School Discipline


Comments in a letter to Silvetta Parsons from Grace (Wilson) Watkins 12/03/94

Grace taught school in Broughton for awhile, some of her school group pictures are on the web page. The stage she is referring to was the stage  in the school assembly, it was what Mr. Lodge Grant referred to as his office, for he kept his desk, files etc there, and while Grace worked for him during her H S years, she used the stage as well.

Submitted by Silvetta Parsons


Mother told me this morning that Mildred Grant has passed on. She didn't live long after Mr. Grant passed away. I wish we could have hours to talk about growing up in Broughton. One incident I'll never forget. I did filing & secretarial work after school for Mr. Grant because I was so poor--government funded--probably 50 cents an hour. I worked at Mr. Grant's desk on the stage-- He came stalking in from a conferance with the basketball team in the Biology classroom,-- yanked open the drawer for his wooden paddle. Back he stalked, & from behind the closed door I could hear whack, whack, & boys yelling & groaning. I was absolutely terrified. Nowadays he would be sued or shot for such punishment. Wonder what crime--Maybe, sneaking a cigarette, or saying a cuss word.

Grace (Wilson) Watkins