treasured memories of/Flo N./MOUNTFORD/at rest 21st November 1997./aged 89 years./ beloved wife of the late/Frank MOUNTFORD/at rest 13th March 1986/ scattered close by./devoted parents and grandparents/reunited with Mary/ Elizabeth LONG/1963/Emmie YOUNG/1979/and Edward LONG/1950
sacred /to /the memory of/William YOUNG, late of Tunstall,/ who departed this life/January 10th 1852, aged 47 years./ alfo Thomas YOUNG who died July/22nd 1863 aged 55 years./ In the midst of life we are in death.
in loving memory of/Lizzie,/beloved wife of/Thomas William YOUNG,/ of Mill Farm, Tunstall./died 25th June 1923, aged 28 years./ "In the midst of life we are in death".
in ever loving memory of Frank, the dearly beloved son of Herbert/
& Martha E. YOUNG, of Fenton, who died February 6th 1921, aged 14/
years. if love could save thou hadst not died. also their/
daughter Edith died April 13 1973 aged 7(1?) also Herbert /
died Jan. 27th 19(47?) aged 74 years. worthy of everlasting love/
also Martha Elizabeth YOUNG died Oct 22 nd 1962 aged 88 years./dearly loved.
{stonemason 8781A Plumbley the Dingle Winsford}