The Quaker Collection - Search the Collection



Search the Collection

The Quaker Collection contains hundreds of Family Group Sheets with a wealth of genealogical data on some of the major families covered as well as their interrelationships. Only a fraction of the information is accessible directly from The Quaker Collection page. Hundreds of members of the smaller Quaker families are mentioned as well. There is not an "everyname" index to this material. To browse the material, we suggest using the Spouse Index. To really mine for nuggets you may search for non-indexed names here across the entire website.


PicoSearch� will ONLY SEARCH THIS SITE for the data you select. Use one of the major commercial search engines like Yahoo or Lycos to search the entire Internet.

Simply type a few words describing what you are looking for in the open box above. Then just click the 'Search' button   �  a page will appear with any matches including the links to direct you to the appropriate page.

Hint:   Try the full name: "Firstname Middlename Lastname" in quotes as your first attempt.

Hint:   Do not enter "Firstname Lastname" in quotes, because if our record includes the middle name, then the search engine will skip over that page. Instead use Lastname Firstname without quotes to search without a middle name. If you are certain that the individual did not have a middle name then this restriction would not apply.

Hint:   Use "Meeting Name MM" in quotes, to find the appropriate entry for a Monthly Meeting in the lists of Meetings by State. Of course, you would also find any people in the Collection whose Family Group Sheet mentions that Meeting.

A sequence of words not within double quotes specifies implicitly (an 'OR') and PicoSearch will retrieve the best documents that match the query by weighting the results. There is no need to include a logical 'AND' or '+'. If all the words are found in the documents, that document will be weighted higher than a document which contains only a couple of those words. PicoSearch uses a 'Fuzzy-Match' algorithm, which gives weight to all of the words that are searched for.

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© 2000 Jerry F Richmond, Downers Grove, IL