam Langan & Edvardium O'Neil VIN Eugenium Langan & Catherine Quinn VIN Johannem Boyd & Mathildam Buchanan REC John Boyd & Ann Lockeran MAR I think your site is excellent and has given me lots of useful information so far. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Thanks Jackie Twort



Glad you like the site. Here are the dates you requested: Annam Langan & Jacobum Baxter, 30-Jan-1887 at St. Vincent de Paul Cattarinam Langan & Edvardium O'Neil, 5-May-1889 at St. Vincent de Paul Eugenium Langan & Catherine Quinn, 20-Sep-1863 at St. Vincent de Paul Johannem Boyd & Mathildam Buchanan, 04 NOV 1876 at Our lady of Reconciliation John Boyd & Ann Lockeran, 01 SEP 1852 at St. Mary's Highfield Street None of the above gave an address in Ireland!

Subject: Further information on a marriage entry please 
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 13: 01: 05 +0100

Hi Patrick,

My name is Kevin Casey and I am trying to trace some information about my grandparents. I have looked through the Liverpool Area RC Marriage Index Home Page and would be interested in obtaining some further information regarding the entry for HELENAM HART & PATRITIUM CASEY, PAT I know that my grandparents lived in Toxteth and were called Ellen and Parick Casey. Any further information would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Reply: Kevin,

HELENAM HART & PATRITIUM CASEY, were married 26 DEC 1900 at St. Patrick's, Park Place (Toxteth) Liverpool L8, neither gave an address in Ireland.

Subject: Liverpool Marriage Index 
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 11: 43: 22 +1000

Hi Patrick

Just looking at this excellent site and I find a relative of mine I have been looking for a long time. Could you please supply me with any information on the following marriage of PATRICIUM RILEY married MARGARET PARSONS the code given is PET which from your index is St Peters Seel St. As requested I will make a donation.


Pat D in sunny Australia



Glad you like the site. The date of the marriage was 27th January 1873, neither gave an address in Ireland.

Subject: Look up request 
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 23: 41: 38 -0700

After 31 years, this entry may be GOLD! Please provide details on the entry: James Johnson - Jane Maguire (ANT) Happy to donate, will be visiting Liverpool early November to do research. Thank you in advance.


John Meyer (Mother-Johnson) Las Vegas, Nevada


Hi John,

I hope your have struck GOLD. The marriage took place on 26th October 1857 at St Anthony's RC church, Scotland Road, Liverpool L3. The registers for the church are held at the Liverpool Record Office. Checking out following sites may assist your research visit: http: //www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.html http: //freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/rchurchrec.html http: //freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/iril.htm http: //freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/rcromlv.htm http: //freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/anttn.htm Let me know the dates you will be in Liverpool...


Thank you for the quick reply. A donation was made today as promised for the general use fund. "Please be assured that CAFOD will put your donation to very good use. Your unique payment reference is xxxxxxx If you have any questions, please contact hqcafod?cafod.org.uk Back to www.cafod.org.uk/donate >> Charity Registration No. 285776 for England and Wales" My mother had given me the names of James Johnson and Jane Maguire as my GG Grandparents. While I have good details of one of their sons, the ability to expand my knowledge of their other offspring and their ancestry as eluded me since 1972. I know James is related to Joseph Johnson, a well known Watch Maker, I have so far been unable to make a firm connection. According to my mother, they eloped (the Johnson family did not approve), so I really had not expected to stumble upon their information in the index list. In fact, I had not even considered it worth a search effort. The only official document with their name and address on is the birth certificate of my Grandfather, Joseph Johnson. The information you have provided is a major find for me and I am hoping that during my visit to Liverpool in early November, I will be able to obtain copies of both the RC marriage and civil certificates. As they will provide ages and hopefully their addresses, this will open up a whole new search opportunity. Indeed it is GOLD to me and as I know how long it takes to transcribe this sort of data. Please pass on my personal thanks to the individuals and teams who have taken time out of their lives to help others. Not to bore you with my history, I did want to highlight the fact that the effort of the transcribers is invaluable and to try and provide a story of value as it can be gratifying to know someone derived benefit from the hard work.

Regards and many, many thanks

John Meyer (Originally from Birkenhead) Las Vegas, Nevada

Subject: Liverpool Area Marriage Index 
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 12: 25: 23 +1000

Hi Patrick

I have already sent you one email today. I cannot believe my luck in coming across your web site. I have found another possibility and wonder if you would be so kind as to give me what information you can. James Foy married Mary Robinson church code given is PET As stated before I note your comments about the donation and am more than happy to make one.


Pat D Australia.



The marriage took place on 3rd November 1838. Neither gave an address in Ireland.

Subject : RE Error in RC Marriage Index 
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 22: 12: 27 +0930


My Great grandmother’s sisters surname has been recorded as" Pixton", however the correct surname was PINKSTON. This is how the marriage appears Recorded in your Liverpool Area Marriage Index PINXTON, TERESAM GULIELMUM DOWNEY IMM There are four other Pinkston Marriages in the index, however these are correct.


Bill Rowlands from a warm sunny South Australia

Subject : burial at yew tree cemetery 
Date : Mon, 29 Sep 2003 19:40:34 +0100 Hi


Thank you for your recent help. Here is another you might do for me : Burial at yew tree cemetery of Charles William White aged 58yrs. of 63 Saxby Road Huyton who died oct/nov/dec 1946 Hope you can find it. Bye for now, Fred Bennett Subject : Donation made to CAFOD Date : Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:59:18 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time) Dear Mr Neill, We can confirm that a XX donation has been made to CAFOD in respect of a promise made to yourself by Mr F.J. Bennett. Trust above in order, Bianca Haimbondi Supporter Services

Reply 1:

Fred, Many thanks for your donation to CAFOD, they sent me an email of confirmation. Here are the details you requested: Charles William White Yew Tree Cemetery Public plot: A 1277 Whiston Hospital, Liverpool L35 Age: 58 years Burial: 7/11/1946

Hi Pat,

Again, thank you for your help. I shall send a further donation to CAFOD. If you know where I might obtain a sketch plan of the cemetery would you please give me another call ? Bye for now,

Fred Bennett.

Reply 2:


Thank you for the donation. Check out my plan of Yew Tree: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/yewcem.htm

Subject : Liverpool RC Churches 
Date : Tue, 30 Sep 2003 02:01:32 +0100

Excellent site but surely St Anne's is in Overbury (not Overberry) Street.


John R



You are right, I will correct the error, when time allows.


    Ford Cemetery Lookups

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