Photos Needed

Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 

Photos Needed

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In the journal maintained by J.W. Lynch during his work years at the Elizabeth Marine Ways, 1898 to 1925, he mentions numerous boats and barges that visited the EMW for repairs.  On the page Photos of Boats JW Knew I have posted numerous photos of boats and other floating craft that JW wrote about and I have linked these photos to journal entries that mention them to give a visual of the boat written about.

This page is a list of those boats and barges that I have not yet found a photo of.  I continue my search for photos of these listed and I ask for your assistance.  If you have a photo, are aware of a photo, or have any suggestions on where I might find a photo of any of these listed please contact me.

Your help is appreciated.

jwmohney "at" comcast dot net      

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Steamers / Packet Boats

Boat Photos Not Found Date First Mentioned In Journal
CHARLES JUTTE July 27, 1900
CHARLES TURNER April 9, 1900
FRITZ June 1909
HARRY NO. 2 March 10, 1900
I. N. BUNTON Early Years  1882
LAURA November 24, 1900
S. L. WOOD January 1905
WM. G. HORNER July 1898


Dredges / Derricks 

Photos Needed Date First Mentioned In Journal
FRANKFORT December 12, 1923
TORNADO March 1905
# 2 April 26, 1911
# 3 February 2, 1919
# 22 May 11, 1919
COAL HOIST MEMPHIS January 29, 1906
CRANE BOAT 2 & 3 November 14, 1922

Pump Boats

Photos Needed Date First Mentioned In Journal
CLIPPER January 6, 1920
Mine Dept. # 1 November 6, 1922
Mine Dept. # 2 November 23, 1922
Mine Dept. # 3 March 26, 1923

Pump Boat Numbers          Dates Are Various

 2 - 3 - 6 - 12 - 16 T - 22 - 30 - 33 - 85 - 90 - 92 - 93 - 97  
 108 - 115 M - 137 M - 141 - 141 M - 160 M


Model Barges


Photos Needed Date First Mentioned In Journal
Most mentions are on Boats and Barges page
AIDA August 28, 1911
BOSTON August 1, 1910
CLAIRTON October 17, 1912
CRUSADER Boats and Barges
DAKOTA November 1909
DECATUR February 27, 1911
DOT January 24, 1910
ECLIPSE Boats and Barges
FLORIDA February 6, 1911
GEORGIA April 6, 1907
HANNIBAL July 27, 1907
IDAHO May 21, 1911
INDIANA March 23, 1910
JANE August 28, 1911
JAP August 28, 1911
KENTUCKY February 29, 1908
KEYSTONE Boats and Barges
LOUISIANA September 30, 1911
LOUISVILLE November 1907
MARYLAND November 13, 1905
MEXICO August 1, 1910
MICHIGAN November 1907
MINNIE January 9, 1910
NEPTUNE January 29, 1906
NAPOLEON May 4, 1902
NEBRASKA February 1909
NEW YORK November 1910
PLUTO March 19, 1910
ROBERT May 4, 1911
ROMEO March 14, 1908
TENNESSEE November 24, 1910
THORNWELL FAY January 27, 1904
TYCOON January 9, 1910
W. H. OSBORNE May 5, 1909

Model Barge Numbers          Dates Are Various

 1 - 30 - 32 - 42 - 57 -  66 - 72 - 78 - 79 - 80 - 81
 90 - 98 - 101 - 102 - 103 - 106


Barges / Flats / Misc


Barge Numbers          Dates Are Various

 18 - 20 - 23 - 24 - 26 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 34 - 36 - 37 - 38 -  45 - 49
 51 -53 - 55 - 57 - 58 - 61 - 63 - 64 - 65 - 67 - 68 - 70 - 72 - 73 - 74 - 75 
 79 - 82 - 83 - 84 - 85 - 88 - 91 - 93 - 95 - 96 - 98 - 99 - 100
 103 - 107 - 108 - 309 - 316
American Steel & Wire Barges ( A S & W)   Rankin - Clairton - 56 - 58
E. M. Werchert  375
O'Neil Barges    51 - 55 - 61 - 75 - 94 - 138 - 142
Creosote Barge 1     Creosote Barge 2      Sand Barge 49
Log Barge JANE       

Flat Numbers          Dates Are Various

 200 - 1016 - 1017 - 1021 - 1023 - 1024 - 1025 - 1027 - 1028 - 1029
 1034 - 1036 - 1040 - 1044 - 1046 - 1047 - 1051 - 1053 - 1055 - 1056 
 1057 - 1058 - 1060 - 1062 - 1066 - 1067 - 1081 - 1086 - 1089 - 1092
 1094 - 1096 - 1102 - 1117 - 1120 - 1123 - 1124 - 1134 - 1137 - 1138
 1139 - 1140 - 1142 - 1143 - 1146 - 1147 - 1148 - 1149 - 1153 - 1156
 1157 - 1160 - 1162 - 1164 - 1165 - 1167 - 1169 - 1171 - 1172 - 1173 - 
 1177 - 1178 - 1179 - 1182 - 1201 - 1203 - 1205
 PS&S 20 - Clyde Coal Company 10 & 11  
Houseboat 203                      March 22, 1922
Houseboat 212                     October 12, 1923
Houseboat 213                     July 19, 1919
Houseboat 609                     February 18, 1920
Sawdust Boat 115                December 7, 1908
Scraper # 20                         January 7, 1919

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