Joseph G. carp., r. 1009 Pacific ave, bet Olive, Harwood.
Babb, Thomas, carp., Elliott & Clark, h. J. G. Babb.
Babb, William L., contractor, r. 103 Bryan, bet N. Harwood, Victor.
Babcock, Foot & Brown (William A. Babcock, Frederic N. Foot,
Wm. H. Brown), mfrs and dealers in grocers' specialties, proprs.
Dallas Steam Coffee and Spice Mills, 938, 940, 942 Elm, bet Stone,
Ervay. See advt.
Babcock, William A., (Babcock, Foot & Brown), bds 1058 Elm.
Bachman, Rudolph, porter Huey & Philp, r. ns alley e of Boll,
bet Flora, Juliette.
Bachrach, Aaron, clk, Sanger Bros., rms Mrs. Flora Zumbrun.
Back & Hares (Walter Back, John Hares), Groceries, produce,
824 Elm.
Back, Walter (Back & Hares), rms 824 Elm.
Bacon, Jeremiah (c), r. ss Calhoun, bet Jefferson, N. Lamar.
Baer, Helen (Mrs. Jacob), Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, shoes,
1356 Elm, bet Leonard, Good, r. same.
Baer, Jacob, with H. Baer, r. 1356 Elm.
Bagley, Thomas N., farmer, bds A. H. Blank.
Bailey, Miss Alice, wks Blankenship & Blake.
Bailey, George A., carp., r. 1321 Columbia, bet S. Harwood, Cabell.
Bailey, Giles (c), lab., bds Annie Williams.
Bailey, Homer H., carp., r ne cor Washington ave., Hayes.
Bailey, Joseph, painter, bds. I. F. McAdams.
Bailey, Laura A. Mrs., bds Edward Callahan.
Bailey, Mahala (c), wks James P. Ramsey, h. same.
Bailey, Miss Mary, teacher, 4th ward public school, r. 1042 Wood,
bet Ervay, Harwood.
Bailey, Pfeifer, cash boy, Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Viola Bailey.
Bailey, Robert, cash boy, Sanger Bros., h. T. C. Bailey.
Bailey, Robert (c), wks C. F. Carter, h. same.
Bailey, Thomas C., wholesale lumber dealer, r. 1042 Wood, bet
Ervay, Veal.
Bailey, Viola (wid Albert), r. es Houston, bet Carondelet, Walnut.
Bailey, William, carp., bds Planters House.
Bain, John C. lab., r. ss Main, bet Lloyd, Crowdus.
Bainhart, S. B., bds Mrs. Sue Miller.
Baird, Alexaner, clk, Sanger Bros., r. 313 Caroline, bet McKinney,
Cedar Springs.
Baird, Elizabeth (wid Samuel), h. A. Baird.
Baird, George R., r. ss Elm, bet Lloyd, Crowdus.
Baird, John W., clk, Padgitt Bros., rms S. Y. Trice.
Baird, Lee, clk Richard Cohn, h. Mrs. M. E. Baird.
Baird, Mary E. (wid George), r. 320 Masten, bet Ross ave, Cochran.
Baird, Robert E. mgr A. J. Krause, r. 320 Masten.
Baird, William G., trav slsman, h. Mrs. M. E. Baird.
Baker, Abraham, yardman, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Baker, Arthur (c), (J. Baker & Son), h. Jerry Baker.
Baker, Charles O., machinist, r. 1222 Main, bet Harwood, Cabell.
Baker, Eli C., carp., r. ws William, bet Bone, McKinney road.
Baker, Emeline (c), r. rear 326 Camp.
Baker, Erle K., div supt Dallas Telephone Exchange, bds R. M.
Baker, Glen M., Mgr W. U. Tel. Office over 603 Elm, cor Lamar,
r. 930 Jackson, bet Akard, Browder.
Baker, Hiram C., r. ne cor Cantagral, Pacific reservation.
Baker, Jerry (c), (J. Baker & Son), r. 123 Camp, bet Lamar,
Baker, Jerry & Co. (c) (Jerry and Arthur Baker), blacksmiths,
124 Camp.
Baker, Joel, machinist, h. Chas. O. Baker.
Baker, Lizzie (c), r. ss Cottonwood Lane, bet Cedar Springs,
Baker, L.D., bds Mrs. Margaret Bickham.
Baker, Maria (c), wks S. L. May, r. same.
Baker, Martin (c), blacksmith, Jerry Baker, r. same.
Baker, Michael, lab., bds Planter's House.
Baker, Reuel C., clk, Sanger Bros., r. 57 McKinney road, bet
Caroline, Highland.
Baker, Robert, wks Thos. S. Warren, bds. same.
Baker, Thomas C., clk Wallace & Waggener, bds S. J. Adams.
Baker, William, bds Robert M. Cooke.
Baker, William H., r. 1010 Main, bet Ervay, St. Paul.
Baldock, Althea Mrs. (wid John), r. 515 Jefferson, cor Polk.
Baldock, Charles R.E., cooper, h. Mrs. Althea Baldock.
Baldock, John, carp., h. Mrs. Althea Baldock.
Baldock, Miss Laura, wks Mrs. M.L. Kreft, r. same.
Baldridge, Allen A., carp., h. Jas. A. Baldridge.
Baldridge, James A., painter, r. nw cor Porter, Walton.
Baldridge, William C., carp., h., Jas. A. Baldridge.
Baldwin, Frank (c), blksmith, E. F. Camuse, bds Carrie Murray.
Baldwin, Gill (Murdock & Baldwin), bds Mrs. C. A. Read.
Baldwin, Virgil, painter, r. 1243 San Jacinto, bet Texas, Germania.
Ball, James (c), r. ss Juliette, bet Peak, Good.
Ballard, George S., trav slsmn Blankenship & Blake, h. J.
S. Ballard.
Ballard, John M. (Middletons, Stuart & Co.), r. 544 Ross
ave, cor Pearl.
Ballard, John S., carp., r. 544 Ross ave, cor Pearl.
Ballinger, William, r. 202 Patterson ave, bet College, Sycamore.
Ballpole, Garnett, lab., r. ns Columbia, w of G. C. & S.
F. Ry.
Ballreich, Charles A., barber, J. M. Foss, bds same.
Baltimore, John (c), porter, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Bamur, Fannie (c), wks George W. Loudon, r. same.
Bamur, Harry, teamster, John Tomson, bds same.
Bandt, Frederick, harnessmaker, Padgitt Bros., rms J. R. Bernd.
Bangstar, Banjamin, carp, E. Dallas car shops, rms same.
Banker, Frank H., cashier, J. B. Watkins Land Mortgage Co., bds
Miles J. Dart.
Banks, Emma D. (wid L. S.), h. Mrs. A. F. Dial.
Bantz, Franklin P., mechanic D. M. Osborne & Co., r. cor
Main, Broadway.
Bantz, Frederick, clk Padgitt Bros., bds Samuel Moore.
Barattini, Anthony, wks D. V. Botto, h. same.
Barattini, Louisa (wid B.), fruit stand, 902 Main, cor Sycamore,
r. same.
Barbee, Robert J., carp., h. William P. Barbee.
Barbee, William P. (W. P. Barbee & Co.), r. 1118 Elm.
Barbee, W. P. & Co. (William P. Barbee, Mrs. Anna A. Barbee),
pianos, organs, boardinghouse, 1118 Elm, bet N. Harwood, Cabell.
Barber, Casel C., groceries, ss Elm, e of Mill creek, res. same.
Barber, John (c), r. ns Alamo, bet Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Barber, Malcolm L., bds Miss Annie Verhine.
Barbier, Alexander, policeman, r. 902 1/2 Main.
Barbier, Charles S., laundry, 1005 Main, bet Ervay, St. Paul,
r. same.
Barbier, John F., Wholesale and Retail Fruit, Vegetables and
produce, 315 Main, cor Market, res. se cor Jackson, Houston.
Barbier, Pinney (c), r. 1551 Main, bet Leonard, Lloyd.
Barcharth, Miss Bertha, wks A. Dysterbach, r. same.
Barclay, James E., bds S. D. Blake.
Bardwell, Mattie (c), wks N. G. Tison, r. same.
Barker, Charles J., carp, Elliott & Clark, r. cor Cabell,
Barkley, Alfred (c), r. es Pearl, bet McKinney road, Bone.
Barksdale, Hickerson, h. Mrs. N. Barksdale.
Barksdale, Nina (wid Hickerson), r. se cor Adair, Gaston ave.
Barlow, Henry C., contractor, r. ns Flora, bet Boll, Allen.
Barlow, Robert L., bkpr Weir Plow Co., r. es Masten, bet Ross
ave, Cochran.
Barnes, Ben H., asst baggage master Union depot, bds Mrs. Susan
L. Greer.
Barnes, Ethelbert F., carp., r. near Fair Grounds, e of city
Barnes, Miss Gussie, housekpr, Union Depot Hotel.
Barr, George, clk Frees & Son, r. 29 Sycamore.
Barr, George T., foreman saddler, J. J. Miller, r. 29 Sycamore.
Barret, John W., clk A. Dysterbach, r. rear 1057 Elm.
Barret, Lillie (wid W. H.), r. 1049 Elm, bet Ervay, Harwood.
Barrett, Andrew (c), r. ns Montezuma, bet Good, H. & T. C.
Barrett, Cynthia (c), r. es Crockett, bet Live Oak, Cora.
Barrett, Hamilton (c), r. 1221 San Jacinto, bet H. & T. C.
Ry., Germania.
Barrett, Leroy, clk, L. Phillipson, rms 1418 Commerce.
Barrett, Patrick F., cutter, Padgitt Bros., r. 323 Hord.
Barrow, F. E., bkpr Ed. S. Alston, r. 552 Pearl, bet Ross ave.,
Barrow, Henry C., scenic agt., r. 845 San Jacinto, cor Leonard.
Barry, Miss Hibernia, h. Thos. P. Barry.
Barry, John G., bds St. George Hotel.
Barry, Marguerite C., (wid Philip), h. Thomas P. Barry.
Barry, Thomas P., confidential clk and credit man, Sanger Bros.,
r. nw cor Evergreen, Pocahontas.
Barry, William M., clk T & P. Ry., land dept., bds St. George
Barshop, Barney, trav slsmn, r. 130 Ross ave, bet Griffin, Lamar.
Bartholow, Mary A. (wid J. N.), r. ws Market, bet Pacifidc ave,
Bartholow, Yancey, clk., J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., h. Mrs. M. A.
Bartlett, Herbert, trav slsmn, C. H. Edwards, bds Mrs. L. H.
Barton, James W. (J. W. Barton & Co.), r. 217 Oleander, cor
San Jacinto.
Barton, J. W. & Co. (James W. Barton, ---- Co.), groceries,
625 Elm.
Barton, Mrs. Tapah (wid), h. James W. Barton.
Bartram, George J., mgr Wheeler & Melick Co., 211 Main, res.
313 Caruth, bet Griffin, Magnolia.
Baruch, Joseph, floor walker, Sanger Bros.
Barum, Robin (c), r. ss Juliette, bet Leonard, Flora.
Basco & DeBeque (Louis Basco, Frank DeBeque), proprs. Coliseum
Theater, 718 Main, bet Poydras, Murphy.
Basco, Louis (Basco & DeBeque), r. nw cor Jefferson, Jackson.
Bascom, Thomas A., wks G. E. Felton, bds T. C. Haskins.
Bass, Mrs. Jennie (wid), wks W. L. Cabell, res. same.
Basye Bros. (Elizemond B. and William W.), job printers, office
403 Main.
Basye, Elizemond B. (Basye Bros.), h. Mrs. H. W. Basye.
Basye, Helen W. (wid A. J.), r. ns Eakin, bet Preston, Crutchfield.
Basye, William W. (Basye Bros.), r. ns Eakin, bet Preston, Crutchfield.
Batchelor, Mary G. Mrs. (wid), wks Blankenship & Blake, r.
ss Elm, bet Ervay, St. Paul.
Bates, Austin (c), h. David Thomas.
Bates, Denny, check clk Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. M. J. Bates.
Bates, John S., photographer, A. C. D. Miller, 621 Elm, h. Mrs.
M. J. Bates.
Bates, Mary J. (wid S. D.), r. 1034 Commerce, bet S. Harwood,
Bates, Warren D., office clk Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. M. J. Bates.
Bates, William H., lunch stand, 8 Lamar, bet Pacific ave, Elm,
r. cor Ross ave, Griffin.
Battiste, Lawrence (c), r. 616 Polk, bet Poydras, Lamar.
Bauer, Miss Kate, wks Philip Sanger, r. same.
Bauer, Max, r. 1403 Polk, bet Cabell, Preston.
Baum, Frederick, r. 721 Browder, cor Park.
Baum, Moses, clk Levi Kraft, r. 814 Jackson, bet Akard, Lacy.
Bauman, Edward, millinery, fancy goods, 706 Elm, r. 618 Browder,
bet Young, Marilla.
Baumann, Julius, carp. A. Regge, bds Germania House.
Baur, Michau, r. ss Pacific ave, bet Leonard, Good.
Baushenbarger, Frederick, wks Padgitt Bros.
Baxter, Fortune (c), r. ws S. Jefferson, s of Columbia.
Bayer, John, wks S. Mayer & Co., rms 931 Elm.
Bayer, Leopold, cabinetmaker, George F. Rick.
Bayer, William S., r. ne cor Harwood, Pacific ave.
Baylor, John (c), r. 24 Live Oak, bet Elm, Pacific ave.
Baylor, Nancy (c), r. 24 Live Oak, bet Elm, Pacific ave.
Bayne, S. G., Prest Dallas National Bank, ne cor Murphy, Main.
Baynham, Henry O., carp., 19 Hawkins, bet Swiss ave, Miranda.
Bayrhoffer, John G., clk Frees & Son, bds 839 Live Oak.
Bazemore, Isaac B., r. 515 Caroline, bet Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Bazemore, Sallie E., (wid B. H.), h. Isaac B. Bazemore.
Beach, A., head ironer, Eureka steam laundry.
Beach, Mrs. Elizabeth M. (wid Samuel C.), h. T. F. Wallace.
Beach, Monta, r. ws Snodgrass, s of McKee.
Beach, William E., engr Mo. P. Ry., r. 107 N. Lamar.
Beachamp, Warren (c), res. es Good, bet Flora, Juliette.
Beachum, Miss Mollie, bds Jame M. Foss.
Beahm, Charles, shooting gallery, 929 Elm, bet Sycamore, Ervay,
r. 927 Elm.
Beall, George J., clk H. R. Parks, r. 1209 Jackson, bet S. Harwood,
Beall, William (c), bds Maria Lee.
Bealus, Frank, r. se cor Main, Lloyd.
Beard, James A., station kpr, Dallas calaboose, h. Alexander
Beard, Richard, h. Alexander Axton.
Beard, Samuel H., policeman, rms over 216 Houston, cor Commerce.
Beasley, Doney (c), wks Miles J. Dart.
Beasley, Rosa (c), r. 125 Cochran, bet Orange, Masten.
Beaton, John, mechanic, Mitchell & Scruggs, r. ws Browder,
bet St. Louis, Pocahontas.
Beattie, George, carp., bds National Hotel.
Beattie, John, contractor and builder, r. 570 N. Harwood, cor
Beaumont, Godfrey, physician, oculist, aurist, over 515 Elm,
r. 1201 Jackson, cor Harwood.
Beavers, Mollie (c), r. ss Columbia, bet Lamar, Poydras.
Beavers, Raphael (c), r. ws H & T. C. Ry., bet San Jacinto,
Ross ave.
Beck, Miss Allene, h. Mrs. C. A. Read.
Beck, Miss Mattie, h. Mrs. C. A. Read.
Beck, Miss Mollie, opr Dallas Telephone Ex., h. Mrs. C. A. Read.
Beck, Samuel, watches, clocks, jewelry, 514 Main, rms 808 Wood,
bet Lacey, Akard.
Becker, Oscar, trav slsmn, Schoellkopf & Co., r. 610 Ross
ave, bet Pearl, Leonard.
Beckwith, Edmond M., chief clk T. & P. Ry., land dept., nw
cor Harwood, Commerce.
Beddo, Albert F., clk Geo. N. Rick, r. 338 Good, San Jacinto,
Cottage Lane.
Beddo, Miss Julia, h. A. F. Beddo.,
Beddo, Theophilus (Skinner & Beddo), r. 338 Flora, bet Allen,
Bedford, G.C., night opr E. Dallas H. & T. C. frt depot,
bds Union Hotel.
Bedney, Chandy (c), r. 39 Crockett, bet Live Oak, Cora.
Beeman, George, rms John Evans.
Beeman, Holland D., tinner, William A. Trammell, h. W. H. Beeman.
Beeman, Joseph E., marshal E. Dallas blacksmith shop, ss Elm,
near creek, res east end Main.
Beeman, William H., real estate owner, r. 919 Commerce, bet Sycarmore,
Beggs, William H., carp., r. 212 Ross ave, bet Griffin, Magnolia.
Begley, James (Begley & Watson), blaksmith, shop ne cor Lamar,
Jackson, rms August Regge, bds. Wm. Romans.
Begley & Watson (James Begley, Alexander Watson), blksmiths,
horseshoers, 305 Lamar, bet Jackson, Wood.
Behlo, Frank, baker Emil HIlger, bds Reinhold Behlo.
Behlo, Reinhold, baker, Emil Hilger, r. over 838 Main.
Beilharz, Ernst, bkpr Schoellkopf & Co., r. 316 Swiss ave,
cor Wm. Tell.
Beilharz, Richard, harnessmaker, Schoellkopf & Co., bds 316
Swiss ave.
Beilharz, Theodore, stonecutter, bds 316 Swiss ave.
Beird, Alexander, clk,. r. ns Caroline, bet McKinney, Cedar Springs.
Beird, Elizabeth (wid Samuel), h. Alexander Beird.
Bekkers, William, bartender, Louis L. Vanderhulst, bds same.
Bell, Andrew, clk Betterton, Irvine & Co.
Bell, B. (c), r. ne cor Bryan, Pacific ave.
Bell, Charles (c), lab., bds Annie Williams.
Bell, Charles (c), r. ws Broadway, w end Walnut.
Bell & Davenport (William R. Bell, Frank H. Davenport), groceries,
provisions, 214 Houston, bet Main, Commerce.
Bell, David H., saddler, Padgitt Bros., bds Samuel Moore.
Bell, Ella (c), wks Donald Hinckley.
Bell, James (c), r. 523 Bryan, cor H. & T. C. Ry.
Bell, James (c), r. 406 alley, bet Henry, Williams, Commerce,
Bell, Jennie (c), h. Ann Davis.
Bell, John, lab., r. over 211 Main, bet Houston, Jefferson.
Bell, John, physician and surgeon, office 1215 Elm, bet N. Harwood,
Preston, r. same.
Bell, John P., r. ne cor Cochran, Lamar.
Bell, J. Hall, Physician, Surgeon, Office 601 Main, bds Bogel's
Bell, Joseph N., bricklayer, r. 1430 Polk, cor Preston.,
Bell, Lucy A. (wid E.), r. sw cor McKee, Snodgrass.
Bell, Mary (c), wks Mitch Gray.
Bell, Phila V. (wid B. M.), r. ws S. Lamar, s of creek.
Bell, Sam Houston, student, h. M. L. Morris.
Bell, Thomas A., carp., r. 326 Camp, bet Orange, Sycamore.
Bell, William R. (Bell & Davenport), rms 214 Houston, bds
Crutchfield House.
Belsterling, William, capitalist, r. 21 Pearl, bet Pacific ave,
Live Oak.
Belt, Eliza (wid T. W.), r. 625 Live Oak, cor Good.
Belt, James L., clk T. L. Marsalis & Co.,h. Mrs. Eliza Belt.
Belt, William D., clk T. L. Marsalis & Co., r. 621 Live Oak,
bet Hawkins, Good.
Bendy, William (c), brick mason, bds Lucinda Mulkins.
Benedikt, Elenora (Mrs. Max), r. 1230 Commerce, bet S. Harwood,
Benedikt, Max, dry goods, clothing, etc., Terrell, Texas, r.
1230 Commerce.
Benham, Miss Allie, h. G. W. Curtis.
Benish, Julius, carp., r. 10 Harwood, bet Pacific ave, Elm.
Benjamin, George W. bds Thomas Carroll.
Benjamin, Mollie (c), bds Mary Sparks.
Benjamin, Puss (c), r. es Good, bet Flora, Juliette.
Benners, Alfred H., (Benners & Miller), notary public, r.
311 St. Louis, cor Ervay.
Benners & Miller (Alfred H. Benners, Thomas S. Miller), attorneys,
office over 503 Elm.
Bennett, Charles H., carp., r. 36 Floyd, cor Cantagral.
Bennett, Eugene H., Business Mgr Dallas Times, r. 1302 Commerce,
cor Cabell.
Bennett, George, saddler, Padgitt Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Bennett, Geoge E., Mgr Tompkins Machinery and Implement Co.,
bds Grand-Windsor Hotel. See front cover.
Bennett, Horace (c), moulder, wks Duffy & Sons.
Bennett, James L., starcher, Oliver Bros., laundry, r. 1202 Wood.
Bennett, Jestin E., hostler, E. K. Martyn, rms same.
Bennett, John, railroad contractor, r. 205 Walnut, cor Houston.
Bennett, John, boot and shoemaker, 845 Main, cor Sycamore, bds
Santa Fe House.
Bennett, Mary (wid J. E.), r. ns Main, bet creek, Duncan.
Bennett, Miles, lab., r. 1426 Polk, bet Cabell, Preston.
Benson, Lucinda (c), h. Richard Johnson.
Benson, Plesant D., teamster, r. ss Williams, bet Ducan, Walton.
Benton, Bettie H. S., Mrs. librarian, Dallas Public Library,
725 1/2 Main, r. 417 Live Oak.
Benton, Charles, Lessee and Mgr Dallas Opera House, sw cor Commerce,
Austin, r. same.
Benton, David H., physician, office 1008 Elm, r. same.
Bentley, James, U. S. commissioner and chief supervisor of elections,
office over 903 Elm, cor Sycamore, r. 216 Jefferson, cor Walnut.
Benton, Miss Kittie, compositor, Texas Cowboy.
Benton, Nancy (c), cook, Santa Fe House, r. 609 Polk.
Benton, Napoleon (c), cook, C. Moskowitz, r. 609 Polk.
Berena, Miss Rosa, wks A. R. Cowser, r. same.
Bergen, Mary E. (wid C. S.), r. 1519 Main, bet Lloyd, Leonard.
Berger, David, r. 1401 Polk, cor Cabell.
Berger, Jacob, gardener, F. A. Rowley, r. ss City Park.
Berger, Maurice, asst bkpr Dargan & Trezevant, h. David Berger.
Bergeron, Louis K., clk, bds Hugh M. McIntyre.
Bergman, Adam, Propr Union Stock Yards, ss Elm, bt Lloyd, Crowdus,
r. 1638 Main, bet Lloyd, Crowdus. See advt.
Bernard, William E., clk Bryan & Bradshaw, r. 21 William,
cor Obenchain.
Bernd, Julius R., engr Todd mills, r. 609 Cedar Springs, bet
Caroline, Highland.
Bernier, Edward, sausage mfr, r. ss Porter, bet Crowdus, Duncan.
Berry, Bartlett R., carp., bds John C. Jones.
Berry, George W., contractor, r. 505 Swiss ave, bet Oak, Field.
Berry, Miss Ida, wks Blankenship & Blake.
Berry, Jennie (c), r. es Commerce, bet Henry, Crowdus.
Berry, John T. secy, J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., bds J. W. Crowdus.
Berry, William D. G., letter carrier 4th dist., rms 248 Patterson
Berryman, Isaac (c), bds George Perkins.
Bertener, Gustav, barber, E. Fretz, bds 828 Main.
Bess, Harriet (c), wks Wm. A. Rodgers, h. same.
Bess, John B., lab., r. ss Montezuma, bet Burford, Crockett.
Best, John (c), barber, Nathaniel McCain.
Best, Philip, clk W. E. Best, h. same.
Best, Robert E., mgr L. Craddock's billiard hall, bds W. E. Best.
Best, William E., Groceries, Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco, 201-203
Ross ave, cor Griffin, r. 75 McKinney road, cor Highland.
Betemps, Mary C. Mrs., r. 1405 Polk, bet Cabell, Preston.
Bethge, Bertha (Mrs. Henry), restaurant, 904 Main, res. same.
Bethge, Henry, Barber and Bath Rooms, 904 Main, bet Sycamore,
Ervay, r. same.
Betterton, Irvine & Co. (William J. Betterson, Adam C. Irvine,
S. B. Hopkins), wholesale liquors and cigars, 414-416 Elm, cor
Betterton, William J. (Betterton, Irvine & Co.), r. 809 Ervay,
bet Marilla, Canton.
Betz, Joseph, lab., bds I. X. Strobel.
Beutel, Frederick, Barber Shop ns H. & T. C. Ry., opp Union
Depot, r. 119 N. Harwood, near Live Oak.
Beyrle, Mary R. Mrs. (wid Andrew), r. ws Boll, bet San Jacinto,
Cottage Lane.
Bibb, Alex L., physician, office 1357 Elm, bet Leonard, Good,
r. same.
Bick, Henry, collarmaker, F. Kracht, bds same.
Bickham, Albert, appc blksmith, H. Eeles, h. Hugh Bickham.
Bickham, Hugh, carp., r. 1346 Pacific ave, bet Leonard, Good.
Bickham, Margaret A. (wid L. C.), r. 138 Olive, cor Bryan.
Bickham, William L., coll Adams & Leonard's, h. Mrs. M. A.
Bickham, William P., blksmith H. Eeles, h. Hugh Bickhams.
Bigger, James M., r. 1115 Main, bet St. Paul, Harwood.
Bigger, John C., U. S. attorney, northern dists of Texas,5th
circuit, office over 903 Elm, bds James M. Bigger.
Bigham, Mary Mrs. (wid), h. Howard Keyes.
Billings, John (c), porter, George T. Atkins, r. McKinney road.
Billingsley, William A., clk, r. 1234 Jackson, bet S. Harwood,
Billington, Theophilus, Furniture and House Furnishing goods,
639-641 Elm, res. se cor Oleander, Bryan. See lines in Business
Bingham, Miss Louisa, ironer, Eureka steam laundry.
Bingham, Miss Minnie, ironer, Eureka steam laundry, bds Bettie
Binyan, Wade (c), r. 409 Columbia.
Bird, Anderson & Co. (Charles E. and John B. Bird, A.T. Anderson,
John D. Carter), lumber, laths, shingles, sash, doors, blinds,
se cor Elm, St. Paul. See advt.
Bird, Charles E. (Bird, Anderson & Co.), r. se cor Gaston
ave., McIntyre.
Bird, John B. (Bird, Anderson & Co.), r. 209 Live Oak, bet
N. Harwood, Olive.
Bird, Marshall, clk Bird, Anderson & Co., h. C. E. Bird.
Bird, Mary (c), chambermaid, Howard House.
Bird, Samuel P., r. ns Gaston ave, opp Fair Grounds.
Birdwell, Robert (c), porter, Mitchell & Scruggs, r. 224
Hawkins, cor Montezuma.
Birklein, Antone, musician, r. e of Trinity, bet Park, Masonic.
Birmingham, Michael E. (Sargent & Co.), r. 224 Camp, bet
Orange, Sycamore.
Birzele, Otto, foreman, Anheuser-Busch beer vaults, bds I. X.
Biser, Charles, bartender, Jacob Grossman, bds same.
Bishop, James H., clk Middleton, Stuart & Co., bds Geo. Fuqua.
Bishop, J.A., clk Hurst & Dreyfuss, r. 1258 San Jacinto.
Bishop, Miss Laura, operator, Dallas Telephone Exchange, h. Mrs.
Mary E. Bishop.
Bishop, Mary E. (wid T. W.), r. 39 Cochran, bet N. Lamar, Cartler
Bishop, Nancy A. Mrs. (wid Robert), r. ns Pacific ave, bet Oleander,
Live Oak.
Bishop, Olevia (wid E. D.), r. over 513 Elm.
Bishop, Robert L., clk A. & E. Mittenthal, h. Mrs. M. E.
Bishop, Miss Sarah, h. B. Scott.
Bissell, John B., depy city assessor and collector, r. 1223 Jackson,
bet Harwood, Cabell.
Bissell, Larry, clk, J. D. A. Harris, h. 1223 Jackson.
Bivens, George, wks Padgitt Bros.
Black, Andrew (c), bds Chas. Leatherman.
Black, Clark (c), r. ws Boll, bet San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Black, John, printer, Texas Newspaper Union.
Black, John M., eclectic physician, office and r. 1354 Elm, bet
Leonard, Good.
Black, Joseph, bartender, Merdith Bros., rms over 901 Main, cor
Black, J. Frank, blacksmith, Worden & Smith, bds D. N. Hoylman.
Black, Miss Martha A., h. John M. Black.
Black, Patrick, foreman, A. S. Alston, rms 926 Elm, bds Howard
Black, Raleigh, printer, Texas Cowboy.
Blackburn, Willie (c), r. 1200 San Jacinto.
Blackstone, John, clk Bird, Anderson & Co.
Blackstone, John, driver Dallas City R. R. Co., r. ns Commerce,
bet Cabell, Harwood.
Blackwood, Harriet (c), r. 796 Browder, bet Marilla, Park.
Blain, Nellie (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry., bet Cora, Swiss
Blair, John A., lab., bds W. W. Attaway.
Blair, Maggie (c), wks F. B. Bryan, r. same.
Blair, Robert H., dental student, John C. Storey, bds same.
Blair, Wiley, trav slsmn, T. L. Marsalis & Co., bds St. George
Blair, William C., h. Edward L. Snodgrass.
Blake, Charles, printer, Dallas Herald, r. 1428 Main.
Blake, George, lab., r. ns Swiss ave, bet Leonard, Hawkins.
Blake, Martin, lab., r. 429 Cottage Lane, bet Leonard, Buford.
Blake, Samuel D. (Blankenship & Blake), res. nw cor Gaston
ave, Adair.
Blakeney & Free (Hugh Blakeney, William H. Free), auction
and commission, 619 Elm.
Blakeney, Hugh (Blakeney & Free), r. ne cor Main, H. &
T. C. Ry.
Blakeney, Hugh J., Propr. "Fine, Very Fine, jr." Bakery,
1326 Elm, bet H. & T. C. ry., Leonard, r. same.
Blakeney, James, h. Hugh J. Blakeney.
Blakeney, Joseph, clk Ed. S. Alston, r. e end Main, nr Fair Grounds.
Blanchard, Adrienne, boarding house, 1355 Elm.
Blankenship, Bartholomew H. (Blankenship & Blake), r. nw
cor Jackson, Akard.
Blankenship & Blake (Bartholomew H. Blankenship, Samuel D.
Blake), wholesale dry goods, notions, hats and gents furnishing
goods, 805-807 Main, 806 and 808 Elm.
Blankenship, Marion, r. ns Williams, bet Henry, Crowdus.
Blanks, Alexander H., Propr Mechanics Home, 943 Main, bet Stone,
Blasingame, John M., boarding house, 1102 Main, bet St. Paul,
Blassingame, Moad, fruit stand, 1313 Elm, nr H. & T. C. Ry.
Bledsoe, David C., carp., r. n of T. & P Ry, e of Fair Grounds.
Blewett, James R. (Morrow & Blewett), r. McKinney, north
of Pearl.
Blewett, Joseph E., mailing clk Dallas postoffice, r. ne cor
Highland, Cedar Springs.
Blewett, Joseph N., mailing clk Dallas postoffice, h. J. E. Blewett.
Block Bros. (John E., Samuel Block), Retail Boots and shoes,
110 Lamar, bet Main, Elm.
Block, Charles, bkpr Sanger Bros., r. ne cor Cadiz, Evergreen.
Block, Edward, shoe dealer, r. 620 Ervay, bet Young, Marilla.
Block, Jacob, slsmn Sanger Bros., rms S. B. Stone.
Block, John E. (Block Bros.), r. 620 Ervay.
Block, Samuel (Block Bros.), bds J. E. Block.
Blohme, Hammond, section boarding house, ns T. & P. Ry.,
E. Dallas.
Blood, Henry (c), wks H. S. Ervay, r. same.
Blood, Jane (c), r. 510 Market, bet Wood, Polk.
Blue, Fritz, bartender, Planters House.
Blue Corner Hotel, ws H. & T. C. Ry, bet Main, Elm, N. Antoine,
Blume, Elizabeth (wid George), r. 1533 Main, bet Lloyd, Leonard.
Blust, Albert, shoefitter, Schoellkopf & Co., r. 231 Ross
Blythe, Frank, saddler, Padgitt Bros., rms over 216 Houston,
cor Commerce.
Boales, Hiram H., carp., r. ns Hays, east of Washington ave.
Boasberg, Isaac B., slsmn clocks, albums, etc., r. 1233 Main,
bet Cabell, Harwood.
Boatner, Courtney (wid C. A.), h. Harry C. Boatner.
Boatner, Harry C., marble cutter, S. B. Hanway, r. es Harwood,
bet Cadiz, St. Louis.
Bodach, William, clk Thompson Bros., r. ns Ross ave, e of Villars.
Bodwell, Benjamin H., in charge City Park, r. es S. Harwood,
bet Runnels, Paris.
Bogan, B. Wofford, plumber, F. A. Campbell, r. ne cor Wood, Ervay.
Bogan, Frederick R., h. Robert Bryan.
Bogan, James M., messs Tex. Exp. Co., r. 220 Swiss ave.
Bogel, Julius C., City Assessor and Collector, Office nw cor
Lamar, Commerce, propr Bogel's Hotel, sw cor Ross ave, Sycamore,
r. same.
Bogel, Theodore, clk, bds 744 Pacific ave.
Boggaino, John B., clk, Joseph Abozzo, bds Frank De Stefano.
Boggs, Harry, lab., r. 1012 Commerce, bet Ervay, Prather.
Bohannan, William (c), r. sw cor Flora, McCoy.
Bohne, Ernst G., book[b]inder, A. D. Aldridge & Co., h. Mrs.
M.A. Bohne.
Bohne, Mary A. (wid E. A.), r. ss St. Louis, bet Akard, Browder.
Bohny, Charles A. bartender, S. Mayer & Co., r. 823 Live
Oak, bet Cantagral, Germania.
Bohny, Miss Hattie, h. Charles A. Bohny.
Bohny, Leopold F. (Crosier & Bohny), r. nw cor Walnut, Jefferson.
Bohon, Miss Dixie, teacher, Temple Emanu-El school, bds Mrs.
L. M. Dake.
Boigman, Miss Hattie, labeler, Hughes Bros. & Co.
Boigman, Miss Jennie, labeler, Hughes Bros. & Co.
Boigman, Miss Mollie, labeler, Hughes Bros. & Co.
Bokk, Charles, hostler Hugh J. Blakeney, bds same.
Bolan, James M., r. 530 Ross ave, bet N. Harwood, Pearl.
Bolanz, Charles F. (Murphy & Bolanz), r. 1104 Browder, cor
Bolden, D., teamster, r. 110 Leonard, bet Elm, Main.
Bolden, Ellis (c), wks M. W. Russey.
Bolden, Hannah (c), r. ws Sherman, bet Polk, Columbia.
Bolden, Maria (c), h. Roles Richardson.
Boldukes, Allen (c), bds W. H. Henderson.
Boles, Miss Nettie E., stenographer, J. B. Watkins Land Mortgage
Co., h. Prof. Wm. A. Boles.
Boles, William A. Prof, Supt Public Schools, Office room 8 over
se cor Elm, Sycamore, r. nw cor Polk, Cabell.
Bolick, John D., teamster, F. G. Moore, r. ns Williams, bet Crowdus,
Bolin, James M., trav slsmn, r. 530 Ross ave.
Boll, Henry (W. D. Wylie & Co.), r. 425 Swiss ave, cor Germania.
Boll, John, h. Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer.
Boll, Magdalena (wid Henry), h. Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer.
Boll, William, Physician, Surgeon, Office 826 Main, r. 224 Cantagral,
cor Liberty.
Bolles, Charles M. (Bolles & Sanderson), r. 324 Caruth, bet
Griffin, Magnolia.
Bolles & Sanderson (Charles M. Bolles, Gordon M. Sanderson),
mercantile job printers, 609 Main, betg Lamar, Poydras. See advt.
Bolles, James, carp., bds. Thomas Carroll.
Bolling, Thomas E. (Jones & Bolling), bds 401 Elm.
Bolton & Juniper (Robert Bolton, Frederick Juniper), meat
market, 728 Main.
Bolton, Robert (Bolton & Juniper), rms John Evans.
Bond, B. M. & Bro. (Brantly M. and Stephen D. Bond), groceries,
provisions, 409 Elm.
Bond, Brantly M. (B. M. Bond & Bro.), r. 1509 Ross ave, bet
Hall, McCoy.
Bond, Charles (c), h. Booker Crump.
Bond, George, saddler, J. J. Miller, bds Geo. T. Barr.
Bond, Josephine (wid Rankin), h. S. D. Bond.
Bond, Lafayette, clk E. C. Smith, bds same.
Bond, Stephen D. (B. M. Bond & Bro.), r. 602 Houston, bet
Polk, Columbia.
Bond, William T. slsmn J. J. Miller, r. 9 Cochran.
Bone, John, printer Dallas Herald, bds Commercial Hotel.
Bones, Mary, r. 525 Live Oak, cor H. & T. C. Ry.
Bookman, Mollie (c), wks Annie Monell, r. same.
Bookhout, John, attorney, office over 512 Main, r. nw cor Caruth,
Booso, Leonidas H., slsmn Tompkins Machinery and Implement Co.;
r. 315 Akard, cor Jackson.
Booth, Joseph (c), porter Henry P. Shiel, rms 1542 Elm.
Bopp, Jacob, jr., h. J. Bopp, sr.
Bopp, Jacob, sr., fruit raiser and wine mfr., r. ss main, east
of Mill creek.
Border, Arthur G., engr H. & T. C. yds, r. ne cor Williams,
Borders, Andrew J., wks Edward Callahan, r. same.
Borders, John (c), r. ss Emma, bet Pacific ave, Sycamore.
Borders, Samuel (c), barber, Richard Laffiton.
Boren, Isaac T., farmer, r. ws McKinney road, 1/2 mile n city
Boren, Vance, clk Bradstreet's Agency, h. David Langton.
Borgman, Miss Jennie, candymaker, h. John Borgman.
Borgman, John, tailor, 510 Commerce, bet. N. Lamar, Austin, r.
Borgman, Miss Mattie, wks candy factory, h. John Borgman.
Borgman, Miss Mollie, candymkr, h. John Borgman.
Borich, Peter S., House, Sign Painter, Paints, Oils, glass, painters
supplies, 209 Sycamore, bet Main, Commerce, r. 803 Harwood, bet
Pierce, St. Louis. See front cover line.
Boris, George (c), wks Planters House, h. same.
Borkhardt, Joseph, lab., r. se cor Commerce, Duncan.
Borland, George W. (prest G. W. Borland Publishing Co.), r. Chicago,
Borland, G. W. Publishing Co. (G. W. Borland, prest.), publishers
subscription books, 103 State St., Chicago, Ill,, J. K. Churchill,
mgr, office 906 Elm, bet Sycarmore, Stone. See advt.
Bosco, Philip, bds Waldermar Malcolmson.
Bosley, Minnie (c), h. Maria Smith.
Boswell, John, night clk Crutchfield House, r. same.
Bostnick, Oliver V., clk Leon Kahn, r. 37 Emma, bet Pacific ave,
Botto, Dominic V., Ice Cream Mfr., Parlors, 5 Live Oak, bet Elm,
Pacific ave, r. ne cor Oleander, Pacific ave. See advt.
Bouche, Alex E., groceries, 824 Main, bet Field, Sycarmore, r.
Boulard, Leondidas, clk Bradstreet's Agency, r. 1234 Jackson,
bet S. Harwood, Cabell.
Boulay, Dominique, carp., r. rear 604 Lamar, bet Wood, Polk.
Boulman, Joseph, bds Santa Fe House.
Boumera, Rosolino, lab., rms 306 Commerce.
Bourgeois, Luc, r. 616 Houston, cor Columbia.
Bourquin, Julius, baker G. Probert, r. 1543 Commerce, bet Dove,
Bowen, Ahab, fruit raiser, r. ws McKinney road, 1/2 mile n of
city limits.
Bowen, Charles G., r. 316 S. Harwood, cor Jackson.
Bowen, Hess (c), bds Bettie Kinnel.
Bowen, H.B., r. es McKinney road, 1 mile north of city limits.
Bowen, James, clk George J. Dexter & Co., bds J. B. Scruggs.
Bowen, John, h. H. B. Bowen.
Bowen, John, clk Louis Wagner, rms over 201 Jefferson.
Bowen, John W. (Walker & Bowen), r. McKinney road.
Bowen, John W., r. 808 Wood, bet Lacey, Akard.
Bowen, Richard (c), porter, J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., rms Chas.
Bowen, Sterling P., miner, h. Ahab Bowen.
Bowen, Walter A., miner, h. Ahab Bowen.
Bowen, William W., miner, h. Ahab Bowen.
Bower & Cosby (Edwin G. Bower, Frank D. Cosby), attorneys,
office 203 Main, up stairs.
Bower, Edwin G. (Bower & Cosby), notary public, r. ws Snodgrass,
south of McKee.
Bowers, Alfred M., blacksmith and wagonmaker, sw cor McKinney
road, Alamo, r. 64 Cochran, cor Griffin.
Bowers, Miss Lizzie, wks Blankenship & Blake.
Bowles, Benjamin, clk William Ernenwein, h. Mrs. M. A. Bowles.
Bowles, Miss Katie, seamstress, Blankenship & Blake, h. Mrs.
M. A. Bowles.
Bowles, Lee (c), r. w of Akard, opp Corsicana.
Bowles, Martha A. (wid Henry), r. 1306 Wood, nr railroad.
Bowles, Miss Mattie, seamstress, Blankenship & Blake, h.
Mrs. M. A. Bowles.
Bowles, Thomas, real estate owner, r. ss Gaston ave, 2 miles
3 of Courthouse.
Bowles, Victor S., stockman, r. es McKinney road, 1 miles n of
city limits.
Bowling, Sallie (c), r. ss Pacific ave, bet College, Sycamore.
Bowman, James (c), wks Edmond Smith, h. same.
Bowman, Lloyd, marble cutter, S. B. Hanway.
Bowman, Morgan, bds 744 Pacific ave.
Bowman, Morgan F., r. 740 Pacific ave, bet College, Sycamore.
Bowser & Lemmon (Oliver P. Bowser, William H. Lemmon), farmers
and real estate dealers, office 316 Elm, cor Market.
Bowser, Oliver P. (Bowser & Lemmon), r. se cor Ross ave,
Bowser, Richard, clk Bowser & Lemmon, h. O. P. Bowser.
Boyd, Alexander, wks Griffiths & Cowser, r. 1673 Main.
Boyd, Alfred (c), r. ss Juliette, bet Good, Boll.
Boyd, Anthony (c), scavenger, r. 211 Juliette, bet Peak, Good.
Boyd, Columbus (c), barter, Richard Laffiton, r. 1018 Polk, bet
Cabell, Preston.
Boyd, David, blacksmith, wks J. E. Beeman.
Boyd, Eliza (c), h. Alfred Boyd.
Boyd, John L. (Boyd & Webster), r. 1227 Wood, cor Preston.
Boyd, Moses S., r. ne cor Live Oak, Martha.
Boyd & Webster (John L. Boyd, Terry Webster), proprs Dallas
City planing mill, cor Cochran, Orange.
Boyd, Wesley (c), driver exp wagon, A. W. Fox, r. ss Cochran,
e of McCoy.
Boyd, William J., farmer, r. es Cedar Springs road, n of N. Harwood.
Boydstun, Fannie (Mrs. John R.), dressmaker, over 511 Elm, r.
114 Floyd.
Boydstun, John R., r. 114 Floyd, near Cantagral.
Boyer, Charles W., harnessmaker, E. Lehman, r. 615 N. Harwood.
Boyer, John E. carp., r. 615 N. Harwood, cor Bone.
Boyer, Willis, cook Union Depot Hotel, r. ss Swiss ave, bet H.
& T. C. Ry., Leonard.
Boyett, George T., boardinghouse, 340 Camp, cor Magnolia.
Boykin, Miss Blanche, bds Miss Lizzie Handley.
Boyle, Alexander, wks Griffiths & Cowser, r. Elm near Fair
Boyle, Francis (c), wks H. R. Irvine.
Boyle, Joseph (c), barber, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Boyle, Joseph W., r. nw cor Browder, Corsicana.
Boyle, J. Samuel, painter, William Ernenwein, bds same.
Boyle, Samuel H., bkpr Flippen, Adoue & Lobit, r. nw cor
Browder, Corsicana.
Boyle, Sarah J. (Mrs. Charles), h. Wm. A. Huckaby.
Boylosh, Carrie (wid Joseph), r. 221 Ross ave, bet Griffin, Magnolia.
Bozza, James, clk C. E. Momand & Bro., rms 1203 Elm, cor
Pearl, bds George W. Patrick.
Bracken, Lee (c), bds Charles Leatherman.
Bradberry, Gabriella K. Mrs. (wid), r. 722 Jackson, bet railroad,
Bradberry, John, waiter, rms 722 Jackson.
Bradford, Barclay M., farmer, h. Mrs. Mary E. Fleming.
Bradford, Chapman (Lindsley & Bradford), rms Geo. F. Alford.
Bradley, Charles R., lab Elliott & Clark, h. Eli Bradley.
Bradley, Eli, r. 702 Bryan, cor Cantagral.
Bradley, Henry, candymaker, A. W. Fox, h. Eli Bradley.
Bradley, James, lab., r. sw cor Commerce, Walton.
Bradley, John, waiter, W. H. Bates, bds same.
Bradley, Miss Lena, labeler Hughes Bros. & Co.
Bradley, Mary (wid P. B.), h. F. T. White.
Bradley, Newton I., lab., r. 33 Miranda, bet Good, Hawkins.
Bradley, Thomas D. (c), wks Thomas L. Marsalis.
Bradley, William, carp., r. 191 Cantagral, bet Bryan, Live Oak.
Bradley, William F., trav slsmn, h. Eli Bradley.
Bradshaw, Albert N. (Bryan & Bradshaw), r. 309 N. Harwood.
Bradstreet's Commercial Agency, Office 735 Main, Sidney Tabor,
Bradshaw, William, trav slsmn McCormick Harvestin Machine Co.,
bds James H. Porter.
Brady, William J., mgr Dallas City Gas Light Co., r. cor Houston,
Braggwell, Viney (c), r. es Leonard, bet Florence, Swiss ave.
Braly, Wm. H. H., h. 917 Live Oak, bet Germania, Field.
Bramlet, Russell (c), lab Butler & Co.
Branch, Oliver (c), wks John L. Henry, r. same.
Brand, Charles L. (Brand & Logan), bds Henry Boll.
Brand & Logan (Charles L. Brand, William J. Logan), proprs.
Eureka steam laundry, cor Poydras and Polk. See advt.
Brandon, Joseph, wks A. Dare, r. over 312 Main, bet Market, Jefferson.
Brannon, Miss Jane, wks I. F. McAdams, r. same.
Brannon, Miss Julia, wks M. Kirby, r. same.
Brans, Henry, brickmason, r. es Chandler, bet Bryan, Pacific
Branshaw, Albert, trav slsmn, r. sw cor Ross ave, Johnson.
Braswell, Martha A. Mrs. (wid John), r. 644 Ross ave, bet Pearl,
Braswell, Samuel N., carp., r. ne cor Highland, Wichita.
Bray, Basil M., r. 548 Pearl, bet Ross ave, Cochran.
Bray, Mary V. (Mrs. Basil M.), mattress and overall mfr., 927
Elm, bet Sycamore, Ervay, h. B. M. Bray.
Brazelton, John W., carp., r. ss Elm, bet Lloyd, Crowdus.
Brazwell, Miss Beall, compositor, Texas Newspaper Union.
Brazwell, Miss Hermoine, compositor, Texas Newspaper Union.
Breazeale, Oatis, wks Mankato House, bds same.
Brecht, Sherman, butcher, r. ns Williams, bet Duncan, Walton.
Brelsford, James T., policeman, r. 848 San Jacinto, cor Leoanrd.
Bremond, August, wks J. V. Childers.
Brennan, Annie E. Mrs. (wid T. J.), r. se cor St. Louis, Browder.
Brewer, Cassel O., house mover, r. ns Gaston ave, cor creek.
Brewer, Mary J. (wid R. H.), h. Jas. M. Harry.
Brewer, Samuel G., h. Jas. M. Harry.
Brewer, William D., saddler, Schoellkopf & Co., r. 910 Commerce.
Briaglia, Antonio, fruits and confections, 507 Main, r. same.
Brice, John, bds George W. Patrick.
Brice, Randolph J. (c), del clk Ed S. Alston, r. es Griffin,
n of Cochran.
Brice, William, wks Herman harris.
Brick, Jerome J., carp., r. 113 Park, bet Akard, Browder.
Bridges, Jerome, lab., r. 1338 Elm, bet Ry., Leonard.
Briggs, Miss Emma, h. John S. Hetherington.
Briggs, J., trav slsmn, bds C. B. Winthrop.
Brin, Barney (Miller & Brin), r. Over 1138 Elm, cor Cabell.
Brinker, Mary (c), laundress, Union Depot Hotel.
Brinkley, David (c), r. ss Williams, bet Sherman, Henry.
Brinkill, William, brickmason, bds Mrs. Francis Shepherd.
Briscol, Andy (c), r. ns Marilla, bet Veal, Ervay.
Briscol, Samuel, wks. John S. VanSlyke.
Bristol, Alonzo B. (Bristol & Clark), r. ns San Jacinto,
bet McCoy, Villars.
Bristol & Clark (Alonzo B. Bristol, Cortez Clark), architects
and supts, office over 512 Main.
Britt, Willis E., clk Mitchell & Scruggs, bds Wm. J. Britt.
Britt, William J., commercial traveler, r. 22 Good, cor Floyd.
Britton, Annie (c), r. 616 Wood, bet Poydras, Lamar.
Britton, James H., State Engineer, Vice-prest Dallas Electric
Light Co., propr Texas Ice Co., factory sw cor Main, Broadway,
bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Britton, William H. (c), ass packer, Blankenship & Blake,
r. s of city.
Brobst, John, watchmaker, Knepfly & Son, r. 309 Columbia,
bet Market, Jefferson.
Brocherio, Peter, ice cream maker, D. V. Botto, h. same.
Brock, Benjamin C., bds John R. Miller
Brockman, James (c), r. s end Lamar, s of creek.
Brockman, J. B. trav agt, Overland Telephone Co., bds St. George
Brokkofski, Frederick, harnessmaker, Padgitt Bros., r. 621 Columbia.
Bromwell, Samuel, blksmith, shop sw cor Elm, Crowdus, r. same.
Bronley, Lester R., r. 18 N. Harwood, bet Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Brooks, Miss Amanda, r. over 513 Elm.
Brooks, Benjamin H. blacksmith, r. 1635 Commerce, opp Henry.
Brooks, Chaney (c), r. 403 Montezuma, bet H. & T. C. Ry.,
Brooks, Frederick T., clk, h. Mrs. N. Brooks.
Brooks, Jackson (c), r. 214 Juliet, bet Peak, Good.
Brooks, James, r. over 513 Elm.
Brooks, John, wks Texas Cotton Press Co.
Brooks, Joseph, floor walker, Sanger Bros., rms S. Wolf.
Brooks, Joseph B., trav slsmn, r. 1635 Commerce, opp Henry.
Brooks, Joseph O. (c), h. Chaney Brooks
Brooks, J. E. (c), porter, Oliver & Griggs' bank.
Brooks, Millie (c), r. alley bet Commerce, Williams, Henry, Crowdus.
Brooks, Naomi (wid A. J.), r. nw cor Elm, Crowdus.
Brooks, William (c), r. ss Pacific ave, bet College, Sycamore.
Brooks, William H., carp., r. nw cor Commerce, Duncan.
Brosius, Flavius J., clk G. F. Rick, bds Commercial Hotel.
Broughton, Dempsey W. Rev. pastor Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
r. Bogel, bet Bryan, San Jacinto.
Broughton, Mrs. M. J., music teacher, h. Rev. D. W. Broughton.
Browder, James M., farmer, r. es Cole, e of Fair Grounds.
Brown, Annie (c), r. ss Pacific ave, bet Cabell, Preston.
Brown, Annie (c), wks Wm. H. Norton.
Brown, Annie (c), wks George Fufua [Fuqua].
Brown, Delia (c), wks Wm. M. Miller, h. same.
Brown, Emma (wid W. C.), h. Mary Baird.
Brown, Miss Fannie, h. Catherine Robertson.
Brown, Gracie (c), bds Mandy Antonio.
Brown, Henry S., carp. r. ws McCoy, bet Flora, Cochran.
Brown, Henry S. Mrs., dressmaking, notions, ws McCoy, bet Flora,
Cochran, r. same.
Brown, James (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry., north of Cochran.
Brown, John (c), wks compress, r. ss. Cadiz, bet Portland, S.
Brown, John (c), wks Jack W. Smith, h. same.
Brown, John G., bds Wm. A. Huckaby.
Brown, John Henry, r. 40 Pearl, cor Live Oak.
Brown, Joseph, painter, bds Mrs. Fannie Day.
Brown, Jube (c), bds Isaac Faris.
Brown, Miss Kittie, bds N. A. Koehler.
Brown, Lawrence M. (c), r. 212 Juliet, bet Peak, Good.
Brown, Mrs. Lucy (wid J. M.), h. Loren Horton.
Brown, Miss Martha, r. 886 Pacific ave, cor Live Oak.
Brown, Martin (c), r. 1667 Commerce, bet Henry, Crowdus.
Brown, Mary (c), wks G. A. Webster, h. same.
Brown, Napoleon (c), wks Elliott & Clark, r. Swiss ave.
Brown, Rachael (c), wks Robert M. Cooke.
Brown, Thomas (c), porter, Oscar A. Wells.
Brown, Thomas J. A. (Burfor & Brown), Notary Public, r. 310
Columbia, cor Jefferson.
Brown, William (c), r. 609 Bryan, cor Boll.
Brown, William B., Ry mail clk Dallas & El Paso, r. ss Highland,
bet Cedar Springs, Ashland.
Brown, William H. (Babcock, Foot & Brown), bds 1058 Elm.
Brownell, James A., agt John P. Morton & Co., publishers
and stationers, Louisville, Ky., officer over 512 Main, rms same,
bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Browning, John, real estate owner, h. James W. Barton.
Brownlee, Alexander, prest. Texas Stone Co., contractor and builder,
office 831 Main, r. 1603 San Jacinto, cor Johnson.
Brownlee Bros. (George H., Thomas and James Brownlee), ice and
milk dealers, office and retail depot, 704 Main.
Brownlee, George H. (Brownlee Bros.), propr Bank saloon, 710
Main, res. near Fair Grounds.
Brownlee, James (Brownlee Bros.), r. near Fair Grounds.
Brownlee, Thomas (Brownlee Bros.), res. near Fair Grounds.
Brownrig, Ellen (c), h. Houston McDuff.
Broxton, John F., plasterer, res. ns Porter, bet Duncan, Crowdus.
Broxton, Jose M., plasterer, res. ss Alamo, bet Cedar Springs,
Bruce, Charles, stonecutter, bds Crutchfield House.
Bruen, Harry, propr Oyster Bay restaurant, 510 Main, bet Austin,
Lamar, res. same.
Bruen, Silvina (wid Cummings), res. over 510 Main.
Bruin, Moses (c), lab Butler & Co.
Bruison, John, butcher, r. ns Swiss ave, cor creek.
Brundage, Miss Hattie, h. J. E. Wynn.
Brunk, Charles M., clk Waters Pierce Oil Co., r. ns Main, bet
creek, Duncan.
Bruns, Fredericka (wid John), h. A. Birklein.
Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., Billiard Table mfrs., Louis E.
Mohrhardt, state agt., office 407 Main.
Bryan & Bradshaw (Ellen P. Bryan, Albert N. Bradshaw), groceries,
515 Elm.
Bryan, Ellen P. (Bryan & Bradshaw), r. 357 Ross ave, bet
Orange, Masten.
Bryan, Fee B., clk Sanger Bros., r. 414 Akard, cor Wood.
Bryan, George N., bds Albert M. Greenlun.
Bryan, Henry M., school teacher, r. 1017 Wood, bet Ervay, S.
Bryan, John T., coll Geo. A. Webster, bds 828 Main.
Bryant, Benjamin, house mover, office 212 Ervay, bet Main, Commerce,
r. ss Swiss ave, near Martha.
Bryant, Miss Bertha, wks Blankenship & Blake.
Bryant, Charles C., printer, Bryant & Dodson, r. 1580 Main,
bet Lloyd, Crowdus.
Bryant, David, clk Moline Plow Co., r. 11 Commerce, cor Broadway.
Bryant & Dodson (Wolfred N. Bryant, Al. F. Dodson), book
and job printers, 111 Sycamore, bet Main, Elm.
Bryant, Edley J., shipping clk, G. N. Quillman, h. David Bryant.
Bryant, Elva (Mrs. W. N.), Cigars, Stationery and Sewing machine
supplies, 111 Sycamore, bet Main, Elm.
Bryant, Giddie, clk S. P. Mendez & Co., h. 111 Sycamore.
Bryant, J. M. (S. S. Floyd & Co.), r. Chicago, Ill.
Bryant, Robert T., porter, C. H. Edwards, r. 220 Swiss ave, near
Bryant, Wolfred N. (Bryant & Dodson), Rubber Stamp and stencil
mfr, 111 Sycamore, bt Main, Elm, r. same.
Bryant, W. Sidney, Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, loan office,
711 Main, bds 743 Pacific ave. See advt.
Buchanan, John C., clk W. E. Best, h. same.
Buchanan, Joseph, r. nw cor Good, Pacific ave.
Buchanan, Robert F., bkpr, bds St. George Hotel.
Buchanan, William F., barber, E. Fretz, bds ne cor Jackson, Poydras.
Buck, George W., bartender, r. 1315 Columbia, bet S. Harwood,
Buck, James A., engr Eureka steam laundry, r. se cor Park, Akard.
Buck, Rudolph, r. 1230 Main, bet Harwood, Cabell.
Buckelew, O. O., res. ns Elm, bet creek, Duncan.
Buckingham, Joseph T., clk C. V. Waller, bds James Kimball.
Buckmaster, Daniel, brickmason, r. 1300 Pavilion, bet Bryan,
San Jacinto.
Buckner, Robert C. Rev., editor and propr, The Good Samaritan,
127 Camp, res. ws Race, bet T. & P. Ry., Fair Grounds.
Büdinger, Joseph, cabinetmaker, r. 724 Bryan, bet Cantagral,
Buell, Frank, machinist, Elliott & Clark, h. J. T. Buell.
Buell, James T., carp, Elliott & Clark, r. 1500 Main, cor
Buford, Major (c), r. ss Juliet, bet Peak, Good.
Buhrer, Jacob, dairyman, r. Rockwall road 1/2 mile n of Fair
Buhrer, John. wks Jacob Buhrer.
Bull, Martin M., machinist, Clark & Clark, bds Geo. W. Patrick.
Bullard, Lee, clk Bradstreet's Agency.
Bullard, Richard (c), r. 213 Peak, bet Juliet, Cochran.
Bullion, Charles (c), wks Charles Bell, r. same.
Bullitt, Samuel W., physician, surgeon, office 720 Elm, bds L.
H. Fitzhugh.
Bullman, George, tailor, Douglas Bros., bds Santa Fe House.
Bullman, Mendell, clothing, notions, 1304 Elm, bet Preston, H.
& T. C. Ry., r. 1304 Main.
Bullock, Napoleon B., clk B. F. Turner, Union Depot, bds Central
Bumpas, Clarence, clk Thomas H. Johnson, h. 725 Ross ave.
Bumpas, James H., druggists, 201 Jefferson, cor Main, r. 114
Flora, bet Allen, Boll.
Bumpas, Richard E., attorney and real estate agent, office 1215
Elm, bet Pearl, Preston, r. 725 Ross ave, cor Peak.
Bunch, Miss Lizzie, student, Dallas Female College, r. same.
Bunn, James C., r. ss Floyd, bet Moltke, William Tell.
Buol, Abraham, carp., r. 510 Corsicana, cor Lamar.
Burckhardt, Daniel, wks Planters House, bds same.
Burckhardt, William, carp, C. A. Gill, r. 1507 Elm.
Burford & Brown (Nat. M. Burford, Thomas J. A. Brown), attorneys,
office 313 Main.
Burford, Nat. M. (Burford & Brown), U. S. commissioner, r.
1110 Akard, bet Corsicana, St. Louis.
Burger, George, Copper, Brass and Sheetiron Worker, 718 Commerce,
res. ns Jackson, bet Poydras, railroad. See advt.
Burger, Jacob, gardener, R. F. Rowley, bds same.
Burgess, Frank, machnist, Trinity Iron Works, bds John R. Miller.
Burgess, John O., canvasser, r. ne cor Ross ave., Allen.
Burgess, Lawson D., canvasser, r. ne cor Ross ave., Allen.
Burk, Joseph C., Chief Clk Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Burke, David C., bds Albert Greenlun.
Burke, Edward, moulder, bds Wm. T. Holcomb.
Burke, Edward J., engr., r. 1318 Wood, bet Preston, H. &
T. C. Ry.
Burke, F. G., capitalist, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Burke, Joseph, carriage driver, Arthur Cain, rms 703 Commerce.
Burke, J. J., wks Herman Harris.
Burke, Lucy (c), r. ws Park, bet Akard, Trinity.
Burke, Mrs. Mary (wid), wks Wm. O. Connor, h. same.
Burke, Patrick J., r. 505 Live Oak, bet Pearl, railroad.
Burke, Patsey (c), r. ns Juliet, bet Boll, railroad.
Burke, Robert E.., Judge, Dallas County Court, Office Courthouse,
r. Rockwall road, 1/2 mile north of Fair Grounds.
Burke, William D., coppersmith, Huey & Philp, h. E. J. Burke.
Burkenrood, Max, clk Isadore Reinhardt, bds J. H. Porter.
Burkett, John H., carp., r. ne cor Preston, Gano.
Burlew, Charles, h. H. C. Burlew.
Burlew, Howard C., bkpr Dargan & Trezevant, r. es Harwood,
bet Ross ave, Cochran.
Burnes, Emily (wid W.), r. ss Gaston ave, bet Martha, St. Joseph.
Burnes, John , cash boy, Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Emily Burnes.
Burnes, Samuel, clk S. Beck, h. Emily Burnes, near Fair Grounds.
Burnett, Julia E. (wid S. C.), Plumbing, Gasfitting, pumps, lightning
rods, 811 Main, r. 345 Burford. See advt.
Burnett, Owen D., bkpr and cashier, Blankenship & Blake,
rms W. C. Connor, bds P. Prather.
Burney, Charles (c), lab., Howard Oil Co., res. 509 Texas, bet
Ross ave, San Jacinto.
Burney, John, hack driver, J. E. Randall, rms 107 Camp.
Burney, Plemon L., trav slsmn, Davoren & McKee, res. 712
Harwood, cor Bone.
Burns, Annie (wid James), res. 404 Carter, cor Caruth.
Burns & Anthony (Louis Burns, Jacob Anthony), carriage, sign,
frescoe painters, 1509 Elm.
Burns, Charles R. H. B., tailor, Harry Zimmerman, bds Commercial
Burns, Miss Ella, wks Philip Sanger, r. same.
Burns, Helena (wid M.), dressmaker, r. 1006 Commerce, bet Prather,
Burns, Louis (Burns & Anthony), bds Geo. C. Manners.
Burns, Robert W., clk Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, r. over 1000
Elm, cor Ervay.
Burns, William J., tel opr W. U. Tel Co., rms over 513 Elm.
Burr, Miss Ella, slslady Sanger Bros., r. 537 Pearl.
Burr, Miss Lizzzie, r. 537 Pearl, bet Ross ave, Cochran.
Burr, William, collector, r. ss Lafayette, east of Washington.
Burrows, Charles, carp., C. A. Gill, h. Thomas Miller.
Burt, John J., carp., h. William T. Wells.
Burt, John S., pressman, Milligan Bros., h. W. S. Burt.
Burt, Miss Kate L., bds Wm. O. Connor.
Burt, William S., trav slsmn, res. ss Swiss ave, bet H. &
T. C. Ry., Leonard.
Burton, Benjamin R. (Burton & McCormick), res. 1229 Main.
Burton, Caroline (c), res alley, bet Ross ave, Flora, Peak, Good.
Burton, Ezra A., carp., res. 1553 Commerce, bet Dove, Lloyd.
Burton, James (c), wks John Priot, res ws Hall, near Juliette.
Burton, Lemuel H., r. 29 William, bet Bone, Obenchain.
Burton & McCormick (Benjamin R. Burton, William B. McCormick),
tinners, 906 Main, bet Sycamore, Ervay.
Burton, Reuben E., dry goods, groceries, 1130 Elm, bet Cabell,
N. Harwood, res. 1229 Main.
Busbee, Lorenzo D., clk Wm. B. Smart, res at store.
Bush, Addley, night watchman, E. Dallas car works, res ss Elm,
bet Mill creek, Fair Grounds.
Bush, Maria (c), wks Mrs. O. A. Bush, res. same.
Bush, Rachael (c), wks E. Bauman, h. same.
Bush, Rutledge (c), waiter, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Bush, Shadrack W. (c), res. 18 Bryan, bet Pacific ave, Oleander.
Bush, Wesley, hostler, E. K. Martyn, rms 821 Main.
Bustrin, William, res ws Hall, west of H. & T. C. Ry.
Butcher, Miss Fannie, milliner, E. Bauman.
Butcher, Miss Hattie, milliner, E. Bauman
Butcher, John, carp., Elliott & Clark, res. 509 Preston,
cor Eakin.
Butcher, John W., machinist, h. John Butcher.
Butler, Al., machinist, Phelan & Co.
Butler & Co. (Michael Butler, A. Cornehls), Brick mfrs.,
yard sw cor Commerce, Broadway. See advt.
Butler, E. O., bds John R. Miller.
Butler, Michael (Butler & Co.), res. Austin, Texas.
Butler, John, hostler, rms 926 Elm.
Butler, Patrick J., contractor, res. 1009 Wood, bet Ervay, S.
Butler, Wallace E. (Lehman Bottling Co.), res. 1505 Polk, bet
Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Butts, Anthony (c), porter, res. 506 Lamar, bet Polk, Columbia.
Butz, Joseph W., harnessmaker, Padgitt Bros.
Byer, John, res. rear 802 Pacific ave., bet Sycamore, Ervay.
Byers, Alexander (c), res se cor Hall, Cochran.
Byrnes, Charles, teamster, res Rockwall road, 1/4 mile north of
Fair Grounds.
Byser, George, wireworker, 938 Main, bet Sycamore, Ervay, res.