
Union Congregational Church - 1999
See additional information below pictures

Springhill Meeting House - now Union Congregational Church

Springhill Church

From Ella Bigelow's Book

PASTORS from 1666 to the present time (1910): Rev's S. F. Bucklin, Charles Forbush, John Goodhue, George E. Day, David L. Ogsen, George Denham (supply), Levi A. Field, George N. Anthony, Charles R. Treat, John Willard, S. E. Eastman  (supply ), Albert F. Newton, W. F. Stearns., L. B. Goodrich, A. H. Wheelook.

Through Courtesy of Mr. David Goodale the following list of old time pew holders in the church has been obtained:

Mary W. Woodward
Jason Howe
Jacob Holyoke
Silas Temple
Ephraim Hinds
Wim. Wilkins and Joel Wilkins
Benjamin Clark
Wm. Ward and Lucy Williams
Aaron Brigham
W. Williams
Lydia Davis
Stephen Rice
Lewis Jewett
Daniel Brigham
Elizabeth R. Wilson
Jonathan Sawin
Rufus Stowe
Jerre Stowe
George Barnard
Daniel Darling
Samuel Arnold
Lydia and Samuel S. Howe
Nathan Goodale
Jabez Stowe
Nathan Loring
Aaron Stevens
Stephen Morse. Jr
Ephraim Bigelow
Stephen Wesson
Lewis Howe
E. Spurn
Joseph Arnold,
Calvin Mayard
Elijah Hale
William Haden
Ezekiel Bruce and Jonathan Hapgood
N. B. Proctor for J. Hapgood
Mary S. William.
Israel Litmis
John C. Maynard
Ephraim Maynard
Samuel Warren
Wm. Winchester for S. Winchester
John Arnold
N. B. Proctor
Benjamin Priest
John Maynard for Jonas Moore
Stephen Wilson and Eliphet Spurn
Hannah sherman
William Barnes
J. C. Newcomb ex Job Goodale
Eben Witt
Josiah Sherman
Jason Howe
Wininslow Brigham,  Elizabeth Brigham
Joseph Tavntor
John Hunting
Jonathan Hapgood
George Howe
Ezekiel Bruce
David Goodale
Amory Mavnard
George E. Muson
Samuel F. Williams
William Harrington
Jonathan Sawin
George Peters
Silas Newton
Lucinda Mowry
Nathan Goodale
David Goodale
Nathan Longley ex of will of Hunter
Solomon Week.
Dexter Howe



Hannah Howe
Samuel Arnold and Rufus Stowe
Thomas Hapgood
David Goodale
Sallty Ames and Jonah Howe
Joseph Tayntor and Nathan Sawin
Daniel Brigham
John Bruce and Elizabeth Eager
Ezekiel Parmenter and E. Parmenter
Nathan Goodale and Nathan Longley ex. to John Hunter
Benjamin Priest
Jason Howe
Aaron Stevens and Samuel Warren
Joseph Williams
Betsy Weeks
John S. Temple
James Woods

Mr. F. L. Claflin, cashier of the National Bank, is authority that the bell was cast by Paul Revere.  At the time the church was destroyed by a fire, the bell was recast again in 1892.  This fact makes the bell doubly historical.

Not far from the church is the Spring Hill Burial Grounds.  The fact that the church was located upon the Indian Planting Field, would be argument against burying the dead so near to the foe.

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