Euro - Irish Pound Calculator
With effect from 0.00 a.m. local time on 1 January 1999, the fixed conversion rate between the euro and the Irish pound is:

1 euro = IR�0.787564

We have entered this rate into our calculator. You can, by using the calculator, convert Irish pound amounts to euro amounts and vice versa.

  1. To convert from Irish pounds to euro

    Enter the IR£ amount here:
    The calculator will now carry out the conversion.
    This is the euro amount expressed to three decimal places:
    This is the euro amount rounded to two decimal places, i.e. to cent:

    If you are doing the calculation for yourself:

    • Divide the Irish pound amount by 0.787564, i.e. the fixed conversion rate;
    • Round the resulting euro amount to two decimal places, i.e. to cent. Round down where the third figure after the decimal point is 4 or lower; round up where it is 5 or higher.

    IR�4.50 divided by 0.787564 (i.e. the fixed conversion rate) = EUR 5.71382
    Round to EUR 5.71, i.e. round down because the third figure after the decimal point is 4 or lower.

  2. To convert from euro to Irish pounds

    Enter the euro amount here:
    The calculator will now carry out the conversion.
    This is the IR� amount expressed to three decimal places:
    This is the IR� amount rounded to two decimal places, i.e. to pence:
  3. If you are doing this calculation for yourself:

    • Multiply the euro amount by 0.787564, i.e. the fixed conversion rate;
    • Round the resulting IR� amount to two decimal places, i.e. to pence.
    • Round down where the third figure after the decimal point is 4 or lower; round up where it is 5 or higher.

    EUR 5 x 0.787564 (i.e. the fixed conversion rate) = IR�3.93782.
    Round to IR�3.94, i.e. round up, because the third figure after the decimal point is 5 or higher.