date collected-21/05/2014


list ID: tun6M-21

in/loving memory of/William PICKIN/of Tunstall/died Mar. 15th 1876/ aged 42 years./thy will be done./also of Emma PICKIN/Widow of the above/ of (wolverhampton?)/(daughter of the late?)/Ellison FOLLOWS/died Feb 2nd 1903/ aged 68 years/peace perfect peace./also Frederick/their Grandson/ dearly loved husband of/Lucy Adeline FOLLOWS/and dear dad of/ Freddy Barbara & Nicky/of the Laurels Woodland Ave,/High Lane Burslem/ who died on Good Friday/April 8th 1966?/aged 75 years./nil desperandum/ in/loving memory of/Mary Ann/PICKEN/their beloved/daughter/ died April 19th 1965/aged 94 years./ in/loving memory of/Richard Ellison/son of/William & Emma PICKEN/ died Aug 25th? 1876?/aged 3 years & 6 months/ suffer little children to come unto me.

date collected-/18/07/2014


list ID: tun7M-10

in loving remembrance/of/Charles GREEN/of Tunstall/ who died Decr 10th 1878/aged 42 years./"thy will be done"./ in loving memory of/Jeanett BESWICK/(nee FOLLOWS)/widow of W. BESWICK/ and previously the widow of/the late Charles GREEN/before mentioned/ died Dec. 11. 1910/aged 70 year

date collected-/21/05/2014


list ID: tun6M-12

to the loving memory of/the late Ellison FOLLOWS/formerly of this town/ born April 26. 1806/died Sept. 26. 1875./also of/Mary Ann FOLLOWS/ Widow of Ellison FOLLOWS/born Jan 11. 1808/died Oct. 1 1885./ both of whom are buried here./in loving memory of/ Mary Ann POLLY elder daughter of/Dr. Wm. and Elizabeth FOLLOWS/ of Liverpool formerly of Wolverhampton,/born Sept 17. 1871/died Mar 23. 1889./ "thy will be done"./also in loving memory of/Jeannette Jenny/ only remaining daughter of/Dr. Wm. and Elizabeth FOLLOWS/ born Dec 26. 1872/died June 2. 1889./erected by their son/ Dr William FOLLOWS./Councillor of Wolverhampton

date collected-/21/05/2014


list ID: tun6M-13

in/loving memory/of/Frederick,/beloved husband of/Sarah Ann FOLLOWS/ of Bank Cottage, Scholar Green./formerly of the Royal Arms/Tunstall/ born Feb. 3. 1860./died Nov. 18. 1912./also of the above/Sarah Ann FOLLOWS/ who died Oct. 18. 1941,/aged 78 years./ also of Maude, Emma, Ann & Mary,/their children who died in infancy