Held at Big Creek Church

Pope County, Illinois

on Friday before the first Lord's day & days following in

October 1821

1st. The Introductory sermon agreeable to appointment, was preached by Elder John Wren from Isaiah 28 chapter and 16th verse. "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, behold" &.

2nd. The Association then convened and being opened with prayer by Eld. Wilson Henderson proceeded to business.

3rd. Chose Elder W. Henderson Moderator and Bro. William Rondeauu Clerk.

4th. A Letter of Correspondence from Little River Association was thankfully received, and their messenger James W. Mansfield invited to a seat with us, and one dollar received from that Association to our fund.

5th. Brother John Wren requested to write a corresponding Letter to Little River Association.

6th. On motion, Elders Henderson, Johnson and Carpenter are appointed a Comittee of Arrangement, to report tomorrow.

7th. Chose Elders Jas. W. Mansfield, Hiram Casey and ______Tracy to fill the stand tomorrow, and after prayer by the Moderator, adjourned until tomorrow 10 o'clock.

Saturday, met according to adjournment, and after prayer by the Moderator, proceeded to business.

8th. Visiting Brethren, (viz.) Casey, Estes, and Tracy invited to seats with us.

9th. Called for the Committee's arrangement, to report tomorrow which was received, and they dismissed.

10th. The Corresponding Letter was called for, read, and received, and appointed, Elders Johnson, Herring, and Rondeau our corresponding messengers to bear the same to Little River Association.

11th. Agree to open a correspondence with Waubash and Illinois Association, and that Brothers Carpenter and Cantril be our messengers to Waubash, and Wren, and Cheek and Carpenter to Illinois, and they prepare the Corresponding Letters.

12th. Motioned and agreed to establish an yearly meeting distinct from the Association. The first to be at Hopewell meeting house, Wayne county, to commence Friday before the fourth Sunday in May 1822: Brothers Henderson, Wren, Herring, Stilley, Johnson and Rondeau, to attend the same, and Brother Wren to preach the introduction, in case of failure Brother Herring.

13th. The circular letter called for, read and received and ordered to be annexed to these minutes.

14th. Our next Association to be held at the East Fork of Muddy River, Franklin county, to commence on Saturday preceding the third Lord's Day in September 1822, to commence at 11 o'clock A.M. and Brother Stilley requested to preach the introduction, in case of failure Bro. Carpenter.

15th. Brother Wren requested to write a Circular Letter for next Association.

16th. Appointed brothers Carpenter and Hamilton, a committee of Finance, who report from the Churches this year as their contributions--- $14. 75

Returned from Little River Association..........................1.00

Due Brother Wren from last year................................ ......50

Balance remaining in the Treasury...............................$15.25

17th. Appointed Brother Wren to prepare the minutes for the Press, and that Brother Olliver Morris superintend the printing and have one hundred and fifty copies struck and distribute them among the Churches, in proportion to the members in each Church, reserving 15 copies for next Association.

18th. Requested Brothers Casey, Mansfield and Tracy, to preach tomorrow, that meeting begin at 10 o'clock A.M. After prayer by the Moderator adjourned.

(Signed) Wilson Henderson, Mod.

(Attest) William Rondeau, Clerk.

* * * *

Lord's Day meeting was opened by Brother Mansfield, from First Kings, 18th chapter, 21st verse, "How long hath ye between two opinions, if the Lord be God," &. Brother Tracy from Isaiah, 3rd ch. 10th & 11th v. "Say ye to the righteous that it shall be well with him,: &. Brother Casey from St. Luke, 24th ch. 46th & 47th verses, :and said unto them thus it is written and thus it behoved Christ, : &. We hope the word preached will be attended with a Divine blessing.

W. H., Mod.

W.R., Clk.

* * * *


Dear Brethren,

The time has rolled on that God in his kind providence hath permitted us to meet in an Associate capacity, in this part of the world, that, a few years past was a wilderness inhabited by Indians and wild beasts; but now we are permitted to address you in a circular letter. We have thought proper to call your attention to the subject of Christian Faithfulness; This we fear hath been too much neglected, and confident we are that the neglect of this duty will cause our misery to arise. Faithfulness appears to be the duty of every member in the Church of Christ, and ought to be attended by every one that names the name of Christ.

We are exhorted in the Scriptures to be faithful unto death, and we shall receive a crown of Life, then it becomes the brethren and sisters to be faithful in their conversation with each other, always striving to keep up the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace; and should they know anything of their brethren and sisters, they should faithfully converse with them before they mention it to the world or any of their brethren.

Great care and faithfulness becomes in discipline to purge out from among us every evil as quick as the Gospel directs. And also in the reception of members into fellowship, for the want of faithfulness in these cases, members are frequently received and kept in the Church that should not be there, and by this cause of God is much injured by those who profess to wish it well. Members in fellowship should not only be faithful in their dealings in the Church, but also with their families, and so walk as becomes the Gospel of Christ; for the Church of Christ is said to be the ground and pillar of Truth, and it becomes us to watch against error, both in public and private characters. It is frequently seen that error flows through the channel of the ministry, and of course, call for great care and faithfulness in setting preachers forward, and encouraging them after they are set forward, for it is evident that should a man profess the eloquence of Apollos, and lack soundness in the Faith, he is forbidden by the word of God, to preach the Gospel, and ought to be removed by the Church of Christ. For it takes abundance of untempered zeal to support error, and there is a zeal not according to knowledge.

We have concluded that it become those dear lovers of Truth, both in public 'and private' life, to shew by their daily conduct and conversation that they are of the Truth, and especially those who labor in the word and doctrine. Take heed to your doctrine, and man to the cause, and contend earnestly for the Faith, once delivered to the Saints, and never be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto Salvation, to every one that believeth, and now may the Great Shepherd of the Sheep preserve and keep you in Love and Peace. Amen.


Big Creek Stephen Stilley, Rondeau John Hamilton 13 2 7 1 1 43 $ .75
E. F. M. River Isaac Herring, Richard Cantril Shad. Cheek 1 4 2     34 2.50
Bangtons Fork Wilson Henderson, Joseph Newton, Daniel Powel 8 7 20     25 1.75
Bethels Creek No Messenger           15  
M. F. M. River John Wren, Laz. Webb 1 2 6     10 1.25
Lusk Creek C. Johnson, J. Williams   1 3     9 .50
Ten Mile Creek C. Carpenter, J. Taylor 7 10       23 1.00
Mt. Tabor Joseph Jordan, John Calson Oliver Morris           17 2.00
Hopewell Jas. Taylor, W. Watkins           45 3.00
Lick Creek James Pearce           28  
Island Ripple Joseph Riley           13  
The last five churches were recived at this Association Totals 30 26 38 1 1 267 $14.75