Morrison & Fourmy's Directory of the City of Dallas (Texas), 1886-87 (M thru Z)
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To Morrison & Fourmy's Directory of the City of Dallas, 1886-87 (A thru L)
(Updated December 28, 2002)

Morrison & Fourmy's Directory of the City of Dallas, 1886-87
(M thru Z)


bds = boards/boarding with/at
bt = between
(c) = colored
carp = carpenter
clk. = clerk
cor = corner
es, ws, ns, ss = east, west, north, south side
h. = household of
lab = laborer
nr = near
r. = residence
rms = rooms with/at
wid = widow / widow of
wks = works

Maas, Isaac, slsmn Sanger Bros., bds Meyer Sues.
Maben, James (c), waiter St. George Hotel.
Macdonnell, Thomas M., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, bds Mrs. W. R. Evans.
Mace, Charles, hostler, bds H. B. Drew.
Mace, George, carp, r. ws Veal, bt Young Marilla.
Mack, Annie (wid Robert), r. es Leonard, bt Pierce, Taylor.
Mack, Emeline C. (wid), r. 218 Good, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Mack, Miss Eugenia A., music teacher, h. Mrs. E. C. Mack.
Mack, George (c), teamster B. H. Melone.
Mack, Louis (c), lab., r. ws Market, bt Walnut, Calhoun.
Mack, Mary (c), wks Walter Caruth, r. same.
Mackay, David, physician, office se cor Austin, Young, r. same.
Mackay, Hector, clk Hiram James & Co., r. 406 Collin.
Mackay, Maggie (Mrs. David), groceries, drugs, se cor Austin, Young, r. same.
MacKenzie, John W., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, r. se cor Akard, Young.
Macy, Thomas L., clk T. & P. frt depot, r. es N. Harwood, bt Ross ave, Cochran.
Maddin, Frank W., shipping clk Howard Oil Co., bds 310 Commerce.
Maddox, Francis M., teamster, r. 28 Caroline, bt Cedar, McKinney.
Maddox, James, lab C. O. Brewer, bds F. M. Maddox.
Maddox, William B., brickmason, r. ss Cottage Lane, bt. N. Harwood, Victor.
Madrie, Ero, h. F. P. Holland.
Madsen, Marrus, brickmason, bds William Gunter.
Madson, Hans (H. Madson & Co.), r. ss Elm, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Madson, H. & Co. (Hans Madson, Jorgen T. Vinther), proprs Dallas oat meal mills, ss Elm, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Maffia, Peter G., scissors grinder, 948 Main, bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. same.
Magnus, Louis L., propr The Dallas billiard parlor, 413-415 Main, cor Austin, r. 310 Canton.
Mahana, John, lab, bds Leopold Moser.
Mahana, Matthew H. (Doolittle & Mahana), r. 921 Wood, bt Akard, Browder.
Mahler, Charles, harnessmkr, h. Louis Mahler.
Mahler, Edward, appc harnessmkr Padgitt Bros., h. Louis Mahler.
Mahler, Louis, engr Padgitt Bros., r. 623 Bryan, cor Boll.
Mahler, William, appc saddler Padgitt Bros., h. Louis Mahler.
Mahon, Samuel A., nurseryman, r. ws McKinney road, n of Pearl.
Mahon, William B., photographer, 905 Elm, h. S. A. Mahon.
Mahony, Miss Catherine, dressmkr Sanger Bros., h. D. P. Mahony.
Mahony, Daniel, office boy, h. D. P. Mahony.
Mahony, Dennis P., Secy, Treasr and Supt Texas Elevator and Compress Co., r. 90 Cochran, cor Magnolia.
Mahony, Miss Mary E., milliner Sanger Bros., h. D. P. Mahony.
Maicotti, Abelardo, tailor, bds Stephen Mandiaz.
Maier, Frederick, lab, bds H. Secker.
Malcolmson, L. A. (Mrs. W.), teacher Central academy, r. same.
Malcolmson, Waldemar, principal Central academy, ne cor N. Harwood, Live Oak, r. 923 S. Harwood.
Mallard, James, h. E. S. Rosenthal
Mallory, Andrew (c), blksmith Greer & Hanson.
Mallory, Harry (c), wks Harrison & Fouke, 941-943 Elm.
Mallory, Manuel (c), lab., r. 713 Pacific ave, bt Emma, Griffin.
Malloy, Amy (c), wks Wales J. Townsend, r. same.
Malloy, John, wks P. W. Linskie, r. ns Polk, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Malloy, Patrick, lab, r. 1110 Elm, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Malone, Claude, trav slsmn, h. James R. Malone.
Malone, James R., trav slsmn, r. 214 Pearl, bt Cottage Lane, Bryan.
Maloney, Charles, lab, r. junction McKinney, Preston, 1 1/2 miles n of city limits.
Maloney, Martin A., lab, r. ss Porter, bt Duncan, Walton.
Malvington, Gustav, stone cutter, bds J. R. Miller.
Manchowski, Benjamin, peddler, r. 1121 Young, bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Mandiaz, Stephen, tamales maker, res. 210 Camp, bet Griffin, Sycarmore.
Mangum, Wiley P., harnessmkr Tenison Bros., bds Santa Fe House.
Mangus, Frank, cornetist Thompson's Theatre, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Mankato House, 1353 Elm, bt Hawkins, Good, Mrs. Annie McGrew, proprss.
Manley, Frederick (c), barber Monroe Spikes, r. es Houston, bt Wood, Young.
Mann, Albert N., bkpr New Home Sewing Machine Co., r. 517 Veal, bt Wood, Young.
Mann, Carrie (c), cook Mrs. Anna Walden, r. same.
Mann, George, street car driver, bds F. M. Nash.
Mann, Penelope G. (wid John A.), r. 515 Veal, bt Wood, Young.
Mann, Samuel T., asst civil engr G. C. & S. F. Ry, office ne cor Commerce, Lamar.
Mann, T. L. (Stresau & Mann), bds Hotel Bogel.
Manner, Arthur, clk H. Page & Co., h. C. G. Manner.
Manner Charles G., piano mfr, r. 440 Collin, cor Orange.
Manner, Rudolph, clk Frees & Son, h. C. G. Manner.
Manner, T. A., special agt Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn., 619 Elm, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel, rms G. H. Plowman.
Manning, William, lab, bds J. C. Winscott.
Manning, William W., stenographer Dallas News, bds sw cor Portland, St. Louis.
Mansfield, Arthur W., clk, h. Mrs. Aurelia Mansfield.
Mansfield, Aurelia (wid Robert A.), r. sw cor Polk, Preston.
Mansfield, Miss Josephine, wks A. E. Bouche, r. same.
Mansfield, Sidney, vegetable dealer, bds S. Q. Richardson.
Mansfield, Walter L., clk Ploeger & Hoppe, h. Aurelia Mansfield.
Mansfield, William, clk, h. Mrs. Aurelia Mansfield.
Mansky, William, blksmith John Hermann.
Manuel, Amanda (c), ironer Dallas steam laundry, h. Alvina Hudson.
Manuel, Gus (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds Wm. Tell House.
Manuel, Moses (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds Wm. Tell House.
Many, William, wks James A. Lane.
March, Jeremiah (c), lab, bds Rose Beasly.
Marcy, Augustus, carp, r. ws Germania, bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Marder, Adolph, h. L. Marder.
Marder, Charles, h. L. Marder.
Marder, Joseph, h. L. Marder.
Marder, L., harnessmkr Padgitt Bros., r. es H. & T. C. Ry, 2 miles from Courthouse.
Marian, William F., cigars and tobacco, 105 Camp, bt Lamar, Griffin, bds J. R. Miller.
Marine, Frederick, tailor Ericson & Hamlund.
Marini, John, ice cream and confectionery, 1212 Main, r. 1214 Main, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Markey, George, yardman N. C. Walter.
Marks, Henry I., trav slsmn, r. 612 Ross ave, bt Pearl, Leonard.
Marks, Isaac, groceries, cor Ross ave, Griffin, r. 204 Ross ave, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Marks, John, lab, r. 346 Ross ave, bt Orange, Sycamore.
Marlow, Emery, cash boy E. Bauman, bds D. N. Hoylman.
Marlow, Mrs. Mamie, slslady E. Bauman, bds D. N. Hoylman, rms 737 Elm.
Marlow, Singleton D., night watchman, r. ns Williams, Henry, Crowdus.
Marnell, Lawrence P., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, r. 718 S. Harwood, bt Canton, Cadiz.
Marney, Arch., lab, bds Elijah Marney.
Marney, Elijah, street car driver, r. ss Main, bt Prospect, T & P Ry., E. Dallas.
Mars, Bony (c), wks Thomas Layton, r. same.
Mars, Carey (c), lab, r. 414 Young, cor Austin.
Mars, Philip H., clk Pacific Express Co.
Marsalis, Thomas L. (T. L. Marsalis & Co.), r. ne cor Gaston ave, Adair, E. Dallas.
Marsalis, T. L. & Co. (Thomas L. Marsalis, James T. Elliott), wholesale grocers, sw cor Commerce, Murphy. See advt.
Marsh, Jeremiah (c), wks Wm. C. Holland.
Marshall, Allen, with Walker's China Hall, r. cor San Jacinto, Leonard.
Marshall, Ben C., night clk W. U. Tel. office, r. 802 Live Oak.
Marshall, Charles F., appc plumber F. A. Campbell, h. Allen Marshall.
Marshall, Edward (c), lab,r. ns Cottonwood Lane, bt Cedar, Ashland.
Marshall, Edward P. (Marshall & Gillespie), r. 802 Live Oak, cor Cantagral.
Marshall, Elijah (c), engr Taber Bros.
Marshall, Elizabeth A. (wid Wm. Irvin), r. sw cor Wood, Lamar.
Marshall, Eugene, Attorney, Office 723 Elm, r. 735 Ross ave.
Marshall, Fred., driver Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, rms Union Depot, bds J. McCabe.
Marshall & Gillespie (Edward P. Marshall, John P. Gillespie), attorneys, over 804 Elm.
Marshall, James T., engr Clark & Clark, bds Watkins Hotel.
Marshall, Mary (c), r. ns Park, w of Akard.
Marshall, Mollie (c), bds Delia Jones.
Marshall, Sallie (c), r. rear 408 Columbia, bt Market, Austin.
Marshall, Miss Willie, waitress St. Nicholas Hotel, r. same.
Marten, Frank (Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten), r. 2 Houston, cor Elm.
Marten, Otto, bkpr Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten, r. 468 S. Harwood, cor Cadiz.
Martens, Henry A., shoefitter G. H. Schoellkopf, r. alley bt Flora, Juliet, Boll, Allen.
Martens, William, lab, bds H. Secker.
Martin, Mrs. Anna, seamstress Blankenship & Blake, r. 123 Swiss ave.
Mattin, Celia (c), r. junc. McKinney, Preston roads, 1/2 mile n city limits.
Martin, Charles L., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, bds A. C. Ardrey.
Martin, Charles L., City Editor Dallas Daily Herald, bds 117 Olive.
Martin, D. A., lab, John Paul, bds Cincinnati House.
Martin, Elizabeth (wid L.), h. Charles A. Drumond.
Martin, Frank, lab, bds A. L. Bretel.
Martin, George D., clk Sanger Bros., bds J. P. Cramb.
Martin, George L., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, bds A. C. Ardrey.
Martin, John M., carp, bds Cincinnati House.
Martin, Joseph H., head office man Sanger Bros., r. 9 Greenwood, bt Oak, Field.
Martin, Leonidas M. (L. M. Martin & Co.), r. ws Faulk, bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Martin, L. M. & Co. (Leonidas M. Martin, Louis M. White), furniture, crockery, glassware, tinware, stoves, etc., 1118 Elm, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Martin, Miss Lillie, dressmkr Miss Carrie Waller.
Martin, Louise A. (wid Egbert), r. 300 Griffin, bt Ross ave, Hord.
Martin, Martin, lab, bds John Brunk.
Martin, Mary E. (wid H. T.), h. W. G. Huffman.
Martin, Miss Mary R., bkpr A. B. Norton & Co., h. A. B. Norton.
Martin, Millard F., musician, h. Charles A. Drumond.
Martin, Richard D., r. nw cor McIntyre, Junius.
Martin, William T., boot, shoemkr, shop se cor Main, Market, r. 927 Live Oak.
Martines, Louis, butcher Nussbaumer Bros., bds Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer.
Martines, James F., r. 359 Ross ave.
Martinez, Pedro P., tobacconist, tobacco, cigars, smokers' articles, cor Main, Martin, branch store, cor Main, Poydras, rms F. R. Gonzales.
Martiniere, Rev. Father Joseph, Pastor Church of the Sacred Heart, r. 32 Oleander, bt Bryan, Cottage Lane.
Martinki, Joseph, lab, bds M. Martinki.
Martinki, Martin, brickmason, r. over 415 Market, cor Wood.
Martyn, Edmiston K., collector, h. Mrs. S. N. Martyn.
Martyn, Sarah N. (wid Wm. P.), r. 141 Cochran, bt Orange, Masten.
Marxer, John, lab, bds Cincinnati House.
Mascotte Athletic Theatre (variety), 831 Main, Frank De Beque, propr.
Mase, Charles, hostler Goble & Coffman, rms 955 Elm.
Mason, Clifford, stockkpr Sanger Bros., rms 513 Elm, bds Mrs. E. F. Billows.
Mason, Mrs. Minnie, r. ne cor Young, Broadway.
Masonic Hall, 739 Main, cor Murphy.
Massa, Dominic, fruits, confectionery, 932 Elm, bt Stone, Ervay, r. es Sycamore, bt Main, Commerce.
Mast, Charles A., plumber A. McWhirk, r. ns Juliet, e of Washington ave.
Matheny, Rev. Matthew P., Editor and Propr The Christian Worker, office 910 Main, bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. 315 Crockett, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Mathers, Eugene, clk. r. 604 Houston, bt Young, Columbia.
Mathers, Lou (c), wks John C. Jones, r. same.
Mathews, Charles F., r. 322 Collin, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Mathis, James E., sewing machine agt, r. 810 Pacific ave, bt Sycamore, Oleander.
Matson, James C., baggage master H. & T. C. Ry, r. ns Swiss ave, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hawkins.
Matterson, James C., asst baggage master Union depot.
Matthews, A., carp Texas Trunk R. R. shops.
Matthews, Benjamin N., canvasser, bds St. James Hotel.
Matthews, Charles, die sinker and stencil cutter Mrs. E. Bryant, r. 1044 Wood, bt Ervay, Veal.
Matthews, Charles D., machinist Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Mrs. S. L. Matthews.
Matthews, F. Dewees, trav slsmn Armstrong Bros., bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Matthews, George W., brickmason, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Matthews, Henry (c), lab, r. Freemdantown, ne city limits.
Matthews, Jeannette (wid William), h. W. H. Lyne.
Matthews, Joseph, lab, r. 202 Pacific ave, cor Houston.
Matthews, Oscar S., bkpr Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Mrs. Sarah L. Matthews.
Matthews, Robert T. G., clk H. & T. C. Ry frt depot, rms cor Commerce, Jefferson.
Matthews, Sarah L., (wid Jacob B.), r. es Houston, bt Columbia, creek.
Matthews, William, r. es Duncan, bt Main, Commerce.
Matthews, William C., bricklayer, r. ns Floyd, bt Good, Cantagral.
Matthews, William F., foreman cornice dept Harry Bros., r. ss Canton, w of Akard.
Matthis, James H., farmer, r. 1321 Ross ave, bt Germania, Pavilion.
Matthis, John M., carrier Dallas News, h. J. H. Matthis.
Matthius, John, lab, r. ss Cochran, bt McCoy, Washington ave.
Mattison, Maria (c), wks William D. Wylie, r. same.
Mauvais, Andre, photographer, 1352 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd, r. same.
Maxey, William, clk C. J. Moore, rms 206 Houston, bds Crutchfield House.
Maxwell, George (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Maxwell, George, musician Thompson's Theatre, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Maxwell, London (c), bds J. R. Young.
Maxwell, Maxwell (c), wks D. N. Hoylman, r. same.
Maxwell, Robert (c), clk Lowery & Son, bds Peter Lowery.
Maxwell, R., lab, bds Santa Fe House.
Maxwell, R. T., carp McIntosh & Morrison.
May, Mrs. Eleanor, h. William Moore.
May, Howard P., h. Samuel L. May.
May, Louis B., trav slsmn J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., rms Jacob Rauch.
May, Miss Maggie, h. John Sartori.
May, Mrs. Mary, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 513 Elm.
May, Sallie (c), laundress, r. 1328 Main, cor Preston.
May, Samuel L. (J. L. Williams & Co.), r. ss Gano, bt S. Harwood, Preston.
May, William D., printer, rms M. C. McLemore, Died June 11th, 1866 [1886?].
Mayberry, Miss Frankie, bds Miss Lizzie Handley.
Mayer, Charles, trader, r. 5 Collin, bt Market, N. Lamar.
Mayer, Charles, Carpenter, Contractor, Builder, 309 Commerce, r. 631 San Jacinto.
Mayer, Peter, porter T. L. Marsalis & Co.
Mayer, Simon, Propr Mayer's Garden and Saloon, 931-933 Elm, bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. 819 Live Oak, bt Cantagral, Germania.
Mayer, William, saloon, 1016 Elm, bt Ervay, St. Paul, r. same.
Mayfield, John, engr hand J. T. Elliott.
Maynor, Joseph E., trav slsmn C. H. Edwards, bds St. George Hotel.
Mays, Jane (c), h. Rose Thompson.
Mays, John D, carp, r. ss Porter, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Mays, Miss Josie, teacher E. Dallas public school, r. 60 Bryan.
Mayzell, Mattie (c), wks J. A. Hughes, r. same.
McAdams, Alonzo, farmer, r. 427 Bogel, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
McAdams, Isaac F., boardinghouse, 114 Commerce, cor Houston.
McAfee, Claiborne (c), carp and engineer, r. es Boll, cor H. & T. C. Ry.
McAllister, Ada (wid H. A.), h. I. A. Chandler.
McAllister, John H., groceries, ss Elm, bt Lloyd, Crowdus, r. same.
McAllister, Miss Mollie, wks W. J. Keller, r. same.
McBee, Miss Rosy, wks W. R. Rodgers, r. same.
McBride, Daniel, agt. r. 14 Patterson ave, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
McBride, Samuel H., Real Estate Agent and Notary public, 1315 Elm, bt Preston, H & T. C. Ry., rooms 1359 Elm, bds J. V. Crisman.
McBride, Miss Sarah, wks Alfred Davis, r. same.
McCabe, James H., driver Texas Exp Co., r. ne cor Carter, Caruth.
McCabe, James P., painter, r. es Crowdus, bt Commerce, Williams.
McCafferty, Henry L., millwright, r. 8 S. Harwood, bt Elm, Pacific ave.
McCague, William C., waiter, Lang's ladies parlor, rms same.
McCain, Nathaniel (c), barber, shop 815 Main, r. 915 Commerce.
McCall, Lee G., barber, shop 1304 Elm, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry., rms same.
McCallister, William H., wks C. O. Brewer, boardinghouse, 1227 Main, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
McCann, Michael, lab, wks Samuel Eaton, r. same.
McCargar, Alfred T., Mgr Western Newspaper Union, office, 930-932 Main, r. 312 S. Harwood, bt Commerce, Jackson.
McCargar, Leslie H., wks Western Newspaper Union, r. 312 S. Harwood, bt Commerce, Jackson.
McCart, Jesse C., farmer, r. 435 Cedar, cor Alamo.
McCarthy, Miss Kate, chambermaid Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
McCarthy, Michael E. (Sreenan & McCarthy), r. 1414 Polk, bt. S. Pearl, Preston.
McCarty, Anderson (c), wks Butler & Co.
McCarty, Isaac A., physician, surgeon, office 515 Main, cor Lamar, rms over 601 Main, cor Lamar, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
McCarty, John, rms 403 Elm, cor Market.
McCarty, Miss Katie, wksk Mrs. M. Knepfly, r. same.
McCarty, Laura (c), chambermaid St. George Hotel, r. same.
McCauley, Peter, driver supply wagon Dallas Fire dept, rms nw cor Commerce, Lamar.
McChecney, William, printer, bds Mrs. Julia Jones.
McClellan, Allison E., carp, r. 14 Cochran, cor N. Lamar.
McClellan, James, bds Lottie Baker.
McClellan, John H., restaurant, ws H. & T. C. Ry., bt Elm, Pacific ave, r. same.
McClellan, Malcolm P., painter, h. A. E. McClellan.
McClellan, Marcus, mdse broker, office Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds same.
McClellan, William, photographer, r. se cor Swiss ave, Wm. Tell.
McClellan, William, engr T. & P. Ry, r. 106 Swiss ave, bt Hawkins, Good.
McClellan, William T., painter, r. 441 N. Lamar, bt Cochran, Mo. P. Ry.
McClelland, John J., jr., clk J. J. McClelland, h. same.
McClelland, John J., groceries, 421 Magnolia, cor Caruth, r. 317 Caruth, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
McClelland, William, hack driver, stable, cor Market, Jackson, r. same.
McClinton, D. A., carp, bds Mrs. Eva Levlon.
McClinton, Van C., propr "Q.T." saloon, 1310 Elm, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry., bds Mrs. Eva Levlon.
McClinton, D. A., carp, bds Mrs. Eva Levlon.
McClure, Charles, wks J. S. Saint, bds same.
McCollum, Duncan M., florist, r. 810 Trinidad, bt Phelps, Pearl.
McCombs, Paul, civil engr, r. ss Swiss ave, bt creek, Adair, E. Dallas.
McConaha, Reiley, blcksmith, r. ns Cottonwood Lane, bt Ashland, Wichita.
McConnell, J. William, r. 1003 S. Harwood, cor Eakin.
McCord, David C., contractor, builder, r. bt Young, Marilla, Ervay, Veal.
McCormack, Sophia L. (wid J. W.), r. ss Elm, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
McCormick, Andrew P., judge U. S. district court Western district of Texas, office ne cor Elm, Sycamore, r. Graham, Young county, Tex.
McCormick, Catherine E. (wid W.), r. 1311 Main, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
McCormick, Miss Clara, slslady Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. C. E. McCormick.
McCormick & Flemming (William B. McCormick, James A. Flemming), ice cream mfrs, 942 Main.
McCormick, George W., auctioneer, r. 712 Akard, bt Marilla, Park.
McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., Chicago, Ill, branch house, 6 Austin, bt Elm, Pacific ave, William H. Hatch, genl agt.
McCormick, Joseph M. (Lindsley & McCormick), U. S. commissioner, r. 908 San Jacinto.
McCormick, Miss Loretta, slslady kSanger Bros., h. Mrs. C. E. McCormick.
McCormick, Patrick, r. 1006 Commerce, bt Ervay, St. Paul.
McCormick, Robert, U. S. depy marshal, r. 1015 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
McCormick, Samuel C., Attorney and Notary Public, office 711 Main, bds Mrs. E. F. Billows.
McCormick, William B. (McCormick & Flemming), h. Mrs. C. E. McCormick.
McCormick,William F., clk J. A. O'Reilly, r. 1013 Wood.
McCormick, -----, car repairer G. C. & S. F. Ry, bds Mrs. Isabel P. Foss.
McCorry, Solomon (c), lab, r. sw cor Columbia, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
McCoy, Miss Eliza, h. John C. McCoy.
McCoy, John, farmer, r. ns Rockwall,e of Carroll, E. Dallas.
McCoy, John C., attorney, r. 1136 Main, cor S. Harwood.
McCoy, John M. (Kearby & McCoy), Notary Public, r. 122 N. Harwood, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
McCoy, Michael (c), lab James A. Lane.
McCoy, Rebecca H. (wid L.), h. John C. McCoy.
McCoy, Sallie (c), r. 1116 Polk, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
McCoy, Thomas, hostler Goble & Coffman, rms 955 Elm.
McCready, George R., stenographer genl sup's office T. & P. Ry.
McCue, James, lab, h. John McEvoy.
McCue, Thomas, lab, r. 319 Hawkins, cor Cottage Lane.
McCulloch, Robert L., carp, boardinghouse, 1501 Main, cor Hawkins.
McCulloh, Robert C., yardmaster H. & T. C. Ry, r. 1326 Commerce, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
McCulloh, Robert U. S., office boy H. & T. C. Ry frt depot, h. R. C. McCulloh.
McCullough, Albert (c), porter Armstrong Bros.
McCullough, Benjamin W., Genl Pass and Tkt Agt, Mo. P. & T. & P. Rys., office, ns Commerce, bt Lamar, Poydras, bds Hotel Bogel. See advt.
McCullough, Eliza (c), bds Jane Watson.
McCullough, Jesse, lab, r. 515 Caroline, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
McCullough, Jilson, lab, 420 Canton, s end Veal.
McCullough, John S., business mgr The Sun, bds National Hotel.
McCullough, Obediah (c), groceries, r. ns Alamo, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
McCullough, Priscilla (c), r. 1039 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
McCusker, Philip, marble cutter Davoren & McKee.
McCutcheon, Miss Jane, h. William McCutcheon.
McCutcheon, William, clk Sanger Bros., r. nw cor Carter, Hord.
McDade, John H., carp, shop 1453 Elm, cor Monument, bds Watkins Hotel.
McDaniel, John D., photographer, studio, 1205 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. same.
McDaniel, Lonie G. (Mrs. J. D.), dressmkr, 1205 Elm, r. same.
McDaniel, Richard E., engr E. Dallas Water Works, r. 444 Swiss ave, bt creek, Adair.
McDermett, Miss Lucy L., h. Henrietta C. Tenison.
McDonald, Benjamin (c), watchman G. C. & S. F.Ry depot.
McDonald, Delia (c), h. Stephen McDonald.
McDonald, Edward, wood dealer, h. Mrs. Margaret E. McDonald.
McDonald, Edward, h. D. McKenzie.
McDonald, E. H., saloon, bds National Hotel.
McDonald, Miss Jennie, seamstress, Blankenship & Blake Co., bds Mankato House.
McDonald, Joseph, appc painter J. E. Lane, r. same.
McDonald, Lonnie, plasterer, h. J. M. Blasingame.
McDonald, L. S., slsmn S. B. Hanway.
McDonald, Miss Maggie, h. John Lane.
McDonald, Margaret E. (wid Edward), r. 5 Pearl, cor Pacific ave.
McDonald, Miss Mattie, h. John Lane.
McDonald, Matilda (c), r. 1041 Williams, bt Sherman, Henry.
McDonald, Robert, wks W. R. McIntyre, r. same.
McDonald, Stephen (c), carp, r. 99 Cochran, bt Magnolia, Orange.
McDonald, Miss Violet, h. D. McKenzie.
McDonald, William, street sprinkler, h. Mrs. Emily Clines.
McDonald, W. B., night watchman Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
McDonough, Harriet (wid P. J.), r. sw cor Market, Jackson.
McDowell, Augustus G. (McDowell & Simmons), r. 252 Camp, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
McDowell, Gustavus, clk S. S. Momand, bds E. C. Smith.
McDowell & Simmons (Augustus G. McDowell, Oscie K. Simmons), livery, feed and sale stables, 924 Elm, 927 Main.
McDuff, Houston, porter, St. George Hotel, r. ws Market, s of Columbia.
McDuff, William (c), hack driver, r. 1039 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
McElhare, John, Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobaccos, restaurant and ice cream parlor, 706 Main, bt Poydras, Martin, r. same.
McEnnis & Co. (Thomas F. and Joseph M. McEnnis), flour mill agts, grain dealers, commission merchants, 204 Commerce, cor Houston.
McEnnis, George, clk Moroney Hardware Co., h. T. F. McEnnis.
McEnnis, Joseph M. (T. F. McEnnis & Co.), h. T. F. McEnnis.
McEnnis, Thomas F. (McEnnis & Co.), prest and treasr Dallas Cooperage Co., r. 534 Pearl, bt Ross ave, Cochran.
McEnnis, William, clk Doolittle & Mahana, h. T. F. McEnnis.
McEntire, Marcellus G., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, bds Mrs. A. C. Ardrey.
McEvoy, John, lab, r. 1622 Main, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
McEwing, James, bell boy Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
McFaddin, Allen B., lab, r. ws Texas, bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
McFagan, James E., wks J. L. Carter, r. same
McGannon, James, wks Alfred Davis, r. same.
McGarrity, Miss Ellen, h. Mrs. Mary McGarrity.
McGarrity, Mary (wid Patrick), r. rear nw cor Live Oak, H. & T. C. Ry.
McGaw, William H., frt clk Wells, Fargo & Co. Exp., bds H. Iftiger.
McGee, Samuel, clk Geo. L. Doyle, r. same.
McGill, Daniel (c), lab, r. ns Paris, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
McGill, Robert (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
McGinn, Hugh, carriage driver, Goble & Coffman, r. 1022 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
McGlamery, Adolphus C., coal heaver T. & P. Ry yds.
McGlashan, Robert B., bkpr, bds 15 Sycamore.
McGovern, Bernard, janitor Norton bldg, r. 76 Highland, cor Wichita.
McGowan, Michael, boots, shoes, mfr and dealer, 619 Elm, rms same, bds James H. Porter.
McGowen, Thomas, painter, H. Hamilton, r. 702 Commerce.
McGrain, William, asst city secy, r. nw cor St. Louis, Portland.
McGrath, Thomas, driver mail wagon Dallas News, r. 433 Bryan, nr Hawkins.
McGraw, Henry (c), porter M. G. Hildebrand & Co., r. 1551 Commerce.
McGraw, Mary (c), laundress, h. Henry McGraw.
McGraw, Thomas, teamster, r. 433 Bryan, bt Crockett, Hawkins.
McGregor, Harris N., carp, contractor, builder, r. ns Elm, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
McGregor, Henry L., groceries, 1356 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd, r. same.
McGregor, Miss Ivy, trimmer Mrs. E. Baumann, h. H. V. McGregor.
McGregor, Miss Mittie, milliner I. Dinkelspeel, h. H. V. McGregor.
McGrew, Annie (wid Charles), proprss Mankato House, 1353 Elm, bt Hawkins, Good, r. same.
McGuffey, Lottie (c), wks I. Reinhardt, r. same.
McGuire, James T., carp McIntosh & Morrison, r. 549 Pearl, bt Ross ave, Cochran.
McGuire, Jay E. (Wilkins & McGuire), r. sw cor Wood, Browder.
McGuire, John P., carp J. A. Johnston, bds same.
McGuire, Mary (wid Michael), h. Jay E. McGuire.
McIntire-Knowles Co. (The), (William H. McIntire, Charles L. Knowles, Frederick E. Holloway, S. A. Owens), proprs Southwestern News, paper advertising agency, also publishers Transcript Magazine, office 816 Elm.
McIntire, William H. (McIntire-Knowles Co.), business mgr "Transcript Monthly," r. 1016 Marilla.
McIntosh, Alexander, (McIntosh & Morrison), r. 571 N. Harwood.
McIntosh & Morrison (Alexander McIntosh, John W. Morrison), carpenters and builders, shop 938 Main. See advt.
McIntyre, Frank, lab, bds Sylvester Parisa.
McIntyre, Hugh, r. 1221 Commerce, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
McIntyre, W. R., stockman, r. nw cor Swiss ave, St. Joseph.
McKamey, W. C., attorney, office 415 Elm, cor Austin, r. Oak Lawn, n of city limits.
McKay, Charles, wks U. McKay, h. same.
McKay, James C., mgr J. M. Sillman & Co., sewing machine dealers, 812 Elm, r. 501 Swiss ave, cor Oak.
McKay, Uriah, mattress mkr, upholsterer, 1237 Main, cor S. Pearl, r. 116 Swiss ave.
McKeand, James, Hay, Feed and Grain, 1229 Elm, cor Preston, r. 1305 Main.
McKechney, William, jr., printer Dallas Morning News, r. 229 Patterson ave.
McKee, Dock W., Sale Stable, 213 Camp, bt Griffin, Magnolia, rms same.
McKee, Samuel L., bkpr R. S. Munger, bds same.
McKee, William (Davoren & McKee), r. es Ervay, bt McKee, Beaumont.
McKeen, J. L. (McKeen & Stevenson), bds Mrs. Thacker, cor Wood, Akard.
McKeen & Stevenson (James L. McKeen, Henry C. Stevenson), real estate agts, office Adams & Leonard's bank bldg, nw cor Elm, Austin. See advt.
McKenzie, Donald, carp, r. 622 Ross ave, bt Pearl, Leonard.
McKenzie, James, bkpr Smith & Thompson Produce Co., bds W. C. Spilker.
McKenzie, William (Chase & McKenzie), r. ne cor Carondelet, Market.
McKey, Patrick L., bds W. K. McCallister.
McKiddy, Thomas J., wks J. A. Tilley.
McKinnon, Mary J. (wid N. B.), r. ws Cedar Springs road, n of Ashland.
McKneely, Mary S. (wid Joseph), housekeeper Mrs. Mary E. Melone, r. same.
McKneely, William H., wks Dallas steam laundry, h. Mrs. M. E. Melone.
McKnight, Joseph (c), lab, r. ns Marilla, bt Ervay, Veal.
McLain, George (c), lab, r. 412 Columbia, bt Market, Austin.
McLane, Manuel (c),lab, bds Leslie Cannon.
McLaurin, Hugh L., Physician and Surgeon, Office 739 Main, cor Murphy, rms same, bds St. George Hotel.
McLelland, D. R., railroad contractor, bds and rms St. James Hotel.
McLelland, William, rms 216 Houston, cor Commerce.
McLemore, Felix E. (McLemore & Loughery), r. 1502 Main, bt Hawkins, Dove.
McLemore & Loughery (Felix E. McLemore, Edward Loughery), wholesale and retail dealers in ice, depot, sw cor Main, Broadway.
McLemore, John, reelman Dallas Fire Dept, rms nw cor Commerce, Lamar.
McLemore, Michael C., printer, r. 830 Jackson, cor Akard.
McLemore, Robert H., clk Huey & Philp, r. 311 Cochran, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
McLeod, Donald, R. R. contractor, r. cor Main, T. & P. Ry, E. Dallas.
McLeod, Hiram, groceries, cor Main, T. & P. Ry., E. Dallas, r. same.
McLeod, J. B., Propr St. George Hotel, 712-714 Main, r. same. See inside cover.
McLeod, Thomas, stone and lime, quarry on Mo. P. Ry., nr w city limits, r. near Long's lake road, 1 mile n of courthouse.
McLeod, William, slsmn Sanger Bros.
McMahon, Miles F., clk T. F. Loughlin & Bros., r. nw cor Crowdus, Williams,
McMellon, Samuel C., carriage painter E. F. Camuse, rms 115 N. Lamar.
McMillan, Edward (c), porter Eisenlohr Bros. & Schneider, rms Sam Townsend.
McMillen, Adenijah, r. 114 Bryan, bt N. Harwood, Olive.
McMillen, Louisa (c), wks W. S. Dennis, r. same.
McMillen, L., driver Siler's transfer line.
McMinn, Ross, engr H. & T. C. Ry, r. ns Eakin, bt S. Harwood, Preston.
McMurray, Anna E. (wid J. B.), boardinghouse, 124 Ross ave, bt N. Lamar, Griffin.
McMurray, De Witt, printer Wilmans Bros., h. Mrs. A. E. McMurray.
McMurray, Edward, train checkman Siler's transfer line.
McMurray, Ed., messenger B. & O. Tel. Co., h. J. A. McMurray.
McMurray, Graham F., wks Elsas, Keller & Co., h. Mrs. Annie E. McMurray.
McMurray, James A., lab, r. 15 N. Market, cor Carondelet.
McMurray, John, 'bus driver Arthur Cain, rms 703 Commerce.
McMurray, Norman, messenger B. & O. Tel. Co., h. J. A. McMurray.
McMurry, Eliza M. (wid Wm. H.), h. Jas. R. Johnson.
McMurtry, Edward, lab, bds W. Lyttle.
McNabb, John W., carp, rms 1132 Elm.
McNabb, Robert, floor walker Sanger Bros., r. ws McKinney, w end Pearl.
McNabb, Thomas N., lab, rms 1132 Elm.
McNally, Frank C., carp John Paul, r. 1446 Elm.
McNally, Mary (Mrs. Frank), dressmkr, 1446 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
McNama, W. D., trav slsmn, bds. Hotel Bogel.
McNamara, Austin, asst stereotyper, Dallas Morning News, h. 830 Jackson.
McNeal, Belle (c), r. rear ns Marilla, bt Ervay, Veal.
McNealus, James C., Telegraph Editor Dallas News, r. se cor Greenwood, Oak.
McPherson, Alexander, carriage painter E. F. Camuse, rms 115 N. Lamar.
McPherson, Chester J., chief clk genl supt T. & P. Ry., bds Mrs. M. E. Hammond.
McPherson, John D., clk, rms Mrs. Sophie Baum.
McQueen, Clarence, clk T. & P. Ry, bds Mrs. Henrietta C. Tenison.
McRosky, Bledsoe, prest McRosky Hardware Co., bds A. C. Ardrey.
McRosky Hardware Co. (B. McRosky, Prest; J. H. Henry, vice-prest; S. S. Kirk, secy; A. F. Kirkpatrick, treasr), wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, stove, cutlery, mfrs tinware, agts Oriental Powder Co., 834-836 Elm, and 833-835 Main.
McRoy, Robert P. (c), cotton sampler, r. ss San Jacinto, e of Villars.
McShan, Abbie (c), bds Van Taylor.
McSpadden, Francis A. (Johnson, Veal, Cooper & Co.), r. Corsicana, Texas.
McTier, Andrew J., trav slsmn Blankenship & Blake Co., rms Mrs. P. A. Noulen, bds St. George Hotel.
McWhirk, Alexander, Plumber, Gas and Water fitter, wholesale and retail plumbing and gas fitter's material, 406 Elm, bt Market, Austin, r. 66 McKinney, bt Masten, creek. See advt.
McWhirter, Charles E., carriage painter, H. St. C. Chandler, rms 1509 Elm.
McWhirter, W. J., trav slsmn Blankenship & Blake Co., bds St. George Hotel.
Meacham, WilliamC, printer Dallas Morning News, r. 229 Patterson ave.
Mead, Miss Retta, wks John Erdelmeyer.
Meador, Daniel A., r. ns Leonard, nr McKinney road.
Meadows, Calvin (c), lab, r. es Austin, s of creek.
Meagher, James, jr., bartender, Frank Sreenan, r. 1412 Main, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Meagher, James, Sr., Propr. Gem Saloon and Lodging house, ws H. & T. C. Ry., opp Union depot, r. ss Main, bt E. Dallas creek, Walton.
Meagher, Matthew, bartender James Meagher, rms same.
Mealy, Jonathan, plasterer, r. 114 Bryan, bt N. Harwood, Olive.
Means, A. E. N., slsmn Sanger Bros., r. 1303 Main.
Medders, William T., cashier Pacific Exp Co., bds W. N. Bryant.
Mederis, George L., teamster, bds James L. Stephens.
Medina, Juan, tamales maker, bds Mrs. Annie Monell.
Medley, Elijah (c), wks Jacob R. Polak.
Medley, John J., dyer J. Hemighafer, bds same.
Medlin, Lucy (c), wks Fred Forster.
Meek, Miss Forest L., tel opr B. & O. Tel Co., Grand-Windsor Hotel, h. W. F. Meek.
Meek, Joseph, bds I. F. McAdams.
Meek, Ralph F., propr, "Annex" saloon, 107 Lamar, bt Main, Elm, rms same.
Meek, William F., tailor, shop 601 Main, cor Lamar, r. 409 Elm.
Meeks, Duffy (c), lab, r. cor Alamo, Ashland.
Meeks, Frank, lab, h. S. H. Tison.
Meeks, Frank K., clk Blankenship & Blake Co., h. J. R. Meeks.
Meeks, James A., clk Blankenship & Blake Co., h. J. R. Meeks.
Meeks, James R., physician, surgeon, office 720 Elm, boardinghouse, 43 Emma.
Mechael, Miss Emma, wks Walter S. Wheatley, r. same.
Meier, George, driver soda wagon Hughes Bros., r. ss Cabell, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Meier, Henry N., real estate owner, r. 405 Griffin, cor Collin.
Meikle, Thomas & Co., Louisville, Ky., plow mfrs, branch house, 203 Main, bt Houston, Jeffrson, W. E. Austin, mgr.
Meine Bros. (Ferdinand, Frederick & Henry Meine), proprs Meine Bros. brass and string band, office, 931-933 Elm.
Meine, Ferdinand (Meine Bros.), r. 226 Good, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Meine, Frederick (Meine Bros.), h. Ferdinand Meine.
Meine, Henry (Meine Bros.), h. Ferdinand Meine.
Meister, Robert, iron worker O. K. Harry.
Meisterhans, Charles, Agt W. J. Lemp's Western Brewery of St. Louis, office, beer vaults and ice house, ne cor Main, Broadway, r. 804 Bryan, cor Germania. See advt.
Meith, Charles A., clk Mrs. Ida Sanderson, bds same.
Meley, Ella J. (wid John), r. sw cor Caroline, Wichita.
Meley, Miss Emma, seamstress Texas Spring Bed Co., h. Mrs. E. J. Meley.
Meley, Jesse W., policeman No. 13, r. ss Commerce, bt Sherman, Henry.
Meley, Miss Minnie, seamstress Home Mfg Co., h. Mrs. E. J. Meley.
Mellen, Miss Eula, dressmkr Mrs. Emma Lider, h. Mrs. Fannie Mellen.
Mellen, Fannie C. (wid Albert), r. 808 Pacific ave, bet Sycamore, Oleander.
Melone, Baker H., float line, office 506 Main, r. 922 Ross ave.
Melone, Drury L., trav slsmn, h. Mrs. Mary E. Melone.
Melone, Mary E. (wid L.), r. 922 Ross ave, bt Boll, H. & T. C. Ry.
Melton, Benjamin M., depy city assessor and collector, rms 731 Main.
Menack, Amanda (c), h. Anderson Ferren.
Menczer & Cl. (J. Menczer), Groceries, Liquors, Cigars, 504 Elm.
Menczer, Henry, clk Menczer & Co., h. Jacob Menczer.
Menczer, Jacob, with Menczer & Co., r. 1438 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Menczer, Marcus, clk Menczer & Co., h. Jacob Menczer.
Menczer, Samuel, tinner Harry Bros., h. Jacob Menczer.
Mendez, Juan, tamales peddler, bds Mrs. Annie Monell.
Mendez, Samuel P., trav slsmn, r. 84 Canton, w of Akard.
Mendez -----, clk Pacific Exp. Co., r. ss Wood, bt Ervay, Veal.
Mendiola, Carlos, lab, bds Mrs. Annie Monell.
Mercurio, Liborio, shoemker, shop, 948 Main, bt Sycarmore, Ervay, r. same.
Meredith, John P., r. 909 Jackson, bt Akard, Ray.
Meredith, William H., propr "Two Brothers" saloon, 901 Main, cor Sycamore, r. es Ervay, bt Seegar, Corinth.
Meren, Frederick, tailor, r. 34 Alamo, bt Cedar, McKinney.
Meriwether, George K., trav slsmn, r. 319 Canton, bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Merrick, Andrew J., sewing machine agent, bds J. E. Matthis.
Merrick, Thomas D., city slsmn Smith & Thompson Produce Co., rms se cor Elm, Ervay.
Merritt, James L., messenger Texas Express Co., bds William C. Linn.
Merrifield, James R., Texas Passenger Agent Ohio and Mississippi Ry, office Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds same.
Mertens, Charles, trav slsmn, bds Planters House.
Mescumyer, Michael, brewer Dallas brewery, r. same.
Mesplay, Firby A. (wid Charles B.), wks Hugo Iftiger, r. same.
Metcalf, James F., clk Noland & Smith, r. 105 Liberty, bt Texas, Germania.
Metcalfe, John B., clk genl pass office, Mo. P. & T. & P. Rys, bds 421 Griffin.
Metoyer, F. B., clk J. S. Witwer, bds Glen Lea, rms 930 Jackson.
Metzger, William, propr Schooner beer saloon, 8 N. Lamar, bt Elm, Pacific ave, r. same.
Metzler, Adolph, commission mcht, wholesale grain, produce, 612 Elm, r. ws Akard, bt Wood, Young.
Metzler, Jacob, clk Sanger Bros., h. Adolph Metzler.
Meuton, Henry S. (c), r. 1015 Jackson, cor Prather.
Meyer, Benjaman, cotton buyer, r. 835 Jackson, bt Kendall, Akard.
Meyer, Charles, butcher, bds Cincinnati House.
Meyer, Charles, civil engr G. C. & S. F. Ry, r. 615 Veal.
Meyer, Frederick, tinner Harry Bros., rms Frederick Buel.
Meyer, George, sr. gardener, r. Williams, e of Mill creek.
Meyer, George K., Resident Agt Oliver Chilled Plow works, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Meyer, Gerson, credit man Sanger Bros., r. 211 Park, bt Ervay, Browder.
Meyer, Henry, wood dealer, yd ne cor Oleander, Pacific ave, r. same.
Meyer, Herman, wood dealer, r. es Oleander, bt Pacific ave, Bryan.
Meyer, Jacob, wks Gottlieb H. Schoellkopf, r. same.
Meyer, John E., groceries, provisions, 625 Elm, r. cor Akard, Canton.
Meyer, Louis V., bartender Tom Cade, r. 620 Griffin, cor Ardrey.
Meyer, Miss Mary, wks Hugo Iftiger, bds same.
Meyer, Morris, clk Leon Kahn, r. same.
Meyer, Pious, butcher H. L. Doran, r. same.
Meyers, Charles, waiter National Hotel.
Meyers, Charles, lithographer Dallas Lithograph Co.
Meyers, Charles A., hostler W. D. Cloud.
Meyers, Henry, cook Apollo restaurant.
Meyers, Henry, trav sign writer Southern Sign Works Co., bds St. James Hotel.
Meyers, Joseph, bus driver Arthur Cain, rooms 703 Commerce.
Meyers, Mrs. Katie, wks Mrs. Annie E. McMurray.
Meyers, Martha D. (Mrs. George A.), h. Newton T. Cannon.
Meyers, S., peddler, rms Mrs. Annie Miller.
Michael, C., painter H. Hamilton, rms S. Mayer.
Michael, Herman, car driver, r. ns Elm, bt T. T. Ry., T. & P. Ry., E. Dallas.
Michaelson, L. A., slsmn Sanger Bros.
Michel, Ferdinand, lime and brick, yd s end Market, r. 501 Jefferson, cor Wood.
Michel, Max, carp, r. 1514 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Michie, Lucy E. (wid Claudius), h. W. H. Baldwin.
Middleton, Alice (c), h. Spencer Johnson.
Middleton Bros. (John A., William H. and Charles Co.), real estate brokers, office 316 Elm, cor Market.
Middleton, Charles C. (Middleton Bros.), r. es Ervay, n end McKee.
Middleton, Emily (c), r. es Pearl, bt Cochran, McKinney road.
Middleton, John A. (Middleton Bros.), r. se cor Wood, Ervay.
Middleton, Miss Lizzie, h. Mrs. George Crosthwait.
Middleton, Sallie (c), h. John Harris.
Middleton, William H. (Middleton Bros.), r. nw cor Ervay, Hickory.
Midgett, Nancy C. (wid Lloyd), r. 25 Polk, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Midgett, Wallace H., wks City Park, r. 25 Polk, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Miers, James, waiter St. James Hotel, bds same.
Miers, Rufus W., depy U. S. internal revenue collector, bds St. George Hotel.
Miers, Thomas M., trav slsmn Betterton & Hopkins Mercantile Co., r. 324 Corsicana, bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Mignon, Augustus R., photographer, studio, 710 Elm, cor Griffin, r. s of city limits.
Milam, George (c), lab, r. Freedmantown, ne city limits.
Milby, Emma (c), wks N. Frankel, r. same.
Miles, Carey (c), wks H. G. Brady.
Miles, Henry (c), bootblack R. Laffiton.
Miles, John, cook Lang's restaurant.
Miles, Mary E. (wid James F.), r. 36 Cora.
Miles, Maston, mattress maker, r. 1316 Williams, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Millard, Martin S., carp, r. ns Elm, bt Mill creek, T. & P. Ry., E. Dallas.
Millard, Stephen M., carp, h. Martin S. Millard.
Millender, Joseph E., trav slsmn Keating Implement and Machine Co., bds W. O. Garrison.
Miller, Miss Ada, laundress Dallas steam laundry, r. Cottonwood Lane.
Miller, Adam (c), lab, r. es Crowdus, bt Sutton, Motley ave.
Miller, Albert (c), barber Spencer & Ragsdale, r. es McCoy, bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Miller, Mrs. Albertine, bds Mrs. Minerva Morrison.
Miller, Alex. Lee, Dry goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, notions, 1103 Elm, cor Harwood, r. Barbersville, W. Va. C. S. Miller, mgr.
Miller, Andrew, barber Emile Fretz, rms 310 Main, bt Market, Jefferson, bds Glen Lea restaurant.
Miller, Annie (wid Aaron), groceries, 807 Alamo, cor Cedar, r. same.
Miller, Annie (c), wks George S. Fuqua, r. same.
Miller, Annie (c), wks L. Philipson, r. same.
Miller, Miss Belle, r. ns Lamar, s of creek.
Miller, Rev. Barnett, pastor Clear Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church, r. 163 Cochran, bt Orange, Masten.
Miller, Miss Bertha, dressmkr Miss Carrie Waller.
Miller, Charles, cook Blaney's restaurant, r. 1008 Commerce.
Miller, Miss Chestie, h. Archibald G. Leffel.
Miller, Claud, night clk Pacific House, r. same.
Miller, Claudius S., Mgr Alex. Lee Miller, bds 314 Lamar.
Miller, Clayton (c), lab, r. 523 Bryan, cor Good.
Miller, C. C. (Boedeker & Miller), r. Canton Street.
Miller, C. J., cigar mfr, bds Union Depot Hotel.
Miller, Daniel (Miller & Potter), r. 331 Collin, cor Magnolia.
Miller, Edward W., bell boy Grand-Windsor Hotel, h. John C. Miller.
Miller, Elizabeth (c), wks C. F. Miller, r. same.
Miller, Elmer O., bell boy Grand-Windsor Hotel, h. John C. Miller.
Miller, Emma F. (wid C. R.), h. P. S. Borich.
Miller, Miss Eva C., slslady Mrs. E. Chestnut, h. John C. Miller.
Miller, Fell, bartender Apollo Hall, r. 108 Griffin.
Miller, Miss Francis S., (Nesmith & Co.), r. Commerce street.
Miller, Frank, baker, r. 12 Cottonwood Lane, bt Cedar, McKinney ave.
Miller, Frank, painter, r. sw cor Cottonwood Lane, Cedar.
Miller, George, bartender Louis Miller, bds same.
Miller, George, rms over 312 Main.
Miller, George (c), porter Moroney Hardware Co., r. se cor Alamo, Wichita.
Miller, Henry (c), lab, h. Clayton Miller.
Miller, James J., clk John J. Miller, h. same.
Miller, James M., lab, r. ws McKinney road, n of Pearl.
Miller, James S., clk, r. 29 Emma, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Miller, James W., clk J. S. Taylor, bds St. George Hotel.
Miller, James W., r. sw cor Commerce, Prather.
Miller, Jeff N., clk genl office T. & P. Ry., r. 307 Carter, bt Collin, Caruth.
Miller, Jefferson D., wks Tenison Bros., bds Santa Fe House.
Miller, John A., bds Swan Miller.
Miller, John C., painter and paper hanger, r. 428 Cottage Lane, cor Victor.
Miller, John J., Harness, Saddles, 603 Elm, r. 279 Caruth, bt N. Lamar, Carter.
Miller, John R., boardinghouse, 104 Ross ave, cor Lamar.
Miller, John T., brick machinery, r. sw cor St. Louis, Portland.
Miller, Julius, lab, bds H. Secker.
Miller, Miss Lizzie, laundress Dallas steam laundry, r. McKinney road.
Miller, Louis, saloon, ne cor Camp, Griffin, r. 210 Wood, bt Houston, Jefferson.
Miller, Louis A., blacksmith J. Conroy, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Miller, Louis G., trav slsmn Padgitt Bros., r. 526 Ross ave, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Miller, Miss Martha, trimmer Sanger Bros.
Miller, Mary (c), wks Jacob Rauch, r. same.
Miller, Mary (c), wks W. J. Kain, r. same.
Miller, Mary K. (wid Lawrence H.), r. 952 Wood, bt Ervay, Browder.
Miller, Massey H., bkpr Charles G. Eckford, r. over 728 Elm.
Miller, Massey W., h. Massey H. Miller.
Miller, Maurice A., mess W. U. Tel. office, h. J. T. Miller.
Miller, Nora (c), wks W. C. Connor, r. same.
Miller, Ollie (c), wks R. E. Burke, r. same.
Miller, Phillip B. (Edwards & Miller), r. 209 Park, bt Browder, Ervay.
Miller & Potter (Daniel Miller, Sidney Potter), cigar mfrs, cigars, tobacco, smokers articles, factory and store, 1345 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins.
Miller, Rachel E. (wid T. J.), stamp clk Dallas P. O., r. se cor Evergreen, Pocahontas.
Miller, Robert H., clk Reinhardt & Co., bds Mrs. Mary E. Bishop.
Miller, Samuel (c), porter, r. 1017 Elm, bt Live Oak, S. Harwood.
Miller, Seth, mgr Arbuckle Bros. coffee, of N.Y., office, 729-731 Main, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Miller, Spencer P. (c),lab, r. ss Runnels, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Miller, Squire (c), porter J. L. Motley & Co., h. Clayton Miller.
Miller, Miss Susie, h. Mrs. S. L. Greer.
Miller, Swan, water hauler, r. 28 Cora.
Miller, Thomas (c), wks J. M. Patterson, r. same.
Miller, Thomas S. (Shepard & Miller), r. 1146 Ross ave.
Miller, Tom C., clk Chas. G. Eckford, rms over 726 Elm.
Miller,T. H., carp, bds J. R. Miller.
Miller, William, stereotyper Western Newspaper Union.
Miller, William E., tel opr B. & O. office, r. 429 N. Lamar, n of Cochran.
Miller, William M., book dealer, 109 S. Lamar, r. 1146 Ross ave, bt Germania, Pavilion.
Millican, John, lab, h. Mrs. Mary Millican.
Millican, Mary (wid J. H.), r. cor Elm, T. & P. Ry., E. Dallas.
Milligan Bros. (John S. and Harvey N. Milligan), Book and job printers, newspaper publishers, office 810-812 Elm. See advt.
Milligan, Harvey N. (Milligan Bros.), r. es H. & T. C. Ry, nr G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Milligan, John S. (Milligan Bros.), r. es H. & T. C. Ry, nr G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Millirons, Ewing K., door keeper Thompson's Theater.
Millirons, Henry, groceries, se cor Commerce, Jefferson, r. 212 Commerce.
Millirons, Jackson M., clk H. Millirons, h. same.
Millirons, Joseph H., clk Henry Millirons, h. same.
Mills, James, slsmn O. T. Lyon, r. 717 Germania, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Mills, Maria (c), wks Henry Schuhl, r. same.
Mills, William M. (c), porter V. C. McClinton, r. 406 alley bt Commerce, Williams, Henry, Crowdus.
Milne, William, lab, r. ws McKinney road, 1/2 mile n of city limits.
Miltner, Frank, gardener, r. ss G. C. & S. F. Ry, nr creek.
Milton, Ann (c), wks Barnett Gibbs, r. same.
Milton, Mattie (c), wks Jacob E. Wolf, r. same.
Mims, H. C., lamp lighter Dallas City Gas Works, bds J. T. Early.
Miner, John L., carp, rms 204 Commerce, cor Houston.
Minkley, Charles, lab, bds Planters House.
Minor, Frederick (c), porter J. S. Witwer, r. cor Flora, Burford.
Minor, Pleasant N., lab, r. 22 Caroline, bt Cedar, McKinney.
Mirick, Albert J., canvasser New Home Sewing Machine Co., bds J. E. Mathis.
Mirus, Augusta (wid A.), r. 205 Jefferson, bt Walnut, Calhoun.
Mispley, Samuel, tinner Huey & Philp.
Misselhorm, Henry, Groceries, Provisions, 511 Austin, cor Young, r. same.
Missouri Pacifc Railway, General Offices, ns Commerce, bt Lamar, Poydras, pass and frt depot, cor Lamar, Pacifc ave; city ticket office, 506 Main. See advt. & page 58.
Mitchell, Miss Bertha, bds Miss Lizzie Handley.
Mitchell, Britton, wks J. W. Crowdus Drug Co.
Mitchell, Caroline W. (wid G. W.), h. J. F. Metcalf.
Mitchell, Charles, clk, bds Mrs. Anna Walden.
Mitchell, Charles (c), lab, r. Freedmantown, ne city limits.
Mitchell, Charles C., trav slsmn W. G. Scarff & Co.
Mitchell, Charles S. (Mitchell & Scruggs), r. 1012 Ervay, bt Corsicana, Cadiz.
Mitchell, Civilla (c), wks Mrs. Mary Williams, r. same.
Mitchell, David, stockman, bds W. H. Lee.
Mitchell, Dudley C. (Mitchell & Mitchell), r. 1321 Commerce, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Mitchell, Edward, asst shipping clk E. Baumann.
Mitchell, Edward B., trav slsmn Armstrong Bros., bds Mrs. Anna Walden.
Mitchell, Florida (c), wks C. F. Tucker, r. same.
Mitchell, George, watchman, bds J. R. Miller.
Mitchell, Houston (c), lab, bds Julia Hudson.
Mitchell, Jennie (wid), r. nw cor Market, Columbia.
Mitchell, L. B., wks J. W. Crowdus Drug Co.
Mitchell & Mitchell (William D. & Dudley C.), second hand furniture, 1312 Elm, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Mitchell, Mrs. Mollie E., r. 610 Market, bt Young, Columbia.
Mitchell, Nannie (wid Henry), h. John W. Goodwin.
Mitchell, Rufus (c), r. ns Marilla, bt Ervay, Veal.
Mitchell & Scruggs (Charles S. Mitchell, James B. Scruggs), agricultural implements and commission mchts, ns Elm, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Mitchell, Thomas B., cotton buyer, r. 414 Live Oak, bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Mitchell, William D. (Mitchell & Mitchell), r. ns Cabell, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Mittenthal, Aaron (A. & E. Mittenthal), r. New York city.
Mittenthal, A. & E. (Aaron and Ephraim), Wholesale and retail dry goods, notions, clothing, furnishing goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps, carpets, window shades, 608-610 Elm.
Mittenthal, Ephraim (A. & E. Mittenthal),r. 212 Masten, cor Trinidad.
Mittenthal, Hyman S., clk A. & E. Mittenthal, h. E. Mittenthal.
Mittenthal, Jacob, wks Texas Spring Bed Co., h. E. Mittenthal.
Mittenthal, Philip N., clk A. & E. Mittenthal, r. 71 Cochran, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Mittenthal, Samuel, bkpr A. & E. Mittenthal, h. E. Mittenthal.
Mittenthal, Samuel C., clk A. & E. Mittenthal, h. P. N. Mittenthal.
Mittwith, Frederick, lab, bds Hotel Bear.
Mix, Eliza (c), laundress, h. O. McCullough.
Mixter, Frank, elevator boy Sanger Bros., h. Henry Mixter, sr.
Mixter, Harry L., cooper, Dallas Cooperage Co., r. 410 Young, bt Austin, Market.
Mixter, Henry, jr., cash boy Sanger Bros., h. H. Mixter, sr.
Mixter, Henry, sr., cooper, r. 410 Young, bt Market, Austin.
Modock, James (c), lab, r. rear ss Bryan, bt Cantagral, Germania.
Moffett, Garrett D. (Moffett & Woodson), r. 34 Phelps, bt Trinidad, McKinney ave.
Moffett & Woodson (Garrett D. Moffett, James D. Woodson), proprs Queen City steam laundry, 1124 Elm, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Mohrhardt, Frank A., agt The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., office, 501 Main, cor Austin, r. 306 S. Harwood, bt Commerce, Jackson
Mohrhardt, Louis E., mgr The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., office, 501 Main, cor Austin, bds F. A. Mohrhardt.
Mollard, Augustus, grocer, r. 1454 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Moloney, Martin A., wks B. N. Bryant.
Moloughney, John, plumber and gas fitter, r. 2 Swiss ave, cor Pacific ave.
Momand, Clarence E., clk S. S. Momand, r. over 1101 Elm, cor Harwood.
Momand, Daniel W., physician, surgeon, office 1101 Elm, cor Harwood, r. sw cor Lloyd, Main.
Momand, John T., clk S. S. Momand, bds same.
Momand, Miss May, h. C. E. Momand.
Momand, Ragland, bill clk Armstrong Bros., bds C. E. Momand.
Momand, Samuel S., groceries and provisions, 810 Elm, r. 1104 Elm.
Monagan, Thomas L., clk N. B. Sherman, bds Mrs. Julia Jones.
Monahan, S. M. (wid), clk, bds J. E. Mathes.
Monahan, Mrs. Texana, slslady E. Baumann.
Monell, Annie (wid A. G.), r. 1016 Main, bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Moninger, John A. (Turner & Moninger), Lessee Shady View park, e end San Jacinto, r. same.
Monroe, Charles, lab, bds H. Secker.
Monroe, James, clk, rms Edwin Bottomley.
Monroe, Miss May, seamstress, Blankenship & Blake Co., r. cor Jefferson, Columbia.
Monschke, William, blksmith, bds Jacob Ott.
Montague, Sue L. (wid J. Henry), h. Wm. K. Wheelock.
Montgomery, James, carrier Dallas News, h. L. P. Montgomery.
Montgomery, Lucius P., assessor and collector of E. Dallas, r. ss Live Oak, bt Oak, Field.
Montgomery, Robert E., clk, r. 27 Alamo, bt McKinney ave, Cedar.
Montgomery, Robert H., foreman Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 810 Pacific ave.
Montgomery, Rush C., law student Marshall & Gillespie, r. 954 Live Oak.
Monumental Bronze Co., Bridgeport, Conn., mfrs white bronze monuments, branch office Grand-Windsor block, nw cor Commerce, Austin. Gilbert W. Corning, mgr.
Mooday, Miss Alice, wks Mrs. N. E. Mouser, r. same.
Moody, Benjamin F., wood dealer, r. ne cor Highland, Olin Wellborn.
Moody, John J., teamster, r. 110 Caroline, bt Cedar, Ashland.
Moody, John L. (c), wks. F. Michel, r. 925 Houston, s of Columbia.
Moody, Robert H., lab, r. ss Highland, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Moon, William M., depy sheriff, bds Mrs. M. A. Cook.
Moore, Alice (c), cook H. J. Blakeney.
Moore, Allen (c), lab, r. ss Flora, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Moore, Miss Annie, associate editor The Home and Sunday-School, h. Mrs. M. J. Moore.
Moore, Mrs. Belle, r. 1216 Young, bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Moore, Miss Birdie, shirt maker C. H. Clancey, h. Michael T. Moore.
Moore, Burney, paper hanger H. Hamilton, h. Mrs. Martha Moore.
Moore, Caesar (c), float driver, r. ns Young, bt Broadway, Houston.
Moore, Charles (c), well digger, h. James Brown.
Moore, Charles (c), wks Mrs. A. C. Walker, r. same.
Moore, Charles, lab, bds J. D. McCullough.
Moore, Charles J., Grain, Hardware, Groceries, Hay, feed, 204-206-208-210 Houston, bt Main, Commerce, r. nw cor Corsicana, Evergreen.
Moore, Dee, clk W. G. Scarff & Co., h. Mrs. M. J. Moore.
Moore, Ella (Mrs. Eugene), dressmkr Mrs. Ella Dalton, h. Mrs. Martha Moore.
Moore, Ellen (c), wks G. H. Plowman, r. same.
Moore, Eugene, switchman H. & T. C. Ry yds, h. Mrs. Martha Moore.
Moore, Frank G. (Southwestern Stoneware & Pipe Co.), sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, paints, bldg material, 709 Elm, r. 904 Young, bt Akard, Browder. See advt.
Moore, George, ironer Dallas steam laundry, h. 314 Leonard.
Moore, Henry, lab, r. 243 Camp, bt Magnolia, Sycarmore.
Moore, Henry H., clk C. J. Moore, h. same.
Moore, James (c), lunch stand, r. ss Juliet, bt Peak, Burford.
Moore, James, h. Henry Moore.
Moore, James H., gardener, r. ss Ross ave, bt Villars, creek.
Moore, James M., notions, fancy goods, 734 Main, r. 1136 Cabell, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Moore, James W., clk James M. Moore, r. same.
Moore, Jennings M., clk C. J. Moore, h. same.
Moore, John, panwasher Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Moore, John, horsehoer, wks Alex. Watson, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Moore, John W. (Hunstable & Moore), r. Weston, Texas.
Moore, Joseph W., attorney and notary public, office 711 Elm, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Moore, J. Hardin, carp, h. James H. Moore.
Moore, Miss Katie, h. Mrs. M. A. Morrill.
Moore, Kate (c), washerwoman, r. es Preston, nr s city limits.
Moore, Lee, appc painter H. Hamilton, h. Mrs. Martha Moore.
Moore, Miss Mamie, teacher primary dept Dallas female college, r. same.
Moore, Martha (c), wks J. P. Cramb, r. same.
Moore, Martha (wid Lee), r. 621 Live Oak, bt Hawkins, Good.
Moore, Miss Martha, wks A. J. Elam, r. same.
Moore, Mary (c), h. Messiah Williams.
Moore, Mary (c), nurse, r. es Preston, nr s city limits.
Moore, Mary J. (wid J. W.), r. 332 Collin, cor Magnolia.
Moore, Michael T., r. 639 Bryan, bt Boll, Bogel.
Moore, Miss Minnie, actress Thompson's Theatre.
Moore, Nannie (c), h. Lit. Connor.
Moore & Rawlins (Frank G. Moore, Roderick D. Rawlins), proprs Southwestern Stoneware and Pipe Co., ss Main, bt Broadway, Houston.
Moore, Samuel B., saddler Padgitt Bros., r. 331 Collin, cor Magnolia.
Moore, Samuel L., boardinghouse, 304 N. Lamar, cor Collin.
Moore, Sarah (wid), wks H. W. Keller, r. same.
Moore, Sarah (c), h. James Burton.
Moore, Wallace T., saddler Padgitt Bros., bds Mrs. Isabella Carroll.
Moore, Walton, omnibus driver, h. Mrs. Martha Moore.
Moore, Wesley (c), wks Todd mills, r. nw cor San Jacinto, H. & T. C. Ry.
Moore, William, trader, r. 206 Jefferson, bt Walnut, Calhoun.
Moore, William, rms and bds St. James Hotel.
Moore, William A., h. James H. Moore.
Moore, William H., wks D. W. McKee.
Moores, Sarah (wid Samuel F.), h. Mrs. M. A. Morrill.
Moppins, Lizzie J. (c), r. ns Young, bt Ervay, Veal.
Moppins, Martha (c), cook, r. ns Young, bt Ervay, Veal.
Morden, Richard D., dairyman, r. ns T. & P. Ry, e of G. C. & S. F. Ry, E. Dallas.
Moreland, Mrs. Ernestine, h. J. W. Kerr.
Morell, Alexander, bartender Charles Hauck, bds F. Fond.
Morenes, James R., Mgr Texas Installment House, 812 Elm, r. 300 Griffin.
Morey, Charles L., trav slsmn, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Morey, Chester D. (Dallas Cigar and Tobacco Co.), bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Morgan, Allen (c), wks Mo. P. and T. & P. Ry frt depot.
Morgan, Augustus, miller Todd mills.
Morgan, Daniel, contractor, r. 408 N. Harwood, bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Morgan, David, horseshoer Worden & Smith, r. 213 Elm, bt Houston, Jefferson.
Morgan, David T., physician, r. ns Gaston, bt creek, Adair, E. Dallas.
Morgan, Edgar A., clk Dallas City Gaslight Co., r. 99 Live Oak.
Morgan, Ella (c), ironer Eureka steam laundry.
Morgan, Emma A. (Mrs. Isaac T.), proprss. Santa Fe House, 830-832 Elm.
Morgan, Gibbs & Freeman (Richard Morgan, jr., Barnett Gibbs, Thomas J. Freeman, jr.), attorneys, office 513 Main, cor Lamar.
Morgan, Isaac T., foreman Fox candy factory, r. 830 Elm.
Morgan, John, finisher Eureka steam laundry.
Morgan, John H., wks Todd mills, r. 325 Collin, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Morgan, Mary E. (wid George A.), h. James R. Stanton.
Morgan, Richard (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Morgan, Richard, jr. (Morgan, Gibbs & Freeman), r. se cor Browder, Canton.
Morgan, Richard, Sr., Propr Trinity Iron Works, mfr steam engines, boilers and castings, ne cor Ross ave, Magnolia, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Morgan, Samuel T., bkpr Betterton & Hopkins Mercantile Co., r. 907 Young.
Morgan, Thomas Y., clk J. F. Mueller.
Morgan, Walter D., printer, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Moroney Hardware Co., J. Moroney, Prest and mgr; M. A. Walsh, vice-prest; George E. Fortin, secy; hardware, 627 Elm, 626 Pacific ave.
Moroney, James, jr., prest Moroney Hardware Co., r. ne cor Harwood, Cedar Springs.
Moroney, James, sr., r. ne cor N. Harwood, Cedar Springs.
Moroney, William, hack driver Angus & Atwater, r. 610 Market, bt Young, Columbia.
Moroney, William J. (Dickson & Moroney), r. ne cor N. Harwood, Cedar Springs road.
Morrill, Miranda A. (wid Amos), r. 424 Ross ave, cor N. Harwood.
Morris, Henry, bricklayer, bds H. Secker.
Morris, John W., trav slsmn C. H. Edwards.
Morris, Mark L., farmer, r. ns Hickory, bt Crossthwaite, Ervay.
Morris, Miss Minnie, wks Henry J. Vauchelet, h. same.
Morris, Richard H., lab, r. ws Cedar Springs road, 1 mile n of Courthouse.
Morris, Robert, h. Mrs. Mollie Franklin.
Morris, Russell, painter, h. W. B. Fortune.
Morris, Samuel P. (Cosby & Morris), notary public, bds T. A. West.
Morris, Thomas, brick contractor, r. 1027 Portland, cor Pocahonta.
Morris, William D., brakeman, bds John K. Warren.
Morris, William H., tailor J. Winter, jr., & Co., r. 322 Hord.
Morrisey, James, groceries, 1010 Commerce, bt Ervay, St. Paul, r. same.
Morrison, Hiram, real estate agent, office 711 Elm, r. 533 Ross ave.
Morrison, Jacob L., nurseryman, r. 5 S. Harwood, bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Morrison, John, bds Hiram Morrison.
Morrison, John W. (McIntosh & Morrison), r. 940 S. Harwood, bt St. Louis, Pocahontas.
Morrison, Minerva (wid William), r. se cor Market, Jackson.
Morrison, Thomas, teamster F. G. Moore, bds J. D. Bolick.
Morrow & Blewett (David H. Morrow, James R. Blewett), attorneys, office 316 Main, cor Market.
Morrow, David H. (Morrow & Blewett), r. 1022 Ervay, cor Corsicana.
Morrow, Frank (c), wks Ezra F. Spalding, r. same.
Morrow, Joseph (c), wks Leftwich & Jamison, r. s end Akard.
Morrow, Samuel W., mattressmkr Home Mfg Co., r. 213 Live Oak.
Morse, Miss Nellie, h. J. S. Hetherington.
Morton,Miss Ella B., teacher public school No. 3, bds Miss Bettie Carter.
Morton, John H., Physician, Surgeon, Office 602 Main, cor Lamar, r. 835 San Jacinto, bt Pearl, Leonard.
Morton, Sarah A. (wid Josiah S.), h. W. Frank Morton.
Morton, Thomas (c), house cleaner, r. 512 Canton, bt Marilla, S. Harwood.
Morton, William F., depy U.S. marshal, r. nw cor Houston, Wood.
Morville, Charles A., lab, r. ne cor Sutton, Crowdus.
Morville, Joseph, appc cooper, h. C. A. Morville.
Mosby, Richard W., clk Sanger Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman, rms 513 Elm.
Moseley, Albert H., carp, bds Adam Heckman.
Moseley, Clayton (c), porter Ploeger & Hoppe.
Moseley, Henry A., Physician, Surgeon, Office 601 Main, cor Lamar, r. 121 N. Harwood, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Moseley, Lougenia (c), wks Wm. McKee, h. Louise Moseley.
Moseley, Louise (c), laundress, r. 1326 Main, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Moseley, Terry J., clk Hickox & Hearne, h. H. A. Moseley.
Moser, Leopold, lab, r. ss Exposition ave, near crossing G. C. & Santa Fe Ry., E. Dallas.
Mosher, Edward J., machinist Star iron works, h. Theodore Mosher.
Mosher, Theodore, Propr Star Iron Works, se cor Market, Pacific ave., r. 641 Ross ave. See advt.
Mosher, William S., appc machinisst Star iron works, h. Theo. Mosher.
Moss, Richard (c), r. ns Juliet, bt Peak, Burford.
Moss, William (c), wks P. A. Jordan, r. same.
Motley, Joseph L. (J. L. Motley & Co.), rms 1112 Elm.
Motley, J. L. & Co. (Joseph L. Motley, George W. Waller), proprs "George & Joe's" saloon, 1122 Elm, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Motter, David, wks J. A. Tilley, r. same.
Moulard, Annette (wid Auguste), r. ss Young, bt Poydras, Lacey.
Moulard, Henry, carp, h. Mrs. Annette Moulard.
Moulard, Jules, carp, Murphy & Bolanz, h. Mrs. A. Moulard.
Mouser, Nannie E., (wid Wm. P.), dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, ss Elm, bt Lloyd, Crowdus, r. same.
Mouth, John C., harnessmkr Tenison Bros., bds Samuel L. Moore.
Mouton, Harris (c), cook Hotel Camp Strother.
Mowat, Robert, lab, r. ss Cochran, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Mowery, Charles, shoemaker Hunstable & Moore, r. es Sycamore, bt Main, Commerce.
Mowry, William G., Treasr. and Genl Mgr. Texas Trunk R.R., office, Merchants Exchange bldg., r. 502 Jackson, cor Austin.
Muck, Thomas, lab, bds Mankato House.
Mueller, August (Mueller & Forster), r. 805 [508] Jefferson.
Mueller, Annie M. (wid Ernest), r. ws Ervay, bt Parker, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Mueller, Miss Bertha, dressmkr, h. Mrs. Annie Muller [Mueller].
Mueller & Forster (August Mueller, Frederick Forster), proprs Blue Front saloon, 705 Elm.
Mueller, Miss Gussie, h. John F. Muller.
Mueller, Jacob, wks Jacob Bopp, sr., h. same.
Mueller, John F., groceries, 942 Elm, r. ws Snodgrass, bt Beaumont, Seegar.
Mueller, Miss Martha, milliner Sanger Bros.,r. Mrs. Annie M. Mueller.
Mueller, Miss Mary, h. John F. Mueller.
Mulbeck, John, cellar man Dallas Brewery, rms cor Cochran, Houston.
Mulhall, John f. (Mulhall & Ohlsen), rms 510 Main.
Mulhall & Ohlsen (John F. Mulhall, Charles J. Ohlsen), proprs Crescent restaurant, 510 Main, bt Austin, Lamar. See advt.
Mulkins, Lucinda (c), washerwoman, r. ns Young, bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Mullenix, James T., shoemaker, shop 1456 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd, r. ss Chestnut, e of Mill creek.
Muller, August, saloon, r. ws Jefferson, bt Young, Wood.
Müller, Caroline (wid Ferdinand),r. 214 Live Oak, bt N. Harwood, Olive.
Muller, Charles B., dealer in stamping papers, 909 Elm, r. same.
Müller, Miss Emma, h. Caroline Müller.
Muller, Henry M., clk shoe dept Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Caroline Müller.
Müller, Hermann, shoemkr, shop, 309 Main, bt Jefferson, Market, r. 416 Swiss ave.
Muller, John G., clk Cahn Bros., r. 214 Live Oak.
Muller, Margaret (Mrs. C. B.), teacher art embroidery, 909 Elm, r. same.
Muller, Miss Mary, wks Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer, r. same.
Muller, Mary (wid M. J.), r. ss Main, bt Duncan, Walton.
Mullin, Patrick, policeman No. 3, r. 424 Cottage Lane, bt Harwood, Victor.
Mullins, John, hostler, bds H. B. Drew.
Mullins, M., r. s end S. Ervay, 1 1/4 miles s of Courthouse.
Mullin, W. R., bill clk Padgitt Bros., bds J. L. Neel.
Mullry, Patrick, lab, r. 13 Collin, cor Lamar.
Mumford, Mary (c), r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Mummert, George, agt Ayer's section ladder, office 811 Main, r. 115 Good.
Mundon, Frederick, carp, r. 19 Pacific ave, bt Hawkins, Good.
Mundy, John, marble worker Davoren & McKee.
Munford, William, Dean, St. Matthews Cathedral and rector of the parish, r. 811 Jackson, bt Kendall, Akard.
Munger, Robert S., Mfr and Patentee Cotton Gin machinery, office and factory, cor Elm, Texas Trunk Ry., E. Dallas, r. ns Elm, bt Duncan, creek.
Munro, Eurith (wid George), h. William Kibbe.
Munroe, May (wid George), h. Sarah A. Radford.
Munzesheimer, Adolph, clk Elsas, Keller & Co., h. F. Munzesheimer.
Munzesheimer, Edward, clk Dallas Cracker Co., h. F. Munzesheimer.
Munzesheimer, Frederick,r. 62 Bryan, cor Masten.
Munzesheimer, Hardy, wks Elsas, Keller & Co., h. F. Munzesheimer.
Munzesheimer, Isidore, clk Sanger Bros., h. F. Munzesheimer.
Munzesheimer, Louis, clk L. Hirsch, h. F. Munzesheimer.
Munzesheimer, Max, clk Chas. G. Eckford, h. F. Munzesheimer.
Murdock, Miss Anna, h. Mrs. Rebecca Murdock.
Murdock, Miss Blanche, bds Mrs. Lizzie Handley.
Murdock, Rebecca (wid Adam), r. 1207 Jackson, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Murf, Frank, lab, r. 106 Boll, bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Murnane, Thomas J., bkpr E. M. Powell, r. nw cor Ross ave., McCoy.
Murphy, Bartholomew, wks Todd mills, h. Mrs. Kate Murphy.
Murphy & Bolanz (John P. Murphy, Charles Bolanz), real estate and collecting agts, 721 Main. See top lines.
Murphy, Miss Clara, bds Mrs. Annie E. McMurray.
Murphy, James A., teamster, r. 214 Caroline, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Murphy, James A., printer Dallas Morning News, r. 330 Collin, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Murphy, John F., clk S. S. Momand, bds Mrs. M. Bennett, 1026 Polk.
Murphy, John P. (Murphy & Bolanz), secy Dallas Pan Electric Telephone and Telegraph Co., r. sw cor McKinney, Masten.
Murphy, J. T., insurance agt, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Murphy, Kate (wid M. B.), r. es Alamo, bt Cedar, McKinney.
Murphy, Mrs. Mary, wks Patrick Mullin.
Murphy, Robert (c), porter R. F. Meek.
Murphy, Simon F. (Wm. Shea & Co.), r. 39 Cochran.
Murphy, Thomas, shoemkr Michael McGowan, bds Martin Quilkin.
Murphy, William, lab, bds James Morrisey.
Murphy, William C., entry clk Blankenship & Blake, r. cor Leonard, Ross ave.
Murray, Miss Birdie, h. Mrs. Lucy Murray.
Murray, Carl L., Physician, Surgeon, Office, 914 Elm, bt Sycamore, Stone, r. 123 N. Harwood, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Murray, Caroline (c), r. ns Park, bt Akard, Trinity.
Murray, Charles, restaurant, bds Mrs. Kate Murray.
Murray, David C., wks Empire mills, r. 756 Bryan, bt Pavilion, Hall.
Murray, Eneas, clk John McElhare, r. same.
Murray, Frank (c), wks John B. Hereford, r. same.
Murray, Miss Frankie, bds Mrs. Maud Dunbar.
Murray, Harry B. (H. B. Murray & Co.), bds David Langton.
Murray, H. B. & Co. (Harry B. Murray, E. Argyle Campbell), msde brokers, 701 Main, cor Poydras.
Murray, Hugh, shipping clk Texas Elevator and Compress Co., r. 90 Cochran.
Murray, John F., Groceries, Notions, 13 Highland, bt McKinney ave., Cedar, r. same.
Murray, Mrs. Kate, r. 501 Market, cor Wood.
Murray, Laura A., r. ws McKinney road, n of Pearl.
Murray, Lucy (wid F.), dressmkr, 1230 Main, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl, r. same.
Murray, Mollie (c), cook John B. Hereford, r. same.
Murray, Oscar G., traffic mgr. Mo. P. & T. & P. Rys., for Texas and Louisiana, office, ns Commerce, bt Lamar, Poydras, bds Hotel Bogel.
Murray, Randolph (c), h. Caroline Murray.
Murray, Sarah (wid Russell W.), h. S. L. Cooper.
Murrell, Roxie (wid Samuel), h. H. C. Williamson.
Murska, Stephen, bds Hotel Bear.
Muse, W. B., carp, bds W. Lyttle.
Mussbaumer [Nussbaumer?], Samuel, lab, bds Mankato House.
Myer, Henry, wks Ferdinand Michel, bds same.
Myer, John, bds Mrs. M. K. Gardner.
Myers, Benjamin R., peddler, r. Long's Lake road, n city limits.
Myers, E. George, asst foreman composing room Dallas Morning News, r. 524 Bryan, cor Good.
Myers, Francis J., fireman H. & T. C. Ry, h. John F. Myers.
Myers, John C., clk B. O. Weller & Co., r. 302 S. Harwood.
Myers, John F., millwright, r. 524 Bryan, cor Good.
Myers, John P., dairyman, r. es Crowdus, bt Main, Elm.
Myers, Laura B. (Mrs. Robert), h. James S. Brady.
Myers, Mahala (c), r. ss Miranda, bt Good, Cantagral.
Myers, Seymour, adjuster Sanger Bros., r. 310 Canton, be Ervay, Evergreen.
Myers, Thomas A., stoker Fire Engine No. 2, r. engine house.
Myers, Wm. F. (J. L. Tichenor & Co.), rooms nw cor Elm, H. & T. C. Ry.

Nairn, Amanda C. (wid Anderson), dressmkr, 127 Bryan, bt N. Harwood, Victor.
Nance, Maria (c), h. Jordan Springfield.
Nance, Tighlman [Tilghman?] H., trav slsmn New Home Sewing Machine co., r. 1303 Commerce, cor S. Pearl.
Nance, William F., propr Tennessee House, 1215 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. same.
Nance, Zachariah T., clk. r. ws Caroline, bt Cedar, Ashland.
Napier, Alice M. (Mrs. R. C.), (Nesmith & Co.), h. Mrs. M. A. Williams.
Naracong, Arthur, messenger Texas Express Co., bds William C. Linn.
Nascardi, Felipe, fruit stand, 937 Elm, r. same.
Nash, Frank M., wks Belt St. Ry Co., r. 712 Griffin, bt Ardrey, Gibbs.
Nash, Louisa (c), wks Thomas S. Holden, r. same.
Nash, Monroe N., carp, bds Wm. J. White.
Nason, William A., bkpr Sinker, Davis & Co., rms F. W. Spillman.
Nathan, Fletcher (c), h. Taylor Jetton.
National Hotel, ss Pacific ave, bt Lamar, Austin, M. L. Hodges, propr. See advt.
Naumann, Charles, carp, r. ws Masten, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Naylor, Alfred, marble cutter S. B. Hanway.
Neal, Lulu (c), wks Wales J. Townsend.
Neal, Ruth (c), wks William White, r. same.
Nealy, George W., plasterer, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Neel, Henry, h. John L. Neel.
Neel, James (c), wks J. L. Neel, r. same.
Neel, John L, fruit stand, 8 Sycamore, boardinghouse, 15 Sycamore, bet Pacific ave, Emma.
Neel, Robert W., bkpr Emerson, Talcott & Co., rms se cor Main, Martin, bds Mrs. K. Peckham.
Neil, Charles (c), r. alley bt Flora, Juliet, Burford, Boll.
Neil, Gilbert (c), wks Mrs. Emily Burns.
Nelms, Richard R., bartender W. H. Clark & Co., r. ws Ervay, bt Corinth, Parker.
Nelson, Henry (c), lab, h. Julia Nelson.
Nelson, Julia (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt Cochran, Hall.
Nelson, Robert, music teacher, 807 Commerce, bt Field, Sycamore, r. same.
Nelson, S., Architect, Carpenter, Contractor and Builder, shop ns Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood, r. 1033 Wood. See advt.
Nesbitt, Miss Ella, h. Samuel Nesbitt.
Nesbitt, Samuel, r. 226 Live Oak, bt Pearl, Olive.
Nesmith & Co. (Miss O. V. Nesmith, Mrs. Alice N. Napier, Mrs. Francis S. Miller), worsteds, embroidery, zephyrs, fancy goods, stamping, 731 Elm.
Nesmith, Miss O. V. (Nesmith & Co.), r. Abilene, Texas.
Nesmith, Thomas H., lineman Dallas Pan Electric Telephone Co., r. over 926 Elm, cor Stone.
Nettles, Albert G., painter, bds Philip Tarrant.
Netzer, Herman, barber, shop 946 Main, bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. same.
Nevell, Robert, drayma John A. Quinn.
Nevins, Frank M. (A. C. Torbert & Co.), r. 530 Ross ave.
Newcomb, Robert (c), lab, r. sw cor Crockett, Cottage Lane.
Newell, Samuel, carp McIntosh & Morrison.
Newman, Mortimer J., night clk Pacific Exp. Co., r. ne cor San Jacinto, McCoy.
Newman, Silas, Dentist, Texas Dental Depot, Dental supplies; also publisher and propr Texas Dental Journal, office over 719 Elm, r. same.
Newport, Sarah C. (wid A. G.), r. 315 Caruth, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Newsom, Marshall M., physician and surgeon, office 700 Main, cor Poydras, r. 509 Ervay, bt Wood, Young.
Newsom, Marshall M., physician and surgeon, office 700 Main, cor Poydras, r. 509 Ervay, bt Wood, Young.
Newsom, Wesley (c), lab, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Ross ave, San Jacinto.
Newson, Robert (c), wks G. T. Atkins, r. same.
Newton, Frederick, waiter Frank Sreenan.
Newton, Marion, street car driver, r. es Ervay, bt Pocahontas, Mill creek.
Newton, Marion J., teamster, r. ns McKee, bt Ervay, Snodgrass.
Newton, Nathan (c), lab, h. Hampt Thompson.
Newton, William (c), wks F. G. Burke, r. same.
Newton, William, clk Padgitt Bros., bds Frank Sreenan.
Nicholls, Henry J., trav slsmn Tompkins Machinery and Implement Co., r. 112 McKinney ave, bt Masten, Phelps.
Nicholls, Henry P., clk Babock, Foot & Brown, h. Henry J. Nicholls.
Nichols, Alfred (c), r. rear ns Cochran, bt Allen, H. & T. C. Ry.
Nichols, James H., wks Phoenix planing mill, bds Tennessee House.
Nicholas, Parry (c), lab, r. Freedmantown, ne city limits.
Nichols, Sylvia (c), r. ss Williams, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Nichols, William, wks J. F. Murray.
Nichols, William L., clk O. P. Bowser, bds same.
Nicholson, David P., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, bds E. W. Tower.
Nicholson, Delilah (c), h. Mollie Jones.
Nicholson, Frederick G., trav slsmn Sanger Bros., bds Hugh McIntyre.
Nicholson, Nick J., lab, r. 802 Jefferson, bt Columbia, creek.
Nieman, Martin, r. ss Porter, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Niemeyer, Mrs. Agnes, actress Thompson's Theater, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Niemeyer Bros. (William J. and Charles H. Niemeyer), lessees and mgrs
Thompson's Variety Theatre, 718 Main, and boardinghouse, nw cor Jefferson, Jackson.
Niemeyer, Charles H. (Niemeyer Bros.), r. nw cor Jefferson, Jackson.
Niemeyer, Sophie (wid), r. 202 Wood, cor Houston.
Niemeyer, William J. (Niemeyer Bros.), r. nw cor Jefferson, Jackson.
Nies, Miss Anna, dressmkr, ne cor Commerce, Sycamore, h. Mrs. B. Nies.
Nies, Barbara (wid George), r. 213 Sycamore, cor Commerce.
Nies, Leopold A., wks Hughes Bros., h. Mrs. B. Nies.
Nies, Miss Lizzie, bkpr E. Bauman, h. Mrs. B. Nies.
Nitchman, Reinhard, cook Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. es Trinity, bt Park, Masonic cemetery.
Nix, John (c), lab, r. se cor Portland, Cadiz.
Nixon, F. Mayron, wks Empire mills, r. 803 Bryan, cor Germania.
Nixon, John (c), waiter Hotel Bogel.
Noble, George, General Agent, T & P Ry., office, ns Commerce, bt. Lamar, Poydras, bds Hotel Bogel.
Noble, George L., clk auditor's dept, T & P Ry, bds Hotel Bogel.
Noble, Mary R. (wid W. W.), r. 21 Phelps, bt Trinidad, McKinney.
Noble, Peter, lab, bds J. R. Miller.
Noel, Joseph, brickmason, r. 612 Pearl, cor Trinidad.
Nogueira, Andres V., head bartender Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. 934 Elm, bt Stone, Ervay.
Nogueira, William, clk Patterson & Co., h. A. V. Nogueira.
Nolan, Jeremiah H., saddler Edward Lehman, r. 420 Live Oak.
Nolan, John P., wks Texas Express Co., r. 1550 Main, bt Dove, Lloyd.
Nolan, Michael, lab, bds J. T. Early.
Nolan, Thomas, butcher Doran Bros., rms 728 Main.
Nolan, Mrs. Virginia K., r. 804 Browder, cor Park.
Nolan, Walter (c), lab, r. 606 Lamar, bt Young, Columbia.
Nolan, Walter, butcher Doran Bros., r. 1001 Elm.
Noland, E. C. (Noland & Smith), h. S. H. Noland.
Noland, Mrs. J. D., seamstress Sanger Bros., bds Crutchfield House.
Noland, Samuel H., clk Noland & Smith, r. cor Polk, Marion, Thomas add, nr McKinney road.
Noland & Smith (E. C. Noland, W. McB. Smith), Hardware, stoves, tinware, 711 Elm.
Noland, Stephen, clk Noland & Smith, h. S. H. Noland.
Nolen, George, engr Texas Electric Light Mfg Co., rms nw cor Pacific ave, Emma.
Noll, R., foreman stone cutter A. Brownlee.
Nollingberry, John, tailor, rms Jno. D. Keaton.
Norman, Annie (wid Henry), r. over 1115 Elm.
Norris, Miss Ada, h. F. J. Stimson.
Norris, Frank W., attorney and security adjuster J. B. Watkins Land and Mortgage Co., r. 733 Elm.
Norris, Harry D., clk J. B. Watkins Land and Mortgage Co., bds Miles J. Dart.
Norris, Sophronia E. (wid J. M.), h. J. J. Horner.
Norris, William W., teamster James A. Tilley, bds E. B. Robertson.
Norris, W. A., carp, bds Adam Heckman.
Norsingle, Richard (c), r. ne city limits, Freedmantown.
Norten, Frank, carp, r. ws Adair,bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Northcott, Miss Mary, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co.
Northwood, Charles, cook W. Lyttle, r. same.
Norton, A. Banning (A. B. Norton & Co.), r. 748 Ross ave, cor Burford.
Norton, A. B. & Co. (A. Banning Norton, Williams N. Norton), editors and proprs Norton's Union Intelligencer, office Norton bldg, ne cor Elm, Sycamore.
Norton's Union Intelligencer, office 748 Ross ave, issued every Thursday, A. B. Norton & Co., editors and proprs.
Norton, William H., lab, r. 21 Pacific ave, bt Hawkins, Good.
Norton, Williams N. (A. B. Norton & Co.; Bentley & Norton), attorney, office ne cor Elm, Sycamore, rms same.
Norvell, Richmond H., carp, r. 1543 Commerce, bt Dove, Lloyd.
Norwood,Abel, clk blankenship & Blake Co., cor Lamar, Commerce, bds B. Blankenship.
Nottingham, Miss Bettie, h. George C. Cole.
Nottingham, Miss Lulu, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Mrs. S. Nottingham.
Nottingham, Susanna (wid James H.), r. ss Cottonwood Lane, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Noulen, Miss Alberta C., slslady Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. P. A. Noulen.
Noulen, James L., h. Mrs. P. A. Noulen.
Noulen, Llewellyn L., painter, h. Mrs. P. A. Noulen.
Noulen, Miss Mildred M., slslady Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. P. A. Noulen.
Noulen, Phoebe A. (wid J. A.), r. over 1000 Elm, cor Ervay.
Novak, Peter, hostler Anheuser-Busch beer vault, rms same.
Nowlin, George (c), lab, r. 413 Caroline, cor Olin Wellborn.
Nowlin, Thomas (c), wks Mrs. W. R. Driskell, r. same.
Noyes, Mrs. E. C., seamstress Home Mfg Co., r. 1036 Pacific ave.
Noyes, Simon F., lab, r. 4 Pearl, cor Pacific ave.
Nuhs, Miss Lizzie, wks Charles W. Guild, r. same.
Nunnelly, Miss Emma, h. G. C. Nunnelly.
Nunnelly, Granville C., State agt Fairbanks Scale Co., office 316 Elm, cor Market, r. ne cor St. Louis, Evergreen.
Nunnelly, William (c), lab, r. ss Williams, bt Sherman, Henry.
Nuss, Henry, appc book binder A. D. Aldridge & Co., h. John Nuss.
Nuss, John, lab, r. 197 Cantagral, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Nuss, Miss Katie, wks Charles Ott, r. same.
Nussbaumer, Adolph (Nussbaumer Bros.), h. Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer.
Nussbaumer Bros. (Theodore, Henry and Adolph), meat market, 310 Main, bt Market, Jefferson.
Nussbaumer, Dora (wid Jacob), r. ns Chestnut, nr Mill creek.
Nussbaumer, Henry (Nussbaumer Bros.), rms 310 Main, bds John W. Bowen.
Nussbaumer, Theodore (Nussbaumer Bros.), r. ns Chestnut, nr Mill creek.
Nye, Thomas J., draughtsman city engr's office, bds A. C. Ardrey.

O'Bannon, John B., wks H. G. Brady, bds James S. Brady.
O'Bannon, John W., shoemkr, bds James S. Brady.
O'Bannon, Sterling P., boot, shoe mfr and dealer, 1330 elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hawkins, bds James S. Brady.
O'Bannon, William H., broom mkr, r. ns Pocahontas, bt Evergreen, Portland.
O'Beirne, Miss Lulu, h. W. Malcolmson.
Obenchain, Harry L., Attorney and Notary Public, office 610 Main, r. 146 Cochran, bt Orange, Masten.
Oberly, Gregory, cooper Howard oil mill, r. 1318 Ross ave, bt Germania, Pavilion.
Obermier, Casper, h. A. DeStefano.
O'Brien, Felix, carp, bds W. H. McCallister.
O'Brien, James, wks Frank Sreenan.
O'Brien, Kincanan E., carp, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Live Oak, Florence.
O'Brien, Louis, draughtsman J. E. Flanders, bds same.
O'Connor, Miss Delia, wks S. M. Leftwich, r. same.
O'Connor, James C., messenger Texas Express Co., bds Wm. C. Linn.
O'Connor, James C., Prest City National Bank, Secy and treasr Dallas City Gas Light Co., rms 731 Main, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
O'Connor, John, trav slsmn E. M. tillman, bds National Hotel.
O'Connor, John F. (W. G. Scarff & Co.), r. 123 Canton, cor Browder.
O'Connor, Miss Katie, wks P. H. Jamison.
O'Connor, Michael, r. ns Pacific ave, bt Oleander, Live Oak.
O'Connor, Robert, Wood Dealer, Yards, cor San Jacinto, Bogel, branch, 210 Live Oak, bt N. Harwood, Olive, r. cor Bogel, San Jacinto. See advt.
Odell, John B., messenger Texas Express Co.
Oden, Charles C., Union ticket agt H. & T. C. and T. & P. Rys, office Union depot, rms J. A. Duncan.
Oedamer, Sebastian, farmer, r. 349 Burford, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Ogden, John H., letter carrier dist. No. 4, r. 845 Main.
Ogden, Mary (wid J. H.), r. 845 Main.
Ogden, Robert, Mgr Alston Grocery Co., r. es Pearl, bt Bryan, Cottage Lane.
Oglesby, George F. (Oglesby & Haley), r. Waco, Texas.
Oglesby & Haley (George F. Oglesby, Anslem J. Haley), state contractors for transporting convicts, office se cor Elm, Sycamore.
O'Hare, John, wks Callahan Bros.
O'Harro, Patrick, shooting gallery, 115 Camp, bt N. Lamar, Griffin, r. same.
Ohlsen, Charles J. (Mulhall & Ohlsen), rms 510 Main.
Ohlsen, Leonard, jeweler Taber Bros., r. 1050 Wood, bt Ervay, Veal.
Ohrazda, Joseph, stone cutter, r. ns Cochran, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
O'Keefe, Eneas, master mechanic G. C. & S. F. Ry shops, h. Mrs. Mary O'Keefe.
O'Keefe, Miss Katie, seamstress, h. Mrs. Mary O'Keefe.
O'Keefe, Mary (Mrs. Timothy), r. 733 Wood, cor G. C. & S. F. Ry.
O'Keefe, Patrick, bartender W. J. Scott, r. 604 Lamar, bt Wood, Young.
Olcott, Charles W., clk Dallas City water works, h. Wm. J. Britt.
Olcott, George D., h. William J. Britt.
Oldon, Henry (c), lab, r. 1018 Polk, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
O'Leary, William, carp, r. junction McKinney and Preston roads, 1/2 mile n city limits.
O'Leary, William M., City Editor, Dallas Morning News, r. 810 Jackson, bt G. C. & S. F. Ry., Akard.
Oliphant, Miss Alice, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 1563 Main.
Oliphant, Miss Minnie, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 1563 Main.
Oliphant, Robert J., engr, T. & P. Ry yards, r. 1563 Main, n end of Lloyd.
Oliver Chilled Plow Works, Texas Branch Office, 216 Commerce, cor Jefferson.
Oliver, Edward B. (c), wks E. Dallas ice factory, bds J. R. Young.
Oliver & Griggs (Thomas J. Oliver, Wm. L. Griggs, Roderick Oliver), bankers, 733 Elm.
Oliver, John (c), expressman, r. ne cor Burford, Flora.
Oliver, John W., printer Texas Baptist Publishing House, r. 1111 Pacific ave, bt Harwood, Olive.
Oliver, Mrs. Mira, cook J. B. Jock.
Oliver, Robert J., finisher Eureka steam laundry.
Oliver, Roderick (Oliver & Griggs), r. Mexia, Texas.
Oliver, Thomas J. (Oliver & Griggs), r. nw cor Swiss ave, Ann, E. Dallas.
Oliver, William C., clk C. H. Clancey, r. sw cor Harwood, Moody.
Olliver, H. M. (Mrs.Wm.), r. 204 Commerce, cor Houston.
Olliver, Robert B., shipping clk Henry Hamilton, bds W. H. Hughes.
Olmsted, Carlus, r. ss Swiss ave, bt Erving, McIntyre, E. Dallas.
Olsen, Miss Anna, wks W. J. Clark, r. same.
Olsen, Ole, clk William Kelly, bds same.
O'Malley, John, wks W. H. Gaston, r. same.
Ominger, F. Thomas, tel opr T. & P. Ry genl office, bds Max Rosenfield.
O'Neall, Miss Aline, clk U. S. Bulding, Loan and Life Assn, office 706 [Main], h. J. M. O'Neall. James M., mgr of agencies, U. S. Building Loan and Life Assn, office 706 Main, r. 125 Olive, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
O'Neill, Terrence, lab, r. 1126 Elm, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
O'Neill, William, actor Mascotte Theater, bds F. De Beque.
Onstott, Julia E. (wid T. J.), r. 1507 Elm, bt Good, Germania.
Opitz, Miss Emma, slslady Cahn Bros., bds David Langton.
Oppenheim, Albert F., Meat Market, Fruits, Vegetables, cor Main, Sycamore, h. Jacob Oppenheim. See advt.
Oppenheim, Miss Bertha, slslady Sanger Bros., h. Jacob Oppenheim.
Oppenheim, David G., slsmn Sanger Bros., r. ns St. Louis, bt Akard, Browder.
Oppenheim, Jacob, butcher, r. 33 Bryan, cor Oleander.
Opton, Walter, lab, r. es Boll, bt Bryan, H. & T. C. Ry.
Oram, John M., genl mgr National Time Co. of Boston, r. 103 Cottage Lane, cor Bullington.
Oram, John T., r. 103 Cottage Lane, cor Bullington.
Oram, Mrs. Rebecca, seamstress Mrs. F. E. Austeel, bds Mrs. Elizabeth A. Marshall.
Ord, Thomas G., propr Ord's Place, 114 Lamar, bt Main, Elm. r. 613 Jefferson,
cor Columbia.
O'Reilly, John, watchman, bds Mrs. Mary J. Collins.
O'Reilly, Jonah, lab, bds Reverdy Scott.
O'Reilly, Joseph A., Dry Goods and Notions, 704 Elm, r. 1013 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
O'Reilly, Miss Mary, slslady Joseph A. O'Reiilly, h. same.
O'Reilly, Miss Mollie, seamstress Blankenship & BlakeCo., h. T. G. O'Reilly.
O'Reilly, Thomas G., jr., carp, h. T. G. O'Reilly, sr.
O'Reilly, Thomas G., sr, surveyor Dallas Board of Underwriters, office 731 Main, r. sw cor McCoy, Ross ave.
O'Reilly, William, trav sign writer Southern Sign Works Co., bds St. James Hotel.
Orlean, Maurice, collector American Natl Bank, bds A Silberstein.
Orman, Thomas, packer Sanger Bros., r. Canton.
O'Rourke, James, waiter J. B. Jock, r. same.
Orr, Charles M., slsmn W. W. Orr, r. same.
Orr, Eugene (c), wks R. M. Gano, r. same.
Orr, James M., Propr St. James Hotel, 804 Main, cor Murphy, r. ws Ervay, opp City Park.
Orr, John F., wagonmkr Cline & Brady.
Orr, Miss Irma, h. Mrs. George Crossthwait.
Orr, Joseph K., slsmn W. W. Orr, r. same.
Orr, Thomas M., farmer, r. es Preston, bt Mill creek, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Orr, William W., Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Phaetons, etc. repository, 724-726 Main, cor Martin, r. same.
Osborne, D. M. & Co. (David M. Osborne, --- Co.), Auburn, N. Y., manufrs harvesting machinery and agricultural implements, office, warehouse, nw cor Main, Broadway. J. B. Hatch, mgr.
Osborne, Henry (c), lab, r. se cor Hall, Fuqua.
Osmond, William, clk Moroney Hardware Co., bds E. C. Smith.
Ostrand, Axel, teamster, r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, n of Hall.
Ostrand, Charles, lab, r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, n of Hall.
Ostrand, Miss Emma, h. Axel Ostrand.
Ott, Charles, gunsmith, guns, pistols, 501 Elm, cor Austin, r. 729 Live Oak, cor
Ott, Rev. Jacob, Pastor German M. E. Church, r. 220 Live Oak, cor Olive.
Ottinger, Isidore, shoemkr, h. Max Ottinger.
Ottinger, Mathias, harnessmkr, h. Max Ottinger.
Ottinger, Max, shoemkr, r. alley bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl, Polk, Williams.
Otto, Emil, Gambrinus Hall Saloon, 510 Commerce, bt Austin, Lamar, r. same.
Ougheltree, John J., carp, r. nw cor Commerce, Duncan.
Overall, Willis, packer Armstrong Bros., bds G. H. Ray.
Overand, Agnes (wid J. W.), r. es McKinney road, 1/2 mile n of city.
Overand, Edward T., farmer, r. es McKinney road, 1/2 mile n of city.
Overand, John W., carp, r. 156 Cottonwood Lane, bt Cedar, McKinney ave.
Overton, D. C., carp East Dallas ice factory.
Overton, Mamie (c), cook C. A. Gill, r. same.
Owen, David N., expressman, r. 1676 Main, cor Crowdus.
Owen, Gus R., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, r. 107 Oleander, bt Cottonwood Lane, Patterson ave.
Owen, William J., butcher Herman Harris, rms 1308 Elm.
Owens, Morris E., trav slsmn, bds St. James Hotel.
Owens, Nora (c), r. ss Canton, bt Marilla, S. Harwood.
Owens, Oliver G., stenographer G. H. Plowman, bds Robert O'Connor.
Owens, S. H. (The McIntire-Knowles Co.), r. Fort Worth, Texas.
Owensby, E. G., lab, bds W. Lyttle.
Owensby, Sampson, lab, bds W. Lyttle.
Owensby, Samuel, lab, bds W. Lyttle.

Pace, James M., jr., clk J. L. Williams & Co., h. J. M. Pace, sr.
Pace, Jesse M., sr,. (Pace & Thomson), r. 924 Young, cor Browder.
Pace, Mrs. Lou, seamstress Blankenship & Blake, r. 916 Jackson.
Pace & Thomson (Jesse M. Pace, Ewing L. Thomson), physicians, surgeons, office 603 Main, cor Lamar.
Pace, Vincent F., trav slsmn Bowser & Lemmon.
Pacific Express Co., 803 Main, cor Murphy, L. S. Garrison, agt.
Pacific House, 512 Pacific ave, bt N. Lamar, Austin, Mrs. M. E. Rosenthal, proprss.
Packer, Benjamin F., packer Empire mills, r. ws Water, bt Wood, Young.
Padgitt Bros. (William C. and Jesse D. Padgitt), wholesale saddlery, saddlrey hardware, leather, shoe findings and uppers, 717-719 Main, 718 Elm.
Padgitt, Jesse D. (Padgitt Bros.), r. 323 Masten, cor Cochran.
Padgitt, William C. (Padgitt Bros.), r. 503 Ross ave, cor N. Harwood.
Page, Bazil W., carp, r. 10 Caroline, bt Cedar, McKinney.
Page, George (c), wks A. C. Ardrey, r. same.
Page, Harvey (H. Page & Son), bds T. A. Harding.
Page, H. & Son (Harvey and Louis H. Page), boots, shoes, 708 Elm.
Page, Isabella (c), wks S. T. Blake, r. same.
Page, Louis H. (H. Page & Son), r. 1225 Commerce, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Page, Thomas (c), cook, h. Robert H. Thornton.
Page, William (c), r. es Hawkins, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Paggett, Thomas, policeman Mo. P. depot, r. 2S. Jefferson, cor Pacific ave.
Pahl, Max F., wks Elliott & Clark, r. 1327 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hawkins.
Paine, Henry H., teacher private school, r. 1012 Main, bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Painter, Miss Francis, wks J. W. Taylor, r. same.
Palfrey, Edwyn W., trav. slsmn, r. 1209 Jackson, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Palfrey, Thomas, messenger Dallas Pan Electric Telephone Co., h. E. W. Palfrey.
Palmer, Ada E. (wid P. M.), r. 919 Commerce, bt Ervay, Sycamore.
Palmer, Angeline (c), h. Julia Palmer.
Palmer, James A., trav slsmn, h. C. H. Langdeau.
Palmer, Julia (c), r. es S. Harwood, bt Jackson, Wood.
Palmer, Samuel (c), wks Leftwich & Jamison, h. Julia Palmer.
Palmer, Thomas (c), peddler, bds Simpson Haws.
Palmer, T. Wallace, tel opr W. U. tel office, bds 250 Patterson ave.
Pandras, Adolph, bkpr E. M. Kahn & Co., r. 312 Canton, bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Paris, Julius (c), lab, r. es Mo. P. Ry, bt Calhoun, N. Lamar.
Paris, Moses (c), wks James A. Lane.
Parisa, Sylvester, Carpenter, Builder, Shop ws Preston, bt Main, Elm, propr. Palmer House, 24 Swiss ave, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hawkins.
Park, Charles T., drayman, r. 26 Alamo, bt Cedar, McKinney.
Park, Flavius M., mfr furniture, tinware, dealer in second hand goods, 735 Elm, r. ne cor Texas, Swiss ave.
Park, Miss Hattie, h. J. M. Park.
Park, John M., second hand furniture, r. 19 Live Oak, bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Park, Joshua C., tinner, r. 117 Pocahontas, bt Akard, Browder.
Park, Miss Mary, h. J. M. Park.
Parker, Caroline (c), r. 16 Patterson ave, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Parker, Charles W., r. 637 Ross ave, bt Pearl, Leonard.
Parker, Edwin. carp, bds George Jackson.
Parker, Elisha J., machinist, r. 112 N. Sycamore, bt Patterson, Ross aves.
Parker, Jack (c), bds Henry Fountain.
Parker, Jane (c), r. 205 Juliet, bt Peak, Burford.
Parker, Jennie (c), r. es Broadway, bt Wood, Young.
Parker, John E., jeweler John Fisher, h. E. J. Parker.
Parker, Miss Kittie, bds Miss Annie I. Wilson.
Parker, Mack (c), machine hand Clark & Clark, r. se cor Williams, Henry.
Parker, Vester, clk James M. Moore, h. E. J. Parker.
Parker, Warren D., city slsmn J. M. Silliman & Co., r. ns Emma, cor Sycamore.
Parker, William, bartender Lear & Spain.
Parker, William (c), h. Jane Parker.
Parker, ----------- (wid), h. T. E. Littlefield.
Parkerson, Harriet (c), wks J. S.Downs, r. same.
Parks, Dudley (c), waiter Union Depot Hotel.
Parks, Harrison R., genl agt Sun Fire Office, of London, 738 Main, r. ns Ross ave, bt McCoy, Washington ave.
Parks, Jane (c), washwoman, r. ns Marilla, bt Canton, S. Harwood.
Parks, Nora (c), wks Dallas female college, r. same.
Parochial School and Academy of the Church of the Sacred Heart, nw cor Bryan, Maten, under the supervision of the Ursuline ladies.
Parr, George P., h. Mrs. Sarah Parr.
Parr, Robert L., printer Dallas Morning News, r. 411 Griffin.
Parr, Sarah (wid L. L.), boardinghouse, 411 Griffin, bt Collin, Caruth.
Parrant, Louis, brick mason, bds The Sun House.
Parrish, William E., photographic printer J. H. Webster, bds 103 Ross ave, cor Lamar.
Parry, William E., City Secy, Office City Hall, nw cor Lamar, Commerce, r. 910 Browder, bt Canton, Cadiz.
Parrott, Stella (c), wks J. E. Schneider, r. same.
Parsons, Miss Ellen, wks Samuel B. Hanway, r. same.
Parsons, John D., physician, surgeon, office 713 Main, r. nw cor Corsicana, Portland.
Parsons, Miss Victoria, h. John L. Crabtree.
Pasquale, Goggia, mattressmkr Mrs. M. Ducourt, bds same.
Pate, John (c), lab, r. rear ss Bryan, bt Cantagral, Germania.
Pate, Nancy (c), h. Richard Warren.
Pates, Fred. B., correspondent Tompkins Machinery and Implement Co., rms Robert Nelson.
Patotzka, Edward, lab, r. 1443 Commerce, cor Hawkins.
Patrick, E. K., farmer, bds The Sun House.
Patrick, George W., propr The Sun House, 1112-1114 Elm, bt S. Harwood, Pearl, r. same.
Patrick, Lee, fruits, confectionery, cigars, tobacco, 1114 Elm, r. same.
Pattenberg, Elisha (c), lab, bds. Maria Lee.
Patterson, Archibald L., mgr Louisville Coffin Co., 1031 Main, cor St. Paul, r. 1116 Main, bt St. Paul, S. Harwood.
Patterson & Co. (William H. Patterson, Thomas H. Patterson), The People's druggists, 700 Main, cor Poydras.
Patterson, Edward M., r. 250 Camp, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Patterson, James M., r. 243 Patterson ave, cor Sycarmore.
Patterson, James W. (Patterson & Shuford), h. J. M. Patterson.
Patterson, Richard (c), lab, r. 3 Emma.
Patterson, Miss Sarah A., h. J. M. Patterson.
Patterson & Shuford (James W. Patterson, Joseph Shuford), proprs Central wagon yard, ss Camp, end Magnolia.
Patterson, Thomas, shoemkr K. Hunstable, bds ns Main, bt Sycamore.
Patterson, Thomas H., cotton buyer, 502 Elm, cor Austin.
Patterson, Thomas H. (Patterson & Co.), rms 700 Main, cor Poyrdras.
Patterson, Turner W., clk T. H. Craddock, bds same.
Patterson, William H. (Patterson & Co.), rms 700 Main, cor Poydras.
Patterson, William T., clk Louisville Coffin Co., r. 1527 Main, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Patton, Harriet M. (wid W. A.), r. 1057 Elm, bt Live Oak, S. Harwood.
Patton, John M., clk J. D. Roberts & Co., bds H. Iftiger.
Patton, Robert (c), brickmason, r. 1622 Williams, bt Sherman, Henry.
Paul, Daniel, roofer, r. 30 Monument, bt Good, Cantagral.
Paul, Frank, messenger B. & O. Tel. Co., h. John Paul.
Paul, John, Carpenter, Contractor, Builder, Shop 809 Main, bt Murphy, Sycamore, r. 1 1/4 miles n of Courthouse, Cedar Springs road. See advt.
Paul, Mack, wks J. T. Elliott.
Paulhead, Mattie (c), r. 1507 Polk, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Payne, Henry L., porter Wm. Deering & Co., r. 877 Pacific ave, bt Live Oak, Oleander.
Payne, Miss Laura, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 877 Pacific ave.
Payne, Lizzie (wid Samuel), h. Mrs. E. A. Griffiths.
Payne, Miss Mattie E., bds W. S. Shuttles.
Payne, Norville, wks John A. Carter, bds same.
Payne, Tempie (c), h. Samuel Wilson.
Payne, Washington (c), lab, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Payne, Winston (c), r. ns Cochran, bt Hall, McCoy.
Payton, Amanda (c), h. Priscilla McCullough.
Payton, Benjamin D. W., lab, h. W. H. Stallings.
Payton, Squire (c), r. ss Cottonwood Lane, w of Wichita.
Payton, Walter L., carp, h. W. H. Stallings.
Peacock, Jacob L., (Peacock & Shirley), r. 415 Magnolia, cor Caruth.
Peacock & Shirley (Jacob L. Peacock, William Shirley), house, sign, ornamental painters, 408 Elm, bt Market, Austin.
Peak, G. Victor, messenger Texas Exp. Co., h. Mrs. M. Peak.
Peak, Melvina (wid Jefferson), r. nw cor Williams, Duncan.
Peak, Wallace, bell boy Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Peale, Mrs. Florine, wks J. F. Caldwell.
Pearce, Miss Corie W., h. Charles Kidwell.
Pearce, Nancy C. (wid Joseph M.), h. Charles Kidwell.
Pearce, S. L., teacher typewriting Lawrence's commercial college.
Pearre Bros. (Luke A. and L. Victor Pearre), Printers and publishers and proprs The Sun, office, 932 Main, bt Ervay, Sycamore.
Pearre, Charles B., U. S. attorney Northern dist of Texas, office ne cor Elm, Sycamore, r. Waco, Texas.
Pearre, Luke A. (Pearre Bros.), rms 932 Main.
Pearre, L. Victor (Pearre Bros.), rms. 932 Main.
Pearsall, John, stovemkr Huey & Philp, bds H. B. Drew.
Peck, Augustus E., asst clk U. S. circuit court, also professor of penmanship, r. sw cor Ross ave, Hall.
Peck, Marietta K. (wid S. H.), h. M. K. Peck
Peck, Marius K., drugs, groceries, sw cor Ross ave, Hall, r. same.
Peckham, Alvah C., r. 925 Elm.
Peckham, Kate (Mrs. A. C.), boardinghouse, 925 Elm.
Peffers, Edward F. (Selden & Peffers), rms 608 Main.
Peirce, Mrs. Belle, r. 1305 Commerce, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Pellegriwi & Basicalupi (Clement Pellegriwi, G. Basicalupi), ice cream dealers, 857 Pacific ave.
Pellegriwi, Clement (Pellegriwi & Bascicalupi), r. 857 Pacific ave.
Pence, Marshall T., printer Dallas Daily Herald, rms 932 Main, bt Sycamore, Ervay.
Pendergrath, John, miller, bds I. F. McAdams.
Pendleton, Fannie (c), r. 728 Jackson, bt Poydras, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Pendley, Larkin B., carp, r. 1732 Commerce, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Penington, Miss Lola, bds Miss Lizzie Handley.
Penix, William, teamster, r. alley off Swiss ave, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Penn, Walter, clk Sanger Bros., bds Mrs. K. Peckham.
Pennell, Miss Lizzie, h. Mrs. S. F. Williams.
Penniman, Henry, collector, h. H. C. Penniman.
Penniman, Henry C., r. 1119 Jackson, bt Prather, S. Harwood.
Penny, J. C., trav slsmn Schneider & Davis, r. Browder, bt Wood, Young.
Penry, Miss Lula, h. Wm. P. Anderson
Perez, Chrispin A., merchant tailor, 828 Main, rms 842 Main.
Perine, Henry, tinner Harry Bros., r. 15 Live Oak, bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Perkins, Ed. R., foreman Wheat's livery stable, rms 821 Main.
Perkins, Henry (c), lab, r. ss Sutton, bt Crowdus, Walton.
Perkins, James H., carriage painter Worden & Smith, r. nw cor Collin, Carter.
Perkins, Martha (c), wks A. B. Taber, r. same.
Perkins, Thomas L., teller American National bank, bds Hotel Bogel.
Peretta, John, porter De Stefano Bros.
Perry, George (c), lab, r. es White, bt Simpson, Middleton.
Perry, John H., printer Dallas Morning News, r. 404 Griffin.
Perry, Louisa W. (wid W. H.), h. M. J. Newman.
Perry, William (c), wks Stribling & Richardson.
Perry, W. H., carp, bds American House.
Persinger, John C., engr, r. 747 Kendall, cor Jackson.
Peske, J. Frederick, printer Dallas Morning News, r. 213 Ross ave, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Petermann, Frank, baker and cook, r. es Poydras, bt Jackson, Polk.
Peterman, Samuel, trader, r. 304 Swiss ave, cor Cantagral.
Peters, Eden P., physician, h. Dr. G. E. Peters.
Peters, Goodwin E., physician, surgeon, office 407 Main, bt Austin, Market, r. ns Race, bt T. & P. Ry, McIntyre, E. Dallas.
Peters, Mary (wid Fritz), r. 710 Akard, bt Marilla, Park.
Peterson, John, wks R. S. Munger, bds same.
Peterson, Mary (c), r. ws Austin, s of creek.
Petrie, Josephine (wid Charles), r. ws Texas, bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Pettri, Oswald, slsmn, r. 116 Caroline, bt Cedar, Ashland.
Peyton, Martha L. (Mrs. T. G.), groceries, sw cor Commerce, Preston, r. same.
Peyton, Thomas G., r. sw cor Commerce, Preston.
Pfeiffer, Arnold, bartender Jacob Grossman, r. same.
Pfeiffer, Julius, wks J. D. Padgitt, r. same.
Pflum, Miss Regina, wks Simon Mayer, r. same.
Pfouts, George, clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, h. P. S. Pfouts.
Pfouts, Paris S., trav slsmn, r. se cor Swiss ave, Ann, E. Dallas.
Pfouts, William, h. P. S. Pfouts.
Phelan & Co. (William and Francis P. Phelan), props Dallas iron works, engines, boilers, sheet iron workers, second hand machinery dealers, 416 Ross ave, cor Orange.
Phelan Francis P. (Phelan & Co.), r. ws Magnolia, bt Ross ave, N. Harwood.
Phelan, Murth, h. William Phelan.
Phelan, William (Phelan & Co.), r. sw cor Orange, Hord.
Phifer, George W. (Hartman, Duncan & Co.), r. se cor Polk, Harwood.
Phifer, William T., driver ice wagon, h. G. W. Phifer.
Philipson, Ludwig, Wholesale and Retail Cigars, tobacco and smokers' articles, 736 Main, bt Martin, Murphy, r. ss Wood, bt Ervay, Harwood.
Phillips, A. J. (wid), teacher mathematics Dallas female college, r. same.
Phillips, Charles W., clk auditor's office, T. & P. Ry., bds 1303 Commerce.
Phillips, Edgar N., florist, green house and r. 883 Pacific ave, bt Oleander, Live Oak.
Phillips, Herbert I. (Akin & Phillips), bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman
Phillips, John M., lab, r. 34 Caroline, bt Cedar, McKinney.
Phillips, Jordan H., watchmaker, jeweler, 607 Elm, r. 833 Pacific ave.
Phillips, Robert (c), r. 1116 Polk, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Philp, Simon (Huey & Philp), r. 335 Pearl, cor San Jacinto.
Phipps, William R., r. 329 Crockett, bt Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Pickens,William W., trav slsmn Tompkins Machinery and Implement Co., r. 112 Corsicana , bt Akard, Browder.
Pickett, Horace H., musician Mascotte Athletic theatre, bds Frank De Beque.
Pieper, William H., tel opr W. U. Tel Co., r. 614 Ross ave, bt Pearl, Leonard.
Pierce, J. J., photographer, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Pierce, Mary (c), wks E. E. Craig, r. same.
Pierce, Susie (c), h. Richard Collins.
Pierson, Charles, hostler W. D. Cloud.
Pierson, John H., clk Sanger Bros., bds Mrs. K. Peckham.
Pierson, Laura (c), cook G. C. Nunnelly.
Pillsbury, H. A., trav slsmn, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Pink, Arthur, wks James Day, r. same.
Pink, Miss Josephine, chambermaid Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Pino, Joseph, bds Mrs. Annie Stephens.
Piper, William N., mgr Board of Trade restaurant, 501 Main, cor Austin, r. ss Ardrey, bt Griffin, Sumpter.
Pipkin, Archie T., carp, builder, shop 308 Commerce, bt Jefferson, Market, bds. St. Charles Hotel.
Pippina, Amy (c), r. 1511 Polk, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Pires, Louis A., capitalist, office 721 Main, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Pirie, Frank H., clk T. G. Terry, bds same.
Pistor, Charles, shoefitter Padgitt Bros., r. ws Evergreen, bt Canton, Cadiz.
Pitcher, John, miller G. E. Felton, bds W. Gunter.
Pitman, Charles J. (C. J. Pitman & Co.), r. 1052 Elm, bt St. Paul, Harwood.
Pitman, C. J. & Co. (Charles J.Pitman, ----- Co.), patent cement sidewalks, artificial stone steps, etc., 709 Elm.
Pittman, Miss Annie, trimmer E. Baumann, bds Karney J. Kivlen.
Pittman, Silas (c), porter Sanger Bros., r. ss Fuqua, bt Hall, Huffman.
Pitts, Arthur E., Mgr Lewis Bros., Boots and Shoes, 736 Elm, bds J. R. Meek.
Planters House, sw cor Elm, Texas Trunk Ry, E. Dallas, Ferdinand Ganzer, propr.
Platas, Ramon, cigars, tobaccos and smokers articles, 516 Main, cor Lamar, r. same.
Platt, Hamilton, wrapping counter Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Lucretia A. Platt.
Platt, Lucretia A. (wid David), r. 332 Burford, bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Platt, Walter, cash boy Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Lucretia A. Platt.
Pleasant, Adam (c), lab, r. es S. Harwood, bt Jackson, Wood.
Pleasant, Frank (c), r. ns Montezuma, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Good.
Pleasant, Peney (c), r. ns Marilla, bt Ervay, Veal.
Pleasant, William (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Plemmons, Jefferson D., foreman K. Hunstable, r. 317 Hawkins.
Ploeger & Hoppe (Max P. T. Ploeger, Paul Hoppe), groceries, produce, 1302 Elm, cor Preston.
Ploeger, Max P. T. (Ploeger & Hoppe), r. 1302 Elm, cor Preston.
Plöss, Frederick, lab, r. ss Young, bt railroad, Lacy.
Plowman, George H., Attorney and Notary Public, office 703 Main, cor Poydras, r. 326 N. Harwood, cor San Jacinto.
Poage, Joseph C., trav slsmn E. S. Brown, receiver Northwestern Mfg & Car Co., rms 403 Elm.
Poelman, John, lab, r. 848 San Jacinto, cor Leonard.
Poeteeyou, Fernando, tamalemkr, r. 1016 Main, bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Poggi, Miss Jennie, h. A. De Stefano.
Poggi, Miss Mary, wks W. A. Hatcher, r. same.
Pohle, Frank, driver Anheuser-Busch ice wagon, r. 1556 Main, bt Dove, Lloyd.
Pointer, Marcellus (Bogel & Pointer), r. 95 Bryan, cor N. Harwood.
Poirriere, Mrs. Josephine, housekeeper Rev. J. Martiniere, r. same.
Polak, Jacob R., genl agt, Commercial Union, also insurance adjuster, office, 707 Main, r. 803 Park, cor Browder.
Poland, Carrie (wid), r. over 742 Elm.
Poland, Clarence B., bkpr W. U. Tel. office, h. Mrs. Carrie Poland.
Poland, Richard O., del clk W. U. Tel. office, h. Mrs. Carrie Poland.
Pollack, Charles, trunkmkr H. Pollack & Co., rms 722 Elm, bds Mrs. Mary Pollack.
Pollack, Henry (H. Pollack & Co.), rms 722 Elm, bds Mrs. Mary Pollack.
Pollack, Henry & Co., (Henry Pollack, --- Co.), Mfrs trunks and valises, 722 Elm. See advt.
Pollack, Mary (wid Samuel), r. 700 Ross ave, cor Leoanrd.
Pollard, Add. (c), lab, r. ns Commerce, nr Mill creek, E. Dallas.
Pollard, Madison B., physician, bds H. H. Howard.
Polser, Joseph, butcher J. S. Stribling, rms 703 Ross ave, bt Leonard, Peak.
Poole, Harriet (c), r. 1149 Young, bt Ervay, Veal.
Poole, William (c), wks Leftwich & Jamison.
Pond, Nellie (c), h. Lydia Gould.
Pore, John, teamster A. A. Wood, r. same.
Porter, Andrew J., Agent Weir Plow Co., ne cor Elm, Jefferson; prest Texas State Fair; vice-prest Pan Electric Telephone and Telegraph Co., r. ne cor Bryan, Martha, E. Dallas.
Porter, C. William, foreman furnacek dept Harry Bros., bds Mrs. K. Peckham.
Porter, Dumph (c), lab, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Bryan, Boll.
Porter, Edward H., stenographer traffic dept. Mo. P. and T. & P. Rys, rms C. F. Carter.
Porter, Elizabeth A. (wid Gilbert), r. 812 S. Harwood, bt Cadiz, St. Louis.
Porter, James H., boardinghouse, 116 Ross ave, bt. N. Lamar, Griffin.
Porter, Lulu (c), wks Adolph Metzler, r. same
Porter, Mary E. (wid David), h. Wesley Clark.
Porter, Melinda (c), cook John T. Trezevant, r. same.
Porter, Miss Minnie, bds Miss Lizzie Handley.
Porter, Nimrod (c), stock keeper Texas Storage Co.
Porter, Robert (c), lab, h. William Powell.
Porter, Shedrick (c), groceries, ws H. & T. C. Ry., bt Bryan, Montezuma, r. 422 Hawkins, bt Bryan, Montezuma.
Porter, William P., r. 1637 Commerce, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Potter, Alexander, carp, r. 732 N. Harwood, bt Trinidad, McKinney.
Potter, Charles H., shipping clk T. L. Marsalis & Co., h. Wm. Potter.
Potter, George H., cigarmkr Trinity cigar factory, r. 736 N. Harwood.
Potter, Mrs. George H., Society Editor Dallas Morning News, r. 736 N. Harwood, bt Trinidad, McKinney ave.
Potter, Richard E., clk The Texas Land and Mortgage Co., bds Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Potter, Sidney J. (Miller & Potter), r. 1407 Commerce, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Potter, Wilfred, bartender, r. 710 Griffin, bt Ardrey, Gibbs.
Potter, William, carp, r. 736 N. Harwood, bt Trinidad, McKinney ave.
Potts, John H., Groceries, Provisions, 605 Elm, 606 Pacific ave, r. sw cor Preston, Gano.
Poullain, William, musician Thompson's Theatre, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Powell, Ernest M., Real Estate and Land Dealer, office Grand-Windsor bldg, ws Austin, bt Main, Commerce, r. 603 Caruth, bt Orange, Masten.
Powell, Frank L., correspondent Texas State Fair, office nw cor Elm, Austin, r. sw cor Ervay, Beaumont.
Powell, Hayward (c), lab, r. ns Flora, bt Boll, Allen.
Powell, Needham J., well digger, r. es Burns, bt T. & P. Ry., Exposition ave, E. Dallas.
Powell, Neely W., cigarmkr Trinity cigar factory, h. N. J. Powell.
Powell, Rebecca (c), r. ss Williams, bt Henry, Crowdus.
Powell, William, asst engr Dallas News office, r. 506 Lamar, bt Young, Columbia.
Powers, Frederick, printer Mrs. E. Bryant, h. Mrs. Bridget Caugnard.
Powers, Charles, tinner Wm. Trammell.
Powers, M. Thomas, carp, r. over 1348 Elm, cor Hawkins.
Powers, Miss Nannie, bds Mrs. Elizabeth A. Marshall.
Powers, Patrick, driver Alston Grocery Co., h. Mrs. B. Caugnard.
Powers, Walter B., driver Dallas steam laundry, r. 212 Ross ave, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Poynor, Charlotte T. (wid John), r. 1344 Pacific ave, bt Good, Hawkins.
Poynor, David A., civil engr, r. es Carroll, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave, E. Dallas.
Prater, Emma (c), laundress, h. John Booker.
Prather, Andrew M., real estate agent, r. 1012 S. Harwood, cor Gano.
Prather & Ardrey (William H. Prather, Alexander C. Ardrey), real estate agents, collectors, 741 Elm. See advt.
Prather, Edwin, clk Ewing & Addison, h. W. H. Prather.
Prather, Harriet (c), wks Miss Lizzie Prather, r. same.
Prather, Miss Lizzie, boardinghouse, 104 N. Lamar, cor Hord.
Prather, William H. (Prather & Ardrey), r. nw cor Gaston ave, Carroll, E. Dallas.
Pratt, Edward H. (E. H. Pratt & Co.), r. 501 Ross ave, cor Orange.
Pratt, Eli E. (E. H. Pratt & Co.), h. E. H. Pratt.
Pratt, E. H. & Co. (Edward H. Pratt, Eli E. Pratt, Alfred B. Rust), bakers, confectioners and mfrs Brown's blood purifier, 501 Ross ave, cor Orange. See advt.
Pratt, Isaac, marble cutter, r. ns San Jacinto, bt McCoy, Johnson.
Pratt, John W., City Editor and General Mgr Dallas Times, r. sw cor Ervay, Beaumont.
Pendergrast, William, slsmn Sanger Bros., rms M. A. Walsh.
Prescott, George, watchmaker J.W. Webb, rms Alfred L. Hodge.
Pressley, Thomas (c), r. se cor Market, Caruth.
Preston, Cornelius A., clk, h. Mrs. H. A. Preston.
Preston, Hester A. (wid Jesse), r. sw cor Wichita, N. Harwood.
Preston, Holcomb L., clk Mo. P. and T. & P. Ry frt depot, bds J. L. Neel, rms Mrs. C. T. Poynor.
Preston, John H., clk T. M. Jones & Co., h. Mrs. H. A. Preston.
Preston, Neely A., clk Wm. W. Weston, h. Mrs. Hester A. Preston.
Prevot, Anthony, photographer, bds nw cor Wood, Austin.
Prewitt, Mahala (c), r. alley bt Flora, Juliet, Burford, Boll.
Price, Dougald J., Chief Clerk Passenger Dept, Mo. P. & T. & P. Rys, office ns Commerce, bt Lamar, Poydras.
Price, Edward, stoker Dallas Gas works, bds W. Lyttle.
Price, Homer M., Ry postal clerk, bds 312 Griffin.
Price, Isam (c), porter R. R. Lawther, r. same.
Price, James, clk Charles A. Beahm, rms same.
Price, Samuel (c), engr Texas Baptist Publishing House, r. es H. & T. C. Ry., nr Union depot.
Price, William F., prescription clk J. M. House, rms 715 Main, bds Lang's restaurant.
Prine, James E., bridge carp, r. 125 Floyd, bt Moltke, Wm. Tell.
Pringle, Henry, saloon, 956 Main, cor Ervay, r. 103 Pocahontas, cor Akard.
Prior, Charles N. (c), pastor New Hope Baptist church, r. es Hall, bt Ross ave, Flora.
Priot, John, r. ws N. Harwood, bt Live Oak, Bryan.
Proffett, James, teamster, r. 515 Live Oak, bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Prohibition Advocate, issued 1st and 15th of each month, 910 Main, D. P. Haggard & Co., proprs; D. P. Haggard, editor.
Proper, Erastus R., float line, r. 737 Pacific ave, bt Emma, Sycamore.
Prouty, John, cigars, tobaccos, soda water and jewelry, 804 Elm, r. 845 Main.
Pruett, John, lab, r. 1515 Elm, bt Good, Germania.
Pryor, Ashton G., policeman No. 8, r. 1212 Cabell, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Puckett, Charles D., clk Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Kate Roughton.
Puckett, Robert M., piano tuner, h. John Alcott.
Puckeymeier, Joseph, cabinetmkr, Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten, bds Theodore Reinecke.
Pugh, Ella (c), wks Mrs. H. M. Patton, r. same.
Pulliam, Mattie (Mrs. William), r. se cor Ross ave, Johnson.
Pullins, Bertie (c), carriage driver Ewing L. Thomson.
Purcell, Charles H., bartender, bds Mrs. M. A. Hall.
Purcell, John, hack driver Angus & Atwater.
Purcell, Samuel, wks R. R. Daugherty, r. same.
Purdam, Mary (c), r. 122 Swiss ave, bt Hawkins, Good.
Purdy, Robert H. (Purdy & Randell), r. 129 Olive, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Purdy & Randell (Robert H. Purdy, Elwood S. Randell), proprs "Board of Trade" saloon, restaurant and billiard hall, 501 Main, cor Austin.
Purnell, Mary (wid George), h. Samuel T. Morgan.
Purtell,Charles H., canvasser Texas Installment House, r. 306 Magnolia, bt Hord, Collin.
Purtell, James N., rms Mrs. Maggie S. Johnston.
Purtin, Mary (c), r. ns Miranda, bt Good, Hawkins.
Putnam, Henry J., carp, r. ss Main, w of T. T. Ry.
Putnam, Jay, clk Allen Johnson
Putz, Joseph, engr S. Q. Richardson, boardinghouse, 230 Ross ave, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Putz, Jojseph, engr S. Q. Richardson, boardinghouse, 230 Ross ave, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Putz, Joseph C., clk E. M. Kahn & Co., h. Joseph Putz.
Python, Julius, Saloon, ne cor Elm, Live Oak, r. 914 Marilla.

Quataert, St. Louis, waiter, Blue Corner Hotel, r. same.
Queen City Steam Laundry, 1124 Elm, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl, Moffett & Woodson, proprs.
Queen, Miss Frances, h. Henry Jester.
Quesenbury, George, clk T.S. Fluellen, bds Union Depot Hotel.
Quick, Benton, clk receiver's office, T. & P. Ry. r. sw cor Wood, Ervay.
Quick, Swift (c), clk genl supt's office T. & P. Ry.
Quilkin, Martin, r. 519 Live Oak, bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Quilkin, Thomas, bartender, h. Martin Quilkin.
Quillman, George N., transfer line, r. ne cor Young, Akard.
Quinette, Leo, bartender Julius Python, r. 914 Marilla, bt Akard, Browder.
Quinn, Benjamin, lab, bds R. S. Munger.
Quinn, Charles, cooper Dallas Cooperage Co., r. 407 Young, bt Austin, Market.
Quinn, John, h. I. J. Cox.
Quinn, John A., Architect and Supt, 713 Main, r. es Texas, bt Union, Liberty. See advt.
Quinn, Mark Z., clk U. S. marshal's office, r. nw cor Convent, St. Joseph, E. Dallas.
Quinn, William C., machinist Star iron works, bds R. S. Munger.
Quinn, William J., bartender R. F. Meek.
Quinon, Vital Rev. Father, Pastor St. Patrick's Catholic church, se cor S. Pearl, Cabell, r. 1660 Main, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Quint, Alden P., r. 617 Live Oak, bt Hawkins, Good.
Qung Hix (Chinese), laundry, 135 Camp, bt N. Lamar, Griffin, r. same.

Rabb, Miss Hilliot, wks Max Rosenfield, r. same.
Radermacher, Charles, blksmith, bds Planters House.
Radford, Henry C., wks ice factory, bds G. H. Ray.
Radford, Sarah A. (wid John), res. se cor Columbia, Jefferson.
Radford, Miss Lula R., seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Sarah A. Radford.
Radford, Sarah A. (wid John), r. se cor Columbia, Jefferson.
Radzenowski, Isaac, saddler G. H. Schoellkopf, r. 213 Camp, cor Griffin.
Rafter, Peter, stone cutter, bds J. R. Miller.
Ragan, Clarinda (wid), h. Samuel L. May.
Ragan, Miss Gertie, wks John Schilling, h. Marcus B. Ragan.
Ragan, Marcus B., bkpr L. O. Reeves, r. 319 Crockett, bt Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Rager, Charles (c), lab, bds David Brinkley.
Rager, Lucy (c), r. 203 Juliet, bt Peak, Burford.
Rager, Mamie (c), h. David Brinkley.
Ragsdale, Frank M., painter K. Shields, r. 610 Bryant, bt Good, Cantagral.
Ragsdale, James (c), (Spencer & Ragsdale), r. cor Houston, Jackson.
Raines, Alexander (c), engr Texas Elevator & Compress Co., r. 316 Cottonwood Lane, cor Ashland.
Raines, Anson (c), lab, h. Isam Raines.
Raines, Hudson (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Raines, Isam (c), teamster, r. ns Jackson, bt Ervay, Prather.
Rainey, David, moulder Moore & Rawlins, bds I. F. McAdams.
Rainey, Hugh H., r. 710 N. Harwood, cor Trinidad.
Rainey, John M., engr Todd mills.
Rainey, William D., moulder Southwestern Stoneware and Pipe Co., bds I. F. McAdams.
Rains, Fannie (c), h. Gilbert Rains.
Rains, Gilbert (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. rear 921 Commerce, bt Ervay, Sycamore.
Rains, Millie (c), r. e of Trinity, bt Park, Masonic cemetery.
Rains, Ross (c), lab., r. 927 Commerce, bt Ervay, Sycamore.
Rainwater, David T., grain buyer Empire mills, r. 819 Wood, bt G. C. & S. F. Ry, Akard.
Rall, Edward F., foreman harness shop G. H. Schoellkopf, r. 231 Patterson ave, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Ralston, F. M., driver water wagon, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Ralston, James B., State Agent, Aultman, Miller & Co., agricultural implements and Chieftan Hay Rake Co., salesroom, 906 Elm, office room 4 Postoffice bldg se cor Elm, Sycamore, r. same.
Ralston, Miss Maggie J.,h. J. B. Ralston.
Rambo, John, engr, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Ramey, Daniel (c), lab, r. 205 Peak, cor Juliet.
Ramsey, Beverly A.., carp, r. se cor T. & P. Ry., Burns, E. Dallas.
Ramsey, Charles W., h. Thomas Ramsey, sr.
Ramsey, Henry (c), lab, r. ws Jefferson, bt Calhoun, Cochran.
Ramsey, James (c), h. Maria Ramsey.
Ramsey, Laura (c), wks L. V. Meyer, r. same.
Ramsey, Maria (c), r. es Sumpter, bt Gibbs, Ashland.
Ramsey, Miss Mary A., r. 749 Pacific ave, bt Emma, Sycamore.
Ramsey, Mary (wid James), r. 749 Pacific ave, bt Emma, Sycamore.
Ramsey, Raphael, engr, h. B. A. Ramsey.
Ramsey, Samuel, farmer, h. B. A. Ramsey.
Ramsey, Thomas, jr., carrier Daily Herald, h. Thomas Ramsey, sr.
Ramsey, Thomas, sr., trader, r. 418 Bryan, bt Pearl, Hawkins.
Ramsey, Walter, head miller Todd mills, r. 320 Colllin, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Ramsey, Woodie H., policeman No. 14, r. 220 Swiss ave.
Randall, Arthur L. (A. L. Randall & Co.), r. 818 Wood, bt Lacy, Akard.
Randall, A. L. & Co. (Arthur L. Randall, John Boggaino), fruits, cigars, tobaccos, 718 Main, bt Poydras, Martin.
Randall, Augusta E. (wid W. G.), r. se cor Masten, Cochran.
Randall, Charles, trav slsmn Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Mrs. V. A. Randall.
Randall, Daniel J., clk F. G. Worden, bds same.
Randall, Daniel T., r. 818 Wood, bt Lacey, Akard.
Randall, Harvey G., mfr's agent, office 401 Elm, cor Market, h. Mrs. A. E. Randall.
Randall, J. Edwin, h. Mrs. V. A. Randall.
Randall, Lou (c), wks Mrs. Kate Clark, r. same.
Randall, Randolph (c), wks James B. Simpson, r. same.
Randall, Virginia (c), h. Rose Thompson.
Randall, Virginia A. (wid J. W.), r. ns Caruth, bt Orange, Masten.
Randell, Elwood S. (Purdy & Randell), r. 422 Bryan, bt Pearl, Hawkins.
Randle, Edgar P., clk auditor's dept T. & P. Ry, bds 415 Bryan.
Raney, James M., engr Todd mills, r. 136 Hawkins, bt Live Oak, Florence.
Raney, Miss Susie, h. James M. Raney.
Ranft, William C., carp E. R. Scott, r. 28 Swiss ave, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins.
Rankin, C. John, New and Second Hand Furniture, crockery, tinware, etc., 816 Elm,. same. See advt.
Ransberger, Nannie (wid Silas), h. Theophilus Billington.
Ransom, Joel L., asst coal commissioner Mo. P. Ry, office room 25 Merchants' Exchange, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Ransom, Samuel H., coal commissioner Mo. P. Ry Co., office room 25 Merchants' Exchange bldg, cor Lamar, Commerce, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Ranson, William R., engr T. & P. Ry, r. nw cor Floyd, Moltke.
Raphael, William, bartender Henry Pringle, bds H. Secker.
Rashkopf, Pauline (wid Jacob), dry goods, notions, 1340 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins, r. same.
Ratican, Miss Kate, h. Mrs. Mattie Pulliam.
Ratigan, Patrick, lab, bds J. R. Miller.
Rauch, Jacob, supt Empire mills, r. 15 Olive, bt Live Oak, Pacific ave.
Rauch, J. Byron, wks Empire mills, h. Jacob Rauch.
Rawling, Albert, tinner William Trammell.
Rawlins, Benjamin L., depy tax collector Dallas county, office Courthouse, h. R. D. Rawlins.
Rawlins, Henry O., day chief opr W. U. Tel office, r. 1125 Commerce.
Rawlins, John J., tel opr W. U. office, r. 211 S. Harwood, bt Main, Commerce.
Rawlins, Roderick D. (Southwestern Stoneware and Pipe Co.), bkpr F. G. Moore, r. 519 N. Harwood, bt Ross ave, Cochran.
Rawlins, Will H., asst money order clk Dallas P. O., r. 519 N. Harwood.
Rawlins, W. King, tel opr W. U. office, r. 1125 Commerce.
Rawson, Miss Bertha E., slslady Cahn Bros., h. Spencer Rawson.
Rawson, Spencer, tinner, shop 735 Elm, r. 1236 Main, cor Pearl.
Ray, Asberry M. (J. L. Fudge & Co.), r. 328 S. Pearl.
Ray, Edmund R., shipping clk Huey & Philp, r. 629 San Jacinto, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Ray, George H., policeman No. 17, r. over 211 1/2 Main, bt Houston, Jefferson.
Ray, John W. (c), Principal Public School No. 1, r. 88 Wesley, bt Ardrey, Cochran.
Ray, Maggie J. (Mrs. George W.), h. E. R. Ray.
Ray, T. F., clk, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Ray, William A., feed dealer, r. 328 Pearl, bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Ray, William H., shoemkr, 5 Sycamore, bt Elm, Pacific ave, r. same.
Raymond, James H., jr., attorney, office Merchants' Exchange bldg, ne cor Commerce, Lamar, rms 5 Sycamore, bds J. L. Neel.
Raymond, Walter R., tel opr frt depot, H. & T. C. Ry., r. 1529 Main.
Rayner, Miss Kenneth, bds Chas. E. Keller.
Reach, Charles H., brickmason, r. 220 Good, bt Live Oak, Bryan.
Read, Carville A., Local Mgr Erie Telegraph and Telephone Co., ne cor Main, Murphy, r. 308 S. Harwood, bt Commerce, Jackson.
Read, Linus G., bkpr Will A. Watkin & Co., r. 1234 Jackson, bt Harwood, Cabell.
Reade, Nathaniel F., r. 509 Cedar, bt Alamo, Caroline.
Ready, Richard, slsmn Sanger Bros., r. 719 Browder, bt Marilla, Park.
Reagan, Albert (c), h. Alfred Leonard.
Reagan, Isaac R., clk The Fire Assessment Ass'n, h. J. M. Reagtan.
Reagan, John M., Attorney, Also Secy The Fire Assessment Ass'n, office 711 Elm, r. sw cor Swiss ave, Cantagral.
Reagor, Charles (c), wks D. M. Osborne & Co., r. 1036 Williamson.
Reagor, Jack (c), driver George Rick, r. same.
Reagor, Mimma (c), wks Mrs. Eva Levlon, r. smae.
Reamer, John D., lab, r. 46 Alamo, cor Cedar.
Reardon, Edwin M., Cashier City National Bank, bds H. C. Hoskins.
Reb, Miss Sophie, wks Jacob Denni.
Record, Lee (c), wks Leftwich & Jamison, bds James Brockman.
Record, Lizzie (c), wks I. Dinkelspeel, r. same.
Record, Rena (c), h. Richard Bullard.
Record, Mary (c), wks Wm. Phipps.
Record, William (c), lab, r. rear nw cor Live Oak, H. & T. C. Ry.
Rector, Amelia (c), wks Henry C. Hoskins, r. same.
Rector, Leibricht, brick setter Butler & Co.
Rector, Rena (c), wks Henry C. Hoskins.
Redfield, Edwin F., state agt J. E. Bolles & Co.'s wire and iron works, r. 402 Bryan, bt Pearl, Hawkins.
Redfield, Hal. L., clk genl frt office T. & P. Ry, h. Edwin F. Redfield.
Redgrave, George R., clk Sanger Bros.,bds Mrs. E. F. Billows.
Redifer, Samuel V., r. 801 Trinidad, cor Phelps.
Redpath, Wilbur C., brakeman Mo. P. Ry., r. 206 Patterson ave, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Redmon, Charles, carp, r. es Portland, bt Cadiz, Corsicana.
Redmon, Jack, carp, r. ss Porter, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Redwine, William S., corrseponding clk Todd flouring mills, bds 818 Wood.
Redwood, Cannon M., printer Dallas Morning News, rms cor Elm, College, bds Lang's restaurant.
Reeb, Christian, jr., harnessmkr Tenison Bros., h. Christian Reeb, sr.
Reeb, Christian, sr., stonemason, r. 434 Bogel, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Reeb, Jacob, fitter G. H. Schoellkopf, h. C. Reeb, sr.
Reed, Abraham (c), lab, r. se cor Montezuma, H. & T. C. Ry.
Reed, Frank (c), lab, r. ns Cochran, bt McCoy, Washington ave.
Reed, George B., moulder L. Duffy, bds National Hotel.
Reed, Georgia A. (wid W. M.), r. 1030 Wood, bt Ervay, Veal.
Reed, Harden C., mgr Mrs. J. E. Burnett, Plumbing, gas fitting, pumps, pipes, etc., 811 Main, r. 345 Griffin. See advt.
Reed, J. S., bds W. M. Thacker.
Reed, Maria (c), laundress, r. 368 Leonard, cor Cochran.
Reed, Miss Mattie, h. Wm. C. Lee.
Reed, Richard (c), wks Mrs. S. H. Cockrell, r. same.
Reed, Samuel (c), porter W. G. Scarff & Co., rms Napoleon Benton.
Reedy, Mary (c), h. John Harris.
Reekes, James I, prest Texas Cotton Press Co., r. ss Gaston ave, bt Ann, Martha.
Reeman,George, clk Padgitt Bros., r. 303 Main, bt Jefferson, Market.
Rees, Luther, Mgr Kansas City Investment Co., Office 505 Main, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Reese, Frank S., clk W. E. Best, rms Joseph Putz, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman
Reese, Jane (c), cook J. W. Webb, r. same.
Reeve, George T., clk John E. Meyer, rms ns Caroline, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Reeves, Arthur C. (Reeves & Spence), rms 604 Main.
Reeves, Edward F., tel opr W. U. Tel office, r. 442 Collin, e of Orange.
Reeves, Leonidas O., plumber, steam and gasfitter, 839 Main, r. ss Swiss ave, bt St. Joseph, Ann.
Reeves & Spence (Arthur C. Reeves, Wendel Spence), attorneys, office 604 Main.
Reeves, William A. (c), porter Pacific Express Co., rms ne cor Murphy, Main.
Regge, August, carp, r. ne cor Sumpter, Ardrey.
Reichenstein, Louis, Gen'l Agent for North Texas Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association of St. Louis, Mo.; office 708 Main, beer vaults and ice house, es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Polk, Columbia, r. 1309 Cabell. See advt.
Reid, Andrew, stonemason, r. 144 Alamo, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Reid, Harry N., clk Dallas News, rms over 833 Main, bds Jas. H. Porter.
Reilly, Burgoyne W., printer The Texas Baptist and Herald, r. 302 Griffin, cor Hord.
Reilly, Melvin O., printer Texas Baptist and Herald, h. Burgoyne W. Reilly.
Reinecke, Charles A. (Gorman & Reinecke), h. Theodore Reinecke.
Reinecke, Theodore, boardinghouse, 309 Main, bt Jefferson, Market.
Reinecke, William, appc plumber, h. Theodore Reinecke.
Reinhardt & Co. (Isadore and Sidney Reinhardt), clothing, hats and furnishing goods, 738-740 Elm, cor Murphy. See inside lines.
Reinhardt, Isadore (Reinhardt & Co.), r. 800 Browder, cor Park.
Reinhardt, Sidney (Reinhardt & Co.), h. I Reinhardt.
Reinle, Emelie (wid Adolph), r. 416 Swiss ave, bt William Tell, Moltke.
Reinler -------, r. 193 Cantagral, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Reisenberger, Miss Emma, h. Peter Garfinkle.
Reitz, John B., farmer, r. 131 Cantagral, bt Union, Liberty aves.
Remington, William H., wks Harrison & Fouke, bds W. L. Harrison.
Renfro, Maria (c), h. Proctor Wren.
Renner, Albert, tinner Huey & Philp, h. Mrs. Louisa Wears.
Renner, Miss Lula, dressmkr Mrs. Emma Lider, r. same.
Rennder, Miss Rose, wks J. D. Padgitt, r. same.
Renno,Edward E., street car driver, r. ns Cochran, n end Magnolia.
Renno, Joseph, machine hand Boy & Webster, r. 91 Cochran, n end Magnolia.
Renno, Peter E., street car driver Dallas Belt Street Ry Co., bds Joseph Renno.
Reynolds, Allen H., lab, r. 214 Caroline, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Reynolds, Fenton M., special agt Monumental Bronze Co., r. 810 S. Harwood.
Reynolds, William H., Prest The Fire Assessment Ass'n; secy U. S. Building, Loan and Life Ass'n, office 706 Main, r. 2 miles w of city.
Reynolds, William L., clk Hereford & Furst, h. F. M. Reynolds.
Rhodes, Silas A., jailer Dallas county jail, rms same.
Rhone, Asa, driver Huey & Philp, h. Simon Philp.
Rhyne, Mollie (wid G. F.), h. H. R. Parks.
Rhyner, Gottfeid, foundryman, r. 118 Bryan, bt N. Harwood, Olive.
Rice, Frank, car repairer T. & P. Ry, bds Thomas Wilkinson.
Rice, Hudson D., druggist, r. 114 Live Oak, bt Pacific ave, N. Harwood.
Rice, Hugh B., clk R. G. Dun & Co's mercantile agency, bds Ed. C. Smith.
Rice, Lee (c), porter Harry S. Dymock, r. ws Lamar, bt Columbus [Columbia?], creek.
Rice, Lee (c), rms James Waters.
Rice, Peter (c), carp, h. Lee Rice.
Rice, Thomas, bds Mrs. Eva Levlon.
Rich, Henry, butcher A. F. Oppenheim, h. Jacob Oppenheim.
Richard, Miss Susie, dressmkr Mrs. E. Dalton, h. S. M. Sample.
Richards, Miss Mary, wks Mrs. Annie E. McMurray.
Richardson, A. F., vice-prest Westnern Newspaper Union, r. New York city.
Richardson Bros. (E. A. & E. E.Richardson), house, sign painters, shop 945 Main.
Richardson, Dan, coachman Alex. Sanger, r. same.
Richardson, David L., bkpr, r 19 Sycamore, cor Emma.
Richardson, E. A. (Richardson Bros.), 945 Main.
Richardson, E. E. (Richardson Bros.), 945 Main.
Richardson, Edward H. (Stribling & Richardson), r. 711 Ross ave, cor Peak.
Richardson, Miss Fannie, h. H. R. Irvine.
Richardson, George (c), barber, r. 611 Young, bt Lamar, Poydras.
Richardson, Henry (c), lab, r. es Portland, bt Cadiz, Corsicana.
Richardson, Jane (c), r. es Good, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Richardson, Richard M., clk Stribling & Richardson, h. E. H. Richardson.
Richardson, Samuel Q., Propr Richardson's Ice works and factory, intersection Ervay, G. C. & S. F. Ry, r. same. See advt.
Richardson, West, carp, contractor, builder, shop 1466 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd, rms same.
Richmond, Samuel D., teamster, r. rear nw cor Live Oak, H. & T. C. Ry.
Rick, Frank E., r. 205 Ross ave, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Rick, George, Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, 747-749 Elm, r. 222 Park, bt Ervay, Browder.
Rick, George A., clk George Rick, h. same.
Rickard, Dol. (c), lab, r. 1116 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Rickerson, Joseph (c), r. 714 Market, s of Columbia.
Ricketts, Lizzie (c), wks O. V. Bostwick, r. same.
Ricketts, William (c), boot black Frank Shaw, h. Rebecca Love.
Ricks, Robert C., clk T. Billington, rms 530 Caruth, bds J. M. Cain.
Riddell, J. B., slsmn Davoren & McKee.
Riddell, William H., Propr Stock Yard Saloon, ne cor Elm, Cantagral, opp Union stock yards, r. 1605 Elm.
Rider, Henry, fruit stand, 1333 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins, r. same.
Ridley, William M. (c), porter American National Bank, r. ns Sutton, bt Henry, Crowdus.
Rief, Adolph, wks J. Wood, jr., r. same.
Rief, Mirs. Lizzie, wks J. Wood, jr., r. same.
Riehl, Androneca, r. 406 Jefferson, bt Jackson, Wood.
Rienly, Albert, painter, bds H. Secker.
Ries, Herman C., Mcht Tailor, 113 Sycamore, bt Main, Elm, r. 314 Canton, bt Ervay, Evergreen. See advt.
Riess, William M., clk Dallas Cigar & Tobacco Co., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Riggen, Odd S., Druggist, Fancy and Toilet Articles, 901 Elm, cor Sycamore, bds Hotel Bogel.
Riggs, Rev. Warner B., Pastor Second Presbyterian church, r. 1055 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Riley, Miss Annie, h. O. B. Hewitt.
Riley, George W., painter, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Riley, John J., actor Mascotte theatre, bds F. DeBeque.
Riley, John J., stone cutter, r. 1401 Polk, cor S. Pearl.
Riley, J. P., brickmason, bds National Hotel.
Riley, Miss Julia, h. Charles T. Rowan.
Riley, Rosa (c), wks Simon Loeb, r. same.
Riley, William H., boilermkr Phelan & Co., bds J. V. Crisman.
Rimes, Thomas W., printer Dallas Morning News, r. ss Adolph, bt Germania, Pavilion.
Rinehart, Thomas M., supt mechanical dept Dallas News, r. 828 Main.
Ringo, Dennis (c), lab, bds James Brockman.
Ritchie, Annie (wid George), groceries, 1520 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd, r. same.
Ritchie, DeHaven, clk Union depot news stand, bds Mrs. Annie Ritchie.
Ritter, Thomas J., printer, h. W. H. Ritter.
Ritter, William E., printer, h. W. H. Ritter.
Ritter, William H., carp, r. 1810 Main, bt Duncan, Walton.
Rivers, Roland (c), janitor Dallas female college, r. same.
Roach, Thomas (c), lab, r. ws Lamar, s of creek.
Robbins, N. L., machine hand Clark & Clark.
Robeneus, Michael, bds John Brunk.
Robert, Alfred J. (Robert Bros.), 504 Main, bt Austin, Lamar.
Robert Bros. (Alfred J. and Robert F. Robert), Liquors and cigars, 504 Main, bt Austin, Lamar.
Robert, Robert F. (Robert Bros.), 504 Main, bt Austin, Lamar.
Roberts, Amanda N. (wid John S.), h. Alex. C. Graham.
Roberts & Baldwin (William R. Roberts, William H. Baldwin), druggists, 810 Main.
Roberts, Burrell (c), lab, r. 401 alley, bt Commerce, Wiliams, Henry, Crowdus.
Roberts, Callie A. (wid J. P.), r. 403 N. Lamar, cor Caruth.
Roberts, Charles, harnessmjr Padgitt Bros., h. Thomas Johnson.
Roberts, Clay, carp, r. 920 Marilla, bt Ervay, Portland.
Roberts, Frank S., wood worker Worden & Smith, bds 304 Jackson.
Roberts, Harriet (c), r. alley bt Flora, Juliet, Burford, Boll.
Roberts, Jefferson (c), lab, r. 1132 Cabell, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Roberts, John S., trav slsmn S. B. Hanway, r. ns Floyd, bt Cantagral, Good.
Roberts, Rev. Joseph W. (c), pastor Plymouth Congregational church, r. es Hawkins, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Roberts, Jules D. (J. D. Roberts & Co.), bds Samuel T. Morgan.
Roberts, J. D. & Co. (Jules D. Roberts, William E. Wiggins), wall paper, pictures, picture frames and artists' supplies, 717 Elm.
Roberts, Lacy, carp, r. 135 Camp, cor Sycamore.
Roberts, Oscar, Ry postal clerk, r. 12 Good, bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Roberts, Polly (c), h. John Harris.
Roberts, Sarah (wid Wiley), h. W. A. Andrews.
Roberts, Sterling G., bkpr O. T. Lyon, r. 223 Germania, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Roberts, Thomas, with Brunswick & Balke, rms 724 Main,cor Martin.
Roberts, Throp & Co. (Cyrus Roberts, Prest.; Joseph W. French, vice-prest; Marvin H. Bumphrey, secy; George A. Roberts, treasr; Three Rivers, Mich), manufrs of farming machinery, branch house, 401 Elm, cor Market, W. L. Wright, genl agt. See advt.
Roberts, William R. (Roberts & Baldwin), bds William H. Baldwin.
Roberts, W. Carter (c), porter Blankenship & Blake Co.
Robertson, Annie (c), wks Richard Ready, r. same
Robertson & Brooks (c), (Nelson Robertson, John E. Brooks), feed and country produce, es Leonard, bt Ross ave, Flora.
Robertson, Charles (c), lab, r. 1509 Polk, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Robertson, Charles M., car repairer, r. es Preston, bt Wiliams, Pierce.
Robertson, Della (c), wks Mrs. Matilda Van Ronkel.
Robertson, Edward B., teamster, r. ss Commerce, bt Duncan, Walton.
Robertson, Emmett H., r. ss Seegar, bt Crossthwaite, Ervay.
Robertson, Hamilton G., Attorney, Office 612 Main, r. 15 Greenwood, bt Oak, Field.
Robertson, Henry (c), lab, Mo. P. warehouse, r. ns Paris, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Robertson, James, carp, McIntosh & Morrison, r. sw cor Live Oak, Ewing.
Robertson, John (c), porter Stribling & Richardson, bds Wm. Robertson.
Robertson, Luella (c), wks Robert Fitzgerald.
Robertson, Mercer L., Attorney and Notary Public, office 731 Elm, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Robertson, Nelson (c) (Robertson & Brooks), r. 632 Leonard, bt Cochran, Juliet.
Robertson, Susan (c), wks Jacob R. Polak.
Robertson, Susie (c), r. ns Paris, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Robertson, Tennesee (c), r. rear 1151 Young, bt Ervay, Veal.
Robertson, William (c), porter, r. es Leonard, bt Flora, Juliet.
Robinson, Annie (c), wks Theodore Reinecke.
Robinson, Catherine (c), r. ws Jefferson, bt Calhoun, Cochran.
Robinson, D. A., clk S. B. Scott.
Robinson, Edward R. (c), porter gen'l supt's office, T. & P. Ry, rms Theodore Hyson.
Robinson, Fannie (c), r. rear 612 Bryan, bt Boll, Cantagral.
Robinson, Frank (c), porter J. M. House.
Robinson, George, asst bkpr Todd flouring mills, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Robinson, George D., billposter, r. 1347 Ross ave, cor Pavilion.
Robinson, Henry (c), truckman Mo. P. and T. & P. Ry frt depot.
Robinson, Henry C. (c), wks A. C. Ardrey, r. same.
Robinson, Jacob (c), r. 105 Juliet, bt Leonard, Peak.
Robinson, Jane (c), r. ss Cochran, bt Allen, H. & T. C. Ry.
Robinson, Mrs. Jane A. , seamstress Blankenship & Blake, r. es Highland, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Robinson, Miss Jennie, h. W. M. Robinson.
Robinson, John (c), wks Stribling & Richardson.
Robinson, Joseph, lab, r. 9 Floyd, bt Good, Cantagral.
Robinson, Miss Josephine, h. J. C. Kirby.
Robinson, Lizzie (c), wks Mrs. Lulu Wiggs, r. same.
Robinson, Lucinda E. (wid Louis), bds J. E. Swenson.
Robinson, Peter (c), wks Abraham Cohen, r. same.
Robinson, Renty (c), r. ns Young, bt Broadway, Houston.
Robinson, Robert A., r. es Highland, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Robinson, Thomas P., bricklayer, r. es G. C. & S. F., n of T. & P. Ry, E. Dallas.
Robinson, Willard L., boot and shoemkr, 1606 Elm, bt Crowdus, Duncan, r. same.
Robinson, William (c), porter Thomas Cade, r. 309 Main.
Robinson, William (c), waiter Hotel Bogel.
Robinson, William (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds Wm. Tell House.
Robinson, WilliamA., clk frt claim dept T. & P. Ry, bds H. C. Hoskins, rms J. L. Williams.
Robinson, William B., trav slsmn, r. ne cor N. Harwood, Trinidad.
Robinson, William D., printer Dallas Morning News, bds St. James Hotel.
Robinson, William E., blksmith, r. 1515 Elm, bt Good, Germania.
Robinson, William K., carp, r. 721 Germania, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Robinson, William M. (Bartram, Robinson & Co.), r. ne cor N. Harwood, San Jacinto.
Rochester, William, lab, r. 202 Pacific ave, cor Houston.
Rochford, J. C., teacher, bds American House.
Rochusser, J. J., agent, boards Union Depot Hotel.
Rockwell, R. J., tel opr G. C. & S. F. Ry depot.
Roddis, Edward J., mdse broker, r. 524 Akard, bt Wood, Young.
Roden, Charles A., clk auditor's office, T. & P. Ry, bds Wales J. Townsend.
Rodgers, Miss Addie H., dressmkr Mrs. D. L. Hendricks, h. Mrs. P. J. Rodgers.
Rodgers, Alexander S., bkpr, h. W. R. Rodgers.
Rodgers, Guy, messenger W. U.Tel. office, h. H. R. Rodgers.
Rodgers, Hiram R., state agt Locke & Jewell, carriages and buggies, 413 Elm, bds Mrs. A. C. Walker.
Rodgers, Luther W., blksmith, h. Mrs. Pamelia J. Rodgers.
Rodgers, Pamelia J. (wid R. H.), r. 13 Jefferson, cor Carondelet.
Rodgers, Sophia (c), wks David B. Horn, r. same.
Rodgers, Thomas J., wks Empire mills, h. Mrs. Pamelia J. Rodgers.
Rodgers, William, h. W. A. Rodgers.
Rodgers, William A., r. 52 Masten, cor San Jacinto.
Rodrigues, Tiburcio, lab, bds Mrs. Annie Monell.
Roe, Mary (wid Michael), r. 1415 Main, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Roehm, J. E., clk, bds 325 St. Louis.
Roesler, Frank E., immigration agent T. & P. Ry land dept, r. 1127 Commerce, bt St. Paul, S. Harwood.
Roessler, Charles, bartender, H. Wagener, bds same.
Roessler, Eugene, musician, bds Mrs. Flora Zumbun.
Rogers, Allen (c), coachman Jesse M. Pace, r. same.
Rogers, Dilly (c), wks Amonett Kirkpatrick, r. same.
Rogers, Dock, blksmith, J. Conroy, r. 13 Jefferson.
Rogers, John W., clk Blankenship & Blake Co., bds 113 Sycamore.
Rogers, Mary (wid J. F.), r. 1635 Commerce, n end of Henry.
Rogers, Mattie (c), cook Rev. A. C. Garrett, r. same.
Rogers, Robert L.,printer The Dallas Mercury.
Rogers, William, carp, r. es Cedar Springs road, 1st r. n of N. Harwood.
Rogers, William H., plumber Mrs. J. E. Burnett, r. 1635 Commerce.
Rogers, William M., trav slsmn, r. 735 Main, bds St. George Hotel.
Rohele, Miss Emma, wks Robert H. Chilton, r. same.
Rohne, Asa, clk Huey & Philp, r. 335 Pearl, cor San Jacinto.
Rohner, Charles, r. ws Germania, bt Live Oak, Liberty.
Rollins, Dock (c), bartender, r. ss Juliet, bt Burford, Boll.
Romans, Miss Annie K., slslady Sanger Bros., bds J. P. Cramb.
Romans, Miss Lizzie, music teacher, h. Wm. Romans.
Romans, Miss Marian, music teacher, boardinghouse, 702 Commerce, cor Poydras.
Romans, William, civil engnr, r. 702 Commerce, cor Poydras.
Romans, William M. A., shipping clk J. B. Ralston, h. Wm. Romans.
Rooney, Patrick, night cook Mulhall & Ohlsen, rms 510 Main.
Root, Mary J. (wid), milliner, 1353 Elm, bt Hawkins, Good, r. same.
Root, Melville E., photographic opr A. R. Billows.
Rose, Benjamin W., Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, hats, Elm st., r. Albany, Texas.
Rose, Edward W., bkpr K. Shields, bds W. K. Jones.
Rose, Emeline I. (wid John), h. W. W. Worden.
Rose, Gustav, butcher Emil Wunderlich, r. same.
Rose, Harriet (c), wks Dallas female college, r. same.
Rose, L. M. (Mrs. E. W.), music teacher kDallas female college, r. same.
Rose, Robert P., butcher Stafferd & Bernier, bds E. Bernier.
Rose, Wiliam S., trav slsmn, r. 753 Ross ave, bt Burford, Boll.
Rosen, Isaac, peddler, r. ws Cedar Springs road, 1st house n of Ashland.
Rosenfield, August J., clk Sanger Bros., r. 1118 Browder, cor St. Louis.
Rosenfield, Henrietta (wid Jonas), h. Max Rosenfield.
Rosenfield, Max J., cashier Sanger Bros., r. 1118 Browder, cor St. Louis.
Rosenmann, Isaac, peddler, bds Adolph Wolf.
Rosenthal, Abraham Z., mgr staple dept Sanger Bros., r. 807 Wood.
Rosenthal, Bertha (wid Morris), h. Jacob E. Wolf.
Rosenthal, Eugene S., clk Pacific House, r. same.
Rosenthal, Fannie (wid Moses), new and second hand clothing, boots, shoes, etc., 1220 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. same.
Rosenthal, Melinda E. (Mrs. E. S.), proprss Pacific House, 512 Pacific ave, bt N. Lamar, Austin, r. same.
Rosenthal, Rachel A. (wid Z.), r. 807 Wood, bt G. C. & S. F. Ry., Akard.
Rosine, Henry, clk Sanger Bros., rms Mrs. Fannie Frankel .
Ross, Andrew J., fruit farm, r. ws G. C. & S. F. Ry, s of creek.
Ross, Charles (c), lab, bds Lawrence Battise.
Ross, Jackson L., clk G. T. Atkins, r. s of city limits.
Ross, Jonas E. (c), bartender Frank Fletcher, bds same.
Ross, Miss Kate, chambermaid Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Ross, Peter, lab, r. 4 Pearl, cor Pacific ave.
Ross, Robert, butcher, bds Edward Bernier.
Rosser, Elizabeth G. (Mrs. R. S.), h. J. B. Adoue.
Rosson, Daniel P., machinist, r. ws Lamar, s of creek.
Roth, Gustavus A., Propr Merchants' Exchange Bar, ne cor Commerce, Lamar, r. 945 Commerce.
Roth, John, cook Edmond Lawrence.
Roth, William M., tailor, 1309 Elm, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry., bds Charles Schoberle.
Rothschild, Jacob, clk A. & E. Mittenthal, r. Wood, bt Akard, Santa Fe Ry.
Rothstein, Joseph, groceries, ne cor Austin, Young, r. same.
Roughton, Kate (wid O. A.), r. 107 N. Lamar, bt Ross ave, Hord.
Roushey, John W., carp Clark & Clark, bds The Sun House.
Rousseau, Lawrence D., printer Dallas Morning News, r. Greenwood.
Routh, Thomas (c), lab, r. 607 Bryan, bt Good, Boll.
Rovera, Joseph, cook John McElhare, r. 1677 Main, E. Dallas.
Rowan, Charles T., groceries, feed, 847 Main, cor Sycamore, r. same.
Rowe, Harriet L. (Mrs. Benjamin F.), r. 101 Live Oak, cor Pacific ave.
Rowe, John W., painter, decorator, r. 1442 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Rowe, Miss Mary, wks John Taber, r. same.
Rowe, Miss Mollie, wks Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. H. L. Rowe.
Rowland, John B. (Rowland & Sockwell), rms A. Dare.
Rowland, John E., r. ws Snodgrass, bt Beaumont, Hickory.
Rowland, Martha (c), wks Alvis K. Woodson, h. same.
Rowland & Sockwell (John B. Rowland, John S. Sockwell), proprs Wichita saloon, sw cor S. Lamar, Pacific ave.
Rowlen, Tobias (c), barber Aaron Smith, rms ns Patterson ave, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Rowley, Fayette R., Mgr Russell & Co., also Propr "Park Place" fruit, flowers and shrubbery, adjoining City Park, office 8 Austin, bt Elm, Pacific ave, r. se cor Evergreen, St. Louis.
Royal, John B., carp, r. 1209 Young, bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Royal, Joseph H. (c), barber Monroe Spikes, r. ns Marilla, bt Akard, Young.
Royster, Mary (c), wks Mrs. Mattie Long, r. same.
Ruben, Joseph, "mohel," r. nw cor Elm, Harwood.
Rubgers, Miss Mary L., wks W. R. Rodgers, r. same.
Rucker, Samuel (c), r. ws Houston, s of Columbia.
Rudolph, Miss Ada, housemaid M. L. Crawford, r. same.
Rudolph, Addie (wid Thaddeus), r. ne cor Pearl, Juliet.
Rudolph, Miss Fannie, h. Mrs. Addie Rudolph.
Rue & Finnigan (Henry T. Rue, James J. Finnigan), house painter and paper hangers, dealers in paints and glass, 903 Main, bt Sycamore, Stone.
Rue, Henry T. (Rue & Finnigan), r. 1017 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Ruedy, Frank, blksmith John Hermann, bds Jacob Amsler.
Ruedy, Mary (Mrs. Frank), r. 832 Live Oak, cor Texas.
Ruff, John A., bkpr McEnnis & Co., r. ss Gaston ave, bt St. Joseph, Ann, E. Dallas.
Ruffin, Pleasant (c), teamster, r. ws Market, bt Walnut, Calhoun.
Rufner, John, candymaker A. W. Fox, r. 220 Caroline, cor Wichita.
Rufner, John F., wks soap factory, h. John Rufner.
Rufner, Martin, wks Excelsior soap works, h. John Rufner.
Rumby, Mary (c), wks Daniel T. Randall, r. same.
Rumpeltin, Frederick A., Propr Bismarck Restaurant, 12 S. Lamar, bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Runnels, Alfred (c), lab, r. ns Williams, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Runnels, John, janitor 3d and 4th ward public schools, r. rear 315 Corsicana, bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Rush, William S., barber Lee Cohn, rms 76 Bryan.
Russ, George L., clk Pacific Exp. Co., rms 1310 Commerce, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Russell, Albert W., saddler Padgitt Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman, rms J. N. Constant.
Russell & Co., Massillon, O., Mfrs Engines, Threshers and saw mills, branch 8 Austin, bt Elm, Pacific ave, Fayette R. Rowley, mgr.
Russell, Edward, wks Howell & Stone, r. es Cedar Springs road, 1 mile n of Courthouse.
Russell, Emma (c), wks Jacob Hurst, r. same.
Russell, Eugene, musician Miss Lillie Cain, bds same.
Russell, Francis M., policeman No. 10, r. 562 N. Harwood, cor Cochran.
Russell, George, saloon, se cor N. Lamar, Caruth, r. 427 N. Lamar, n of Cochran.
Russell, John, r. es Olive, bt Live Oak, Pacific ave.
Russell, Rev. John C., r. ns N. Harwood, bt Wichita, Moody.
Russell, John R., teamster, r. es Carroll, bt Gaston ave, Rockwall road.
Russell, Kelly, clk Sanger Bros., h. Rev. J. C. Russell.
Russell, Miss Lula, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. F. M. Russell.
Russell, Mary J. (wid G. H.), h. John R. Russell.
Russell, Paul D., clk Sizer & Lackey, h. J. C. Russell.
Russell, Ralph M., Physician and Surgeon, Officek over 712 Elm, rms same.
Russell, William J. B., Physician and Surgeon, officer over 712k Elm, r. cor Cottage Lane, Bullington.
Russey, James W., dentist, r. 1820 Main, cor Walton.
Russey, Merrill W., propr Trinity brick yard, ws Broadway, bt Jackson, Wood, r. 1303 San Jacinto.
Rust, Miss Abbie B., h. I. F. McAdams.
Rust, Alfred B. (E. H. Pratt & Co.), r. 501 Ross Ave., cor Orange.
Rust, Don. P., cash boy Goldsmith Bros., h. E. G. Rust.
Rust, Elbridge G., Editor and Propr The Dallas Mercury, office, 814 Elm, bt College, Sycamore, r. same. See advt.
Rust, Emory G., carp, r. 625 San Jacinto, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Rust, Irving, cash boy Sanger Bros., h. Emory G. Rust.
Rust, Maggie A. (Mrs. E. G.), asst editor The Dallas Mercury, h. Elbridge G. Rust.
Rust, Marinda E. (wid Jacob), h. Emory G. Rust.
Rust, Miss Nora, editress Youth's portfolio dept The Dallas Mercury, h. Elbridge G. Rust.
Ruth, Thomas (c), trackman Mo. P. and T. & P. Ry frt depot.
Rutherford, Frank, porter N. B. Sherwin, r. cor Jackson, Houston.
Rutherford, Miss Hattie, h. A. W. Childress.
Rutherford, Lewis (c), wks Samuel J. Adams.
Rutherford, Manuel (c), porter L. Craddock.
Ruthlessberger, Christian, farmer, r. e of Old Fair Grounds, E. Dallas.
Rutledge, James, watchman T. & P. Ry yds.
Ryan, Frank B., gen'l supt Texas State Fair, office nw cor Elm, Austin, bds St. George Hotel, rms ne cor Lamar, Commerce.
Ryan, Hoyt & Klepper (William W. Ryan, Gustav Hoyt, Daniel Klepper), house, sign and ornamental painters, shop 942 Main, bt Sycamore, Ervay.
Ryan, James, bricksetter kButler & Co.
Ryan, James, painter H. Hamilton, rms S. Mayer.
Ryan, John, wks H. & T. C. Ry yds, bds P. J. Burk.
Ryan, John J., carp, John Paul, r. 567 N. Harwood, bt Ross ave, Cochran.
Ryan, Thomas E., printer, r. 36 Flora, bt Crockett, Leonard.
Ryan, William W. (Ryan, Hoyt & Klepper), r. cor St. Louis, Akard.
Ryant, John N., station agt TexasTrunk R.R., office s of Commerce, E. Dallas, bds. L. H. Burton.
Rye, Martha (wid Joseph C.), h. W. C. Connor.
Rylander, Charles A., head porter Schneider & Davis, r. sw cor Griffin, Gibbs.

Saal, Louis, barber, Emile Fretz, 738 Main.
Sabala, Antonio, tamales mkr, h. Stephen Mandiaz.
Sadler, Joseph, boardinghouse, 250 Patterson ave, bt Sycamore, Oleander.
Sadler, William H., clk E. F. Doyle, r. 250 Patterson ave.
Sadler, William T., printer Dallas Morning News, r. 313 Caruth, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Sage, Emile, teacher, rms F. M. Ervay.
Sahler, Louis, plasterer, bds Planters House.
Saint, John B., housemover, r. se cor Pearl, Crockett.
Sala, B. Frank, fireman H. & L. [Hook & Ladder] Co., No. 1, h. L. Sala.
Sala, Miss Blanche, seamstress Mrs. F. E. Austell, r. 414 Magnolia.
Sala, Eugene J., painter, h. L. Sala.
Sala, Levi, painter, r. 414 Magnolia, bt Collin, Caruth.
Sale, Fred A., bkpr C. H. Edwards, r. cor Hickory, Crosthwaite.
Sale, J. Louis, slsman Sanger Bros., r. cor Crosthwaite, Hickory.
Salisbury, Cyrus W., driver Lemp's beer wagon, r. 105 Main.
Salling, Oscar, wks H. Madson & Co., bds H. Madson.
Salm, Frank, engr Hotel Bogel.
Salmons, Thomas B., clk A. & E. Mittenthal, r. 80 Cochran, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Salon, Anna (c), wks H. H. Smith, r. same.
Salzenstein, Charles, capitalist, office 730 Commerce, r. sw cor Browder, Cadiz.
Salzenstein, Morris, clk Nathan Frank & Co., h. Charles Salzenstein.
Sam Choi (Chinese), laundry, 821 Main, r. same.
Sam Lee (Chinese), laundry, 306 Commerce, r. same.
Sammons, C. M., carp McIntosh & Morrison.
Sam Sing (Chinese), laundry, 110 Sycamore, bt Main, Elm, r. same.
Sam Wing (Chinese), laundry, 1214 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. same.
Sample, Samuel M., cattleman, r. se cor McIntyre, Junius.
Sampson, Addie (c), wks C. F. Carter, h. Thomas Cole.
Samuels, Annie (c), cook Tennessee House, r. same.
Samuels, Annie (c), wks George R. Fearn, r. same.
Samuels, Henry, clk J. H. McClelland.
Sanah, Miss Hannah, wks John B. Wilson, r. same.
Sanders, Albert, carp, r. 242 Germania, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Sanders, Alonzo (Sanders Engraving Co.), r. Ervay, s of city limits.
Sanders, Charles F., clk John W. Sanders, r. same.
Sanders, Earl, clk cigar stand St. George Hotel, h. M. M. Sanders.
Sanders, Edgar F., trav slsmn, r. nw cor Evergreen, Cadiz.
Sanders Engraving Co., (Alonzo Sanders, James A. Collins), wood and photo engraving, 816 Elm.
Sanders, Henry, groceries, nw cor Live Oak, H. & T. C. Ry, r. same.
Sanders, John W., groceries, feed, ss Elm, bt Lloyd, Crowdus, r. same.
Sanders, Lon (Sanders Engraving Co.), h. M. M. Sanders.
Sanders, Marion, clk M. M. Sanders, h. same.
Sanders, Moses M., groceries, drugs, sw cor Ervay, Corinth, r. same.
Sanders, Patience (c), wks J. R. Meeks, r. same.
Sanders, Perry, cook J. W. Ross, bds same.
Sanders, Robert (c), r. ss Fuqua, bt Huffman, Washington ave.
Sanders, Samuel W., groceries, 1147 Elm, cor Pearl, r. alley off Swiss ave, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Sanderson, Gordon R., contractor, r. 419 Bryan, bt Crockett, Hawkins.
Sanderson, Ida (Mrs. William H.), groceries, es Griffin, bt Ross ave, Camp, r. same.
Sanderson, William H., horse trader, r. es Griffin, bt Ross ave, Camp.
Sandifer, Peter, peddler, r. ns Flora, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Sanford, James, watchman Howard Oil Co., bds Watkins Hotel.
Sanford, William D., carp, r. ns St. Louis, bt Portland, S. Harwood.
Sanger, Alexander (Sanger Bros.), r. sw cor Ervay, Park.
Sanger Bros. (Isaac, Philip and Alexander Sanger), wholesale and retail dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, furnishing goods, millinery, notions, fancy goods, 509-511 Main, 510-512 Elm. See inside lines.
Sanger Bros. Home Journal, Issued 1st of Each month, office cor Lamar, Elm, B. Hirschberg, mgr and editor.
Sanger, Isaac (Sanger Bros.), r. New York city.
Sanger, Philip (Sanger Bros.), r. nw cor Ervay, St. Louis.
Sang Hi (Chinese), laundry, 135 Camp, r. same.
San Lee (Chinese), laundry, 306 Commerce, bt Jefferson, Market, r. same.
Santa Fe House, 830-832 Elm, Mrs. A. E. Morgan, proprss.
Sanvey, Samuel (c), wks Leven L. Lewis, r. same.
Sarles, James A., shoemkr, A. C. Hurd, r. 210 Lloyd, bt Main, Commerce.
Sartori, John, ice cream peddler, r. 843 Pacific ave, bt Bryan, Oleander.
Satawhite, James (c), lunch stand, se cor H. & T. C. Ry., Montezuma, r. 506 Bryan, bt Hawkins, H. & T. C. Ry.
Sattes, Jacob, baker, Jos. Blakeney, r. 1571 Main, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Saucier, (Masters Albert, Leon and Miss Ida), h. Mrs. Josephine Bond.
Saufley, William, bartender W. H. Clark & Co., rms. 103 Oleander.
Saunders, Frank L., tel opr W. U. Tel. office, rms 1117 Commerce.
Saunders, Harwood P., teller Flippen, Adoue & Lobit, bds J. H. Porter.
Saunders, John W., slsmn J. Winter, jr., & Co., r. 521 Veal, bt Young, Marilla.
Saunders, Rufus K., chief opr B. & O. Tel. Co., r. ns Flora, bt McCoy,Washington ave.
Saunders, William H., physician and surgeon, office, 1203 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. 206 Swiss ave, bt Good, Cantagral.
Savage, Lloyd W., clk S. W. Sanders, r. es Olive, bt Live Oak, Pacific ave.
Savage, William, jr., painter W. Savage, sr., h. same.
Savage, William, sr., house, sign painter, shop 1402 Main, cor Preston, r. McKinney road, nr Trinity cemetery.
Saville, Frank L., r. 430 Portland, bt Cadiz, Corsicana.
Savone, Grace (Mrs. P., groceries, notions, etc., nw cor Flora, Boll, r. same.
Savone, Paschal, groceries, notions, etc., nw cor Cochran, H. & T. C. Ry, r. nw cor Flora, Boll.
Sawyer, Charles H., mfrs' agt and commission mcht, 110 Broadway, bt Main, Elm, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Sawinsky, August, wks Empire mills, r. 344 Ross ave, bt Orange, Sycamore.
Saxon, Thomas E., carp, r. 528 Leonard, cor Flora.
Saxton, Henry J., lab, h. Mrs. Susan Greenhaw.
Scandles, Charles, lab, bds Mankato House.
Scanlan & Haley (James Scanlan, Anslem J. Haley), contractors and builders, office over P. O., se cor Elm, Sycamore.
Scanlan, James (Scanlan & Haley), r. 1232 Commerce, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Scarff, William G. (W. G. Scarff & Co.), r. 43 Emma.
Scarff, W. G. & Co. (William G. Scarff, John F. O'Connor), wholesale stationers, 729-731 Main, bt Poydras, Murphy.
Schadowsky, Gustave, draughtsman J. S. Daugherty, bds J. J. Brick.
Schafer, August, r. ns Lane, bt S. Harwood, Preston.
Schaub, Adam, Saloon, 1116 Elm, bt S. Harwood, Pearl, r. 1302 Main, cor S. Pearl.
Scheid, John, butcher Nussbaumer Bros., bds Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer.
Schell, Charles, bartender, Charles Hauck, bds. F. Fond.
Schemm, Andrew, cook Joseph Fromleth.
Scherzer, Charles, bartender R. Scherzer, h. same.
Scherzer, Frederick, clk Sanger Bros., h. R. Scherzer.
Scherzer, Richard, Saloon, 415 Wood, cor Austin, r. 413 Wood, bt Market, Austin.
Scheumoker, George, clk, bds H. Iftiger.
Schiff, Bernard, trav slsmn Elsas, Keller & Co., h. Dr. G. Schiff.
Schiff, Edwin, shipping clk Elsas, Keller & Co., h. Dr. G. Schiff.
Schiff, Gustave, Physician, Surgeon, Office, 703 Main, r. 519 Ervay, cor Marilla.
Schiff, Max, appc repairer Frees & Son, h. Dr. G. Schiff.
Schiffman, Simon, watchmkr, jeweler S. Beck, bds Mrs. Van Runkel.
Schiffler, William, carp, rms R. L. McCulloch.
Schilling, John, bookbinder and paper box maker, 810 Elm, r. nw cor N. Harwood, Pacific ave.
Schirmacher, Herman, music techer, r. 221 Good, bt Live Oak, Montezuma.
Schlechting, Henry, cabinetmkr S. T. Blessing, rms same.
Schleyer, E., saddler Padgitt Bros.
Schlicht & Field, Mfrs of Labor-Saving Office Devices, Rochester, N. Y, H. S. Brewer, gen'l southwestern agt, Grand-Windsor block.
Schlunegger, John, policeman No. 6, rms sw cor Main, Sycamore.
Schmid, Joseph B., carp Clark & Clark, r. 725 Bryan, bt Bogel, Germania.
Schmidt, Abraham, wks Henry Boll, r. same.
Schmidt, Annie (wid Henry), h. S. Oedamer.
Schmidt, Charles, barber A. Amato, bds Reinhardt Leachman.
Schmidt, H. A. O., carp, r. 411 Alamo, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Schmidt, Jacob, moulder, bds Cincinnati House.
Schmidt, John, carp, r. 497 Swiss ave, cor Moltke.
Schmieg, Miss Sophie, wks Henry Pringle, r. same.
Schmittger, Gottlieb, lab, r. 326 Cochran, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Schmucker, Charles L., carp, r. ns Flora, bt. N. Harwood, Pearl.
Schmucker, Frank, driver Joseph Blakeney, h. C. L. Schmucker.
Schmucker, George L., clk T. F. Loughlin & Bros., bds 947 Elm.
Schnabel, Henry, wood turner Boyd & Webster, r. es Orange, bt Caruth, Cochran.
Schnackel, Louis, propertyman Thompson's Theater, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Schneider, Adolph, butcher Eimecke & Grebe, bds C. Eimecke.
Schneider, August (Eisenlohr Bros. & Schneider), r. 950 Elm, bt Stone, Ervay.
Schneider & Davis (Jules E. Schneider, Alfred Davis), wholesale grocers, nw cor Elm, Market.
Schneider, Henry, Propr "Second Ward" saloon, 131 Camp, bt Lamar, Griffin, r. 506 Austin, bt Wood, Young.
Schneider, Jules E. (Schneider & Davis), prest Dallas City Gas Light Co., vice-prest Dallas Belt Street Co., r. 375 Ross ave, bt Orange, Masten.
Schneider, Peter, bds Hotel Bear.
Schneider, Philip, baker Joseph Blakeney, rms M. T. Powers, bds Blue Corner Hotel.
Schneider, Rudolph (Wagner, Denni & Co.), r. at factory, Mo. P. Ry., 3/4 mile n of city.
Schoberle, Charles, boardinghouse, 1335 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins.
Schoellkopf, Gottlieb H., wholesale saddlery, leather, findings and horse collar mfr., 830-832 Main, 813-815 Commerce, collar mfy, es Germania, bt Swiss ave, Greenwood, r. sw cor Oak, Greenwood.
Scholes, Alice (wid Richard), r. ws Jefferson, bt Jackson, Wood.
Schonfeld, Charles, r. sw cor Browder, Marilla.
Schooler, Martha E. (wid R. A. J.), r. 1216 Young, bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Schoolfield, James L. (J. L. Schoolfield & Co.), r. 1514 Main, bt Hawkins, Dove.
Schoolfield, J. L. & Co. (James L. Schoolfield, ---- Co.), druggists, 1101 Elm, cor S. Harwood.
Schoolfield, Lawrence C., Physician, Surgeon, druggist, fancy toilet articles, 1320 Elm, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry., r. 1514 Main.
Schrade, J. George, wood yd, 1625 Commerce, bt Lloyd, Crowdus, r. same.
Schrader, Christian W., gas fitter S. C. Carroll.
Schreiber, Herman, meat market, 1108 Elm, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl, r. same.
Schreiber, Miss Minna, wks Planters' House, r. same.
Schriver, Hermann, sausage maker, r. ss Chestnut, nr Mill creek.
Schroder, Jacob, stock kpr Sanger Bros., rms 421 Griffin.
Schroeder, Hannah J. (wid Lebrecht), r. 110 Patterson ave, cor Sycamore.
Schroeter, William, clk D. M. Osborne & Co., r. 117 Caroline, bt Cedar, Ashland.
Schuetze, Hugo, harness mkr G. H. Schoellkopf, bds J. F. Gramatky.
Schuhl, Aaron, clk Max Burkenrood,h. H. Schuhl.
Schuhl, Henry, Justice of the Peace Precinct No. 1, office 403 Main, cor Market, r. 1105 Commerce, cor St. Paul.
Schule, Nephtalia, bartender Simon Mayer, rms 931 Elm.
Schultz, Miss Amelia, wks C. F. Carter, r. same
Schultz, August R., carp, r. 22 Boll, bt Bryan, H. & T. C. Ry.
Schultz, John, wks McLemore & Loughery.
Schulz, Daniel, wheelright John Hermann.
Schumaker, David, carp., bds Mrs. Belle Gregg.
Schumaker, Edward (c), lab, r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt Cochran, Hall.
Schumann, Albert, jr., barber W. J. Jackson, bds Wm. Corbet.
Schumann, Albert, sr., farmer, r. s end of Duncan.
Schumate, C. L., slsmn Sanger Bros.
Schumate, E. E., slsmn Sanger Bros.
Schutt, Gustav, gardener, r. ss Bryan, s end Hall.
Schutte, S. Henry, barber Lee Cohn, r. 1019 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Schutzer, William, fruits, confectionery, cigars, tobacco, 503 Main, bt Austin, Lamar, r. 808 Wood.
Schuyler, Charles H., foreman, composing room Dallas Morning News, r. 330 Collin, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Schwander, Joseph H., stone mason, r. 339 Burford, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Schwartz, Miss Anna, h. Leopold Wallerstein.
Schwartzman, Solomon, peddler, r. 1211 Young, bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Schwarz, George, lab, bds H. Secker.
Schwarz, Joseph, r. 309 Wood, bt Market, Jefferson.
Schwarz, Rose (Mrs. Joseph), tailoress L. Soblovich, r. 309 Wood.
Schwerer, Rosa C. (Mrs. John), r. ws Sumpter, bt Gibbs, Ashland.
Scofield, Rev. Cyrus I., Pastor First Congregational church, r. 1126 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Scoggins, Alexander (c), lab, r. es Hall, bt Cochran, Fuqua.
Scoggins, Savannah (c), r. es Hall, bt Cochran, Fuqua.
Scogin, C. M., city clk J. W. Crowdus Drug Co.
Scollard, Thomas W., wool buyer, r. 504 Veal, cor Wood.
Scotnitsky (Von), Valere, wks Simon Mayer, rms 931 Elm.
Scott, A. R., clk Harry Bros., bds Dr. E. H. Ayers.
Scott, Catherine (c), r. e of H. & T. C. Ry, bt Flora, Cochran.
Scott, Chloe (c), r. ns Cochran, bt Pearl, Leonard.
Scott, Clifton, policeman, No. 12, r. 1048 Wood, bt Ervay, Veal.
Scott, Coleman (c), blksmith Greer & Hanson.
Scott, Eddie (wid James), rms W. Frank Morton.
Scott, Edward R., carp, shop, 843 Main, r. 401 Ervay, cor Jackson.
Scott, Emeline (c), r. 1015 Jackson, cor Prather.
Scott, Emmett B., depy county assessor, rms Courthouse.
Scott, George, bartender E. Chamberlin, rms ns Pacific ave, bt Lamar, Houston.
Scott, George A., printer Dallas Morning News, bds Hotel Bogel.
Scott, Jesse (c), lab, r. ns Young, bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Scott, John (c), farmer, r. es Preston, bt Mill creek, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Scott, John (c), lab, r. es Boll, bt Flora, Juliet.
Scott, John J., bds E. G. Bower.
Scott, Joseph B. (S. J. & J. B. Scott), r. Tucson, Arizona.
Scott, Laura (c), r. sw cor Fuqua, Huffman.
Scott, Lucy (c), h. William Thompson.
Scott, Martin C., printer Theophilus Beddo, bds same.
Scott, Mattie (Mrs. James), h. Mrs. Harriet McDonough.
Scott, Peter (c), fireman Todd mills.
Scott, Reverdy, wks G. C. & S. F. Ry roundhouse, r. es G. C. & S. F. Ry, nr Chestnut.
Scott, Samuel (c), lab, r. 152 Cottonwood Lane, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Scott, Samuel B., County Assessor Dallas County, Office Courthouse, r. 365 Swiss ave, bt Germania, Oak.
Scott, Samuel E., street car driver, r. ss Main, bt Prospect, T. & P. Ry., E. Dallas.
Scott, Samuel J. jr., (S. J. & J. B. Scott), r. 19 Pacific ave.
Scott, Samuel J. sr., (S. J. & J. B. Scott), r. 19 Pacific ave, bt Hawkins, Good.
Scott, S. J. & J. B. (Samuel J. and Joseph B.), new and second hand furniture, stoves, etc., 912 Elm, bt Sycamore, Stone.
Scott, Sam P., trav slsmn Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 43 Emma.
Scott, Walter, clk lunch stand Niemeyer Bros., bds nw cor Jefferson, Jackson.
Scott, William (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Scott, William J., propr Phoenix restaurant and saloon, 719 Elm, r. 1225 Main.
Scott, William Thomas, brickmason, bds Mrs. Sina J. Ward.
Scoville, James, lamp trimmer Texas Electric Light Mfg Co.
Scoville, Nellie T. (wid Edward), r. 3 Swiss ave, cor Pacific ave.
Scruggs, Gross F., propr float line, r. 227 Boll, cor Flora.
Scruggs, James B. (Mitchell & Scruggs),r. ne cor Akard, Wood.
Scurry, Thomas (Boll, Lewis & Scurry), bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Seale, Thomas E., carp, r. ws Washington ave, n of Juliet.
Seaman, Miss Nellie, actress Thompson's Theatre, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Seastrunk, Miss Cora, mgr mft dept Hughes Bros., h. Mrs. S. Seastrunk.
Seastrunk, Pomeroy, wks Hughes Bros., h. Mrs. S. Seastrunk.
Seastrunk, Miss Samuella, asst bkpr Hughes Bros., h. Mrs. S. Seastrunk.
Seastrunk, Susan (wid Samuel), r. es Akard, bt creek, Hughes.
Seay, Eugene S., bds Robert B. Seay.
Seay & Lauderdale (Robert B. Seay, Edward S. Lauderdale), attorneys, office 301 Main, cor Jefferson.
Seay, Robert B. (Seay & Lauderdale), r. 234 Masten, bt Trinidad, McKinney ave.
Seay, Thomas (c), wks Charles E. Keller, r. same.
Sechler, Miss Bessie L., h. John D. Parsons.
Secker, Henry, boardinghouse, 941-943 Main, bt Stone, Ervay.
Seders, Frank J., pressman A. D. Aldridge & Co.
Seery, John, brickmason, bds National Hotel.
Segall, Moses, tailor Douglas Bros., 1007 Main, bt Ervay, St. Paul, r. same.
Seidenbeitel, Henry, office boy Sanger Bros., h. Morris Seidenteitel.
Seidenbeitel, Jesse, h. Morris Seidenbeitel.
Seidenbeitel, Morris, bartender, r. ns Commerce, bt G. C. & S. F. Ry., Field.
Seigel, Miss Martha, wks P. Sanger, r. same.
Seiger, Frank, r. 408 Jefferson, bt Jackson, Wood.
Seixas, Alfred D., mgr H. D. Seixas, crockery, stoves, house furnishing goods, 716 Elm, r. 425 St. Louis.
Selby, William M., engr Dallas water works, r. ns Lane, bt S. Harwood, Preston.
Selden, Frank, printer The Texas Plowman and Estray Record, r. 69 Bryan.
Selden, James G., clk, h. M. B. Davis.
Selden, William A., (Selden & Peffers), r. San Antonio, Texas.
Selden & Peffers (William A. Selden, Edward F. Peffers), Retailers' Mercantile Agency and Collection Bureau, 608 Main.
Sellars, William H. (c), porter receiver's office T. & P. Ry, bds Abraham Kirby.
Sellarz, James K. watchmaker, r. 845 Main.
Sellers, Irilla (c), wks P. F. Erb, r. same.
Sellers, Philip (c), lab, bds Oliver Thompson.
Selman, Miss Tena, seamstress Blankenship & Blake, h. Daniel Shultz.
Semann, Frederick, porter Sanger Bros., r. es Field, bt Greenwood, Swiss ave.
Semann, Jacob, porter Sanger Bros., r. 32 Phelps, bt Trinidad, McKinney ave.
Semper, Miss Millie, wks William McClellan.
Sessions, Robert L. (Geo. Ellis & Co.), bds Mrs. Mary Trentam.
Severe, Maggie (c), h. Fannie King.
Severe, Shepard (c), porter Alston Grocery Co., r. 935 Jackson, bt Ray, Lane.
Severns, Joseph, h. James T. Van Horn.
Shady View Park, ss San Jacinto, bt McCoy, Villars, W. J. Keller, propr; John A. Moninger, lessee.
Shankel, Miss Mary, h. Mrs. M. E. Schooler.
Shanks, Frank R., printer, r. ss Lafayette, e of Washington ave.
Shanks, George W., lather, r. ss Lafayette, e of Washington ave.
Shanks, Joseph W., plasterer, bds G. W. Shanks.
Shanks, Sarah J. (wid John), h. Mrs. Sarah J. Cornwell.
Shannon, Belle (wid D. W.), h. A. D. Fife.
Shannon, Ed., hostler, bds H. B. Drew.
Shannon, Manning B., clk Geo. J. Dexter & Co., h. A. D. Fife.
Shannon, S. H., clk, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Sharp, C., carp, bds Adam Heckman.
Sharp, Franklin J., bds Pleasant D. Benson.
Sharp, James R., r. ss Williams, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Sharp, John S., teamster, h. J. R. Sharp.
Sharp, Miss Mollie, chambermaid Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Sharp, R. L. (c), lab James A. Lane.
Sharp, Walter B., teamster, h. J. R. Sharp.
Sharp, William T. (Winter & Sharp), h. R. P. Winter.
Sharp, W. A., depy sheriff, bds Henry A. Moseley.
Sharpe, Rev. Elam, h. J. O. Lewis.
Shaw, Charles (c), r. 408 Hall, bt Ross ave, Flora.
Shaw, M. Frank, barber, 6 S. Lamar, bt Elm, Pacific ave, r. ws Jefferson, bet Young, Columbia.
Shaw, Thomas, engraver Taber Bros., bds J. L. Neel.
Shea, Ellen (wid John), h. William Shea.
Shea, Miss Mary, asst Mrs. E. Dalton, h. same.
Shea, William (Wm. Shea & Co.), Propr "The Office" saloon, es Poydras, bt Main, Elm, and the "Branch Office," es Lamar, bt Main, Elm, r. 39 Cochran, n end of Carter.
Shea, Wm. & Co. (William Shea, Simon F. Murphy), wholesale produce and fruits, 1211 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Sheach, John, tinner, bds H. B. Drew.
Shearer, Benjamin G., steward Dallas City hospital, nw cor Lamar, Columbia, r. same.
Shedrick, Isaac (c), porter Dallas News, bds Addison Smith.
Sheeder, James M., saddler Padgitt Bros, bds D. N. Hoylman
Sheele, Miss Fannie, h.Henry Simler.
Sheeley, Daniel B., brick layer, r. ss T. & P. Ry, e of Old Fair Grounds.
Sheets, Andrew B., blacksmith, carriage and wagon maker, 956 Commerce, cor Lane, r. 1113 Jackson, bt Prather, S. Harwood. See advt.
Shelby, Daniel G., Bkpr and Cashier, Howard Oil Co., r. 1405 Williams, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Sheldon, Adolph A., clk B. O. Weller & Co., bds Edward Yeargan.
Shelley, John H., trav slsmn, r. 1204 Ervay, cor St. Louis.
Shelley, Joseph, clk P. W. Linskie, r. ss Eaking, bt S. Harwood, City park.
Shelton, Howell W., trav slsmn Blankenship & Blake, bds Grand Windsor Hotel.
Shelton, Walter, expressman, r. se cor Sutton, Duncan.
Shenk, Louisa (wid), r. ne cor Market, Young.
Shepard & Miller (Seth Shepard, Thomas S. Miller), attorneys, office 739 Main, cor Murphy.
Shepard, Seth (Shepard & Miller), r. 1211 Main, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Shepherd, Caroline (c), boardinghouse, 609 Elm.
Shepherd, Charles W., lightning rod agt, r. es Hall, bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Shepherd, Robert (c), farmer, r. bt Miller's Ferry road, H. & T. C. Ry, nr s city limits.
Shepherd, Washington (c), porter, h. Lee Rice.
Sheppard, James, h. A. A. Johnston.
Sherlock, Mattie (Mrs. Frank), seamstress, r. 304 Crockett, bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Sherman, Miss Bettie, waitress St. Nicholas Hotel, r. same.
Sherman, George Wren, porter McRosky Hardware Co., r. 89 Cochran, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Sherman, Henry C., engr, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Sherman, Ira, tinner McRosky Hardware Co.
Sherman, Jay, brickmason, r. es Olive, bt Live Oak, Pacific ave.
Sherman, Walter J., asst civil engr G. C. & S. F. Ry, office Merchant's Exchange, ne cor Lamar, Commerce, r. Galveston, Texas.
Sherrell, Isaac, carp, r. 283 Camp, bt Magnolia, Sycamore.
Sherrod, Lawrence L., physician, surgeon, office 512 Main, rms same, bds Hotel Bogel.
Sherwin, Nelson B., purchasing agt T. & P. Ry., office, pass depot, cor Lamar, Pacific ave, bds Hotel Bogel.
Shewmaker, David D., stable foreman M. A. King, bds same.
Shields, Kane, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Wall paper, painters' supplies, painter and paper hanger, 633 Elm, 634 Pacific ave, bds St. George Hotel, rms sw cor Griffin, Caruth. See top front line.
Shields, Mattie (c), laundress, h. John Jones.
Shiltz, William, lab, rms 609 Elm.
Shirley, Annie (c), r. 2 Hawkins, cor Miranda.
Shirley, Gallie (c), r. 1549 Main, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Shirley, George (c), porter Glen Lea saloon.
Shirley, James (c), porter C. O. Lee.
Shirley, William M. (Peacock & Shirley), r. 528 Akard, cor Young.
Shive, Thomas H., trav slsmn Emerson, Talcott & Co., bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Shoemaker, Barbara (widWilliam), h. C. A. Mast.
Shoemaker, John, painter H. Hamilton, r. 702 Commerce.
Short, Ulysses F., attorney, office 201 Main, cor Houston, rms same.
Shortess, Miss Fannie, h. Mrs. M. H. Shortess.
Shortess, Mattie H. (wid Joseph), seamstress, r. ns Cabell, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Shropshire, Charles (c), porter Harry Bros., r. se cor S. Pearl, Pierce.
Shropshire, Charlotte (c), r. se cor S. Pearl, Pierce.
Shuford, Joseph (Patterson & Shuford), r. 244 Camp, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Shultz, Daniel, wagonmkr, r. ss Porter, bt Duncan, Walton.
Shultz, Martin, r. 325 Bryan, cor Crockett.
Shumard, Malnor A., bkpr H. R. Park, r. 1305 Commerce.
Shumate, Felix H., groceries, confectioneries, cigars, tobacco, 918 Main, bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. same.
Shuttles, Wiley S., r. 1008 Elm, bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Sickles, William C., real estate owner, bds Barnett Gibbs.
Sieber, Oscar L., cutter G. H. Schoellkopf, r. 103 Bryan, bt N. Harwood, Victor.
Sierks, Hans P., shoemkr, bds Carl Boleweski.
Sierks, John, lab, r. rear 1602 Commerce, bt Sherman, Henry.
Sigal, William, clk Mrs. Fannie Rosenthal.
Sigerist, Miss Mary, chambermaid Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Signer, Jefferson (c), r. ws H. & T. C.Ry, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Sike, Buck W., jr. (c), h. B. W. Sike, sr.
Sikes, Buck W. sr. (c), lab, r. 316 Hawkins, bt Bryan, Cottage Lane.
Silberstein, Ascher, stock dealer, r. ns Wood, n end of Browder.
Siler, William P., propr Siler's transfer line, stables ns Commerce, bt Poydras, Murphy, office Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds same, rms Mrs. M. E. Whittemore.
Silliman, J. M. & Co., dealers in sewing machines, Palestine, Texas, branch 812 Elm, J. C. McKay, mgr.
Silliphant, John, engr Texas Cotton Press Co.
Silliphant, Lemuel, meat market, ns Elm, bt Mill creek, Texas Trunk Ry., r. same.
Silliphant, Robert, meat market, 1002 Elm, bt Ervay, St. Paul, r. same.
Silvertooth, Edward, canvasser New Home Sewing Machine Co., r. 1067 Elm, bt Live Oak, S. Harwood.
Simpkins & Smith (W. Stewart Simplins, Lucas f. Smith), attorneys, office 607 Main, bt Lamar, Poydras.
Simpkins, W. Stewart (Simpkins & Smith), r. 311 St. Louis, cor Ervay.
Simler, Henry (Dallas Cracker Co.), r. 807 Ervay, bt Marilla, Canton.
Simmondinger, Miss Marie, wks W. B. Wright, r. same.
Simmons, Anna (Mrs. J. W.), wks Dr. J. A. Ewing, h. same.
Simmons, Miss K., dressmkr Sanger Bros., bds Jacob Oppenheimer.
Simmons, Nancy (wid John), h. S. A. Mahon.
Simmons, Oscie K. (McDowell & Simmons), bds A. G. McDowell.
Simmons, William (c), waiter, boardinghouse, 610 Wood, bt Lamar, Poydras.
Simms, Miss Annie, art teacher, h. William White,
Simms, Gilbert (c), porter L. Craddock.
Simms, Henry M., driver Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, bds 947 Elm.
Simms, John Henry (c), porter D. M. Osborne & Co., r. 316 Lane, bt Commerce, Jackson.
Simon, Frederick, New and Second Hand Furniture, 832 Elm, r. ss Park, w of Akard.
Simon, Lucy (c), r. 220 Juliet, bt Pearl, Burford.
Simon, Sarah (wid Solomon), r. sw cor Portland, Cadiz.
Simon, Willie (c), office boy G. C. & S. F. Ry, h. Lucy Simon.
Simonds, J. C., physician, h. J. W. Brown.
Simper, Joseph, chair caner George Rick, r. w of city.
Simpler, Miss Mattie, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 1454 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Simpson, Amanda (c), boardinghouse, ss Pacific ave, bt Pearl, Preston.
Simpson, Andrew (c), lab, r. ws Market, bt Walnut, Calhoun.
Simpson, A. W., wks C. O. Brewer, bds same.
Simpson, E. E., wks C. O. Brewer, bds same.
Simpson, Harriet (c), r. 713 Pacific ave, bt Emma, Griffin.
Simpson & Huffman (James B. Simpson, Calvin H. Huffman), real estate and land agents, 731 Elm.
Simpson, James B. (Simpson & Huffman), Attorney, and notary public, office 731 Elm, r. cor Gaston ave, Martha.
Simpson, John, bus driver Arthur Cain, rms 703 Commerce.
Simpson, John W., capitalist, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Simpson, John W., carp, r. ws N. Harwood, w of Cedar Springs road.
Simpson, Maurice, trav slsmn E. Baumann.
Simpson, Monroe (c), second cook Hotel Camp Strother.
Simpson, Obeiria G. (Mrs. W. D.), asst del clk Dallas P. O., bds Mrs. Julia Jones.
Simpson, William, attorney, rms Joseph Shuford.
Simpson, William D., clk James B. Simpson, bds Mrs. Julia Jones.
Simpson, William J., brickmason, r. 316 Hord, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Sims, Albert (c), wks W. H. Prather, r. same.
Sims & Ayers (James G. Sims, Elihu H. Ayers), Druggists, fancy and toilet articles, 1203 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston. See advt.
Sims, James G. (Sims & Ayers), physician, surgeon, office, 1203 Elm, r. same.
Sims, John C., lab, r. 1630 Commerce, bt Sherman, Henry.
Sims, Miss Lucy, bds Mrs. Amanda Simpson.
Sims, William A., asst county attorney, office Courthouse, r. Washington ave.
Sing Lee (Chinese), laundry, 809 Main, r. same.
Singer Mfg Co., Office 757 Elm, Wm. N. Southern, Mgr.
Sing Sam (Chinese), wks Thomas Field, r. same.
Sinker, Davis & Co. (John S. Hetherington, and Wm. A. Nason, mgrs), dealers in iron pipes, brass goods, machinery supplies, mfrs engines, boilers and flouring mills, 407 Elm, bt Market, Austin.
Sinskee, Louis, peddler, r. 623 San Jacinto, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Sirako, Miss Nora, wks August Israelsky, r. same.
Sisson, Miss Mary F., h. J. M. Wendelken.
Sites, John, boxmkr Hughes Bros., h. J. J. Sites.
Site, John J., wks Hughes Bros., r. es Ervay, nw cor City Park.
Sites, Miss Lillie, wks W. J. Logan, r. same.
Sizer, Annie (c), wks Mrs. Kate Sizer, r. same.
Sizer, Haller G. (Sizer & Lackey), r. 920 Commerce.
Sizer, Kate (wid J. S.), r. 920 Commerce, cor Ray.
Sizer & Lackey (Haller G. Sizer, Samuel C. Lackey), groceries, provisions, 909 Elm.
Sizer, Margaret (c), wks Mrs. Kate Sizer, r. same.
Sizer, Wirth, collector Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Kate Sizer.
Skaer, Jacob W., mfg confectioner, 812 Main, r. same.
Skeers, Jennie (c), wks Miss Ida Hearne, r. same.
Skelsey, Albert W., stenographer gen'l frt office T. & P. Ry, bds 320 St. Louis.
Skelton, Frank, r. 1415 Pacific ave, bt Good, Cantagral.
Skelton, Isaac K.,planer foreman Clark & Clark, r. ws Trinity river.
Skelton, James M. (J. M. & W. S. Skelton), r. 1413 Pacific ave, bt Good, Cantagral.
Skelton, J. M. & W. S. (James M. & William S.), proprs Union saloon, junction H. & T. C. and T. & P. Rys., Eldorado saloon, se cor Lamar, Pacific ave.
Skelton, L. Wallace, bartender, bds Tennessee House.
Skelton, Wiley, bartender J. M. & W. S. Skelton.
Skelton, William S. (J. M. & W. S. Skelton), r. Plano, Texas.
Skiles, Alonzo C., clk Alex. Lee Miller.
Skiles, Jane A. (wid Joseph L.), h. R. T. Skiles.
Skiles, Richard T., Ry postal clk, r. 959 Live Oak, cor Field.
Skinner, Willis A., printer Texas Baptist Publishing House, r. 1670 Main.
Slack, George, lab, bds J. R. Miller.
Slater, Alfred F., clk Joseph Clayton, bds same.
Slaughter, Christopher C., Vice-Prest American National Bank, r. ss Fair Ground ave, bt creek, Adair.
Slaughter, George, h. C. C. Slaughter.
Slaughter, John H., Propr American House, 1322-1324 Main, bt. S. Pearl, Preston, r. same.
Sligh, J. M., bds Mrs. Annie Ballard.
Sligh, Sim, mdse broker, over 716 Elm, r. ns Ross ave, bt Pavilion, Hall.
Slocum, John, messenger Sanger Bros., h. Seth Slocum.
Slocum, Seth, plasterer, r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt Eakin, Gano.
Small, Nicholas, bartender, F. Ganzer, bds. same.
Smartt, George R., clk Fee Bros. & Co., r. 115 N. Lamar, cor Hord.
Smartt, William B., r. 115 N. Lamar, cor Hord.
Smile, Alfred (c), wks McLemore & Loughery, bds C. Judy.
Smith, Aaron (c), barber, shop 113 Camp, bt Lamar, Griffin, r. same.
Smith, Addison (c), cook Board of Trade saloon, r. 14 Ray, bt Commerce, Jackson.
Smith, Albert, engr Dallas City water works, cor Carondelet, Broadway.
Smith, Alexander (Worden & Smith), rms sw cor Elm, Jefferson.
Smith, Alfred, engr Dallas water works, r. nw cor Martha, Junius.
Smith, Alvah, clk Samuel C. Carroll, rms same.
Smith, Andrew (c), lab, r. ss Cochran, bt Burford, Boll.
Smith, Rev. Andrew, r. ws Ewing, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave, E. Dallas.
Smith, Rev. Andrew P., D. D., Pastor First Presbyterian church, r. 32 Pearl, bt Live Oak, Cora.
Smith, Arthur E., trav slsmn, r. 322 Live Oak, bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Smith, Arthur L., contractor, builder, r. es Ervay, bt McKee, Beaumont.
Smith, Arthur L., Trav Pass Agt Memphis & Little Rock, R. R., office 506 Main, r. sw cor St. Louis, Portland.
Smith & Bryan (T. Hudson Smith, Louis A. Bryan), gen'l linsurance agts, office 700 Main, cor Poydras.
Smith, Bud (c), wks Jas. A. Lane.
Smith, Burney A., wks S. Q. Richardson, bds S. D. Graham.
Smith, Rev. B. F. (c),pastor St. Paul's M. E. church, r. 633 Burford, bt Flora, Juliet.
Smith, Cabot, painter, r. 7 Alamo, bt McKinney ave, Cedar.
Smith, Caroline (c), laundress, r. 105 Juliet, bt Leonard, Peak.
Smith, Carlos G., day mailing clk Dallas P. O., h. John W. Wright.
Smith, Charles (c), cook Crescent restaurant, r. 403 Masten, cor Cottage Lane.
Smith, Charles, brickmkr, r. 851 Live Oak, bt Cantagral, Germania.
Smith, Charles (c), wks John P. Meyers, r. same.
Smith, Charles A., carp Chas. Mayer, bds J. T. Early.
Smith, Charles A., plasterer, r. es Old Fair Grounds.
Smith, Charles B., mgr J. Winter, jr., & Co., Louisville, importing tailors, branch 713 Main, bds Mrs. Anna Walden.
Smith, Charles E., clk T. D. Clarke, bds same.
Smith, Charles H., trav slsmn, r. 1072 Wood, cor S. Harwood.
Smith, Clara (c), wks Mrs. M. E. Hammond, r. same.
Smith, Clarisssa (c), wks W. B. Greenlaw, r. same.
Smith & Co. (Marcellous M. Smith, Thomas J. Smith), wholesale grain and commission mchts, storage, shipping, etc., 101-103 Camp, bt Lamar, Griffin.
Smith, David (c), wks Butler & Co., r. nw cor Flora, McCoy.
Smith, David (c), wks W. H. Gaston, r. same.
Smith, David, clk, r. es McKinney road, n of Pearl.
Smith, DeWitt C., clk Alex. Lee Miller, r. 927 Ross ave, bt Boll, H. & T. C. Ry.
Smith, D. C., painter, bds Santa Fe House.
Smith, Edward (c), cook Purday & Randell.
Smith, Edward, h. W. H. W. Smith.
Smith, Edward C., Undertaker, 1031 Main, cor St. Paul, r. same.
Smith, Edwin, Prest Alston Grocery Co., r. 323 Pearl, bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Smith, Egan H., [taxidermist], rms over 314 Main, bt Market, Jefferson.
Smith, Elias, clk Doolittle & Mahana, h. Frost B. Smith.
Smith, Flint D., bds C. W. Fant.
Smith, Frank J. (Frank J. Smith & Co.), r. 1103 Browder, cor Corsicana.
Smith, Frank J. & Co. (Frank J. Smith, --- Co.), Agents Detroit Safe Co., office 506 Main.
Smith, Frederick, lab, bds The Sun House.
Smith, Frost B., baggage master Union depot, r. ns Floyd, bt Good, Cantagral.
Smith, Garrett D., bkpr Bird, Anderson & Co., r. McKinney road, n of Pearl.
Smith, George, ice wagon driver, bds Mrs. C. M. Wheeler.
Smith, George, expressman, h. Rev. Andrew Smith.
Smith, George (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Smith, George (c), cook H. B. Drew, r. same.
Smith, George, butcher, r. 216 Caroline, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Smith, George F. (c), physician, office 944 1/2 Main, bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. same.
Smith, George W., foreman marble cutter S. B. Hanway, r. 1235 Main.
Smith, Miss Georgie, tailoress, h. Nick Smith.
Simth, Grant C., clk W. T. Hancock & Co., bds E. C. Smith.
Smith, Green (c), lab, r. ns Cochran, bt McCoy, Washington ave.
Smith, Harry, hostler Frank DeBeque, r. same.
Smith, Hattie (c), wks Louis Jacoby.
Smith, Henry, bartender, bds H. Secker.
Smith, Henry (c), porter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Smith, Henry (c), lab, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Flora, Cochran.
Smith, Henry (c), wks Alexander White, r. same.
Smith, Henry C., slsmn Sanger Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Smith, Henry H., County Treasr Dallas County, Office Courthouse, r. ws McKinney ave, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Smith, Ira C., carp, r. 626 Leonard, cor Juliet.
Smith, Irene (c), nurse, r. 406 [_____], alley bt Commerce, Williams, Henry, Crowdus.
Smith, James, teamster, h. Rev. Andrew Smith.
Smith, James (c), truckman Mo. P. and T. & P. Ry frt depot, r. 603 Bryan, bt Good, Boll.
Smith, James A. (Smith & Thompson Produce Co.), bds Wm. S. Bryant.
Smith, James H. (Bachman & Smith), r. 7 Miles nw of city.
Smith, James H., butcher Leo. Walters.
Smith, James P., City Editor, Dallas Daily Times, r. 1219 Jackson, bt. S. Harwood, Pearl.
Smith, James W., clk Texas Storage Co., h. Sydney Smith.
Smith, Miss Jane, seamstress Sanger Bros., bds J. G. Boag.
Smith, Jane (wid), wks E. C. Smith, r. same.
Smith, Jennie (c), wks Alexander White, r. same.
Smith, Jeremiah W. (c), teacher, h. John G. Smith.
Smith, John, section hand H. & T. C. Ry, bds P. J. Burk.
Smith, John (c), r. se cor San Jacinto, Villars.
Smith, John G. (c), blksmith, shop and r. 305 Boll, bt Flora, Juliet.
Smith, John Henry, Ry postal clk, rms W. S. Shuttles.
Smith, John J., r. 1072 Wood, cor S. Harwood.
Smith, John N., gardener, r. es G. C. & S. F. Ry, bt creek, Hickory.
Smith, John W., h. Dr. T. D. Morgan.
Smith, Joseph E., cashier Mo. P. and T. & P. Rys frt depot.
Smith, Joseph H. (Chilton & Smith), bds St. George Hotel.
Smith, Miss Josie, h. W. H. W. Smith.
Smith, Josie (c), wks A. Panders, r. same.
Smith, Julia (c), r. 1039 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Smith, Julia (c), wks M. H. Hickox, r. same.
Smith, Miss Juliette A., teacher private school, bds Rev. A. P. Smith.
Smith, Kate (c), wks Edward Fair.
Smith, Lila (c), wks Mrs. M. C. Barry, r. same.
Smith, Lillie (c), laundress, r. nw cor Market, Walnut.
Smith, Miss Lillie, h. D. W. C. Smith.
Smith, Lee (c), hostler Kirkland & Work.
Smith, Louis S., paymaster T. & P. Ry, office ns Commerce, bt Lamar, Poydras, bds C. F. Carter, 407 Ross ave.
Smith, Lovie (wid D. C.), h. Major B. Smith.
Smith, Lucas F. (Simpkins & Smith), r. Ross ave, 2 miles n of Courthouse.
Smith, Lucy (c), cook Samuel Klein, r. same.
Smith, Miss Lulu, music teacher, bds J. R. Meeks.
Smith, Miss Lulu, wks Horton Hotel, r. same.
Smith, Lydia (c), h. Lou Jones.
Smith, Maggie (c), wks William Moroney.
Smith, Major B., carp, r. 838 Live Oak, bt Texas, Germania.
Smith, Mamie (c), wks Max Goldsmith, r. same.
Smith, Marcellous M. (Smith & Co.), r. 204 Carter, cor Hord.
Smith, Maria (c), laundress, r. es Preston, cor bt Main, Commerce.
Smith, Marium H. (wid C. T.), h. E. C. Smith.
Smith, Miss Mary, h. Cabot Smith.
Smith, Mary (c), cook John Malloy, r. same.
Smith, Mary (c), laundress, h. Maria Smith.
Smith, Mattie (c), wks Robert B. Seay, r. same.
Smith, Miss May, actress Thompson's theatre, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Smith, Mollie (c), cook Alex. Sanger, r. same.
Smith, Montgomery, carp, h. Robert A. Smith.
Smith, Nick, moulder, r. 28 Orange, bt Hord, Collin.
Smith, Ollie O., pipeman Dallas water works, r. ws Martha, bt Junius, Gaston ave.
Smith, Rebecca (c), h. Henry Lindsay.
Smith, Rebecca (c), h. Fannie Pendleton.
Smith, Rebecca (c), r. 1041 Williams, bet Sherman, Henry.
Smith, Robert, actor Mascotte theatre, bds F. DeBeque.
Smith, Robert, physician, r. 1316 Williams, bt. S. Harwood, S. Pearl.
Smith, Robert, Dist Mgr R. G. Dun & Co.'s Mercantile Agency, 0ffice 729-731 Main, bds 411 Harwood. See front cover line.
Smith, Robert A., carp, r. ws Snodgrass, bt creek, Hughes.
Smith, Robert A., carp, r. 224 Good, bt Live Oak, Bryan.
Smith, Robert O., carp Boyd & Webster, rms 1008 Elm.
Smith, Samuel G., clk Dargan & Trezevant, r. 341 Burford, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Smith, Sidney, depy sheriff, bds W. H. W. Smith.
Smith, Susan (wid John), h. John N. Smith.
Smith, Sydney, jr., Dallas State Fair and Expositin Association, h. Sidney Smith, sr.
Smith, Sydney, Sr., Secy Dallas State Fair and Exposition Association; Texas representative M. Ehret, jr. & Co., Phila.; Sandwich Enterprise Co., Sandwich, Ill.; Aultman & Taylor Co., Mansfield, Ohio; Akron Iron Co., Akron, Ohio; Whitman Agrl Co., St. Louis; Little Rock Gin Co., Little Rock, Ark.; Texas Cotton Press Co., Dallas; office Grand-Windsor block, r. ne cor Akard, Canton.
Smith, S. H. (c), bds Moses Allen.
Smith, Thomas, barber C. O. Lee, bds Mrs. Sallie Griffin.
Smith, Thomas F. (c), lab, h. John G. Smith.
Smith, Thomas J. (Smith & Co.), r. 204 Carter.
Smith, Thomas J., h. Marcellous M. Smith.
Smith & Thompson Produce Co. (James A. Smith, William Thompson), wholesale produce and comission mchts, 110 Broadway, bt Main, Elm.
Smith, T. Hudson (Smith & Bryan), r. 338 Pearl, cor San Jacinto.
Smith, T. S., bds Tennessee House.
Smith, Wade (c), wks Robert Gibson, r. same.
Smith, William, bricklayer, r. ne cor Pacific ave, Griffin.
Smith, William, bricklayer, bds J. R. Miller.
Smith, William (c), expressman, res. 116 Jefferson, cor Walnut.
Smith, William (c), wks Hotel Camp Strother.
Smith, William (c), lab, r. ns Marilla, bt Canton, S. Harwood.
Smith, William H., collecting agt W. H. Hatch, bds St. George Hotel.
Smith, William H. W., Sheriff Dallas County, Office Courthouse, r. ss Swiss ave, bt McIntyre, St. Joseph, E. Dallas.
Smith, William J. J., asst teacher Grove high school, bds Guilford T. Thomas.
Smith, William L., brick contractor, r. 424 Swiss ave, cor Moltke.
Smith, William McB. (Noland & Smith), r. 419 Live Oak, bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Smith, William R., carp, r. 1303 San Jacinto, cor Germania.
Smith, Willis R., clk E. C. Smith, h. same.
Smith, W. O., carp, rms W. S. Shuttles.
Smoke, Frank, driver Jos. Blakeney, bds Blue Corner Hotel.
Smothers, Mary A. (c), h. S. H. Smothers.
Smothers, Samuel H. (c), school teacher, r. 416 Hall, cor Flora.
Snead, William D., dairyman, r. ws McKinney road, 1 1/2 miles n of Courthouse.
Sneith, Frank, street car driver Dallas Belt Street Ry.
Snider, James, candy roller, h. I. T. Morgan.
Snider, William C., wks S. Q. Richardson, r. es Ervay, nr G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Snodgrass, Edward L., correspondent T. L. Marsalis & Co., r. sw cor N. Harwood, Cottage Lane.
Snodgrass, Gabriella (wid Henry), h. C. O. Wood.
Snow, Miss Annie, cook J. S. Witwer, r. same.
Soblowich, Henry, clk W. E. Best, bds same.
Soblowich, Lazarus, tailor, es Poydras, bt Main, Elm, second hand clothing, 1216 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. 216 Carter.
Sockwell, John I. (Rowland & Sockwell), r. ws Portland, bt Corsicana, St. Louis.
Sockwell, John L., machinist E. Van Winkel & Co., bds Geo. A. Green.
Sohneting, Fritz, peddler, bds John Brunk.
Solomon, Charles, carriage driver Arthur Cain, rms 703 Commerce.
Solomon, John, wks E. M. Powell, r. same.
Solomon, Joseph (Wright & Solomon), Second Hand furniture, 934 Main, bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. same.
Somers, George W., engr East Dallas ice factory.
Sommers, James, trav slsmn Sanger Bros., bds Jacob Oppenheim.
Sommers, Michael, bricklayer, bds J. R. Miller.
Sommers, William F., watchmkr J. C. Wilber, bds 108 Griffin.
Sondheim, Otto, special agt Manhattan Life Insurance Co., office 707 Main, bds. Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Sonefield, George W., carp, r. 1009 Pacific ave, bt N. Harwood, Olive.
Sonnenberg, William H., dry goods mcht, r. 218 Live Oak, bt N. Harwood, Olive.
Sonntag, Richard, bkpr G. H. Schoellkopf, bds E. Beilharz.
Soper, Mark (Lester & Soper), bds 603 Leonard, cor Flora.
Sorg, Charles, watchmkr Knepfly & Son, bds Mrs. W. R. Driskell.
Souter, Alexander, r. 406 Collin, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Souter, George, wks Todd mills, h. A. Souter.
Souter, Miss Jennie, teacher E. Dallas public school, h. A. Souter.
Souter, Miss Jessie, school teacher, h. A. Souter.
Southern Brokerage Co., W. J. Kain, prest; Wm. Campbell, treasr; A. J. Wheelock, mgr; stocks, grain and produce, 513 Elm, bt Austin, Lamar.
Southern Gem Nursery, ws McKinney Road, w end Pearl, J. R. Johnson, propr, K. M. Johnson, secy. See advt.
Southern Sign Works Co., Sign Writers, 809 Main, James L. Baker, mgr.
Southern Stamp Co. (Emil Huffmann, C. Applebaum), collection of U. S. and foreign stamps, 755 Elm.
Southern, William N., Mgr Singer Mfg Co., Office, 757 Elm, r. 222 Live Oak, cor Olive.
Southwestern Stoneware and Pipe Co. (Frank G. Moore, Roderick D. Rawlins), mfrs cement, chimney flues, drain pipes, etc., 110 Main.
Sowell, Miss Katie, h. Richard E. Bumpas.
Spadino, Adolph, painter, rms 931 Elm.
Spain, James W. (Lear & Spain), r. ss Pacific ave, bt Olive, Pearl.
Spalding, Ezra F., trav slsmn Winchester & Partridge, Whitewater, Wisconsin, r. 214 Cadiz, bt Browder, Ervay.
Spalding, Isaac C., r. ws Pavilion, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Spalding, Morris, packer Babcock, Foot & Brown, h. I. C. Spalding.
Sparks, Aldred (c), wks Hughes Bros., r. ss Juliet, bt Burford, Boll.
Sparks, Emma (wid Herman), r. 907 Jackson, bt Akard, Ray.
Sparks, James M. (c), porter, T. & P. depot, r. 512 Young, bt Austin, Lamar.
Sparks, Miss Katie, seamstress Home Mfg Co., r. 1574 Main.
Sparks, Ophelia (c), r. ws Texas, bt Ross ave, San Jacinto.
Sparks, Thomas, lab, r. 1574 Main, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Speak, Sumpter M., real estate owner, r. 1324 Jackson.
Spears, Dudley (c), lab, r. se cor Bryan, H. & T. C. Ry.
Spears, Lou (c), r. Freedmantown ne city limits.
Spellman, John, r. 348 Ross ave, bt Orange, Sycamore.
Spence, David, r. ns Highland, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Spence, Wendel (Reeves & Spence), Notary Public, rms 12 Sycamore, bds same.
Spencer, Calvin (c) (Spencer & Ragsdale), r. 211 Flora, bt Peak, Burford.
Spencer, Claiborne S. (c), coachman B. Robinson, r. ss Bryan, bt Hawkins, H. & T. C. Ry.
Spencer, Ernest, appc blksmith J. J. Conroy, r. 825 Live Oak.
Spencer, Helen (Mrs. H. A.), r. 921 Wood, bt Akard, Browder.
Spencer, Hester (c), lab, bds Abe Kirby.
Spencer, Miss Jennie, chief opr Dallas Pan Electric Telephone Exchange, h. W. R. Spencer.
Spencer, John W., trav collector D. M. Osborne & Co., r. 835 Live Oak.
Spencer, Miss Kittie, opr Dallas Pan Electric Telephone Exchange, h. W. R. Spencer.
Spencer & Ragsdale (Calvin Spencer, James Ragsdale), (c), barbers, shop 116 Sycamore, bt Main, Elm.
Spencer, William (c), waiter Hotel Bogel, h. Abe Kirby.
Spencer, William M., engr, h. Mrs. Nettie E. Jones.
Spencer, William R., r. 1409 Commerce, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Speyer, Theodore C., carp, r. 423 Flora, bt Boll, Allen.
Sphar, Jacob S. contractor, r. 806 Live Oak, bt Cantagral, Texas.
Spiegel, George C., cigar mfr, r. 1011 San Jacinto, bt Hawkins,[Boll].
Spikes, Monroe (c), barber, shop and bath rooms Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. 1106 San Jacinto, bt Boll, H. & T. C. Ry.
Spilker, William C., shipping clk Smith & Thompson Produce Co., r. 605 Houston, bt Young, Columbia.
Spiller, John E. (Harris & Spiller), bds John J. Harris.
Spilman, Festus W., druggist, 1650 Elm, bt Mill creek, T. T. Ry., r. ss Elm, bt T. T. Ry., Prospect, E. Dallas.
Spinks, Josephine V. (wid Thomas), h. Mrs. Mary J. Anderson.
Spivey, Casper, clk Thomas Spivey, r. 1020 Polk, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Spivey, Miss Fannie, dressmkr Miss Carrie Waller, h. Casper Spivey.
Spivey, Joseph, clk Sanger Bros., h. Casper Spivey.
Spivey, J. Hugh, bkpr,Texas Elevator and Compress Co., r. 122 Highland, bt Ashland, Cedar.
Spivey, Samuel L., cutter Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 1538 Main, bt Dove, Lloyd.
Spivey, Thomas, second hand furniture, 1213 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. ns Commerce, bt Dove, Lloyd.
Spivey, Walter W., clothing inspector Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 1538 Main.
Spotsey, Albert (c), porter genl frt office, T. & P. Ry., bds Polly Cheeks.
Sprague, Edward G., painter, h. Mrs. F. L. Sprague.
Sprague, Fannie L. (wid John G.), r. 605 Bryan, bt Good, Cantagral.
Sprankle, David M., Secy J. B. Watkins Land and Mortgage Co., r. Lawrence, Kansas.
Spratlin, P. E. (c), principal colored public school No. 2, bds Joshua Canard.
Spray, Miss Annie, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Jesse Spray.
Spray, Miss Cinderella, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Jesse Spray.
Spray, Jesse, expressman, r. ns Cochran, nr Allen.
Spring, Frank U., book agt, rms and bds St. James Hotel.
Springfield, Jordan (c), barber, shop, lunch stand, es H. & T. C. Ry., bt Elm, Pacific ave, r. same.
Spruill, Anna (wid Vol C.), cook,Thomas G. Terry, r. ne cor Houston, Columbia.
Spurgeon, Miss Nora, h. Mark L. Morris.
Sreenan, Frank (Sreenan & McCarthy), restaurant, ws H. & T. C. Ry., opp Union depot, r. ne cor Main, Preston.
Sreenan & McCarthy (Frank Sreenan, Michael E. McCarthy), proprs "Headlight" saloon, nw cor Main, H. & T. C. Ry., and ws H. & T. C. Ry, opp Union depot. See advt.
Sreenan, Michael, bartender Sreenan & McCarthy, h. Frank Sreenan.
Stacey, John W., bakery, 1133 Elm, bt Olive, Pearl, r. same.
Stafferd, Robert H. (Stafferd & Bernier), r. over 1332 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hawkins.
Stafferd & Bernier (Robert H. Stafferd, Edward Bernier), meat market, 1332 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins.
Stafford, Miss Annie, h. J. W. Simpson.
Stafford, Frederick, jeweler John Fisher, h. J. W. Simpson.
Stafford, Harry, carp, h. J. W. Simpson.
Stafford, John, jr., shipping clk Western Newspaper Union, h. John Stafford, sr.
Stafford, John, sr., engr Western Newspaper Union, r. ns Williams, bt Henry, Crowdus.
Stakemann, Albert, appc carp, h. Max Stakemann.
Stakemann, Max, draughtsman T. & P. Ry land dept, r. 615 Veal, cor Marilla.
Stalker, James, driver Pacific Express Co., bds 314 Lamar.
Stallings, Benjamin F., carp, r. sw cor Williams, Duncan.
Stallings, George, h. W. H. Stallings.
Stallings, William A., clk Union depot news stand, bds same.
Stallings, William H., carp, r. ns Porter, bt Duncan, Walton.
Stalnaker, Adolphus W., trav slsmn Tompkins Machine Co., r. 1202 Young, cor Veal.
Stalsworth, Orrin (c), porter J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., bds William Brown.
Stamm, Morris, trav slsmn, r. 508 Veal, bt Wood, Young.
Stamper, Henry H., carp, r. 327 Crockett, bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Stanage, James O., trav slsmn, W. G. Scarff & Co., r. 1212 Jackson, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Stanberry, Miss Annie, h. J. W. Brown.
Stanbery, Frank, student, h. R. Stanbery.
Stanbery, Henry, tel opr W. U. Tel office, bds 1058 Elm, nr S. Harwood.
Stanbery, Reompence, Supt City Public Free schools of Dallas, office High School bldg., ss Bryan, bt Pearl, Hawkins, r. 1111 Commerce, bt St. Paul, S. Harwood.
Standish, John, lab, bds W. Lyttle.
Standsfield, Mrs. Mary C., seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 404 Jackson.
Stanfill, Mary C. (wid Irvin), h. Mrs. Harriet McDonough.
Stanley, Frank, printer Gibson, Worley & Co., bds John C. Jones.
Stanley, Mrs. M. A., seamstress Home Mfg Co., h. Thomas Stanley.
Stanley, Mrs. Susan A., h. C. C. Jones.
Stanley, Thomas, Blksmith, Wheelwright, 1420 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd, r. 503 S. Harwood. See advt.
Stanton, Dilcy (c), wks Albert Hardie, r. same.
Stanton, James R., engr, r. 99 Live Oak, cor Pacific ave.
Stanton, P. J., lab, bds W. H. Lee.
Staples, Mrs. Rosa, slslady E. Baumann, r. 724 Main, cor Martin.
Stapleton, Miss Lula, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Mrs. M. A. Stapleton.
Stapleton, Mrs. Martha A., seasmtress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. Long's Lake road.
Star Iron Works, General Repairers of Engines, boilers and machinery, se cor Market, Pacific ave, Theo. Mosher, propr. See advt.
Starke, B. A. (B. A. Starke & Co.), r. 717 Elm.
Starke, B. A. & Co. (B. A. Starke, --- Co.), Proprs Glen Lea branch saloon, se cor Elm, Sycamore.
Starke, Francis (c), wks J. E. Schneider, r. same.
Starke, Homan V., with Neal Starke, rms J. C. Starke.
Starke, John C., with B. A. Starke & Co., se cor Elm, Sycamore, r. 717 Elm.
Starke, Neal, propr Glen Lea Saloon, 740 Main, cor Murphy. See embossed back.
Starkloff, Henry, tuner and repairer Frees & Son, bds George Turner.
Starks, Henry (c), expressman, r. 113 Peak, bt Flora, Juliet.
Starks, John P. (c), teacher public school No. 2, bds Julia Canard.
Starks, John W. (c), teacher, r. rear 375 Ross ave.
Starr, Edward, bricklayer, r. 320 Camp, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Starr, Frank S., plumber, r. ss Commerce, bt Henry, Crowdus.
Stauffer, J. G., insurance agt, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
St. Charles Hotel, 304 Commerce, cor Jefferson, A. B. Fuller, propr.
St. Clair, Mattie (wid H.), r. 1656 Main, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Stearns, Alonzo W., grain dealer, office ne cor Lamar, Commerce, r. 920 Ross ave, bt Boll, H. & T. C. Ry.
Stearns, Gratus B., watchmaker, 1346 Elm, r. 404 Cadiz, cor Evergreen.
Stebinger, F. D., millwright, bds National Hotel.
Steck, Richard C., carp, rms John D. Cook.
Steele, Miss Annie B., h. S. T. Blake.
Steele & Bell (Charles B. Steele, Rice I. Bell), subscription book publishers, office, 908 Elm, bt Sycamore.
Steele, Charles B. (Steele & Bell), bds 925 Elm.
Steele, Richard, car repairer T. & P. Ry, r. 228 Pacific ave, cor Wm. Tell.
Steele, Walter A., attorney, office 316 Main, cor Market, r. McKinney road.
Steele, Wesley (c), porter St. George bar.
Steen, Rachel (c), wks Bartholomew Blankenship, r. same.
Steer, Frederick, clk Holloway & Co.
Steer, John A., propr Holstein-Guernsey dairy, r. 924 Wood, bt Akard, Browder.
Steere, James M., asst genl frt agt G. C. & S. F. Ry, officer Merchants' Exchange, ne cor Lamar, Commerce, r. Fort Worth.
Steiner, Alexander, rms 931 Elm.
Steiner, August, bricklayer, bds Mrs. Flora Zumbrun.
Steiner, John, driver Pacific Express Co., bds St. Charles Hotel.
Steiner, Miss Sallie, wks D. R. Fawcett, r. same.
Steinhardt, John, carp John Paul, bds Cincinnati House.
Stell, George (c), driver B. M. Bond & Bro., h. William Stell.
Stell, William (c), lab, r. 606 Alamo, cor Olin Wellborn.
Stellbaum, Charles, saloon, ne cor Hawkins, Montezuma, r. same.
Stemmler, Casper, painter H. Hamilton, rms S. Mayer.
Stemmons & Field (John M. Stemmons, Abram H. Field), attorneys, office 201 Main, cor Houston.
Stemmons, John M. (Stemmons & Field), r. 2 miles w of river.
Stenger, Charles R., clk Sanger Bros., r. ns Corinth, bt Crosthwaite, Snodgrass.
Stenglin, Miss Emma, cook C. A. Keating, r. same.
Stenglin, Miss Katie, wks R. V. Tompkins, r. same.
Stephens, Annie (wid T. F.), boardinghouse, 707 Poydras, bt Commerce, Jackson.
Stephens, Edward (c), runner St. George Hotel.
Stephens, Elizabeth (wid S. A.), r. 1115 Commerce, bt St. Paul, S. Harwood.
Stephens, Eva (wid C. F.), r. sw cor San Jacinto, Burford.
Stephens, France, teamster, h. J. M. Stephens.
Stephens, James L., teamster, r. 1525 Main, w end Dove.
Stephens, John M., r. se cor Ross ave, Hall.
Stephens, Mary (c), wks A. H. Belo, r. same.
Stephens, Sherman, teamster, h. J. M. Stephens.
Stephens, Thomas, collarmkr G. H. Schoellkopf, bds Thos. Wilkinson.
Stephenson, Charles B., cotton buyer, r. 412 Ross ave, bt Masten, N. Harwood.
Stephenson, Charles T., transfer clk Pacific Express Co., bds Union Depot Hotel.
Stephenson, Daniel, stable foreman Commerce and Ervay Street Ry Co., s end Ervay.
Stephenson, Henry (c), lab, r. 216 Juliet, bt Peak, Burford.
Stephenson, James E., plasterer, bds J. D. Tunnell.
Stephenson, Peter F., trav slsmn, r. 146 Cochran, bt Orange, Masten.
Stephenson, Samuel (c), rms Samuel Scott.
Sterchi, W. H., moulder Phelan & Co., bds Alvis K. Woodson.
Sterett, William G., architect, builder, bds Mrs. Belle DeWitt.
Sterett, William G., Editor Dallas Times; Paragrapher Dallas Morning News, r. 414 Bryan, bt Pearl, Hawkins.
Sterling, Sarah (c), wks Jacob Oppenheim, r. same.
Stevens, Annie E. (wid), wks Blankenship & Blake, r. alley off Swiss ave, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Stevens, Arthur T., bkpr Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assoc., r. ns Williams, bt S. Pearl. Preston.
Stevens, Miss Eliza, seamstress Blankenship & Blake, res. 10 Preston.
Stevens, Miss Elizabeth, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 10 Preston.
Stevens, James D., r. ns Elm, bt Mill creek, T. T. Ry.
Stevens, James G., notary public, office Courthouse, r. junc. T. & P. and T. T. Rys.
Stevens, Martha (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry., bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Stevens, Monroe (c), lab., r. ws H. & T. C. Ry., bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Stevenson, Henry C. (McKeen & Stevenson), Secy and treasr Dallas Home and Loan Ass'n, r. 820 Live Oak, bt Cantagral, Texas.
Stevenson, Thomas, horse collarmkr G. H. Schoellkopf.
Stevenson, William J., foreman machinist Trinity iron works, r. ws Washington ave, n of Juliet.
Stevenson, William J., appc blksmith J. Conroy, h. W. J. Stevenson.
Stewart, Alfred (c), r. ss Bryan, bt Hall, McCoy.
Stewart, Miss Annie, bds Mrs. Mary J. James.
Stewart, Miss Annie, waiter J. B. Jock.
Stewart, Charles (c), lab, h. Alfred Stewart.
Stewart, Charles S., carp, r. 1630 1/2 Commerce, bt Sherman, Henry.
Stewart, Dudley T. (S. S. Floyd & Co.), bds Henry C. Hoskins.
Stewart, Edward (c), waiter St. George Hotel.
Stewart, Isaac C., bkpr Texas Prohibition Advocate, bds Theo. Beddo.
Stewart, John (c), lab, r. es Jefferson, bt Columbia, creek.
Stewart, Joseph (c), lab, h. Alfred Stewart.
Stewart, Joseph H., depy dist clk, office Courthouse, r. Oak Lawn, 2 miles n of city.
Stewart, Nancy (wid J. W.), h. L. A. Wilson.
Stewart, Sallie (c), wks D. H. Morrow, r. same.
Stewart, Sanford A., Ry postal clerk, r. 617 Cedar, bt Highland, Caroline.
Stewart, William, wks W. C. Padgitt, r. same.
Stewart, William A., car inspector T. & P. Ry, r. 12 Houston, cor Carondelet.
Stewart, William H., carp, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
St. George Bar and Billiard Parlor, 716 Main, George W. Loomis, propr. See advt.
St. George Hotel, 714 Main, J. B. McLeod, Propr. See inside front cover.
Stickney, J. C., bkpr W. G. Scarff & Co.
Stier, Miss Minnie, chambermaid St. James Hotel, r. same.
Stiffel, Harry H., trav slsmn, bds St. George Hotel.
Stiger, Charles, starcher Eureka laundry, r. ws Jefferson, bt Columbia, creek.
Stillwell, Lemuel (c), r. e of H. & T. C. Ry, bt Flora, Cochran.
Stimson, Frederick J., engr, r. ss Williams, bt Duncan, Walton.
Stine, Benjamin, groceries, meat market, nw cor Ervay, Park, r. ns Park, bt Browder, Ervay.
Stiner, Edward F., foreman Clark & Clark, r. 119 Swiss ave, bt Hawkins, Good.
Stirling, Miss Mollio, bds Mrs. Annie I. Wilson.
Stirman, Middleton G. (Irvine, Stirman & Ellison), rms 608 Main.
Stith, Henry P., h. Mrs. S. E. Stith.
Stith, Sarah E. (wid Henry), r. 508 Ross ave, cor N. Harwood.
St. James Hotel, 804 Main, cor Murphy, James M. Orr, propr.
St. Nicholas Hotel, 905-907 Main, cor Sycamore, G. W. Keown, propr.
Stöbel, Miss Mary, wks W. M. Shirley, r. same.
Stockden, Esther (c), wks Moses D. Garlington, r. same.
Stockden, Henry (c), wks Moses D. Garlington, r. same.
Stockman, John H., porter T. L. Marsalis & Co., r. Oak Cliff, w of city limits.
Stocks, Ann (c), r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt San Jacinto, Boll.
Stockton, William O., teamster, r. nw cor Columbia, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Stokes, Rev. Alfred (c), pastor Macedonia Baptist church, r. 201 Flora, cor Peak.
Stokes, Mrs. E. M., h. Louis H. Page.
Stokes, Miss Susie, actress Mascott Theatre, bds F. DeBeque.
Stokey, David G., carp, r. es Allen, bt Ross ave, Flora.
Stokey, William W., carp, r. es Texas, bt Live Oak, Liberty.
Stoltz, Miss Rosa, seamstress Sanger Bros., h. J. G. Boag.
Stone, Alfred (c), lab, r. es Pearl, bt Cochran, McKinney.
Stone, Delila (c) (blind), r. sw cor Leonard, Cochran.
Stone, Frederick, bartender G.W. Loomis, bds same.
Stone, James G., mailing clerk Texas Farm & Ranch, rms 810 Elm.
Stone, John H. (Howell & Stone), r. Weatherford, Texas.
Stone, Mary C. (wid H. B.), r. 404 N. Lamar, bt Cochran, Caruth.
Stone, Michael O., appc watchmkr J. C. Wilbert, h. M. B. Stone.
Stone, Moses B., contractor, builder, office and r. 108 Griffin, bt Camp, Ross ave.
Stone, Robert L., brick mason, h. M. B. Stone.
Stone, T. A., cavasser Thayer & Hewlett.
Stoneham, Walter, night clk Alfred Dare, bds same.
Stoner, W. H., book seller, bds American House.
Storey, James, lab, bds Mrs. N. E. Latimer.
Storey, John C., Dentist, Office 601 Main, cor Lamar, r. 519 Veal, cor Young.
Storman, Augusta (Mrs. J.), dressmkr, notions, 1520 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd, r. 1650 Main.
Storman, Miss Bertha, seamstress W. F. Meek, r. 1650 Main.
Storms, William J., Ticket and Frt Agt G. C. & S. F. Ry., office pass depot, cor Commerce, Murphy, r. 916 Commerce, bt Akard, Ray.
Story, Alexander S., lab, r. ss Columbia, bt G. C. & S. F. Ry., cemetery.
Stotermeyer, Willis (c), r. es Burford, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Stout, J. E., lab, bds J. R. Miller.
Stoutsenberger, Fannie (wid Samuel), dressmkr, h. Mrs. M. A. Bowles.
Stoval, Mrs. Cassie, wks C. E. Momand, r. same.
Stover, Cephas S., Carpenter, Contractor, Builder, r. ne cor Snodgrass, Corinth.
Stover, Miss Hattie, wks Hughes Bros., h. C. S. Stover.
Stover, Miss Mollie, wks Hughes Bros., h. C.S. Stover.
Strange, H. Beverly, cashier Oliver & Griggs bank, rms over 733 Elm.
Strange, Willoughby T., Attorney and Notary Public, office 512 Main, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Strassenburg, Charles, blksmith Harry Eeles, bds Mrs. Eva Levlon.
Stratton, Steuben T., Vice-prest Empire Mills, r. 204 Patterson ave, cor Oleander.
Stratton, Thomas, student, bds Jno. W. Lane.
Stratton, William H., jr., collector Exchange Bank, h. S. T. Stratton.
Straus, Joseph W., r. 913 Ross ave, bt Boll, H. & T. C. Ry.
Straus, Mariana (wid Simon), r. 913 Ross ave, bt Boll, H. & T. C. Ry.
Street, Joseph G., trav slsmn, r. 8 Greenwood, bt Oak, Field.
Strength, Eugenius C., wks Texas Spring Bed Co.
Strength, William F., groceries, sw cor Ross ave, Texas, r. same.
Stresau, Fritz (Stresau & Mann), r. Milwaukee, Wis.
Stresau, Hermann (Stresau & Mann), r. Milwaukee, Wis.
Stresau & Mann (Fritz Stresau, Hermann Stresau, T. L. Mann), produce and commission merchants, 307 Main.
Stribling, Columbus H. (Stribling & Richardson), r. 711 Ross ave, cor Peak.
Stribling, Jesse S., meat market, 703 Ross ave, bt Leonard, Peak, r. alley bt Ross ave, Flora, Burford, Boll.
Stribling & Richardson (Columbus H. Stribling, Edward H. Richardson), groceries, provisions, liquors, dry goods, boots, shoes, notions, 705-707 Ross ave, bt Leonard, Peak, saloon 701 Ross ave, cor Leonard. See advt.
Strickland, Alfred (c), dishwasher Lawrence Battise, r. same.
Strickland, Jennie (c), wks J. L. Herman, r. same.
Strickland, Matthew, lab, bds G. W. Shanks.
Strickland, Miss Mattie, h. F. R. Shanks.
Strippling, Timothy (c), lab, r. ns Marilla, bt Ervay, Veal.
Strode, Washington, broommkr J. C. Huguley, r. ws Washington ave, n of Juliet.
Strogan, Kansas (c), r. nw cor Akard, Park.
Strohm, O. Clara (wid Samuel), r. 1405 Polk, bt. S. Pearl, Preston.
Strong, Jesse M., county surveyor Dallas county, office Courthouse, r. 314 Trinidad, bt Masten, N. Harwood.
Strother & Johnson (Mrs. Mary C. Strother, C. Horace Johnson), proprs Hotel Camp Strother, sw cor H. & T. C. Ry., Pacific ave.
Strother, Loula L. (wid), teacher Latin and English Dallas female college, r. same.
Strother, Mary C. (Mrs. R. D.), (Strother & Johnson), r. sw cor Pacific ave, H. & T. C. Ry.
Strother, Robert D., r. sw cor Pacific ave, H. & T. C. Ry.
Strowther, Ann (c), h. Thomas Strowther.
Strowther, Jefferson (c), expressman, r. ns Juliet, bt McCoy, Washington ave.
Strowther, Thomas (c), r. ns Juliet, bt McCoy, Washington ave.
Struck, Charles, Retail Liquors, se cor Austin, Wood, rms same, bds Theodore Reinecke.
Struck, Henry, bartender Charles Struck, rms same, bds T. Reinecke.
Strum, Bernard, barber Lee Cohn, r. 709 Jackson.
Stuart, Albert H., bkpr T. & P. Ry land dept, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Stuart, Dan A. (W. H. Clark & Co.), rms over 612 Main.
Stuart, Dolphus L., carp, r. ss Seegar, bt Crosthwaite, Ervay.
Stuart, Edward (c), waiter St. George Hotel, rms Peyton Hooker.
Stuper, Emil, baker Emile Hilgers, r. same.
Sturdivan, Laura (c), wks L. S. Garrison, r. same.
Stüssy, Frederick, carp Wm. Dressel, bds Cincinnati House.
Sues, Miss Fannie, slslady Cahn Bros., h. M. Sues.
Sues, Meyer, boardinghouse, 820 Jackson, bt Poydras, Akard.
Sufall, Rudolph, r. ss Camp, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Sullivan, Daniel, plumber, r. ws Snodgrass, bt Beaumont, Hickory.
Sullivan, Miss Hannah, dressmkr Mrs. E. Dalton, r. Elm.
Sullivan, Henry (c), h. John Linscomb.
Sullivan, James H., Correspondent Ft. Worth Gazette, rms A. L. Hodge.
Sullivan, John L., lab, bds Mankato House.
Sullivan, Matilda (c), h. John Linscomb.
Sullivan, Michael, lab, r. 107 Main, bt Broadway, Houston.
Sullivan, Patrick, lab, r. 107 Main, bt Houston, Broadway.
Sullivan, Thomas, lab, rms 107 Main.
Sumiel, Martha (c), wks Venne P. Armstrong, r. same.
Sumner, Martha (c), h. William McDuff.
Sumpter, Guy, Real Estate Dealer, r. 809 Ervay, bt Marilla, Canton.
Sun House, (The), 1112-1114 Elm, bt S. Harwood, S. Pearl, G. W. Patrick, propr.
Sun, (The), issued every Thursday, office 930 Main, bt Sycarmore, Ervay, Pearre Bros., publishers and proprs; A. Wishart, editor; J. S. McCullough, business mgr.
Sunny Clime, issued every Saturday, office 1022 Main, bt St. Paul, Harwood, "Jolly Old" "Blonde" and "Brunette," editors and proprs.
Surbeck, Henry, wood turner, r. 1233 Main, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Surgy, Frank, section hand H. & T. C. Ry, bds P. J. Burk.
Sutherland, Alexander C., printer Dallas Herald, r. 236 Germania, cor Adolph.
Sutherland, Charles, bartender Miss Lillie Cain, bds same.
Sutton, Henry M., inspector Dallas Pan Electric Telephone and Telegraph Co., h. W. H. Sutton.
Sutton, Jane (c), wks E. W. Doolittle, h. same.
Sutton, Laura (wid William), h. Martin Shults.
Sutton, Lee (c), wks Leftwich & Jamison, r. s end Akard.
Sutton, William H., physician, surgeon, office, 1024 Elm, r. 1026 Elm, bt. Ervay, St. Paul.
Swaden, Anders, carp, r. ws McCoy, bt Flora, cochran.
Swaden, John, carp, h. A. Swaden.
Swain, Alice (Mrs. Wm. F.), r. ss Preston, bt Mill creek, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Swain, William F., shoemaker, ice dealer, 1132 Elm, bt S. Harwood, Pearl, r. ss Preston, bt Mill creek, Ry.
Swan, Charles, clk, bds Tennessee House.
Swan, Charles D., wks Texas Spring Bed Co., bds 1215 Elm.
Swan, Nathan (c), wks Barnett Gibbs, r. same.
Swan, _______, r. ss Pacific ave, bt Harwood, Live Oak.
Swann Bros. (W. Minor & Richard F.), cotton gin mfrs, 727-729 Young, cor G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Swann, Richard T. (Swann Bros.), rms 729 Young, cor G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Swann, W. Minor (Swann Bros.), rms 729 Young, cor G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Swanson, August, well borer, h. John Swanson.
Swanson, John, well borer, r. ws Allen, bt Flora, Juliet.
Swanson, John F., well borer, h. John Swanson.
Swanson, Miss Mary, wks S. D. Thruston, r. same.
Sweeney, James W., carp, r. 1312 Jackson, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Swenson, John E., float driver, r. ne cor Buena Vista, Cedar.
Sweringen, George, clk Wm. Deering & Co., bds Hotel Bogel.
Swindell, Charles E., Asst Ticket Agt T & P. and Mo. P. Rys, office 506 Main and T. & P. depot, bds St. George Hotel.
Swindell, Hester (c), cook Mrs. Sophie Baum, r. same.
Swindells, Charles S., city circulator Dallas Daily Herald, h. Mrs. M. H. Swindells.
Swindells, Eugene W., foreman pressman Western Newspaper Union, h. Mrs. M. H. Swindells.
Swindells, Minerva H. (wid J. W.), r. ns Eakin, bt S. Harwood, Preston.
Swink, Charles E., clk. J. L. Williams & Co., h. G. M. Swink.
Swink, George M., state grass commissioner, r. 1208 Jackson, cor S. Harwood.
Swite, S., peddler, bds Peter Garfinkle.
Swor, Albert, lab, r. ws Caroline, bt McKinney ave, Cedar.
Swor, Birdie, newsboy, h. Albert Swor.
Swor, William, newsboy, h. Albert Swor.
Sylvester, John, agt and correspondent Texas Live Stock Jurnal, bds St. James Hotel.
Syme, David, clk John Gibbs, r. same.
Sypher, Matilda K. (wid I. W.), h. C. W. Parker

Taber, Arthur B., State Agent Deere, Mansur & Co., office 405 Elm, r. 328 Corsicana, cor Evergreen.
Taber Bros. (Simpson H. & John C. B. Taber), mfg jewelers, gold and silver platers, dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry, diamonds, silverware, 802 Main, cor Murphy.
Taber, Edward W., trav slsmn, r. 957 Live Oak, bt Germania, Field.
Taber, John C. B. (Taber Bros.), r. 1218 Comerce, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Taber, Simpson H. (Taber Bros.), r. 1218 Commerce.
Tabernacle M. E. Church, se cor Main, St. Paul.
Tabor, Elisha W., groceries, provisions, 1444 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd, r. same.
Tabor, Sidney, Supt, The Bradstreet Co., office, 735 Main, r. 751 Ross ave, bt Burford, Boll.
Tabor, William G., clk E. W.Tabor, r. same.
Taggart, Sarah (wid David F.), r. 321 Hord, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Taggart, William F., clk M. D. Garlington, r. 321 Hord.
Taggart, William H., cashier D. M. Osborne & Co., r. 1315 Commerce.
Talbert, John, teamster, r. ss Cottage Lane, bt Crockett, Hawkins.
Talbot, Harry, watchmaker B. Irelson, bds 12 N. Lamar.
Talbot, Narcissa (c), h. James Modoc.
Talbot, Richard, wks Cincinnati House, r. same.
Tally, Samuel (c), wks Barnett Gibbs, r. same.
Tamborella, N. J., head cook Hotel Bogel.
Tandy, Miss Hannah, wks F. G. Burke, r. same.
Tannehill, John T., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, bds National Hotel.
Tanner, Edward (c), lab, r. rear ss Bryant, bt Cantagral, Germania.
Tanner, John, cigar maker, bds Charles Schoberle.
Tanner, Minnie (c), wks J. F. Jenkins, r. same.
Tapana, Arthur, clk A. F. Oppenheim, h. Mrs. C. Tapana.
Tapana, Catherine (wid Arthur), r. 1020 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Tarrant, Philip (c), housemover, r. 208 Flora, bt Peak, Burford.
Tate, William W., fruit and lunch stand, 213 S. Jefferson, bt Main, Commerce, r. same.
Tatum, Jackson (c), lab, r. rear ns Marilla, bt Ervay, Veal.
Tauxe, Bettie (c), bds FrankieWhite.
Tauxe, Henry, butcher Hamm & Emgard, rms sw cor Main, Broadway.
Taylor, Andrew J., lab, r. ws G. C. & S. F. [Ry], n of T. & P. Ry, E. Dallas.
Taylor, Charles (c), lab, r. 1118 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Taylor, Daniel, wks Empire mills, bds J. R. Miller.
Taylor, David (c), porter Henry Loeb, r. same.
Taylor, Edwin, r. es N. Lamar, bt Cochran, Mo. P. Ry.
Taylor, Ella (c), h. Louis N. Brown.
Taylor, Ellen (c), h. Louis N. Brown.
Taylor, Miss Florence, wks E. J. Gannon, r. same.
Taylor, George (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Taylor, George (c), r. 523 Bryan, cor Good.
Taylor, Harrison (c), lab, r. 1 Swiss ave, cor Pacific ave.
Taylor, Jack (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel, rms Carrie Campbell.
Taylor, James (c), lab, bds Thomas Tines.
Taylor, James H., teamster, r. ns Live Oak, e of Martha, E. Dallas.
Taylor, James H., asst county attorney, office Courthouse, r. ws Washington ave, bt Flora, Juliet.
Taylor, Jeremiah (c), farmer, r. sw cor Peak, Juliet.
Taylor, John (c), lab, bds Frank Winn.
Taylor, John W., slsmn and collector Crutcher & Harrison, r. 425 Flora, bt Boll, Allen.
Taylor, Joseph, plater Taber Bros.
Taylor, J. S., Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, furnishing goods, 806-808 Elm, 805-807 Main, bds St. George Hotel. See side marginal lines.
Taylor, Lizzie (c), h. Nelson Robinson.
Taylor, Omar C., machine hand Boyd & Webster, bds 8 Ross ave.
Taylor, Pleasant, bds Reuben P. Aunspaugh.
Taylor, Samuel S., carp, r. es Bogel, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Taylor, Thomas (c), lab, r. ws Austin, bt Columbia, Young.
Taylor, Van (c), porter G. C. & S. F. Ry depot, r. ns San Jacinto, bt Leonard, Hawkins.
Taylor, William (c), r. ws Lamar, bt Columbia, creek.
Taylor, Miss Willie, h. R. H. Hanna.
Taylor, William H., painter, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Tea Man (Chinese), laundryman Hi Lee, r. same.
Teasley, W. E., boilermkr Phelan & Co.
Tedington, Samuel (c), wks F. Michel.
Teel, H. H., trav correspondent Dallas Mercury, bds Mrs. Amanda C. Nairn.
Templeton, Miss Alice, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 123 Swiss ave.
Templeton, James M., wks R. R. Daugherty, r. 123 Swiss ave.
Templeton, Miss Ruth, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 123 Swiss ave.
Templeton, Rev. William G., Pastor Cumberland Presbyterian church, r. 120 N. Harwood, bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Tenison, Albert P. (Tenison Bros.), bds Mrs. Josephine Farrell.
Tenison, Miss Anna, r. 307 Griffin, bt Hord, Griffin.
Tenison Bros. (Albert P., John R. and Edward O. Tenison), saddles, harness and saddlery hardware, 513-515 Elm, bt Austin, Lamar. See advt.
Tenison, Edward O. (Tenison Bros.), teller City National Bank, r. 1221 Commerce, bt. S. Harwood, Pearl.
Tenison, Henrietta C. (wid J. R.), r. 305 Griffin, bt Hord, Collin.
Tenison, John R. (Tenison Bros.), bds Mrs. Josephine Farrell.
Tennessee House, 1215 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, W. F. Nance, propr.
Tenney, Mary L. (wid), r. 1016 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Tennison, E. S., slsmn Sanger Bros., r. cor Jackson, Akard.
Terhuven, Miss Christina, wks William Kelly, r. same.
Terrell, J. C., clk National Hotel, r. same.
Terrell, William (c), wks Dr. J. A. Ewing, r. same.
Terrell, William E., clk Cahn Bros., r. ws Cedar Springs road, 2nd house n of Ashland.
Terry, Benjamin J., insurance agt, bds T. A. Webb.
Terry, Charles M. (Terry & Daniel), r. 917 S. Houston, bt Columbia, creek.
Terry & Daniel (Charles M. Terry, Americus C. Daniel), real estate and collecting agents, office 512 Main, bt Austin, Lamar. See lower left lines.
Terry, E. A. (wid), r. 315 Ervay, cor Jackson.
Terry, Isam (c), r. ss Cochran, bt Burford, Boll.
Terry, James S., carp, r. 709 Houston, bt Columbia, creek.
Terry, John, clk Geo W. Loudon, bds Mrs. A. E. McMurray.
Terry, Norvel E., clk Lacy & Co., rms nw cor Main, Market.
Terry, Thomas G., groceries, tinware, gen'l mdse, 305 Main, bt Jefferson, Market, r. 206 Columbia, bt Jefferson, Houston.
Terwyliger, Elmer, saloon, es Jefferson, bt Commerce, Main, r. same. (Refused to give name.)
Tesh, Miss Lizzie, wks F. W. Krugh, r. same.
Teubner, John, foreman fitting shop G. H. Schoellkopf, r. 1715 Main, E. Dallas.
Tewles, Miss Aggie, wks Max Benedikt, r. same.
Texas Baptist and Herald, (The), Issued Every Thursday, office 127 Camp, bt Lamar, Griffin, S. A. Hayden, editor, propr and publisher. See advt.
Texas Baptist Publishing House, 127 Camp, bt Lamar, Griffin, Hayden & Anderson, proprs. See advt.
Texas Book and Bible Co., 904 Elm, cor Sycamore, F. A. Hutchinson, mgr.
Texas Cotton Press Co., mfrs cotton presses, office and factory junction, Pacific and Texas Trunk Rys. J. I. Reekes, prest; W. S. Liddell, secy and treasr; Sydney Smith, mgr sales dept.
Texas Dental Journal (issued quarterly), office 719 Elm, Silas Newman, editor and publisher.
Texas Electric Light and Manufacturing Co., J. M. Wendelken, prest; W. S. Simkins, vice-prest; W. L. Hall, secy and treasr; D. M. Clower, supt; works, ss Pacific ave, bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Texas Elevator and Compress Co., cor Ross Ave, Austin. D. W. T. Hardie, prest, New Orleans; C. F. Carter, vice-prest; D. P. Mahony, secy, treasr and supt.
Texas Express Co., 724 Main, cor Martin, David R. Fawcett, agent.
Texas Farm & Ranch, Issued the 1st and 15th of each month, office, 810-812 Elm, Holland & Knox, editors and proprs. See advt.
Texas Ice Co. (James H. Britton, propr; Ivan Carlier, mgr); mfrs of ice, factory sw cor Broadway, Main.
Texas Installment House, Dealers in Household specialties, state headquarters, 812 Elm, J. F. Zang, propr; J. R. Morenes, mgr.
Texas Land and Mortgage Co. (The) of London, Eng., office Merchants' Exchange bldg, ne cor Commerce, Lamar, C. E. Wellesley, genl mgr. See advt.
Texas Observer (The), issued every Thursday, office Live Oak, nr Convent, J. H. Wofford, editor and propr.
Texas and Pacific Railway, Genl Office, ns Commerce, bt Lamar, Poydras; city ticket office, 506 Main; pass and frt depots, cor Lamar, Pacific ave; land office, 411 Main. See advt and page 57.
Texas and Pacific Railway Land Department, office 411 Main, W. H. Abrams, land and tax commissioner. See advt.
Texas Plowman and Estray Record, Issued 1st and 15th of each month, office 703 Elm. Hartman, Duncan & Co., proprs; J. P. Hartman, editor; E. Duncan, business mgr. See advt.
Texas Price Current, issued 1st of each month, office Live Oak, cor Pacific ave, F. N. Foot, publisher.
Texas Prohibition Advocate, issued 1st and 15th of each month, office 910 Main, bt Sycamore, Ervay, D. P. Haggard & Co., editors and managers.
Texas Spring Bed Co., mfrs of spring beds, cots and mattresses, 822 Main, Sol. Dreyfus, propr.
Texas State Journal, issued every Thursday, office, 210 Main, L. Frank Powell, editor and propr.
Texas Storage Co., J. G. Street and A. M. Hall, proprs; Sydney Smith, mgr; warehouse junction T. & P. and T. T. Rys, E. Dallas.
Texas Trunk Railroad, Offices Rooms, 18-19 Merchants' Exchange bldg, ne cor Commerce, Lamar; depot and shops, s of Commerce, E. Dallas. See page 59.
Texas Volksblatt, Issued Every Friday, Office, 930 Main, C. F. Altermannn, publisher and propr. See advt.
Thacker, James E., music teacher, bds B. R. Williams.
Thacker, William H., boardinghouse, ne cor Akard, Wood.
Thatcher, James S., City Engr, Office City Hall, bds 609 Elm.
Thaxton, Marcus C., way bill clk Pacific Exp. Co., r. se cor San Jacinto, McCoy.
Thayer, Edward S. (Thayer & Hewlett), r. 7 Greenwood.
Thayer & Hewlett (Edward S. Thayer, George H. Hewlett), publishers, booksellers, wholesale dealers and jobbers in silverplated ware, 932 Main, bt Sycarmore, Ervay.
Thayer, Jira P., clk Thayer & Hewlett, h. E. S. Thayer.
The Bradstreet Co., Mercantile Agency, 735 Main, Sidney Tabor, supt.
The Christian Worker, issued 1st and 15th of each month, office 910 Main, Rev. M. P. Matheny, editor and propr.
The Dallas Mercury, Issued Every Friday, office, 814 Elm, E. G. Rust, editor and propr; Mrs. Maggie A. Rust, asst. See advt.
The Fire Assessment Association, W. H. Reynolds, prest; P. A. Jordan, treasr; John M. Reagan, secy; fire insurance, office 711 Elm.
The Home and Sunday School, Office 706 Main, Kit Williams & Co., editors and proprs.
The Sun, Office 930 Main, Pearre Bros., Publishers and proprietors; A. Wishart, editor; J. S. McCullough, business mgr.
Thetford, Miss Addie M., seamstress, h. Jane A. Thetford.
Thetford, Charles, painter H. Hamilton, r. 12 Lamar.
Thetford, Jane A. (wid King), seamstress, r. 912 Marilla, bt Akard, Browder.
Thetford, Miss Nettie M., seamstress, h. Mrs. J. A. Thetford.
Thixton, John S., carp, rms Mrs. C. A. Roberts.
Thomas, Aaron H., groceries, 1650 Elm, bt creek, T. T. Ry., r. ns Elm, bt creek, T. T. Ry.
Thomas, Ada (wid Isam), h. W. H. Thomas.
Thomas, Allen C. (J. W. Thomas & Son), h. J. W. Thomas.
Thomas, Amanda (c), r. 416 Young, cor Austin.
Thomas, Amanda (c), h. Adolphus Trott.
Thomas, August, dishwasher, bds Ernst Lehman
Thomas, Chapman, clk Williams & Williams, r. 17 Hawkins.
Thomas, Charles (c), wks J. W. Crowdus, r. same.
Thomas, David, hostler Goble & Coffman, rms 956 Elm.
Thomas, Elizabeth J. (wid James), r. McKinney road, cor Pearl.
Thomas, Guilford T. (c), lab, r. ss San Jacinto, e of Villars.
Thomas, Harry S., dental student, with Wm. Thomas, h. same.
Thomas, Henrietta (wid Walman), r. 17 Hawkins, bt Swiss ave, Miranda.
Thomas, Henry O., carrier Evening Herald, h. J. W. Thomas.
Thomas, Huess, clk Texas Spring Bed Co., h. Mrs. Henrietta Thomas.
Thomas, Isaac L., barber C. J. Grunwald, bds The Sun Hotel.
Thomas, Isaac T. (c), waiter Santa Fe House, r. same.
Thomas, James (c), lab, r. ss Polk, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Thomas, James D. (Cole & Thomas Bros.), r. McKinney road, cor N. Pearl.
Thomas, James F., butcher, r. ne cor Live Oak, Field.
Thomas, James L. A., Pass Agt Bee Line Route, Office 506 Main, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Thomas, James P., notary public, r. 734 Bryan, cor Pearl.
Thomas, Jasper (c), wks Robert Atkinson, r. same.
Thomas, Jeff D. (Cole & Thomas Bros.), r. McKinney ave, cor Pearl.
Thomas, John (c), buggywasher Arthur Cain, rms 703 Commerce.
Thomas, John H., Dentist, Office 702 Main, cor Poydras, r. 414 St. Louis. See advt.
Thomas, John W., trav slsmn Moroney Hardware Co., rms M. A. Walsh.
Thomas, John W. (J. W. Thomas & Son), r. crossing T. & P. Ry and G. C. & S. F. Ry., E. Dallas.
Thomas, J. W. & Son (John W. and Allen C. Thomas), proprs Union stock yards, ss Elm, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Thomas, J. Wickliff, farmer, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, nr s city limits.
Thomas, Jordan (c), lab, r. ws Lamar, s of creek.
Thomas, Joseph P., clk Vendig Bros., h. James P. Thomas.
Thomas, Lemuel H., carrier Dallas Daily Herald, h. J. W. Thomas.
Thomas, Lucien, h. Mrs. Henrietta Thomas.
Thomas, Mary C. (wid Richard H.), r. ns Cabell, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Thomas, Michael H., clk S. S. Floyd & Co., h. James P. Thomas.
Thomas, Monroe (c), waiter Hotel Bogel.
Thomas, Rev. Olander P., Pastor Floyd Street M. E. church (south), r. ws Cantagral, bt Swiss ave, Floyd.
Thomas, Oliver (Cole & Thomas Bros.), r. es McKinney, n of Pearl.
Thomas, Rad (c), lab, r. ns G. C. & S. f. ry, nr s city limits.
Thomas, Robert B., asst bkpr American Nat'l Bank, h. W. H. Thomas.
Thomas, Robert S., gin builder E. Van Winkel & Co., bds George A. Green.
Thomas, Samuel (c), lab, r. ws Houston, s of Columbia.
Thomas, Sarah (c), h. George Hord.
Thomas, Thomas (c), buggy washer Wheats' livery stable, rms 821 Main.
Thomas, William, carp, h. J. W. Thomas.
Thomas, William (c), waiter The Sun House, r. same.
Thomas, William, Dentist, Office, over China Hall, cor Elm, Murphy, r. ss Gaston ave, bt St. Joseph, Ann, E. Dallas.
Thomas, William H., Prest American National Bank, r. ws McKinney road, w end Phelps.
Thomas, William O., chief clk The Bradstreet Co., h. Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas.
Thompson, Alfred (c), r. sw cor Cochran, Burford.
Thompson, Allen, wks Harrison & Fouke, rms 941-943 Elm.
Thompson, A. Morrison, h. Ahab Bowen.
Thompson, Miss Bettie, h. Gustav Owen.
Thompson, Beverly T., asst Grove High school, r. 1135 Main, cor Harwood.
Thompson Bros. (James D., Thomas W., William M., John B., David D. Thompson, jr), dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, furnishing goods, carpets and upholstery, 503-505-509 Elm.
Thompson, Candis (c), r. 510 Columbia, bt Austin, Lamar.
Thompson & Clint (John M. Thompson, Charles F. Clint), attorneys, office, 709 Main.
Thompson, David D., jr (Thompson Bros.), h. D. D. Thompson, sr.
Thompson, David D., sr., r. 76 Bryan, bt Masten, N. Harwood.
Thompson, Ellen (c), r. 955 Main, cor Ervay.
Thompson, Frederick, engr bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Thompson, Hampt (c), lab, r. es Poydras, cor G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Thompson, Henry (c), lab, r. 1668 Commerce, bt Henry, Crowdus.
Thompson, Mrs. Henry E., r. 1010 Main.
Thompson, Hope (c), h. Samuel Miller.
Thompson, Howard L., carp John Paul, bds 603 Leonard, cor Flora.
Thompson, James, cook John McElhare.
Thompson, James, stage mgr Thompson's Theatre, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Thompson, James, wks press room Dallas Morning News.
Thompson, James D. (Thompson Bros.), h. D. D. Thompson, sr.
Thompson, James L. (B. O. Weller & Co.), r. 124 N. Harwood, bt Live Oak, Bryan.
Thompson, Jane (c), r. es Austin, bt Columbia, Town branch.
Thompson, Jennie (c), laundress, r. (rear?) of 933 Commerce.
Thompson, John B. (Thompson Bros.), h. D. D. Thompson, sr.
Thompson, John W. (Thompson & Clint), bds Mrs. A. C. Walker.
Thompson, Josias S., night watchman Arthur Cain, h. William J. Thompson.
Thompson, Lee (c), lab, r. rear 718 Jackson, bt Poydras, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Thompson, Mary (c), h. Samuel Miller.
Thompson, Miss May, h. Miss Nora Thompson.
Thompson, May M., messenger Murphy & Bolanz, h. Jas. L. Thompson.
Thompson, Monday (c), h. RoseThompson.
Thompson, Neil, bridge carp, bds Horton Hotel.
Thompson, Miss Nora, r. 534 Ross ave, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Thompson, Oliver (c), lab, r. ss Porter, bt Walton, Mill creek.
Thompson, Robert (c), wks Mrs. W. R. Driskell.
Thompson, Rose (c), r. ss Pacific ave, bt Market, Austin.
Thompson, Rev. Samuel A., r. 324 Ross ave, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Thompson, Sarah (c), r. 510 Columbia, bt Austin, Lamar.
Thompson, Theodore, clk Holloway & Co., rms 820 Elm.
Thompson, Thomas W. (Thompson Bros.), h. D. D. Thompson, sr.
Thompson, William (c),lab, r. ns Cochran, bt Pearl, Leonard.
Thompson, William (Smith & Thompson Produce Co.), r. El Paso, Texas.
Thoompson, Wm., jr., clk Wilkins & McGuire.
Thompson, William J., lab, r. ns T. & P. Ry, cor G.C. & S. F. Ry., E. Dallas.
Thompson, William M. (Thompson Bros.),h. D. D. Thompson, sr.
Thompson's Variety Theatre, 718 Main, cor Martin, Niemeyer Bros, lessees & mgrs.
Thomson, Ewing L. (Pace & Thomson), r. 401 Live Oak, cor Pearl.
Thomson, Henry N., slsmn Moroney Hardware Co., bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Thorburn, Miles K., slsman Stresau & Mann, r. 1115 Main, bt St. Paul, S. Harwood.
Thorman, John F., bds Gustav Schutt.
Thorn, Charles, hackman, r. ns Cockrell alley, bt Market, Austin.
Thorne, Richard H., foreman tin shop Huey & Philp, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Thornton, Clem (c), r. 718 Jackson, bt Poydras, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Thornton, Robert H. (c), teamster, r. 325 Burford, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Thornton, William (c), teamster, r. ss Jackson, bt Poydras, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Thorp, Charles P., farmer, r. ss Worth, e of Carroll, E. Dallas.
Thorp, Mary E. (wid Thomas E.), r. ss Worth, e of Carroll, E. Dallas.
Thorp, Robert, lab, r. McKinney road, bt Phelps, Pearl.
Thorp, Thomas H., Pass Agt., Vandalia Line, Office, 506 Main, bds Hotel Bogel.
Thorp, William H., farmer, r. ss Worth, e of Carroll, E. Dallas.
Throne, Frank, carp C. A. Gill.
Thruston, Stephen D., Physician, Surgeon, Office 700 Main, cor Poydras, r. 955 Live Oak, bt Oak, Field.
Thurman, Victoria (wid G. T.), dressmkr Miss Anna Nies, h. Mrs. May Peters.
Thurner, George, carp Clark & Clark, r. ne cor Germania, Swiss ave.
Thurner, Gottlob A., bill clk G. H. Schoellkopf, h. George Thurner.
Thyng, Frank, r. 3 Sycamore, bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Thyng, Mary L. (wid B. F.), r. 1002 Commerce, cor Ervay.
Tibbits, Mattie (wid G. E.), r. 1606 Elm, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Tice, Henry, carp McIntosh & Morrison, r. sw cor Porter, Crowdus.
Tice, James C., Agt Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, 611 Elm, r. 1126 Main.
Tichenor, Alfred J., policeman, Union depot, r. 21 Floyd, bt Hawkins, Good.
Tichenor, David C., supt Dallas City water works, office City Hall, nw cor Commerce, Lamar, wks 1 1/2 miles ne of city, h. Alfred J. Tichenor.
Tichenor, James L. (J. L. Tichenor), h. Alfred J. Tichenor.
Tichenor, J. L. & Co.(James L. Tichenor, William F. Myers), fruits, confectionery, cigars, tobacco, nw cor Elm, H. & T. Ry.
Tickell, Robert W., Groceries, Provisions, 1138 Elm, cor S. Pearl, bds. J. S. Downs.
Tiderington, James, student, rms James Bentley.
Tierny, Michael, lab, r. 1331 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins.
Tigner, Mattie (c), wks Benjamin Davis, r. same.
Tigner, Samuel (c), r. rear 832 Jackson, cor Akard.
Tietze, Carl Henry, wks F. A. Rumpeltin, bds Cincinnati House.
Tietze, Robert, vegetable dealer, 728 Main, r. 524 Caruth, bt Orange, Masten.
Tiller, Frank, lab, bds Cincinnati House.
Tilley Bros. (James A. and John T.), Proprs Lone Star wood yard, sawed and split wood, 1449 Elm, bt Hawkins, Good. See advt.
Tilley, James A. (Tilley Bros.), r. 1449 Elm, bt Hawkins, Good.
Tilley, John T. (Tilley Bros., r. 1449 Elm, bt Hawkins, Good.
Tilley, Scott, wks J. L. Fudge & Co.
Tillis, Alice (c), r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Tillman, Emanuel M., Importer and Wholesale Dealer in wines, liquors, cigars, 730 Commerce, 729 Jackson, r. 1004 Young, cor Browder. See advt.
Times Publishing Co. (R. V. Tompkins, Prest; W. L. Griggs, vice-prest; W. H. Flippen, treasr; J. W. Pratt, secy), publishers, Dallas Daily and Weekly Times, office, 209 Main.
Tines, Thomas (c), lab, r. 1713 Main, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Tipton, Winn S., Ry postal clk, bds Samuel L. Cooper.
Tison, Glen, street car driver, r. 302 Magnolia, cor Hord.
Tison, Sherred H., carp, r. 513 Caruth, bt Orange, Masten.
Tittle, James I., teamster, h. Mrs. M. L. Tittle.
Tittle, Maria L. (wid W. C.), r. ss Main, bt Duncan, Walton.
Tittle, Walter E., h. Mrs. M. L. Tittle.
Titus, William L., stenographer Dargan & Trezevant, bds Wales J. Townsend.
Tobiansky, Jacob, shoemkr, 11 S. Lamar, bt Elm, Pacific ave, h. Adolph Wolf.
Tobion,Frederick, Propr "Sharp Corner" Saloon, 522 Live Oak, cor H. & T. C. Ry.
Tobler, Miss Minnie, wks Jas. L. Thompson, r. same.
Tobler, Miss Wilhelmina, wks A. W. Campbell, r. same.
Tobolowsky, B., confectioner, r. nw cor Houston, Young.
Todaro, Vittorio, fruits, confectionery, 2 Sycamore, cor Pacific ave, r. same.
Todd Flouring Mills, cor Broadway, Pacific ave., S. H. Cockrell & Co., proprs.
Todd, Miss Victoria, wks S. A. Hayden, r. same.
Toepfer, Gustav (Toepfer & Wahl), r. 38 Caroline, bt Cedar, McKinney.
Toepfer & Wahl (Gustav Toepfer, Gottfried Wahl,), tailors, 901 Main, bt Sycamore, Stone.
Toland, George W., bkpr auditors office T. & P. Ry, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Toliver, David (c), r. se cor San Jacinto, H. & T. C. Ry.
Toliver, Jerry (c), lab, r. 1509 Polk, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Tomlinson, Richard H., asst foreman H. Hamilton, r. 35 Flora.
Tomlinson, William, carp, r. ss Juliet, bt McCoy, Washington ave.
Tomme, Joseph, check and key clk Grand-Windsor Hotel Co., bds same.
Tomme, Lee, wks Callahan Bros., h. Mrs. S. E. Tomme.
Tomme, Sarah E. (wid Robert S.), r. 315 N. Lamar, cor Caruth.
Tompkins Machinery & Implement Co., (The), Richard V. Tompkins, prest; George E. Cassell, secy and treasurer; Geo. E. Bennett, mgr; dealers in farm and mill machinery, office and warehouse, es Lamar, bt Jackson, Wood.
Tompkins, Richard V., prest Tompkins Machinery & Implement Co., r. 921 Young, cor Browder.
Tomson, John, teamster, r. 31 Cora, e of Pearl.
Tonnes, Conrad, peddler, r. ne cor Ashland, Sumpter.
Tontine Insurance Advocate, issued 1st of every month, office 706 Main, U. S. Building, Loan and Life Ass'n, pubs and proprs.
Toole, Albert, route boy Dallas Times, h. Mrs. L. H. Toole
Toole, John, lab, bds J. R. Miller.
Toole, Lucilla H. (wid James M.), r. 1227 Cabell, cor Preston.
Toole, Miss Margaret, h. W. J. Keller.
Toole, Mather, route boy Dallas Times, h. Mrs. L. H. Toole.
Tooley, John T., depy U. S. marshal, r. se cor Cantagral, Floyd.
Torbert, Alfred C., clk auditor's office T. & P. Ry, rms Rev. Edwin Wickens.
Torbert, A. C. & Co. (Alfred C. Torbert, Frank M. Nevins), dealers in electric lamps, 812 Elm.
Torbert, Benjamin A., policeman, r. ss Monument, bet Good, Cantagral.
Torbert, James J., collarmkr G. H. Schoellkopf, h. B. A. Torbert.
Torbert, J. Aven, clk M. T. Cone & Co., h. B. A. Torbert.
Totaro, Joseph, shoemkr A. Giuffre, r. Sycamore.
Tower, Edwin W., chief clk frt and tkt dept auditor's office T. & P. Ry, r. es N. Harwood, nr McKinney.
Towne, Rachael (c), cook A. I. Fay, r. same.
Townsell, Gip (c), lab, r. ns Alamo, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Townsend, Wales J., bkpr Schneider & Davis, r. 415 Bryan, bt Crockett, Hawkins.
Townsend, William, lab, bds Mrs. Elizabeth Jones.
Tozer, Guy M., carp A. Brownlee, r. nw cor Duncan, Porter, E. Dallas.
Trabert, A., millwright, bds National Hotel.
Trammell, William A., tinner, tin, copper and sheet iron worker, 710 Murphy, r. 913 Young, bt Akard, Lacey.
Trammell, William H., carp, r. se cor Griffin, Missouri ave.
Transcript, The (Magazine), issued 1st of each month, office 816 Elm, The McIntire-Knowles Co., publishers and proprs.
Trapman, Herman, mechanic, rms and bds St. James Hotel.
Trapp, Rev. Henry L. (c), Pastor St. James A. M. E. church, r. ss Young, bet Ervay, Veal.
Trask, Nellie V. (wid W. B.), r. 115 Good, bt Florence, Swiss ave.
Traughber, William, h. Mrs. Mattie Sherlock.
Travis & Birkland (Mrs. Fannie B. Travis, Mrs. Catherine B. Birkland), photographers, 505 Main, bt Austin, Lamar.
Travis, Fannie B. (Travis & Birkland), r. 72 Masten.
Travis, Miss Laura, h. O. F. Travis.
Travis, Olin F., foreman printing dept Elsas, Keller & Co., r. 314 Caruth.
Travis, Patrick H., clk F. R. Gonzales, bds same.
Treacy, Cornelius L., clk Thompson Bros., bds Mrs. M. C. Barry.
Trempe, David, boilermkr John Wester, bds J. M. Hayden.
Trentam, Mary (wid Ira), r. 251 Camp, bt Magnolia, Sycamore.
Trentam, Miss Sue, teacher instrumental music Lawrence's commercial college, r. Mrs. M. Trentam
Trewitt, Pinckney P., carp., r. 19 Hawkins, bt Swiss ave, Miranda.
Trezevant & Greenwall (John T. Trezevant, Jr., Henry Greenwall), lessees and mgrs Dallas Opera House, sw cor Commerce, Austin.
Trezevant, John T., Jr., (Dargan & Trezevant; Sam P. Cochran & Co.; Trezevant & Greenwall), vice-prest City National Bank, secy Dallas Belt Street Ry Co., r. 380 Ross ave, cor Oleander.
Trice, Sennette Y., clk Padgitt Bros., r. 321 St. Louis, bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Triller, Jacob C., clk E. A. Worden, h. Peter J. Triller.
Triller, Peter J., gunsmith E. A. Worden, r. 324 Live Oak, nr Pearl.
Triller, John, clk E. A. Worden, h. Peter J. Triller.
Trimble, Walter A., trav slsmn Hiram James & Co., bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Trimble, William O., condr T. & St. L. Ry., r. 1005 Williams.
Trinity Cigar Factory, 610 Pacific Ave, nr T. & P. depot, S. W. Henry, propr. See advt.
Trinity Iron Works, ne cor Ross Ave., Magnolia, Richard Morgan, sr., propr.
Tripp, Andrew, wks Crutchfield House, r. same.
Trotman, John B., h. Thomas B. Trotman.
Trotman, Thomas B., trav slsmn, r. 223 Live Oak, cor Olive.
Trott, Adolphus (c), carp, r. nw cor Young, Poydras.
Trousdale, Alexander, carp, r. 1145 Young, bt Ervay, Veal.
Trousdale, William, clk John Jackson, h. Alexander Trousdale.
Truelove, Nannie (c), h. Anderson Ferren.
Trumbull, Frank, Auditor, T. & P. Ry., Office, ns Commerce, bt Lamar, Poydras, bds Hotel Bogel.
Trumbull, George A., bkpr Huey & Philp, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Trusheim, John, clk G. H. Schoellkopf, r. 519 Swiss ave, cor Oak.
Tubbs, Miss Ella, wks R. V. Tompkins, r. same.
Tubner, John, wks. G. H. Schoellkopf, r. 1715 Main, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Tucker, Alpheus L., clk auditor's office, T. & P. Ry, h. Charles Fred. Tucker.
Tucker, Annie (c), wks Alfred Davis.
Tucker, Charles Fred., Attorney, Notary Public, office over 612 Main, r. 821 Ervay, cor Canton.
Tucker, Dollie (wid A. L.), h. C. F. Tucker.
Tucker, Ferd. N., clk Smith & Co., rms 403 Elm.
Tucker, Miss Hattie C., h. C. F. Tucker.
Tucker, Jane (c), wks Albert Hardie, r. same.
Tucker, John B., teamster, h. J. W. Tucker.
Tucker, John W., publisher hotel registers, r. 215 Collin, bt Lamar, Carter.
Tucker, Oliver P., asst pressman Dallas News, h. J. W. Tucker.
Tucker, Robert L., opr B. & O. Tel. Co., h. J. W. Tucker.
Tucker, Miss Sallie, trimmer Mrs. E. Chestnut, h. J. W. Tucker.
Tucker, William B,. carriage painter, r. 13 Collin, cor Lamar.
Tucker, W. S., canvasser Texas Installment House.
Tuggle, Miss M., wks Sanger Bros., bds Crutchfield House.
Tuley, Francis M., carp, r. 316 Floyd, bt Cantagral, Wm. Tell.
Tuley, Lee H. (Mrs. F. M.), dressmaker, 316 Floyd, r. same.
Tuley, Wyatt P., bricklayer, r. ss Live Oak, bt Field, creek.
Tunison, Edgar S., clk Sanger Bros., rms Mrs. Sophie Baum.
Tunnell, Henry B., carp McIntosh & Morrison, r. 415 Flora, bt Boll, Allen.
Tunnell, John D., carp, r. ss Flora, bt Boll, Allen.
Turk, D., clk, bds Meyer Sues.
Turley, John (c), lunch stand, 315 Commerce, cor Market, r. es Burford, bt Flora, Juliet
Turley, Margaret (c), cook George K. Meriweather.
Turnell, William F., lab, r. 206 Highland, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Turner, Belle (c), wks C. E. Bird, r. same.
Turner, Burt, engr Babock, Foot & Brown.
Turner, Edward P., Union Ticket Agt T. & P. and Mo. P. Ry, office 506 Main and T. & P. depot, r. 511 Ervay, bt Wood, Young.
Turner, Eliza (wid E.), h. James A. McMurry.
Turner, Miss Eula J., h. W. C. Padgitt.
Turner, George H., div frt agt Mo. P. and T. & P. Rys, office pass depot, cor Lamar, Pacific ave, r. 335 Ross ave.
Turner, Holmes (c), wks T. & P. Ry yds.
Turner, John C (Turner & Moninger), sign painter, shop sw cor Main, Poydras, r. 17 Live Oak.
Turner, Joseph, trav slsmn Sanger Bros.
Turner, Julia (c), r. rear 1309 Elm, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Turner, Martha E. (wid W. C.), r. 312 Griffin, cor Collin.
Turner, Miss Mattie C., h. Mrs. Martha E. Turner.
Turner & Moninger (John C. Turner, John A. Moninger), house, sign and ornamental painters and city bill posters, sw cor Poydras, Main.
Turner, Richard W., Ry postal clk, bds Mrs. Martha E. Turner.
Turner, William (c), r. es Mo. P. Ry, bt N. Lamar, Griffin.
Turney, Nathaniel G. (Williams & Turney), rms 215 Main, bds Crutchfield House.
Turnpaugh, Miss Millie, waitress National Hotel.
Turtle, Sandy (c), barber Frank P. Johnson.
Tuttle, W. L., painter H. Hamilton, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Twitte, W. A., butcher, bds W. H. McCallister.
Tyler, John (c), h. Laura Scott.
Tyler, Lucy (c), wks J. C. McNealus, r. same.

Uhlemann, Otto, wks Simon Mayer, rms 931 Elm.
Umley, Taylor, teamster J. S. Sharp, bds same.
Underwood, Frank, errand boy T. L. Marsalis & Co., h. Mrs. Mary Underwood.
Underwood, James L., lab, bds Luther M. Bridges.
Underwood, Mary (wid H. F.), r. 212 Carter, cor Collin.
Underwood, Oscar, messenger, W. U. Tel. office, h. Mrs. Mary Underwood, 212 Carter.
Underwood, Thomas, plumber, bds Santa Fe House.
Union Depot Hotel, junction H. & T. C. and T. & P. Ry's, George W. Jones, propr.
United States Building, Loan and Life Association, office 706 Main, W. D. Wylie, prest; W. H. Reynolds, secy; J. M. Crockett, treasr; J. M. O'Neall, mgr of agencies; F. S. Davis, medical examiner.
United States official, at Dallas. See page 11.
Union Ticket Office Mo. Pacific and Texas & Pacific Rys, 506 Main and T. & P. depot, E. P. Turner, agt.
Upday, John, wks W. H. Flippen, r. same.
Ursuline Academy, (Boarding School for Young ladies), cor Live Oak, St. Joseph sts, E. Dallas, under the supervision of the Ursuline ladies; Mother St. Paul, superior, assisted by 16 sisters. See advt.
Utterback, Charles, clk H.L. McGregor, rms over sw cor Commerce, Preston, bds The Sun House.

Vacey, Miss Della, chambermaid Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Valkus, Gustav, pressman Worley & Gibson, r. 1304 Cabell, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Valkus, Nancy E. (wid A.), h. Gustav Valkus.
Van Buren, Mrs., seamstress Home Mfg Co.
Vance, Frederick, wks Padgitt Bros., bds Samuel L. Moore.
Vance, Sallie (c), wks William Gunter, r. same.
VanDenbosche, Colette (wid William), r. 305 Wood, bt Market, Jefferson.
Vanderhulst, Louis L., propr "Louis" saloon, 1336 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins, r. 208 Swiss ave., bt Good, Cantagral.
Vanderwolk, Adrienne F., painter, H. Hamilton, r. sw cor S. Harwood, Canton.
VanGorter, Edward J., machinist Star iron works, bds St. James Hotel.
VanGrinderbeck, Emil, porter L. L. Vanderhulst, bds same.
VanGrinderbeck, Leon, clk L. VanGrinderbeck, r. same.
VanGrinderbeck, Louis, groceries, dry goods, 416 Market, cor Wood, r. 412 Market, bt Wood, Jackson.
VanHorn, James F., r. McKinney road, bt Phelps, Pearl.
VanMater, Harry, clk audior's office T. & P. Ry, bds A. C. Ardrey.
VanMeter, J. S., carp, bds Elizabeth Watkins.
Vanneman, J. L. (J. L. Vannemann & Co.), r. Kansas City, Mo.
Vanneman, J. L. & Co. (J. L. Vannemann, William H. Hunn), butter dealers, 608 Main.
Van Ronkel, Miss Amy, slslady Sal. Davidson & Bros, h. Isaac Van ronkel.
Van Ronkel, Miss Ida, slslady Sanger Bros., h. Isaac Van Ronkel.
Van Ronkel, Isaac, r. 709 Jackson, bt Poydras, Kendall.
Van Ronkel, Matilda (Mrs. Isaac), boardinghouse, 709 Jackson, bt Poydras, Kendall.
Van Slyke, John L., trav slsmn, r. 20 Masten, cor Cottage Lane.
Van Winkle, E. & Co. (E. Van Winkle, W. Wallace Boyd, Atlanta, Ga.), mfrs cotton gins, gin condensers, cotton seed oil mills, sorghum mills, branch office, 401 Elm, cor Market; warehouse, ns Elm, nr T. & P. Ry., E. Dallas. I. G. White, mgr for Texas. See advt.
Varney, Bettie, wks John Gordon, r. same.
Varney, Miss Virgil, actress Mascotte theatre, bds F. De Beque.
Vasey, Henry, wks M. W. russey, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Vauchelet, Henry J., Bkpr W. J. Lemp, r. 1376 Ervay, bt Hughes, McKee, opp City Park.
Vaughan, Everett O., bill clk G. C. & S. F. Ry, r. es G. C. & S. F. Ry, bt Beaumont, Hickory.
Vaughan, John, section hand H. & T. C. Ry, bds P. J. Burk.
Vaughan, John, bds J. P. Vaughan.
Vaughan, John P., teacher, r. sw cor Washington ave, Juliet.
Vaughan, Marvin M., bds J. P. Vaughan.
Vaughan, William H., shipping clk Blankenship & Blake, rms se cor Lamar, Commerce, bds B. Blankenship
Vaughan, William Love, teacher vocal music, r. 128 Floyd, bt Wm. Tell, Moltke.
Vaughn, Floyd (c), office boy Chas. Meisterhans, rms ne cor Main, Broadway.
Vaughn, Richard H., clk genl frt office Mo. P. Ry, rms E. P. Turner.
Vaultz, John (c), lab, r. es Hall, bt Ross ave, Flora.
Veal, George T., physician, surgeon, chief surgeon Texas Trunk Ry., office 602 Main, rms se cor Main, Poydras, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Veal, Jane (c), wks C. F. Bolanz, r. same.
Veal, Joseph (c), wks G. F. Alford, r. same.
Veal, William G. (Johnson, Veal, Cooper & Co.), bds J. L. Adams.
Veatch, John S., carp, r. 1410 Main, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Veatch, Nina F. M. (Mrs. J. S.), dressmker, 1410 Main, r. same.
Veith, Joseph, marble cutter Davoren & McKee, bds "The Sun" House.
Vendig Bros. (Leon H. and Joseph R. Vendig), Gents' furnishing goods, 512 1/2 Main, bt Austin, Lamar. See lower right lines.
Vendig, Joseph R. (Vendig Bros.), bds Grand-Windsor Hotel
Vendig, Leon H. (Vendig Bros.), bds Grand-Windsor Hotel, rms over 643 Elm
Verhine, Miss Annie, r. 120 Floyd, cor Wm. Tell.
Verhine, Miss Fannie, h. Miss Annie Verhine.
Vernere, Abraham, lab, h. Frank Miller.
Vestal, Miss Vira, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. W. D. Vestal.
Vestal, William D., agt, r. ss Flora, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Viaille, Alphonsine (Mrs. Vincent), artificial flower mfr., 906 Main, r. same.
Viaille, Vincent, gardener, r. 906 Main, bet Sycamore, Ervay.
Vicovich, Cossimo, scissors grinder, 209 Sycamore, bt Main, Commerce, r. same.
Vicovich, Louisa (Mrs. Cossimo), groceries, fruit, se cor Main, Sycamore, h. Cossimo Vicovich.
Victor, Carl, water hauler, bds Swan Miller.
Vilbig, Miss Angelica, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Mrs. B. Vilbig.
Vilbig, August, teamster, h. Mrs. B. Vilbig.
Vilbig, Barbara (wid John C.), r. Wiliams, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Vinal, Leon C., bill clk J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., bds Mrs. Victoria Hartman.
Vincent, Mrs. Ambrosine, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Wm. Vincent.
Vincent, Devoto S., foreman G. H. Schoellkopf, r. 1642 Commerce, n end Henry.
Vincent, Henry, carp, rms John D. Cook.
Vincent, John, wks Jas. A. Lane.
Vincent, Robert, clk Pacific Express Co., h. W. T. Vincent.
Vincent, Verine (Mrs. Wm.), seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., h. Wm. Vincent.
Vincent, William, lab, r. ss Cottonwood Lane, bt Ashland, Wichita.
Vincent, William T., shipping clk Sanger Bros., r. 103 Canton, w of Akard.
Vinson, Miss Mabel, wks Pacific House, r. same.
Vinther, Albert, gardener, r. ss Live Oak, bt Oak, Field.
Vinther, Jorgen T. (H. Madson & Co.), bds H. Madson.
Vogel, Eugene, bkpr Blankenship & Blake Co., rms 931 Elm.
Vogel, Robert C., jeweler Knepfly & Son, r. nw cor Bryan, Bullington.
Vogel, William, shoemkr K. Hunstable, bds H. Secker.
Vollmer, F. W., painter, bds Edmond Lawrence.
Vonder Hoya, Frederick, clk H. R. Park, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Vontress, Robert D., fruit stand, 908 Elm, bt Sycarmore, Stone.
Voorhees, Wesley E., cook Crutchfield House, r. same.
Vunjarner, Bellzora (Mrs. George), h. John R. Russell.

Wade, Ann (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt San Jacinto, Bryan
Wade, Henry (c), lab, h. Robert Wade.
Wade, James (c),lab, r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Wade, Louis (c), lab, r. rear ne cor Germania, Greenwood.
Wade, Melvin (c), carp, r. 608 Leonard, bt Flora, Juliet.
Wade, Mollie (c), wks Thomas B. Trotman, h. Robert Wade.
Wade, Robert (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Wade, William (c), wks L. C. Dissaint, r. same.
Waespi, Jacob, carp, r. ns Elm, bt Mill creek, T. T. Ry.
Wage, John D., groceries, 957 Main, cor Ervay, r. 1015 Main.
Wage, John S., clk J. D. Wage, h. same.
Wagener, Henry, Prop. "First and Last Chance" saloon, nw cor McKinney ave, Alamo, r. same.
Wagenhaeuser, Anton, bottler Tony Faust beer, r. ws Caroline, bt Cedar, McKinney.
Waggener, James, clk Wallace & Waggener, h. R. H. Waggener.
Waggener, Richard H. (Wallace & Waggener), r. 515 San Jacinto, bt Masten, N. Harwood.
Wagner, Denni & Co. (Jacob Wagner, Jacob Denni, Rudolph Schneider), propr Excelsior soap works, Mo. P. Ry, 3/4 miles n of city.
Wagner, George, foreman Dallas City Gaslight Co., r. ne cor Main, Duncan.
Wagner, Jacob (Wagner, Denni & Co.), r. 3 miles ne of city.
Wagner, John, lab, r. 630 Bryan, cor Cantagral.
Wagner, Julius, bartender, Otto Birzele, r. ss Pacific ave, bt Hawkins, Good.
Wagner, Louis, Groceries, Provisions, ne cor Main, Jefferson, r. nw cor Bryan, Germania.
Wagner, Miss Theresa, h. Charles Schoberle.
Wahl, Gottfried (Toepfer & Wahl), bds H. Secker.
Waits, Allen C., lightning rod agent, bds. C. W. Shepherd.
Waits, Miss Leona, opr Dallas Pan Electric Telephone Exchange, h. T. J. Coffey.
Walbridge, Albert E., engine driver fire engine No. 2, r. se cor Main, Dove.
Walbridge, Bert, clk S. H. McBride, h. A. E. Walbridge.
Walch, R. J., bridge carp, bds Horton Hotel.
Walckhoff, Christian, shipping clk G. H. Schoellkopf, r. 446 Collin, e of Orange.
Walden, Anna (Mrs. J. W.), boardinghouse, ne cor Young, Akard.
Walden, John W., slsmn Armstrong Bros., r. ne cor Akard, Young.
Waldon, Mollie (c), cook Richard Morgan, jr., r. same.
Waldow, Charles F., musician, r. 617 Elm.
Waldron, Joseph C., printer The Dallas Mercury, bds H. Secker.
Waldstein, William, collector Temple Emanu-El, h. Rev. Dr. Edward M. Chapman.
Walker, Albert, shipping clk Tompkins Machinery & Implement Co., r. McKinney ave, bt Phelps, Pearl.
Walker, Annie (c), wks W. H. Flippen, r. same.
Walker, Annie C. (wid William B.), boardinghouse, es Masten, bt Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Walker,. Frank T., carp, r. 1807 Main, bt Duncan, creek.
Walker, Gus (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Walker, Hugh (c), lab, r. es Jefferson, bt Columbia, creek.
Walker, Ida T. (c), wks A. Lowenstein.
Walker, James T., barber W. J. Jackson, bds Tennessee House.
Walker, Jane (wid), r. es Sherman, bt Polk,Columbia.
Walker, John (c), r. n of Cochran, bt Boll, Allen.
Walker, John (c), porter Sanger Bros., r. 665 Leonard.
Walker, Joseph, baker John Evans, bds same.
Walker, Kirk W. (c), blksmith Worden & Smith, r. ss Cochran, bt Hall, McCoy.
Walker, Miss Lena, h. F. W. Wheless.
Walker, Moses (c), wks Howard oil mill, r. ss Cochran, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hall.
Walker, Nelson (c), lab, r. nw cor S. Pearl, Taylor.
Walker, Peter (c), lab, r. sw cor Cottonwood Lane, Wichita.
Walker, Peyton (c), porter Thomas G. Ord, rms 114 Akard, cor Wood.
Walker, William C., broom corn dealer, r. 11 Floyd, bt Good, Cantagral.
Walker, William W., Propr Walker's China Hall, crockery, china, glassware, house furnishing goods, 617 Elm, bds St. George Hotel, rms Merchants Exchange, ne cor Lamar, Commerce. See advt over index letters.
Wall, Minnie (c), r. ns Park, w of Akard.
Wall, Richard H., clk L. Philipson, bds Mrs. K. Peckham.
Wall, Walter, printer Dallas News, rms. M. C. McLemore.
Wallace, Barra P., harnessmaker, carriage trimmer, 1213 Elm, r. ns Lane, bt S.
Harwood, Preston.
Wallace, Dollie (c), wks John G. Hunter, r. same.
Wallace, James H., asst Young Men's Christian Ass'n, 751 Elm, bds W. L. Harrison.
Wallace, John (c), lab, r. 796 Browder, bt Marilla, Park.
Wallace, John F., peddler, r. 1639 Commerce, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Wallace, Maggie (c), wks R. M. Gano, r. same.
Wallace, Miss Mattie, h. Mrs. Mary E. Jones.
Wallace, Theodore F. (Wallace & Waggener), r. 216 Park, bt Browder, Ervay.
Wallace, Tobias (c), cook Niemeyer Bros., r. 718 Jackson.
Wallace & Waggener (Theodore F. Wallace, Richard H. Waggener), wholesale grocers, sw cor Elm, Austin.
Waller, Miss Carrie, dressmkr, 625 1/2 Elm, h. John G. Waller.
Waller, C. V., Druggist, Fancy and Toilet Articles, 720 Elm, rms same.
Waller, George W. (J. L. Motley & Co.), r. ws McKinney ave, n of Pearl.
Waller, Henry C., mounted policeman No. 2, r. 1141 Young, bt Ervay, Veal.
Waller, James A., clk C. V. Waller, r. 625 1/2 Elm.
Waller, John G., r. over 625 1/2 Elm.
Waller, Virginia F. (Mrs. John G.), r. over 625 1/2 Elm.
Wallerstein, Leopold, mdse broker, office rear 732 Elm, r. 626 Ervay, cor Marilla.
Walls, Miss Minnie, seamstress Blankenship & Blake, r. 1578 Main.
Walls, Miss Nellie, seamstress Blankenship & Blake, r. 1578 Main.
Walpole, Bernard, lab, r. ns Columbia, bt G. C. & S. F. Ry., cemetery.
Walpole, Edward, r. se cor Poydras, Columbia. Died June 25, 1886.
Walsh, James M., collector Moroney Hardware Co., h. M. A. Walsh.
Walsh, J. F., trav slsmn Roberts, Throp & Co., r. 401 Elm.
Walsh, Michael, lab Clark & Clark.
Walsh, Michael A., Vice-Prest. Moroney Hardware Co., r. 421 Griffin, cor Caruth.
Walsh, Miss Rose H., h. Michael A. Walsh.
Walter, Leo, Propr Dallas Meat Market, 520 Live Oak, cor H. & T. C. Ry, rms same. See advt.
Walter, Louis, barber Emile Fretz, rms 828 Main.
Walter, Novel C., Propr Central Lumber Yard, Lumber, laths, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, office and yard, ss Camp, bt Griffin, Sycamore, r. 1418 Commerce. See
Walter, Robert, messenger W. U. Telegraph office.
Walters, Fannie (c), wks R. H. Hanna, r. same.
Waltman, Jacob A., trav slsmn, r. ss Williams, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Walton, Lizzie E. (wid J. W.), h. S. T. Blake.
Warburg, Lee, waiter Lang's restaurant, r. 403 Market.
Ward, Benjamin F., jr., omnibus conductor Arthur Cain, r. 707 Jackson., bt Poydras, Kendall.
Ward, Benjamin F., sr, h. Benjamin F. Ward, jr.
Ward, Charles, wks Texas Spring Bed Co., r. 131 Olive.
Ward, E. A., Agt Manhattan Life Insurance Co., Office 707 Main, rms over 643 Elm.
Ward, Miss Flora, dressmkr, h. Benjamin F. Ward, jr.
Ward, Henry, sectionhand H. & T. C. Ry, bds P. J. Burk.
Ward, Miss Ida, waitress St. Nicholas Hotel, r. same.
Ward, Jacob (c), lab, r. ws S. Pearl, bt Pierce, Taylor.
Ward, James H., tel opr B. & O. office, bds Joseph Sadler.
Ward, John, nightwatchman Empire mills, rms over 312 Main.
Ward, John R., foreman Texas Trunk Ry, bds Tennessee House.
Ward, Mary (c), wks Lawrence Battise.
Ward, Richard (c), porter genl supt's office T. & P. Ry.
Ward, Shelby (c), wks Alfred Dare, rms Shepherd Severe.
Ward, Sina J. (wid Wm. Powell), r. rear 317 Crockett, bt Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Ward, Thomas, painter, r. 28 Swiss ave, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins.
Ward, V. Sidney J., clk P. P. Martinez, h. Mrs. F. A. Haggart.
Ward, William M., Ry postal clk T. & P., r. 1222 Main, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Wardlow, Lydia (c), wks W. L. Crawford, r. same.
Wardlow, Thomas (c), wks Blankenship & Blake, r. 1018 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Ware, James H., bkpr B. O. Weller & Co., bds Edward Yeargan.
Warfield, Caroline (wid), seamstress Blankenship & Blake, r. 1210 Polk.
Warfield, Lillie B. (c), fruit stand, 932 Main, bt Sycarmore, Ervay, r. same.
Warfield, Miss Mamie, seamstress Blankenship & Blake, r. 1210 Polk.
Warmcastle, Harry N., millwright Empire mills, rms over 312 Main.
Warner, Miss Carrie, actress Mascotte theatre, bds F. De Beque.
Warner, Charles, switchman T. & P. yds., r. ws Walton, bt Commerce, Williams.
Warren, Edward F., clk McRosky Hardware Co., h. John L. Henry.
Warren, Francis (c), lab, r. ss Alamo, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Warren, John A., clk J. A. O'Reilly, bds Michael A. Walsh.
Warren, John K., carp, r. 33 Miranda, bt Good, Hawkins.
Warren, Louis (c), lab, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Warren, M. E. (wid E. J.), r. 1130 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Warren, Richard (c), porter, r. ws Jefferson, bt Calhoun, Cochran.
Warren, ------, gardener, r. s of city limits, s end Ervay.
Washington, Abner (c), wks Leftwich & Jamison, r. s end Lamar.
Washington, Emma (c), h. Mollie Williams.
Washington, George (c), bds George Milam.
Washington, George (c), porter L. Craddock, r. 610 Wood, bt Lamar, Poydras.
Wasserman, Michael, new and second-hand clothing, boots, shoes, 1206 Elm, r. same.
Wasserzug, Berthold, Physician, Specialist, Office 734 Elm, r. same, bds St. George Hotel.
Waterman, Jacob K., clk traffic mgr's dept Mo. P. & T. & P. Rys., bds Hotel Bogel.
Waterman, John, saddler Padgitt Bros.
Waters, Carrie S. (c), r. 412 Wood, bt Market, Austin.
Waters, Hannah (c), wks C. H. Langdeau, r. same.
Waters, Isaac W., (c), lab, r. ss Sutton, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Waters, James (c), lab, r. alley bt Peak,Burford, Ross ave, Flora.
Waters, James (c), wks J. J. Carnes, r. same.
Waters Pierce Oil Co., Office north end of Lamar, Mo. P. Ry., Frank A. Austin, mgr. See advt.
Waters, Susan (c), wks C. H. Langdeau, r. same.
Waters, William M., life insurance agt, bds Frank C. Callier.
Watkin, George W., trav slsmn Will A. Watkin & Co., rms A. De Stefano.
Watkin, Will A. (Will A. Watkin & Co.), r. 731 Ross ave, bt Peak, Burford.
Watkin, Will A. & Co. (Will A. Watkin, ------ Co.), pianos and organs, 737 Main, nr cor Murphy. See front cover.
Watkins, Buck (c), porter Louis Reichenstein.
Watkins, Charles R., solicitor Queen City steam laundry, r. ws Cottonwood Lane, bt McKinney ave, Cedar.
Watkins, Elizabeth (wid Milton M.), boardinghouse, 1041 Elm, bt Live Oak, S. Harwood.
Watkins, Miss Essie, bds Miss Lizzie Handley.
Watkins, Frank W., Special Correspondent The Corbin Banking Co., of New York, office 607 Main, bds Hotel Bogel.
Watkins Hotel, 11-13 Swiss Ave, bt Pacific Ave, H. & T. C. Ry, J. C. Watkins, propr.
Watkins, J. B. Land Mortgage Co. (Jabez B. Watkins, prest; David M. Sprankle, secy), Miles J. Dart, mgr Texas dept, office over 733 Elm. See back cover line.
Watkins, Jabez B., prest J. B. Watkins Land Mortgage Co., r. Lawrence, Kan.
Watkins, Julius C., Propr Watkins Hotel, 11-13 Swiss ave, bt Pacific ave, H & T. C. Ry., r. same.
Watkins, Laura (c), r. ns Paris, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Watkins, Margaret (c), h. George Elliott.
Watkins, Polly (c), r. ns Flora, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Watkins, Schuyler U., clk, r. 953 S. Harwood, bt Runnels, Paris.
Watson, Alexander, carp S. Nelson, bds John S. Johnson.
Watson, Alexander, horseshoer, blksmith, shop 305 Lamar, bt Jackson, Wood, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Watson, Amanda (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt Cochran, Hall.
Watson, Charles (c), porter, r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Watson, Edward (c), driver Armstrong Bros., r. Boll, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Watson, Henry (c), cook Alfred Dare.
Watson, Jane (c), laundress, r. 1034 Pacific ave.,
Watson, Miss Lou A., seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., r. Commerce.
Watson, Martin (c), lab, r. ns Juliet, bt Burford, Boll.
Watson, Mollie (c), h. Ann Wade.
Watson, Thomas H., register clk Dallas P. O., r. ss Flora, bt McCoy, Washington ave.
Watson, Tobias (c), porter City National Bank, r. sw cor Juliet, Burford.
Watson, William H., clk W. T. Hancock & Co., h. T. H. Watson.
Watson, W. J., clk T. & P. frt depot, bds Mrs. M. A. Cook.
Watts, Miss Abbie, r. 1420 Commerce, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Watts, Arthur T. (Watts & Word), rms 707 Main, bds St. George Hotel.
Watts, Buck (c), porter J. L. Herman, r. same.
Watts, George M., r. ne cor Carroll, Rockwall road.
Watts, Gilbert (c), waiter St. George Hotel.
Watts, Henry (c), lab, bds James Fowler.
Watts, James C., clk car service dept T. & P. Ry., bds Hotel Bogel.
Watts, Jesse, teamster, h. G. M. Watts.
Watts, John S., teamster, r. 1578 Main, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Watts, Oren O., bkpr, bds G. M. Watts.
Watts, Thomas, teamster, h. John S. Watts.
Watts, William T., bkpr, r. ss Florence, bt Hawkins, Good.
Watts, Willie, h. G. M. Watts.
Watts & Word (Arthur T. Watts, Jeff. Word, Jr.), Attorneys, office 707 Main.
Waugh, William, porter Schneider & Davis, r. 132 Good.
Way, William, lab, r. 2 Oleander, cor Pacific ave.
Weale, J. T., carp McIntosh & Morrison.
Wears, Ebenezer, propr Dallas art school, 407 Main, r. same.
Wears, Louisa (wid Dedrich), r. 338 Burford, bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Weathers, Eliza (c), h. William Weathers.
Weathers, George (c), porter Simon Loeb.
Weathers, William (c), wks Wichita saloon, r. 710 Young, bt Poydras, Lacy.
Weaver, Theodore H., fruits and confectionery, 119 Camp, bt N. Lamar, Griffin, r. same.
Webb & Downs (Thomas A. Webb, J. Stephen Downs), real estate agents, office over 701 Main, cor Poydras. See lower back line.
Webb, J. Watson, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds, silver and plated wares, 610 Main, r. nw cor Akard, Cadiz.
Webb, J. F., clk C. J. Moore, rms 208 Houston.
Webb, Thomas A. (Webb & Downs), r. 409 N. Lamar, bt Caruth, Cochran.
Weber, Albert, clk coal commissioner, Mo. P. Ry., r. 8 Caruth, bt Market, Lamar.
Weber, Fritz, lab, bds Planter's House.
Webster, George (c), lab, r. 927 Houston, s of Columbia.
Webster, George A., Dealer in Sewing Machine Supplies and lottery tickets, office, 812 Elm, r. ws Ervay, opp City Park.
Webster, John H., Photographer, Studio, over 804 Elm, r. ss Live Oak, 2d w of Convent.
Webster, Mary J. (wid J. T .), h. John H. Webster.
Webster, Perry (Boyd & Webster), bds W. H. Porter.
Weddle, Hardy, gardener City Park, r. same.
Weed, Thurlow A., depy U.S. marshal, rms 216 Houston, cor Commerce.
Weekly, John (c), blksmith Greer & Hanson, r. ws Johnson, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Weekly World, issued every Saturday, office 601 Main, J. C. Hart, editor and propr.
Weeks, William, bkpr Wallace & Waggener.
Weems, Alice (c), wks Samuel Eaton.
Weems, Caleb (c), wks James Arbuckle, r. ws Mo. P. Ry., bt Calhoun, N. Lamar.
Weems, John (c), lab, r. 1045 Williams, bt Sherman, Henry.
Weems, Joseph (c), lab, bds John Weems.
Weems, Sallie (c), wks W. L. Williams, r. same.
Weems, Thomas (c), wks T. J. Oliver, r. same.
Wegold, Frederick, horse-collarmkr G. H. Schoellkopf, rms Mrs. C. T. Poynor.
Weihermüller, Frank, lab, r. ns Commerce, bt Duncan, Walton.
Weil, Isaac, boardinghouse, 115 Ross ave, bt N. Lamar, Griffin.
Weil, Raphael, clk Max Benedikt, r. sw cor Commerce, Field.
Weiler, John, carp Wright & Solomon, r. 1308 Cabell.
Weinberger, Adolph, second cook Grand Windsor Hotel, r. es Houston, bt Columbia, creek.
Weinberger, Charles H., chief cook Grand Windsor Hotel, r. es Houston, bt Columbia, creek.
Weinberger, Frank, cook Grand-Windsor Hotel, rms Adolph Weinberger.
Weir Plow Co., Dealers in Plows, Carriages, Wagons, farming implements, office and warehouses, ne cor Elm, Jefferson, Andrew J. Porter, agt.
Welch, Cyrus E., clk, h. Darius Welch.
Welch, Darius, clk J. T. Elliott, r. 243 Germania, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Welch, John, hostler, bds J. W. Spain.
Welch, John, saddler Padgitt Bros., rms 1414 Main.
Welch, Mrs. Maudila (Mrs. Lewis Goodwin), h. Thomas M. Welch.
Welch, Susan (c), wks Wm. H. Clark, r. same.
Welch, Thomas M., carp, r. 113 Bryan, bt. N. Harwood, Victor.
Welke, Theodore C., clk Eisenlohr Bros. & Schneider, bds A. Eisenlohr.
Welkering, William, bartender, r. 419 Leonard, bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Welsh, Michael, gang foreman T. & P. Ry, r. 108 Floyd, bt Cantagral, Wm. Tell.
Welton, Hannah (wid H. L.), h. J. A. Chandler.
Welty, Henry, turner, h. Leopold Bayer.
Wendelken, John M., mgr Emerson, Talcott & Co., agricultural implements, 837-839 Main, bt Murphy, Sycamore; prest Texas Electric Light and Power Co., r. 1023 Ervay, cor Corsicana.
Wengert, Peter, tailor, bds Cincinnati House.
Wenlinger, John, bartender Apollo Hall saloon, r. cor Harwood, Bryan.
Wenn, Alonzo (c), lab, r. ws Cockrell alley, bt Market, Austin.
Wentworth, Miss Blanche, bds Mrs. Annie I. Wilson.
Wellborn, Chapley B., real estate agt, notary public, r. 920 Ervay, cor Cadiz.
Wellborn, Olin, congressman 6th Congressional district, r. 920 Ervay, cor Cadiz.
Weller, Benjamin O. (B. O. Weller & Co.), r. 1003 San Jacinto, bt Burford, Boll.
Weller, B. O. & Co., (Benjamin O. Weller, James L. Thompson), groceries, provisions, cigars, tobacco, 1102-1106 Elm, cor S. Harwood.
Weller, Harry O. (King & Weller), h. J. T. Johnson, sr.
Wellesley, Courtney E., Genl Mgr Texas Land and Mortgage Co., office Merchants' Exchange, ne cor Commerce, Lamar,r. 27 Masten, cor Cottage Lane. See advt.
Wellington, Cain (c), r. ws Market, s of Columbia.
Wellington, J. A., trav slsmn, bds Mrs. E. Lammers.
Wells, Emma (wid John), bds Wm. D. Cloud.
Wells,Fargo & Co.'s Express, Office 611 Elm, bt Lamar, College. J. C. Tice, agt.
Wells, Francis M., furniture repairer, 1301 Main, cor S. Pearl, r. same.
Wells, Green (c), wks Shady View Park, e end of San Jacinto, r. same.
Wells, Harvey, wks Niemeyer Bros., r. same.
Wells, Herbert, furniture wagon, r. nw cor Williams, Walton.
Wells, J. C. shoefitter, G. H. Schoellkopf, r. 212 Wood, cor Jefferson.
Wells, Rita S. M. (Mrs.Wm. T.), dressmkr, over 1207 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. same.
Wells, William T., musician, r. over 1207 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Werenskiold, Niels, draughtsman T. & P. Ry depot, bds Mrs. L. A. Hawkins.
Werneking, Miss Carrie, wks Harry A. Jones, r. same.
Wertheimer, Louis, asst bkpr Sanger Bros., h. Alex. Sanger.
Wesley, Hannah (c), h.George Webster.
Wesson, Fletcher, printer, bds F. W. James.
West, Andrew J., carp, r. ns Caroline, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
West, Miss Ann, r. ns Pacific ave, bt Lamar, Griffin.
West, Claude V., draughtsman Bristol & Clark, rms 201 Main.
West, Edward, messenger W. U. Tel. office.
West, Miss Gussie, milliner Mrs. E. Chestnut, h. S. M. West.
West, Ichabod M., hydraulic and mechanicial engr, office 512 Main, rms 201 Main, cor Houston.
West, John, wks J. A. Tilley, r. same.
West, John G., plumber, h. W. H. West.
West, Miss Kittie, bds Mrs. Annie I. Wilson.
West, Marion, second hand furniture, 1209 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. same.
West, Miss Matilda, slslady Mrs. E. Chestnut, h. S. M. West.
West, Robert H., Attorney, Office over 505 Elm, bds St. George Hotel.
West, Miss Sadie, seamstress Blankenship & Blake, r. 33 Caroline.
West, Samuel M., wks T. & P. Ry, r. 3 Houston, cor Pacific ave.
West, Thomas A., clk Wm. B. Cook, r. 314 N. Lamar, bt Collin, Caruth.
West, William H., engr, r. 12 Oleander, bt Pacific ave, Bryan.
Western, John, Propr Novelty Iron Works, Mfg Steam engines, boilers, castings, ne cor Austin, Ross ave, r. same.
Westerman, Edward, wks John C. Jones, r. same.
Westerman, Harry A., barber John M. Curtis, bds Miss Alice Lowrie.
Westerman, Henry, cook, bds John Brunk.
Western Newspaper Union, W. E. Andrews, Prest, Des Moines, Ia.; A. F. Richardson, vice-prest, N. Y.; W. A. Bunker, secy, Kansas City; Geo. A. Joslyn, treasr, Omaha; auxiliary publishers, wholesale stationers and printers supplies, office 930-932 Main, A. McCargar, mgr.
Western Union Telegraph, Office 603 Elm, Glen M. Baker, mgr.
Westerson, Eric, cook, 188 Sycamore, bt Main, Elm, r. 842 Main.
Westerson, Fannie (Mrs. Eric), fruits, cigars, 118 Sycamore, r. 842 Main.
Westfall, Mary J. (wid John N.), r. 502 Jackson, cor Austin.
Weston, John, carp, rms James A. Duncan, bds Santa Fe House.
Weston, Joseph C., petty cashier Sanger Bros., rms James A. Duncan.
Weston, Susie E. (Mrs. H. C.), r. 1020 Main, bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Weston, William W., hardware, cutlery, 501 Elm, cor Austin, r. ne cor Flora, Allen
Westrup, Arthur, wks Dallas Lithograph Co.
Wetherington, Allen (c), lab, r. ns Fuqua, bt Hall, Huffman.
Wetherington, Peter (c), lab, h. Allen Wetherington.
Wetherington, Robert (c), h. Allen Wetherington.
Wetherington, Wiley (c), lab, h. Allen Wetherington.
Wetsel, James W., Mail and Passenger Transfer Line, r. 1505 Elm, bt Good, Cantagral.
Wewe, Augustus, teamster Crutcher & Harrison, h. Mrs. P. Wewe.
Wewe, John, teamster Crutcher & Harrison, h. Mrs. P. Wewe.
Wewe, Pharony (wid Nicholas), r. 107 McKinney ave, cor Bueana Vista.
Wheat, Clayton M. (Wheat & Wheat), r. se cor Carroll, Rockwall.
Wheat, Cornette, collecting agt W. A. Hatch, h. C. M. Wheat.
Wheat, Frank, Mgr for Texas of the Union Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Portland, Me., office 602 Main, cor Lamar, r. 327 Leonard, cor San Jacinto. See front cover line.
Wheat, Rue, clk h. C. M. Wheat.
Wheat & Wheat (Clayton M. and Elizabeth E. Wheat), livery, sale, feed, stable, 821-823 Main.
Wheatley, Walter S., bkpr City National Bank, r. 316 Harwood, cor Jackson.
Wheeler, Catherine M. (wid H. A.), r. ss Gano, bt S. Harwood, City Park.
Wheeler, Dilsie (c), r. ne city limits, Freedmantown.
Wheeler, Frank H., expressman, h. Mrs. C. M. Wheeler.
Wheeler, John (c), wks J. M. Park, r. same.
Wheeler, William H., ice wagon driver, h. Mrs. C. M. Wheeler.
Wheelock, Arthur J., mgr Southern Brokerage Co., bds J. S. Witwer.
Wheelock, William K., with Southern Brokerage Co., r. nw cor Pearl, Pacific ave.
Wheeless, Frederick W., teamster, r. ss Gano, se cor City Park.
Wheeless, John T., wks Alex. H. Blanks, bds same.
Wheeless, Lunsford L., clk Emerson, Talcott & Co., rms Mrs. K. Peckham.
Whennell, George H., upholsterer, shop 940 Main, rms same.
Whipple, John F., brick layer, r. 1411 Main, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Whitaker, Henry, clk Reinhardt & Co., bds T. A. West.
White, Aaron (c), porter Monroe Spikes.
White, Alexander (White & White), r. 403 Cottage Lane, cor N. Harwood.
White, Miss Allie, dressmkr Miss Carrie Waller, bds E. A. Ferrin.
White, Andrew J., plasterer, r. sw cor San Jacinto, Pavilion.
White, Bettie (c), r. 512 Columbia, bt Austin, Lamar.
White, Cassie (wid A. J.), h. C. Frazier.
White, Miss Celia, dressmkr Miss Carrie Waller, bds D. N. Hoylman.
White, Edmond (c), boot black, h. Mack Henderson.
White, Enoch A., scroll sawyer Clark & Clark, r. ws Germania, bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
White, Edward, slater, bds Joseph Noel.
White, Frank A., h. William White.
White, Frankie (c), r. 309 Wood, bt Market, Jefferson.
White, George (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
White, George L., clk T. H. Craddock, r. 319 St. Louis.
White, Henry L., machinist Clark & Clark, r. es Boll, bt Ross ave, Flora.
White, Henry S., machinist, r. 1232 Main, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
White, Isaac G., Mgr for Texas, E. VanWinkle & Co., office 401 Elm, cor Market, r. nw cor Swiss ave, Ewing. See advt.
White, James, trunkmkr H. Pollock & Co., rms over ne cor Elm, Griffin.
White, John R. (White & White), h. Alexander White.
White, John T., lab, h. William I. White.
White, John W., wks F. A. Rumpeltin, rms Pacifc Hotel.
White, J. Calvin, r. ws Allen, bt Flora, Juliet.
White, Lewis M. (L. M. Martin & Co.), r. es N. Pearl, bt Juliet, Cochran.
White, Miss Lillie, dressmkr Miss Carrie Waller, bds D. N. Hoylman.
White, Mary (c), wks W. B. Gano, r. same.
White, May Belle (c), wks E. P. Turner, r. same.
White, Minnie M. (wid H. T.), h. W. S. Collins.
White, M. T., trav slsmn E. Vanwinkle & Co., h. I. G. White.
White, Narcisa (c), wks G. W. Loomis, r. same.
White, Oscar (c), porter Miss Lillie Cain, r. same.
White, Robert, moulder Phelan & Co.
White, Tony (wid C. S.), r. sw cor Swiss ave, Adair, E. Dallas.
White, Virginia (wid S. D.), h. L. M. Martin.
White & White (Alexander and John R.), Attorneys, office Merchants' Exchange, ne cor Lamar, Commerce.
White, William (c), expressman, r. ne city limits, Freedmantown.
White, William (W. White & Co.), r. 315 Bryan, bt Pearl, Crockett.
White, W. & Co. (William White, Charles F. Carter), cotton buyers and spinners' agts, 501 1/2 Elm.
White, William H., carp, r. ns Live Oak, bt creek, Adair.
White, William I., teamster, r. 206 Jefferson, bt Walnut, Cochran.
White, William J., lab, h. Wm. I. White.
Whitehead, Isaac, lab, bds Michael Welsh.
Whitehead, John P. C., Attorney, Office, 909 Elm, bds. St. George Hotel.
Whiteman, Charles P., second hand furniture, 916 Elm, r. es Snodgrass bt Beaumont, Seegar.
Whiten, Moses (c), wks J. A. Hughes, r. same.
Whites, Miss Dona A., W. H. H. Braley.
Whites, Joseph, r. 3 Sycamore, bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Whites, William E., wks Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 3 Sycamore.
Whiteside, Fannie (c), nurse Geo. N. Aldredge, r. same.
Whiteside, Mary (c), wks A. D. Aldridge, r. same.
Whitford, John, trav slsmn Sanger Bros., bds Jacob Oppenheim.
Whitis, Rufus, physician, surgeon, office 810 Main, bds. A. C. Walker.
Whitlock, Miss Fannie, dressmkr, rms Alfred L. Hodge.
Whitlock, Miss Matilda, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., bds W. D. Vestal.
Whitlock, William G., carp, bds Wm. J. Lambert.
Whitney, C., slsmn, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Whitney, John H., carp, r. ns Pocahontas, bt Portland, S. Harwood.
Whitted, Miss Anna, music teacher Ursuline Academy, bds J. L. Adams.
Whitted, Salina H. (wid Estes), bds J. L. Adams.
Whittemore, Mary E. (wid S. S.), r. 601 Market, cor Young.
Whitten, Elizabeth M. (wid J. W.), r. 313 N. Lamar, bt Collin, Caruth.
Whitten, John W., carp, h. S. R. Whitten.
Whitten, Silas R., r. 325 Hord, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Wickens, Rev. Edwin, Pastor Church of the Incarnation, r. sw cor N. Harwood, McKinney ave.
Wiedrig, Frank, wks Anheuser-Busch beer vaults.
Wieman, Annie (wid August), cigar manufactory, 840 Main, r. same.
Wieman, Mary, cigarmaker Mrs. Annie Wieman, r. same.
Wiford, J. E., painter, bds G. H. Ray.
Wiggins, Cicero (c), cook, r. 326 Live Oak, bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Wiggins, Riley (c), r. ws Lamar, bt Columbia, creek.
Wiggins, William E. (J. D. Roberts & Co.), r. 905 Young, bds S. T. Morgan.
Wiggs, Lulu (Mrs. W. W.), r. 1005 Main, bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Wilber, John C., watchmaker, jeweler, watches, clocks, jewelry, diamonds, silverware, 603 Main, bds Hotel Bogel.
Wilborn, Frisbie (c), hack driver, r. ss Cabell, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Wilborn, George (c), r. rear 213 Live Oak, bt N. Harwood, Olive.
Wilcox, Edward E., packer Schneider & Davis, r. 110 Highland, bt Cedar, Ashland.
Wilcox, Mary J. (wid L. F.), r. over 806 Main.
Wilder, John W., clk, rms J. T. Johnston, sr.
Wilder, Jonathan H., clk auditor's office, T. & P. Ry, bds 13 Sycamore.
Wilder, Joseph, clk Sanger Bros., bds Mrs. M. C. Barry.
Wilds, Joseph H., vegetable dealer, 1004 Elm, bt Ervay, St. Paul, bds Mrs. K. Peckham.
Wiley, Alice (wid Henry A.), r. Geo. W. Cook.
Wiley, Book, bricklayer, bds J. P. Wiley.
Wiley, Frank, book agt, bds J. T. Early.
Wiley, Miss Hattie, h. G. M. Danover.
Wiley, Jesse P., wks M. W. Russey, r. ss Young, bt Broadway, Houston.
Wiley, John, painter R. S. Munger, bds Planter's House.
Wiley, Joseph E. (c), Attorney, Office Norton Bldg., ne cor Elm, Sycamore, bds 99 Cochran.
Wiley, Julia (c), wks N. J. Lacy, r. same.
Wilhight, Alexander L. (c), presiding elder M. E. Church, r. s end Austin, s of creek.
Wilhite, John A. (D. P. Haggard & Co.), bkpr W. G. Scarff & Co., stenographer Texas Farm and Ranch, r. 1046 Ross ave, cor Germania.
Wilhite, Mary (wid D.), h. J. A. Wilhite.
Wilkenson, Samuel E., h. Jesse C. McCart.
Wilkerson, Abraham (c), porter Sreenan & McCarthy, r. 941 Jackson.
Wilkerson, Henry C., books, stationery, newspapers, periodicals, &c., 1320 Elm, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry., rms same.
Wilkes, John S., treasr for receiver T. & P. Ry., office, ns Commerce, bt Lamar, Poydras, bds A. C. Ardrey.
Wilkins, Andrew H. (Wilkins & McGuire), r. Houston, Texas.
Wilkins, Henry, carp, r. 722 Bryan, bt Cantagral, Germania.
Wilkins & McGuire (Andrew H. Wilkins, Jay E. McGuire), dealers in school furniture and supplies, office 505 Main, bt Austin, Lamar.
Wilkins, Willis K., barber J. M. Curtis, bds Mrs. Elizabeth Watkins.
Wilkinson, Carter, plasterer, r. ss Flora, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Wilkinson, James, r. ns Commerce, bt Poydras, Murphy.
Wilkinson, James H., stone mason, r. 808 Live Oak, bt Cantagral, Texas.
Wilkinson, Miss Lovie, wks W. W. Adair, r. same.
Wilkinson, Thomas, asst chief Dallas fire dept., r. ss Main, bt Leonard, Dove.
Willi, John, gardener, r. 211 Young, bt Houston, Jefferson.
William Tell House, 315 Commerce, cor Market, Frank Fletcher (c), propr.
Williams, Aaron (c), lab, r. ns Canton, bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Williams, Alexander (c), lab, r. ns Fuqua, bt Huffman, Washington ave.
Williams, Alfred (c), whitewasher, r. 1041 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Williams, Allison, bartender, h. Mrs. S. F. Williams,
Williams, Amanda (wid J.), r. 209 Ross ave, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Williams, Annie (c), wks R. H. Cousins, r. same.
Williams, Benjamin R. (Williams & Williams), r. se cor Live Oak, Adair, E. Dallas.
Williams, Charles (c), h. Robert Sanders.
Williams, Charles, wks Lee O. Beeman, rms 951 Elm.
Williams, Charles (Lenway & Co.), rms 312 Main, bt Market, Jefferson.
Williams, Daniel P. (Williams & Williams), bds Mrs. Belle DeWitt.
Williams, Daniel P., clk Mo. P. & T. & P. frt depot, r. 1508 Commerce.
Williams, David (c), lab, r. 1406 Main, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Williams, David A. (Williams & Turney), notary public, 215 Main, rms same.
Williams, Dilcy (c), wks Abe Kirby, h. same.
Williams, Dolly (c), wks W. J. Storms, r. same.
Williams, Edward (c), waiter St. George Hotel.
Williams, Edward R., clk M. D. Garlington, r. 319 Hord.
Williams, Elijah S. (c), lab, r. 1128 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Williams, Emma (c), cook Dr. Jno. C. Storey, r. same.
Williams, Estley A., h. Mrs. M. A. Williams.
Williams, Eugene L., Cashier Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, r. 314 Lamar.
Williams, E. E., paper hanger, bds J. L. Neel.
Williams, Miss Fannie, r. 904 Commerce, cor Akard.
Williams, Miss Flora, slslady A. & E. Mittenthal, h. Mrs. Amanda Williams.
Williams, Frederick, night clk Grand Windsor Hotel, bds same.
Williams, George, waiter St. James Hotel, r. same.
Williams, George, errand boy A. D. Aldridge & Co.
Williams, George L., butcher Lenway & Co., rms over nw cor Main, Market.
Williams, George M., bkpr J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., r. 904 Commerce, cor Akard.
Williams, George T., tobacco, cigars, smokers' articles, 607 Main, bt Lamar, Poydras, r. 508 Austin.
Williams, George (c), r. ns Young, bt Poydras, Lacey.
Williams, Glenn G., printer Dallas Morning News, bds 229 Patterson ave.
Williams, Henry (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel, rms Carrie Campbell.
Williams, Henry (c), wks Walter Caruth, r. same.
Williams, Henry (c), lab, sw cor Columbia, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Williams, Henry (c) lab, r. ns Paris, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Williams, Henry (c), carp, r. es San Jacinto, bt McCoy, Johnson.
Williams, Miss Ida, music teacher, r. 904 Commerce, cor Akard.
Williams, Jacob L. (J. L. Williams & Co.), r. ne cor San Jacinto, Oleander.
Williams, J. L. & Co. (Jacob L. Williams, Samuel L. May), druggists, fancy and toilet articles, 409 Main, bt Austin, Market.
Williams, James (c), lab, r. se cor S. Pearl, Pierce.
Williams, James (c), r. rear es Burford, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Williams, Jefferson (c), lab, h. Robert Williams.
Williams, Jennie (c), washerwoman, r. 1106 Jackson, bt Ervay, Harwood.
Williams, Jet (c), lab, r. es Hall, bt Flora, Cochran.
Williams, John, wks H. N. Milligan, r. same.
Williams, John (c), expressman, r. 522 Good, bt Bryan, Montezuma.
Williams, John, rms over 725 Elm.
Williams, John T., clk John E. Meyer, r. 904 Commerce, cor Akard.
Williams, John W., clk Union Depot Hotel, r. same.
Williams, Joseph, messenger Mo. P. and T. & P. Ry frt depot.
Williams, Julia (c), wks Sim Sligh, r. same.
Williams, Julius (c), lab, h. Robert Williams.
Williams, J. S., trav sign writer Southern Sign Works Co., bds St. James Hotel.
Williams, Miss Katie, seamstress Blankenship & Blake Co., bds Mrs. M. A. Hall.
Williams, Kit (Kit Williams & Co.), editor, the Home and Sunday School, and The Little Jewels, 706 Main, r. 333 Sycamore, bt Camp, Patterson ave.
Williams, Kit & Co. (Kit Williams, ---- Co.), Publishers of Sunday school literature, office 706 Main, bt Poydras, Martin.
Williams, Laura (c), wks Alex. Gretz, r. same.
Williams, Laura L. (wid), bds B. F. Dennis.
Williams, Lee (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, n of Cochran.
Williams, Levi (c), wks Henry C. Hoskins, h. Carver Williams.
Williams, Miss Lisa A., slslady A. & E. Mittenthal, h. L. W. Williams.
Williams, Lizzie (c), r. 1149 Young, bt Ervay, Veal.
Williams, Lizzie (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Williams, Lizzie (c), wks J. L. Van Slyke, r. same.
Williams, Lizzie (c), h. Claiborne McAfee.
Williams, Lucy (c), wks P. J. Burke, r. same.
Williams, Lycurgus W., saddler, r. 403 Collin, bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Williams, Mary (wid John), r. 409 Young, bt Market, Austin.
Williams, Mary A. (wid Thomas), r. sw cor Commerce, Prather.
Williams, Mattie (c), wks L. C. Dissaint, r. same.
Williams, Miss Mattie, opr Erie Telegraph & Telephone Co., h. L. W. Williams,
Williams, McGehee, P. O. inspector, bds Mrs. E. Lammers.
Williams, Miss Melissa, slslady A. & E. Mittenthal, h. W. L. Williams.
Williams, Messiah (c), lab, r. w of H. & T. C. Ry, n of Cochran.
Williams, Mollie (c), r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt San Jacinto, Boll.
Williams, Nancy (c), r. rear 408 Columbia, bt Market, Austin.
Williams, Miss Nannie, bds Chas. E. Keller.
Williams, Nathan (c), lab, r. ws Preston, bt Mill creek, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Williams, Nolie, groceries, 1338 Elm, bt H. & T. C. Ry., Hawkins, r. same.
Williams, Presley (c), bds Charity Fields.
Williams, Richard (c), lab, r. ns Sutton, bt Duncan, Walton.
Williams, Robert (c), lab, r. rear 119 Camp, bt Lamar, Griffin.
Williams, Robert E., patent right dealer, r. 904 Commerce, cor Akard.
Williams, Rufus J., carp, r. 623 San Jacinto, bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Williams, Samuel (c), lab, r. 1151 Marilla, bt Canton, S. Harwood.
Williams, Sarah F. (wid L. D.), r. 1504 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Williams, Sterling M., cattle dealer, r. 123 Canton, cor Browder.
Williams, Taylor (c), porter Purdy & Randell.
Williams, Thomas (c), carp, rms rear 519 Veal, cor Young.
Williams & Turney (David A. Williams, Nathaniel G. Turney), attorneys, office 215 Main, cor Jefferson.
Williams, Washington (c), lab, r. ns Jackson, bt Poydras, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Williams, William (c), waiter Grand Windsor Hotel, r. ss Wood, bt Broadway, Houston.
Williams, William J., trav slsmn Ripley & Kimball, St. Louis, office, 407 Elm, bds Hotel Bogel.
Williams, William L., Attorney, Office 409 Main, bt Market, Austin, r. se cor Swiss ave, Martha.
Williams & Williams (Benjamin R. and Daniel P.), groceries, 1348 Elm, cor Hawkins.
Williamson, Charles, clk Blankenship & Blake, bds 43 Emma.
Williamson, Charles, harnessmkr Edward Lehman, bds 908 Pacific ave.
Williamson, Charles W., bartender J. F. Martinez, bds 908 Pacific ave.
Williamson, Eli S., r. 908 Pacific ave, bt Live Oak, Harrison.
Williamson, F. G., photographer, bds St. Nicholas Hotel.
Williamson, George, driver Pacific Express Co., h. 908 Pacific ave.
Williamson, Henry C., contractor, builder, r. sw cor Ross ave, Villars.
Williamson, James G., propr Crutchfield House, 113 Main, cor Houston, r. same.
Williamson, John S., trav slsmn Blankenship & Blake Co., bds 43 Emma.
Williamson, Reuben (c), r. ns Cochran, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Williamson, William (c), wks Griffiths & Cowser, bds J. L. Van Slyke.
Willink, Charles L., locksmith, bellhanger, shop 925 Main, cor Stone, r. same.
Willink, Miss Lillie, h. C. B. Loring.
Willis, Betsie (c), r. ss Cochran, bt Allen, H. & T. C. Ry.
Willis, Bettie (c), wks A. M. Cochran, r. same.
Willis, Burt, insp Erie Tel. and Telephone Co., r. 110 Live Oak, cor Pacific ave.
Willis, Carver (c), farmer, r. ss Cochran, bt Allen, H. & T. C. Ry.
Willis, Eliza (c), cook Samuel T. Morgan.
Willis, Ellis (c), lab, h. Betsie Willis.
Willis, Miss Jessie G., h. Starr S. JOnes.
Willis, Philip (c), wks Butler & Co., r. n of Alamo, w of Ervay.
Willis, William C., bartender J. M. & W. S. Skelton, rms se cor Pacific ave, Austin.
Williston, Frederick S., Ry postal clk, r. sw cor Swiss ave, Adair, E. Dallas.
Wilmans Bros. (William B., Charles F., Edgar and Robert), book and fine art printers, 818 Elm.
Wilmans, Charles F. (Wilmans Bros., h. C. I. Wilmans.
Wilmans, Charles I., printer, r. 39 Pearl, bt Live Oak, Pacific ave.
Wilmans, Edgar (Wilmans Bros.), h. C. I. Wilmans.
Wilmans, Frederick A., Physician (Specialist), Office 828 Main, r. same.
Wilmans, Robert (Wilmans Bros.), h. C. I. Wilmans.
Wilmans, William B. (Wilmans Bros.), h. C. I. Wilmans.
Wilmet, Benjamin, clk, bds I. F. McAdams.
Wilmut, Charles, bkpr Murphy & Bolanz, rms 955 Main, bds James Bentley.
Wilson, Amanda (c), wks Reuben P. Aunspaugh.
Wilson, Ann (c), h. James Griffin.
Wilson, A. F., car driver Dallas Belt St. Ry Co.
Wilson, Amanda (Mrs. David), h. Frank Miller.
Wilson, Ambrose, student, h. Barnett Miller.
Wilson, Mrs. Annie I., r. south end Market, south of Columbia.
Wilson, Miss Beulah, bds Mrs. Annie I. Wilson.
Wilson, Charlotte (c), r. 716 Jefferson, bt Columbia, creek.
Wilson, Charles, saddler Tenison Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Wilson, Daniel (c), cook, r. ss San Jacinto, e of Villars.
Wilson, Francis (wid James), r. ns Cadiz, w of Akard.
Wilson, Frank (c), wks Reuben P. Aunspaugh.
Wilson, Frank (c), bartender Frank Fletcher, bds same.
Wilson, Frank A., lab, bds James A. Wilson.
Wilson, Frederick, h. John Wilson.
Wilson, Gillie (c), wks Charles Schonfeld, r. same.
Wilson, Hannah (c), cook Sydney Smith, r. same.
Wilson, Henry (c), barber R. Laffiton, r. 941 Jackson, cor Lane.
Wilson, Henry, foreman Leftwich & Jamison's brick yd, h. Mrs. Francis Wilson.
Wilson, James, teamster, r. ns Canton, w of Akard.
Wilson, James A., stable foreman Dallas Belt Ry Co., r. 46 McKinney ave.
Wilson, John, tinner, bds Wm. A. Trammell.
Wilson, John B., stockraiser, r. 805 Live Oak, cor Cantagral.
Wilson, John J., pressman Dallas Morning News, bds Mrs. Annie E. McMurray.
Wilson, Junior (c), lab, r. ne city limits, Freedmantown.
Wilson, J. E., trav sign writer Southern Sign Works Co., bds St. James Hotel.
Wilson, Lou (c), cook,r. ss Corsicana, bt Evergreen, Portland.
Wilson, Louis A., canvasser New Home Sewing Machine Co., r. es Ervay, e end Hickory.
Wilson, Lucy A. (wid N.), bds A. C. Ardrey.
Wilson, Luvenia (c), r. 101 Burford, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Wilson, Martha (c), r. rear 1308 Main, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Wilson, Mary (wid Charles), h. John Bates.
Wilson, Philip (c), lab, r. ns Alamo, bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Wilson, Philip, trav auditor H. & T. C. Ry, r. cor Canton, Horton.
Wilson, P. M., tel opr W. U. Tel. office, r. nr Fair Grounds.
Wilson, Riley (c), lab, r. ns Alamo, w of Wichita.
Wilson, Richard T., foreman saddlery dept Padgitt Bros., r. 1421 Commerce.
Wilson, Samuel (c), lab, r. bt Miller's ferry road, H. & T. C. Ry, nr s city limits.
Wilson, Thomas H., driver Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, r. 714 Commerce, bt Poydras, Murphy.
Wilson, Upton (c), wks B. N. Bryant.
Wilson, Watson (c), porter genl supt's office T. & P. Ry, r. ws Jefferson, bt Calhoun, Cochran.
Wilson, William H., Architect, Office 736 Elm, cor Murphy, rms same, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman
Wilson, William R., Physician, Surgeon, Office 605 Main, r. 749 Ross ave, cor Burford.
WIlson, William Z., clk Francis Fendrich, bds same.
Wilson, Winfield S., blksmith, r. 222 Good, bt Live Oak, Bryan.
Wilson, Rev. W. P., Pastor First M. E. Church, rms Wm. White.
Wimar, Charles, musician, r. es Sumpter, bt Gibbs, Ashland.
Winchester, Lorenzo G., cabinetmkr T. Billington.
Windes, John V., tel opr, bds Joseph Sadler.
Windsor, Henry, waiter M. Grünbaum, rms 933 Elm.
Windsor Hotel Co., Thomas B. Gale, Prest.; John Woods, vice-prest; Otis J. Howland, secy and treasr; Thos. B. Gale, John Woods, O. J. Howland, directors, proprs Grand-Windsor Hotel, Dallas, and Tremont Hotel, Galveston.
Windsor Restaurant, 610 Main, bt Lamar, Poydras, George Lang, propr.
Wineland, Henry C., tel opr Mo. P. and T. & P. Ry depot, bds J. L. Neel.
Winfield, William H., Pass Agt Wabash R. R., office 506 Main, bds St. George Hotel.
Wingert, Peter, tailor Dallas dye works, bds Cincinnati House.
Wingo, John F. lunch stand, fruits, confectioneries, 1214 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston, r. same.
Winn, Alexander (c), lab, r. es Portland, bt Cadiz, Corsicana.
Winn, Edmond (c), lab, h. G. W. Winn.
Winn, Fannie (c), r. ss Bryan, s end Hall.
Winn, Frank (c), locksmith, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Bryan, Montezuma.
Winn, George (c), lab, h. G. W. Winn.
Winn, George W. (c),lab, r. ss Cochran, bt Allen, H. & T. C. Ry.
Winn, John (c), porter J. L. Williams & Co., r. ss Bryan, bt Hall, McCoy.
Winn, Joseph (c), lab, r. ns Fuqua, bt Hall, Huffman.
Winn, Martha A. (wid Joel E.), r. 508 Ross ave, cor N. Harwood.
Winn, Nettie (c), h. Calvin Cato.
Winn, Russell (c), lab, r. ss Bryan, bt Hall, McCoy.
Winn, Samuel (c), lab, h. G. W. Winn.
Winn, William W., substitute letter carrier, bds Mrs. M. A. Cook.
Winscott, James C., lab, r. Masten, w of Cedar Spring road.
Winsett, Edward W., bartender Mascotte Athletic Theater, bds Frank De Beque.
Winston, Emma (wid B. H.), h. W. H. W. Smith.
Winston, Ida (c), chambermaid Hotel Bogel.
Winter, John, waiter Lang's restaurant, r. 608 Jefferson.
Winter, J., jr., & Co. (Julius Winter, jr., Phil. D. Long), importing tailors, 713 Main. C. B. Smith, mgr.
Winter, Robert P. (Winter & Sharp), r. 1204 Elm.
Winter & Sharp (Robert P. Winter, William T. Sharp), fruits, confectionery, 1204 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Winters, Albert, gardener Rev. A. C. Bishop, r. same.
Winters, Lawrence, wks Mrs. S. H. Cockrell, r. same.
Winthrop, Charles B., trav slsmn Tompkins Machinery Co., bds Mrs. Julia Jones.
Wirth, Frank, horse collarmkr G. H. Schoellkopf.
Wisch, Charles, painter, bds Edmond Lawrence.
Wisdom, James R., druggist, 1358 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd, r. nw cor S. Preston, Gano.
Wisdom, Norton, mdse broker, office 738 Main, rms Mrs. L. A. Martin.
Wise, Henry (c), h. John Smith.
Wise, Jacob (Glucksman & Co.), bds Charles H. Calhoun.
Wiser, Robert (c), lab, r. es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Wishart, Alexander, r. 1043 Wood, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Wishart, Marcus W., Book and Job Printer, 711 Main, r. Fisher lane, near S. Harwood. See advt.
Wissmann, William H., clk Lewis Bros., bds James A. Fleming.
Witfeld, L., lab, r. es Mo. P. Ry, bt Griffin, Dallas branch.
Withers, Charles W., bkpr Chas. H. Sawyer, bds 1056 Elm.
Withers, Daniel B., cattle buyer, r. 309 Swiss ave, bt Cantagral, Texas.
Withers, Henry, h. Daniel B. Withers.
Withers, John K., h. Daniel B. Withers.
Witt, John T., civil engr G. C. & S. F. Ry, r. ns T. & P. Ry, e of G. C. & S. F. Ry, E. Dallas.
Witt, William (c), wks Niemeyer Bros., r. same.
Wittmer, Frederick, horse collarmkr G. H. Schoellkopf.
Witwer, John S., Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, 713 Elm, r. 739 Ross ave, bt Peak, Burford.
Wo Lee (Chinese), laundry, 944 Elm, bt Stone, Ervay, r. same.
Wolf, Adolph, tailor, second-hand clothing, 11 N. Lamar, bt Elm, Pacific ave., r. 328 Hord.
Wolf, Frank, saddles, harness, 408 Elm, bt Market, Austin, r. ne cor Crockett, Flora.
Wolf, Jacob E., bkpr E. M. Tillman; also notary public, r. se cor Wood, Lacy.
Wolf, Rev. John R., Pastor Tabernacle M. E. Church, r. 1114 S. Harwood, bt Eakin, Gano.
Wolf, Joseph, clk Goldsmith Bros., bds Meyer Sues, rms 714 Elm.
Wolf, Josephine (wid), rms Mrs. Bartillia Holcombe.
Wolf, Miss Lula, actress Mascotte Athletic Theatre, bds Frank DeBeque.
Wolf, Miss Minnie, wks P. W. Linskie, r. same.
Wolf, Oscar J., carriage painter A. B. Sheets, h. Mrs. O. Wolf.
Wolf, Ottilie (wid John), r. 325 Corsicana, bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Wolfe, Hartwig, clk E. M. Kahn, bds Solomon wolfe.
Wolfe, Solomon, trav slsmn, r. 61 McKinney ave, cor Highland.
Wolff, Bernhardt, asst city assessor and collector, bds J. E. Wolff.
Wolff, Henry O., bkpr Sanger Bros., r. 325 Corsicana, bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Wolff, Mrs. J. L., trimmer Sanger Bros., r. 506 Wood, cor Houston.
Wolfram, Frank, carriage painter Cline & Brady, rms A. K. Woodson.
Wolfskill, William C., machine hand Tenison Bros., bds Santa Fe House.
Wollmer, William, painter, bds Chas. J. Grunwald.
Wolpern, Henry W., clk P.P. Martinez, rms sw cor Main, Martin.
Wolsey, Moses, wks J. T. Elliott.
Wolters, Harry, Propr Harry's Saloon, 711 Main, r. es Alamo, bt Cedar Springs, Ashland.
Womble, William L., bartender Thompson's Theatre, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Wood, Ainslie G., Cashier The Texas Land and Mortgage Co., r. 575 N. Harwood, bt Ross ave, Cochran.
Wood, Amos A., blksmith, r. ss Junius, bt Mill creek, Adair.
Wood, Augustus, trav slsmn Weir Plow Co., bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Wood, Burt (c), wks J. R. Miller, r. same.
Wood, Charles O., Business Manager Dallas Times, r. sw cor Swiss ave, Ann, E. Dallas.
Wood, Miss Gertie, bds Mrs. Annie I. Wilson.
Wood, Harry, engr Howard oil works, r. sw cor Preston, Williams.
Wood, Horatio L., printer Dallas Printing Co., bds W. J. Allen.
Wood, John (c), blksmith E. F. Camuse, r. 1004 Ervay.
Wood, Joshua (c), wks Ewing L. Thompson, r. same.
Wood, J. L., insurance agt, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Wood, Miss Lissie, clk Goldsmith Bros., h. A. A. Wood.
Wood, Margaret (c), h. Henry S. Howell.
Wood, Milton Davis, policeman No. 16, r. sw cor Cottonwood Lane, Cedar.
Wood, Miss M. Dora, clk Nesmith & Co., h. M. D. Davis.
Wood, O. M. (wid), wks J. M. Harry, r. same.
Woodall, Jesse (c), r. ws Boll, bt Bryan, H. & T. C. Ry.
Woods, Alice (c), h. Samuel Wilson.
Woods, Harriet (c), wks W. J. Storms, r. same.
Woods, James (c), r. ns Motley ave, bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Woods, John (c), lab, r. 506 Bryan, bt Hawkins, H. & T. C. Ry.
Woods, John, foreman Dallas Printing Co.
Woods, John, Mgr Grand-Windsor Hotel, Vice-Prest, Windsor Hotel Co., r. 1222
Woods, Nathan M., lab, r. 1640 Main, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Woods, William (c), lab, bds Henry Kendall.
Woodside, Miss Emma, slslady Mrs. Esther Chestnut, bds W. H. Wheatley.
Woodson, Alvis K., boardinghouse, 128 Ross ave, bt N. Lamar, Griffin.
Woodson, David O., clk R. R. Lawther, h. Alvis K. Woodson.
Woodson, James D. (Moffett & Woodson), r. 1111 Pacific ave.
Woodson, John, appc painter Cline & Brady.
Woodward, Napoleon W., clk J. K. Hawes, bds same.
Woolbright, Miss Lettie, wks John A. Carter, r. same.
Wooldridge, Napoleon W., clk C. J. Rankin, bds 712 Griffin.
Woolen, Fleming (c), r. ss Emma, bt Pacific ave., Sycamore.
Woolsey, Moses, lab, r. ss Short, bt T. & P. Ry, Old Fair Grounds.
Word, Jefferson, Jr., (Watts & Word), r. 1131 Jackson, bt Prather, S. Harwood.
Worden, Elwin A., guns, pistols, sportsmen's supplies, 734 Elm, rms 324 Live Oak.
Worden, Francis G., ice cream, soda water, etc., ss Elm, bt Crowdus, Lloyd, r. same.
Worden & Smith (William W. Worden, Alexander Smith), blksmiths, carriage and wagon mfrs, sw cor Houston, Elm.
Worden, William, h. W. W. Worden.
Worden, William W. (Worden & Smith), r. 14 Jefferson, cor Carondelet.
Wordlow, Sam (c), porter Blankenship & Blake Co., r. 1018 Jackson.
Work, Charles A., tel opr W. U. office, r. ss Flora, bt McCoy, Washington ave.
Work, J. A. (Kirkland & Work), r. 14 Miles n of City.
Work, William A., depy sheriff, r. 721 Live Oak, bt Good, Cantagral.
Workman, John, teamster, r. sw cor Crowdus, Paris.
Worley, John F. (Gibson, Worley & Co.), r. ws Portland, bt Pocahontas, St. Louis.
Worley, Nathan H., printer Dallas Morning News, bds G. C. Currier.
Worpin, Henry, clk P. P. Martinez, bds Samuel L. Moore.
Worrall, Charles H., tel opr T. & P. genl office, bds Mrs. M. E. Hammond.
Worrall, John G., tel opr H. & T. C. frt depot, bds Mrs. M. E. Hammond.
Worrill, Williamson, stenographer Armstrong Bros., rms Mrs. P. A. Noulen.
Worthington, Angie (c), wks T. F. Wallace, r. same.
Worthington, Robert (c), wks Alexander McWhirk, h. same.
Worthington, Sallie (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, bt Cochran, Hall.
Wozencraft, Alfred P. (Fitzhugh & Wozencraft), r. 415 Elm.
Wray, Andrew P., teamster, r. 543 Live Oak, cor H. & T. C. Ry.
Wreford, George H., canvasser, bds Sam'l P. Wreford.
Wreford, Samuel P., slsmn T. L. Marsalis & Co., r. nw cor Portland, Pocahontas.
Wren, Proctor (c), barber Monroe Spikes, r. es Boll, bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Wright, Adam (c), lab, h. Louise Dorn.
Wright, Fayette (c), foreman warehouse Texas Elevator and Compress Co.
Wright, Frank, lab, h. J. R. Wright, sr.
Wright, Gilbert G. (Wright, Wright & Eckford), r. ne cor Rockwall road, Adair,E. Dallas.
Wright, Henry (c), porter Bartram, Robinson & Co., h. Louise Dorn.
Wright, James, trav slsmn, bds David Langton.
Wright, James A., lab, r. 25 Polk, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Wright, James A., slsmn H. Friedlander, r. 202 Columbia, cor S. Houston.
Wright, John (c), wks J. W. Webb, res same.
Wright, John R., jr., painter, h. J. R. Wright, sr.
Wright, John R., sr, painter, r. ne cor Flora, H. & T. C. Ry.
Wright, John W., agt N. Y. Equitable Life Ins. Co., r. 916 Live Oak, cor Oak.
Wright, J. P., tel opr G. C. & S. F. depot.
Wright, Lewis (c), lab, r. 315 Cottonwood Lane, cor Ashland.
Wright, Louis (c), lab, r. 1215 San Jacinto, bt H. & T. C. Ry, Germania.
Wright, Newell K. (Wright & Solomon), r. 504 S. Harwood, bt Cadiz, St. Louis.
Wright, Sarah (c), bds Ann Lloyd.
Wright & Solomon (Newell K. Wright, Joseph Solomon), carpenters, builders, 212 Ervay, bt Main, Commerce. See advt.
Wright, William (c), porter J. M. Skelton & Co., r. cor Commerce, Market.
Wright, William, clk James McKeand, h. J. R. Wright, sr.
Wright, William B. (Wright, Wright & Eckford), r. es Mill creek, bt Gaston ave, Elm, nr Old Fair Grounds.
Wright, William L., Genl Agent Roberts, Throp & Co., mfrs of farming machinery, office 401 Elm, cor Market, rms same. See advt.
Wright, Wright & Eckford (William B. and Gilbert G. Wright and Jos. J. Eckford), attorneys, 715 Main, bt Poydras, Murphy.
Wuerz, Philip, meat market, ss Elm, bt Lloyd, Crowdus, r. same.
Wunderlich, Emil, meat market, 10 Lamar, bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Wycoff, David, clk Thompson Bros., bds D. D. Thompson, sr.
Wycough, Joseph (c), laundry, sw cor Junius, Adair, r. same.
Wyler, Julius, bartender Simon Mayer, rms 931 Elm.
Wylie, William D., Right of Way Agent, G. C. & S. F. Ry., prest U. S. Bldg, Loan & Life Ass'n, office, 706 Main, r. 1122 Main.


Yancey, William (c), lab, r. nw cor Sutton, Crowdus.
Yarber, George P. (Yarber & Son), r. 1556 Main, bt Dove, Lloyd.
Yarber, Louis (Yarber & Son), r. 1049 Elm, bt Live Oak, Harwood.
Yarber & Son (Louis & George P.), blksmiths, wheelwrights, ne cor Main, Ervay.
Yarbrough, Semmes J., wks S. P. Young & Co., r. 1020 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Yates, Miss Annie, slslady Doolittle & Mahana, h. Mrs. E. J. Yates.
Yates, Charles E., clk, h. Mrs. E. J. Yates.
Yates, Elizabeth J. (wid C. F. ), r. 127 Hawkins, w end Florence.
Yates, James E., driver Lemp's ice wagon, h. Mrs. E. J. Yates.
Yates, James M., carp, r. ns Juliet, e of Washington ave.
Yates, Miss Mattie, slslady Doolittle & Mahana, h. Mrs. E. J. Yates.
Yeager, Henry V., carp C. A. Gill, r. 1123 Cabell, bt S. Harwood, Pearl.
Yeargan, Edward, clk B. O. Weller & Co., r. ws Cedar Springs road, 1 1/4 miles n of Courthouse.
Yeargan, Fletcher, clk, h. N. A. Yeargan.
Yeargan, John H., carp, r. ws Cedar Springs road, n of Ashland.
Yeargan, Nathan A., fruit raiser, r. Cedar Springs road, 1 mile n of Courthouse.
Yeargan, Powell B., carp, h. N. A. Yeargan.
Yeargan, Thomas R., clk T. Billington, r. ws Cedar Springs road, n of Ashland.
Yearger, Jacob (c), wks E. Bauman, r. same.
Yearout, James R., r. nw cor Washington ave, Juliet.
Yessen, Miss Minnie, wks Adam Schaub, r. same.
Yet Wing (Chinese), laundry, ns Commerce, cor Poydras.
Yingling, Francis J., carp, r. 1730 Commerce, bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
York, John H., boot, shoemkr, 1314 Elm, bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry., r. 1414 Polk, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Yost, John Jacob, Propr Hotel Bear, 9 Swiss Ave, bt Pacific ave, H. & T. C. Ry.
Young, Miss Flrorence, slslady Goldsmith Bros., h. W. L. Young.
Young, George H., teamster, r. 1514 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Young, Jacob, wks Texas Spring Bed Co., bds 131 Olive.
Young, James, teamster, bds George H. Young.
Young, John, rodman city engr, bds James Morrissey.
Young, John B., clk Thompson Bros., rms D. D. Thompson, sr.
Young, John R. (c), fruits, confectionery, boardinghouse, 1212 Elm, bt S. Pearl, Preston.
Young, John W., trav slsmn Keating Implement & Machine Co., r. 1121 Main.
Young, Miss Lizzie, bds W. Lyttle.
Young, Louis S., cash boy Sanger Bros., h. W. L. Young.
Young, L. Tennie (wid J. S.), bkpr and cashier B. & O. Tel. office, r. 5 Sycamore, bt Pacific ave, Emma.
Young, Moses, groceries, 215 N. Lamar, cor Collin, r. same.
Young, Ralph, store keeper Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Young, Reginald J., tel opr W. U. Tel. office, bds 250 Patterson ave.
Young, Samuel C., batteryman W. U. Tel. Co., r. 30 Orange, cor Collin.
Young, William, wks Ursuline Academy, r. same.
Young, William (c), plaserer, r. 632 Burford, bt Flora, Juliet.
Young, William C., fruit raiser, ws G. C. & S. F. Ry, s of creek, r. same.
Young, William H. L., porter W. U. Tel. Co., h. W. L. Young.
Young, William L., r. 1440 Elm, bt Hawkins, Lloyd.
Younger, Alice (c), wks Henry C. Coke, r. same.

Zahn, Miss Mary L., h. R. Nitchman.
Zanardi, Jean, shoemkr, 213 Jefferson, bt Main, Commerce, r. same.
Zang, John F., Propr Texas Installment House, 812 Elm, r. 1136 Jackson, bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Zans, Miss Mary, chambermaid National Hotel.
Zant, Thomas, agt, bds W. Lyttle.
Zareuba, Joseph, bds S. Zareuba.
Zareuba, Stanislaw, shoemkr, G. Finkbeiner, r. es Sumpter, bt Gibbs, Ashland.
Zalenka, Joseph, boot, shoemkr, 326 Ross ave, bt Orange, Sycamore.
Ziegler, Caroline (c), h. William Thornton.
Ziert, Carrie (Mrs. John), r. ss Cochran, bt Crockett, Leonard.
Zimmer, Henry C., blksmith Cline & Brady, bds W. Lyttle.
Zimmermann, Joseph, r. 230 St. Louis, cor Browder.
Zimmermann, Max, cook Cincinnati House, bds same.
Zoe, Miss Nellie, actress Thompson's Theatre, bds Niemeyer Bros.
Zuehlke, Mrs. Augusta, r. 404 es Market, bt Jackson, Wood.
Zuehlke, Herman, wks G. H. Schoellkopf, bds Henry Wolters.
Zuehlke, Herman, machine hand G. H. Schoellkopf, bds Henry Wolters.
Zuehlke, Otto, cash boy Cahn Bros., bds Henry Wolters.
Zuhlke, Peter, bds Henry Wolters.
Zumbrun, Charles A., driver Dallas Fire Engine Co. No. 1, r. ne cor Market, Columbia.
Zumbrun, Flora (Mrs. C. A.), boardinghouse, ne cor Market, Columbia.

To Morrison & Fourmy's Directory of the City of Dallas, 1886-87 (A thru L)