Daily Events, Dallas, Texas, 1904
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January 1:
Dallas and Fort Worth horsemen hold harness meeting at Fair grounds.

January 2:
Grand jury recommends change in saloon license laws.
New bank, the Texas National, opens doors for business.

January 3:
Legislator Hancock, in an interview, favors law to compel railroads to equip coaches with medical cases.
Government engineer's boat, Frank P. Holland, completed.
City wins famous suit against Houston Texas Central in court of criminal appeals.
St. Edward's Catholic church dedicated.

January 4:
Col. Alfred A. Pittuck, editor Farm and Ranch, dies.

January 5:
Dallas theaters are inspected by city officials as result of the disastrous fire.
City Federation of Women's clubs advocate appointment of police matron.

January 6:
Chief of Police Richard L. Winfrey presents his resignation to the municipal commission. "Judy," an elephant belonging to the Floto shows, dies at the Fair grounds. Announcement is made of nationalizing of Gaston and Ayres bank.

January 7:
Dallas Commercial club pledges its support to perpetuation of State Fair.

January 8:
Water Commissioners award contract for valves for conduit to a Chicago concern.

January 9:
Woodmen of the World announce purchase of a lot 50x90 feet on Main street for proposed building.

January 10:
Annual meeting of International Travelers association.
Y. M. C. A. boys' annex opening announced.

January 11:
January term of United State circuit court opens.

January 12:
Council discusses plan for moving the reservation.
Afternoon sessions of corporation court ordered abolished.

January 13:
General passenger agents of Texas lines meet at Oriental hotel to discuss proposed action of commission to reduce child's rate and excess baggage rate.
St. Matthew's Home for Children dedicated.

January 14:
[No listing]

January 15:
Epps G. Knight is announced as possible successor to Chief of Police, R. L. Winfrey.

January 16:
J. C. Root, sovereign commander Woodmen of the World, visits Dallas.

January 17:
Mayor Cabell and prominent citizens visit the conduit. Baseball magnates meet.

January 18:
Chief of Police R. L. Winfrey presented with silver service.

January 19:
Municipal commission selects Epps G. Knight as chief of police.

January 20:
Announcement is made of cold storage plant to be erected in Dallas by August Busch & Co.

January 21:
First good rain since Oct. 31 falls.

January 22:
Bankers' association meets here.

January 23:
Politicians of the state meet in Dallas to discuss Willacy bill.

January 24:
Bishop Hoss, of Methodist church reaches Dallas.
Gov. Lanham spends a few hours in Dallas.

January 25:
Executive heads of Cotton Belt visit Dallas.

January 26:
Meeting of executive committee of Hardware and Implement Dealers' Association of Texas.

January 27:
School children instructed in the fire drills.

January 28:
Manufacturers association gives smoker at Commercial club rooms.

January 29:
Asphalt company announces its intention to commence paving work on Elm street from Central to Crowdus street.

January 30:
James J. Collins announces his candidacy for city attorney.

January 31:
Alderman Irelson prepares an ordinance providing for fire escapes and protection.



February 1:
Annual election of officers of Dallas Art Association.

February 2:
Annual meeting of Texas Cotton Compress Association.

February 3:
First Trade League excursion of season brings large crowds.

February 4:
Commercial Club requests better train service of Texas and New Orleans Company.

February 5:
Railroad officials report heavy orders placed on Dallas jobbing houses by merchants of the State.

February 6:
Bryan T. Barry announces for Mayor.

February 7:
President L. F. Loree and party of Rock Island officials visit the city.

February 8:
Government boat, "Frank P. Holland No. 2" makes initial trip.
Conference of Baptist Mission Workers.

February 9:
Commercial Club receives forty sacks of early maturing cotton seed for distribution. Hearst club organized.

February 10:
Rev. Dr. J. B. Gambrell addresses Baptist Mission Workers.

February 11:
County Commissioners name election officers.
City Council votes special election for State Fair tax.

February 12:
Masonic Building Committee meets in Dallas.

February 13:
Republican State Executive Committee meets in Dallas.
Steel tower at Fair Grounds fell.

February 14:
Saengerfest directors announce preparations for accommodation of 10,000 people.

February 15:
County Tax Assessor commences work of assessing city and county property.

February 16:
Texas & New Orleans announces better service.

February 17:
William Renner brought to Dallas by Sheriff J. Roll Johnson, from Paris, Texas, where he was captured.

February 18:
Dallas Presbytery, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, meets.

February 19:
Republican State Chairman Lyon issues call for delegated convention at Dallas, March 22.

February 20:
Federation of Women's Clubs discuss ways and means of raising Dallas county's quota of World's Fair fund.

February 21:
President George T. Bishop of Northern Texas Traction Company visits Dallas.

February 22:
Mastodon tooth unearthed in Oak Cliff. Rural Free Delivery Carriers meet.

February 23:
Chief of Police Knight warns small boys of curfew law.

February 24:
Gould party leaves Dallas after visiting the city the afternoon of Feb. 13.

February 25:
County Attorney Lemmon withdraws suit against street railway company for alleged violation of State vestibule[?] ordinance.

February 26:
Negro attempts an assault on a white woman in East Dallas.

February 27:
Dallas postoffice receipts show increase over same month during previous year.

February 28:
Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Company announces proposed extensions.

February 29:
Water Commissioners discuss necessity of buying new fire hydrants.


MARCH 1904

March 1:
Railroads report heavy travel on homeseekers' excursions.
Announcement that Marsalis house in Oak Cliff house to be completed.

March 2:
Capital stock of Golf club will be increased[?] ______ Association indorses[?] idea to subscribe for State Fair stock.

March 3:
Trade League smoker and vaudeville entertainment at Turner hall.
City swept by windstorm shortly after midnight.
Dallas baseball team arrives from St. Louis.

March 4:
Dallas alderman visit Waco to inspect telephone plants.

March 5:
Texas Cotton convention executive committee meeting.
Prohibition orator is arrested for blockading sidewalks.
Oak Cliff annexationists nominate municipal ticket.

March 6:
Chicago "White Sox" baseball team of American league and Gardner's Texas league played to largest crowd in history of local baseball.

March 7:
Supreme court upheld constitutionality of law annexing Oak Cliff to Dallas.

March 8:
Brick manufacturers of the state perfect organization.

March 9:
Adelina Patti cancels her Dallas date.

March 10:
Dallas and Houston bowling clubs roll two games of cocked hat by telegraph; Dallas wins both games.

March 11:
Harry N. Pillsbury, the chess champion, visits Dallas. A. S. Dodge, freight traffic manager of the Frisco system, spends the day in the city.

March 12:
Prof. W. G. Spillman addresses the farmers of Dallas county. Municipal campaign opened at union depot in East Dallas. T. P. A. elects new officers.

March 13:
Dallas ball team defeats Chicago "White Sox" by score of 6 to 5.

March 14:
Commodore Ferd Herold, president of Oriental Hotel association, visits Dallas and announces future plans.

March 15:
R. W. Richardson, secretary of National Good Roads association in the city.

March 16:
Cincinnati National League Base Ball Club arrives in Dallas for spring training.

March 17:
St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in Dallas.

March 18:
Texas and Pacific announces cancellation of live stock tariffs.

March 19:
Bryan Snyder, Frisco's passenger traffic manager, visits the city.

March 20:
Trinity river work begun with renewed activity.
Crowdus' new building.
Dallas and Cincinnati play ball.

March 21:
Charles A. Rasbury appointed by Railroad Commission to assist in investigation of express suits.
Republicans gather for State Convention.

March 22:
Republican State Convention convenes to elect delegates at large to National Convention.

March 23:
Dallas Art Gallery open to the public.
Dr. David Mackay, old resident of Dallas, died.

March 24:
Alex Sanger starts movement to buy aerial truck for Dallas.

March 25:
Seven thousand feet of the conduit laid, according to statement of Engineer Chester B. Davis.
State Court of Criminal Appeals adjourns in Dallas.

March 26:
Trinity river is out of its banks.
Young attorney held at request of Taylorville, Ill. authorities, escapes from city calaboose.

March 27:
Board of Education makes appeal for financial assistance and asks for bond issue. President Henry C. Rouse of M. K. & T. system and party of Katy officials visit Dallas.

March 28:
M. T. Lively chosen as Exalted Ruler of local lodge of Elks.

March 29:
Meeting of representatives of lines members of Southwestern Passenger Bureau in Dallas.
Aerial truck is ordered for the city.
Elijah A. Campbell, division superintendent Texas and Pacific, killed in railroad accident.
Rev. Abe Mulkey starts big revival in Dallas.
The Holland makes inspection trip down the river with Dallas business men aboard. Veteran Policeman Henry C. Waller passes away.

March 30:
Opponents of proposition of city to buy Fair Grounds distribute literature.
Iron bridge across Trinity near Irving complete.
Big political meeting at City Hall; candidates for Mayor spoke.

March 31:
Scottish Rite Masons celebrate Maundy Thursday.
State Prohibition executive committee meets in Dallas.


APRIL 1904

April 1:
Episcopalians and Catholics observe Good Friday.

April 2:
Hearst boomers visit Dallas.
Champions of State Fair make speeches in different wards of the city.
Southwest Medical college commencement exercises are held at Carnegie hall. State Superintendent Lefevre addresses teachers of public schools.
Supreme court overrules motion for a rehearing of the Dallas-Oak Cliff annexation case, thus dealing a death blow to the antis.

April 3:
Rose Croix Scottish Rite Masons conduct ceremony of relighting the lights which were extinguished on Maundy Thursday.
Abe Mulkey preaches to immense crowd at Trinity M. E. church.

April 4:
Open air night meetings held in interest of perpetuation of State Fair.
Closing of municipal campaign.
Dallas and Cleveland O., teams play baseball.

April 5:
Election day.
Bryan T. Barry elected mayor.
Graduating exercises of Baylor College of Medicine and Pharmacy at Carnegie hall.

April 6:
School board investigates Oak Cliff school debt.

April 7:
Sidney J. Kent, national organizer of Carpenters' Union, visits Dallas.

April 8:
Local golfers leave for San Antonio for match game.
Annual meeting of directors of Rescue Home.
World's Fair benefit ball at Turner hall.

April 9:
Paulist Fathers arrive in Dallas.

April 10:
Rev. Abe Mulkey concludes successful revival. Paulist Fathers preached.

April 11:
Educational committee of Texas World's Fair organization meet at Oriental hotel.
Oak Cliff school trustees surrender to Dallas board of education.

April 12:
Carl Beck of San Antonio, musical director of Saengerfest, arrives.
Directors of St. Matthew's Home for Children, elect officers.
County Attorney Walter S. Lemmon announces he will not make race for re-election. Name of local Young Women's Christian association changed to Girls' Co-Operative Home.
Texas Cotton Manufacturers' association meets in Dallas.

April 13:
Assistant engineer of the United States government, W. A. Watt, arrives from Galveston to inspect Trinity river work.
Kearney J. Kivlen, Jr., a Dallas boy, meets death in an explosion of a charge of powder aboard the battleship Missouri, near Pensacola, Fla.

April 14:
Manufacturers' association gives a smoker at Commercial club.
Trinity Presbytery of Presbyterian church adjourns.
Col. John G. Hunter is presented with an automobile.

April 15:
Annual meeting of Southwestern Cotton Buyers' association.

April 16:
Senator W. C. McKamy speaks at Commercial club.

April 17:
Commodore Duncan discusses progress of river work.
The remains of K. J. Kivlen, Jr., are laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery.

April 18:
Publishers of Dallas City Directory announce increase in population.

April 19:
Louis J. Wortham, manager of the Texas World's Fair commission leaves for St. Louis.

April 20:
Dallas delegation to annual convention of Hardware Dealers association at Houston leave for South Texas.

April 21:
San Jacinto day is observed.
Sunday school day celebrated at City Park.

April 22:
Rev. Hudson Stuck, dean of St. Matthew's cathedral announces his intention of resigning his charge.
Strange negro endeavors to stop a fourteen-year-old white girl at a secluded place in North Dallas, and posse pursues him.

April 23:
City Attorney Collins states that in his opinion, Oak Cliff teachers are entitled to pay from Dallas.
Executive committee of Texas World's Fair committee holds last meeting prior to opening of the Fair.

April 24:
Texas Cocked Hat Bowling league organized in Dallas.
Madame Marcella Sembrich arrives.

April 25.
Eighteenth annual convention of Funeral Directors and Embalmers convenes.
New officers of municipal government sworn in. J. C. Robertson elected assistant city attorney.
Gas, electrical and street car men in session.

April 26:
Bi-annual session of State Board of Electric Medical Examiners meets.
First of Saengerfest concerts takes place.
Mayor Barry names council committees.
Prof. Charles Raymond, aeronaut, dies at St. Paul's sanitarium of injuries sustained in a fall at Smithville April 22.

April 27:
Dallas baseball team leaves for Paris to play opening game of 1904 Texas league championship series.
Supreme court affirmed case of James Kettel vs. the City of Dallas, which gives the city the right to levy street paving tax.
Santa Fe officials ask police department for protection against striking machinists.
Dirt is broken for erection of $40,000 Baptist church, corner Gaston and Haskell avenues.
Saengerfest entertainment concluded.

April 28:
Central Democratic Parker club formed.
Post E. T. P. A., delegates leave for state convention at Austin.
Municipal commission re-appoints Epps G. Knight as chief of police, and Hugh F. Magee as chief of fire department.

April 29:
First annual convocation of the Texas Free Kindergarten association called to order at Commercial club auditorium.

April 30:
Rural free delivery examinations held.
Dr. J. L. Adams, one of Dallas' oldest physicians, dies.


MAY 1904

May 1:
Hugh B. Berry appointed police sergeant to succeed George Smith.

May 2:
Woodmen's Carnival opens today. Annual members' meeting of the Commercial club held.

May 3:
Ben E. Cabell tenders friends a barbecue at his home, south of Dallas.
Federation of Women's clubs elects officers.

May 4:
Albert Hawkins, colored, a county prisoner, drowned in the Trinity river near Texas and Pacific bridge in making an attempt to escape.
B. H. Harkshea, a Texas and Pacific brakeman, injured just west of the city.
Dallas Terminal Railway and Union Depot company holds annual meeting and elects officers and directors.

May 5:
Texas Bankers' association in session at El Paso unanimously choose Dallas for place of next meeting.

May 6:
Hella Temple, Ancient Order Nobles of Mystic Shrine hold a ceremonial session. Directors of Baptist general convention of Texas name delegates to Southern Baptist convention at Nashville, Tenn.

May 7:
Hearst and Parker supporters hold separate meetings. chairman Pohdrom of finance committee asks heads of various departments of city for estimates of necessary amounts to run such departments.

May 8:
Senator Bailey arrives in the city for a two-days' visit.

May 9:
Dallas Commercial club's trade excursion starts out.

May 10:
Baptist delegation leaves for Nashville, Tenn., to attend general convention.
Diocesan council of Episcopal church convenes.

May 11:
The Ladies' Choral club discusses plans for trip to St. Louis.

May 12:
Texas real estate men adjourn meeting.

May 13:
State convention Knights of Columbus convenes.

May 14:
Commercial club excursionists return to the city.

May 15:
Dallas and Paris teams break Texas League record by playing sixteen-inning game.

May 16:
Democratic executive committee meets.
Rates to Confederate Veterans' reunion at Nashville being figured here to-day by passenger rate clerks of Texas lines.

May 17:
City discovers $800 in Bonta fund. Kindergarten association gives entertainment styled "An Evening in the Old South."

May 18:
Senator Bailey secures twelve acres of Dallas suburban property.

May 19:
Seventy-fifth general assembly of Cumberland Presbyterian church convenes.

May 20:
Dallas defeats Fort Worth in ten-pin tournament.
Amphion club gives fifth annual concert.

May 21:
Dr. J. B. Cranfill sells his interest in Baptist Standard to G. W. Carroll.
Missouri, Kansas and Texas immigration agents visit the city.

May 22:
Dallas Elks leave for Galveston to attend state meeting.

May 23:
Joseph L. Bristow, fourth assistant postmaster general, visits Dallas.

May 24:
State Fair of Texas organized. Parker county residents visit Buckner orphanage.

May 25:
Municipal commission approves Ninth ward bond issue for $50,0000.
C. A. Keating is elected president of the State Fair of Texas by directors of the association.

May 26:
State Epworth League of the Colored Methodist church convenes.

May 27:
William Jennings Bryan visits Dallas.
City officials inspect Oak Cliff sewerage with view of purchasing the property.

May 28:
Party of fifty Dunkards visit the city.
Tom Moore club celebrated.

May 29:
Memorial day is observed.

May 30:
School board selects teachers for the next term.

May 31:
Municipal commission adopts some new rules for fire fighters.


JUNE 1904

June 1:
State Fair of Texas by-laws unanimously adopted by the board of directors and stockholders.
Municipal commission announces names of firemen and police for ensuing year.

June 2:
Col. L. J. Polk visits the city.
St. Matthew's choristers give their tenth annual entertainment.
St. Cecilia club elects officers.

June 3:
Heavy wind and rainstorm commences about 3 a. m.
High School commencement at opera house.
Dallas veteran volunteer firemen organize.

June 4.
Wireless Telegraph company announces its intention of establishing station in Dallas. Elks lodge gives stag social in honor of election of Col. J. E. Farnsworth to the presidency of the state association.
City and county Democratic primary conventions held.

June 5:
Gospel services held by Y. M. C. A. at Oak Lawn park.

June 6:
Texas Press association leaves for St. Louis.
Finance committee refuses to recommend payment for aerial truck purchased by Dallas merchants.

June 7:
Rivers and Harbors committee made brief stay here.

June 8:
Col. James Q. Chenoweth, superintendent of Confederate home at Austin, visits Dallas. Threshing machine dynamited near Reinhardt.
George Peterman, Adolph Nussbaumer, Dallas bowlers, win contest in St. Louis.

June 9:
State convention of the Populist party convenes.

June 10:
State committees of Texas Real Estate and Industrial association meet.
Christian Endeavor State convention convenes.
Commencement of school of sisters of St. Mary at Oak Cliff.
Government engineers' boat, Frank P. Holland, arrives from down stream.

June 11:
Dallas District conference of the Free Methodist church.

June 12:
Local militiamen participate in a battalion drill at Terrell.
Confederate veterans leave for reunion at Nashville.
Dean Stuck preached his farewell sermon at St. Matthew's cathedral.

June 13:
Commodore Duncan and Col. R. E. Stewart leave for South Texas to join members of Rivers and Harbors committee.

June 14:
Art association receives a painting by Louis Moeller, a member of the National academy of New York, for exhibition.

June 15:
Seventh annual reception of the Dallas High School Alumni association takes place.

June 16:
Two and a half year old boy is fatally injured by a street car at intersection of Cochran and Carter streets.
Dallas Epworth league convenes at Cedar Hill.
Dallas city officials inspect independent telephone line at Cleburne.
Dallas and Fort Worth Elks play baseball at Fort Worth.
Graduating exercises at Ursuline academy.
Rivers and Harbors committee entertained.

June 17:
Rabbi M. Abramson of New York arrives in Dallas for a visit of several days.

June 18:
J. A. Mays, former resident of the Elk City National bank, at Elk City, O. T., shoots himself through the head in his cell at the county jail.

June 19:
Guy E. Tripp, of Boston, a member of the Executive committee of the Stone and Webster syndicate, which controls and operates the Dallas electric street railway, visits the city.

June 20:
W. M. Paten, engineer of the Stone and Webster syndicate, arrived in Dallas to superintend construction of new power plant.
Negroes celebrate Emancipation day.

June 21:
W. H. Goodwyn, a Central employe struck by a passenger train near the intersection of Bryan street.
Bishop E. R. Hendrix of Kansas City stopped off at Dallas a few hours en route to Nashville.
Captain Wm. Harris, an old resident of Dallas, dies.

June 22:
State Fair directors order secretary to draw up warranty deed transferring grounds to the city.
Judge C. F. Cohron, a prominent member of the Dallas bar, dies.

June 23:
Humane society appoints special officer.
County candidates meet at court house for the purpose of outlining campaign.
Dallas Democrats return from San Antonio convention.
11,000 cigars stolen from Main street establishment.
Scholastic census shows an increase in number of pupils.
Dallas automobile owners form association.

June 24:
United Commercial travelers leave at noon for picnic at Lake Erie.

June 25:
Southwestern Tariff committee meets.

June 26:
Socialists decide to put a county ticket in the field.

June 27:
Dallas County Press association holds meeting.

June 28:
Mayor Barry instructs street superintendent to sprinkle all stagnant pools of water with oil to kill mosquitoes.
Fire alarm in Sanger Bros.' store from burning insulation of electric wires.
Kaliphs Executive committee selects October 12,13 and 14 for carnival dates.

June 29:
Dallas law firm decides to test validity of the Dallas commission.
McLeod hotel changes hands.

June 30:
The Nobel [Noble?] Order of Dogs is organized in Dallas.


JULY 1904

July 1:
City Tax Collector prepares to round up delinquent taxpayers.
D. A. Robinson again nominated by the President as postmaster.
Dallas Auto club holds first regular meeting.

July 2:
Grand jury adjourns and receives compliments of district judge.
County scholastic census shows increase in number of pupils.

July 3:
Local delegates to Democratic National convention leave for St. Louis.

July 4:
Fourth of July celebration at Fair Grounds and automobile races.
Few fire cracker accidents are reported.
Henry Hill wins Times-Herald cup in automobile race.

July 5:
Tenth annual convention of City Marshals and Chiefs of Police begins sessions.
Members of Christian church organize college for Denton.
City Federation asks for appointment of police matron.

July 6:
Judge Davidson, of court of criminal appeals, grants writ of habeas corpus in municipal commission case.
C. W. Starling appointed assistant postmaster.
Semi-annual election Dallas Clinical society.
Fiftieth anniversary of I. O. O. F. lodge No. 44 observed.

July 7:
Commercial Club's insurance committee makes report and suggests that insurance companies should be more liberal.
Shriners leave for Atlantic City.

July 8:
Dallas Auto Club petitions state for charter.
Change hucksters' market place from Five points to Court House square agitated. Alderman Irelson announces intention of passing famous dog ordinance.

July 9:
Primary election held in Dallas.

July 10:
Dallas Guardsmen go to Handley.
Delegates return from St. Louis.

July 11:
Returns show A. B. Rawlins is elected district clerk.
Cabell boom for Democratic State chairman launched.
Leon Dalton elected city engineer.
Domestic science teacher appointed by board of educators.

July 12:
City Federation begins active campaign for appointment of police matron.

July 13:
Attorneys go to Georgetown to argue commission case.
Dallas soldiers return from Handley.

July 14:
Dallas Sunday school superintendents have outing at Handley.
State Fair of Texas definitely decides to hold Fall entertainment.
Judge Davidson of court of criminal appeals hears arguments in Dallas commission cases

July 15:
Dallas Elks departed for Cincinnati National convention of the Elks.
No rise in meat prices as consequences of meat packers' strike.
Council committees discuss Fair agreement.
City Attorney James J. Collins took $50,000 in Tenth ward improvement bonds to Austin.

July 16:
County Democratic convention convened in the city hall.
U. C. T's entertained general officers of that lodge.
Scott Nobel, once superintendent of the Texas and Pacific railroad, visits Dallas.
A wreck on the Santa Fee railroad occurs ten miles south of Dallas.

July 17: [No listing]

July 18:
The Dallas Bar association meets and passes resolutions on the death of Judge C. F. Cohron and A. W. Mays.
City council holds meeting and decided to buy a new fire engine for Ninth ward.

July 19:
Neal Mayor, elevator boy at Oriental hotel, badly hurt in an accident.

July 20:
Retail Grocers hold an important meeting.
The city council decides to hold the fire engine company to its proposed contract to furnish fire engine for Ninth ward at a cost of $4060.
Ray Pope, a sixteen-year-old messenger boy, dived into shallow water and fractured his skull from the effects of which he died.

July 21:
Henry Randall, a negro boy 16 years of age, was dragged to death by horse on Akard street.

July 22:
Phillip Auer, general passenger agent of the Chicago, Rock Island and Gulf railroad, arrives in Dallas.

July 23:
The Democratic executive committee meets.
The cotton mils employes are given a picnic by H. W. Fairbanks.
Milton Park, chairman of the Peoples' Party executive committee, issues a call for a meeting.

July 24:
Dock Kirkpatrick killed.

July 25:
Two women were seriously injured in a runaway accident on Exposition avenue.
At a meeting of city council, a resolution is passed that all boys under 14 years of age be placed in a separate cell when it becomes necessary to lock them up.
Board of education holds a special meeting.

July 26:
Members of several bowling clubs held a meeting and made all arrangements for a bowling tournament.

July 27:
Shanley Chamberlain, age 13 years, falls through skylight in Odd Fellows' building and receives serious injuries.
The Trades Assembly makes all arrangements for use of Fair grounds September 5.

July 28:
At the regular weekly meeting of the Dallas Commercial club, the occupation tax proposition is discussed.
C. A. Keating issues a call for a meeting of the stockholders of the Texas State Fair association.

July 29:
Mayor Barry and City Engineer Dalton go to Jacksboro to investigate material for the macadamizing of streets.
Samuel H. Cordell kills his wife and himself in a house at No. 600 Lamar street.

July 30:
Meeting held at Oak Lawn church and arrangements perfected for Pioneer's reunion. Monthly meeting of Order of Railway Telegraphers held at Oriental hotel.
Mrs. Henry Fabian victim of a runaway accident at Dallas ball park.

July 31:
Meeting Camp Sterling Price.
Services in churches were well attended.
Work on wireless telegraph station was commenced.



August 1:
Rumored that Telegraph operators of Katy will go on strike.
Horace B. Williams is elected special county judge.
Murray company let contract for new building.

August 2:
Truck growers vote to move truck market from Elm street to court house square.
Tom Diwelt, a farmer, was run over and killed by a Katy switch engine.
John Carpenter, an M. K. & T. foreman, found shot through the head.

August 3:
H. S. Miller, a bridge contractor, shot and fatally wounded.
The twenty-seventh annual reunion of Dallas County Pioneers' association convenes.

August 4:
Commercial Club acts on petition of public weigher to have street opened leading to compress.

August 5:
W. D. Caldwell of Cedar Hill markets first bale of cotton of the season for $82.50.

August 6:
Dallas is visited by a much needed rain.

August 7:
A white woman is arrested by Federal authorities on a charge of selling spirituous liquors in the Indian Territory.
Dallas delegation to Epworth League State Convention at Houston leave this morning. C. A. Gill tenders his resignation as chairman of Water commissioners, which is refused by the council.

August 9:
Board of directors of the Baptist General convention select Waco for the general convention.

August 10:
Southwestern Tariff committee reduces rates on vehicles to Dallas.

August 11:
Miss Herscovitz of Shreveport, La., jumped from a moving Texas and Pacific passenger train near Eagle Ford, receiving injuries from which she died about an hour later.

August 12:
Rev. George Edward Walk of Cedar Rapids, Ia., accepted the call to come to Dallas and assume the office of Dean of St. Matthews' Cathedral.
State Stenographers' association in session.

August 13:
Directors of the International Travelers' association meet.

August 14:
Colonel John G. Hunter, secretary of Commercial Club, returns from a vacation trip to the East.

August 15:
Dallas Matinee Driving Club makes out program for Fall races.

August 16:
Hibernians discuss secret work of the order at Sixth bi-ennial convention.
Closing game of ball, Texas League, is played.
Mrs. J. L. Henry, an old resident, dies.

August 17:
Government will send Second Battery Field artillery from Fort Sam Houston to Dallas during Fall Carnival.
Trade League entertained at Cycle Park.

August 18:
Bryan street property owners discuss street paving matter.

August 19:
G. H. Schoelkopf announces his intention of erecting a six-story building.
Old music hall at Fair grounds is being razed.

August 20:
Dallas man discovers a new kind of fuel.
R. P. Sanderson, street superintendent, shot and killed.

August 21:
J. W. McManus, a Dallas man, injured in an accident at Waxahachie.

August 22:
City council passes resolution of respect to memory of Roger P. Sanderson.

August 23:
Executive committee of Dallas Trade League holds meeting.
A number of Cottonseed Oil men from Texas and Indian Territory points confer in advance of regular state meeting on Aug. 30.
School board awards contracts for furniture and supplies.

August 24:
Physical Director E. F. Darnaby of Y. M. C. A. resigns his position.
Glen R. Wright, a Dallas man, dies in Philadelphia.

August 25:
Congressman Morris Sheppard of Texarkana visits Dallas.
Hive of bees captured at court house.
Texas Credit Men's association organized.
The Police department made several arrests of trainmen in connection with alleged freight train robberies.

August 26: [No listing]

August 27:
Examinations held for position of rural carriers for Dallas county.

August 28:
Labor Day committee completes arrangements for celebration.

August 29:
The third excursion of the Trade League brings crowds into Dallas.

August 30:
Hearst Club changes its name to the Parker and Davis club.

August 31:
Postmaster Robinson receives news that the Dallas postoffice will be allowed four additional clerks.
An explosion of chemicals in the Crowdus Drug company's new building does considerable damage.
The general committee on the Labor Day celebration completes all arrangements for Labor Day parade.



September 1:
Ordinance to keep circuses away during Fair is asked for.
Big shakeup in police department.
Henry Williams again elected secretary of Elks' club.
Barney M. Hobby, Confederate veteran, dies.
Excursion of prominent business men to Handley.
American Type Foundry, company is incorporated with capital of $50,000.
Smoke house of Armstrong Packing company burned; loss $10,000.
Ruse to work Dallas pool rooms by wire tappers failed.
Dallas County Missionary association convened.
Death of John Burns.
Commissioner Blaylock addresses policemen.

September 2:
Dr. R. L. Campbell is appointed by the Governor as a delegate to National Tuberculosis congress.
Numerous minor accidents were reported.
Texas National Guardsmen leave for encampment at Manassas.
Burglar attempts to use chloroform for purpose of robbery at residence of W. C. Redpath. State Insurance Commissioner visits Dallas.

September 3:
Dallas men organize a company to manufacture pottery.
C. P. Russell pays $32,500 for Main street lot opposite Sanger Bros.
Teacher examinations are held at Superintendent Cochran's office.
Colonel Isaac Brown arrives in city.

September 4:
State Bowlers visit Dallas.

September 5:
State Bowling league in session.
Congressman B. F. Burgess visits the city.
Labor day, big union parade held in the rain.
Baseball teams are disbanded.
Letter Carriers hold annual meeting.

September 6:
Special meeting of the council.
Colonel Isaac Brown tendered a reception at the Commercial club.
S. M. Bann, agricultural expert, visits the city.
Rabbi W. H. Greenburg returns from European tour.
Judge Seth Shepperd of the court of claims is in the city.

September 7:
Pythians "Big Night" at Bush Temple.
Charles Brown, machinist, hurt by bursting fly wheel.
Co-operative Home meeting.
Studebaker Bros. lease warehouse on Pacific avenue.
Council met and discussed circus ordinance.
Kaliphs met and initiated members.
Senator Culberson arrives in city.

September 8:
Senator J. W. Ball[?] is in the city.
Kaliphs' parade "victims" through down-town streets.
Directors of Commercial club met and discussed street lighting during carnival.
Ervay street property owners discuss paving that street.

September 9:
Jewish New Year began at sunset.
Santa Fe officials visit city.
Fair management agrees to allow circuses to exhibit here after Fall Festival.
Dr. Greenburg made eloquent appeal to Hebrews at Temple Emmanu-El.

September 10:
Professor W. J. Spillman talks on alfalfa at Commercial club.
First wireless message received by The Times-Herald.
Stenographers meet and organize employment bureau.
Officers attempt raids upon alleged gambling resorts.

September 11:
Joe S. Wylie leaves for St. Louis with Commercial Club art exhibit.

September 12:
Last day of Trade League excursions.
Council met and discussed circus ordinance.
Public schools are opened.

September 13:
Leather men are in session.
County Medicos met.
Chief of Police Epps G. Knight says he will stop gambling.
Farmers complain of scarcity of cotton pickers.

September 14:
Dallas band and soldiers returned from Manassas.
Elks opened social season at their club house.

September 15:
Horses begin to arrive for Fall races.
Haggerty Transfer company secures Interurban contract to handle all express business. Leather Workers' union presents demands to jobbers for increase in wages.
Pythians arrange for "Big Night."
Y. M. C. A. gives "double header" entertainment at Cycle Park.
Directors of the Commercial club failed to meet.
Postponed Labor Day program is carried out at Oak Lawn Park.

September 16:
Preparations are begun for reception of Senator Bailey.
Social Gymnastic Bowling contest for trophy.
Harry Gove injured in runaway accident on Patterson avenue.
Water commissioners visit Bachman's dam.

September 17:
County Commissioners raise the assessment of the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone company.
Meeting of Public School teachers at which Superintendent Long delivered an address. Meeting held in T. P. A. rooms to organize a heavy-weight football team.
Owl Football team is organized.
Social Athletic club organized.

September 18:
Senator Culberson departs for the East.
Hebrew day of Atonement commenced at sunset.
Camp Sterling Price decides to secure additional burying grounds.

September 19:
Western Union messenger boys go out on strike.
Dallas Hebrews observed Day of Atonement.
Frank Shanks entertained Dallas County Press association.
Final Trade League excursion of the season.
Public schools opened for 1904-05.

September 20:
Rev. George Stuart preached at Grace Methodist church.
Burglars secured $150 from Browder's drug store in Oak Cliff.
Dog thieves infested the city.
Meeting of Retail Grocers.
Large attendance at schools.
Ted Sullivan, baseball magnate, returns to city.
Senator Bailey and Congressman R. L. Henry of Waco, held conference at Oriental hotel.

September 21:
Measure regulating circus performances becomes a law.
Western Union messenger strikers give officials much trouble.
F. A. Westinghouse visits city on tour of investigation.
Times-Herald trophy cup is won by Social Athletic Bowlers.
Commissioner Blaylock says gamblers must leave city.

September 22:
Methodist evangelists attract large crowds.
Heavy rain storm occurred flooding streets and gulleys.
Meeting of Humane Society and plans for fall campaign discussed.
Directors of Commercial Club met and received application to have council rename certain streets indorsed.

September 23:
Asa S. Bird, traffic manager of Gould lines, arrives in city.
Auto club met and received report of committee on by-laws.
Mangled body of J. R. Anderson, found on Texas and Pacific tracks in West Dallas.
Prof. R. L. Weston arrived in city.

September 24:
New aerial truck arrives in Dallas.
John Dee severely injured in fall from vehicle.
Dallas Stenographers' association held a social session.
Andrew Schrimpf sustains broken jaw in an assault by unknown person while carrying messages for Western Union company.

September 25:
Rev. George Stuart delivers an address.
Attempt made to burn the home of Mrs. Camelia Corredi on Louise[?] street.

September 26:
Girls are employed by Telegraph company to deliver messages.
Ollie Brantley accidentally shot at corner of Harwood and Hickory streets. Entertainment by Charma of Muses at Oak Lawn.
August Busch company moves into new buildings at Harwood street and Pacific avenue.

September 27:
Injunction case is heart against striking messenger boys.
New fire apparatus is tested.
Democratic legislation candidate met and decided to accept challenge of Republicans for debate.
Retail clerks held meeting.

September 28:
Aerial truck test proves satisfactory.
Senator Bailey speaks at Cycle Park.

September 29:
Burglars are very active in the city.
Negroes are reported to have formed secret society for mutual protection.

September 30:
Extra force of workmen employed at Fair grounds.
Injunction against striking messenger boys is raised.
Auto club met to arrange for Fall Festival race program.



October 1:
Grand jury makes report for July term in which they announce they have been in session sixty-six days and have investigated about 700 cases and returned 512 bills.
Bishop E. E. Hoss arrives in Dallas after extended visit to West Texas and New Mexico points.

October 2:
A letter is mailed to a number of Texas papers by D. E. Grove of Dallas agitating the establishing of a Texas information bureau in New York.
Colonel O. P. Bowser issues a call for a meeting of the Texas Good Roads association to be held in Beaumont on the 10th and 11th of October.
Entries closed in horse racing program which had been arranged by the Dallas Matinee Driving club during the Fall Festival.

October 3:
A pistol duel occurred between Officer Will Winfrey and a negro robber who had entered the officer's house and stole $20 from him.
The congregation of Haskell Avenue Methodist church close deal for a lot on which to erect a church.

October 4:
Barnett Gibbs dies at his residence No. 717 Live Oak street.
Commercial club meets and prepares a petition for a road bond issue.
Fred Manning, a negro, shoots Arden Riddle through the head with a Colts 45-calibre revolver and instantly kills him.

October 5:
The grand jury returns an indictment against Fred Manning for killing Arden Riddle, charging him with murder.
The funeral service over the remains of Barnett Gibbs was attended by a large number of representative citizens of Dallas.
A special meeting of the city council was held in which the Fair Grounds property was annexed to the city.

October 6:
The German Baptists of North Texas began a semi-annual meeting in this city.

October 7:
The city council instructed Secretary Nelms of the water department to cut off all water connections outside of the city limits after January 1, 1904.
Wayne Downs, a bricklayer, falls a distance of thirty feet and is seriously injured.

October 8:
The last will and testament of the late Barney Gibbs is filed for record in the county court.
Formal opening of the Fall Festival takes place.
Dallas Medicos defeat the Fort Worth University football team by a score of 6 to 4.

October 9:
Large crowds visit the second day's entertainment at the Fall Festival.
Crosses of honor were bestowed on a number of Confederate veterans by Mrs. Katie Cabell Currie.

October 10:
Large crowds are attracted by the automobile races at the Fall Festival.
Volunteer firemen parade through the streets.
Ex-Governor James Stephen Hogg arrives in city.
Five hundred candidates are initiated by Knights of Pythias.

October 11:
Governor Davis of Arkansas arrives in Dallas.
Bond election committee was named to work for the road bond issue.
A meeting of the directors of the Rapid Transit Railway was held and officers were elected.
A meeting of the city council was held and elective officers by the council were chosen.

October 12:
Governors Lanham, Hogg and Davis make speeches at the State Fair grounds.
The Kaliph of Bagdad arrives in Dallas.
Dallas day at the Fall Festival.
A meeting of the North Texas Association of Congregational churches began.
Banquet in honor of the Democratic visitors to the city was held at Hotel Cliff.
Dallas Medicos and Trinity University play a naught to naught game.

October 13:
The North Texas Association of Congregational churches adopt a new constitution. Home Industry day at the Fall Festival.
An executive meeting of the Texas Grain Dealers is held.
William Pfouts killed by a switch engine at crossing of Swiss avenue and Central railroad.
Kaliph's parade takes place.

October 14:
Confederate Veteran's day at the Fall Festival.
A negro who was a prisoner in the City Hall calaboose was cut by another prisoner. Three houses were destroyed by fire on Thomas avenue.
The meeting of the North Texas Congregationalists ends.
Kaliph's ball held at Fair grounds.

October 15:
Drummers' day at Fall Festival.
State Republican Executive committee hold conference and arrange campaign plans. Harness races at Fair grounds end.
Fort Worth defeats Dallas at football.
Fall Festival ends.

October 16: [No Listing]

October 17:
Big increase is shown in city's assessable values.
Helen Miller Gould and party arrive in Dallas.
Public School Superintendent announces decrease in number of negro pupils.

October 18:
Miss Gould guest of honor at reception at residence of Mrs. L. S. Thorne.
State board of medical examiners meet.
Plans adopted for Baptist Memorial hospital.
E. J. Gannon elected city treasurer.

October 19:
County attorney of Kaufman county suggests holding convention of county attorneys in Dallas.
Frederick M. Raven, national secretary National Association of Stationary Engineers visits Dallas.
Signs of oil discovered west of Dallas on the Fort Worth road.

October 20:
The special committee appointed to take a religious census of Dallas begins work.
Much consternation throughout business district as a result of the decision of city council to enforce sign ordinance.
Lem Husted, International Organizer of Bartenders' League of America arrives in Dallas. The Sunday school classes of the different churches organized a union.
"Cyclone" Davis speaks in interest of the Prohibition party.

October 21:
Briggs-Weaver Machinery company announces that it will soon begin the erection of a new building.
H. J. Pettingill, vice president of Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone company arrives in Dallas.
The Populist State executive committee held the last meeting before the election.
Boys soap the rails of the street car company in Oak Cliff and cause delay in traffic.

October 22:
Republican candidates for the legislature spoke at different points in Dallas county.
The Populist state executive committee held a meeting.
Telephone company announces it will build a new exchange in East Dallas.

October 23:
Body of an unknown white man found in Trinity river.
Ringling Brothers' circus arrives in city.
Special services were held at Central Christian church.

October 24:
The second annual reunion of Scottish Rite Masons began in Dallas.All details have been completed for the building of the Oak Lawn sewer.
Ringling Brothers circus parades.

October 25:
A number of the Western Union Telegraph company officials arrive in the city.
The second day's session of the semi-annual reunion of Scottish Rite Masons.
Members of the T. P. A. "Flying Squadron" arrive in the city.
Congressman Jack Beall arrives in Dallas.
Synod of the Presbyterian church of the United States begins session.

October 26: [No listing]

October 27:
Congressman Albert Burleson arrives in Dallas.
The new city treasurer, E. J. Gannon, assumes his office.
It is announced by the committee that had the raising of the Rock Island railroad fund, that the money would be refunded to the subscribers.
The Scottish Rite Masons finish their session in this city.
The meeting of the Presbyterian Synod ends.

October 28:
A number of Dallas automobiles are shipped to San Antonio to take part in the races during the Fair in that city.
The Dallas Jobbers Cottonseed Supply company disbanded.
Bishop A. C. Garrett returns from a trip to Boston?/Belton?.

October 29:
Colonel E. D. Steger, of Bonham, announces that the proposed new railroad line from Duluth, Minn., to the Gulf would probably pass through Dallas.
A number of county attorneys held a conference in this city.
A mass meeting of citizens held at Commercial club to consider telephone franchises. State meeting of Salvation Army officers begins.
The Dallas Medicos defeat the University of Arkansas football team by a score of 5 to 0.

October 30:
Henry Ball [Boll?], an old resident of Dallas, stricken with paralysis.
Assignment of officers of Salvation Army is announced.

October 31:
The body of an unknown negro found in Trinity river.
An attempted jail delivery at city hall calaboose narrowly averted.



November 1:
Baptist convention convened at Fair Grounds in fifth annual session.
George Edward Walk, new dean of St. Matthew's cathedral, arrived in the city.
Alderman Gilbert H. Irish makes request for opinion from James J. Collins, city attorney, regarding the right of the city to regulate rates of the Southwestern Telephone company.
Dallas Driving club makes arrangements for bringing Dan Patch to Dallas.

November 2:
City attorney gives opinion of right of city to control telephone rates of Southwestern company.
M. P. Exline company decides to erect five-story building at corner of Commerce and Poydras streets.
City council meets and discussed telephone matter.

November 3:
Detectives Cornwell and Gunning return from Waco where they went to protect crowds from circus pickpockets.
Otto Herold removes to Dallas from St. Louis.
Street cars collide on Elm street near Scollard court and several persons injured.
Elihu Sanger and Miss Evelyn Beekman are married at Natchez, Miss.
Third day of Baptist convention at Fair Grounds.
Meeting of the directors of the Commercial club not held on account of lack of quorum. E. J. Martin, well known railroad man, dies at San Antonio.

November 4:
Senator Joseph W. Bailey arrives in city from Mississippi and is interviewed on presidential race.
Permit issued to J. I. Case company for three-story and basement building.
Baptists adjourn to meet in Dallas next year.

November 5:
Tri-State Medical society in session at Commercial club.
Republican rally at Bush Temple.
Physicians in attendance upon Tri-State Medical society convention witness breaking of ground for new Baptist hospital.
County political campaign is closed.

November 6:
Senator Charles A. Culberson returns to the city.
Man held up on West Dallas pike and robbed.
Death of Henry Boll, a pioneer resident.

November 7:
Rock Island officials visits Dallas.
Senator Culberson delivers address at the Fair Grounds to large audience.
Directors of the Commercial club met.
Meeting and report of the Fair directors at Commercial club.

November 8:
Two negroes fatally injured in naphtha explosion at Trinity Cotton Mills.
Death of Mrs. Julia M. Taber.
J. B. Wilson succeeds E. J. Gannon as president of the Dallas Consolidated Traction company.
Election day.

November 9:
Meeting of the Dallas Auto club and discussion of plans to bring Oldfield here.
Death of Rhoda Ann McComas, an aged resident of Dallas county.

November 10:
Clarence D. Pratt severely injured at Imperial hotel.
Council canvassed election returns.
Rev. George Edward Walk tendered reception.
Clifford Orr, second victim of cotton mill explosion, died.

November 11:
A. S. Dodge, third vice president of Frisco system, and other officials, visit Dallas. Knights Templars hold ceremonial session.
Thomas Woolsey was shot on Jefferson street.
Dallas Christian Preachers' association formed.
W. A. Green's dry goods store is burned, entailing loss of nearly $100,000.
S. G. Davis Hat company banquets employes.
Woman's Missionary Social union held eighth annual meeting.
Dallas Millinery company gutted by fire.

November 12:
James E. Ludlow resigns as secretary of the State T. P. A.
Several raids made upon alleged gambling resorts.
Post E. T. P. A. holds meeting and elects Fritz Mitchell to succeed James E. Ludlow as secretary.
Debate in council chamber on telephone franchise.
Ben Sira sworn in as street superintendent.

November 13:
Rev. Hubert Knickerbocker preached last sermon in the little frame church of the Trinity Methodist congregation.
Detectives arrested a man with bullet proof shirt.

November 14:
Stockholders of Fair association met at Commercial club.
Meeting of Dallas Driving club at which it is decided to admit children free to Thanksgiving day race meet.
School board meets and discusses new high school.

November 15:
G. M. Baker, local manager of the Western Union Telegraph company here for twenty-five years, resigned.

November 16:
Nat Chapman, wounded near Hutchins, brought to Dallas.
State Sunday school executive board meets.
Fire alarm system is extended to Oak Cliff.
Dr. J. H. Florence, of the state quarantine services, visits the city.
Guy Tripp, manager of the Stone & Webster street car syndicate, visits the city. Commercial club refuses to enter into telephone controversy.

November 17:
Col. Isaac Brown delivers lecture on crop pests at Commercial club.
Lucy Carter, thirteen-year-old negro girl, fell from window at Fred Douglass school and was killed.
Residence of Mrs. Yates, 279 Young street, destroyed by fire.
Mrs. Cordie Hattinger purchases lot at corner of Ross avenue and Griffin street for $15,000.
Council discussed plans for auditorium.
Half fare children's tickets issued by traction company.
Joe Kelcey defeats Young Jenkins in wrestling bout for lightweight championship of Texas.

November 18:
County Attorneys' association in session and organization effected.
Dallas Auto club makes first club run to Lancaster.
Dan Patch, fastest pacing horse in the world, arrives in city.
Col. Isaac Brown lectured on Birds at High school.

November 19:
City requests designs for auditorium. Civil service examination in progress. Furniture for Federal building arrives. Lot at corner of Stone and Main streets sells for $35,0000. U. C. T's held important meeting. Texas Live Stock Mutual Insurance association of Dallas is organized.

November 20:
Trinity Methodist church dedicated.

November 21:
Hatton W. Sumners, county attorney, takes oath of office.
A. G. Elliot, prominent Dallas business man, accidentally shot while hunting in Leon county.

November 22:
J. L. Peacock, old resident of Dallas, dies.
Young woman in male attire is arrested by police.

November 23:
Municipal commission accepts resignation of several firemen and elects new members to department.

November 24:
Thanksgiving day is observed.
Dallas Golf and County club opens new club house.
Dan Patch makes record for Dallas track.

November 25:
Water commissioners hold executive session at which affairs of water department are discussed.
E. H. R. Green returns from Houston auto races with several trophies.
A deed is filed conveying transfer of property in West Dallas, the consideration being $300,000.
Joint meeting of legislative and charter committees.

November 26:
Monthly meeting of Dallas County Teachers' Institute convened.
Prof. S. H. Clark of Chicago university is tendered reception by Federation of Women's clubs.
Rock Island company refunds money subscribed by Dallas citizens amounting to $62,282,60.
Fritz Mitchell is elected secretary of State.
T. P. A. County officers raid alleged gambling houses and effect eighteen arrests.

November 27:
Rev. John A. Ingram of Irvington, N. Y., preaches at Second Presbyterian church.

November 28:
Initial presentation of Ben Hur.
State executive committee of Retail Grocers met.
Resignation of Judge T. J. Freeman, general attorney Texas and Pacific, is rumored.

November 29:
Carry A. Nation visits Dallas.
Ellis county man held up near Union depot.
City officials visit conduit.
Mayor Barry tells charter committee of water department's urgent needs.

November 30:
St. Andrew's day observed by different Episcopal churches of the city and Bishop Garrett makes address at cathedral.



December 1:
At a meeting of the Commercial club, it is announced that Dallas may secure the Presbyterian University.
D. C. Earnest Rifles are inspected.

December 2:
The lifeless body of Thomas H. McGraw, water superintendent of Dallas, found under the Texas and Pacific bridge which spans Trinity river.
An adjourned meeting of the Dallas Commercial club is held and much important business transacted.
Dr. T. B. Fisher is appointed county health officer.

December 3:
The grand jury returns three true bills in Aronoff murder case.
Bishop E. J. Dunne returns to Dallas after an absence of five months.
The Wholesale Grocery Dealers association of North Texas hold an executive meeting. Checks mailed to all subscribers of Rock Island fund.

December 4:
First services held in new Colonial Hill Presbyterian church.
Mysterious explosion occurs in St. George hotel.
Elks hold memorial services in honor of their departed brethren.

December 5:
Two special trains loaded with members of Traveling Passenger Agents' Association arrive in Dallas.
Harold von Mickwitz gives a recitation at Beethoven Studio.
Mayor Barry makes an address on the water problem at Commercial club.

December 6:
The lifeless body of Charles Goldstein found back of the Santa Fe depot.
William E. Lacy, charged with the murder of Roger P. Sanderson, is acquitted.
A meeting of the charter amendments committee held at city hall.
Board of Directors Baptist General convention meet in Dallas.

December 7:
Second day's session of the board of directors of the Baptist General Board is held.
C. A. Keating receives a number of contributions to Trinity river fund.

December 8:
A mass meeting of the members of Kindergarten association is held at Commercial club. The torn and mangled remains of Thomas P. Tinsley found on Pacific avenue, near Olive street.
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrated in the Catholic churches of the city.

December 9:
A large real estate deal is consummated whereby Charles W. Smith, and wife sell 25x100 feet of land on Main street to Royal A. Ferris for $25,000.
Charter amendments committee discuss street improvements.
Member of St. Patrick's Catholic church bid Father Donohoe good bye.
J. M. Lynch, president of the International Typographical Union visits Dallas.
A long session of city council is held.

December 10:
George T. Bishop, president of Northern Texas Traction company arrives in Dallas.
It is announced that the Southern Pacific has decided to sell the Texas Trunk railroad.

December 11:
John J. Conroy subscribes an article in which he favors the election of all city officers.
A meeting of Texas League managers is held.

December 12:
Anti divorce meeting at Bush Temple, at which the press and ministry are asked to condemn the evil.
Texas Cotton Seed Crushers' association in session and conditions of cotton market discussed.
Trinity Rod and Gun club buy large preserve near Hutchins.
Harmony in the police department and Chief Knight says he will docket cases in the city court.

December 13:
Texas Millers' Association holds an executive session at Commercial club.
Body of Frank Marquez found dead on Texas and Pacific track in East Dallas.
Dallas County Press Association met at Commercial club and decided to expand so as to include this congressional district.
Policemen force an entrance to a saloon for alleged violation of Sunday closing law. Catholic clergy tender Bishop Dunne a reception.
Recital at London Conservatory is great success.
Auto club meet and adopted new constitution and by-laws.

December 14:
Lawrence Greenwood dies from injuries sustained by a fall from Missouri, Kansas and Texas railway bridge.
Meeting of the council at which new vagrancy law is passed and advocacy of municipal ownership of electric light plant.
Man held up and robbed on Maple avenue.
Police discover dynamite in lumber yard, near spot where Goldstein's body was found and regard find as valuable clue.
Charges are filed against police officers for giving out news by Chief of Police.

December 15:
State Fair Directors met and decided to present a resolution to the council.
Hebrew citizens met and organized new social club.
Directors of Commercial club decided to extend President Roosevelt an invitation to visit Dallas.
Plans for auditorium are inspected.
County Medical Association holds animated meeting.
S. H. Boren covers 100 miles in an auto at Fair grounds in three hours and fifty minutes.
Opening of Rainbow festival at Turner Hall.
Elks entertained with stag social at their club house.
Hella Temple Shrine elects officers.

December 16:
Bishop Hoss is tendered a banquet at Oriental.
J. W. Burson, old time newspaper man, shot himself at the Imperial hotel.
Police hearing results in Officer Berry, charged with giving out news, being retained on the force.
Fort Worth passenger station burns.
C. A. Keating purchases property, corner Field and Commerce streets for $55,000.

December 17:
Ida Harris, a negress, badly wounded on Pacific avenue.
Council committee inspects plans for auditorium at Fair grounds.
Nurses are graduated at Polyclinic Infirmary.
Gray & Graham buy Main street lot for $26,000.
Trade League holds annual meeting and elects officers.
Body of infant found in West Dallas dump.

December 18:
Knight of Columbus dedicate new lodge room and confer degrees.
Religious mass meeting held at First Methodist church.
Riot at ball park causes officers to draw pistols.
Baseball magnates hold meeting.

December 19:
Ginners met and organized National association.
Ida Harris, who was shot on Pacific avenue, dies at hospital.
Council met and discussed telephone matter.
Holly Van case was called for trial.
Union carpenters held meeting and decided to build club house.

December 20:
Holly Van case on trial.
Death of Martin Kingman.
Col. Green makes auto run to Fort Worth.
United Commercial Travelers hold smoker.
Charter amendment meeting is held.

December 21:
Holiday rush necessitates employing of five extra clerks at postoffice.
Police are endeavoring to detect shoplifters.
Rev. J. O. Reavis accepts call to become secretary of Foreign Mission Board.
Design of O. N. Lang for auditorium is accepted.

December 22:
Col. Isaac Brown addresses school children on birds and bees.
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen's ball.

December 23:
Public schools close until Jan. 3.

December 24:
Chief of Police Knight is presented with a handsome six-shooter, and in turn, orders four suspended policemen reinstated at once.
All city prisoners are discharged.
Christmas crowds throng down-town districts.
Burrell Oates, a negro, charged with murder, is given the death penalty.

December 25.
Special services at Catholic and Episcopal churches.

December 26:
Christmas Day is observed, all stores and public buildings being closed.
Salvation army feeds several hundred poor of Dallas.

December 27:
President A. J. Davidson of Frisco system visits Dallas.
Dallas Automobile club nominated officers and directors for ensuing year.
Executive committee and Advisory Board of Texas Local Optionists confer.
Y. M. C. A. Junior Department Christmas dinner.
John Daugherty, victim of highwaymen, dies.

December 28:
Golf contest between Dallas and San Antonio is postponed.
Jacob DeHass visits the city.
"The Messiah" is presented by St. Cecilia Choral Society.

December 29:
Commercial club extends invitation to President Roosevelt to visit Dallas.
Suburban property annexed to the city.

December 30:
Permit is issued by Building Inspector for erection of a hospital for negroes.
Wireless telegraph station to be moved from present location.
United Commercial Travelers give ball.

December 31:
For events Dec. 31, read The Times Herald.

January 1, 1905, Dallas Sunday Times Herald.