Locations found in batch C745164

Locations found in batch C745164

Click on the town of interest to go to its entry in the relevant state/province page or use the "Back" button on your browser to return to the previous page. Please note that there may be some unlikely places listed here since these batches were often subject to transcription errors. Please DO NOT REPORT these - any such reports will not be acknowledged.

Town/County  (Church, Chapel  
 or other place)  
State or Province  Country  

Bolinas, Marin     California  USA  
Burdell Ranch, Marin     California  USA  
Marshall, Marin     California  USA  
Olema, Marin     California  USA  
Ross Valley, Marin     California  USA  
Rural District, Marin     California  USA  
San Quentin, Marin     California  USA  
San Rafael, Marin     California  USA  
Tomales, Marin     California  USA  
Des Moines, Polk     Iowa  USA  


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The batch numbers on this site belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints