
Welcome to "Eichelberger Genealogy"

This is a non-profit site devoted to providing genealogical data on persons with the surname Eichelberger and all variations of the name.

This site was "born" April 27, 1999. In the first three months of its life, it grew tremendously...from a few dozen to more than three hundred web pages. To date, there are nearly one thousand pages of data on this site. Continued growth is expected, with new data added check back frequently. For repeat visitors, a good place to start would be "What's New" which you can access from the home page.

At this site you will find databases (birth, death, marriage, land records), census records, abstacts of Wills and more. Search by individual name in vital records ~ or by state! In addition you can find Family Group Records. These are my own "creation", similar to GEDCOM files, but with sources and other data included with each family group. These records detail multiple family lines of persons with the surname Eichelberger or some variation of the name. One of those family lines boasts more than 400 surnames and thousands of individuals. Altogether there are thousands of individuals to be found in these pages. A search engine is available under the "Find Your Ancestors" section of the "Contents" page.

Great care has been used to include only accurate data on these pages, but human error is always a possibility. Therefore you are encouraged to always consult the original document!

Detailed data on any person born 1910 or after will not be found in these pages unless that person is known for fact to be deceased. The information on these pages is for personal use and may not be downloaded, used, reproduced or adapted in any way for commercial use. This site is solely owned by JoAnn E. Bauer.

Enjoy your visit ~ hope you find who you're looking for! Thanks for stopping by...and come back soon.

JoAnn Eichelberger Bauer

[To: Contents]

[To: "What's New!"]


Updated: 05/06/05