Original Steam TowBoat Plans

Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 

Original Steam TowBoat Plans

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To view a larger image click on that particular image, for a brief description of the image place your cursor on the image. The actual drawing are in faded fragile condition.  I took various photos of the large sheets looking down onto the pages and have enhanced these photos as best I could to allow you to easily view.




Plan Dated 1925

General Arrangement Of Wheel Of Steam Towboat Series #4-#5-#8

Left side of drawing/photo   Upper left corner of drawing, close up of wheel drawing   Top half of drawing


Lower left corner of drawing   Upper right corner of drawing   Lower right corner drawing

This drawing "No. R. E. 930" is referred to in the 1936 plan below and therefore is probably the drawing of the HOMESTEAD & CLINGERMAN's wooden wheels in 1925.  It would also be easy to assume that the other drawings below, since they are all together, are of the same boat, but I will leave that assumption up to the reader.



Plan Dated 1936

General Arrangement of Steel Wheel for HOMESTEAD & CLINGERMAN

Complete view of framed plan  Close Up of upper left corner Close UP of middle top Close Up of upper right corner

Close Up of lower left corner   Close Up of lower middle drawing    Close Up of lower right corner

The HOMESTEAD and W. H. CLINGERMAN were "sister" ships, under construction at the same time and place which was along the Allegheny River at the Rees shop, for the Carnegie Steel Company.  The CLINGERMAN was launched in late 1918 and the HOMESTEAD during mid 1919.  I can only assume that when originally built these two boats had wooden wheels and that these plans show that both boats were to receive steel wheels in 1936, an assumption only.


Plan Dated 1935 & 1937

Welded Sternwheel TowBoat Hull

Full page   Left side of page   Right side of page

These two pages were together, separated along the fold lines which appeared to fit together, but the actual drawings might not be from the same page.  I have put them together only because the separations fit together.


Unknown Date

Full Page   Left side of page   Right side of page

These two pages were together, separated along the fold lines which fit together, the actual drawing also fit together.


Unknown Date

Plan View of Main Deck

Left side of page   Right side of page

These two pages were together, separated along the fold lines which fit together, the actual drawing also fit together.


The plans shown are from the collection of William Caulkett of Elizabeth, PA, 2014.  William's son is Zach Caulkett and Zach's cousin is Jeremy Stiehl also of Elizabeth, PA.


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