January 1905

Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 

January 1905

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January 7, 1905 to May 6, 1905


week ending January 7, 1905  Steamer Pacific docked for general repairs   January 6  Snowed all day and night

Pacific in River January 14, 1905

Tuesday January 17, 1905  Steamer Alice Brown docked,  rudders  new tillers and some bottom

went on Steamer J. C. Risher for new fantails to January 24, 1905  then back on Alice Brown  finished Brown and put her in the River Saturday February 11, 1905

working out fender cavals1  and knee fenders for Steamer Harry Brown and geting ready to build float for Carnegie Steel Co.

Stoped on Carnegie float March 15, 1905  waiting on lumber   started building new Cradles for Ways # 10 and 12

on Steamer Fallie for small repairs

Carnegie float in the River Thursday March 23, 1905

on Coal Barge # 4034

Steamer Josh Cook came in sat eve with her head tore off and part of guard for(ward)  a Day and Night job till finished

Barge 4084 in the River Thursday March 30, 1905 and the Digger Tornado Docked for rebuilding

Saturday April 22, 1905  geting on with Hoist Tornado and started on Coal Hoist #2

Tornado in the River Monday April 24,1905 and finished Hoist #2 at noon

Building new wheel on Steamer Junaita   finished Saturday May 6    built and straped new Pitman for S Side of Steamer Volunteer

1)  Caval - The most common spelling is kevel. On modern power boats, it's called a "cleat". It is a two-horned deck fitting that you tie a line around.

January 7, 1905 to May 6, 1905

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