in loving remembrance of/Martha/the beloved wife of William KENT/ of Windsor Street Hanley,/who died February 11th 1891./aged 71 years./ "sorrow vanquished, labour ended,/jordan past"/also the above William KENT,/ who died December 17th 1893,/aged 71 years./"not my will but thine be done"./ {stonemasons mark: Wardle Harley St. Hanley}
in loving memory of/William/beloved husband of/Alice Gertrude HANCOCK/ died 14th March 1977/also Christina May/died in infancy/ worthy of everlasting love./also Alice Gertrude/beloved wife of/ William/died 12th Dec. 1987 aged 84 years/always in our thoughts/ also Raymond KENT, dearly loved husband of Brenda/ died 25th May 1999 aged 71 years./gone from our home/ but not from our heart
Left hand page . . . In loving Memory of our dear parents/ Mary Ann Ann KENT of 57 Fell St. Smallthorne./ died June 30th 1967 aged 82 years./also daughter died 8th May 1998/ Right hand page . . . Alfred John KENT/died March 16th 1968 aged 83 years./Reunited/ with daughter Lily/died (1917?) aged 5 months./Hannah aged 87 years/ [does last line left page go with the last line on the right page?]
in loving memory of/Edward Fisher KENT/of Manchester,/ born Nov. 26. 1852,/died Dec. 18. 1888,/ gone, but not forgotte
to/the dear memory of/Marjorie WILLATT,/dearly loved daughter of/ W. Frederick & Florence M. KENT,/she died on the 20th of May 1914,/ aged 8 years./also of the above/W. Frederick KENT,/ he died on the 28th of Feb. 1935/aged 62 years./also of the above/ (Florence M. KENT?)/-cannot read the rest.-
in/loving memory/of/William KENT/of 69 Slater St Burslem/
who died Feb 20th 1913/aged 68 years./also of/Ann KENT,/
his beloved wife/who died Jan. 24th 1928/aged 83 years/
"until the day break"./also/Elizabeth ???/30? Wharf ???/who died ???