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I currently have access to the baptisms from June 5, 1801 to December 31, 1817. The period between 1801 and 1837 is not covered by the IGI or by civil registration records and so forms something of a 'black hole' in easily available information. This page facilitates your making a lookup request. It is organised into a number of different types of search as follows (click on the relevant link to take you directly to the right place on this page):
You may also want to read the special note about the activities in December 1812 further down this page. If you find any errors please let me know at errors@stokedamerelopc.org This facility is currently still in test mode and therefore may not behave as anticipated. Your feedback is welcome. Search using Soundex matchingInstructions:
Search by first letter(s) of surnameClick on the appropriate link below to see surnames beginning with the relevant letter. Any matching entries will appear in a separate window. Some of these pages are very large and so this may take a little time to appear completely. I have now split some initial letters into more than one range to alleviate this problem. Occasionally the results window may be hidden when it first appears, in which case you will need to bring it to the front manually. W-WH WI-WZ X Y Z Unreadable Special note - December 1812The last few pages of 1812 are a major challenge to read due to a new clerk who started work in October 1812 and who had incredibly bad handwriting. In addition, the sheer volume of baptisms (see the table and graph below) that took place before the new recording system went into effect in 1813 meant that the church was clearly struggling to keep up with the paperwork. There are obvious mistakes such as a section of the register (about 15 baptisms) that is repeated on different pages and surnames not being recorded at all in a few instances. Many people decided to get baptisms done that they had put off because of a (false) rumour that the cost would go up in 1813. (And, I suppose, the church was not about to discourage anyone from entering the fold, whatever the reason!!) For this reason it is a very important section of the register genealogically speaking as many families that might otherwise not have appeared at all baptised all their children and sometimes the parents as well. There are many adult baptisms in this period so, if you are missing a relative from the late 1700s you might find them baptised in December 1812. Unfortunately, because of the readability problems I mentioned above, some of the names are apparently nonsensical and some baptisms will probably be lost to the world for eternity. If you are really stuck, don't rely on this lookup request facility but get to look at the actual registers for yourself. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) this will entail a trip to Plymouth but that's life for a genealogist I'm afraid. This table shows the number of baptisms by day for this month.
Click on the image below to see a graph of this information: StatisticsBaptisms by year and month:
There have been |