in loving memory of/Lillian Ellen FLEET/beloved wife of/George J. P. FLEET,/ who died March 9th 1913,/aged 45 years./and of the above/George J. P. FLEET,/ the dearly loved husband of/Edith FLEET,/who died June 14th 1934,/ aged 69 years./ also Edith FLEET,/wife of the above/who died Oct. 24th 1936.
in loving memory of/John Poulson FLEET,/younger son of/ George J.P. & Lillian E. FLEET,/who died April 20th 1926,/aged 23 years./ and their elder son/George Lawrence F./FLEET,/dearly loved husband of/ Marian Florence./who died 8th Feb. 1975/aged 76 years./ also his beloved wife/Marian Florence./who died 13th Dec. 1981/aged 81 year
of/George FLEET,/of Field House Stoke-on-Trent,/born April 21st 1836/ died Oct 3rd 1908,/"he asked life of thee,/and thou gavest him a long life/ even for ever and ever" ps. xx1.4./ also of Elizabeth Mary, his wife/born Dec. 28th. 1841,/died April 8th 1920./ "her children arise up and/call her/blessed" prov. xxx1. 28./ also/Elizabeth Matilda/daughter of/George & Elizabeth Mary FLEET/ died March 6th 194
In/Loving Memory of/William BAGNALL/of Boothen Cottage/Stoke-on-Trent/ who died March 10th 1900/aged 73 years./"his end was peace"/ also/Sarah HARRIS/beloved wife of the above/who died Aug 21st 1918/aged 78 years./ also their son in law/Sydney Edward FLEET/who died March 11th 1947 aged 76 years/ and his beloved wife Emma/daughter of/William & Sarah BAGNALL/ who died April 12th 1958 aged 82 years.