Jones & Pemberton Groups 1920


L-R: Licha Ann Pemberton who married Calvin John Smith, Benjamin Terrell Motley Pemberton, Matthew Johnson Jones and Matthew W. Pemberton. The three Pembertons are children of Licha Johnson Pemberton and John Pemberton, while Matthew J. Jones is the son of Wiley Jones and Mary Johnson Jones. Matthew Pemberton was a Methodist minister of the gospel while Matthew Jones was a Baptist minister of the gospel. (First a Primitive Baptist and then Missionary Baptist). This photo taken same date as the one below. April 25, 1920. The four pictured above are clearly seen in the photo below. Photos are copies of originals belonging to Joyce Barton Fetcho of Eldorado. Submitted by Dr. Robert Jones.

Note: The same four old timers in the second row. The man to the extreme right with his hand in his suit pocket is believed to be my Grandfather John T. Jones, the son of Matthew Jones. It is just possible this could be a Pemberton reunion but I have no evidence about the purpose of the group photo at a church in Galatia, IL. (Submitted by Dr. Robert Jones)