Hibernia Family History Emails for September 2006

Hibernia Family History Emails for September 2006

Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007

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    Ford Cemetery Lookups


From: Joan Lovett

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 01-Jun-2006 20:50
Subject: Family

I want to locate the grave of my brother Paul Lovett - born 15th March 1964 died 17th March 1964.

He was buried at Ford Cemetery. I would be most grateful for any information that you could forward

to me to help me in my search.

Thank You.

Patrick Lovett.


Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: T
Private Plot: 235
Plot Owner: Susan Taylor - 2B

Richard Taylor
42 Belmont Road, Liverpool L6 (hospital)
Age: 62 years
Interment: 7/5/1949

Brendan Anthony Gallagher
17 Exeter Road, Liverpool L20
Age: 7 Months
Interment: 21/10/1965

Paul Gerard Lovett
66 Gloucester Road, Liverpool L6
Age: 2 days
Interment: 21/3/1964

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a
headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: Florence

To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian>
Date: 02-Jun-2006 12:33
Subject: Re: Ford cemetery

I found a Maria Bokasky who died June 26 1904 and an Andrew Bogasky who died third quarter 1904. They died in a "workhouse". Is that what they called the quarantine stations? Can you please check if either/both those names are buried near Anna Bukowsky in Ford cemetery?
Thank you.



Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


The only one of the above names I could find in the Liverpool RC Burial Records was:

Ford Cemetery
Section: X
Public Plot: 300

Anna Bukowsky
Southern Hospital, Liverpool L8
Age: 2 years
Interment: 21/6/1904

There will be no marker as it is a Public (Pauper) Grave.

I can't answer your question about ' quarantine stations'.

There are no other BUKOWSKY's in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, this
could be due to mistakes, the name may have been spelt differently or
they could be in another cemetery.

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


No donation required.



From: Elaine Collins

To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian>
Date: 06-Jun-2006 19:45
Subject: Ford Cemetery

Hello Patrick

First of all, as the result of your information about the Gibbons and McCoys I was over in Liverpool last weekend and able visit the graves and place some flowers on my forebears graves. Many thanks for enabling me to do that.

One more query now arises - can you find a record for the grave of Sarah Gibbons born c 1805 in Ireland and died post 1881 - last known address 28 Midghall Street, Liverpool.

Many thanks

Elaine Collins


Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


I did not find your Sarah Gibbons. Here are the Sarah Gibbons'  post 1881 from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Public plot, SV, 605, 9/6/1881, 16 Bevin Lane L8, age 33 years

Public plot, SV, 2536, 12/11/1888, Rose Hill, 1 Court, Age 70 years

Public plot, BZ, 1774, 9/8/1896, 52 Rockigham Street, Age 9 months

Private plot, RD, 23, 19/2/1913, 81 Flinders Street, age 55 years, also in the same plot: John Gibbons, Elizabeth Gibbons and James Gibbons

No donation required.



From: Mr William A. Hughes.

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Cc: William Alfred Hughes
Date: 07-Jun-2006 02:54
Subject: Death_Burial_Links

Hi Pat I am wondering if you know anything about what once was the " Bootle
County Borough Cemetery
". I left the UK in 1965 emigrating to Australia .I
was a Police Constable in the Bootle County Borough Police Force at that
time. I have had no luck whatsoever trying to find anyone who has even heard
of this cemetery, yet it is still shown on the Maps of Merseyside . Can you
please help me if you know how I can find out my Grand Parents dates of
birth & death as they are both buried in the same grave in Bootle Cemetery .
I await your reply . Yours Sincerely Bill Hughes

Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


I can't answer your question. But you could try  send emails to the following:

Crosby Library, see:


"Bob Halliday" XXXXXXXXX  (He has a great knowledge of the Liverpool area burial grounds)



From: enorman529

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Cc: Elizabeth.Norman
Date: 27-Jun-2006 22:30
Subject: MARY BAIN

Good evening,

I am researching family in Wigan area and I recently found an entry on lds and was wondering if it was correct.

Mary Bain born 13/03/1854 and baptised 18/03/1854 at St Patrick's, Liverpool.
Father Peter Bain (Baihn) and Margaret ?,

From census return of 1851 they had a daughter Mary in 1850, I didn't know about this daughter and I haven't found a death for earlier Mary.

I know Peter and Margaret got married in 1848 in Wigan area (am awaiting certificate). They are both from Ireland, is there anyway of finding out where in Ireland they are from ? Peter does not appear in the 1841 census, so must have emigrated to Britain between 1841 and 1848.I have only found 4 children for this family and this just seemed strange for a catholic family of this era to only have 4 children. There must have been more who sadly passed at an early age.

Is there anywhere I can check if this is another Mary Bain?

I would very much appreciate any help you can give me on this.


Lizz Norman


Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


You should contact the Liverpool Record Office and ask them to give you the full details from the Baptism Register.
Here is their email address: recoffice.central.libraryXXXXXXXXXX

By Josie McCANN & MARIE McQUADE, see:




From: Washienko, Loretta

To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 28-Jun-2006 02:19
Subject: St. Anthony's R.C. Church - Liverpool

Dear Mr. Neill,

I recently found your listing of marriages at St. Anthony's Church in Liverpool. I was ecstatic
to find my great-great parents name in the registry.

From family records I believe that they (Thomas Tynan and Emma Earle) were married on
April 1, 1865.

I was wondering if you could tell me how to go about requesting the marriage certificate or record
from St. Anthony's. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Warmest regards,

Loretta Washienko

New York, New York

Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


Here are the details I have on the marriage:

THOMAM TYNAN & EMMAM EARLE, married  22 APR 1867 at St Anthony's RC church Liverpool.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: Jason Harston

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 01-Jul-2006 01:28

Hello Mr. Neill,
I found your e-mail address on-line and am most interested in the records available from Our Lady of Reconciliation. My g-g-g grandather and mother, William Wilson and Mary Maxwell were married there on 9 June, 1856 and I know that their oldest child, Eliza was born in Liverpool in 1857 or 1858. Can the churches birth records be searched to see if she was baptized in the same church and would they tell us her exact date of birth?

I'd be most grateful for your help, or if you could please point me in the right direction.

Many thanks,
Christy Harston
Columbus, Ohio, USA

Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


The church Baptism register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may carry out a  FREE search for you.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: huddy2
To: patrick_neill
Subject: Parry Burials
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 18:57:53 +1000

Dear Patrick

I would be grateful if you could do a search of the Ford Cemetery Records for my grandparents.

Joseph Stanley PARRY
Born ?? 1890
Died 13 / 4/ 1963
Aged 73 years

Amelia Parry
Born 13 / 8 / 1897
Died 14 / 12/ 1978
Aged 81 years

As far as I know they are buried in the same family plot.

I reside in Australia.

Sincerely yours



Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


I did not find your Grandparents in the Liverpool RC Burial Records, but I found this entry:

Joseph Stanley PARRY
Section: SV
Public plot: 348
62 Lemon Street
Age: 2 years
Interment: 17/11/1926

No donation required.



From: may otoole
To: ronformby
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 2:11 PM
Subject: Hi

My grandmother was born in Oriel Street in Liverpool in1874. Can you tell me the names of the Catholic Churches nearest to this location. I would love to get her Baptism Certificate.
May O'Toole

Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


There is an Oriel Street off Vauxhall Road, the nearest RC church is Our Lady of Reconciliation, Eldon Street.

The Baptism register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may carry out a  FREE search for you.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




From: ma.hart

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 04-Jul-2006 08:25
Subject: Liverpool Irish National League

Hi Pat,

Great website.
Do you know anything about the Liverpool Irish National League around the
late 19th century or of any sources I could check out. Any information would
be much appreciated.

Regards Mark

Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:

I don't know anything about the Liverpool Irish Nation League.
I found this article:

I will forward your email to Mike Kelly and see if he can assist.

From: John McNamara

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 08-Jul-2006 12:43
Subject: Liverpool_baptisms

Hi Pat

Trying to trace baptism records of my G/grandfather Timothy McNamara born 8th April 1858

I know his mother and father William and Elizabeth (Mullen) McNamara were married on 14th December 1847 at St Anthony's Scotland I have the marriage cert

Were will I find Timothy's baptism records?

Hope that you can assist me


John McNamara

Answer sent Saturday 2nd September 2006:


The Baptism registers for St Anthony's RC church are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may carry out a  FREE search for you.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




Three hours spent answering eleven family history emails on Saturday 2nd September 2006

From: Alan Sharwood

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 12-Jul-2006 00:08
Subject: Liverpool_cemetery_links_page

Dear Pat;
I'm looking for the proverbial needle and hope you can help.
We are attempting to do my wife's family history and I can't find where a certain gent is interned.
Possibly you could point us in the right direction'
His name is Thomas Charnley and was a mariner who died at sea in1896 at 66yrs.
His wife was Isabella interned with Thomas in 1923.
The grave stone etc was erected by "E. Waterson" of Longmoor Lane No. 1.305.
That's all I can make out from an old photo. we have.
We are a little restricted in research as we live in Sth. Gippsland Vic. Aust.

Hope you may assist

Yours Sincerely
Stephen A Sharwood.

Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


I checked the Liverpool RC burial records, but did not fine a Thomas Charnley.

The burial records for Kirkdale Cemetery (Longmoor Lane, Walton) are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may carry out a  FREE search for you.

Here is their Email address: 


If that fails, you could tried contacting Bob Halliday  XXXXXXXXXXXXX, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery Liverpool.

If you want a copy of a Death Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: bbauld

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 16-Jul-2006 02:27
Subject: Marriage Index

I have found an entry for the Marriage of Patrick Cox to Harriet Doyle, code PET on your index.
Their daughter Margaret Mary Elizabeth Cox b 1844 married Patrick Joseph CASSIDY 20 Mar 1864 in NSW and died 23 Jul 1896 in Sydney NSW.
How do I find out more information on this marriage please. I am more than happy to pay for it.

Beryl Bauld, Sydney, Australia

Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


Here is the information I have on the marriage:

COX, PATRICK & HARRIET DOYLE, were married  on 3-Nov-1835 at St Peter RC church, Seel Street Liverpool.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: Alan Kavanagh

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 20-Jul-2006 23:46
Subject: Patrick Kavanagh

I apologise for sending this when you advise on your website that the service will be closed until September. However, I know that I will lose track if I don’t contact you now and am quite happy to wait for your response.

I am looking to trace my great-great-grandfather, Patrick Kavanagh who came to Liverpool in the 1860’s and married Ellen Power at St. Patrick’s church in Park Place in the Jan Quarter of 1869.

Patrick and Ellen had at least 4 children that I know of. My great-grandfather was Edward or ‘Ned’. Ned went on to marry Bridget ‘Bridie’ Brannen and they had at least 7 children, one of whom was my grandfather, Patrick Kavanagh.

I would love to know if the record says anything about Patrick and Ellen’s origins in Ireland or about their parents.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Alan Kavanagh

Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


Here is the information I have on the marriage:

KAVANAGH, PATRICIUM & ELLENAM POWER were married on 17 JAN 1870 at St Patrick's RC church

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they will give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: Peter

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 23-Jul-2006 17:29
Subject: St James R.C. Church Bootle Marriage

Hi Pat,
My grandparents Albert Bardin born 1875, bachelor Seamen, aged 25 years, married my grandmother Jane Drew a widow at St James' church 04/10/1904. I have already purchased their marriage certificate Albert's residence at the time of marriage was 33 Jersey St. Bootle and Jane's was 26 Denbigh St. Bootle. Both Albert and Jane were Irish. Albert's father was Patrick Bardin (Pensioner) Jane's father was William Davies (Stone Mason).
I am not able to find a birth certificate for Albert or where in Ireland he came from.
Perhaps you might point me in the right direction, on how to obtain this information. Is it possible that the information that I require, might be on St. James marriage register, if so who will have hold of these registers now?
Kind regards
Peter Richards

Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


Like most people searching for Irish ancestors, you will find it very difficult to locate the birth/baptism ancestor in Ireland unless they tell in a marriage licence/register or a census entry. Check out:

By Josie McCANN & MARIE McQUADE, see:


The records for St James's RC church, Bootle are held at Crosby Library, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: John McNamara

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 23-Jul-2006 20:44
Subject: Burial records

Dear Pat,

My g/grandfather Timothy McNamara according to his death cert died at the Liverpool Workhouse on the 10th January 1901

I cannot trace his burial records my ancestors are buried at Ford Cemetery I was wondering if the Workhouse had their own burial plot can you help to find were he may be buried

I am more than willing to donate to Cafod, I am a regular contributor


John McNamara


Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


I did not find Timothy in the Liverpool RC Burial Index.

The Liverpool Workhouse did not have their own burial plot.

The records for the Liverpool Workhouse are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If that fails, you could tried contacting Bob Halliday  <XXXXXXXXXXXX>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery Liverpool.

No donation required.



From: Freda Elsden

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 26-Jul-2006 17:21
Subject: Query

I would be very grateful if you could answer a query I have regarding an entry on the RC Marriage Index. I realise that the entry is covered by the L&SWL FHS but am not sure who to write to there.

I have checked on FreeBMD for a marriage of an ancestor of mine and found the one I’m looking for. It occurred in the December Qtr of 1861 and the site shows 4 people under the reference Liverpool 8b 398. These are Margaret Casslin, Thomas Hart, Catherine Purcell and Thomas Reynolds.

I know from a baptism record that my couple are Thomas Reynolds and Margaret Casslin. I have checked the RC Marriages Index, and whilst I can find the marriage of Thomas Hart and Catherine Purcell recorded as taking place in Holy Cross, my ancestors do not appear in the index at all. I find this strange as both these marriages have the same year, quarter and reference, so must have taken place at the same church.

I live in Yorkshire, so a friend of mine called to Central Library to look the marriage up for all the details. She was advised by the library staff that the records for Holy Cross between 1858 and 1864 are missing. I’m at a loss to understand how this can be when the people who have kindly indexed some of the churches have recorded at least one marriage which took place in 1861.

I would be grateful if you could shed any light on this query and advise me where I could find the missing records.

Many thanks for your help.

Kind Regards

Freda Elsden


Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


Sorry, I can't answer your query. Maybe the priest did not write the marriage into the church register. Maybe the transcriber missed the entry... The records for Holy Cross are held at the Liverpool Record Office, but they may at repair or available on microfilm only, see:




If you contact the LVRO, they may do a check for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




From: Sheila
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 02-Aug-2006 10:16
Subject: burial 1891

Hi Patrick I wonder if you can help me please?...I am looking for the burial of a Richard Fahy/Fahey in 1891, the only info I have is that this was in the district of West Derby
S. Fahey

Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


I did not find a Richard Fahy/Fahey in the Liverpool RC Burial Records for the year 1891.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Death Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


You could also tried contacting Bob Halliday  XXXXXXXXXXXXX, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery Liverpool.

No donation required.



From: Lyn & Norm
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 02-Aug-2006 12:49
Subject: Norman Evans in Australia

Dear Mr Neill
Would you be able to find for me where my grandfather Edward Evans is buried? he lived at 27 Olivia street Bootle in 1908 when he died on the 6 August, his wife's name was Ann Evans. Ann is not buried with him, she died in 1922 and is buried at Bootle cemetery. His age on the certificate is 65 but I know he was born in 1838. If you have a fee please let me know. I found you on the web under 'Hibernia Family history emails'

Norman Evans

Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


I did not find an Edward Evans in the Liverpool RC Burial Records for the year 1908.

You could also tried contacting Bob Halliday  XXXXXXXXXXXXX, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery Liverpool.

No donation required.



From: barry anderson

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 02-Aug-2006 21:41
Subject: My Ancestors

Dear Pat

I hope you don't mind me emailing you. I am desperately trying to find my Father's parents and the only thing I have to go on is that my father was Baptised at St. Sylvester's RC Church, Liverpool 5 on 28th December, 1914. His name was John Radford born on 16th December, 1914. He was the 5th child of Patrick Radford and Margaret Roche. My father had four other brothers and one sister. When they were young they went back to Ireland. I know my grandfather was English but my grandmother was Irish.

Would you have any other records of perhaps their marriage or baptisms of my father's siblings? Their names were: Phillip, Nicholas, Leonard, Margaret and Frederick. I don't have any dates at all and have no living relatives I could ask.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Theresa Anderson


Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:

Theresa ,

Maybe Patrick Radford and Margaret Roche were married at St Sylvester's RC church.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may do a FREE search for you.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


Here are all the Radford marriages I have:

RADFORD, ANNE & EDWARD TIERNAN, 26 OCT 1848, St Mary's RC church, Highfield
RADFORD, EDWARD & BRIDGET JANE FEE, 10 NOV 1860, St Patrick's RC church
RADFORD, JACOBUM & FLORENTIAM EVANS, 20 MAR 1893, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception RC church



From: Lalita Carlton-Jones

To: liverpoolHibernian
Date: 03-Aug-2006 11:23
Subject: Burials

Hello Patrick,

Just been introduced to your brilliant site by a member of Liverpool FHS.

Found my ancestors Thomas Lalley and Catherine Fearns without even trying!

However my query is where would RC inmates of the workhouse have been
buried? Mary Ann Lally died 25.2.99 and her Mother Catherine Lally formerly
Fearns died 9.9.81.

I support SOS Villages for Children and will send them a donation if you are
able to help.

Kind regards.

Lally Carlton-Jones


Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


I'm glad you found the site of use. I did not find a Mary Ann Lally (died 25.2.99) or her Mother Catherine Lally (died 9.9.81) in the  Liverpool RC Burial Records. There are many are many burial grounds in Liverpool were they could have been interred. You could tried contacting Bob Halliday  XXXXXXXXXXXXX, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery Liverpool.

Not donation required.



From: John McNamara

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 06-Aug-2006 19:47
Subject: St Sylvester's

Hi Pat

For your records my grandparents Michael Dempsey and Margaret Ann Hughes married on March 3rd 1909 at St Sylvester’s

Father John Swabrick officiated and the witness’s were Patrick McLoughlin and Emily Callon

Registrar was Thomas F Littler

For some reason or other they were married at St Sylvester’s even though they were parishioners of St Augustine’s Great Howard St

They lived in Sherwood St

Hope this helps


John McNamara

Answer sent Sunday 3rd September 2006:


Thanks for your email, I have added the details to the St Sylvester's marriages, see:


If you have the father's names, let me have them and I will add to the list.



Three and a half hours spent answering eleven family history emails on Sunday 3rd September 2006

From: gadgetnana
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 13-Aug-2006 12:18
Subject: R C Marriage

Hi There,
I was wondering how to get more information on a marriage entry at St Austin's church in Grassendale Garston
My husbands Great Great Grandparents are listed there as I found out a few years ago and just rechecked.
Is there a charge to get more information?
What records are available?
If records are available what sort of information do they have.
We are trying to trace further back and keep getting dead ends with limited access to sites.
I await your response.
Thank you Shirl

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


The records for St Austin's RC church (1858-1895) are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may do a FREE search for you.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


To see what records are available, see:


The information varies from church to and priest to priest...

You could do a search of the St Austin's marriages at:




Come back to me if you fine a match.



From: James Maxwell

To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 13-Aug-2006 12:26
Subject: burial check

Dear Patrick,

Could I ask for your help on adding to the information on a Bridget Mangan ( nee Maxwell ) I will be only to pleased to make a

contribution to Cafod regardless if you find anything or not.

Name Bridget Mangan. Address, Trueman Street - 4 Court. Not sure what parish Trueman Street is in, as yet I have not located. It's whereabouts

RC burials, Buried August 1st, 1902. In Ford cemetery section A. Public plot 259.

Approximate age 72. DOB 1830.

Do you have any details on the owner of the grave or any background information on other occupants in this grave?

I would be most grateful for any details however small.

My thanks to you for your help.


Jim (Maxwell)

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


You have all the information that is in the Liverpool RC Burial Records. As it is a public plot/pauper grave, there is no owner and the other people in the plot will not be related.

Trueman Street is in the Holy Cross parish.

For pictures of  Holy Cross church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


No donation required.



From: angela pauline bibby

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 18-Aug-2006 15:21
Subject: Margaret Bibby nee Fagan

Hi Pat
I found your details on the computer. I hope you can help me?

I am looking to trace my grandmother who was Margaret Bibby (nee Fagan) I know she was born in the Jan/Feb/March quarter of 1917 in Liverpool married in 1936 but died around 1940/41 ish . I know this as my dad has a younger sister who was born around 1940. I think they were from the Dingle area of the city.

I have been unable to find any death certificate notice on her, but my father recalls her dying around this time (he was about 4 years old). her next of kin would have been her husband Albert or her family who were called Fagan (possibly her dad Hugh).

I do hope you are able to assist, I would be pleased to donate some money to CAFOD - just tell me how you would like me to do this. Directly to CAFOD or at my Church in St Mary's Woolton.
Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
Kind Regards

Pauline Bibby

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: SV
Public Plot: 3442

Margaret Bibby
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 23 years
Interment: 29/2/1940

There will be no marker as it is a Public (Pauper) Grave.

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to CAFOD at your church.



Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:28:10 +0100
From: Vincent.Hessey
To: patrick_neill_fh
Subject: Grave Location

Hi Patrick

Can you help locate my fathers grave, thanks in anticipation


James Hessey
Cemetery- FORD RC Cemetery
Approximate date of death/burial. 1963
Approximate age: 54 years
Last Known address: 3c Caryl Gardens Liverpool L8

Vince Hessey

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


There is only one James Hessey in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, but he died too early:

Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: A
Public plot: 941

James Hessey
Alder Hey Hospital Liverpool L12
Age: 18 months
Interment: 11/9/1931

Could this be your brother?

Your father could be in Ford Cemetery under another name.. As I know there are lots of mistakes in the Liverpool RC Burial Index....

No donation required.



From: Byrne, Andrea

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 30-Aug-2006 08:41
Subject: Can you help me find my Grandmother

Hi Pat

I am trying to find out where my Grandmother is buried in Liverpool , I think it maybe in Anfield

Her name was Veronica Byrne, sometimes called Vera
Her maiden name was nee McDonagh
She died on the 18/08/1995.

She was married to Francis Byrne who is now buried in Palmerstown in Co. Dublin
She had three children Paul, Nigel and Keith.

Hope this helps

If you could give me any info on her I would really appreciate it


Andrea Byrne


Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


The microfiche index to the Liverpool RC Burial Records goes from 1859 - 1989. For the year 1995, you would need to contact the RC Burial Board and ask them to check.

If you think Veronica is buried at Anfield Cemetery, you could try Bob Halliday  XXXXXXXXXXXXX, he does a search service for there.



From: kenny
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 31-Aug-2006 20:24








Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


Here are the details I have on the marriage:


The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


The name in brackets (wid.JONES) could mean she was previously married to 'Jones' or it could be her maiden name. Checking the marriage register would answer the question.

Thank you for any donation you make to Marie Curie.



From: Yvonne Lund

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 03-Sep-2006 13:25
Subject: ANT marriages

I wonder if you could supply any details of a marriage for

Samuel Robinson and Jane Brady at St Anthony's, which is given on your Liverpool RC Marriages.

Thanking you in anticipation
Yvonne Lund

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


Here are the details I have on the marriage:

ROBINSON, SAMUEL & JANE BRADY, 15 OCT 1854, St Anthony's RC church.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: joe cookson

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 03-Sep-2006 20:02

Do you details for a Joseph Cookson buried in the late sixties in Ford cemetery.
He was around 90 years old.



Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


Here are the details of the Cookson family plot from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: PO
Private Plot: 123
Plot Owner: Joseph Cookson  - Crem remains 07021985

Letitia Drury
2 Flint Place
Age: 79 years
Interment: 28/1/1946

Winifred Cookson
2 Flint Place, Liverpool L20
Age: 70 years
Interment: 2/2/1952

Joseph Cookson
34 Pittsmead Road, L32
Age: 91 years
Interment: 21/12/1967

Winifred Cookson
4 Hope Cottages, Upper Green Road, St Helene, Isle Of White
Age: 81 years
Interment: 7/2/1985

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a
headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: Bill Green
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 04-Sep-2006 17:38
Subject: Ford Cemetery

Dear Pat

Please check your Ford Cemetery index for my G2 Grandfather Thomas Duggan died 5 November 1906 aged 66. He lived in Lune Street, Everton.

Thanks a lot
Bill Green

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


I did not find a Thomas Duggan in the Liverpool RC Burial Index for the year 1906.

No donation required.



From: Bill Green

To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 04-Sep-2006 17:40
Subject: Ford Cemetery again

Dear Pat

Please check your Ford Cemetery index for my G2 Grandmother Catherine Duggan died July-September 1905. She lived in Lune Street, Everton.

Thanks again
Bill Green

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


I did not find a Thomas Duggan in the Liverpool RC Burial Index for the year 1906.

You could try contacting Bob Halliday  XXXXXXXXXXXXX, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery Liverpool.

No donation required.



From: Des Grenfell
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 05-Sep-2006 12:14
Subject: Liverpool RC Marriages


I’m trying to trace my Irish roots back a little further and wondered if you might be able to provide any further information on the following marriage;

Bridget DOOLEY to Edward HYNES in St Anthony’s RC Church Liverpool in 1861.

Many Thanks

Des Grenfell

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


Here are the details I have on the marriage:

DOOLEY, BRIDGET & EDWARD HYNES, 30 JUN 1861, St Anthony’s RC Church Liverpool.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: James Maxwell
To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 05-Sep-2006 19:45
Subject: apology jim Maxwell

Dear Patrick,
I think I owe you an apology, a few weeks ago I sent you an e-mail asking about a Bridget Maxwell buried in a public plot and who else was in it, I have since been told that a public plot seems to be a paupers grave.
As you will have guessed I'm not very good at this looking for relatives game. So for my stupidity I sent Cafod a cheque for £XX and I'm sorry to have bothered you with that one.

If you could check another for me I would be most grateful?
They are my brother and sister:

Annetta (or Annette ) M Maxwell, Aged three. who's funeral was on the 13 February 1937. death records L,pool 1st quarter
Vol 8 b page 58.

Michael J Maxwell, Aged about two. His funeral was in the third quarter of 1931, death records L,pool
Volt 8 be page 60.

Can you tell me please Patrick if the two names above are in the same grave and if so who else is in that grave. Our family grave is in Ford and my Father Michael Joseph Maxwell (1865 to 1951 ) is in it. I know there are other Maxwell graves related to us there but I don't know any details. It is possible that the two names above are in my Fathers grave and their names are not on the gravestone, or are they in one of the other related Maxwell graves. I hope you can help me on this one. I would go over and have a look but it is a 500 mile trip for me to do so.

Again my apologise for my blunder.

Best wishes,

Jim Maxwell.


Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


No apology required, we all make mistakes. I'm sure CAFOD will make good use of your generous donation, thank you.

Here are the details of the family plot from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: SP
Private Plot: 389
Plot Owner: Isabella Susan Maxwell

Isabella Susan Maxwell
72 Prescot Street, Liverpool L7
Age:  13 years
Interment: 23/4/1881

Mary Isabella Maxwell
31 Chapel Lane, Liverpool L5
Age:  10 months
Interment: 30/8/1898

James M. Maxwell
97 Breck Road
Age: 1 month
Interment: 12/3/1905

Margaret Maxwell
64 Elm Road
Age: 33 years
Interment: 4/6/1905

Michael Paul Maxwell
Mill Lane Hospital, Liverpool L15
Age: 5 years
Interment: 1/9/1931

Michael James Maxwell
20 Prospect Street, (Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital  Liverpool L7)
Age: 2 years
Interment: 7/9/1931

Annetta Mary Maxwell
Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital  Liverpool L7
Age: 3 months
Interment: 13/2/1937


Here are the details of your father's grave:

Ford Cemetery
Section: R
Private Plot: 244
Plot Owner:  Ann Maxwell

Michael  Maxwell
20 Prospect Street
Age:  82 years
Interment: 20/9/1912

Ann  Maxwell
20 Prospect Street
Age:  80 years
Interment: 26/6/1913

Mary Ann  Maxwell
Royal Infirmary, Liverpool L3
Age: 61 years
Interment: 15/4/1925

Michael J. Maxwell
55 Handfield, Liverpool L22
Age:  85 years
Interment: 19/3/1951

Margaret Philomena Maxwell
55 Handfield Road
Age:  89 years
Interment: 17/8/1960

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the graves, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a
headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


That's again for your donation to CAFOD.



From: Kehoeaj
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 05-Sep-2006 22:02
Subject: Marriage

I am searching for details of the marriage of Francis Adderley and Ann Cunningham brief details of which appear on the website.

Tony Kehoe


Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


Here are the details I have on the marriage:

Adderley, Francis & Ann Cunningham, 28-Apr-1839, St Patrick's RC church

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: margaret MCGUIGAN

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 05-Sep-2006 22:58
Subject: Cemetery Look up please.

Hello Pat. Could you please look for a burial. I have finally found my grandmother. MARY KENNY. Died in City Hospital. Toxteth, registered same date.14th JULY 1903. Wife of ROGER KENNY. AGE 43 years. Address 4 in either 5 or 3 court PRINCE EDWIN ST. TOXTETH. Possibly FORD.? Catholic.
Thanks a lot. Margaret.

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


I checked the Liverpool RC Burial Index but did not find your Mary Kenny, I found these Mary Kenny's for the year 1903:

X, 52, 22/4/1903

X, 97, 22/6/1903

X, 88, 29/6/1903

1A, 30, 7/5/1903

You could try contacting Bob Halliday  XXXXXXXXXXX, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery Liverpool.

No Donation required.



From: Colbeck
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 06-Sep-2006 08:53
Subject: Burial Record.

Hi Patrick,

Can you help me please. I am searching for burial record of my great grandmother

JOHANNA MAHER. I have details from 1901 census she was then age 67 and is a widow living at,

12 Athol Street with her daughter Johanna O` Rourke and her husband John O`Rourke.

She was born in Ireland.

I believe she was a catholic

Any help appreciated.

Regards Ellen Colbeck

Answer sent Wednesday 6th September 2006:


Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: AD
Public Plot: 513

Johanna Maher
2 Ascot Street
Age: 69 years
Interment: 16/10/1912

There will be no marker as it is a Public (Pauper) Grave.

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




Three and a half hours spent answering fifteen family history emails on Wednesday 6th September 2006

From: BURJ302
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Cc: luludumdum
Date: 06-Sep-2006 13:49
Subject: patricia geroux

patricia geroux
ford cemetry
2months approx

child had comeover from america with mother to visit family who lived on commercial road kirkdale.
brother of child's mother lived in crocus street kirkdale


Answer sent Sunday 10th September 2006:


I did not find one GEROUX in the Liverpool RC Burial Index.

No Donation required.

You could try; Bob Halliday  <XXXXXXX>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.



From: BURJ302
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Cc: luludumdum
Date: 06-Sep-2006 14:07

ford cemetery
john fitzpatrick
in his fifties
died in june or july 1951
married to catherine fitzpatrick both from ireland


Answer sent Sunday 10th September 2006:


I found two John Fitzpatrick's in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, both were too old, interments on; 5/5/1951 & 26/6/1950.

No donation required.



From: Lynda Burns
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 06-Sep-2006 18:42
Subject: maureen patricia geroux

ford cemetry liverpool
maureen patricia geroux
born 5 august 1954
died 30 august 1955
family lived commercial road kirkdale liverpool

Answer sent Sunday 10th September 2006:


I did not find one GEROUX in the Liverpool RC Burial Index.

No Donation required.

You could try; Bob Halliday  <XXXXXXXX>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.



From: howgego
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 06-Sep-2006 22:25
Subject: ford cemetary

Looking for info of JOHN HENRY MURRAY buried 1902 age 34

Grateful for any info. thanks

C Howgego


Answer sent Sunday 10th September 2006:

C Howgego

Here are the details of your family grave:

Ford Cemetery
Section: 1A
Private Plot: 209
Plot Owner:  John Murray

8 Greenland Street
Age:  34 years
Interment: 3/12/1902

Catherine MURRAY
Coroners Order
Age:  55 years
Interment: 19/12/1902

Roscoe Lane, 5-Court, 3-house
Age: 72 years
Interment: 8/2/1911

Roscoe Lane, 3 Court, 5 house
Age:  57 years
Interment: 6/3/1912

Royal Infirmary, Liverpool L3
Age:  64 years
Interment: 29/7/1919

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: MJAMES361
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 07-Sep-2006 14:52
Subject: burial details

I hope you can help me trace an ancestors grave his name is james mcmanamon roman catholic. He was born in 1863 in ireland but was living in liverpool when he died he was living at 19 hughes street garston i believe he died in the 1930s he had a lot of family in the west derby area over the next generation. Gave a donation for my daughter as her school is doing a project on world hunger decided to increase it even if you cant help, you were still offering to help people out of you own goodness
god bless you

jim mcmanamon


Answer sent Sunday 10th September 2006:


I did not find your James McManamon, I did find a James McManamin, but he was too old and the wrong address:

Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 1A
Private Plot: 349

50 Russian Drive
Age:  87 years
Interment: 16/2/1929

Also in the plot: Agnes, Teresa, Esther and Catherine Lilian MCMANAMIN

James McManamon may be buried in the grave yard of St Austin' RC church in Garston. The records are still with the church. Here are the contact details;

email - staustinsofficeXXXXXX

tel - 0151 427 3033

fax - 0151 494 0600

If that fails you could try Bob Halliday, <XXXXXXX>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.

Thank you for your donation to World Hunger.



From: joe cookson
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 07-Sep-2006 20:57
Subject: Re: Ford Cemetary

Thanks for the information we'll make an additional donation to Cafod.

If its not too much trouble could you search the following vague details

James Cookson, died during war and was probably buried around 1940-1945 in Ford

John Quinn died 1931
Ellen Quinn died between 1920 -1930
I imagine they should be in the same grave.

Thank you again

Joe Cookson

Answer sent Sunday 10th September 2006:


I'm glad to be of help. Thank you for the donation to CAFOD.

Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: AF
Private Plot: 789
Plot Owner:  Soldiers World War Grave

James Henry Cookson
Military Reception Station - Litcombe
Age:  40 years
Interment: 7/12/1942


Here is a John Quinn:

Ford Cemetery
Section: TW
Private Plot: 612
Plot Owner: John Quinn

John Quinn
Wesley Street (Royal Infirmary, Liverpool L3)
Age:  64 years
Interment: 7/8/1931

Also in the plot: Mary Ann McArthur, Mary Dunn and Rose Ann Dunn


Here is an Ellen Quinn:

Ford Cemetery
Section: R
Private Plot: 535
Plot Owner: John Quinn

Ellen Quinn
25 Wesley Street
Age:  51 years
Interment: 27/10/1920

Also in the plot: Thomas, Michael Joseph, Elizabeth and Clara Quinn.

If you want the full details of the above plots, please let me know.

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: Aileendragonfly
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 15:46:47 -0400
Subject: Stained Glass at St. Anthony
To: patrick_neill_fh

Dear Patrick,

I am currently tracing the history of my grandfather William Hollywood Salmon. We know very little of his life, only that he was an artist and that he possible designed the stained glass 'Christ the King' at St. Anthony's.

I would be so grateful if you could let me know of any records that you may have which could confirm this. It would be a start!!

Yours very sincerely

Aileen Peter


Answer sent Sunday 10th September 2006:


You could try contacting the priest Graeme Dunne at St Anthony's:

email - stanthony?XXXX

tel - 0151 207 0177

fax - 0151 298 2112

Or the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


There is also the RC archive at the Metropolitan Cathedral.



To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 09-Sep-2006 18:59
Subject: McQuade

Hello Pat:

I'm researching the family of John McQuade (1814-1872), livestock dealer, from Newtown Hamilton, Armagh, son of James Wade, farmer, and John's wife Mary Ann Cunningham (c1824-c1866), daughter of Patrick, a pig dealer, and his wife Elizabeth Cunningham. John and Mary Ann were married at St. Nicholas (C of England) 13 May 1840, after Banns, then residents of Key Street. Several children's births were registered from 1841-1851 after which time they removed to the USA.

I would think that Marie McQuade may find this information of interest. Any comments regarding further information on this family are welcome.

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Clark
Santa Barbara


Answer sent Sunday 10th September 2006:


I will pass on your email to Marie



Two hours spent answering eight family history emails on Sunday 10th September 2006

To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 11-Sep-2006 15:47
Subject: Burial search

Dear Pat
I am hoping you can help me with a problem I have. I have been trying to locate the death of my great granddad and am having no luck at all, this is all I have on him taken from the 1901 census and my great grandmother remarried in 1909, so his death is anytime in between. I understand that this may be a long shot and that it will take you some time and I thank you in advance for trying. As I have said any information will be greatly received.

Name: Patrick Finn
Age: 30
Estimated Birth Year: about 1871
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Mary A
Gender: Male
Where born: Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Civil parish: Liverpool
Ecclesiastical parish: St Aidan
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England

Street address: 46 Regents Road

Occupation: Stoker on a Steamship

Condition as to marriage:

Thanks again in advance



Answer sent Saturday 16th September 2006:


I did not find a Patrick Finn in the Liverpool RC Burial Index for the years 1901-1909.

No donation required.



To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 12-Sep-2006 09:36
Subject: marriage query

Have only just discovered the website and I think that the marriage that I'm seeking is listed - Denis Connor and Margaret Kelly. Please could you let me know what I should do next?
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Pat Wilde


Answer sent Saturday 16th September 2006:


CONNOR, DENIS & MARGt. KELLY, Married 8-Jan-1850 at St Anthony's RC church Liverpool.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: Anderson, Stephen
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 12-Sep-2006 12:00
Subject: Marriages_Hibernia_web_site

Hello Pat
Can you please inform me of where the information is to search for records of marriages. I remember last year using the site to find the names of members of my family married at St Patrick's from the 1860's. I just can't seem to do it now. Are you doing anything to update the site and if so when will it be finished please.
Thank you


Answer sent Saturday 16th September 2006:


The marriages for St Patrick's are found at:


Nothing has been changed to the St Pat's marriages.



From: Linda Moorcroft
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 12-Sep-2006 20:16
Subject: Ford Cemetery Search

Hello Pat

Hope you can help. I've been trying to find where my gg grandfather is buried. I can only assume it was Ford Cemetery and would be grateful if you could try and locate it on your records.

Name : Jacob Haines
Age at Death: 45
Date of Death: Sept qtr 1883
Address: 3 House, 1 Court, Comus Street, Liverpool

His wife's name was Mary Ann.

Please let me know if you are successful.

Thank you
Linda Moorcroft



Answer sent Saturday 16th September 2006:


There is only one Jacob Haines in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, he was interred on 30/3/1932.



From: Linda Moorcroft
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 16-Sep-2006 16:49
Subject: Re: Ford Cemetery Search


Thank you for looking, I can only assume that this person was Jacob's son, as he was born in 1866. Could you let me have the details of where he is buried please.


Answer sent Sunday 17th September 2006:


Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Plot Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: TW
Private plot: 650
Plot Owner: Mary Ellen Haines - Deed on file

Jacob Haines
18 Gadsby Street
Age: 62 years
Interred: 30/3/1932

Eileen Mary Haines
Olive Mount Hospital, Liverpool L15
Age: 2 years
Interred: 10/12/1932

Margaret Mary Haines
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 16 months
Interred: 7/11/1940

Mary Ellen Haines
42 Belmont Road, Liverpool L6 (hospital)
Age: 71 years
Interred: 13/11/1940

Mary Haines
77 Page Street
Age: 18 months
Interred: 18/1/1941

William Haines
Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool L12
Age: 13 years
Interred: 24/7/1946

Mary Gallagher
Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool L12
Age: 6 years
Interred: 25/7/1952

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:





From: tom
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 12-Sep-2006 21:42

Hello Pat,

Could you please do a look up for me.

The grave or plot Iam looking for is in the following name:

Thomas Crofton, Age 56, cemetery Ford? Died Northern Hospital 1886.

Thank you


Tommy Crofton

Answer sent Saturday 16th September 2006:


Here is your Tomas Crofton:

Ford Cemetery
Section: SV
Public Plot: 1758

Tomas Crofton
Northern Hospital, Liverpool L3
Age:  56 years
Interment: 10/2/1886

There will be no marker as it is a Public (Pauper) Grave.

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


No donation required, as I have not given you anymore information.



One hours and twenty minutes spent answering six family history emails on Saturday & Sunday 16th/17th September 2006

From: Dinah Candler
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 17-Sep-2006 16:42
Subject: Liverpool Marriage

To Whom it May Concern:

I am looking into the marriage of a Margaret Roach to an Anthony Carabine. According to list, they were married at St. Mary's, Highfield Street, L3. Any information would be most appreciated. Thank you,

Dinah Carabine Candler


Answer sent Sunday 24th September 2006:


Here are the details I have on the marriage:

ROACH, MARGARET & ANTHONY CARABINE, 01 DEC 1850, St Mary's Highfield Street.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: MJAMES36
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 19-Sep-2006 09:44
Subject: catholic church

Hope you can help
Trying to find RC church in West Derby Liverpool to try and trace my ancestors from or about 1890
I believe the most likely one is St Francis of Assisi and I am after some phone numbers to contact the church for burial records.
My relatives were McManamon{spelt several ways} they lived at Vulcan St and Hughes Street both I believe in Garston from 1893, there is a marriage in 1893 between James McManmon and Catherine Daly in February, hope you can help.
James K McManamon


Answer sent Sunday 24th September 2006:


The contact details for are:

St Francis of Assisi Rectory
Earp Street
L19 1RT

Tel 0151 427 4015
Fax 0151 427 7518
Email sfa?XXXXXX

Email office?XXX

When I did some work on the baptisms for St Austin's RC church Garston, I noticed the the name Vulcan Street appeared many times in the register. The contact details are:

St Austin's Priory
561 Aigburth Road
L19 0NU

Tel 0151 427 3033
Fax 0151 494 0600
Email staustinsoffice?XXX

Website www.staustins.com

Some of the records for St Austin's are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):



Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of St Austin's, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




From: Tom Sweeney
To: ronformby
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:41 AM
Subject: ford cemetery.

could you please tell me how to locate a burial plot at ford. there are five family members buried in the plot. they are my grand parents michael & ann sweeney and their three daughters ellen, christine & anna. the last opening of the grave would be for anna sweeney in jun 1978. i hope you can help me in this request.
 regards tom sweeney.

Answer sent Sunday 24th September 2006:


Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: AH
Private Plot: 162
Plot Owner: Ann Sweeney - 4A

Michael Sweeney
42 Belmont Road, Liverpool L6 (hospital)
Age: 72 years
Interment: 1/1/1947

Ellen Smith
Stanley Hospital, Liverpool L5
Age: 44 years
Interment: 2/3/1950

Ann Teresa Sweeney
10A Commercial Road, Liverpool L5
Age: 73 years
Interment: 2/12/1953

Christina Sweeney
61 Brook Hey Drive, Liverpool L32
Age: 67 years
Interment: 3/11/1976

Anna Sweeney
61 Brookhey Drive, Liverpool L33
Age: 65 years
Interment: 9/6/1978

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a
headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: Sheila
To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 20-Sep-2006 19:48
Subject: John Fahey

Dear Patrick..
I need to get back to you re John Fahey.  I know you told me in the past that there are 6 John Fahey's in the burial indexes for Liverpool, and that they were not between the dates of 1905 and 1916...those dates I had given but not with clear knowledge of the timeframe. I am now needing your assistance again if you can help with those 6 that you have found please.
thanks Sheila

Answer sent Sunday 24th September 2006:


Here are the details of all the John Fahey's in the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: P
Private Plot: 430
Plot Owner: Michael Fahey

John Fahey
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 60 years
Interment: 17/11/1938

Also in the plot: Bridget, Christina, Michael & Margaret Fahey and Agnes Sinnott


Ford Cemetery
Section: DZ
Pupblic Plot: 977

John Fahey
Liverpool Workhouse, Liverpool L3
Age: 68 years
Interment: 18/1/1870


Ford Cemetery
Section: SV
Public Plot: 121

John Fahey
Newsham Street
Age: 34 years
Interment: 21/3/1879


Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 3C
Private Plot: 14
Plot Owner: Mary Maguire

John Fahey
62 Queens Drive
Age: 47 years
Interment: 26/1/1949

Also in the plot: Christopher & Mary Elizabeth Maguire


Ford Cemetery
Section: BZ
Public Plot: 29

John Fahey
1 King Street
Age: 68 years
Interment: 18/4/1941


Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 3D
Private Plot: 73
Plot Owner: Annie Lane

John Fahey
42 Belmont Road, Liverpool L6 (hospital)
Age: 69 years
Interment: 12/10/1945

Also in the plot: William & Cecilia Howard


Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


For the time I have taken to compile the above list, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: Maxine Dunn
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 21-Sep-2006 13:32
Subject: St Anthonys Chapel

Hi Pat

You recently helped me with some recent burial plots for my family.

I was wandering if there is any possibility of you looking up the following names.

All my family have been married in Catholic Churches, so I am presuming they would
have been buried in Yew Tree or other catholic churches.

1) Samuel Sale - born 1847, still alive at 1905 - married to a Mary Ann (nee Scott).

They married 1872 at St Anthony's Chapel..... I have marriage certificate, would the
church records give any other information other than that on the marriage certificate.

eg, Fathers trade, where they were born, etc..... I see your records for St Anthony's
only go as far as 1865.

His father was Samuel Hodgson Sale, his wife was possibly Ann Rebecca.

Address at 1905 was 12 Croxton Street, Kirkdale.

2) Michael Dunn born 1882, possibly died back end of the war 1943/44. Children were
Michael and William. Wife Mary..... Maher- she left them when the children were
babies, so probably wont mention this. Lived either Ivy Lea or New Road West Derby
at the time of death.... both addresses were off West Derby Road. The other may
be his brother Jack Dunn.

If you need any other information please let me know


Maxine Dunn


Answer sent Sunday 24th September 2006:


I work full time and can only devote a small amount of time checking for burials.
So, can you resend me your requests for a burial search, one NAME at a time please, thanks.

Sometimes additional information can be found in the church register.

The church marriage registers St Anthony's held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:




From: fl.harrison
To: Neil Pat <LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 21-Sep-2006 16:07
Subject: Ford, Yew search


Could you please check your records for

Francis CONNELL year of death 1969 aged about 83,

Ellen CONNELL died post 1969, they may have come from the Huyton area.


Frank Harrison

Answer sent Sunday 24th September 2006:


I did not find them in the Liverpool RC Burial Index.

You could try; Bob Halliday  <halliday.b?XXXXXX>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.

No donation required.



From: John Greenhalgh
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 21-Sep-2006 20:58
Subject: family history search

Please can you trace a marriage certificate for Henry Geary and Margaret
(or Woolsey), reference PET.
I think it will have been in the 1840's/50's. I would be very grateful if
you can help.

Regards, John.

Answer sent Sunday 24th September 2006:


Here are the details I have on the marriage:

GEARY, HENRY & MARGt. WOLSEY, 11-Jan-1841, St Peter's, Seel Street

Here are the details of another/the couple:


The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




Two hours spent answering seven family history emails on Sunday 24th September 2006

From: seamso
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 22-Sep-2006 05:23
Subject: Tobin-Tully Marriage

Please send me the date of the marriage of Michael Tobin and Bridget Tully at St. Mary's, Highfield Street, Liverpool L3. If any information is on the record about the names of their parents, I also would appreciate receiving that. Thank you.

Carl C. Craft

Answer sent Monday 25th September 2006:


Here are the details I have on the marriage:

TOBIN, MICHAEL & BRIDGET TULLY, 24 NOV 1844, St Mary's Highfield

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: JCR fear_naught
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 22-Sep-2006 15:50
Subject: Liverpool Death

Hello Pat

Are you able to help trace my ancestor. His name was

James Edgar Brown
Age at death – approx 35
Wife’s name – Margaret Brown (nee Roberts)
Last known address – Orient Street, Liverpool
Date of Death 1859/1860

Children – 3 daughters – Margaret, Ellen and Elizabeth.

Many thanks

Julia Rose

Answer sent Monday 25th September 2006:


I did not find a James Edward Brown in the Liverpool RC Burial Index, I found a James E Brown, but he was too young:

Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 3D
Private Plot: 525
Plot Owner: Richard Brown

Peter Brown
Whiston Hospital, Liverpool L35
Age: 5 months
Interment: 11/6/1946

Francis B Brown
Alder hey Hospital
Age: 14 years
Interment: 8/1/1953

Margaret Elizabeth Brown
Whiston Hospital, Liverpool L35
Age: 44 years
Interment: 10/4/1954

James E Brown
Bakers Green Road, Liverpool L36
Age: 22 years
Interment: 26/7/1956

Richard Thomas Brown
15 Leeds Road, Liverpool L36
Age: 58 years
Interment: 1/12/1954

No Donation required.



From: Michael Greenall
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 23-Sep-2006 11:57
Subject: St Peter's Seel Street

Hi Pat
I am seeking data to locate the marriage record around 1830 of Hugh
Bullen and Anastasia Davis for which you hold the index entry. Can
you help please?


Answer sent Monday 25th September 2006:


Here are the details I have on the marriage:

BULLEN, HUGH & ANASTASIA DAVIS, 24-Sep-1829, St Peter's Seel Street.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




From: Colbeck6
To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 23-Sep-2006 15:52
Subject: Burial Record

Hello Patrick,
Can you help me.

I am trying to locate the the burial record of my ancestor Ann Foy.( only surmising she was wife of Patrick Foy as unable to find any records )

I believe she was born in Ireland approx 1838.

She was married to Patrick Foy. I found a record of death www.freebmd.org.uk/cgi/search.pl

Ann Foy age 28 years Sept Quarter 1866 Liverpool 8b page 180.

I also found birth record of whom I believe was her daughter Margaret Foy born Sept Q 1866

Did she die in or after giving birth ??

Her husband Patrick was a widow 1871.

I think the Foy family were Catholics, but not sure. Is it possible to find burial record ? Ford Cemetery ?? perhaps.

Kindest Regards.
Ellen Colbeck

Answer sent Monday 25th September 2006:


Here are the details  from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: DZ
Public Plot: 525

Ann Foy
90 Paul Street, Liverpool L3
Age: 28 years
Interment: 29/8/1866

Here is another

Ford Cemetery
Section: SJ
Public Plot: 81

Ann Foy
Wright Street, 13 Court
Age: 2 years
Interment: 14/8/1870

There will be no marker as it is a Public (Pauper) Grave.

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 11:11:22 -0400
Subject: Frod Cemetery
To: patrick_neill_fh

I have found the grave in which my grandmother,
Margaret Marnell, and mother and father Thomas
and Helena Brennan, and my little daughter Linda
Veronica Johnson
Section D Plot 61

.... for which I am most grateful.

I have been informed that my Grandfather, Edward Marnell,
Headstone C916 is also buried at Ford.... can you
give me any details about this please, as we have been
to the cemetery but have been unable to find this. I
am interested in learning who else is buried in the grave
with my Grandfather......

Any help you can give would be most gratefully appreciated
and I promise to make a donation to charity for your kind

I hope to hear from you with some good news
Pauline Johnson

Answer sent Monday 25th September 2006:


I did not find a plot C916 in the records for Ford Cemetery, but I did find two Edward Marnell's:

Ford Cemetery
Section: H
Private Plot: 578
Plot Owner: Michael R Marnell

Francis Marnell
No address
Age:  11 months
Interment: 15/7/1891

Michael Robert Marnell
46 Virgil Street
Age: 45 years
Interment: 22/12/1895

John Marnell
Liverpool Workhouse, Liverpool L3
Age: 24 years
Interment: 13/6/1900

Joseph F Marnell
8 Victoria Square
Age: 19 months
Interment: 15/7/1910

Robert Marnell
23 Lawrence Street
Age: 21  months
Interment: 19/5/1916

Margaret Moore
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 71 years
Interment: 24/9/1924

Margaret Brennan
Lawrence Street - 7 Court - 6 House
Age: 2 months
Interment: 31/1/1930

Leo Marnell
32 Lawrence Street
Age: 10 months
Interment: 15/12/1931

Edward Marnell
23 Lawrence Street
Age: 48 years
Interment: 24/12/1931

Joan Sing
107 Rice Lane, Liverpool L9 (hospital)
Age: 5 days
Interment: 2/9/1942


Ford Cemetery
Section: EX
Private Plot: 557
Plot Owner: Thomas Marnell - F/M/B (563) 6'10" deep. 4 only. 28 Childwall Heights L25

Edward Marnell
89B Bond Street, Liverpool L3
Age: 63 years
Interment: 10/4/1968

Sarah Marnell
11 Bachrant Street, Liverpool L5
Age: 76 years
Interment: 4/4/1979


Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a small donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: Maureen or Bill Bryce
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Cc: Kay & Bob Shirley
Date: 24-Sep-2006 21:40
Subject: Ford Cemetery Lookup

Hi Patrick,

I hope you can help with the following individual:

De La Cruz, Francis Albert
Date of Death: 1929 -1937 (although he could have died as early as 1921). Attended St. Peter's, Seel St.
Date of Birth: 24 Dec 1866, Liverpool
Last known Address: 43 Duke St., Liverpool

Thanks for any assistance,

Bill Bryce
Roberts Creek, B.C.

Answer sent Monday 25th September 2006:


I not not find a Francis Albert De La Cruz in the Liverpool RC Burial Index. There is a Bisauta & Jane De La Cruz (SJ 436, 25/9/1872 & AD 1283, 15/4/1916)

Also found:

Jane De Cruz (SV 951, 17/12/1882)

Philip De-La-Cruz (AD 599, 13/2/1913)

Domingo Delacruz (AD 1491, 29/3/1917)


You could try; Bob Halliday  <halliday.b?XXX>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.

No donation required.



One hour spent answering seven family history emails on Monday 25th September 2006

From: John Greenhalgh
To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 25-Sep-2006 12:05
Subject: Re: family history search

Hi Patrick it's me again, I've been in touch with LVRO who have told me the
info I'm looking for will not be on the marriage cert. I've got the 1861
Census which shows that Henry Geary and Margaret Wolsey were married and
had children. It also states they were both born in Ireland ( that's the bit
I'm interested in) Is there any way I can trace where they came from through
Immigration records, perhaps?? If you can give me any tips it would be a
tremendous help. Regards, John.

Answer sent Sunday 1st October 2006:


If I were you, I would still ask the Liverpool Record Office for a transcript of the marriage Register entry, just in case there is some addition information.

You need to check all the Census entries, 1851, 1871, 1881... They might just tell you where in Ireland they came from..

There are no immigration from Ireland, as Ireland was part under English rule at that time. 

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:




From: Maxine Dunn
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 25-Sep-2006 13:56
Subject: RE: St Anthony's Chapel

Hi Pat

Thanks for the advice, I will certainly use it.

Please if you could look up this I would be very grateful,

2) Michael Dunn born 1882, possibly died back end of the war 1943/44. Children were
Michael and William. Wife Mary..... Maher- she left them when the children were
babies, so probably wont mention this. Lived either Ivy Lea or New Road West Derby
at the time of death.... both addresses were off West Derby Road. The other may
be his brother Jack Dunn.



Answer sent Sunday 1st October 2006:


I found this Michael Dunn, but he was too old:

Ford Cemetery
Section: JL
Private Plot: 813
Plot Owner: John Ryder

Michael Dunn
80 Field Street
Age: 70 years
Interred: 8/1/813

Others in the plot: Michael, John, Mary Ryder and Elizabeth Dunn


Another Michael Dunn also appears to be too old:

Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 2C
Private plot: 154

Michael Dunn
42 Belmont Road, Liverpool L6
Age: 64 years
Interred: 22/8/1942

No donation required



From: Kathleen Shirley
To: liverpoolhibernian
Date: 26-Sep-2006 00:23
Subject: John Hughes

Hello Patrick

Could you look for one John Hughes buried in Ford Cemetery Liverpool
between 1901 and 1911

He is listed in 1901 Census at Clement St at age 71 and a Wine Dealer

Widower of one Anne McKeown born in Couty Down Children are Michael
Maryann, Irwin, Margaret, Fearon and Catherine McNulty

Thank you

Kay Shirley


Answer sent Sunday 1st October 2006:


There too many John Hughes for me to check:

Ford Cemetery:

O 240 19/4/1911

P 11 19/12/1909

A 252 20/7/1902

A 106 10/1/1902

X 119 1/8/1903

X 920 4/3/1907

X 355 13/9/1904

SP 281 13/12/1904

X 753 4/5/1906

AD 54 8/9/1910

AD 64 1/10/1910

Yew Tree Cemetery

A 206 22/7/1905

To get an approximate date for his death, you could check the Liverpool (Kelly's/Gores) Trade/Street Directories for John Hughes a Wine Dealer. Once you know when his name stops being published, then I can check backwards from that date.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


No donation required.



From: Janette Moar <Janette.Moar
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 28-Sep-2006 01:27
Subject: RE: Burial Records

Hi Patrick

Thank you for replying. I have below what I know about him.

Name – Bay David Moar

Date of Death – 2nd February 1986

Date of Birth - July 1927 (I am sure this is right)

Age at Death – 58

He died at Liverpool Hospital

Is this enough info to find where he is buried?

Answer sent Sunday 1st October 2006:


I did not find a Bay David Moar in the Liverpool RC Burial Index.

You could try; Bob Halliday  <halliday.b?XXX>, he does a search service for Anfield Cemetery.

No donation required.



From: kenny <kenny.oconnell
To: Patrick Neill <liverpoolhibernian
Date: 28-Sep-2006 22:05






Answer sent Sunday 1st October 2006:


It is possible the Baptism is in the Same church where her mother got married. If the records are at the Liverpool Record Office, you could ask to to check.

Here is their Email address: 


Thank you for any donation you make.



From: Rachel Darlington
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 29-Sep-2006 15:05
Subject: Ford Cemetery

Dear Pat,

I believe that you can find details of graves in Liverpool in exchange for a donation to charity. I would be grateful if you could provide me with the location of 5 relatives' graves, as I intend to visit Liverpool later this year and would like to visit these graves. Any plot detail that you have would also be welcome.

One at a time, I understand...

My great grandfather;

Michael Byrne
Ford Cemetery, Liverpool
Died : 23 April 1949
Buried : 27 April 1949
Age : 77
Born : 12 Aug 1871
Last Address : West (?) Chesnut Grove, Bootle
Address when bought the plot : 19 Tennyson Street

Note : the grave probably also holds his wife, Mary Ann, died 1929

Many thanks for your invaluable help

Rachel Darlington

Answer sent Sunday 1st October 2006:


Here are the details you requested:

Ford Cemetery
Section: SD
Private Plot: 650
Plot Owner: John Byrne

Mary Ann Byrne
19 Tennyson Street, Liverpool L20
Age: 55 years
Interred: 1/2/1929

Michael Byrne
42 Belmont Road, Liverpool L6 (hospital)
Age: 77 years
Interred: 27/4/1949

Dora Teresa Byrne
14 Chesnut Grove, Liverpool L20
Age: 53 years
Interred: 14/12/1962

Mary Anne Byrne
26 Mossville Road, Liverpool L18
Age: 72 years
Interred: 18/4/1979

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




From: em.c
To: LiverpoolHibernian
Date: 30-Sep-2006 12:26
Subject: cemetery search

Dear Pat Neill,

I discovered the Hibernia pages today and what a wonderful resource! I am very interested in the Liverpool RC Cemetery Search Service, as I am hoping that it could solve a bit of a mystery for me.

I have a death certificate which I think could be for my great grandfather, Laurence (or Lawrence) Cleary, who died on the 12th of July, 1923, at the age of 29. He died at 144a Brownlow Hill, and Benledi Street is listed as his mother, M. Cleary's, address. My father believes that Laurence/Lawrence is buried in Ford cemetery, and if this is the case I may be a step closer to confirming whether this could be my great grandfather or not. In either case, your help would be very much appreciated.

Kindest regards,

Emma Cleary

Answer sent Sunday 1st October 2006:


Glad you like the website.

Here are the details you requested from the Liverpool RC Burial Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: AS
Private Plot: 778
Plot Owner: Mary Cleary

Lawrence Cleary
144A Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L3
Age:  29 years
Interred: 16/7/1923

Christopher D Melia
39 Kemsley Road, Liverpool L12
Age: 56 years
Interred: 16/10/1950

Mary Josephine Melia
39 Kemsley Road, Liverpool L14
Age: 82 yaers
Interred: 6/10/1978

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If you can't get the grave, I could ask my son (Jonathan)  if he could check for a headstone for you. He charges £2.50 to email pictures of any headstone found.
Or £4.00 to post an A4 picture of a headstone.
No charge if no headstone found.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by cheque, see:




One hour and 45 minutes spent answering eight family history emails on Sunday 1st October 2006


    Ford Cemetery Lookups

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Last Updated August 2010
Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007