March 1906

Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 

March 1906

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March 2, 1906 to May 11 1906


Friday March 2, 1906 on Steamer Iron Age  new stern post and dead wood shoe, and other repairs   in the River March 12, 1906

Put strakes of old buckett around the guards of Steamer Resolute to walk on    she is to be dismantled

Monday March 26, 1906 to Pittsburg puting on extra set of chains on Steamer J.B. Finley to stop vibration aft. Rise in the River  she was in a Tow and went down on her to Beaver    had with Lawrence Curry and Arch McQuown    Bob Manning is Capt of the Finley.

worked Thursday finishing up some Jobs on Steamer S.H.H. Clark  she was laying at south side at Painters Mill   wed. at the Ways on Steamer I.C. Woodward   doing some patching

High  March 14, 1907  - 38 ft. 4"

finished I.C. Woodward April 12, 1906  now on Steamer Rose Hite.  one long C. timber  new Samson posts and wheel chain braces and other repairs   she was sunk in the Fifth pool for 3 months  she was loaded with Freight and run into the loaded tow of the Steamer John C. Fisher   sunk quickly and drown 4 Negro dock hands

April 20, 1906 on Steamer Cadet overhauling rudders and makeing other repairs

finished Cadet  Saturday April 28, 1906  now on Steamer Little Fred  new rudder blades and repairing upper guards

finished Little Fred  Fri. May 4, 1906  now on Steamer T.J. Wood  new rudder blades  2 new stocks  straightening guards  in Saturday May 11, 1906

Rose Hite finished  Saturday  11, 1906

March 2, 1906 to May 11 1906

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