Horrell Genealogy Information

Choose a branch of the Horrell's to view.  The contributor of each is shown, along with an email address to get in touch with them.  The name shown is the oldest "known" member of that branch.  Branches may tie to others, but the link is still unknown.

Oldest Branch Person


EMAIL  (Snail Mail Address)

Benedict Horrell (circa 1818) IL. Carla
Charles Irvin Horrell (b. 1825; d. 1862) Kentucky Virginia Hinton
Clement Horrell (d. 1785) PA. Ted
(Unknown) Horrell (circa 1860) England Robin
William  Horrell (b. 1793   d. 1841 ) PA. Carleen, Laura*
William John Horrell (d.1878) England Liz
William John Horrell (d. 1878) England Walter J Horrell
Jonathan Horrell (early 1700's?) England Rex
William Orrell (mid 1700's) England Georgia Horrell-Pozycinski
William Orrell (mid 1700's) England Betty Walker
 * Laura also has a home page containing Horrell information.  Check it out!

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Page Last Updated -- June 16, 1999