Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 


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Below is one entry for each page listed. Click on the date below to see the complete journal page for that time period.

January 1911...dimensions of Steamer Joseph B. Williams are given

February 1911...High water at the Ways fills the hull of the Joseph B. Williams

March 4,1911...Model Barge Neptune docks, "this is a bad barge"

March 15,1911...some of the best men are laid off

April 1911...A thief in the pigeon coop

May 1911...The layoffs continue

June 1911... new work on the Steamer Alice Brown

August 1911...New Orleans, a steamer to represent the first boat built on the Monongahela

September 1911...Official number of New Orleans is 209240

October 1911...Ferryboat West End from Brownsville docks for repairs and the Sam Clarke was the first to have an iron outside circle on its wheel

November 1911... the Steamer John A. Wood is back at the Ways

December 1911...Steamer Tom Dodsworth broke all her chains on the way up the Ohio river 

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