Subj: Madison County, GA Probate Records 1812 - l870

Subj: Madison County, GA  Probate Records 1812 - l870

...I had good luck at the Genealogy Center yesterday.  I finally found a
connection for Daniel in Madision County, Georgia; and I found a
connection between him and William, Delila, and their children.  In
fact, I may have found the names of more of William and Delila's
children.  I found a book of Madison County, GA  Probate Records
1812-l870.  The book indexes the records by Name, Code, and Page.  In it
William (mentioned 3 times - could be father and son), Delila, Moses,
Samuel (mentioned twice), Daniel (mentioned twice) and Tabbitha are
listed.  Also listed in the book with these names and with corresponding
pages are David, Edward, and Joseph.  Remember, Moses named his son (
and probably his first son) Joseph.  The pages for Daniel correspond
with Delila (also listed as Della), William, and Joseph.  One of Moses's
pages corresponds with Edward Ashley's page number.  There are other
page numbers that correspond with the names listed above, but it will
take too long for me to list them here.  I am going to copy and mail
to you the pages I copied from the book.  I will make notations on the

Let me know what you think about this information.  I was thrilled
because I think it helps to verify our belief that Moses and Daniel were

All of the records listed in the book are located in a vault in
Danielsville, GA, as well as, on microfilm at the Georgia Archives in
Atlanta.  I called the GA Archives today, and they are sending me a form
for me to complete for a search on Daniel.  I would like to search all
of the names and pages listed in the book, but they charge $25.00 for
each person they search.

At the Genealogy Center, you can use without having to pay
for searches.  I searched for Moses on the l870 Census but no matches
were found.  I also searched for information on Amanda B., but I didn't
find anything.  The more I search and the more I don't find any
information on Amanda, the more I am convinced that she was Moses and
Nancy's daughter and Rebecca M.'s sister.  I also agree with you that
Margaret was probably Moses and Nancy's daughter.  If not, we would find
them listed in some Ashley households in the 1870 Census, but because we
can't find Moses, we can't find them.
