


So many years have slipped away The seasons come and go. One Christmas stands out vividly, It was a frigid day with snow.

We fed the livestock early, Dad harnessed a black and bay And hitched them to the surrey, We didn't have a sleigh.

The big wheels cut through snow-drifts The North wind bit the face. We bundled up, but we were cold When we got to Grandpa's place.

Dad took the team to shelter And fed them grain and hay. The rest of us went in to warm And get ready for Christmas Day.

The big house smelled of home cooked food The fire-place shed a glow. The snow piled up on the big North porch, You could hear the North wind blow.

Our Aunts and Uncles all were there, They were in for Christmas Day. They sat and talked in the big front room, The kids found a place to play.

I remember the cake with the nuts on top, They were gathered from the hickory grove, And the big mince pies in the warmer Of the big wood-burning stove.

There were vegetables there from the garden, And fruit from the cellar outside. And a ham from Grandad's smoke house, It was carved and served with pride.

Now the older ones have all passed on, That great old house is gone. But the Memories of that Christmas Day For me will linger on.

John L. Gwaltney


We started out that Winter day Dad helped the family load, Then pulled the reins across the bays And drove off down the road.

The snow swirled down from dark cold skies And covered the barren ground. The tiny bells on the two big bays Broke the silence all around.

The horses' hooves cut through the snow As they trotted on the way. We rode along with spirits high For this was Christmas Day!

I remember crossing the old creek bridge, White banks embraced the stream. I still remember my Fathers voice When he talked to his bay team.

We crossed the bottoms and the first white hill, Brought Grandfather's home in sight. The clover fields were covered now, The snow packed roof was white.

We turned up a lane to the big white house, No worse for the long cold ride. The smoke curled up from the big fire place, We knew it was warm inside.

We pulled off our coats by the big wood fire, The big house was warm with love. And before we ate the Christmas meal We gave thanks to God above.

But time flies by and the old pass on. Now that grand old house is gone. But memories of that Christmas Day Stay with me and linger on.

John L. Gwaltney