Hibernia Family History Emails for September 2005
Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007
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From: "Blaine Scott"
Subject: please contact Maria for me
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 02:34:11 -0400
Hello, I sent a letter in the mail asking for Maria McQuade to contact me
via email regarding my search for the marriage of John Mcalinden and his
wife Mary Jane. There was a reference I had sent her from a parish in
Liverpool. I wanted to know what kind of search services she could
provide. Can you ask her if she will contact me. She has no email listed
on the marriage index page.
Blaine Scott
Answer sent Thursday 1st September 2005:
Marie McQuade does not do emails anymore. You could try writing to her, here is her address:
Miss M. McQuade BA
8 Ecclesall Avenue
L12 5HQ.
Liverpool & S.W. Lancs FHS, have a list of researchers, see:
From: "Maureen"
Subject: church records
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 19:26:54 +0100
I am looking for further information about a marriage record from St.
Austin's church Grassendale and would be grateful for any assistance given.
It is the marriage of Concannon, Patrium and Juliana Tobin.
Maureen Smith.Answer sent Thursday 1st September 2005:
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
CONCANNON, PATRITIUM of GARSTON & JULIAM TOBIN of GARSTON were married on 26 SEP 1864 at St Austin's RC Church Grassendale, Garston.
The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
From: "Theresa Macdonald"
Subject: RC_cemetery_search_service
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 07:53:49 +0100
My Father's name was: James McLoughlin.
DOB- 17/12/approx 1895.
Died 24/01/1946.
Married Rose Ann Corrigan,
Had three children James, Theresa and Patricia.
He was buried in ford Cemetery and I would like to know the plot number
With thanks
Answer sent Thursday 1st September 2005:
I did not find a James McLoughlin in the RC Burial Index for 1946. You could try contacting Sandra Malone at the Liverpool RC Burial Board.
PatrickThis is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
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PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 10): 550 RCPT TO:<Theresa12User unknown
Hello Pat,
I wonder if you can help track my great great great grandfather -Edward Stapleton
born c1834 in Ireland still alive in 1861 but not by 1884 don't know exactly when he passed.
Look forward to hearing from you
Lynn SmithAnswer sent Thursday 1st September 2005:
There is only one Edward Stapleton in the Liverpool RC Burial Index and he was a child:
Edward Stapleton
Section: BZ
Public Plot: 90
47 Lionel Street
Age: 13 months
Interred: 4/9/1890
You have kindly previously carried out a search for me for Ford Cemetery
( which was of great help) you also gave me the details of your son in case
there were any headstones. I asked your son if he would look at 2 graves
for me, I already had the details of one. Unfortunately there were no headstones
on either grave. Are you able to tell me if there is any one else buried
in the grave of;
Date of burial 06/12/1962
Address 89 Bulford road L9
Section: JL
Private Plot 560
Frank HarrisonAnswer sent Saturday 3rd September 2005:
Here are the details from the plot records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: JL
Private Plot 560
Plot Owner: Annie Harrison (Deed on File)
John Harrison
52 Banastre Street
Age: 24 years
Interred: 10/4/1934Mary Jane Carroll
70 Jordan Street
24 years
16/1/1936Annie Harrison
89 Bulford Road Liverpool L9
76 years
6/12/1962With the records saying 'Deed on File', if you contact the Liverpool RC Burial Board. Then Sandra may be able to find the deeds and let you have them.
REGARDS FROM NEW ZEALAND.Answer Saturday 3rd September 2005
I couldn't find Elizabeth Jones interred in 1982, but I did find her in 1981. Here are the details from the plot records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: JL
Private Plot: 902
Plot Owner: Thomas O'Toole - 4AMary O'Toole
107 Rice Lane (hospital)
Age: 56 years
Interred: 8/6/1935Thomas O'Toole
Great Richmond Street, 9 Court - 1 House
64 years
18/5/1940Patrick O'Toole
Aintree Hospital Liverpool L10
45 years
11/8/1950John S. Jones
14 Denstone Crescent
48 years
25/1/1951Elizabeth Jones
6 York Street, Liverpool L36
73 years
3/7/1981Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
If you can't get to the Cemetery, my son (Jonathan) could check for a headstone for you.
He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.
He accepts payment via :
1. Pound Sterling cheques/checks
2. PayPal (credit card): https://www.paypal.com
Here is his email address: livireres?yahoo.co.uk
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
From: "John"
Subject: Finnighan, Thomas - Marian Murray
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 00:19:39 +0100
I have found on your site what looks to be my ggrandparents:Finnighan, Thomas & Marian Murray (church code: VIN)
I did find them on the 1881 census and from my grandfathers birth certificate, but have been unable to find their marriage. I would be very grateful if you could send me any further information.
kind regards, john.
Answer sent on Saturday 3rd September 2005
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
FINNIGAN, THOMAM & MARIAM MURRAY, 15-May-1859 at St Vincent's RC church Liverpool The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2005 22:16:57 +1000
Hi,I an inquiring if you in your research have come across an
ancestor of mine:
HAMPSON, William Jerome +1867-08-29
William Hampson was born at Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, in 1802 and came
to Ampleforth in 1813. He took the habit and the name of Jerome 22 December
1818, and was professed 23 December 1819. He received orders as follows: - Minor
25 January 1819, Subdiaconate 10 June 1822, Diaconate 1 August 1823, Priesthood
1826. On the departure of Prior Burgess & his companions for Prior Park (May,
1830) he took up the Procurator's duties, and for a short while, until the
election of Prior Towers acted as Subprior.He passed to the Mission in 1834 and had the following series of
Brandsby 1834-5, Keighley (not a Benedictine mission) 1835-6, Little Crosby
1836, Knaresboro' 1838, Lawkland 1856, Woolton 1862. At this last mission
his health failed and he became an invalid. In the latter half of 1866 he
retired to Ampleforth, where he died in the following year. He was buried in the
hillside cemetery.
It seems he was at Knaresboro' for 18 years. Can you tell me something of
the history of the Catholics in that time.
Kind Regards
Jeff Hampson(Australia)
Answer sent on Wednesday 7th September 2005:
I am no expert on Catholic history. I can tell you that Lancashire has always had a very strong Catholic tradition. The little knowledge I have is of the Irish Catholics in Liverpool between 1800-1900. I will add you email to the Hibernia site and if anyone contact me about it, I will forward them to you.
Books that might be of interest:
Catholic Missions in Lancashire (I think) by Michael Gandy
Burkes Catholic History of Liverpool
Sectarian Violence The Liverpool Experience 1819 -1914 by Frank NealPlus check out the book list at:
You might be able to order from via your local library.
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2005 13:40:30 EDT
Hello Pat,
I am hoping you might be able to help me once again, do you have any
record of the burial of :Thomas Charles Dolan
Aged 2 years
Died Apr/May/Jun 1899?
I am sorry I do not know in which cemetery he would be buried.Many thanks,
Helen Lovett.
Answer sent on Wednesday 7th September 2005:
I did not find a Thomas Charles Dolan in the RC Burial Index for Liverpool. I also checked for Charles Dolan & Thomas Dolan but none for for 1899.
Date 13/06/05, George O'Leary wrote:
I hope I'm sending this to the correct source. If not, if you have any
idea as to where I can direct it I would appreciate your letting me know.
I have in my possession, through an uncle Arthur Patrick Fagan born 29
July 1898 in Liverpool [now deceased] , a lady's diary that was presented to
Alexvina (?) Leonora Dornford by her father on October 15, 1846. It
measures about 4.5 x 7.5 inches and the embossed cover [and back cover]
seems to have originally been a dark blue with gilt-edging and the word
"Album" on the spine. It's approximately 3/4 inch thick. Inside, in
addition to mostly religion-themed entries which seem to continue to the late
1870s, there are dried plants/flowers [including "seaweed gathered in Ireland
July 1877"], sketches of a waterfall {Cardiff May 1857?], the "Fall of the
Lyd?", a beautifully-rendered coloured picture of a house near a river,
another of a different house with what appears to be a castle remain in
the background dated August 1853, a parrot [including a feather - Leonora's
pet], dated June 1850.Other material accompanying the diary include a small "In Memorian" card
which relates to the death of Alexvina Leonora Smart on September 20,
1873. Whether this is the same woman or not, who married someone named Smart,
I can't tell from the jumble of papers and letters. However, another name
which appears in the diary is that of Emily Leonora Smart who, I
believe, was the mother of Arthur Patrick Fagan, and who came to Canada with
Uncle Art in the early 1900s, bringing the diary with her.
Other material is an homage to Mrs. William Smart "of Madeira"
[postcards and other material seem to indicate that part of the family resided
there], who was "a great friend of Sailors" and who was born in Funchal on
February 25, 1843 and who "entered into rest 2nd November 1930." This was
written by Duncan McIntosh, Chief Steward, S.S. "Monte Videan" 541, New City Road,
There is also a photograph of a headstone for Edward Rowland Smart who
died January 17, 1923, and a newspaper death notice for a Mr. Patrick Fagan
[Art's father] who died October 4, 1908 [funeral director Mr. W. R.Williams,
25, Great George's Place, and 112 and 114 Smithdown Road, Liverpool. In
addition to wife and son the "chief mourners" were "Mesdames Murray,
Cunningham, Rogers, Barrett, Aldridge [daughters], Messrs. J., A., T.,
T. and H. Fagan [brothers], Mrs. McLeaney and Mrs. Rooney [sisters],
Messrs. Murray, Rogers, Barret, Aldridge and Cunningham [sons-in-law], Messrs.
Murray, jun. and Cunningham jun. [grandsons], Miss B. Cunningham
[granddaughter], Messrs. T. Newby, Calange, and J. Fagan [nephews], Mrs.
McKemer, Mrs. Webb and Mrs. McCale [nieces], Miss K. Fagan [cousin].
The latest piece of correspondence addressed to Art here in Canada is a
latter dated January 15, 1958 from a Gertie Gillam [a relative by the
tone of the letter] who lived at 55 Monkfield Way, Spike, Liverpool 19.
My purpose in writing is to hopefully locate living relatives of Uncle
Art in Liverpool who may wish to have the diary and accompanying papers,
etc. After seeing TV shows like Antiques Road Show I realize such things may
have some value, although I hasten to say I am seeking neither reward
nor and other sort of financial remuneration. I just would like to see
something so old and clearly treasured in the hands of someone who would
appreciate its sentimental and historical value. There is also a small book
[needing cover restoration] of Sir Walter Scott's The Lady Of The Lake published
in 1838 by T. Allman, 42, Holborn Hill, London. It's inscribed Leonora A.
Dornford from her affectionate sister Franny [or Fanny] dated October
15, 1840 . Emily Leonora Smart inserted her name below that in 1873.
I apologize if I have misdirected this inquiry. If so, perhaps you might
give me some idea as to where I might direct it. Thanks
George O'Leary,
Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaAnswer sent Monday 13th June 2005
Thank you for your email. Let me think about what I can suggest you
can do with the treasures that you have. One thing seems a bit
strange, the address 'Monkfield Way, Spike, Liverpool 19, does not
seem right. As L19 is an area called Garston. In Garston, there is a
street named 'Monkferry Walk'. Not far from Garston is a district call
'Speke'. I know Speke very well as I lived there for many years. I
don't think there is an address in Speke, that sounds like Monkfield,
so I think it should be Monkferry Garston L19.
PatrickSent: Monday, June 13, 2005 4:05 AM
Thanks for responding Patrick. And you're no doubt correct. I found it
difficult to decipher the handwriting and that was the way I saw it.
That's also why I put a ? after the name "Alexvina" The "v" may or may not be, in
fact, a "v" at all. One is in handwriting, the other [the In Memoriam
card] is in some fancy script, both hard to determine. Again, thanks for your
Date: 06-Jul-2005 03:16Hi Patrick - further to our previous exchange of correspondence, attached
are some pictures of three pages from the old diary and some of the sketches
that accompany it for your information. The parrot was her pet and there's
an actual feather from it included.
Answer sent on Wednesday 7th September 2005:
I have decided to add your email to my September 2005 emails on the Hibernia web site. I will let you know when it is there.
From: "Mick Downey"
Subject: Ann Connelly & William Downey - St. Mary's, Highfield Street, L3
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 21:43:26 -0700
I note that there is a listing in Liverpool Area RC Marriages for
William Downey and Ann Connelly. William and Ann are my Great Great
Grandparents. Is there any possibility of getting a copy of their
Marriage Certificate or Marriage details.
Mick Downey
Orange NSW
Australia.Answer sent on Thursday 8th September 2005:
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
DOWNEY, WILLIAM & ANN CONNELLY were married on 06 DEC 1842 at St Mary's RC church, Highfield Street Liverpool.
The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their email address:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
Date: 10-Jul-2005 07:18Subject: Grave siteHi Pat
Do you have any information regarding the grave site of my Great Grandmother.Catherine Taylor,
Who died on the 5th of September 1929
Aged 51 whilst living at, 7 Strickland Street Liverpool.CheersTony HinesAnswer sent on Thursday 8th September 2005:
Here are the details of the family plot from the RC plot records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: RD
Plot: 325
Plot Owner: Richard Costello - 3ACatherine Taylor
7 Strickland Street
Age: 51 years
Interred: 10/9/1929Margaret Costello
6 Greenside, Liverpool L6
51 years
3/1/1933Richard Costello
54 Bedford Street North
77 years
22/2/1958Catherine Costello
25 Cambridge Street, Liverpool L7
57 years
10/11/1958Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
If you can't get to the Cemetery, my son (Jonathan) could check for a headstone for you.
He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.
He accepts payment via :
1. Pound Sterling cheques/checks
2. PayPal (credit card): https://www.paypal.com
Here is his email address: livireres?yahoo.co.uk
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
Subject: 'Sept03_Hibernia_emails'
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 01:16:52 -0500 (Central Standard Time)
Hi ,
Are you the person to contact regarding search for a grave site in the Ford
Cemetery? I f so , could you please look up for me.JAMES ELLIOTT
DIED 1956 30th SEPTEMBERIf not, could you please be so kind as to tell me how I
can find this information. James is my birth father and I am trying to find
where he is buried in Liverpool. I would be more than willing to make a
donation to your cause.
Regards Mandy Tasker CANADA
Answer sent on Thursday 8th September 2005:
I did not find a JAMES ELLIOTT buried in Ford in the year 1956. You could try contacting Sandra Malone at the Liverpool RC Burial Board.
Date: 29-Jul-2005 14:19Subject: RC_cemetery_search_serviceHI
CHRISTIAN / BEATLES FANAnswer sent on Thursday 8th September 2005:
I did not find a MARY MOHIN McCARTNEY buried in Yew Tree Cemetery. You could try contacting Sandra Malone at the Liverpool RC Burial Board.
Here are some Beatle's Monuments pictures:
Second Answer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
Here are the details from the RC plot records:
Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 3A
Plot: 276
Plot Owner: Owen Mohin
Agnes Mary Mohin
Mill Lane Hospital, Liverpool L15
Age: 2 years
Interred: 11/2/1918
Mary Mohin
19 Warbreck Moor
42 years
John Shorte
125 Harrowby Street, Liverpool L8
2 hours
Dennis Shorte
125 Harrowby Street, Liverpool L8
1 hour
Rose Mochin
42 Belmont, Liverpool L6
61 years
Mary Patricia McCartney
21 Forthlin Road
47 years
Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:
If you can't get to the Cemetery, my son (Jonathan) could check for a headstone for you.
He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post a picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.
He accepts payment via :
1. Pound Sterling cheques/checks
2. PayPal (credit card): https://www.paypal.com
Here is his email address: livireres?yahoo.co.uk
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/
From: "Miesen Family"
Subject: Barron family
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 21:46:03 -0700
Dear Patrick ,
Do you know of any Barron's that relocated to Newfoundland Canada? My
great grandfather was Patrick Barron and his father was Peter Barron who
married Maryanne Power. It was said that he was Godfather or witness for
Patrick Kennedy and Bridget (nee Barron) Murphy . I am searching for the
rest of his family that remains in Ireland
Answer sent on Thursday 8th September 2005:
I could not find any Peter or Patrick Barron's. I found these Baron/Barron's marriages:
BARON, ALEXANDRUM & BEATRICEM LIGHT 22-Feb-03 at Our of the Immaculate Conception
BARON, EDWARD & ELLEN TIMMIS 22 SEP 1852 St Francis Xavier's'
BARON, MARIAM HELENNAM & PATRITIUM KANE 13 MAR 1893 at Our of the Immaculate Conception
BARRON, ELLENAM & JOSEPHUM CONNAUGHTON 03 SEP 1888 at Our of the Immaculate Conception
BARRON, JOHN of IRELAND Co. WEXFORD & ELLEN SINNOTT 11 MAY 1862 Our Lady of Reconciliation
BARRON, MARGARITAM & GULIELMUM COOK 22-Jun-1876 Our Lady Mount Carmel
BARRON, MARIAM & DENIS HANLEY 02 NOV 1874 at Our of the Immaculate Conception
BARRON, WILLIAM & MARY COGLAN 27-Dec-1853 at St Anne'sRegards,
From: Fiona HarveyDate: 01-Aug-2005 15:00Subject: RC_cemetery_search_serviceDear SirI am trying to trace family who were based in the Liverpool area in the late 1800's. I know they were Catholics who attended the Sacred Heart Church in Liverpool. I have two families I would like to trace, McVey and Molloy. I have some birth details but very few details of their deaths.I was wandering whether you could tell me what information you can provide and what details you need from me in order to locate family buried in Liverpool.I look forward to hearing from you.Fiona HarveyAnswer sent on Thursday 8th September 2005:
I have on microfiche the combined index to FORD, YEW TREE & AINSDALE RC Cemeteries 1859 - 1989 and the plot records. The index contains over 250,000 names, mostly of Irish descent. I am willing to search these records,
I require the following:If I am successful, all I ask is that you send a donation to CAFOD (Catholic Fund for Overseas Development) or any famine relief charity of your choice.
- Cemetery, if known.
- Approximate date of death/burial.
- Approximate age or date of birth.
- If you have an address, that might also be of help.
From: john windleDate: 01-Aug-2005 21:57Subject: Ford cemeteryHi Patrick,
Looking for plot records for:Sarah Ann Foley
Born in 1909
Died in the 1930'sI was told it might be around 1934. She was buried in the same plot as a James Riley at Ford Cemetery. Sorry it is a bit vague but can you help.
John WindleAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
Here are the details of the family plot from the RC plot records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: WD
Plot: 161
Plot Owner: Janet RileySarah Ann Foley
25 Hopwood Street
Age: 21 years
Interred: 18/6/1930James Michael Riley
131 Bedford Street, Liverpool L4
66 years
31/1/1986Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
If you can't get to the Cemetery, my son (Jonathan) could check for a headstone for you.
He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.
He accepts payment via :
1. Pound Sterling cheques/checks
2. PayPal (credit card): https://www.paypal.com
Here is his email address: livireres?yahoo.co.uk
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
From: Sue.QuintonDate: 03-Aug-2005 10:32Subject: Searching for Margaret TaylorGood morning Pat
I am looking for a relatives grave at Ford Cemetery and the details I have
got are as follows:
Name: Margaret Taylor
Cemetery: Ford
Accurate date of death: 9/11/1934
Accurate date of interment: 13/11/1934
Age: In her 40's
Any information would be much appreciated.
Kind regards
Sue QuintonAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
Here are the details of the family plot from the RC plot records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: SV
Public Plot: 1799Margaret Taylor
73 Solway Street
Age: 41 years
Interred: 13/11/1934As it is a Public Plot (Pauper Grave), there will be no marker.
Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
Date: 03-Aug-2005 18:48Subject: RC_cemetery_search_service
Searching for grave ofMary McCartney
1909-October 31st,1956.
She is at Yew Tree CemeteryThank You.
Answer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
Here are the details from the RC plot records:
Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 3A
Plot: 276
Plot Owner: Owen MohinAgnes Mary Mohin
Mill Lane Hospital, Liverpool L15
Age: 2 years
Interred: 11/2/1918Mary Mohin
19 Warbreck Moor
42 years
21/1/1919John Shorte
125 Harrowby Street, Liverpool L8
2 hours
7/7/1924Dennis Shorte
125 Harrowby Street, Liverpool L8
1 hour
7/7/1924Rose Mochin
42 Belmont, Liverpool L6
61 years
29/5/1948Mary Patricia McCartney
21 Forthlin Road
47 years
3/11/1956Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:
If you can't get to the Cemetery, my son (Jonathan) could check for a headstone for you.
He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post a picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.
He accepts payment via :
1. Pound Sterling cheques/checks
2. PayPal (credit card): https://www.paypal.com
Here is his email address: livireres?yahoo.co.uk
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Regards,
From: "Egerton"
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 19:35:15 +0100
I have managed to trace my great great grand father to a school he founded
in broom street off great Howard Street. He had apparently come from Ireland a few
years earlier& died in1861 of Typhus. Could you tell me whether he was likely
to have be en buried in St Anthony's church?REGARDS,
Chris Egerton
Answer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:Chris,
The records for the burials at Anthony's are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
From: "Foley, RoseAnn"
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 16:44:02 +0100
Dear Patrick,
You may be able to help me. My father Joseph Foley had an aunt called
Julia Foley and as a result of a family dispute Julia left Co Waterford
never to return. The last we heard of her was that she was living in
Liverpool.(MURRAY, JOHN & JULIA FOLEY, St Patrick's, Park Place, L8)
Would it be possible for you to check the records and see if my great
grand father's name appears on any of the relevant marriage certificate?
His name was William Edward Foley and his address would have been either
Co Waterford or Co Kilkenny. They lived on the border of the two
We have a painting of this lady at home and as a result of this the
family are curious to know what happened to her.
I hope this is not too much of an inconvenience.
Thanks a lot
Rose Ann Foley,
P.s. I tried to contact Marie but her mail box was full.
Thanks again for your help.
Answer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:Rose Ann,
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
MURRAY, JOHN of IRELAND & JULIA FOLEY of Ireland, were married 12 NOV 1854 at St Patrick's RC church.
The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
From: STEPHEN MCALENYDate: 05-Aug-2005 13:49
Subject: Brown_Birth/Baptism_enquiry
Hi Could you Help me, is this Alice Connor who Married a George S. Brown in Liverpool, if so I would appreciate an acknowledgement, as I cant find any marriage records.Thanking you in advanceAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
I don't have any marriage details for this couple.
From: T HindleDate: 04-Aug-2005 23:40Subject: Hibernia_Emails
Hi I am looking for a Roman Catholic Church in West Derby around 1848. I am searching for the baptismal record of Patrick James Doyle all I know is that he was born in 1848 to Michael and Emily Doyle who came to England from Ireland. Where in Ireland I do not know I am hoping it will tell me on the baptismal record. The family did not stay in Liverpool by 1850 they were in Longton Staffordshire. and by 1861 they lived in Nantwich Cheshire. Hope you can help and advise me where I can get the baptismal record. Do you also know if there are any lists of Irish families who came to England during the famine years?Thanks TheresaAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
If you check out the list of Liverpool RC Churches at:
You can see when the baptism registers started. Most of the churches outside the city centre and Toxteth were in the district of West Derby. I would need a better address before I could tell you which church to check.
The RC church records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
Here is their email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukFor pictures of RC church in Liverpool, see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/churches/rcpic.htmFor information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmAs Ireland was part of Britain in 1848, there are no records of those who moved from Ireland to England.
From: Ellen DuffyDate: 06-Aug-2005 19:53Subject: Liverpool_BMD_enquiry HELPDear Pat,
Can you help me to find my grandparents marriage I have been looking for some 20 years. Names John Whelan & Mary Ellen Tattersall in about 1898-9, age 25 & 23-4. He was RC, she was CofE. First child born 1899 in Warrington, child no. 2 born in Liverpool. They went on to have 8 more children, my mother being the youngest. Sadly her mother die when she was 2 and she was raise out of the family. I have found lots of other records but not the marriage. Granddad re-married in 1918 in Manchester have that marriage on it it say he was a widower. I would be very grateful for any help.
Ellen DuffyAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
The only Tattersall marriage I could find was:
TATTERSALL, JOSEPHUM & ANNAM FERGUSON who were married on 24 MAY 1888 at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.
The RC church records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
http://www.familia.org.uk/services/england/liverpool.htmlHere is their email address:
recoffice.central.library?liverpool.gov.ukI would suspect that John Whelan & Mary Ellen Tattersall would have been marriage in Warrington. It might be worth checking out:
From: john breckelsDate: 14-Aug-2005 13:47Subject: the Breckels nameMy name is John Breckels from Red Hook, New York -USA. I noticed that a
Richard Breckels was on your list dated 16 mar 1832, can you tell me
anything at all about him or his family and would you know if there are
any Breckels still in the area.
Thank You,
John BreckelsAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
On which list did you see the name of Richard Breckels?
I found this marriage that might be of interest:
BRECKELL, ALICIAM of WEST DERBY and JOANNEM DICKENSON were married on 06 MAR 1859 at St Joseph's RC church Liverpool.
I don't check the records of living people, sorry.
Subject: Ford Cemetery Search
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:02:42 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
Hi Patrick
I had contact with you last year, when you searched for the grave of my g g
g grandfather Andrew Kelly originally I thought he was born in 1841/42 but
it has now come to light that he was in fact born in 1837/38. could you
please have a look in the Ford Cemetery, I know last time I spoke with you
there was a couple of Andrews in the ford but one was too old and one too
young, maybe one was the right one after all.
Hope to hear from you soon
Niki DrysdaleAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
There are over 15 x Andrew Kelly's in the RC burial index, without a date of death it is very time consuming to check through all the different plot records on micro fiche. It would be quicker and easier for the RC Burial Board to check the records on their computer system. Could you try contacting Sandra Malone at the Liverpool RC Burial Board.
Subject: Marriage Information needed
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 00:14:39 EDT
I need information on the marriage of Martin Laherty and Ann Dolan, I
believe these are my g grandparents. Thank You, Angela
Answer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:Angela,
I did not find the marriage in the Liverpool RC Marriage Index
From: Martin ByrneDate: 19-Aug-2005 11:33Subject: Yew Tree CemeteryHi,
Just been looking at your site (very good it is too), and I've noticed that your map of Yew Tree Cemetery, doesn't contain a section A. I'm enquiring as some of my ancestors are buried there and I would like to visit the section/plot next time I'm in Liverpool (I live abroad). Any help you can provide would be much appreciated, and a location of an updated map would be useful, if one exists (I've tried searching the web but to no avail).I hope you can help and look forward to hearing from you.RegardsMartin ByrneAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
Thank you for your comments. I don't have a better map of Yew Tree Cemetery that shows Section A, sorry. If you contact the RC Burial Board, I'm sure that can arrange for a Grave Digger to show you where the section and plots are located. Try sending an email to Sandra Malone.
Date: 19-Aug-2005 15:27
PatrickDo you have any burial records of the following:Owen Langan died December qtr 1863Owen Langan died Jun qtr 1848ThanksJackie TwortAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
There are only two Owen Langan's in the RC Burial Index. The date do not match, but here they are:
Owen Langan, Ford Cemetery, Section SV, Plot: 1563, Interred: 21/4/1885
Owen Langan, Ford Cemetery, Section BZ, Plot: 1370, Interred: 14/2/1995
From: margaret hortonDate: 24-Aug-2005 10:32Subject: cemetery search service
I am trying to find the grave of my great granddad:George Saunderson
Who was buried in Ford Cemetery in November 1924
He was 54 years old
Buried with one of his previous wives both called Elizabeth Saunderson who died in 1903 and 1914.His address at the time was 5 Parliament Sq Maynard Street Liverpool but he died in Brownlow Hill Hospital, he was an ex soldier.I have visited the cemetery but with no plot number I was unable to locate the grave, I would be happy to make a donation to your charity.If you require any further details please contact me on the above e mail addressMany ThanksMargaret HortonAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
I did not find a George Saunderson, buried in Ford Cemetery in November 1924. I also could not find an Elizabeth Saunderson buried in 1903 or 1914.
If you contact the RC Burial Board they could check for the records on their computer system. The person you require is Sandra Malone at the Liverpool RC Burial Board.
From: steve hart
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 2:12 AM
Subject: Visit to Liverpool
Hi, my name is Steve Hart, I'm coming over in October
with my Mum and Dad, we're all born and bred scousers
who moved to Canada 28 years ago, my parents are both
in their 80's now, but are still pretty agile, we would
love to find a couple of graves from our families, my
mums sister:Joyce Joughin,
Died approx 1919,And her mother Mary Ellen Joughin,
Who died about 1960,Also my Dads mum:
Mildred Hart
Who died in the bombing of Mill Road Hospital during the second world war, and
was buried in a mass grave.Any help you could give us in locating these graves would be greatly appreciated.
Steve Hart
Answer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
I checked through the Liverpool RC Burial but could not find any the the names. I will pass your email to Bob Halliday to see if he can help.
From: "wendy"
Subject: Marriage date for Patrick McGinness.
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 09:10:51 +0800
Hello Patrick,
I would like to congratulate you on a great web site. I have been looking
for a marriage of Patrick McGinness and Jane Morgan for years now. I found
it on your site yesterday. Patrick was a soldier in the 46th Regiment born
in Ireland 1818 in Tullylish. Would it be possible for you to give me the
date of the marriage when you come back in September. The Church code is
ANN St Anne's
Hoping to hear from you.
Down UnderAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
McGINNESS, PATRICK & JANE MORGAN were married on 3-Nov-1849 at St Anne's RC church Liverpool.
The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
From: "Marie Howard"
Subject: RC Marriage Index
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 13:04:04 +0100
Dear Patrick
I realise you are unable to do look-ups between June/September so will not
expect a reply for a little while.
I would be grateful for the details of the marriage of Thomas Bolton Howard
and Margaret Cardwill at St Anthony's who I believe may be my husband's
I came across your site by chance and was delighted to find this marriage
because there are so many Howards in the Liverpool area it is difficult to
verify events or obtain certificates with any confidence that they are the
correct ones. The 'Bolton' middle name is an enormous help on the few
occasions it appears in records but I've yet to discover the background for
its use by this branch of the Howards.
My husband and I grew up in Widnes and I'd love to help with transcribing
etc in the North West which, together with Ireland, is my main area of
interest but we live in the W. MIdlands which makes it well nigh impossible.
I've been transcribing for FreeBMD for about two years but it's all quite
anonymous and impersonal.
Best wishes
Marie HowardAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
HOWARD, THOS. BOLTON & MARGRET CARDWILL, were married on 17 JUN 1855 at St Anthony's RC church Liverpool.
The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
PatrickFrom: Marie HowardDate: 09-Sep-2005 12:47Subject: Re: FW: RC Marriage IndexDear Patrick
Thank you so much for the details of the marriage as well as for the
references to the various web sites - I'm sure they'll be very useful.
CAFOD is one of the charities I already support with a small monthly
standing order but I'll pop an extra donation in the box when I go to Mass.
I think your site is brilliant, thanks again for your help.
Best wishes
Marie Howard.
Subject: Marriage Record (to Marie McQuade)
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 10:27:30 -0400
Mr. Neill/ Ms. McQuade:
I found your website for Liverpool Area RC Marriages very helpful and I
believe I have found my gg-grandfather/grandmother. How do I obtain
information about the marriage between:
From family notes, I believe they were married in St. Augustine's Church. I
don't know what year they would have been married but I estimate that it was
around 1827 (based on birth year of their daughter Katherine around 1847 or
I understand the request to make a donation for famine relief...and am happy
to do that. Not have done this before, is there a way to make the donation
in this sites name...how does that work?
Thank you. I'm new to genealogy research.
Best regards,
Joe McKenna
Maryland, United StatesAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
I'm glad you found the web site of use.
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
FANNING, EDWARDUM of IRELAND (TIPERARI, HIBERNIA) & MARIAM ANNAM BRADY of IRELAND (LONGFORD, HIBERNIA) were married on 09 JUL 1856 at Our Lady of Reconciliation RC Church Liverpool
The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmIf the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/
USA - http://www.catholicrelief.org/contribute/Regards,
From: "Tom & Rose Torrance"
Subject: Thomas and Margaret Phillips
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 19:56:01 +1000
Dear Patrick,
I am requesting help in finding the grave of my great grandparents
Thomas and Margaret Phillips also any other family that may be interred
in the same grave. They were living in Kirkdale in 1901 and I do think that
they would be buried at Ford Cemetery. Thank you for your help.
Rose Torrance.
Answer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
Can you give me an approximate dates when they died and their ages?
From: Walter ShawDate: 03-Sep-2005 15:03Subject: RC_cemetery_search_service
Hi PatrickI wonder if you would look up my grandmothers grave I think it is in Ford Cemetery.Details areJane Nolan,
Died April to June,1942,
Aged 74,188 Athol Street Liverpool.
I will donate to Cafod.Thank You in anticipationMarie ShawAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
Here are the details of the family plot from the RC plot records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: WD
Plot: 280
Plot Owner: Jane NolanJames Nolan
188 Athol Street
Age: 66 years
Interred: 30/7/1930John McGoogan
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L 9 (hospital)
54 years
12/2/1931Julie Williams
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L 9 (hospital)
37 years
9/2/1932Peter Williams
Alder Hey Hospital Liverpool L12
Age: not known
22/8/1933Ann Jane Ainsworth
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L 9 (hospital)
43 years
28/1/1937Jane Nolan
188 Athol Street
Age: 74 years
Interred: 30/4/1942Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/fordcem.htmIf you can't get to the Cemetery, my son (Jonathan) could check for a headstone for you.
He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post a picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.
He accepts payment via :
1. Pound Sterling cheques/checks
2. PayPal (credit card): https://www.paypal.com
Here is his email address: livireres?yahoo.co.uk
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
Thank you for any donation you make to CAFOD
Patrick in Walmersley, LancashireFrom: Walter ShawDate: 09-Sep-2005 14:50Subject: Re: RC_cemetery_search_serviceHello Patrick, thank you so much for the info on my Grandmothers grave that
you have just emailed to me, I am really delighted with it, it has answered
a lot of questions. I will send my donation to CAFOD through church on
Thanks again
Subject: Wexford Chapman
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 20:30:48 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Patrick
My name is Marge Medley. I found one of your
emails from 2001 regarding Wexford people who
married in RC churches in Liverpool.
You have on your listing a Patrick Chapman,
Wexford Co, and Ellen Tuttle. I would appreciate any
assistance as to where to look for the marriage
of Patrick and Ellen.
Thanks in advance.
Answer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:Marge,
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
CHAPMAN, PATRICK of IRELAND, Co. WEXFORD & ELLEN TUTTLE of IRELAND, Co. WEXFORD, were married on 25 FEB 1860 at St Patrick's RC church Liverpool
The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
(online or by phone)
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/
From: Blaine ScottDate: 06-Sep-2005 18:46Subject: Re: look-upPatrick,
There are several but the one that's on my mind at the moment is Agnes Spencer born in 1864 in West Derby, daughter of John Spencer and Agnes Marie (Cox). I think I see the family in the 1881 census in Lancashire but the Agnes is widowed and the family history I've heard reported says that it was John who was widowed and who later remarried in the 1880-90's. The Agnes Spencer with a daughter Agnes in 1881 also had a son James and Agnes had a James Spencer as a witness at her wedding to Patrick McAlinden in 1889 so the 1891 census she will be listed with Patrick.
If I can find her in the 1871 census with other siblings it should clear up where she is in 1881 - if indeed she is the one with her widowed mother or if she is the Agnes with the Edmund and Mary Spencer in the 1881 (John and Agnes could have used their second names for that family). If it appears Agnes had older siblings and Agnes and John were married before 1861 I would also hope to find out about the family at that time. If time I would also be looking for John Spencer and Agnes Marie Cox in 1851 and 41 if they were alive at those times.
The Spencer's in the 1881 may provide some sort of comparison, this and Agnes birth date in 1864 are all I've got at the moment.
Thanks very much.
Blaine Scott
Midland ONtario CanadaAnswer sent on Friday 9th September 2005:
I did not find an Agnes Spencer in the Liverpool RC Burial Index or in my Liverpool RC Marriage Indices.
There is an Agnes Spencer getting married in 1886, see:
From: "Stephen Anderson"
Subject: information on the Barrow family
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 08:37:49 +0100
Could you please send me that dates of the following marriages on the
Barrow's family all of whom were married in St Patrick's:Frances Mary Barrow and James Lepp
James Barrow and Mary McKeon
Mariam Barrow and Franciscum Devitt
Petrum Barrow and Brigedam Aspill
Robert Barrow and Eliz Nixon
With Thanks
Answer sent on Wednesday 14th September 2005:
Here are the only details I have on the marriages:
BARROW, ROBERT & ELIZ NIXON, 25-SEP-1846, ST PATRICK'S RC CHURCHThe records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE on One maybe TWO of the marriages.Here is their Email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/Regards,
From: Walter ShawDate: 10-Sep-2005 15:58Subject: Re: RC_cemetery_search_serviceHello Patrick I was at Ford cemetery today and found the graves you kindly
looked up for me. I wonder if you could look the the following one up,
since being in touch with you I have learned a lot more than I knew about
my ancestors, thanks to you, but a good way to go yet!
The one I am looking for now is as follows:John Mullen
Died 01/01/1890
Age about 32
7 Hornby Street
I will continue to give extra donations to CAFOD starting at mass tomorrow Sunday
Thanks again
MarieAnswer sent on Wednesday 14th September 2005:
I did not find a JOHN MULLEN in the Liverpool RC Burial Index. But I did find a JOHN MULLIN
Ford Cemetery:
Section: SV
Public Plot: 2866John Mullin
7 Hornby Street
Age: 32
Interred: 5/1/1890With it being a Public Plot (Pauper Grave), there will be no marker.
From: Blaine Scott <bscott?smcdsb.on.ca>To: liverpoolhibernian?gmail.comDate: 11-Sep-2005 05:12Subject: Re: look-upThanks for seeking word of Agnes Spencer's marriage Patrick.
I do know when she married.
I don't have my record of request to you to see what records you can search.
Do you check census files?
In any event, could you tell me what areas you can check in and I will send what ancestors I'm seeking that might be in those records. Sorry for the extra trouble identifying what you can look up.
Blaine Scott Midland ON CanadaAnswer sent on Wednesday 14th September 2005:
I sometimes do checks in the Index to the 1851 Census of Liverpool, when I'm not busy, but I'm busy most of the time...
I do a cemetery search service in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, which covers Ford, Yew Tree and Ainsdale Cemeteries (1859 -1989), see:
Cemetery Search Service, Ford, Yew Tree & Ainsdale (over 250,000 names)
I also do a Liverpool RC marriage search service, see:
Liverpool Area RC Marriage Index (over 64,000 names) 1800-1900 approx.
Index of Marriages at St Anthony's RC church Liverpool (over 5,800 names) 1856-1906
From: Walter ShawDate: 14-Sep-2005 13:56Subject: Re: RC_cemetery_search_serviceThanks Patrick
I have come across multiple spellings for every thing I have searched, so
you do have the right one. I have another one here that you could possibly
help me with, when you have time, it is Daniel Mc Gookin I have got three
spellings for this one, the other two are Mc Gukian and Mc Googan.The info. I have:
Daniel Mc Gookin
Died April to June 1920
Age 38.
I have not got an address but it could have been Shadwell Street or Athol Street.Thanks for all your help Patrick, I promise to keep the donations flowing.
All the best
MarieAnswer sent on Thursday 15th September 2005:
Thank you for any donation you make to CAFOD.
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Plot records:
Ford Cemetery
Section: SJ
Public Plot: 608Daniel McGookine
188 Athol Street
Age: 38 years
Interred: 7/4/1920This is another spelling variation for you. As this is a Public Plot (Pauper Grave), there will be no marker.
From: cathalDate: 15-Sep-2005 20:24Subject: Ro(d)ger GradyDear Pat,
I am searching for the date and place of death of a Ro(d)ger Grady, who I believe died
in Liverpool. He was born in the townland of Tobracken, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Mayo,
Ireland and baptised on 3 December 1858 in St. Nathy's Cathedral, Ballaghaderreen. His
father was John Grady and his mother was Catherine Do(g)herty.
Roger Grady married Ellen Horan on 15 February 1906 in Kilmovee, Co. Mayo. But just
after the wedding he was institutionalised for about 7 years in a Mental Hospital in
Castelbar, Co. Mayo. He was taken out of the Hospital in 1913 by his first cousin
Joseph Grady, who was living in Liverpool. This Joseph Grady was born abt. 1856 in the
townland of Tonragee, Ballaghaderreen.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Grady.Answer sent on Friday 16th September 2005:
I did not find a Ro(d)ger Grady in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, I also checked under name O'Grady.
From: FionaharveyDate: 15-Sep-2005 22:06Subject: Re: RC_cemetery_search_servicePatrick
Many thanks for getting back to me. I am presently in the UK but unfortunately won't have time to come up to Liverpool this time.
I would be grateful if you would see if you have details for the following person.
Born in Ireland about 1809
Died 71 years
Died in West Derby 1880 approx
Possible address may have been 186 Phythian Street, Liverpool
I do hope you will be able to help me with this.
Many thanks
Fiona HarveyAnswer sent on Friday 16th September 2005:
I could only find one Rose Molloy in the Liverpool RC Burial Index in around 1880, but she was a child:
Ford Cemetery
Section: SV
Public Plot: 1449Rose Ellen Molloy
44 Trueman Street
Age: 7 years
Interred: 5/12/1884
From: Mark HiggieDate: 15-Sep-2005 23:33Subject: Liverpool early RC parish recordsDear Pat
I heard that Marie McQuade was coming back into circulation, and sent her an e-mail to look for some Liverpool RC baptisms (which aren’t on the IGI).
The e-mail bounced. Would you be able to advise whether the index she has to early RC parish records is unique to her or whether other Liverpool researches or the Central Library also have access to this?
Best wishes
Mark Higgie
Canberra, Australia
Answer sent on Friday 16th September 2005:
The Liverpool RC indices that Marie has created is not accessibly by anyone else, except for some she has published, see:
Marie has not used emails for a long time time. You could try writing to her, here is her address:
Miss M. McQuade BA
8 Ecclesall Avenue
L12 5HQ.
Liverpool & S.W. Lancs FHS, have a list of researchers, see:
From: june liveseyDate: 18-Sep-2005 21:24Subject: rc marriagescode pat-john mcardle -anne rooney,
june livesey with thanksAnswer sent on Monday 19th September 2005:
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
McArdell, John & Anne Rooney, 07-Jan-1836, St Patrick's RC churchThe records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their email address:
For pictures of the church, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/
Patrick Neill in Walmersley LancashirePS. The following could be siblings:
McArdell, Bernard & Mary Murphy, 26-Jun-1830, St Patrick's RC church
McArdell, James & Mary Jenks, 07-Jan-1834, St Patrick's RC church
McArdell, Joseph & Mary Savage, 18-Apr-1837, St Patrick's RC church
McArdell, Mathew & Catharine Gormley, 18-Aug-1834, St Patrick's RC church
McArdell, Patrick & Anne Jenks, 07-Jan-1836, St Patrick's RC church
From: SJDRyan?aol.comDate: 19-Sep-2005 12:47Subject: Yew Tree CemeteryPat,
I am the Historian for Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service and am trying to trace the burial of a Fireman killed in 1940. His name isSergeant Hugh Joseph Hunter
Who was killed on 16 May 1940
And buried a few days later at Yew TreeAge uncertain but he joined the brigade in 1919 and would have been about 21 years old then, so about 42 on his death. Any help would be appreciated, we would like to photograph the grave if we can find it
Many thanks
Simon RyanAnswer sent on Monday 19th September 2005:
Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Plot Records:
Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 3B
Private Plot: 326
Plot Owner: Hugh Joseph HunterMary Hunter
St Augustine's Home, Liverpool L17
Age: 73 years
Interment: 10/1/1939
Hugh Joseph Hunter
42 Burnthwaite Road
Age: 43 years
Interment: 20/5/1940
Ian Joseph Hunter
Liverpool Maternity Hospital Liverpool L7
Age: 2 days
Interment: 15/6/1951
Sarah Margaret Hunter
42 Burnthwaite Road, Liverpool L14
Age: 75 years
Interment: 3/12/1970
Anne Trupiano
72 Beach Lane, Liverpool L18
Age: 57 years
Interment: 8/3/1980Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/bur/yewcem.htmIf you have any problems finding the plot, let me know and I will get my son (Jonathan) to find it and take a picture of any headstone found.
I run another web site (liverpoolmonuments.co.uk ), because of running this, I have heard that a guy called Gabriel Muise is trying to get a Memorial Garden sited in Canning Place, Liverpool. The main purpose of this is a memorial to Joseph Williamson. Also in the Garden, he wants to have memorials to the Firemen & Policemen of Liverpool & Bootle who have lost their lives while carrying out their duty. I will let you know if he gets anywhere with his plans.
I think I would also like to have section on the Liverpool Monuments web site dedicated to the Firemen of Liverpool & Bootle. Do you have any pictures that I could use or can you suggest any Firemen Memorials that my son could photograph?
From: Elizabeth CohenDate: 19-Sep-2005 17:35Subject: Marriages of Patrick RyanI am looking for the marriage of a Patrick Ryan to Ann ? I have found four possible marriages in your index, but have no way of knowing which is the right one. Our Patrick Ryan was a Shoemaker, and according to the 1871 Census, his eldest child was born circa 1859 in Liverpool, so I'm assuming that the marriage took place prior to this.
If you could give me the dates of the four marriages, we will look them up at the Record Office the next time we are there.THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS :-Patrick Ryan to Ann Casey St Patrick'sPatrick Ryan to Ann Finnerty St Patrick'sPatrick Ryan to Ann Connerly Our Lady of ReconciliationPatrick Ryan to Ann Murphy St Marys, Highfield StreetI would be most grateful for your help.Many thanks,Pauline Cohen.Answer sent on Tuesday 20th September 2005:
Here are the only details I have on the marriages:
RYAN, PATRICK & ANN CASEY, 14 APR 1856, St Patrick's RC church
RYAN, PATRICK & ANN MURPHY, 26 MAY 1849, St Mary's HighfieldRYAN, PATRICK of IRELAND & ANN FINNERTY, 25 JAN 1863, St Patrick's RC church
RYAN, PATRICUIUM of IRELAND, MUNSTER & ANNAM CONNOLY of IRELAND, Co. GALWAY, 25 NOV 1860, Our Lady of ReconciliationThe records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
For pictures of the churches, see:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:
UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/
Patrick Neill in Walmersley Lancashire
From: carolynDate: 22-Sep-2005 16:11Subject: ward and dunn
HelloIs it possible for you to look up the marriage of Patrick Dunn and Martha Ward July 1850 St. Mary's Church Edmund Street Liverpool.They are both Irish and I am hoping some mention of where in Ireland they may be from?One can only hope - clutching at straws.CarolynAnswer sent on Sunday 25th September 2005:
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
DUNN, PATRICK & MARTHA WARD, 01 JUL 1850, St Mary's RC church Highfield.
The records to St Mary's have very few addresses in Ireland, sorry.
The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.
Here is their Email address:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
Patrick Neill in Walmersley Lancashire
From: John OrrDate: 24-Sep-2005 17:03Subject: late aunt
Mr Neill,I am trying to find out for family records if my aunt is buried in a Liverpool cemetery. I can't find any record of her death in 1837 0nline. I only met her once in 1940. The only information I have is that she was born in Belfast on the 5/7/1901,and that her last known address was 59 Murcote Rd. Liverpool 14.That was in June of 1955.I know that she never returned to Northern Ireland. So it's a bit of a conundrum. I hope you can help.
From: "M J & M E Brinkman"
Subject: St Peter & Paul Crosby
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 23:09:00 +0100
Dear Pat
I wonder if you can help me with this one? do you know if people could be
buried or commemorated inside St Peter and Paul's church, Crosby. I am
looking for a possible ancestor Henry Green of Crosby. He died in 1857 and
is buried in the St Peter and Paul. I cannot find a gravestone, but feel
sure that he will have a mention somewhere as in his will he left money to
the church and the priest at that time, Reverend Fisher was the executor to
the will.
I have visited the church twice, but it is always closed. Any suggestions
would be welcome.
Maureen BrinkmanAnswer sent on Sunday 25th September 2005:
There is a Henry Green buried in SS Peter & Paul's, Crosby in 1859, see:
Here are the contact details for the church:
SS Peter & Paul's
161 Liverpool Road,
Great Crosby,
Liverpool L23 5TE
0151 929 3456
Office/fax 0151 949 1930
email: ssppaul?aol.comThe present church was built in 1894, see:
For pictures of the church, see:
From: Pauline CohenDate: 26-Sep-2005 01:33Subject: Patrick Ryan marriagesDear Pat,
Thank you for the info. on the Patrick Ryan marriages. I'm sure one of them will turn out to be the right one.Could you please give me the info. on Timothy Crosby and Ann Keegan at St Mary's, Highfield Street, if its not too much trouble. It will save us time when we go to the RO if we have the date. Research time is precious.It really is a super service your giving. We need all the help we can get with our Irish research.We will happily make a donation to CAFOD.Many thanks,
Pauline.Answer sent on Friday 30th September 2005:
Here are the only details I have on this marriage:
CROSBY, TIMOTHY & ANN KEEGAN, 28 NOV 1852, St Mary's RC church Highfield
The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):
Here is their Email address:
For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hibernia/records.htmThank you for any donation you make to CAFOD.
From: John OrrDate: 24-Sep-2005 17:03Subject: late aunt: Hannah Dowling
Mr Neill,I am trying to find out for family records if my aunt is buried in a Liverpool cemetery. I can't find any record of her death in 1837 0nline. I only met her once in 1940. The only information I have is that she was born in Belfast on the 5/7/1901,and that her last known address was 59 Murcote Rd. Liverpool 14.That was in June of 1955.I know that she never returned to Northern Ireland. So it's a bit of a conundrum. I hope you can help.John
Answer sent on Friday 30th September 2005:
I did not find Hannah Dowling in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, I did find an Ann buried after 1955. But she was born too early, she is in the plot with Mary Barberry, Patrick Joseph Barberry, Francis Joseph Barberry & Alice Barberry:
Ford Cemetery
Section: T
Private plot: 307
Plot Owner: Mary Ann KennaAnne Dowling
17 Dallas Grove, Liverpool L19
Age: 82 years
Interred: 24/4/1957Regards,
Answer sent on Sunday 2nd October 2005:
I did not find the marriage in the Liverpool RC Marriage Index.
From: bosieDate: 02-Oct-2005 18:41Subject: MARY ANN MCCABE
Dear Pat,I wonder if you would be able to look up in the Ford, Yew Tree and Ainsdale RC cemeteries for me?The full name is:MARY ANN MCCABE (my Grandmother)
The Cemetery is unknown, but the above three have been mentioned due to their proximity to Walton Hospital where she died and 59a St. Johns Road, Waterloo, where she lived.The date of death was 8th July 1967Age was 78The address was as above 59a St. Johns Road, Waterloo, Liverpool.Thanking you in advance,RosieAnswer sent on Sunday 2nd October 2005:
I did not find Mary Ann McCabe (death 8th July1967) in the Liverpool RC Burial index.
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