

Photo copy of original - supplied by Richard Barnes IV
Transcription after scanned images - transcibed by Richard Barns IV

Front side




The Petition to establish the town of Chancy 1702

To Her Majesties Honorable Council and House of Representatives now mett and sitting in Gen'll Assembly in Boston this 29th day of May 1702.
The Humble Petition of the Inhabitants & Proprietors of the Towne of Marlborough in the County of Midlesex in Her Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England
    That wheras the Towne of Marlborough in their first settlement of their Plantaion seated their towne toward the Westerly end of sd Plantationand since hath laid out a considerable part of the land in the westerly part in lotts; the inhabitants considering that much of their land both upland and meadow would be very proper & convenient for settleing upon, onely remote from any Meetings therefore for incoragment of people to settle there that they should haveliberty to build a Meeting House, and forwith stated out bounds there for a village to be settled,though with encoragement a considerable number of families are already settled thereon who find a difficulty and inconvenience in the want of a Meeting Houseand being so remote from any.  And likewise considering that there several farms & vacant land or the country adjacent to it sufficient to make a village.
Therefor wee ye Honorable & Humble Petitioners do pray for an inlargement that from the westerly bounds of Marlborough Towne the Pt. now settled which is called Chancy, may be expanded to Consigamck Pond and to a parcel lyne with Marlborough west line where it becomes to Hassenessett the Indian Plantation and to run the full breadth of five miles until it comes to Hassenessett and to building pon that Plantation also a mile in breadth on the southerly side from Sudbury River to the Indian bounds afore mentioned and desireing all amongst us and Humble Petiners shall ever pray.
The subscribers names for want of room are sett on the other side

(reverse  of petition)

                                                                   Rich'd Barnes                              Thomas Brigham
                                                    Nathan Brigham                        Samuel Goodnow
                                                    Samuel Brigham                        Elizab' th Howe
                                                    Jacob Rice                                    Edmond Rice
                                                    John Mainerd Jr                          David Mainerd
                                                    Anna Ward                                  Joseph Witherby
                                                    Increase Ward                             Samuel Furbush
                                                    James Rice                                  Isaac Thomlin
                                                    Joshua Haines                              John Fay
                                                                                                          Samuel Fay
                                                                                                          John Brigham

All in behalf of the rest of the inhabitants and Proprietors in the village belonging to the towne of Marlborough called Chancy.

The petition of the inhabitants of Marlborough read in Council June 3rd 1702

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