Family Name | Gaelic Equivalent | Original Language | English Translation |
Coakley | Mac Caoclaoic | In hoc signo vinces. | Under this sign you shall conquer. |
Coates | - | Vigilans et audax. | Vigilant and bold. |
Coats | - | - | Be firm. |
Cochrane | Mac Cogar�in | Virtue et labore. | By virtue and exertion. |
Cockburn | - | - | Press through. |
Cockburn | - | Vigilans et audax. | Vigilant and bold. |
Cockrane | Mac Cogar�in | Virtute et labore. | By valour and exertion. |
Codd | Mac �da | Vulneratus non victus. | Wounded not conquered. |
Coffey | � Cobhthaigh | Non proventia sed victoria. | Not in providence, but in victory. |
Cogan | - | Constans fidei. | Steady to my faith. |
Cokayne | - | Virtus in arduis. | Courage in difficulties. |
Coke | - | Esto quod esse videris. | Men should be what they seem. |
Colandrine | - | Sursum. | Upwards. |
Colborne | - | Constans fidei. | Steady to my faith. |
Cole | Mac Comaill | Esto quod esse videris. | Men should be what they seem. |
Colebrooke | - | Sola bona que honesta. | Those things are good which are honest. |
Coleman | � Colm�in | - | Be just and fear not. |
Coleman | � Colm�in | Esto sol testis. | Let the sun be a witness. |
Colgan | Mac Colghain | Virtus probata florescit. | Tried virtue flourishes. |
Colley | � Colla | Virtutis fortuna comes. | Fortune the companion of valour. |
Collier | Coil�ir | Nemo sine cruce beatus. | No one is happy but by the cross. |
Collins | � Coile�in | Dant vulnera vitam. | The wounds of life. |
Collins | - | Fide et virtute. | By fidelity and valour. |
Collins | - | Frangas non flectes. | You may break, but shall not bend me. |
Collis | - | Mens conscia recti. | A mind conscious of rectitude. |
Collmore | - | Semper eadem. | Always the same. |
Collow | - | Pro patria semper. | For my country ever. |
Cologan | - | Virtus probata florescit. | Tried virtue flourishes. |
Colquhoun | - | Dum spiro spero. | While I breath I hope. |
Colquhoun | - | Festina lente. | Be quick without impetuosity. |
Colston | - | - | Go and do thou likewise. |
Colt | - | Vincit qui patitur. | The one who is patient wins. |
Columbine | - | Audaces fortuna juvat. | Fortune favours the bold. |
Colville | - | - | All is in God. |
Colville | - | - | Persevere. |
Colvin | - | In hoc signo vinces. | Under this sign you shall conquer. |
Comber | - | Sapiens dominabitur astris. | A wise man can rule the stars. |
Mc C(r)ombie | - | - | Touch not the cat bota (without) a glove. |
Comer | - | - | Persevere. |
Comerford | Mac Cumascaig | So no no Dea ne. | God will perform it. |
Compton | - | - | Be firm. |
Compton | - | Dum spiro spero. | While I breath I hope. |
Concannon | � Concheannain | Con can an. | Wisdom without blemish. |
Condon | Cond�n | In Deo spes mea. | In God is my hope. |
Condron | � Conar�in | - | Watchful and valiant. |
Conlan | � Connall�in | Inter utrumque. | Between the two. |
O' Connell | � Conaill | Ciall agus neart. | Reason and strength. |
Connell | � Conaill | Non sibi. | Not for himself. |
Connellan | - | Inter utrumque. | Between the two. |
Connolly | � Congaille | En Dieu est tout. | In God is all. |
O' Connor | � Concuir | � Diagac aon cabair. | From God all help. |
Conqueror | - | Victoria. | Victory. |
Conran | - | In Deo spes mea. | In God is my hope. |
Conroy | � Conraoi | - | History cannot be destroyed by time. |
Conroy | � Conraoi | Maureann a sgr�obtar | That which is written lives. |
Considine | Mac Consaid�n | Vigeur de dessus. | Strength from above. |
Constable | - | Semper paratus. | Always prepared. |
Conway | Mac Conmide | Fide et amore. | Faith and love. |
Conyngham | - | - | Over fork over. |
Coogan | � Cuag�in | Constans fidei. | Steady to my faith. |
Cook | - | Esse quam virderi. | To be, rather than to seem. |
Cooke | - | Pro rege et patria. | For king and country. |
Cooke | Mac Daboc | Nihil habere sine labore. | I have nothing without labour. |
Cookson | - | Ne quid nimis. | Nothing too much. |
Cookson | - | Nil desperandum. | Never dispair. |
Cooney | � Cuana | Fortis et fidus. | Brave and trusty. |
Cooper | - | - | Love, serve. |
Cooper | Cuip�ir | Freastalag gr�. | Love serve. |
Coote | - | Vincit veritas. | Truth conquers. |
Cope | - | Perseverando. | By perservering. |
Cor(r)y | - | Virtus semper viridis. | Virtue is always flourishing. |
Corbet(t) | � Coirbin | - | Save me, Lord. |
Corbet(t) | � Coirbin | Deus pascit corvos. | God feeds the ravens. |
Corbet(t) | Dum spiro spero. | While I breath I hope. | |
Corbin | - | Deus pascit corvos. | God feeds the ravens. |
Corcoran | � Corcr�in | In fide et in bello. | Strong both in faith and in war. |
Mc Cormick | Mac Cormaic | Sine timore. | Without fear. |
Cornwall | - | - | We beg you see warily. |
Corrigan | � Corrag�in | Consilio et impetu. | By wisdom and vigour. |
Corry | � Corra | Vigilans et audax. | Watchful and bold. |
Cosby | - | Audaces fortuna juvat. | Fortune favours the bold. |
Cosby | - | Sub libertate quietem. | Rest under liberty. |
Cosgrave | (�) Mac Coscraig | Manu forti. | With a strong hand. |
Costello | Mac Coisteala | Audaces fortuna juvat. | Fortune favours the bold. |
Costigan | Mac Oistogh�n | Virtute et fidelitate. | By valour and fidelity. |
Cotter | Mac Oitir | Dum spiro spero. | While I breath I hope. |
Cotton | - | - | With God's blessing. |
Cotton | - | Fidelitas vincit. | Faithfulness conquers. |
Cottrell | - | Nec temere nec timide. | Neither rashly nor timidly. |
Coughlan | � Cochl�in | Fortis in arduis. | Brave in difficulties. |
Coulter | � Coltair | Transfigam. | I will transfix. |
Couper | - | Virtute. | By virtue. |
De Courey | - | Vincit omnia virtus. | Virtue conquers all. |
Mc Court | Mac Cuarta | Per mare per terras. | Over sea and land. |
Courtayne | - | Per mare per terras. | By land and sea. |
Courtney | � Curn�in | Dei gratia. | By the grace of God. |
Le Coutenr | - | Toujours prest | Always nimble. |
Coutts | - | Esse quam virderi. | To be, rather than to seem. |
Cowley | Mac Amala� | Dulce periculum. | Danger is sweet. |
Cox | Mac An Coillig | Fide et fortitudine. | With faith and fortitude. |
Mc Coy | Mac Aoda | Pro Deo et patria. | For God and country. |
Coyle | Mac Giolla Comaill | Huamni nihil alienum. | Nothing that relates to man is indifferent to me. |
Coyne | � Cadhain | - | Faithful to an unhappy country. |
Coyney | - | Fide sed cui vide. | Trust, but be careful whom (you trust). |
Cradock | - | Nec temere nec timide. | Neither rashly nor timidly. |
Craig | De Creag | Vive Deo ut vivas. | Live to God that you may live. |
Cramp | - | Fide et amore. | Faith and love. |
Cranstonn | - | - | Thou shalt want ere I want. |
Cranstoun | - | - | I desire not to want. |
Craw | - | - | God is my safety. |
Crawford | Mac Rait | - | God feeds the crows. |
Crawford | Mac Rait | Fide et diligentia. | Faith and diligence. |
Crawford | Mac Rait | Tutum le rabore reddan. | I will render you safe by my strength. |
Mc Cready | Mac Riada | Semper paratus. | Always ready. |
Creagh | Craobhach | - | Hold on to your branch. |
Creagh | Craobhach | Thournib'crev'th. | I give you the branch. |
Creagh | Craobhach | Virtute et numine. | By virtue and prudence. |
Crean | � Croidhe�in | Cor mundum crea in mea Deus. | A clean heart trust in God. |
Cree | - | - | The reward of integrity. |
Cregan | � Crioc�in | des of craoide�n. | [Dim of Croide heart.] |
Cregoe | - | Fortuna audaces juvat. | Fortune favours the bold. |
Creighton | � Crioch�in | - | God send grace. |
Cremin | � Cronin | L�m l�idir a buag. | The strong hand to victory. |
Creswell | - | Aut nunquam tentes, aut perfice. | Either do not attempt, or complete. |
Creswick | - | - | Do right and fear not. |
Crichton | - | - | God me guide. |
Crichton | - | Perseverantia. | Perseverance. |
Crockett | - | - | Crow not, croke not. |
Croft | - | Esse quam videri. | To be, rather than to seem. |
Crofton | - | Pro patria et rege. | For country and king. |
Crofts | - | Virtute et fidelitate. | By valour and fidelity. |
De St. Croix | - | In Deo confido. | I trust in God. |
Croke | Cr�c | Non mihi sed Deo. | Not for me, but for God. |
Cromie | - | Labor omnia vincit. | Work wins everything. |
Crompton | - | - | Love and loyalty. |
Cronin | � Croinin | Fortes fortuna juvat. | Fortune favours the bold. |
Crookshank | - | Per ardua. | Through difficulties. |
Cropper | - | - | Love every man, fear no man. |
Crosbie, Crosby | Mac An Cross�in | Indignate invidia florebit justus. | The just man will flourish in spite of envy. |
Cross | Mac An Cross�in | Certavi et vici. | I have fought and conquered. |
Cross | Mac An Cross�in | Cruce dum spero fido. | While I breath I hope. |
Crosthwaite | - | - | Conquer or die. |
Crothers | - | Sperandum est. | It is to be hoped. |
Crotty | � Crotaig | L�m l�idir in uactar. | The strong hand uppermost. |
Crowe | Mac Concra | Sceac mac concrada. | The thorn bush of Mc Enchore. |
Crowley | � Cruadhlaoich | Speo in Deo. | I hope in God. |
Crozier | Cr�is�ir | Diligentia fortior. | Stronger by diligence. |
Cruickshank | - | Diligentia ditat. | Industry renders rich. |
Crum | - | - | Fear God. |
Cuff(e) | Mac Dub | Animus tamen idem. | A mind as yet unchanged. |
Cullen | � Cuilinn | Non sibi. | Not for himself. |
Cullinane | � Cuileann�in | Virtus in arduis. | Courage in difficulties. |
M' Culloch | - | Sine macula. | Without stain. |
Mc Cullough | Mac C� Uiad | Vi et armis. | By strength and courage. |
Cum(m)ing | - | - | Courage. |
Cumming | - | Fuimus. | We have been. (We have made our mark.) |
Cummins | � Coim�n | Virtute et fide. | By valour and faith. |
Cunard | - | - | By perseverance. |
Cuninghame | Mac Cuinneag�in | - | Over fork over. |
Cuninghame | Mac Cuinneag�in | Fortitudine. | With fortitude. |
Cunliffe | - | Fideliter. | Faithfully. |
Cunningham | Mac Cuinneag�in | - | Over fork over. |
Cunnighame | Mac Cuinneag�in | Per varios casus. | By various fortunes. |
Curley | Mac Toirealaig | Finem respice. | Consider the end. |
Curling | - | Finem respice. | Consider the end. |
Curran | � Curr�in | Cor mundum crea in me Deus. | Create in me a clean heart O God. |
Currel | - | - | Forward. |
Curry | � Comhraidhe | Aspiro. | I aspire. |
Curtin | Mac Cuirtin | Nil nisi bonum. | Nothing but good. |
Curtis | De Cuirt�is | Gradatum vincimus. | We conquer by degrees. |
Curtis | - | Per ardua. | Through difficulties. |
Curtler | - | Labor omnia vincit. | Work wins everything. |
Curzon | - | Spec mea in Deo. | God is my hope. |
Cusack | Cios�g | En Dieu est mon espoir. | In God is my hope. |
Cust | - | Esse quam virderi. | To be, rather than to seem. |
Cuthbert | - | Fortiter. | Boldly |
Cuthbert | - | Spero. | I hope. |
Sources: | |
Irish Family Mottoes | "The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales." |
By Tom�s � Baoill | by Sir John Bernard Burke |