Hibernia Family History Emails for September 2007

Hibernia Family History Emails for September 2007

Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007

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    Ford Cemetery Lookups


to liverpoolhibernian
date 1 Dec 2006 11:27
subject Catholic Church

Thank you Patrick for your E-Mail regarding St. Mathews Church and I will be most interested to see the

Pictures when they appear on the Website. Thank you once again for all your trouble.

Regards Tony Newman

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007


I have not been able to take any pictures of the church, but Steve Bainbridge has, see:




From: jim.jenkinson1
To: patrick_neill_fh
Subject: Quick question
Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 09:49:02 +0100


I am researching a branch of my family who lived in the Liverpool area in the 1830s to 1860s and wondered if you knew if any records still survived of sailors/mariners whose home port was Liverpool and if so where I might find them. The kind of thing I think I am talking about are the papers they produced when they signed on, but as I don't know a great deal about this subject I am guessing.

With kind regards

Sandra Jenkinson

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Sandra,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

I am not able to answer your query, but if the contact the Merseyside Maritime Museum, I'm sure they will be able to assist, see:




from Gilligan, Gerard
to liverpoolhibernian
date 25 Jun 2007 17:09
subject Ford RC Cemetery

Images are not displayed.


I've tried to find family graves at Ford RC Cemetery, in SJ and SV areas as indicated on plot maps of the cemetery it's self. However these whole plots are now missing, Together with headstones, and these areas are indicated on the Maps on your web site.

Do you know what happened, and why there is just empty spaces?

Thank you in advance for your help

Gerard Gilligan
Researching Gilligan and Beigan Families.

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Gerard,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

Sections SJ & SV at Ford Cemetery are mostly Public/Pauper plots, these were large pits that contained
20 to 30 people and no headstone were every erected on Public/Pauper graves at Ford.



From: peter lisberg
To: ronformby
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 6:21 AM
Subject: Prescot independent volunteers

Dear Scottie Press
We are here at the other end of the world, trying to research an ancestor Peter Ashcroft from Billinge, he was Major Commandant of the Prescot Independent Volunteers in 1798, and early in the 1800s he moved to Liverpool.
We have not been able to trace him in Liverpool, and the Prescot Independent Volunteers seem to be invisible.
Any hints or help would be appreciated
thank you
Peter Lisberg, Australia

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Peter,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

I am not able to answer your query, but if you contact the Liverpool & S.W. Lancs FHS, thay may be able to assist, see:




to liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Aug 2007 16:44
subject Liverpool RC Burial Search

Dear Pat Neill

I do not know how I came by your website but I was very pleased to find it.
I have read your information page and would like to request a Liverpool RC Burial Search.

Yew Tree RC Cemetery
Thomas Cooch
DOB: 1871 Dublin, Ireland
Death Date: 06/11/1936
He died at either Smithdown Road or 5 Nebo Street.
Spouse name: Bridget Cooch
Parent: Arthur Cooch (poss)
Children: Thomas, Arthur, William, Joseph, Kathleen, Mary, Sarah

I will of course make a donation to your chosen charity.

Thank you for your help

Kind regards

Rachel Cooch

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Rachel,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Board Plot Records:

Yew Tree Cemetery
Section: 3C
Private plot: 171
Plot Owner: Bridget Cooch

Thomas Cooch
126 Smithdown Road, Liverpool L13 (hospital)
Age: 64 years
Interred: 11/11/1936

Arthur Cooch
5 Nebo Street
Age: 38 years
Interred: 26/7/1937

Bridget Cooch
163 Grosvenor Road
Age: 82 years
Interred: 6/9/1950

Here is a plan of Yew Tree Cemetery:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you can't get to the cemetery, would you like my son to check for a headstone the next time he is in cemetery? If there is a headstone, he can take a picture and email or post it, he charges for this service.

Thank you for any donation make to CAFOD:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from Michael Larkin
to liverpoolhibernian
date 3 Sep 2007 12:32
subject Burial

Dear Pat Neill,
I will be visiting Liverpool on Sept.20th and would like to find the graves of my ancestors. To start with could you kindly find where ANDREW LARKIN is buried who died on 26/June/1896 aged 2. He could have been buried in Ford cemetery. His parents were Roman Catholics: Andrew and Catherine Larkin. I would be pleased to donate to CAFOD.
Thank you,
Michael Larkin ( Wool, Dorset)

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Michael,

Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Board Plot Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: BZ
Public (pauper) plot: 1752

Andrew Larkin
Coroners Order
Age: 2 years
Interred: 1/7/1896

There will be no marker as it is a Public (Pauper) Grave.

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


Thank you for any donation you make CAFOD:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




PS. Please sent your next request.

from Honor Burns
to liverpoolhibernian
date 11 Sep 2007 15:35
subject grave lookup

Hi Patrick

Can you please do a look up of a grave in your own time. The grave is my great grandmother Bridget Manley who died in 1881 approx 42 years old and I assume is buried in Ford Cemetery as she was a catholic she was the daughter of James and Julia Walsh, she was the wife of Owen Manley but I don't think he was buried with her as he remarried again in 1884 to Elizabeth Corrigan. On the 1881 census the Manley family lived in 55 Henry Edward street 2 in court 17 their children were Patrick Catherine, Michael, Mary, Julia, James, Bridget, Anne and Thomas

Patrick this is only one of my relatives, if you are successful I will give my donation to Cafod

Thank you Honor

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Honor,

There is only one Bridget Manley in the Liverpool RC Burial Board Plot Records, here are the details:

Ford Cemetery
Section: SV
Public/Pauper plot: 805

Bridget Manley
39 Newall Street, Liverpool L3
Age: 71 years
Interred: 31/3/1882

No Donation required.



from Carol Cassell
to liverpoolhibernian
date 6 Jun 2007 03:30
subject John Fitzpatrick

I am looking for a marriage certificate for John Fitzpatrick b. circa 1820. He is on 1881 Census living at 1 Queens, Liverpool. He is a foreman carpenter and widower with a number of children living with him.

One of the children Charles Albert Fitzpatrick is my great grandfather born 1864. I have his marriage certificate he was married at Church of St Michael to Sarah McKeown in Sept 1886.

I cannot find a birth certificate for Charles Albert (or any of his siblings) and started looking at marriages around the time of the eldest child (that I know about) William Fitzpatrick around 1854. I came across your list and you have 4 John Fitzpatrick marriages with the name next to the information is Mary McQuade they are:

John Fitzpatrick & Catherine Baxter ANT

John Fitzpatrick & Mary Fitzpatrick

John Fitzpatrick & Catherine Tobin

John Fitzpatrick & Owen Monaghan

I would be obliged if you could help. I live in Australia now.

With thanks and regards

Carol Cassell

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Carol,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

Here are all the John Fitzpatrick's from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

FITZPATRICK, JOANNEM & MARIAM EGAN, 03 JUN 1883, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
FITZPATRICK, JOANNEM & BRIGIDAM ROWAN, 31 OCT 1861, Our Lady of Reconciliation
FITZPATRICK, JOANNEM & CATHARINAM WHITE, 21 OCT 1874, Our Lady of Reconciliation
FITZPATRICK, JOHN & CATHARINE TOBIN, 11-Jan-1840, St Peter's Seel St
FITZPATRICK, JOHN & OWEN MONAGHAN, 7-Sep-1844, St Peter's Seel St

No donation required,



from Stuart Leather
to liverpoolhibernian
date 22 Jun 2007 16:22
subject RC Marriage


I was looking for a marriage between Mary Leather and James Tipping which I think I might have found from browsing the RC pages. The code for the marriage was PET, and I would expect the marriage to have taken place around 1838-1839. I would be grateful if you could provide further information on this marriage if possible.

I also noticed a marriage between Isaac Leather and Sarah Worral, the code being PAT. I was also wondering if I could get info on that as well, as Isaac may well be Mary's son, and therefore might offer further clues.

Kind regards,


Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Stuart,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

LEATHER, MARY & JAMES TIPPING, 11-Mar-1838, St Peter's Seel Street

LEATHER, ISAAC & SARAH WORRELL, 11 JUL 1857, St Patrick's RC church

The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the churches, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from peter clarke
to liverpoolhibernian
date 23 Jun 2007 23:57
subject Marriage at Our Lady of Reconciliation, Liverpool.

Hi Pat,
I've been trying to get information on my Father's family. My great grandparents arrived in Liverpool from Ireland in the 19th century. I am unsure where and when they were married, but I notice a couple with the same names (Michael Clarke and Mary Murphy) on the list of RC marriages in Liverpool. The church was: Our Lady of Reconciliation, Eldon Street.

I would be greatly obliged for any information you can provide me with. I would imagine the marriage would have taken place between the late 1850's and late 1860's.

I will gladly send a donation to CAFOD.

Thanking you in anticipation. I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
Peter J. Clarke.

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Peter,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:


The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


Thank you for any donation you make to CAFOD:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from Deegs4tryfan
to liverpoolhibernian
date 27 Jun 2007 20:20
subject Marriage records -REC-Marie McQuade/Pat Neill

Hi, I have just visited your Liverpool genealogy site and found, after much searching elsewhere, marriage details for Jacobum (James) Deegan and Juliam (Julia) Dunn in the Our Lady of Reconciliation records for 3 February 1856 until 2 October 1895. I understand you can give me further information and may be able to tell me where in Ireland they came from. I look forward to hearing from you and promise faithfully to make a suitable donation to a Famine Relief charity. I think the site itself is very helpful and informative and was especially interested in the details/photographs of the church itself.

Many thanks.

Judy Deegan (a relative through marriage!)

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Judy,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

DEEGAN, JACOBUM & JULIAM DUNN, 24 APR 1861, Our Lady of Reconciliation

The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


Thank you for any donation you make to CAFOD:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:09:51 -0700
From: reshandley
Subject: Information on early parishioner
To: patrick_neill_fh

Dear Patrick
I wonder if you would be kind enough to direct me to someone who could find any more information on one of my early ancestors? My G.G.Uncle Peter Shandley, born 8 June 1831, was Christened 12 June 1831 in Your Church. I do not think that this was a random Christening, but believe His brother Christopher, born 1829 was also Christened there. I suspect that two further Shandley's were also Christened in this Church. Your guidance would be most appreciated.
Sincerely Ralph Shandley.

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Ralph,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




from Debhowell3
to [email protected]
date 5 Jul 2007 20:29
subject St Anthony's marriage register

Hi Pat

I've looked through the records for St Anthony's and I'm hoping that I've trace an ancestor's marriage. Would you be able to provide me with any information contained in the register for a marriage between Thomas O'Neill and Mary Mctigue?

I'm really struggling to find out where in Ireland my family came from, so any additional info will help a great deal. I'm waiting a birth cert that I hope will give a maiden name of Mctigue and allow to me to plod on with my tree.

Many thanks

Deborah Howell

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Deborah,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

O'NEILL, THOMAM & MARIAM McTIGUE, 29 APR 1866, St Anthony's RC church

The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one event for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from James Pemberton Jul
to liverpoolhibernian
date 8 Jul 2007 20:03
subject Marriage of Patrick Dowd to Ms Ann Knight

Dear Pat,

My Grandfather is attempting to trace our Irish lineage as far back as possible. However he has hit somewhat of a stumbling block with my great-great-grandfather Patrick Dowd as we do not seem to be able to ascertain whom he married. Using your index we discovered that a man named Patrick Dowd married a Ms Ann Knight at about the right time we are looking at in St Anthony's RC Church in Liverpool. Do you have any, more detailed information about this marriage, if so it would be most gratefully received.

Yours Faithfully,

James Pemberton

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi James,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

DOWD, PATRICK & ANN KNIGHT, 20 NOV 1861, St Anthony's church

The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one event for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from twolabrn
to liverpoolhibernian
date 9 Jul 2007 02:23
subject Marriage Index St James

I'm sorry to bother you, but I am just wondering if my previous email went astray. I'm sure you are very busy with requests and I suppose I am a bit anxious to finish my research for my new great grandson so I can present it to his parents at his christening. I sent for my grandmother's marriage certificate which states:
St James Church
Bootle District of West Derby
County of Lancaster
John Powers to Ellen Dalton
Date Oct. 11, 1887

I need further information such as place of birth (Ireland) and parish church of both that provided verification of baptism, if that info is available.
We know so little about my grandfather as he died a few years after immigrating and all offspring are also deceased. Thank you and bless you for doing such a marvellous service. Tula Brown
[email protected]

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Tula,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

For note on Irish research in Liverpool, see:


The records for St James' are held at Crosby Library, see:


You will need to contact Crosby Library!



from eastwest
to liverpoolhibernian
date 17 Jul 2007 20:39
subject Evans - Family

Hello Pat,

I need some guidance, and I am hoping you can help me, or direct me in the right area.

I am looking for my Great Great Grandparents marriage date or any other relative information. There names are George Evans and wife Mary Ann Evans nee (Marshall). They left England before 1864 bound for New Zealand. They then travelled on to Australia where they died. (The year unknown), However, I do know they had 1 child in New Zealand named Edward.

Hoping you can assist me.


Robert Evans

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Robert,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

I am unable to check baptism as I live in Bury, Lancashire.

For note on Irish research in Liverpool, see:




From: "Ron and Chris"
To: <patneill
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 22:32:57 +0100
Subject: Can you help please?

Is it possible for you to help with one more thing which might solve the mystery of who Mary and Joseph are.

I am not sure if O'Reilly was my GAG grandmothers name or perhaps she married twice..
Is it possible to look up a baptism entry for me.
If this part of the puzzle is solved we can move on.

We can not trace a birth for my G grandad or anything of him in the census. The only one we pick up refers
mother in law being McLaughlin. Perhaps she was married before but we do not know.

I am attaching a copy of the baptism certificate, please if possible could you check out the names for me.


Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Chris,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

I am unable to check any baptisms as I live in Bury, Lancashire.

The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one event for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




from Philip Mcloughlin
to liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Jul 2007 15:11
subject Irish immigrants arriving in Liverpool

Hi Pat,

I have emailed you before and you have been a great help. I haven touched my tree for a while now and I'm looking to start it back up again. I need to try and find out where my ancestors came from in Ireland when they arrived in Liverpool from Ireland ( between 1845/1850). If there is a record of them arriving in Liverpool then this may help or give me some indication on where in Ireland they come from. Is there any dept or office in Liverpool which may hold records of all people coming into the city and where they have come from?

I have hit a brick wall in trying to find out the locations in Ireland from where my family come from. All that is on the census is Ireland, this is on the 1851 census.

Any ideas ?

Many Thanks

Phil McLoughlin

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Phil,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

As Ireland was part of Britain in the 1800's, there was free movement between Ireland and  England, so no records exist.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




from Agovanknight
to liverpoolhibernian
date 7 Aug 2007 18:54
subject mcKenna's BOOTLE 1900's

My g/da was William McKenna my g/ma was Mary Ellen Hegarty
last known add. 3 court Slade St. My father William John McKenna 27/08/1907

I have tried the Liverpool REG. office for a copy of his birth cert. But with no success they have no record. He told me of selling the Liverpool Echo in his bare feet, hopping on and off trams. So I know he lived in Liverpool as a boy. And he mentioned Bootle a few time. Also Sylvester St, Scotty Rd and Vauxhall Rd.

Can You Point Me In The Right Direction?

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Phil,

I did not find the marriage in the Liverpool RC Marriage index, but I did find:

Lancashire Marriage indexes for the years: 1891

MCKENNA William & HEGARTY Mary E, Liverpool, Register Office Liverpool

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a the Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


No donation required.



Glo Wellman
to liverpoolhibernian
date 19 Aug 2007 03:05
subject St. Patrick's marriages

Hello Pat,

I am looking for a possible marriage for Michael Walsh and Jemima/Jamima
. They had at least one child baptized at St. Patrick's on 6 Jan
1855 (dau. Ann Elizabeth Walsh - my husband's great grandmother). So I
wonder if they had other children baptized and if they were married there?

Thanks for checking,

Glo Wellman
Santa Rosa, CA

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Glo,

I did not find the marriage in the Liverpool RC Marriage index.,

The Baptism records for St Pat's are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one event for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




from Ruth Baum
to liverpoolhibernian
date 31 Aug 2007 13:34
subject Liverpool Area R.C. Marriage Indexes

Dear Pat
Your email address has been given to me by a family member in New Zealand who is researching our Tobin family with me. Her name is Shirley, email address: gagdetnana

My grandfather was a Michael Tobin, married in St Austin's R.C. Church, Grassendale, Liverpool, to Bridget Drury in 1870. They went from Liverpool to Orange, New Jersey, USA, went back to Liverpool in about 1874, then emigrated to NZ, arriving in Auckland in December 1876 with 3 children. They had 10 children in NZ, my mother being the youngest of them, born in 1894.

I have the "Liverpool Area R.C. Marriage Index" for Tobin's. What I would also like to obtain is a list for members of the Concannon family, also the Burke family - is there any chance that you could help me with providing those lists please? Or can you advise me how I would access the Marriage Indexes generally?

One more question, is there a key to the abbreviations for the churches in the Index? The only one I am sure of is "Aus" for St Austin's where my grandparents were married and two of their children were baptised.

I would appreciate any information and guidance you can give me.

Kind regards
Ruth Baum

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Ruth,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

You can view the marriage index via:


The church codes are on:


Baptisms for St Austin's:


The Baptism records for St Autin's are held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one event for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the church, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




from Don Ford
to liverpoolhibernian
date 3 Sep 2007 20:33
subject Marriage records

Dear Pat,
Could you please help with the marriage records of:
1) Henry Mitchell and Margaret Ford who were married at St Anthony's, Scotland Road probably about 1846.
2) Charles Murphy and Anne Keating who were married at St Patrick's in April 1866. Is there any mention of where in Ireland either family came from?

Very many thanks for your help,
Don Ford

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Don,

Sorry for the delay in answering your email, but I take a break from family history emails from March to September.

I did not find the marriage of Henry Mitchell and Margaret Ford in the Liverpool RC marriage index. I did find:

FORD, MARGt.& THOMAS MITCHELL, 7-Nov-1842, St Anthony's

Here are details you requested from the Liverpool RC marriage Index:

MURPHY, CAROLUM & ANNAM KEATING, 9 APR 1866, St Patrick's RC church

The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the churches, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from DAMIAN KAVANAGH Sep (6 days ago)
to liverpoolhibernian
date 7 Sep 2007 15:24
subject Liverpool Irish Kavanaghs

FAO Pat Neill.

My mum & dad (Tommy & Rose) recognised your name from Clann meetings some time ago. I've been having a look on the internet trying to help them with our tree.

Here's a copy of what I recently posted on genforum.genealogy.com

"I'm helping my parents work through our family tree.

My great-grandad Edward "Ned" Kavanagh was born in Worthington Street off Stanhope Street in 1877.

Ned married Bridget Brannen in at St Patrick's Chapel in 1898, moving a few streets up the other side of Stanhope to Brassey Street.

Ned's parents were Patrick and Ellen (nee Power). We're interested in finding out exactly where they were from and when they came over to Liverpool and would appreciate anybody getting in touch with any information.

My mum & dad have various birth, death and marriage certificates from Ned onwards and would be happy to provide details from these to help anybody else with their own searches."

I appreciate you wouldn't know anything about our line but I would be grateful for any advice or hints you can give.

Given the history of the Irish in Liverpool its a shame that its not more widely celebrated or indeed known about than it already is!

Thanks for any time you can spend helping

Answer sent Thursday 13th September 2007

Hi Damian,

I hope Tommy & Rose are well.

Here are details I have from the Liverpool RC Marraige Index:


KAVANAGH, PATRICIUM & ELLENAM POWER, 17 JAN 1870, St Patrick's RC church

The church marriage registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the churches, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


I recommend that you check through the Marriage and Baptism Registers at the Liverpool Record Office. You may find Kavanagh's that give an address in Ireland... I suspect they will be from Co Wexford, so you need to find out the father's names of: KAVANAGH, PATRICIUM & ELLENAM POWER and see if you can find them in the Griffith Valuation.



Six hours spent answering Twenty-three family history emails on Thursday 13th September 2007.

from Sharon McBride <mcbridez
to liverpoolhibernian
date 11 Sep 2007 02:22
subject Lookup request Marriages St Peters Seel St L1

I found two marriage on the index that I believe might be our family
members. Wonder if you can tell me a date or any detail on the marriages.

Mary MOYLER married John SHEA, code PET
Mary MOYLER married Henry GALLAGHAN, code PET

Thank you,
Sharon McBride
Perth, Western Australia

Answer sent Sunday 23rd September 2007


Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Marriage Index:

SHEA, JOHN & MARY MOYLER, 9-Feb-1828, St Peter's RC church, Seel St Liverpool L1

Sorry the Mary MOYLER & Henry GALLAGHAN entry is a mistake.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the churches, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from robert haresnape <robert_haresnape
to liverpoolhibernian
date 12 Sep 2007 10:35
subject marriage


Could you provide me with the marriage index for the following,

St. Peter`s Church
Ann Anderton to Thomas Hearsnep

much obliged

Bob Haresnape

Answer sent Sunday 23rd September 2007


Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Marriage Index:

ANDERTON, ANN & THOMAS HEARSNEP, 30-Apr-1848, St Peter's RC church, Seel St

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


If you contact the LVRO, they may give you the full details of one marriage for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the churches, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a
donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from Sue Kennedy <[email protected]> hide details 13 Sep
to [email protected]
date 13 Sep 2007 14:43
subject family tree
mailed-by hotmail.co.uk

Dear Pat Neill

I am researching my family tree I would like to know if Peter Marrow married Ann Hetherington in 1851
between Jan-March at St Peter RC church Seel St Liverpool.
I would be grateful if you could help in anyway


Answer sent Sunday 23rd September 2007


I did not find the marriage in the Liverpool RC Marriage Index.

The church marriage register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


You could contact the LVRO, they may do a search for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For pictures of the churches, see:


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 08:07:51 -0700
From: srkbear
Subject: Our Lady of Reconciliation
To: patrick_neill_fh

Dear Patrick,
I just wanted to say how pretty I think the pictures are on your website of this Catholic Church. I am not Catholic however I have be doing research on my family and months ago my aunt showed us some papers from her parents and their parents. Among these papers is a Certificate of Baptism of my great Grandpa his name was James McCann which was done in this church. This baptism took place in the late 1800's. Do you know if there is any chance if this church would have records on my great grandpa's brother's if they were baptized there too ? If so do you know what the best or easiest way would be to find out ? Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Kathleen Smith

Answer sent Sunday 23rd September 2007


The church Baptism register is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


You could contact the LVRO, they may do a search for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




from Honor Burns
to liverpoolhibernian
date 14 Sep 2007 22:54
subject Manley lookup

Hi Pat

Thank you for replying so quickly about Bridget Manley she must have been buried in her mothers grave Julia Walsh, as people never had money then, I never answered you last night as I went to the library in Liverpool city centre today Friday and joined The Family Tree with a John Lawson he told me more than the help desk did on a Tuesday it was very interesting he is going to show us how to look all the records up properly Pat do you know a Michael O'Neill the archivist in Saint Anthony's Church Scotland Road? this John Lawson was in Michaels class a few years ago

Thank you once again take care Pat.


Answer sent Sunday 23rd September 2007

Hi Honor,

Do you know when Julia Walsh was interred, if so I could check the plot records.

I have meet Michael O'Neill, he gave a tour of St Anthony's to the Ango-Irish FHS many years ago.



from Sylvia Cleverley <[email protected]> hide details 15 Sep
to [email protected]
date 15 Sep 2007 11:01
mailed-by hotmail.com

Hello Pat, Just wondering if you can help me, I'm transcribing some St. Patrick's records for LAN OPC and I'm having difficulty with a priest's name. I'm attaching the image and the priests name in question is for the entries of the 24th and 28th of April 1860. Can you help me?


Answer sent Sunday 23rd September 2007

Hi Sylvia,

The name could be J. M. Hoursing Majors. You will have to check more of his writing to get used to style.

Keep up the good work.

Could you let me know when it will be published, I would love to have a copy.



from Sylvia Cleverley
to Patrick Neill
date 23 Sep 2007 14:06
subject RE:

Hi Patrick, Thanks for that, but I have since found out that the priest's name was John M. Honorius Magini,
he was Italian and was a visiting priest. He later had his own parish in Birmingham and then in Scotland.



to liverpoolhibernian
date 15 Sep 2007 11:03
subject HELLO

Hi Patrick.
Need your help once more. Could you look for the following burial records for me:

Age: 48

Age 64

I don't know what religion they were. Also who else is buried with them.

Regards Irene

Answer sent Sunday 23rd September 2007


I only search for one name at a time, so please resend the second name.

Here are the details from the Liverpool RC Burial Board Plot Records:

Ford Cemetery
Section: DZ
Public (Pauper) plot: 838

Blundell Street, 12 Court, Liverpool L1
Age: 48 years
Interred: 3/1/1869

As it is a Public (Pauper) plot, there will be no headstone. There are nine other people interred in the plot.

Here is a plan of Ford Cemetery:


If the information I have supplied is of help to you, please make a donation to charity of your choice/CAFOD or Caritas via:

(online or by phone)

UK - http://www.cafod.org.uk/donate/

Or by check/cheque, see:




from PSandbach
to liverpoolhibernian
date 22 Aug 2007 17:38
subject (no subject)

I wander if you can help me?
My dad was born at — 33-Skirving St in 1891, and I am trying to trace family tree, would you happen to know what was the parish church for Skirving St at that time and how I would go about finding out his Baptism records?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Pat Sandbach

Answer sent Sunday 23rd September 2007


The closest RC would have been St Alphonsus in Great Mersey Street. The records are held at the Liverpool Record Office, see:


Other churches in Liverpool L5 are:

Our Lady of the immaculate Conception
St Anthony's
St Sylvester's

For pictures of the churches, see:


The church Baptism registers is held at the Liverpool Record Office (LVRO):


You could contact the LVRO, they may do a search for FREE.

Here is their Email address: 


For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:




from william kenneth jones
to liverpoolhibernian
date 16 Sep 2007 12:50
subject father

Dear Patrick can you please help me.  I am trying to trace my fathers roots all I have is his baptism certificate. This says he was baptised on the 13th of Feb 1906 at St Patrick's his birth date was the 9th of Feb 1906. His name was John Jones his father was Thomas Jones and his mother was Alice Kavanagh. The name of the priest was father William Barnes.

Shortly after the baptism, I am told Thomas died at sea and then Alice also died my father was placed in an orphanage.
My father never spoke of this but I am sure it affected him deeply.

Could you please shed some light on what happened to my grandparents and my fathers early life. Or point me in the right direction on where to look. The name of a ship has been mentioned this was the Pengwern which was sunk in 1907 with all hands lost, one of the crew members was a Thomas Jones but was this him?

I thank you from William Jones

Answer sent Sunday 23rd September 2007


You could try the Nugent Care Society, they have the record of the Liverpool Catholic orphanages, see:


This could be the marriage of his parents: Thomas JONES & Alice CAVANAGH were married in Holy Trinity Cof E church, Toxteth Park in 1889.

For information about RC/Irish research in Liverpool see:


If you want a copy of a Birth/Civil Marriage Certificate, you will need to
contact the Liverpool Register Office, see:


The Merseyside Maritime Museum may be able to assist with the sunken ship, see:




Three and a half hours spent answering thirteen family history emails on Sunday 23rd September 2007. . Total of nine and half spent answering the September family history emails.


    Ford Cemetery Lookups

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      Last Updated August 2010
      Copyright © Patrick Neill 2007