Scott Family - Kinship Chart

The Scott Family

Kinship Chart

Understand exactly how you are related to other descendants of a common ancestor by using this chart.

1. Find your relationship to the common ancestor along the top blue row.

2. Find the other person's relationship to the common ancestor down the pink column.

3. Follow the grid to see how they are related to you.

common ancestor child grandchild great- grandchild 2nd great- grandchild 3rd great- grandchild 4th great- grandchild 5th great- grandchild
child sibling aunt/uncle grandaunt/ uncle great- grandaunt/ uncle 2nd great- grandaunt/ uncle 3rd great- grandaunt/ uncle 4th great- grandaunt/ uncle
grandchild niece/nephew 1st cousin 1st cousin once removed 1st cousin twice removed 1st cousin 3 times removed 1st cousin 4 times removed 1st cousin 5 times removed
great- grandchild grandniece/ nephew 1st cousin once removed 2nd cousin 2nd cousin once removed 2nd cousin twice removed 2nd cousin 3 times removed 2nd cousin 4 times removed
2nd great- grandchild great- grandniece/ nephew 1st cousin twice removed 2nd cousin once removed 3rd cousin 3rd cousin once removed 3rd cousin twice removed 3rd cousin 3 times removed
3rd great- grandchild 2nd great- grandniece/ nephew 1st cousin 3 times removed 2nd cousin twice removed 3rd cousin once removed 4th cousin 4th cousin once removed 4th cousin twice removed
4th great- grandchild 3rd great- grandniece/ nephew 1st cousin 4 times removed 2nd cousin 3 times removed 3rd cousin twice removed 4th cousin once removed 5th cousin 5th cousin once removed
5th great- grandchild 4th great- grandniece/ nephew 1st cousin 5 times removed 2nd cousin 4 times removed 3rd cousin 3 times removed 4th cousin twice removed 5th cousin once removed 6th cousin

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created and maintained by Wendy Scott

Site established on February 14, 2000
This page was last updated on July 23, 2004