Jones-Minick Cemetery
Driving DirectionsThanks to Richard Packard for the Jones-Minick photos, the driving directions to this cemetery, and the corrections about the name of the cemetery.
Jones Cemetery (also known as Old Boyd Cemetery) is located near the Boyd Church near Oak Grove, Arkansas. From Oak Grove, Arkansas, take Hwy 21, 1.8 miles west to the Boyd Church and Hale Cemetery signs which are posted on an unnumbered road.
Turn right (North) and it is approximately .2 of a mile to the Hale Cemetery; proceed .5 of a mile to Rd. #436/422, turn right at the stop sign and Boyd sign (East); follow #436, .7 of a mile which takes a left curve to the north; follow #436 for 1.2 miles to a grassy lane; turn right (East) for approximately .1 of a mile to the Jones-Minick Cemetery and sign. The lane and cemetery may also be reached by proceeding approximately .2 of a mile south of the Boyd Church.
Carroll County Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc. P.O. Box 249 Berryville, AR 72616-0249 Phone 870 423-6312 URL: jones-minick-drv.html
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