Daily Events, Dallas, Texas, 1921

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 The following is a chronological of important happenings in the city during the year 1921 arranged and listed for those who wish to scan the items and ascertain what the year has provided:


January 1 -- Tom Kingsley, Dallas' young old man, injured in fall. Watt Smith, Dallas county farmer, killed by unidentified man, is first murder of year. Dr. __anton M. Carrick named as state health officer.

January 2 -- William J. Coleman, shot to death by woman in North Dallas. Children of all creeds and colors stage Passion Play. Members Dallas Auto Club plan to stop speeding.

January 3 -- Construction of mausoleum to cost $100,000 is announced. Three city firemen, A. H. Ward, Assistant Chief "Scottie" Hughes and Schuyler Crockett, injured when chemical truck turns over. Dr. W. R. Bizzell, president of A. & M. addresses Open Forum.

January 4 -- City announces vigorous war on persons starting grass fires. United States District Attorney R. E. Taylor announced he would resign from office. City obtains possession of telephone appeal transcript.

January 5 -- Dallas is given flat insurance key rate of 12 cents on $100 valuation. District Attorney Maury Hughes decides against hunting rabbits along highways. James P. Griffin and Homer B. Fisher elected president and secretary respectively for Dallas Electric Club.

January 6 -- J. A. Hatzenbeuhler killed when struck by speeding automobile. City begins work of drilling well to supply additional water for Oak Cliff. Judge E. B. Muse says in his opinion speed fiends should be shot.

January 7 -- County Superintendent, A. F. McDonald claims many text books wasted. Convention of surgeons opens two-day session. Plans for widening Ross avenue announced. Experts employed to test White Rock water.

January 8 -- Auto bandits rob A. H. Martin, proprietor of Sunset Grocery of $20. John Neely Bryan, first native Dallasite, celebrates seventy-first anniversary in Dallas. Dallas Railway Company officials ask for higher rate of return on investments.

January 9 -- Highland Park residents object to higher water rate. City sets aside old style fire engine to make room for motorized equipment. Twenty-seven burglaries reported to police in one day.

January 10 -- Louise Meier confesses to detectives she shot William Coleman on night of January 1. Mrs. Ray Stuart robbed of jewelry worth $2,000. Curfew law revived in Dallas to prevent crime. Dallas county schools given double amount of poll tax collection under new ruling. Six auto bandits armed with knives rob drug store.

January 11 -- Contracts awarded for $150,000 building at Buckner's Orphan Home. Suit for $2,000,000 is filed in connection with C. C. Slaughter estate. J. A. Pondrom elected president of City National bank. Thirty-five applications for citizenship filed in federal court.

January 12 -- United States district attorney starts probe of meat prices. Mrs. Pearl Smith, deputy sheriff under Dan Harston, chased a burglar from her home, 1913 Park Row.

January 13 -- Dallas carpenters announce they will oppose cut in wages. Dr. David G. Hall, prominent Dallas physician, attacked by an unidentified man in his home. C. C. Crabtree, veteran fireman, retired on pension after thirty-five years services.

January 14 -- Dallas street railway interests offer city $550,000 cash in lieu of two interurban lines. Automobile bandits rob Jackson street post office, two mail clerks wounded.

January 15 -- Quarter million dollars worth of bank notes and liberty bonds stolen from Dallas post office recovered in Fort Worth. City extends time for construction of interurban lines. Mayor Frank Wozencraft leads police in raid on house searching for post office bandits.

January 16 -- Highwaymen attack C. Brown and Mrs. Lula Barnett on Orphan Home Road, taking money and jewels. Mack Manufacturing Company, Limited, of Houston, announced the construction of $1,000,000 plant here.

January 17 -- Albert Rowan, well known Dallas man, arrested as "master mind" in post office robbery. Dallas police department increased by ten additional men to stem crime wave. Home of Arthur A. Everts looted by thieves who get $2,000 worth of jewelry.

January 18 -- Dallas hardware men seek repeal of pistol law. George B. Freeland files suit against Mrs. Ethel H. Bass for $25,000 heart balm. Mayor Wozencraft says $2,000,000 proposed for street car extensions in Dallas not enough.

January 19 -- Federal grand jury returns eighty indictments. Police begin search for woman in connection with post-office robbery. Dallas oil man wins $35 from hijacker after being robbed.

January 20 -- E. R. Brown elected chairman of City Planning Council. W. S. Scrivner confessed bandit, goes before grand jury in postoffice robbery case. J. Waddy Tate, president White Rock Fishing Club, asks car line extension to White Rock.

January 21 -- Funeral of H. S. Keating held. Arthur Jetty, world war veteran, found guilty of killing wife. Texas Implement and Hardware Dealers Association members select Dallas as next meeting place.

January 22 -- Grand jury starts probe of boxing in Dallas following demands of citizens. Police Chief John W. Ryan warned by letter to stop probe of Jackson street postoffice robbery. Residents of Park View and Mount Auburn protest against street car service. Linz building sold for $350,000.

January 23 -- Burglars steal liberty bonds from oil company safe. Methodist pastors urge closing of State Fair on Sundays.

January 24 -- Police officers kill Will McGilton, negro, found in room of white woman. J. C. Duke named delegate from Chamber of Commerce to national conference in Washington.

January 25 -- Rev. T. W. Pipes dies at home after fall from trunk. Mayor Wozencraft outlines objections to utility bill. Dallas Automobile Club starts membership drive. Commissioners Appel, Blaylock and Moseley go to Fort Worth to inspect filtration plant.

January 26 -- George W. Street, shot by bandits during Jackson street postoffice robbery, dies. Mrs. Edalah Conner Glover dies at St. Paul's Sanitarium. Price of gasoline drops from 28 to 25 cents per gallon.

January 27 -- Dallas Railway Company presents application for seven cent car fare. Dallas county grand jury starts probe of Jackson street postoffice robbery following death of George W. Street. Highland Park residents protest against Dallas' charge for sewer privileges.

January 28 -- Albert Rowan formally charged with murder in connection with postoffice robbery case. Motorcycle Officer O. O. Switzer shoots self in hand accidentally.

January 29 -- Con O'Shea, veteran police officer is retired from service by city. Dr. W. D. Bizzell praises zoo at Forest Park. City decides to use abattoir fund for building new garbage plants.

January 30 -- Negro hurls switch bar into street car, narrowly missing passengers. Dallas Sunday Schools have largest attendance of month. Out of town buyers flood city for fall season.

January 31 -- Dallas residents propose construction of light plant to compete with power company. Committee is named to work on plans for amusement row at Fair Park. Motions to quash indictments in postoffice robbery case are overruled by Judge Wilson in federal court.


February 1 -- State Fair directors set aside $170,000 in budget for expenses of 1921 fair. E. B. Cameron, Dallas man, granted license to practice law in federal courts. Dallas county's voting strength for 1921 is announced at 32,623.

February 2 -- Preliminary surveys for the construction of $100,000 storm sewer on Pacific avenue completed. Dallas democrats hold meeting to decide on question of entering ticket at municipal election. City orders condemnation of property for Lamar street widening.

February 3 -- R. Ben Luna takes stand in own behalf in connection with Jackson street postoffice robbery. Funeral services for William Kern, pioneer Dallas man who died at Abilene held here. Dallas doctors subscribe $100,125 as their pro rata of Methodist Hospital fund.

February 4 -- Arguments in post office robbery case are started, W. T. Allen, counsel for the government, making the opening speech. John H. Cullom resigns as secretary-treasurer of Dallas Humane Society. Fair Park school ordered closed by health officer on account of smallpox.

February 5 -- Albert L. Rowan, R. Ben Luna and W. S. Scrivner found guilty by jury in federal court for robbery of Jackson street postoffice. Retail merchants meet to discuss plans for fall style show. Lloyd Wade, 15-year-old boy, robbed of $6[?] by masked highwayman.

February 6 -- R. Graham Clayton is killed when automobiles crash on Fort Worth pike. Police raid three gambling dens and capture 27 gamblers. Burglar steals $960 from home of Carl Wallace in Oak Cliff while family is at church.

February 7 -- Members of local labor unions announce opposition to candidates favoring the open shop. Oriental Oil Company awarded contract for oils to be used by city during year. Mrs. Rosa Silberstein, prominent Dallas woman, dies at Adolphus Hotel.

February 8 -- Oak Cliff man clad only in nightie and sox wanders streets nearly dead from exposure when found. Unemployed white men petition mayor to secure them jobs held by Mexicans. John J. Kettle, native son, is elected cashier of Central State bank.

February 9 -- Eddie Miller, negro, shot his wife because she would not obey him about going to the home of a neighbor. Contract is let for new Y. W. C. A. home on Haskell avenue. Mrs. P. P. Tucker elected president of Dallas Women's Forum.

February 10 -- Tom McAfee, Dallas boy, president of freshman class at S. M. U., is kidnapped by sophomores. "Buy It Now" campaign is launched to stimulate business activities. Jose Valentine bound and gagged by robbers who escape with pistol and $50.

February 11 -- Deputy Sheriff Joe Davis shot by prisoner he was bringing from Gainesville to Dallas. Test of city water shows gain in purity. City approves paving of Wood street just completed.

February 12 -- Paul Agnew, pioneer resident of Lagow, killed by sister-in-law who thought him burglar. Dallas observes Lincoln's birthday, all banks being closed. Dallas lawyers announce probe of alleged unethical practices in city.

February 13 -- School board makes application for share of back taxes. C. C. Petty, pioneer resident of Dallas, dies at home in Oak Cliff. Dallas druggists announce supply of liquor for local consumption growing low.

February 14 -- Mount Auburn residents meet to name man for place on ticket in municipal election. Oak Cliff branch of the American Legion complete plans for celebration on February 22. R. T. Guthrie, 1500 Ross avenue, yells for help and prevents hold up man from robbing him of week's pay.

February 15 -- Price of gasoline drops two cents on the gallon. Lamar and O. M. Roberts schools close when smallpox discovered in families of pupils. Building boom indicated by report of building permits for week.

February 16 -- Methodists choose Oak Cliff as site for proposed Methodist Hospital. Members of Oak Cliff auxiliary of the John W. Lowe post, American Legion, request surrender of Bergdoll. Thirty-three persons pay fines of $2 each for spitting on sidewalk.

February 17 -- Frank W. Wozencraft announces he will not be a candidate for re-election to the office of mayor. Dallas Power & Light Company authorized by city commissioner to float $400,000 bond issue.

February 18 -- Sawnie R. Aldredge named to head Citizens ticket. John T. and Jesse Jones announce construction of $500,000 theater here. City commission calls election for April 5.

February 19 -- Sam L. Gross named secretary of the State Republican committee. Voting strength of city is 28,206, with 3,228 women voters. C. L. Sanger appointed chairman of executive committee Dallas Business Council.

February 20 -- Haverty furniture store suffers $275,000 fire loss. Sunday School attendance decreases 3,000.

February 21 -- Trial of Albert L. Rowan on murder charge postponed. Telephone rate case opens in chancery court. Ben Sira announces he will not be in the race for mayor.

February 22 -- Reduction in the price of milk is announced by Dallas dairymen. Darius A. Brown, former mayor of Kansas City, visits Dallas. Dallas Masons observe Washington's birthday.

February 23 -- Mrs. Lillian Barton, Dallas woman, informed she is heiress to $2,000,000 estate. Foreign war veterans organize Dallas post. M. M. Crane retires from City Plan Commission. Dallas Rotarians observe sixteenth anniversary.

February 24 -- Former Sheriff W. K. Reynolds is killed by train at Marshall, Texas. Edgar A. Guest, noted newspaper writer, is visitor in Dallas. Body of William L. Coyle, pioneer resident of Dallas, found in river bottom after three-day search. Texan Hotel property changes ownership.

February 25 -- Dallas Law Enforcement League organized; would enforce blue laws. Shade tree commission drafts ordinance. Police launch campaign against sidewalk loafers.

February 26 -- William S. Livesey sentenced to five years on federal mail fraud charge. Life of W. E. Talbot, independent candidate for mayor, is threatened. Dr. C. C. Selecman flays style of woman's dress.

February 27 -- Dr. William H. Fineshriber, Memphis Rabbi, is speaker at Temple Emanu-El. Madame Lulea Tettrazzini, attends motion picture show in Dallas. Sunday school attendance increases 7,000 in one week.

February 28 -- City plans to make South Ervay street a "white way." Federal officers refuse to issue many liquor permits. Illegal seizure of liquor is charged against Sheriff Dan Harston in damage suit filed. Bond of city treasurer increased from $2,500,000 to $3,000,000. R. L. Slaughter, Jr., is charged in federal court with violating Mann act.

MARCH 1921

March 1 -- Dallas Citizens' Association platform is adopted by executive committee; Non-Partisan Political League asks views of candidate on open shop; federal attorney drops profiteering probe here; Jess Hassel pays $10 fine in justice court for speeding.

March 2 -- Lee Michaels of Kansas City, shoots and badly injures former wife, Mrs. Edith Pearl Gardner, in her home, 1412 Ross avenue and then shoots and kills self; charter changes urged by city commission in secret session; mass meeting indorses Citizens' Association ticket.

March 3 -- Bids for seventeen contractors for construction of Denton and Miller's Ferry roads are within estimates; Democratic and Independent parties combine to oppose Citizens' Association; state dentists open forty-first annual convention here.

March 4 -- Dallas Oil & Refining company suffers $75,000 fire; Mrs. Ottie Hollingsworth exonerated by grand jury on charge of murder of Paul Agnew.

March 5 -- Mrs. W. M. Slaydon rescues neighbor, Mrs. J. J. Whatley, from flames which destroyed her home; Dallas Power & Light company raises power rates to $300,000 a year on railway company; Lions' Club raises $2500 for Welfare Council; state dentists in convention name Houston as next meeting place.

March 6 -- Joseph Fernandez is instantly killed when struck by airplane blade after pleasure flight; Mrs. Hardina [?] J. Harper, 93, dies; open forumites urge recognition of Irish Republic.

March 7 -- County awards paving contract on Miller's Ferry road; county officials guard W. S. Scrivner against assassination in jail.

March 8 -- Claud Van Voast, 18, shot three times by policemen who surprised him in alleged act of attempted robbery; Citizens decide not to prevent Independents from being on ballot; city and street car company compromise delays seven cent fare.

March 9 -- Negroes ask for recognition by city and representation in police department; Talbot heads Independent city ticket; Rotarians give $2000 to charity.

March 10 -- Claud Van Voast dies from pistol wounds; city commission thanks Policemen Paul Adair and J. F. Kelsey for efforts to break up "mashers;" negroes disagree as to which city ticket to indorse.

March 11 -- Peter W. Cullom, aged 90, pioneer resident, dies; Judge Seay grants postponement of trial of Jess Hassell for death of Mrs. S. E. Hamm; Presbyterian Church Bible conference closes.

March 12 -- James Lish is crushed to death between railway coaches; S. M. U. to remain in Southwestern conference; Corporation judge Robertson urges maximum penalty for all law breakers.

March 13 -- Motorcycle Officer Lloyd has pistol duel with robbers; Dr. John A. Rice tells Open Forumites to revise scale of values; G. C. Edwards named to head Socialist ticket for mayor.

March 14 -- Committee named to plan elevating at Santa Fe through city; over 5000 telephone numbers are changed; hundreds line up to pay income tax; policemen has bloodless pistol duel with negro burglar.

March 15 -- Country school districts plan campaign to raise taxes; Melvin K. Hurst elected to head retailers; photographers of southwest open convention.

March 16 -- Census sets Dallas negro population at 24,323; Charles J. Hutchison elected auto club head; Dallasite pays lowest income tax of 16¢; Talbot threatens car company with jitney competition if elected; Peter Lastro killed and Milan Ninich injured when shot by unknown men.

March 17 -- Citizens' Association candidate ignore labor quiz; Irvin Cobb is speaker at city hall; J. H. Montgomery re-elected head of Southwestern photographers; Mark Walker, negro, gets five years for shooting Police Sergeant Plant.

March 18 -- City charges county with delaying joint hospital project; car company earns 5.42 per cent, report; Dallas Baby Camp observes eighth birthday; city zoning ordinance ready for action of commission.

March 19 -- Mayor Wozencraft enlists in Citizens' Association cause; Jim Vickery freed on charge of murder of Henry Gause; building permits for week total $265,514 in city.

March 20 -- Open Forum speaker says negro is needed in south; Sacred Heart and St. Matthew's cathedral observe Palm Sunday; Indians take fast game from Giants in training here, 3 to 2.

March 21 -- County begins construction of Miller's Ferry road; park board to get pair of leopards for zoo; Citizens' and Independents begin campaign with night meetings.

March 22 -- Government to open bureau of commerce here; Socialist candidate for mayor condemns methods of non-partisans regarding labor quiz; Talbot denies utility support.

March 23 -- Mary Garden is advance managress for opera stars; early morning burglar bites ear off W. Snelling in scuffle, escapes.

March 24 -- County saves $40,500 on Denton road contract; first of Easter lilies arrive; opera season opens with presentation of "Carmen."

March 25 -- E. H. Smith exonerated by grand jury for shooting negro; retail gasoline drops two cents to 21 cents; city commission orders paving of eleven streets in West Oak Cliff; county awards surface paving contract on Denton road.

March 26 -- Democratic candidates for city offices go on ballot as of Voters' Independent League, cornerstone of Majestic theater is laid; $60,000 pledged to proposed Methodist hospital.

March 27 -- Churches observe Easter Sunday; F. L. Ahearn is held up and robbed by night prowlers; Open Forum closes season; opera season ends.

March 28 -- City rules against absentee voting; Legion not in politics, says commander; Hassell trial for death of Mrs. S. E. Hamm again delayed.

March 29 -- Funeral services held for S. L. Munger; county grants road workers wage raise to avert strike.

March 30 -- City orders 36 streets paved; J. W. Harrington found dead; "Tall and Short" highwaymen again active.

March 31 -- Tom L. Dalton fires three pistol shots at Mrs. Margaret Stewart, missed; shoots self; county rejects bids for $225,000 hospital bonds; Lone bandit robs downtown cafe.

APRIL 1921

April 1 -- Problems of America are voiced by former Vice President Marshall; Detroit Tigers take Marine gave 6 to 1; work is begun on Baylor hospital; masked men brand negro bell-hop.

April 2 -- Reward of $500 for arrest of two men who shot and killed Peter Lastro; Texas & Pacific calls conference on wage cut effective May 1.

April 3 -- Cornerstone for Christ Episcopal Church, Tenth and Llewellyn, is laid; Charles Severt, 23, shot and killed while at work as a milker at a local dairy.

April 4 -- Negro whipping case ignored by grand jury report; Scottish Rite reunion committees are named; Texas & Pacific signal men refuse to accept wage cut.

April 5 -- Trial of Albert Rowan on a charge of murder is transferred to Taylor county; Sawnie Aldredge is elected mayor of Dallas by 1,963 votes; Commissioners Blaylock, Rose, Appell and Turley are also elected.

April 6 -- M., K. & T. elects officers; prices of boiler gas reduced to 25 cents per thousand cubic feet by Dallas Gas Company.

April 7 -- Drive is started by Jews to raise $49,000 for suffering in Europe; National Shrine Directors' Association opens third annual session at Hella Temple.

April 8 -- George Vaggello, proprietor of Paris Cafe, 2401 Live Oak, stages pistol battle with burglars; no one injured; new Federal Reserve Bank formally opened for business.

April 9 -- Shrine Directors' Association selects Kansas City for next meeting place and closes session here; Oak Cliff raises $56,000 for Methodist hospital.

April 10 -- Two visitors to Automobile Dealers' show are robbed of $6,000 worth of jewelry; report shows that Trinity river will solve water problems in Dallas. Louise Gravure gives concert at Coliseum.

April 11 -- New Majestic opens; Madam Petrova here in person; automobile show opened to public.

April 12 -- Fund shortage closes fifteen rural schools; police officers confiscate $1,000 opium den in "Little Mexico;" officials of State Fair Association leave for Mexico.

April 13 -- Conviction and five-year sentence of Miss Marie Phillips, girl robber, is confirmed by court of criminal appeals; electrical storm stops street cars and damages light circuit.

April 14 -- Mexican good will commissioner arrives; New York Philharmonic Orchestra plays at Coliseum; Cleburne man beaten over head, hurled from auto and robbed of $400.

April 15 -- Highwaymen rob Oklahoma woman near union depot; more than $300,000 subscribed to Dallas sanitarium campaign at noon; Dallas Legion post launches move to retain hospital for ex-service men at Kerrville.

April 16 -- Automobile show closes; Dallas youngsters are guests of Karl Hoblitzelle at New Majestic; head of Mexican commission talks to Cuba by telephone; Arthur Burney Lipscomb, 56 years old, prominent business man dies.; Captain Patrick Calligan of Bryan and Hawkins street fire station killed and four others injured when two fire trucks collided.

April 17 -- Emergency hospital doctors have a busy day treating victims of many cutting and shooting cases among negroes; burglars make rich hauls, taking property valued around $4,000.

April 18 -- Dallas interests buy $1,500,000 tract in Mexico; second trial of Mrs. Ida Ott, charged with murder, opens; juror in case who believes man has a right to whip his wife dismissed; two-story building at Elm and Pearl sells for $55,000.

April 19 -- Dr. George W. Truett refuses offer as pastor of President Harding's church; Texas baseball pennant chase opens.

April 20 -- Mrs. J. H. Brower re-elected president of Dallas Council of Mothers; Dallas Rotary Club celebrates tenth birthday.

April 21 -- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shively, 1505 South Henderson, slugged by unidentified maniac; Mrs. Ida Ott is found guilty and given two year sentence; Mrs. Leah Boyes is killed when struck by auto on Ervay and McKee streets.

April 22 -- City begins fight for Mount Auburn car line; Safety Council says Dallas leads list in fatal accidents; San Jacinto Day is celebrated.

April 23 -- Unidentified slugger is believed to have been shot down by Mrs. Nellie Williams, 3815 Thomas avenue; Josephus Daniels, former secretary of navy, arrives here, speaks at City Hall.

April 24 -- Five hundred and fifty candidates for Scottish degree register with secretary; J. W. Tucker, 5018 Junius street, is beaten with black jack; Sunday school attendance is 20,206.

April 25 -- Ed C. Connor, chief engineer to utility supervisor, resigns; T. & P wage cut goes to labor board; optometrists open two-day convention; general passenger agents of various lines hold meeting in Dallas.

April 26 -- Mrs. Dora Pettus Hobby, 79, mother of ex-governor Hobby, dies at her home, 2309[?]/2209[?] Routh street; Albert Rowan leaves for Abilene for trial; Frank L. McNeny purchases from R. E. L. Saner, property at 1905-7-9 Commerce for $125,000; Charles Halper of New York buys tract at northeast corner Young and Lacy street from Louis Lipsitz and Tom Camp for $100,000.

April 27 -- Guaranty Bank & Trust Company buys present quarters for $225,000; Willis W. Chamberlain of Houston is elected president of Optometric Association at final session of the convention.

April 28 -- Scott Reed, United States internal revenue collector for the northern district of Texas, with offices here, resigns; officials of State Fair return from Mexico.

April 29 -- Masonic body ends degree work; Howard Chandler Christy, noted illustrator and wife, visit Dallas.

April 30 -- Robert E. Grant Foreman, 12 years old, 321 Starr street, is awarded a Carnegie medal for rescuing playmate from drowning; Mrs. Ida Ott is denied a new trial; Scottish Rite Masons close reunion.

 MAY 1921

May 1 -- Convention of B'nai B'rith opens at Temple Emanu-El; Dr. C. C. Selecman tells First Methodist young people his experiences during the war; Dr. Burke Culpepper opens revival in tent in East Dallas.

May 2 -- Mayor Aldredge and new city commissioners take oath of office; Mayor Wozencraft and retiring commissioners deny car company 7 cent fare; Albert Rowan trial begins at Abilene; Dallas' first music week opens.

May 3 -- Col. E. H. R Green visits Dallas; inquests held over bodies of three dead babies found by officers; Rowan trial postponed two weeks; Mexican[s] organize Blue Cross society.

May 4 -- Mayor announces that taxes will not be increased; city commissioner postpones announcement of police chief; Mrs. Myron A. Kesner named president of Housewives' Chamber of Commerce; Texas Music Merchants' Association opens convention.

May 5 -- Music festival stages pageant; Texas Cotton Ginners' convention opens; plan thrift bank association here; Clarence E. Kellogg dies.

May 6 -- Elmo Strait made chief of police; Mayo W. J. Powell made chief engineer to supervisor; city commissioner approves tentative zoning ordinance.

May 7 -- W. F. Jacoby made park director; water department plans new building; W. D. Trotter elected president Rotary Club; J. S. Smith renamed as city tax collector.

May 8 -- Car company asks rehearing of 7-cent fare; trade trip personnel is announced; Grant S. Maxwell made chamber of commerce traffic director.

May 9 -- George D. Fairtrace reappointed city engineer; Albert Reed elected president of Traffic Club; summer theology session at S. M. U. is announced.

May 10 -- State Medical Association opens convention; increase in water rates announced; city commissioner starts probe of municipal farm; Retail Jewelers' Association opens meeting.

May 11 -- Wild rumor starts run on Security National Bank; Mrs. Ida Ott released on bond; new auxiliary police commission meets; Safety Council calls meeting to discuss safety day.

May 12 -- Commerce street being resurfaced; Strait orders strict enforcement of highway laws; many Dallasites attend Republican meeting in Fort Worth.

May 13 -- Announcement made that funds are available for South Lamar street and Pacific avenue; burglars loot Jenkins-Goob-Massey lumber company safe of $2800.

May 14 -- Details for trade trip completed; S. M. U. upper classmen have free-for-all fight; County Judge Allen announces federal aid for Garland road may be denied; plans started to bring Goethals here to survey Lake Dallas.

May 15 -- Lake Dallas committee meets at Jefferson Hotel; annual merchants' trade trip starts through East and North Texas; three giant airplanes land at Love Field.

May 16 -- Rowan trial opens at Abilene; negro attacks Mrs. Henry Rose at Garland; eleven changes made in police detail; city commissioners begin on yearly budget.

May 17 -- Mass meeting on Lake Dallas called; Mrs. Electra Wharton Waggoner home robbed of $10,000; Captain Leslie C. Frank, health directory, announces he will resign; Times Herald annual baby show opens.

May 18 -- Mayor appoints Dr. Wilson T. Davidson health director; Texas Bakers' association indorses open shop; water pipe line built to Oak Cliff.

May 19 -- Engineers approve plans for levee on Trinity river; Harry M. Roach killed when train hits automobile at Lemmon avenue crossing.

May 20 -- New line relieves Oak Cliff water shortage; Southern Poultry Farm closed by injunction; city commission bars rents cars from Ferris plaza.

May 21 -- Colonel J. F. Strickland, utility president, dies; power company says city is violating franchise; L. O. Robertson's drug store robbed of $23,000 in stocks and bonds; night school students ask for summer session; Ku Klux Klan stages parade.

May 22 -- Lake Dallas plans reported gaining in momentum; many vagrants arrested in vice crusade; Dr. George W. Truett addresses Baylor Universities.

May 23 -- Lois Aschiner, 10 years old, dies of automobile injuries; street cars stop in honor of Colonel Strickland; Dr. Davidson assumes office as health directory.

May 24 -- Mrs. Belle Davis Hughes dies; new trial for Albert Rowan denied; Parkview wading pool plans announced; fire destroys Ray Hotel; many attend funeral of Colonel Strickland.

May 25 -- First zone hearing set for June 9; J. Hart Willis announces for state senate; Dallas hotel men elected D. J. Nolan president; Walter Means made city farm superintendent.

May 26 -- Engineer Jack Witt pronounces Lake Dallas plan feasible; five hundred Mexicans leave Dallas for Mexico; federal reserve banks announce plans to help farmers; Elm street widening plans announced.

May 27 -- City commission refuses rehearing on light rates and street car fare; police station is refused Mount Auburn; court enjoins union printers from interfering with open shop printers.

May 28 -- Health Director Davidson threatens to sue Fort Worth unless that city stops throwing sewage into the Trinity;l trial for Charles E. Gaines for postoffice robbery postponed.

May 29 -- Ku Klux Klan donates $150 to indigent widow in Oak Cliff; Palace Theater announces plans for thirty-piece symphony orchestra; Dr. Britton Ross closes revival at Calvary Baptist Church.

May 30 -- George E. Kessler arrives to take part in zone hearings; reserve bank reports credit conditions improved; Safety Council makes traffic suggestions to city commission; Electric Club honors memory of Colonel Strickland.

JUNE 1921

June 1 -- Lake Cliff swimming pool opened; R. B. Allen Jr., made city prosecutor; Dwight Lewelling refuses attorney generalship; mayor indorses swat the fly campaign.

June 2 -- Reported Jack Beall will head Texas Electric Railway; Lake Dallas mass meeting is held; ninety-two students given diplomas at Forest High School.

June 3 -- A. C. Ebie elected head of Lake Dallas Association;Gayle Tinnin saves John Hoffman from drowning at Cliff pool; Herman Gahagan elected president Dallas Union Trust Company; J. W. Spake dies; City announces plant to revive interest in Pacific track removal.

June 4 -- Fort Worth and Denver Railroad reported planning to build line to Dallas; Lambert A. Metzler, Dallas cigar man, dies; Dallas schools formally close with the exercises at Oak Cliff.

June 5 -- Home for girls planned at State Fair; Schubert Choral Club presents junior members in program; dog catcher starts on annual rounds.

June 6 -- First step taken toward compromising telephone rates; Jack Beall elected head of Texas Electric Railway Company; Mayor announces two-cent reduction in city tax rate; second trial of W. I. Burkle opens.

June 7 -- Grady Niblo made assistant United States attorney; reduction in telephone rates seems unlikely; drouth begins to affect Northwest Texas; paving of Junius street contested by citizens.

June 8 -- City budge issued, calls for expenditure of $2,959,350.76; Rotary Club goes on record favoring international disarmament; Ed Foy, theater owner, objects to free movies in parks; Ed Erwin rejoins city detective force.

June 9 -- Street car company abandons fight for 6-cent fare; real estate board goes on record favoring limited height of skyscrapers; Commissioner Rose invites other paving companies to Dallas; Times Herald stages move ball at Lake Cliff pavilion.

June 10 -- Dr. J. B. Gambrell, Baptist leaders, dies; city authorized use of $200,000[?] Pacific track removal; Claude Hanley, prohibition officer, announces campaign against drug store; 107 students given degrees at S. M. U.

June 11 -- Palace theater opens; Junius paving contract held illegal; W. H. Atwell enters race for state senate; Oak Cliff boulevard discussed at banquet; six new members added to S. M. U. faculty.

June 12 -- Lieut. Arthur Emerson entertaining with fling stunts at Fair Park; building permits for week total $289,628[?]; new laws passed by state legislature go into effect.

June 13 -- State senatorial candidates draw lots for places on ballot; U. S. supreme court denies city rehearing on telephone case; Pacific avenue track removal reported again blocked; announce plans to limit S. M. U. enrollment.

June 14 -- Dallas delegates leave for trade conference in Mexico; plans complete for entertaining federal reserve Governor W. P. G. Harding; Dr. C. M. Bishop addresses S. M. U. students; citizen object to tourist camp in Reverchon Park.

June 15 -- Blaylock says annex should be built to city hall; Junior Chamber of Commerce convention opens; Mayor Aldredge announces in favor of building height limit; women form Good Citizenship Association.

June 16 -- Mass meeting called by Democrats to select senatorial candidate; prospects again brighten for Pacific track removal; plans announced to renew through car service to Mount Auburn and Parkview; permit issued for South Dallas Methodist Church building.

June 17 -- Begin trial of John T. parks on charge of criminal assault; Chamber of Commerce directors decide to make trip to Mexia; Judge Charles A. Pippen orders probe of the flogging of Edward Engers by masked men.

June 18 -- Two candidates on ballot for state senator; city postpones through car service to Mount Auburn; order safety equipment for Cliff swimming pool; city starts probe on removal of garbage; John T. Parks is given death sentence for criminal assault; Democrats name J. Hart Willis as choice for senate.

June 19 -- Ku Klux Klan denies its members flogged Engers; police open senatorial drive on local gamblers and make several arrests; Cotton Belt runs new fast freight into Dallas.

June 20 -- Grand jury begins investigation of gambling; Commissioner Rose orders idle garbage trailers rounded up; Commissioner Appel obtains pay increase for Jennings M. Moore, secretary of the water department; Woodlawn patients protest removal of Dr. H. F. Gammons, superintendent.

June 21 -- Officers say gambler shave fled from city; county commissioners decide to retain Dr. Gammons at Woodlawn; John T. Parks files motion for new trial; begin printing ballots for senatorial election.

June 22 -- Federal officers announce relentless war on North Texas bootleggers; tax collector says delay in filling tax suits is causing loss to city; Security National Bank leases lower floors of Magnolia Building.

June 23 -- Fair Association discusses bids for work on athletic stadium; Sheriff Harston says Ku Klux Klan did not burn house destroyed by fire in Lancaster; officers searching for woman in gambling probe.

June 24 -- A. M. Hardcastle killed and Mason R. Hansen wounded, when they fall from upper stories of Magnolia building where they were working; senatorial candidates send their campaigns with rally; higher rate causes $200,000 increase in water revenue for year.

June 25 -- Hart Willis elected state senator from Dallas district; street car company accepts ordinance renewing six-cent fare; trials of gambling cases set for early in July; city tax assessor warns automobile owners to render their cars; way cleared for Pacific avenue track removal.

June 26 -- Thief steals $600 diamond ring from Mrs. C. Keith, New Ray Hotel; Judge E. B. Muse speaks at Oak Cliff Christian Church, declaring city a divorce mart.

June 27 -- Lynn P. Talley made vice president of Security National Bank; city commission continues garbage department probe; Judge Pippen refused change of venue in Charles E. Gaines postoffice robbery case.

June 28 -- Campaign started to raise funds to hire engineer to survey Lake Dallas; Dr. H. N. Graves, who helped bury "twin sister" cannon dies; final detail completed for removal of Pacific avenue tracks; Local Legion post asks Harding for explanation of Ambassador Harvey's speech.

June 29 -- Garbage department is put on thirty days probation; committee confers in regard to removal of H. & T. C. tracks north of Commerce street; much interest shown in Lake Dallas fund campaign.

June 30 -- Representative of twenty-one Texas towns meet here to plan fight against gas rate; committee begins removal of tracks from Pacific avenue with formal ceremonies; witnesses begin testifying in trial of C. E. Gaines for postoffice robbery.

JULY 1921

July 1 -- Case of Charles Emmett Gaines, alias George Walker, alleged member of gang which shot up and robbed Jackson street postoffice, goes to jury; resignation of Lynn P. Talley as deputy governor of Federal Reserve Bank is accepted.

July 2 -- Gaines given death penalty; no evidence found by grand jury against Ku Klux Klan; $25,000 subscribed to survey of proposed Lake Dallas; Brotherhood of Railway Clerks demand referendum vote on wage cut.

July 3 -- "Short skirts and modern bathing suits line the gateway to hell," says the Rev. T. O. Perrin in Sunday sermon; two Dallas homes burglarized.

July 4 -- Klan members not disqualified as grand jurors, rules Judge C. A. Pippen; George C. Helleman found dead in White Rock lake; settlement of gas company injunction, affecting twenty-one Texas cities, is postponed.

July 5 -- L. B. Lancaster, 28[?], shots and wounds wife and then kills self; grand jury probes death of Tony Minichia; trial of W. T. Strong as gaming house proprietor is postponed; bank deposits in Dallas increase $1,500,000.

July 6 -- Eleven persons injured when Regal Hotel burns; M. C. George, dairyman is stabbed; his partner, C. A. Stewart, held for assault; contract signed for nurses' home at Parkland Hospital.

July 7 -- H. R. Gilbert elected cashier of Federal Reserve Bank; street car and light companies make authorized returns.

July 8 -- True Strong begins duties as president of Junior Chamber of Commerce; city prepares ordinance barring sale of magazines not permitted mails; J. W. McDonald, blind, is charged by divorced blind wife with kidnaping children.

July 9 -- Park board puts ban on one-piece swimming suits; two men arrested for counterfeiting in Dallas. Dr. W. H. Ayres resigns position as head of Emergency Hospital; Texas real estate men open convention here.

July 10 -- Thief burglarizes church in search of wine; much jewelry found when Lake Cliff swimming pool is drained; Sunday school attendance declines.

July 11 -- Lawyers vote to give vacation to courts; Hart Willis is declared elected senator by commissioners' court; milk grading ordinance passed; Dallas Paper Company begins new $75,000 warehouse.

July 12 -- City revenues for year increase; business men aid in campaign for Lake Dallas; Bishop J. P. Lynch observes tenth anniversary in Dallas.

July 13 -- Mrs. Margaret O'Donnell, 75, Dallas pioneer, died; manufacturers erect building at State Fair; park board goes "broke;" local meeting on disarmament is postponed.

July 14 -- Ben Luna, alleged conspirator in postal substation robbery, released on $25,000 bond; Safety Council says spooning is cause of auto accidents; scores protest against proposed zoning ordinance.

July 15 -- Labor unions consolidate in Dallas with Farm Labor Union of America; Dr. Sidney J. Gano, 54[?], is buried; doctors buy site for medical arts building; state's witnesses in gambling house cases disappear.

July 16 -- Police say Ku Klux Klan is responsible for crime decrease; concrete blocks mark safety zones in business district; city orders Davis street, short cut to Fort Worth pike, paved at once; Capt. John H. Gaston, 73, pioneer Dallasite, dies.

July 17 -- Three children orphaned when Oscar Seals slays wife and self; woman bitten by snake at picnic at Bachman's dam; Security National Bank announce plan to change name to Southwest National; cornerstone is laid for Tyler Street Methodist Church.

July 18 -- Alleged white slavery here is probed; widening of Elm street blocked by lawsuit; funeral services for Harry D. Iredale held.

July 19 -- Eighteen arrested in Labor Temple dice game; police begin war on spooners; W. A. McKinley leaves federal savings division; Dallas leads all Texas in building permits granted.

July 20 -- B. M. Burgher to hold postoffice job until successor is named; Imperial Cafe destroyed by fire; Detective Chief Gunning blames heat for crime wave; Fred C. Emery elected head of Veterans of Foreign Wars.

July 21 -- Justice of the Peace Sam J. Barnett is assaulted in courthouse; J. A. Somerville elected vice president of Union Terminal Company.

July 22 -- Cotton growers in session here seek $2,500,000 credit ; W. M. Bay [?] held for Regal Hotel fire; A. C. Ebie named delegate to international trades conference; L. P. Harris indicted for assault to murder Justice Sam Barnett.

July 23 -- Light vote is polled in special election on constitutional amendments; J. J. Knight mysteriously disappears in Arizona; three Grand Prairie stores burglarized; through street car service ordered for Mount Auburn.

July 24 -- Dr. C. I. Scofield, Dallas pastor, died in New York; orphans' recreational camp at Bachman's dam is dedicated by Salesmanship Club; Mrs. Norma Clayton Wells, 72, dies.

July 25 -- Trial of alleged gamblers is again postponed; city calls election for $1,250,000 in street improvement bonds; aliens denied right to vote in one constitutional change adopted Saturday; Elks' carnival opens.

July 26 -- Police stop smuggling of drugs in city jail; G. C. Haggard is killed by Katy train; Judge J. M. Talbot dies; zoo elephant eats woman's hat, has city to buy new one.

July 27 -- Pharmacy safe is carried into country and looted; gas companies plan raise in rates outside of Dallas; Jed C. Adams is named to represent Texas legion men in ceremonies in France.

July 28 -- Two men and a woman held on robbery charges; police commissioner denies campaign against spooners; St. Paul cross-town car line plan submitted to city commissioners.

July 29 -- Klan denies violent acts in letter sent to The Times Herald; three young men arrested for pharmacy safe robbery; Walter Ferrell and son, Walter Jr., who drowned together in gravel pit reservoir, are buried.

July 30 -- Wages of 1,000 street car employes are reduced; Mrs. Delia F. White is victim of downtown auto accident; P. C. Gebhart is named Southern Pacific freight agent; phone company to make no wage cuts.

July 31 -- Manual phones are changed to machine switching; city cuts wages of common laborers; Box's band begins series of park concerts; Dallas aerial police hold conference.


August 1 -- Fall buying season opens; county commissioners raise values for taxation; charge of embezzling $10,000 from the Southwest National Bank of Dallas is filed against clerk.

August 2 -- Justice F. H. Alexander holds examining trial for two men charged with burglary of Munger Place Pharmacy; funeral services are held for William Chilton, aged 81; style show at Majestic opens the fall buying season.

August 3 -- Start search for Mrs. C. A. Fullington, bride of few weeks, who was last heard from in Dallas; officers arrest twelve men on a charge of raising the denomination of greenbacks; B. J. Ryan is named president of the Columbia Wire & Iron company; report shows that building contracts are one million less than at the same time last year.

August 4 -- Shortage of pure water is threatened due to the lack of rain; Carpenters' Local pays $3,000 bill for Salesmanship Club Orphans' Home.

August 5 -- American Exchange national Bank is damaged by fire; union plumbers accept $1 reduction and return to work at $11 a day; report shows city has a big deficit last month; word received of the death of W. C. Connor, former mayor, in California; Edwin Sanger elected president of Southwestern Retail Milliners' Association.

August 6 -- Report shows that street railway company makes best return in history during July; theater owners announce 10 per cent cut in wages of employes; first death as result of heat occurs.

August 7 -- Mayor E. R. Cockrell of Fort Worth delivers sermon at East Dallas Christian Church; negro bandit robs seven persons; all records for attendance at Texas League games are broken here when Marine beat Panthers.

August 8 -- Musicians accept 10 per cent wage cut posted by theater owners; lamp explodes and two homes are destroyed on Cedar street and South Central avenue.

August 9 -- Funeral services are held for W. C. Connor, former mayor; S. M. U. starts golf course.

August 10 -- All theater unions accept wage cut; J. F. Osborne resigns as division freight agent of the Katy; ordinance passed abolishing the city board of examiner[?] [remainder is illegible].

August 11 -- So-called "Jellybean" case goes to trial in city court; L. R. Compton saves Robert Osborne from drowning at Gardner Park Natatorium; will of W. C. Connor, valuing estate at $150,000, is filed for probate; Rev. Caleb A. Ridley, Ku Klux lecturer, speaks at auditorium.

August 12 -- Youth killed by train as he slept on the track at H. & T. C. and Pine street; Luis Rubalcava, assistant secretary of commerce, industry and labor of Mexico, is guest at luncheon, given by Mayor Aldredge; alarm of fire in new Magnolia building is turned in by wireless.

August 13 -- Cullen F. Thomas announced candidacy for United States senator; contract is placed for construction of White Rock filtration plant; D. G. Hill Jr. is named secretary of Texas Farm Bureau Cotton Growers' Association.

August 14 -- Reports show four deaths here from pellagra during the past week; burglars enter six homes during the night; Dallas leads the various large cities in Sunday school attendance.

August 15 -- Dallas gets first rainfall in thirty-five days; charges against Gus King are dismissed; brick work is completed on the new negro hospital.

August 16 -- Dallas is selected as state headquarters for Republicans; Mrs. A. M. Fowler, 4403 Gaston avenue, is gagged by burglar; State Masonic officials leave for Mexico.

August 17 -- Body of man found in lake in Highland Park; collector for an insurance company is held up and robbed; two men arrested for burglary of Piggly-Wiggly store.

August 18 -- City plan commission adopts zoning ordinance; fire destroys two houses on Fourth avenue; Permit for $140,000 building is issued to Eps G. Knight; bricklayers start work again on North Dallas high school and Magnolia building at old scale of $12 a day.

August 19 -- Downtown business men form organization to fight elimination of Lamar street loop; C. H. Verschoyle elected president of Rock Island Refining and Pipe Line company; city passes $463,448 street work budget.

August 20 -- Joseph Murry, grand master of Odd Fellows, arrives in Dallas to attend meeting of state secretaries; Dallas is named headquarters of the Veterans' Bureau for the fourteenth district; National Retail Credit men are guests of Dallas.

August 21 -- City Attorney J. J. Collins leaves for Austin to confer on important school matters; General George R. Goethals announces he will inspect proposed Lake Dallas plans; William Grice, former manager of the Waters-Pierce Oil corporation for Central West Texas, dies.

August 22 -- Odd Fellows form organization of state secretaries; hearing on re-routing of Oak Lawn-Bryan cars postponed until Sept. 13; thermometer registers 101 degrees.

August 23 -- Railroads announce special rates to state fair; last charges against Gus King are dismissed in city court; all union bricklayers return to jobs and old scale without cut; work on cotton association to market 1,000,000 bales of cotton begins.

August 24 -- Charles O. Laney, representing Dallas county in state legislature, resigns; man charged with embezzling $10,000 from Southwest National Bank, is arrested here.

August 25 -- Five firemen hurt when fire trucks crash at Main and Crowdus; sheriff returns $20,000 worth of stolen diamonds to jewelry firm; wife throws carbolic acid on Jess Hassell; one thousand and two hundred join K. K. K.

August 26 -- Pay cut reduces staff of city engineer to nine men; "go-to-school" campaign planned by Junior Chamber.

August 27 -- Klan pledges support to Mrs. Hassell, she is "no-billed" by county grand jury; branch of the American Restaurant Association is formed here; mayor issues Labor Day proclamation; youth drinks carbolic acid on birthday.

August 28 -- Dallas Auto Club opens tourists' camp; mother spanks 28-year-old son, he takes poison; prowlers enter six homes.

August 29 -- "Go-to-school" campaign opens for week; charges of carrying a pistol against Mrs. Hassel are dismissed; six are injured when auto overturns.

August 30 -- Hearing on plan to reroute street cars open; two officers in Highland Park are arrested on liquor charge; start repairs on Dallas-Oak Cliff viaduct.

August 31 -- Many $50 counterfeit bills found in Dallas; Walter L. Troutt is named sales manager for Texas Farm Bureau Cotton Association; Dallas marines and San Antonio Bears sign contracts to play in Mexico.


September 1 -- Capt. Lamar of police department named desk sergeant in Oak Cliff. "Invisible 20," secret organization, makes its bow in Dallas. Formal order releasing Dallas county cattle from tick quarantine signed.

September 2 -- Dairymen here claim milk grading system used by city is unfair. Thomas Magrane arrives in Dallas to make plans for Capitol stock company, known as Broadway Players. Mayor Aldredge invited Marshal Foch to visit Dallas.

September 3 -- Pipe bursts when 3,000,000-gallon pump is turned on in Oak Cliff. "Invisible Twenty," secret organization, sends letter to newspapers claiming it is Anti-Ku-Klux. Bibles used by local bootlegger to hide booze supply found in automobile.

September 4 -- Employes of railroads announce they favor strike unless wage demands are met. Clarence Ousley of Fort Worth announces he will campaign for seat in United States senate. Paul Van Katwijk is named as director of Dallas Male Chorus.

September 5 -- Opening session of international convention of the Brotherhood of Painters, Paperhangers and Decorators held. Texas Christian Endeavor Council votes $15,000 for year's work. Cornerstone laid for new nurses' home at St. Paul sanitarium by Bishop Lynch.

September 6 -- Sweeping probe of fine collections ordered following report that officers have accepted payment at time of arrest. Milk producers of Dallas and Denton meet here to organize co-operative body. Two hundred members railway brotherhood leave for Fort Worth meeting.

September 7 -- Announcement made that all park employes will be discharged. Work on stage at Capitol theater is rushed, extra force being employed to complete improvements in eleven days. F. G. Harmon installed as judge advocate of the Department of Texas of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

September 8 -- Dallas baseball club is sold to Ike Sablosky of Mineral Wells. Price said to be $150,000. Mrs. Mattie Maddox rescued sixteen people from fire on Forest avenue at Working Mothers' Home.

September 9 -- Local paving companies announce big cut in prices Frank W. Wozencraft, former mayor, returns from Europe. The $225,000 county hospital bond issue is sold, netting city $227,955.

September 10 -- Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Wegener are reunited here after a strange separation of 25 years. Complete plans and designs for new Dallas postoffice are forwarded to Washington. R. C. Buckner lodge formed at a meeting of Reinhardt and the Orphans' Home vicinity, honoring R. C. Buckner.

September 11 -- Police find mysterious cave guarded by skull and cross bones, thought to be a whiskey den. Pool for selling Texas poultry is planned by Texas poultrymen. Dallas amateur baseball champions accept challenger to meet Fort Worth title holders in a three-game series.

September 12 -- Lakewood Heights, East Dallas addition, requests that it be taken into city. Dr. T. H. Harper, pastor Central Congregational church, celebrates first anniversary here.

September 13 -- City council raises Highland Park tax rate to 85[?] cents. County and city officials meet and discuss plans for new approach to Oak Cliff viaduct. Montreal selected as next meeting place of painters and paperhangers' convention.

September 14 -- Attempts to smuggle drugs into Dallas found by Dallas officers and a woman is arrested in the case. City buys 1000 water meters to make water connections. Foster Jacoby, park superintendent, announces that four new tennis courts will be opened in Dallas parks.

September 15 -- Joe Dawson is elected head of Civitan club at meeting held at Oriental. James McKenzie, well known golf professional, engaged by Lakewood Country club. Delegation of Odd Fellows leaves for Toronto meeting.

September 16 -- Three men are killed in airplane crash at Love Field. Judge W. H. Ramsey is appointed to war finance committee of Federal Reserve district No. 11. Walton Poteet assumes duties as secretary of Texas Farm Bureau Federation.

September 17 -- Light vote shows that street bond issue is favored in this city. Announcement made that Shriners are planning $100,000 hospital here for children. Eastern Star order observes anniversary.

September 18 -- J. P. Kinney selected as principal of K. of C. free night schools. Mrs. G. H. Snyder of Sherman robbed of $2000 worth of jewels at Union Terminal station.

September 19 -- Plans for spending $1,250,000 available for street improvements discussed at meeting of city commissioners. Property on Oak Lawn avenue bounded by Wellborn, Sylvester and Roseland, selected as site for Shrine hospital for children.

September 20 -- Dr. C. L. Debow chosen head dramatic department of Woman's Forum. Texas and Pacific officials and telegraphers hold conference. Grade schools begin regular class work in Dallas.

September 21 -- Mexican delegates in charge of Mexican exhibit at State Fair are welcomed on arrival. Ordinance on grading milk amended so dairymen may call for second rating.

September 22 -- Plans for diversification of cotton crop discussed at meeting of local business men. Plans for repairing court house discussed at meeting of county commissioners. Announcement made that city will raise $100,000 for street improvements by land sale to be worked out by Mayor Aldredge.

September 23 -- Members of Mexican commissioner entertained at luncheon by Dallas business men. Undergrade crossing of Browder street and Santa Fe railroad discussed by city commissioners. Winn Campbell of Dallas elected president of American Association of Banking Industry.

September 24 -- Miss Ethel Boyce, city moving picture censor, is commended in letter received by papers from Ku Klux Klan. Bids asked by Postmaster Burgher on lease of postoffice lot at Bryan and Ervay streets. Schepps Bakers, amateur baseball champs of Dallas, beaten by Axtell club of Fort Worth in first game of series.

September 25 -- Bear is killed by party of Dallas hunters at Kirby farm, near Dallas. Word received in Dallas that Mrs. Harding, wife of the president, will be unable to come to Dallas during State Fair.

September 26 -- Announcement made that Gen. George Goethals will make survey of Lake Dallas proposition. Regular class work starts at Southern Methodist university. Officers of National Guard meet in Chamber of Commerce and discuss plans for new unit and armory.

September 27 -- Nurserymen of Southwest open convention here. Hundreds of people, old and young, attend opening night at free night school at Bryan street High. Petition prepared by Oak Cliff citizens asking for new fire station at Jefferson and Eighth streets is turned down by city commission.

September 28 -- R. P. Scott, groceryman, shoots man who attempts to enter his home, but robber escapes, leaving blood stains. J. O. Sinsabaugh given 60 days in county jail and fined $200 on charge of maiming Adolph Lang.

September 29 -- Seven people injured when two autos collide on West Dallas pike. A. A. Everts of Dallas awarded loving cup by National Retail Jewelers' association as a token of appreciation. Work on filtration plant at White Rock is resumed after short layoff.

September 30 -- St. Paul line is refused by city commission after long conference on application of street car company. Store and office at S. M. U. looted. Elmarez Barnes shot and killed by Guiseppe La Velle, who then shot himself.


October 1 -- Ham Patterson refuses to close deal with Ike Sablosky for Dallas baseball franchise; Trinity Oil Company buys refinery here for $415,000; Dallas county Baptists close meeting.

October 2 -- Dallas negro confesses to fifteen local robberies following bad run of luck in dice game; Lawrence "Buddy" Stewart announces his resignation from Palace theater to accept Eastern position.

October 3 -- John Crosby and Ira Crosby, brothers, shot and seriously wounded in barber shop at Vickery; Mrs. D. S. Coleman, age 61, dies from injuries received when struck by street car.

October 4 -- City tax valuations shown as $192,377, 825 in report filed to city commission. Victor Talking machine dealers of Southwest hold annual meeting here.

October 5 -- James D. Berry, charged with murder of his wife, is given fifteen year sentence; unconscious white woman found near Record Crossing, apparently drugged; Chief of Detective Charles Gunning issues warning to citizens to keep jewelry in safes during State Fair.

October 6 -- Report shows that 36,000 people own property in Dallas county; jewels valued at $600,000 are collected to be worn by Queen of Texas Centennial Pageant. J. W. Owens, escaped convict, brought here after being at liberty for nine years.

October 7 -- Charles Parnell, age 26, seriously injured when struck by heavy stone while working on Magnolia building; flags offered to American Legion by Ku Klux Klan are accepted.

October 8 -- Announcement made that S. M. U. will get two million dollars out of educational fund; "Buddy" King is elected captain of S. M. U. colt team.

October 9 -- Texas Centennial Pageant held at State Fair grounds in stadium; Franklin Motor Company damaged $40,000 by fire; James M. Cox, age 30, found dead in his room on Akard street.

October 10 -- John W. White, age 20, dies as result of injuries received when kicked by a mule. Dr. George Gilmour resigns place at First Unitarian Church to accept new call.

October 11 -- Colonel A. E. Humphreys, Mexia oil man, says that he world is facing an oil famine; Dallas Technical Club starts movement to obtain a new post-office.

October 12 -- Trinity Cotton Oil Co. have $20,000 fire; State reclamation engineer arrives in Dallas to confer with Col. George W. Goethals relative to proposed Lake Dallas; thousands attend Fair on Dallas Day.

October 13 -- All bids for $70,000 county roads bonds rejected. $100,000 Highland Park bonds approved by attorney general's department; Texas Aggies defeat S. M. U. eleven.

October 14 -- Texas realty dealers hold session in Dallas. Plans suggested to take the Fair stock winners in special cars to Mexico City. Rose-Wilson Motor Car Company have $90,000 fire.

October 15 -- Texas Chamber of Commerce in session in Dallas condemn Ku Klux Klan; Texas building and loan representatives holding session in Dallas, organize; traveling men take possession of State Fair.

October 16 -- Boston College down Baylor 23 to 7; Mrs. M. S. Bannon of Dallas, named chaplain of American Legion Auxiliary of Texas; first week of State Fair acclaimed a success.

October 17 -- Fire at 1912 Bryan street causes death of four people; charges of highway robbery filed against Emmett Terry, Mesquite constable; Burton Rix, S. M. U. coach, resigns.

October 18 -- Confederates have their day at State Fair; announcement is made that large market building will be erected on the Busch property, Olive, Elm and Pacific avenue; Cotton Seed Crushers advocate larger cotton acreage.

October 19 -- Rev. Christopher C. Young, prominent State Methodist minister, dies at Baylor hospital; Oak Cliff asks for paving of twelve streets; Supt. J. F. Kimball suggests a Municipal College for Dallas.

October 20 -- The Police Band of Mexico City arrives at the State Fair; Richard Spillane, famous writer, visiting in Dallas; Ty Catron and Julius Schepps, local sport enthusiasts, wire Babe Ruth offer to come to Dallas.

October 21 -- Louis Munster indicted on charge of criminal assault against eight-year-old girl; delegation of twenty-five highway boosters of Oklahoma, arrive in Dallas.

October 22 -- Dallas baseball park, owned by Joe Gardner, reported sold to Jess Hassell for $60,000; Ku Klux Klan donates $75 to railway fare for Confederate veterans for trip to reunion at Chattanooga.

October 23 -- State Fair of Texas closes; Robert E. Eagon named commander Fifth Brigade, Sons of Confederate Veterans; announcement made that bull fight will be staged at Gardner Park.

October 24 -- Visiting Mexican delegation honor guests at banquet given by Chamber of Commerce; total attendance of State Fair announced as 647,935; Andrew Robinson, age 51, breaks both arms in fall from wagon on viaduct.

October 25 -- U. S. marshal and rail heads confer her eon action to be taken in face of possible strike. Nellie Griggs, age 3[?], dies from injuries received when hit by auto; Bankers' Forum organized at meeting of bankers at Oriental hotel.

October 26 -- Methodist of North Texas open conference; announcement made that Overland Company will open branch here with G. B. McNary as head; J. Burton Rix, former coach of S. M. U. team, presented with testimonial from his former players.

October 27 -- Injunction asked by Ike Sablosky preventing Jess Hassell and Ham Patterson from disposing of properties of baseball club; unofficial report circulated here that Ellis Hardy will mange Marine team if Sablosky is given ownership.

October 28 -- $2,700,000 worth of highway bonds sold by county; Rev. T. H. Harper of Central Congregation church asks that bible study by included in schools; Charles S. Papa, Dallas newspaper man, returns to Dallas after six months tour in Europe.

October 29 -- Building permits issued thus far in 1921 total $13,009, 489; Charles Ghersm, age 70, killed when struck by motorcycle; Texas section, American Society of Civil Engineers, in session here; corner stone of First Methodist Episcopal Church laid.

October 30 -- Royall Watkins selected as delegate to Legion meet at Kansas City, representing Dallas, Rockwall and Ellis counties; The Times Herald offers winners of city high school football championship, also district champions, loving cups.

October 31 -- W. J. Johnson named presiding elder, Dallas district at North Texas Conference of Methodist ministers; Miss Mary Slevins dies of injuries received in automobile accident; L. G. "Fat" Wilson offers to coach S. M. U. basketball team gratis.


November 1 -- State tries to impeach testimony of defense in trial of Hugh Priddy; local delegates to American Legion convention at Kansas City urge Foch to visit Dallas; many land in jail as result of Halloween pranks.

November 2 -- Increase shown in October postal receipts for Dallas, total is $229,366.61, City Federation of Women's Clubs asks city to institute course in Bible in public schools; professional women's club to aid girls to seek education; prominent Masons will attend fall reunion in Dallas.

November 3 -- Sheriff and city officials investigate charges that babies are being killed and thrown into sewers; city officials postpone street improvements project; Dallas bankers strive to raise subscriptions to Fort Worth Stock and Agricultural War Finance Company.

November 4 -- Hugh Priddy of Kaufman declared not guilty of charge of murdering his mother-in-law and father-in-law; city will ask rehearing in Spann building case; Chief Justice Nelson Phillips renders verdict on zoning ordinance, says it is null and void.

November 5 -- Schools ask $1,250,000 bond issue; complete preliminary work on East Dallas pike; complete plans for big church canvass and census; Terrill defeats Southwestern Military Academy and wins city prep school title.

November 6 -- Commission decides to refuse school board application for bond issue; churches canvassing city and inviting people to "go to Sunday school and stay for preaching"; Rhodes S. Baker speaker before Woman's club; fall season of Dallas Open Forum begin with Sherman Rogers as principal speaker.

November 7 -- School board and city commission in controversy over bond issue, may be several months settling issue; judge raises fine for drunkenness from five to ten dollars.

November 8 -- City food law upheld by jury in country court at law; nominate directors of Federal Reserve Bank for re-election; James Demakakos asks injunction restraining Police Sergeant Mimms from arresting him.

November 9 -- Miss Sallie Knight routs negro from her room at Parkland hospital; charges of criminal assault filed against Howard Jamerson in connection with the case; health board of city urges larger water supply; furs which were stolen in Sherman, found in Dallas, woman held in case.

November 10 -- Mayor says city is not ready to issue bonds for reservoir; Safety Council will enlist aid of many in drive for safety recruits; many Dallas girls aiding Salvation Army in drive for funds; Appel says water bond issue at present would raise rates.

November 11 -- John W. Low, Post Number 63, Legion, holds celebration in Dallas of Armistice Day; Times Herald has band in front of office just as the day when the armistice was signed; first detachment of Marines to guard federal property in Dallas, arrives.

November 12 -- Representatives of Associated Contractors of America urge Dallas contractors to get people to build now as a relief to unemployment situation; James G. Barnes, 1715 Fitzhugh street, killed in automobile crash at Oak street and Swiss avenue; Horned Frogs beat Mustangs 13 to 6, Forest beats Bryan, 35 to 0.

November 13 -- Appel plans dam raising to secure more water for Dallas; Salvation Army heads decide to continue drive; Dr. A. E. Flowers, in charge of two car loads of Dallas county pure bred livestock which will accompany State Fair Livestock special to Mexico, leaves for Laredo.

November 14 -- Several distinguished Masons arrive in Dallas for fall reunion which opens with a class of 500 here for degrees; Daniel H. Ross plea is guilty to two charges of highway robbery; concentrated lye can found near whisky stills; large increase shown in Sunday school reports, 29,204 attend here.

November 15 -- Colonel Alvin Owsley of Denton declines offer to run for governor of Texas; mayor laughs at Appel's plans to secure water supply for city; fall Masonic reunion under way in full sway here; hold Dallas woman as suspect in $2,000 fur robbery in Sherman.

November 16 -- Hella Temple plans novel parade for Saturday, Masonic reunion still underway, conferring 9th to 24th degrees; telephone company and city come to agreement in phone controversy, small reduction made; Ray Morrison named coach of Mustangs.

November 17 -- Twenty fourth to thirtieth degrees conferred at fall reunion of Scottish Rite Masons; Dallas firm lands $4,500,000 contract for work in Wichita Falls; Judge Nelson Phillips resigns to become attorney for telephone company; Charles Christ, 78[?] years old, killed by train at Commerce and Central avenue.

November 18 -- Black Caps post warning on negro church being built in Silverstein [Silberstein] school district; Falls Reunion Scottish Rite Masons, ends; Dr. John A. Rice resigns place at S. M. U., to take pastorate of Okmulgee, Oklahoma church; L. O. Daniel elected head of Dallas Wholesale merchants' Association.

November 19 -- Hella Temple holds one of most novel parades ever staged in Dallas; will ask State and Federal aid on Miller's Ferry road; 300 novices travel baked sands of Hella Temple at ceremonial held at Coliseum.

November 20 -- Drouth causes cracks in Dallas-Fort Worth pike, need $200,000 to put road in good repair; Mrs. Percy Pennybacker speaker at Open Forum.

November 21 -- Chamber of Commerce buys buildings at Love Field; Mayor announces that street improvement program will not include widening of Harwood street; Sloan E. Goforth on trial for running down and killing John A. Hatzenbueler; many observing Chamber of Commerce Thanksgiving Week; a timely rain in Dallas averts danger of water famine.

November 22 -- Grand jury to probe death of Mrs. Odell Snow, 17-year-old bride who died suddenly after being taken to Parkland Hospital; Chamber of Commerce delegation leaves to attend bull moose barbecue given by Colonel A. E. Humphreys at Mexia; banks and public utilities aiding Red Cross in drive for funds.

November 23 -- Miss Dorothy Amaan, S. M. U. librarian, elected head of Texas Librarians' Association at opening session of convention ; many teachers arriving for annual state convention; figures issued shows at $7,964,295 was used in running city for fiscal year ending April 30, 1921.

November 24 -- Teachers of state open convention here, plan improvements for country schools; all stores close for Thanksgiving Day observance; Kiwanis Club feeds Dallas newsboys; Evelyn Martinez, negro, murders her Mexican husband, Manuel Martinez; Oak Cliff beats Bryan Street High, 14 to 7.

November 25 -- City plans to issue "baby bonds," or small certificates of indebtedness; Judge Nelson Phillips assumes new duties with telephone company; Dallas U. defeats St. Edwards at Austin, 34 to 0.

November 26 -- Ask for bids on $300,000 unit to city hospital; Fort Worth man elected head of State Teachers' Association; City Engineer George D. Fairtrace recommends that city call a halt in street paving; Dallas University offers Bo McMillin fat salary to coach Hilltoppers in 1922.

November 27 -- E. P. Greenwood and O. S. Carlton announce purchase of Houston Insurance company; Dr. C. A. Prosser, head of Dunwoody Industrial Institute, addresses Open Forum; George S. McElroy died at St. Paul's Sanitarium as results of automobile accident.

November 28 -- Steve Maricno, 70 years old, found dead on front porch of his home, 3107 San Jacinto street, with bullet hole through his head; Commissioner Rose favors new car line in Oak Cliff; Postmaster Burgher announces plans to distribute Christmas mails at fire stations; thirteen men fined for gambling at dominoes.

November 29 -- Preliminary meetings of annual Baptist General Convention held; District Attorney Maury Hughes says that county can not lease mineral rights to county farm land; Republican women headed by Mrs. Myron A. Kesner plan active year; S. M. U. awards letters to 17 men.

November 30 -- Texas Baptist women oversubscribe quota for general educational fund by $100,000; T. & P. officials announce wage reduction for all employees; Colonel Frank Holland leaves for editors' meet; trophies awarded to Oak Cliff, city grid champions, at theater party at Capitol.


December 1 -- Baptist general convention opens here with 1,368 delegates present. Two thousand business men leave work to open up Welfare Council drive for $170,000 fund for charity. Mayor Sawnie Aldredge refuses to allow unemployed to parade. Long drouth broken here by heavy rain.

December 2 -- Baptists hear report on evangelism. Committee here to devise means of combating pink bollworm pest in Texas. Citizens between Mesquite and Forney protest proposed re-routing of pike.

December 3 -- Baptists name fifteen additional members on the state executive board. William Carl Mullins, 76 years old, dies of injures suffered when hit by train. Man wounded by Sergeant Fouraker and Patrolman Roddy confesses to a number of robberies and burglaries.

December 4 -- Daniel H. Ross, convicted and confessed highway, confesses to the attempted robbery of Peter Lastro and Milam Ninish, which resulted in the death of both. Lastro was instantly killed. Ninich died later. Baptists name committee to investigate report of heresy in schools. New quarantine for state proposed to abate pink bollworm infestation.

December 5 -- Baptists flay movies, dancing and modern dressing. Edwin Easter, 14, and Clifford Coulter, 16, both of Lisbon, instantly killed when interurban car hits auto in which they are riding.

December 6 -- Sheriff Dan Harston frustrates attempt at wholesale jail delivery. J. W. Gilmore placed on trial for killing Arthur Karslake and attempting to kill Curley McCabe[?]. Times Herald Food Show opens. Body of J. F. Harris, 50 years old, found on Commerce street; death caused from pistol bullet. Managing editors of Texas newspapers meeting in Dallas.

December 7 -- Ida Valera Ott must serve two-year term in penitentiary for killing husband. Cesarean operation successfully performed at Baylor Hospital; mother and twin boys live. Gen. George Goethal's report on Lake Dallas published. Annual report of Chamber of Commerce shows large growth. J. W. Gilmore found not guilty.

December 8 -- W. M. Holland named president of Dallas Street Railway. City commissioner approves "hire-a-man" move to relieve unemployment situation. A. J. McKenna, Saturday Evening Post writer, visits Dallas.

December 9 -- Frank M. Smith re-elected president of Dallas Chamber of Commerce. Unemployed hold mass meeting at city hall auditorium and attack mayor and commissioners. Nobles break ground for children's hospital at Oak Lawn avenue and Sylvester street.

December 10 -- Five firemen hurt in early morning blaze in Oak Lawn. Jess Hassell faces charges of assault with motor vehicle, following incident in which his car struck a car and injured two women. Citizens of tenth ward favor aqueduct system of supplying city with water.

December 11 -- Flames destroy several moving picture film exchanges; loss estimated at $200,000; File murder charge against Carter Sessions of Freestone county for killing F. F. Miller of Dallas.

December 12 -- Maury Hughes asks injunction restraining Jess Hassell, owner of Dallas baseball team, from driving an automobile in Dallas county. United Home Builders announce plan of moving to St. Louis, D. M. Clower, 87 years old, pioneer electric man of city, addresses Dallas Electric Club.

December 13 -- C. E. Calder is named head of Dallas Power and Light Company and Texas Power and Light Company; Jess Hassell restrained by Judge E. B. Muse from driving car in Dallas county. Lagow school district citizens plan to form political leagues. White woman Johanne LeMoore, kills Razz Cooksie, negro porter at postoffice.

December 14 -- Johanne LeMoere can not make bond of $2,500 for killing Razz Cooksie; State Fair directors declare profit for 1921 to be $11,057. Charity fete and carnival held at Gardner Park for benefit of Welfare Council drive proves successful.

December 15 -- Mrs. J. R. Griffin, 2629 Birmingham, shot four times by husband, who is arrested. John W. Low's body is en route to Dallas. Mrs. Charles Tiede, 76[?] years old, shoots at man in front of her home, 2822 Dawson street. Employment bureaus of city organize and will have central bureau. L. G. Gosney, 2601 Meyers, drops dead at gravel pit south of Dallas.

December 16 -- John W. Philp named postmaster at Dallas. Charles Saville and Clyde Wallis re-elected as manager and assistant manager of Dallas Chamber of Commerce. Texas state Baptist executive board meets here and cuts expenditures from $240,000 to $195,000.

December 17 -- Frank W. Wozencraft and Preston P. Reynolds have fist fight. Bryan High School defeats Oak Cliff, 35-13, in state championship game. Ed C. Lang[?] dies while at work. Announce through service for Myrtle street shuttle line.

December 18 -- Making elaborate plans for John W. Low's funeral. Past presidents of B'nai B'rith honored at meeting of B'nai B'rith Luncheon Club at Temple Emanu-El. Announce plans for new Y. W. C. A. administration building. Masked bandit robs two store and escapes.

December 19 -- Mrs. J. T. Smith shoots and kills husband, Dr. J. Trannie Smith. Mrs. Annie Miller, white, was host and killed while walking on Elm street close to Hawkins; two negroes charged with murder; Willie Olmstead and Omie Weeams, who were fighting over the pistol when it was discharged. Empty Stocking Crusade workers delivering many packages.

December 20 -- Announce plans to begin work immediately on new eighteen-story medical arts building at Pacific and Masten. Gerald Gallagher named manager of Palace Theater. Delivering Christmas mail at fire stations.

December 21 -- Appel goes on record as favoring small lake for Dallas water supply; Frank G. Harmon elected president of Veteran of Foreign Wars. William R. Vaughn, road contractor, strangled when log chains catch him by neck; Harry A Olmsted elected president of the State Fair of Texas to succeed E. J. Kiest.

December 22 -- Louis Blaylock says there is no need for rushing work on large reservoir. Dallas Symphony Orchestra underwritten by Dallas business men; Fire losses paid in Dallas during year, $1,074,363. Thirty-five homicides reported in Dallas during year. Senate confirms nomination of John W. Philp as Dallas postmaster.

December 23 -- Hargrave, Weakley and Graham, Oak Cliff football players, named on all-state team. The feast of dedication, sometimes called the feast of lights, or chanukah, celebrated here by Jews; R. B. Hincks named general attorney for power and light company interests. Blaylock announces plans to have city take over charities.

December 24 -- Dallas closes at noon Saturday to celebrate Christmas. Announce plans for new high school for Highland Park. T. & P. announces plans to build big viaduct in South Dallas. Dallas Male Chorus sings Christmas carols for Times Herald. City holds Christmas tree celebration at city hall. Thomas Ewing shot and killed by L. B. Torrey Jr.; Oscar E. Dunlap killed in smash-up with interurban at Lancaster.

December 25 -- Dallas celebrating Christmas; decrease shown in Sunday school attendance here on Christmas day. County prisoners are given big turkey dinner. E. L. Archer, 5811 East Grand avenue, badly injured when auto signal truck hits another car in Oak Cliff. E. L. Foster of Kilgore held up and robbed of $85 on Kaufman road Sunday night.

December 26 -- Many delegates here to attend thirtieth annual convention Jewish Chautauqua Society, which opens at Columbian Club. George W. Jalonick announces plans for organization of $250,000 insurance company. Schepps Bakery defeats Texas & Pacific football crew, 14- 2.

December 27 -- Capitol Theater badly damaged by fire. "Cunning" answers hundreds of questions for Times Herald readers. Jews from forty cities in thirteen states here for chautauqua meeting.

December 28 -- Randolph Rhew elected captain of Oak Cliff High football team. Salvation Army has Christmas tree for 1,400 poor children. Dr. F. P. Millard finds three perfect spines out of seventy-five women's backs examined here in the contest of the National League for the Prevention of Spinal Curvature. City plan commissioner starts move to widen St. Paul street from Main to Elm on side of Capitol Theater. Delegates to Lamba Chi Delta fraternity gather here for annual convention. Ask for bids for streets bonds here.

December 29 -- Athletic club announces plans to begin immediate work on construction of twelve-story building at Elm and St. Paul. Announce plans for reorganization of Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Rosa May Easterwood shot by her husband, John Easterwood, at Zang's boulevard and Bishop avenue, in Oak Cliff.

December 30 -- Building permits total $15,000, 207 for year. City commissioner adopts new zoning ordinance. Bond of L. B. Torrey, Jr., who killed Thomas Ewing on Christmas Eve, reduced to $2,0000. Six new Masonic lodges opened in Dallas county, four to be in Dallas; Julius Schepps installed as president of Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce. Centre College arrives in Dallas for game with Texas A. & M.

December 31 -- John Ryan, veteran police officer, is pensioned by city; Bank clearings for year announced as $1,301,332,809; Center College crews holds initial workout here for game with Texas A. & M.

- January 1, 1922, Dallas Daily Times Herald, Sec. II, pp. 2, 4.
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