date collected-08/07/2068

Burslem Cemetery

list ID: burL-02

239978? Sergeant/A FINNEMORE/Wireless Operator.Air Gunner/ Royal Air Force/3rd October 1943? age 21/ A Tribute to a Brave Boy

notes=War Grave/Wireless Operator.Air Gunner

date collected-03/05/07

Milwich-All-Saints Church

list ID: mil1C-04

underneath/are deposited the/mortal remains of/ Thomas FINNEMORE./(late of Coton)/who departed this life/ 22nd of May 1826/aged 74 years./ underneath/are deposited the/mortal remains of/ Elizabeth the wife of/Thomas FINNEMORE/of Coton. who died/ August 25th 1816./aged 65 years./ here lieth waiting for immortal life./ the tender husband of a loving wife;/ good was his heart? and in his friendship sound./ patient in pain and loved by all around./ in every age the present? and the past,/ to this the great, the rich? come as last/ put all your trust in god, on him rely?/ sooner or later, all mankind must die

date collected-03/05/07

Milwich-All-Saints Church

list ID: mil1C-03

in memory/of Edward FINNEMORE. late of coton/ who left this world July 24th 18??/aged 35 years/ respected and afteemed by all/and unafuming manners./ a pale? consumption gave the fatal blow/ the stroke was ??tain ?? the effect was slo??/ with wasting plain? death found? me? long? opprost?/ pitied? my s?? and kindly ???/alfo Thomas FINNEMORE?/ ?? (cannot read the rest)