Daily Events, Dallas, Texas, 1927

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January 1:
Resignation of W. H. Stratton as secretary of the State Fair Association accepted by directors.
Announcement made that Neiman-Marcus would build $300,000 addition.
W. E. White, 63, of 504 Bank avenue, died from burns in a gas explosion.
Grand jury reported driving while intoxicated most common offense in Dallas County.
Sixty thousand automobiles still not registered on this the last day.
Allen Seale as Sheriff and other county officials take office.

January 2:
City reports expenditure of $1,772,000 for twenty-seven miles of street paving.
Postal receipts show 10 per cent gain, with total of $3,793,020.27.
C. C. Young Memorial Home dedicated.
Weekend burglaries net thieves $4,330.

January 3:
Reported Rock Island to buy L. R. & N. Railroad of Texas.
Founders' exercise held at Buckner Orphans' Home.
Suzanne Lenglen, French tennis star, arrives for local matches.

January 4:
A. W. Wible, 46, shot and killed in Lemmon avenue home by unknown robber.
F. H. Littleton of Vernon awarded first prize in The News Cotton Contest. Eight other prizes awarded.
Crime Suppression League organized; Sam P. Cochran president.

January 5:
Mike Thomas and other cotton men start campaign to reduce acreage.
Condemnation begun for Orange street extension, McKinney to Cedar Springs.
One hundred suspects jailed after Wible slaying.
Grand jury indicts ten for arson.
City Democrats reject fusion and begin selection of ticket.

January 6:
Dallas imports for the year reported as $677,768.
Jersey Cattle Club opens annual meeting.
State Chambers of Commerce start movement for State appropriation of $600,000 for flood control.
Kessler Plan Association extends program to cover county and elect officers.
Mayor Blaylock promises twenty-five new policemen to cope with crime wave.

January 7:
Two indicted in connection with recent holdups.
The New distributes $10,000 in prizes at third annual cotton dinner.
Lone Star Gas Company plans to add six stories to office building.
Finance Commissioner John C. Harris announces for Mayor; Blaylock says he may run.
County Tax Collector enjoined from collecting bus passenger tax.

January 8:
Hijackings continue, several charged.
Program announced for National Educational Association convention Feb. 27.
Tannehill Lodge of Masons celebrates seventy-eighth anniversary.
Bar Association indorses drive on crime; elects C. F. O'Donnell president.
Dallas County registers 70,672 automobiles, leading State.
Power & Light men plan extension of service to rural districts.
Survey shows traffic congestion costs Dallas $5,000,000 each year.

January 9:
South Dallas grocer stabbed by bandit; several other holdups.
City Sunday school attendance 42,221.

January 10:
Latex Gas Company decides to bring 200-mile pipe line into city to supply industries; cost $12,000,000.
City tax payments break records.
Blaylock decides not to run for re-election as Mayor; Citizens' Association leaders silent after meeting.
Armed bandits hold up Myrtle Street Cafe.

January 11:
Cliff Association names industrial committee.
Dallas banks hold annual elections.
League of Municipalities indorses zoning and planning bills before Legislature.
State laundrymen begin annual convention.

January 12:
North Texas business men hold foreign trade conference.
Federal grand jury returns thirty indictments, chiefly for dry law and narcotic violations.
City and county push improvement work to aid unemployed.

January 13:
Walter McConnell killed in shooting in South Side cafe.
County fair officials hold meeting in Dallas; favor racing as foremost event.
Dallas Federal Court gives definition of "what is a pearl?"
Bell Telephone Company plans to spend $12,000,000 in State, including $5,000,000 building here.

January 14:
Crime Suppression League asks State Charter.
Work starts on Argyle Apartment in Oak Lawn; to cost $400,000.
Jelks Castellaw named head of County Fair Association.

January 15:
W. M. Whittenton resigns as vice president of the Katy.
R. E. Burt to erect eleven-story building at Ervay and Patterson.
Coldest weather of season in Dallas, with 17-degree minimum.
Labor Council elects J. W. Parks as president.
State asks death penalty in three hijacking cases in local courts; new County Criminal Court proposed.

January 16:
Charles Vincent, 1211 South Harwood, dies after automobile collision.
Open Forum speaker defends Mexican policies.
Employment conditions in State reported better.

January 17:
Dallas on list for new postoffice to cost $1,150,000.
H. E. McGee succeeds W. M. Whittenton as Katy vice president.
State hardware dealers open convention.
Nonpartisan League organized; attacks city administration.

January 18:
Big Four Railroad officials visit city.
Kiwanis Club celebrates tenth birthday.
Farm Bureau Federation opens convention.
Art Association and Texas museum plan joint building to cost $500,000.

January 19:
Dallas School Board opposes Senator Love's county unit bill.
Library board asks charter amendment for more money.
Dallas fire loss found highest in twenty-five cities in five years.
Jury gives H. R. Griffin ninety-nine years for robbery with firearms.
City Nonpartisans plan* headquarters; Lawrence Miller plan advocates withdraw proposals.

January 20:
R. R. Carter and C. E. Frazer each given life sentences on robbery charges; third in two days.
John L. DeGrazier elected potentate of Hella Temple.
Mrs. Emma Lehman's estate inventories at $719,408.
J. L. Burgess heads Nonpartisan nominating committee.

January 21:
Community Chest reported $39,000 short of goal.
Former Mayor Henry D. Lindsley, visiting from New York, talks on State's wealth.
City orders thirty streets paved; cots $429,250.
Fire chief charges heavy loss to over-insurance.
Rose League makes awards in Oak Cliff campaign.
County druggists elect H. F. Forman president.

January 22:
Citizens' Independent Association announces plans for full city ticket.
Chicago Opera Company to return in March for three-day engagement.
New cold wave hits State; minimum temperature in Dallas 27 degrees.
Local businessmen indorse safe farming program.

January 23:
Worth Peak, resident here for seventy-three years, dies.
Sunday schools gain 4,402 in attendance over last year.
Dr. Owen R. Lovejoy speaks to Open Forum on children's rights.

January 24:
Capt. W. H. Gaston, pioneer and father of the State Fair, dies.
Waterworks school opens six-day convention.
Negroes ask for policemen of their race.
H. W. Evans, Klan wizard, pays tribute to Governor Moody.
Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanians begin district conference.

January 25:
City refuses negro police.
Mayor Blaylock asks resignation of Building Inspector Hayden after latter's row with Water Commissioner Gowins.

January 26:
City schools graduate 1,375 pupils.
Clearing House Association elects R. L. Thornton president.
Hearing ordered in Hayden-Gowins row.

January 27:
Traffic signal system changed to progressive, or "ripple" control.
Funeral for Capt. W. H. Gaston.
Building inspector, C. E. Hayden, and assistant acquitted on charges filed by Mayor, latter voting for acquittal.

January 28:
E. H. Lingo, founder of Dallas Lumber Company, dies in California at age of 88.
Waterworks school closes; W. S. Mahlie elected president.
Franchise asked for pipe line refrigerator system for city.
Gas rate increase of 25¢ per meter to become effective on February bills.

January 29:
County Commissioners announce plans for $600,000 Hall of Records.
Poll tax payments on this date totaled 41,530.
City Attorney goes to Austin to combat bill changing control of city hospitals.
L. Philipson, cigar manufacturer, for nearly fifty years, dies.

January 30:
Mrs. Alice Owens, widow of late Rev. George W. Owens, dies.
City will ask bond issue of $1,500,000 for sanitary sewer improvements.
Spring wholesale market season to open Monday.

January 31:
R. A. Thompson of Dallas to be named State highway engineer.
Ten thousand pay poll tax on last date for a total of 52,262.
Southwestern retailers throng market for season's opening.


February 1:
Sixty-one persons granted citizenship by Federal Court.
Uniform air mail rates go into effect.

February 2:
Fire losses for 1926 reported $682,628 less than for preceding year.
Police reports show 4,320 arrests for traffic violations in month.
Angus D. McDonald and other S. P. officials honor guests at Chamber of Commerce banquet.

February 3:
City Democrats agree on slate headed by John C. Harris for Mayor.
County sells warrants to start work on Hall of Records.

February 4:
School board grants salary raise to teachers.
President C. Haile of Katy entertained in Dallas.

February 5:
Four men sentenced to ninety-nine years each for highway robbery.
Bar Association indorses bill for children's court.

February 6:
Dallas representatives leave for Austin to attend hearings on six enabling acts.
Boy Scouts observe seventeenth birthday.

February 7:
Federal Reserve Bank directors approve plan for San Antonio branch.
Chinese and British representatives attend export trade meeting here.
City tax rolls show gain of $7,000,000.
Street car company reports $3,151,392 in fares last year.

February 8:
Business men seek funds for East Texas Chamber of Commerce.
Mrs. Alice E. Owens leaves $400,000 estate.
A. D. Dupree falls thirteen floors down elevator shaft; is not seriously hurt.

February 9:
City settles controversy with Denton County over flooding of roads near Lake Dallas.
Spring style show held at Fair Park Auditorium.
Hotels report 8,000 reservations for national educational convention.
Committee for negroes asks city for better housing conditions.

February 10:
Telephone company managers begin district conference.
I. C. C. begins hearing on cotton piece goods rates in the Southwest.
Committee secures $5,000 in first day of United Palestine appeal.

February 11:
Two more men given ninety-nine year sentences for robbery; total of eight for the year to date.
Auditor's report shows city has cash balance of $4,619,205.
Non-partisan advisory board promulgates city ticket headed by R. E. Burt for Mayor.

February 12:
State bankers hold district conference electing Ford Seale of Garland chairman.
Five tickets for city office now in the field.

February 13:
J. F. Peeler, educational leader, dies.
Texas butter and egg men arrive for convention.
Dr. Edward E. Slosson talks on relativity at the Open Forum.

February 14:
Nonpartisans accept city slate proposed by committee.
City election judges named for balloting on April 5.
Governor signs bills creating new county court in Dallas.
Knob knocker gets $4,000 in cash from two downtown stores.
Negro youth given five-year prison term for taking 40¢ in holdup.

February 15:
City gets $19,805 for park purposes from Grauwyler estate.
School board orders new building named for late J. F. Peeler.

February 16:
Texas Resources Society organized at dinner in Jefferson Hotel.
Committee formed to back candidacy of D. C. McCord for Mayor.
School board committee will go to Austin to protest fire escape law.

February 17:
Blue norther strikes State, thermometer dropping 35 degrees in Dallas in a few hours.
Three men dead by violence during the day; two by bullet wounds and one from poison.
Lone hijacker robs four oil stations within an hour, getting total of $125.

February 18:
Oct. 8 to 23 set as dates for State Fair.
Nonpartisans issue platform in city election.
Gideons of four States hold conference here.

February 19:
Texas railroads announce plans for 697 miles of new track, chiefly in West Texas.
City Democrats approve candidates in convention; Citizen's' Association completes slate with V. A. Collins for Mayor.
Condemnation proceedings started to widen Bryan street, Pacific avenue to Cantegral.

February 20:
W. M. Wells, 4127 Bryan, shot in mysterious attack at his home, later dying of wounds.

February 21:
L. O. Daniel, civic and business leader, dies.
$10,000 worth of grand opera seats sold on first day.
N. G. Williams made Judge of new County Court.

February 22:
University Club gives gridiron dinner.
Chamber of Commerce plans twenty-sixth annual good will tour.
Masonic bodies observe Washington's birthday.

February 23:
Texas & Pacific Railroad will build $500,000 uptown freight terminal.
E. B. Schwulst, local banker, goes to Ecuador as financial advisor.
Report shows 876,342 visit 980 acres of city parks during last year.

February 24:
Second attempt within a week made to dynamite negro homes on Caddo street.
David D. Crosland, imperial potentate of the Shrine, entertained by local temple.
Registration opens for National Education Association convention.
United Charities gives aid to 1,909 families within sixty days.

February 25:
Mexican Consul suggests plan for air service, Dallas to Mexico City.
Dallas leads State in number of utility service consumers during 1926.
Titche-Goettinger company observes silver anniversary.

February 26:
Legislature accepts invitation to visit Dallas March 5.
H. L. Goerner nominated for Mayor by All-Dallas Association

February 27:
Program completed for N. E. a. convention, opening Monday; visiting educators occupy local pulpits.
Dr. Frederick Starr, forum speaker, advocates Philippine independence.

February 28:
Gov. Moody and Mayor Blaylock address National Educators at opening session of N. E. A.

MARCH 1927

March 1:
Col. J. T. Trezevant honored with banquet on fifty-first anniversary of firm of Trezevant & Cochran.
Thirteen N. E. A. subsidiary organizations hold banquets in local hotel.
Police court 183 cars stolen this month; same number recovered.
Citizens' Association issues platform.

March 2:
Convention elects J. M. Gwinn of San Francisco N. E. A. head.
Texas Independence Day.
Sergeant Alvin York a visitor.

March 3:
Police department buys machine guns for use in war against bandits.
N. E. A. convention adjourns.

March 4:
W. E. Easterwood Jr. gives $10,000 to Dallas Sanitarium.

March 5:
Texas legislators guests of city.
Dallas Steers beat Victory-Wilson, 1 to 0, in first practice game of the season.

March 6:
Cliff Temple Baptist Church celebrates tenth year of Dr. Wallace Bassett's pastorate; Junius Congregationists dedicate new church.
Seven persons injured in automobile collision on Fort Worth pike.

March 7:
Three inches of rain floods city and halts traffic for hours.
Fourth attempt made to bomb negro home on Caddo street.

March 8:
Boy of 15 arrested for tossing stick of dynamite into father's bedroom.
A. Harris & Co.'s Ruby Jubilee.
Contracts awarded for foundations of $2,500,000 telephone building.

March 9:
Attorney General rules against remission of taxes in Dallas levee district.
Paul Harris, founder of Rotary, guest of Dallas and Fort Worth clubs.
J. Waddy Tate issues platform as candidate for Mayor.

March 10:
J. L. Dailey, 22, given ninety-nine year term for robbery with firearms.
Chicago Opera Company arrives for Dallas season, opening with Muzio in "La Traviata."

March 11:
City makes agreement with T. & P. Railroad for extending Pacific avenue to Gaston road to build freight terminals costing $1,250,000.

March 12:
Court of Civil Appeals sustains formation of Dallas levee district.
Grand opera season closes with Mary Garden in "Resurrection."
Texas Kennel Club closes twentieth dog show.
Masons plan $500,000 temple on South Harwood street.

March 13:
Charles Grakelow, grand exalted ruler, guest of Dallas Elks.
Records broken when 46,099 persons attend Sunday schools.

March 14:
Cornelius O'Shea, city's first traffic cop, dies at age of 60.
"Countess Maritza" selected as State Fair attraction.

March 15:
Thomas P. Scott, 75, former Tax Collector and pioneer real estate dealer, dies.
Other Texas cities support Dallas opposition to fire-escape law.

March 16:
City orders ballots for election on April 5.
City increases appropriation for Parkland Hospital.
County tax values show gain of $10,000.000.

March 17:
After inspection, officials say Garza Dam 98 per cent complete.

March 18:
Dallas gets 3 per cent reduction in insurance premiums, due to better fire loss record.

March 19:
Candidates are nominated for county school board under new law.
Mayor and engineers defend safety of Garza Dam.

March 20:
Half an inch of rain and freezing temperature damage crops in county.
Two children burn to death in residential fires.

March 21:
State Odd Fellows to hold 1928 convention here.
Charles H. Alexander, one of early builders of city, dies.
Income-tax figures show district $1,082,722 ahead of last year.
Two persons overcome by poison gas attack on Oak Cliff home.

March 22:
Baron von Maltzan, German Ambassador, praises cleanliness of Dallas on brief visit here.
County school election set for April 2.

March 23:
Hugh Perry, 68, loses life in fire at his home.
Texas Women's Press Association opens two-day convention.

March 24:
Jack Carter given life term for robbery with firearms; tenth ninety-nine year sentence since Jan. 1.
Three hurt when motor tank of gasoline explodes on Commerce street.

March 25:
Aimee Semple McPherson gives first of a series of addresses at Fair Park Audiotorium.
Conference of cities called to discuss new enabling acts.
Entries for city election close with twenty-seven candidate on the ticket.

March 26:
City's bank deposits show gain of $7,618, 963 over December report.

March 27:
Will Durant speaks to largest audience of the season at the Open Forum.

March 28:
Site is bought on Maple avenue for Little Theater building.
City's fire loss in February, $88,148.
Ainslie G. Wood, early Dallas business man, dies at 69.
Cotton Belt Railroad puts Lone Star Limited in service between Dallas and St. Louis.

March 29:
New city directory shows population of 279,568, gain of 15,034 for the year.
Dallas and Fort Worth city planners to hold joint conference.

March 30:
Charles Grumbles is killed in gun battle with police on Second avenue; liquor found in dead man's car.

March 31:
Grand jury asks that prize fights in county be banned.
Conference of cities agree on uniform action in acceptance of enabling act passed by Legislature.

APRIL 1927

April 1:
Louis Lipsitz, business leader, dies suddenly at Mineral Wells.
Charles F. Weiland, imperial prince of Dokeys, dies.

April 2:
League slate wins in county School Board election.
Mrs. Betty Bradford May killed in automobile accident near Mineral Wells.
Confederate veterans leave for Tampa reunion.

April 3:
Gertrude Ederle, conqueror of English Channel, visits Dallas.

April 4:
Five groups of candidates close campaign for city offices.
Two youths drown in Trinity; Gertrude Ederle assists rescuers.
Scholastic census shows enrollment of 46,676.

April 5:
City election vote 22,218; run-off necessary between Democrats and Nonpartisans.
Texas retail dry goods men open convention.

April 6:
Mayor orders second city election for April 19.

April 7:
Joseph E. Cockrell, attorney, dies.
Democrats and Nonpartisans start new campaign.
Texas Ginners' Association opens convention.
Southwestern Political and Social Science Association begins conference.

April 8:
Fire Prevention Council sets date for clean-up week.

April 9:
Amateur baseball leagues start season.
Southwestern photographers arrive for annual meeting.
County gives $577, 456.91 to State highway fund.

April 10:
Texas Surgical Society begins convention.

April 11:
City orders condemnation proceeding for linking Pacific and Gaston avenues.
One hundred and fifty Dallas business men go to East Texas chamber meeting at Tyler.

April 12:
L. M. Rice elected president of Forum Council.

April 13:
Local Red Cross asks aid for Rocksprings tornado relief.
Fort Worth beats Dallas, 4-0, in first ball game of season.

April 14:
Gov. Moody addresses automobile dealers' convention.
Harry A. Olmsted elected president of State Fair, succeeding Louis Lipsitz.

April 15:
Churches plan city-wide Easter services.
Five concerns charged with violating Employment Bureau law.

April 16:
Louis Lipsitz will disposes of estate of $2,000,000.
Mosher Steel and Machinery Company to build new plant on thirty-acre site.

April 17:
Sam A. Weeks, lately candidate for city office, dies.
City begins clean-up week.

April 18:
Report shows 53,011 attended Bible classes on Easter Sunday.
Corner stone laid for new Woodrow Wilson High School.

April 19:
Nonpartisan ticket defeats Democrats, electing R. E. Burt, Mayor by 2,897 majority; vote of 23,672, largest in city's history.

April 20:
J. D. Gillespie succeeds late J. E. Cockrell as president of Dallas National Bank.
New county school trustees assume office.

April 21:
Lone Star Gas Company purchases plant of Dallas Gas Company.
Floods hinder rail service out of Dallas to north and east.
Chamber of Commerce contracts for industrial survey.
Mayor-Elect Burt to name committee to study city manager plan.

April 22:
Three hundred and fifty growers exhibit in rose show.
Major E. A. Wood to succeed E. A. Kingsley as City Engineer.

April 23:
Red Cross asks Dallas for $25,000 Mississippi flood relief.
Texas and Louisiana jewelers arriving for convention.

April 24:
St. Matthew's Cathedral to buy St. Mary's College as new site.
Better Homes Week opens.

April 25:
Texas sheet metal contractors seek uniform wage agreements.
C. E. Calder resigns as president of Dallas Power and Light Company to take position in New York.

April 26:
New Catholic bishop of Amarillo consecrated in Sacred Heart Cathedral service.

April 27:
Stewart D. Beckley, former Dallas banker, dies in Houston.
Mexican Consul General visits Dallas on President's special train.

April 28:
Southwestern traffic men meet to discuss rates on cotton.
R. C. Merritt, former United States District Attorney, dies.

April 29:
Incoming and retiring City Commissions hold joint session.
Texas Farm Bureau Cotton Association distributes $3,375,663 to growers.

April 30:
W. Bruce Luna honored on forty years of service in local postoffice.
New city administration takes office.

MAY 1927

May 1:
Spanish War Veterans gather for convention.
New Salvation Army home dedicated.
Nine persons hurt in auto accidents.

May 2:
New County School Board plans for full term in rural schools.
New city administration, confirms appointments.

May 3:
J. Perry Burrus made director in United States Chamber of Commerce.
Local flood relief fund passes $40,000.
Veterans of Foreign Wars open convention.

May 4:
Dr. George W. Truett elected president of Southern Baptists' convention.

May 5:
New Police Commissioner says double parking law to be enforced.
Dr. David Lefkowitz urges adoption of city manager plan in Dallas.

May 6:
Mayor Burt appoints committee to study city manager plan.
John W. Carpenter elected president of Texas Power and Light Company and Dallas Railway and Terminal Company.

May 7:
Gain of $30,000,000 in bank debits indicates improving business in district.
Shriners initiate class of 100 after downtown parade.

May 8:
Mothers' Day observed.
One killed and two hurt in auto accidents.

May 9:
Eleven persons killed in cyclone in Garland.
Hearing on Southwestern grain rates opened by I. C. C.

May 10:
Dallas asks next convention of National City Planners in session at Washington.
Delegates from twelve States attend Praetorian meeting.
W. J. Jacoby reappointed Park Director.

May 11:
Six are killed and forty-one injured in explosion in Odd Fellows' Building, Second and Forest avenues.
Chamber of Commerce starts good will trip into West Texas.

May 12:
City gives $8,627 for aid of North Texas storm victims.

May 13:
Real Estate Board opposes property re-evaluation if taxes are to be raised.
New City Judge stops practice of night payment of fines.

May 14:
Fire chief's report for fiscal year show reduction of $600,000 in losses.
Five hundred Dallas people to attend West Texas Chamber of Commerce meeting.

May 15:
Grace Church holds memorial for late J. E. Cockrell.
More than $100,000 pledged for new St. Matthew's Cathedral.

May 16:
Texas legislator favoring malt tax, says 8,000,000 bottles of beer made in Dallas every year.
Mayor appoints new city plan commission.
Bricklayers of State open annual conference.

May 17:
State to build psychopathic hospital in Dallas.
Secretary of Labor James J. Davis visits city.
Water rates cut 5¢, effective June 1.

May 18:
Good will trippers return from West Texas.
Fire Commissioner to ask reduction in insurance rates.
Tax Collector sues warehouses for rendition of stored property.

May 19:
City buys additional land at Lake Dallas.
School Board raises pay of teachers.

May 20:
L. L. Bristol appointed City Tax Assessor and Collector.
Rotarians leave for New York convention.

May 21:
S. M. U. to graduate 236.
Mayor favors Parkland ground as site for psychopathic hospital.

May 22:
Texas grain dealers to meet here.
One hundred and twenty-two Cliff High graduates attend baccalaureate service.

May 23:
Officials confer on timber clearing problem at Lake Dallas.
National Oil Scouts open two-day meeting.

May 24:
University Park reduces water rates.
Southwestern Music Dealers organize.

May 25:
Western Heights denied annexation to city.
Negro, captured by citizens, admits thirteen burglaries.
Dr. William Lunsford, Baptist leader, dies.

May 26:
William E. Easterwood offers $25,000 for flight from Dallas to Hong Kong.
Texas Cotton Manufacturers elect C. R. Miller president.
School Board considers city-county consolidation.

May 27:
City Commission orders White Rock Lake to be made a park.
North Dallas High School to graduate 191 seniors.

May 28:
Hottest May weather on record.
Three overcome by temperature of 103.
Highland Park gives carnival for flood sufferers fund.

May 29:
American Legion and other organizations hold memorial services.
Dallas temperature 96; snowing in Montana.

May 30:
Crime Suppression League praises Police Commissioner for law enforcement.
Capt. W. Erwin first entrant for Dallas to Hongkong flight.

May 31:
Contract let for annex to Medical Arts Building to cost $800,000.
Purchasing Agents' Association condemns discharge of city agent.

JUNE 1927

June 1:
City sues to collect $1,400,000 back taxes.
Three persons hurt when fire truck and auto collide

June 2:
Major Robert Gibson, 93, pioneer citizen, dies.
Six high schools hold graduation exercises.
Nurses at Baylor Hospital strike.

June 3:
P. R. Freeman gives site for Southwestern Children's Hospital.
Plan commission prepares to zone White Rock area.

June 4:
Nine men jailed in gambling raid by Sheriff's department
Dr. Joseph Goldberger, pellagra expert, holds clinic here.

June 5:
William H. Anderson, Anti-Saloon League leader, attacks Al Smith in lecture.
Bar Association sends delegates to Austin meeting to support constitutional amendments.

June 6:
Segregation ordinance held un-constitutional.
Grand jury indicts four after gambling raid.

June 7:
Operative millers open national convention.
City Attorney holds right may not be leased at White Rock.

June 8:
One hundred and seventy-four degrees awarded at White Rock.
Grand jury indicts four after gambling raid.

June 9:
Kessler Plan Association urges protection of White Rock.
Ground broken for theological college.

June 10:
Lone Star Gas Company buys Central West Texas Lines.
Four injured when street car hits automobile.

June 11:
Glynn M. Baker, first Western Union manager here, dies at 84.

June 12:
Prof. John Todd, British cotton expert, visits Dallas.
Trinity Presbyterians honor Dr. Glenn L. Sneed at end of twenty years as pastor.

June 13:
Youth killed by lightning at Buckner Orphan's Home.
Editors go to State press meeting at El Paso.

June 14:
W. A. Thomas elected president of State Realtors.
Elks hold Flag Day service.
City seeks way to bolster fire and police pension fund.

June 15:
Reserve Bank stockholders organize.
Street railway company may ask for fare increase; claim losing money.
Contract let for county hall of records at $417,000.

June 16:
City will enlarge police force under new budget.
Dallas Club seeks international Rotary convention.

June 17:
R. D. Gambrell appointed fire chief, succeeding veteran Tom Myers.
Dallas Gas Company makes new low rate to industries.

June 18:
Lindbergh invited to visit Dallas.
Judge M. L. Morris, former Mayor of Oak Cliff, dies.

June 19:
[no listing]

June 20:
City promises additional funds for library support.
Crime Suppression League urges fight on arson.
New S. P. freight terminal opened.

June 21:
Heavy rains help crops in North Texas.
Eighty-six aliens ask naturalization.
Courtesy caravan visits southern counties.

June 22:
Three hundred arrests for boulevard stop violations.
West Side leagues indorse city manager plan.

June 23:
City made aviation control center for Southwest.

June 24:
National City Plan Conference to hold 1928 convention here.

June 25:
Real estate survey shows ratio of vacancies here small than in any one of fifty-three cities.
Dallas man inventor of compass used by Lindbergh.

June 26:
Odd Fellows hold memorial service.
Novel hiding place for liquor uncovered when officers confiscate loaded flower pots.

June 27:
State income tax offices move here from San Antonio.
Farm Bureau Federation holds election.

[June 28]:
Business men to back Capt. W. P. Erwin in Dallas-Hongkong flight.
Dallas invites international advertising convention.

June 29:
City officials inspect Love Field with view to purchase.
Reserve Bank reports definite betterment in business.

June 30:
Tom A. Meyers, chief and for almost fifty years member of the Dallas fire department, retires.
Flying Club prepares to receive national air tourists.

JULY 1927

July 1:
Police make 247 liquor raids in month.
Three persons injured in gas tank explosion at local refinery.

July 2:
Miss Leona Huguley killed and eleven others injured in five traffic accidents.

July 3:
Half sisters, both grandmothers, neither ever having seen her father, meet for first time in Dallas.
East Dallas churches unite in patriotic observance.

July 4:
Texas good will tourists return from fifteen-day Eastern trip.
City observes July 4 holiday.

July 5:
School Board raises pay scale of extra teachers.
Two hundred and sixty celebrants of Fourth pay fines in City Court.

July 6:
State Inspector comes here to war on highway law violations.
Police records show 6,399 arrests in June.

July 7:
City contracts for purchase of Love Field for $432,500.
Funeral services held here for George M. Bailey, Houston newspaper man.

July 8:
National air tour, with fourteen entries, reaches city. Flyers entertained.

July 9:
Work started on new race track at Fair Park.
Twenty-eight bank employes leave for institute convention in Detroit.

July 10:
T. C. McTiernan dies in auto accident near New Braunfels.

July 11:
Lindbergh to come here in September.
Plan commissioner urges speed in widening Olive street.

July 12:
Prest-o-Lite Company to build $200,000 plant.
Dr. N. W. Andrews resigns as city health officer.

July 13:
Lone hijacker robs Oak Cliff Pharmacy.
Houston Mayor to speak here on Labor Day.
Hearing held on Lake Dallas timber removal.

July 14:

Texas railroad claim agents open convention.

July 15:
T. & P. Railroad agrees to finance Pacific-Gaston avenue improvements. City to pay later.
Attorneys seek compromise on Lake Dallas clearing contract.

July 16:
Claim agents elect Bowman Jarrett of Amarillo president.
Five charged with robbery with firearms. Record for one day.
County Board plans nine-month term for all rural schools.

July 17:
Naval reservists return from cruise in Gulf.
Work to start on First Presbyterian Sunday school building.

July 18:
Mrs. J. C. Muse, club leader, dies at 66.
Melba Theater burns; $200,000 loss.
Thirteen suits filed against gas company because of explosion of May 11.

July 19:
Erwin's plane named Dallas Spirit.
Mayor names committee to greet Lindbergh.

July 20:
Grover L. Crabb drowned after boat collision at White Rock.

July 21:
Health department to be reorganized; city seeking new director.

July 22:
J. D. Rose, former Street Commissioner, dies.
Site bought at Ross and Leonard for new central fire station.

July 23:
Three prisoners escape from city jail through skylight.
Unmasked bandit robs chain store of $314.
Dallas Spirit to enter Dole flight.

July 24:
East Dallas Christian Church raises $250,000 to pay debts.
Police chief says most of patrolmen are Christian gentlemen.

July 25:
Capt. Erwin formally signs entry in Easterwood flight.
Platoon system to be installed in five more schools.

July 26:
Mayor hears "rumblings" of 10¢ car fare.
August Hoover, rail agent, dies.

July 27:
Helman Rosenthal, re-employed as city water chemist.
Property owners seek widening of North Ervay street.

July 28:
Alvin Owsley will run for the United States Senate.
Election officers named for balloting on constitutional amendments.

July 29:
J. D. Van Winkle, civil leader, dies.
Southern chiropodists here for convention.

July 30:
Plans completed for fall wholesale market season.
Dallas leads State in building permits.

July 31:
New telephone directory shows 65,500 users.
Memorial services for Mrs. J. C. Muse held at Grace Methodist Church.


August 1:
County cases 10,000 votes in constitutional amendment election, majorities against all.

August 2:
Trinity Heights people plan memorial for late J. F. Pealer[?].

August 3:
City drafts new segregation ordinance.
Each vote in amendment election cost county 35¢.

August 4:
Dallas Spirit makes test flight at Wichita, Kan.
W. H. Hitzelberger appointed Dallas Day manager for fair.
City Commission plans $250,000 traffic route to Oak Cliff.

August 5:
Capt. Erwin lands Dallas Spirit at Love Field.
Funeral held for Mrs. E. O. Tenison, widow of Dallas banker.

August 6:
Great crowds attend Dallas Spirit dedication at Love Field.

August 7:
Fire causes $108,000 loss to Elm street store.

August 8:
County tax rate raised 12¢.
Dallas doctor first to book air passenger trip from Chicago to Dallas.

August 9:
Dallas Spirit takes off for San Francisco, but forced to return by engine trouble.
Fall style show draws heavy attendance.
Dr. C. H. Standifer to resign as head of City-County Hospital.

August 10:
Dallas Spirit again gets off on trans-Pacific flight.

August 11:
Capt. Erwin lands at San Francisco.
Reserve Bank reduces discount rate to 3 1/2 per cent.
Dokeys hold memorial service for late C. F. Weiland, imperial prince.

August 12:
Chamber of Commerce to make courtesy tour to Paris.

August 13:
J. W. Parks made general chairman for Labor Day celebration.
Bank clearings show gain for week of more than $3,000,000.

August 14:
Horse show to be one of State Fair attractions.
Members of Railroad Commission arrive for bus control hearing.

August 15:
Dallas Sprit qualifies for Dole flight.
City budget for year totals $5,924,295.

August 16:
Dallas Spirit forced back after Dole flight hop-off.
Cotton conference declares minimum should be 25¢ a pound.
Stone & Webster interests buy intercity bus lines.

August 17:
City passes ordinance fixing routes for freight trucks.
Oak Cliff-Dallas Commercial Association advocates new river crossing route.

August 18:
Wholesale merchants report best fall business in market history.
Officers find beer brewing in negro church, confiscate 1,000 bottles in raids.
Funeral held for Daniel M. Clower, pioneer telephone man, dead at age of 92.
Dr. Manton M. Carrick appointed city health officer.

August 19:
Dallas Spirit lost in Pacific after hop-off to rescue missing Dole flyers. Nothing heard from ship with Capt. Erwin after S O S call at 9 p. m.

August 20:
Oak Cliff residents protest removal of Tyler street car line.

August 21:
Prayers offered in Dallas churches for safety of Capt. Erwin and missing Dole flyers.

August 22:
Building code earns $16,685 in fees in first year of operation.
District Courts dismiss 500 divorce suits in single day.

August 23:
City Commission postpones action in Tyler street track removal.

August 24:
Street Commissioner proposes method of lowering garbage disposal costs.
Consumers howl when city eliminates water bill discount.

August 25:
Program for Lindbergh reception completed.
United Charities reports decline in applications for aid.
Browder street owners petition for widening.

August 26:
Mother of Capt. Erwin thanks backers of Dallas Spirit in Pacific flight.
County school trustees buy nine buses to transport pupils.
Dr. J. H. Stephenson appointed head of City-County Hospital.

August 27:
Oak Cliff committee circulates petition to keep Tyler street car service.
Police department gets tear gas gun.

August 28:
Memorial services for Capt. W. P. Erwin.

August 29:
Grand jury holds night sessions to expedite work.
County spends $809,437 on lateral roads in last fiscal year.

August 30:
Russell Dewiss, teacher in Terrill School, shot and killed on motor tour in New Mexico.
Federal survey shows living costs in Dallas are low.
Fire Council starts campaign to reduce losses.
Property owners seek injunction to stop enforcement of segregation ordinance.

August 31:
Miss Frances Evans killed and five injured when interurban and auto collide at crossing.
Revaluation of city property begun.



September 1:
Dallas Legionnaires leave for Paris reunion.
Plan commission indorses North Ervay widening.

September 2:
Intense heat slows timber clearing at Lake Dallas.
Good will tourists visit North Texas towns.

September 3:
Tyler avenue citizens begin move for recall of city government.

September 4:
Mrs. Arthur D. Mitchell killed when auto overturns.
Windstorm does $35,000 damage in University Park.

September 5:
Unions of city observe Labor Day. Mayor Holcombe of Houston chief speaker.
Police report 5,286 arrests in August.

September 6:
Dallas gets 1928 convention of State Kiwanis Clubs.
Mayor to censor films shown in city parks.

September 7:
Salvatore Esposito shot from ambush in South Dallas.
Col. Moss promises hunting and fishing at Lake Dallas.

September 8:
Cotton jumps $6.50 a bale on government report.
Contract let for $1,250,000 telephone building unit.
Mayor blocks Sunday circus.

September 9:
City greets Texas midshipmen.
Three-story Elm street building sells for $250,000 cash.

September 10:
N. A. McMillan wills $92,000 to local bank.
City annexes West Dallas schools.

September 11:
Masons greet Dr. Joseph Fort Newton.
Seven persons injured in traffic accidents.

September 12:
City destroys 26,000 pounds of spoiled food.

September 13:
Knights of Round Table here for convention.
Compromise expected in school fire escape controversy.

September 14:
Census Bureau estimates city population 202,900.
City Attorney proposes many amendments to charter.
Eight-story building planned for Oak Cliff doctors.

September 15:
Charles Alexander Robertson, early Dallas banker, dies.
Pioneers' Association holds annual meeting.
Mayor promises vote on manager plan in January.

September 16:
Pacific liner drops wreaths where Dallas Spirit fell.
Speakers begin campaign for recall of City Commission.

September 17:
One hundred thousand dollars in prizes to be awarded at State Fair.
Dallas joins other cities to fight police uniform law.

September 18:
Campaign starts to raise $30,000 for Boy Scouts.
Lawyers to establish library in Hall of Records.

September 19:
First norther of season strikes State with heavy rains here.
City schools open with 25 per cent increase in attendance.
Buyers throng market for Gift Goods Week.

September 20:
Heavy enrollment in city night schools; day enrollment passes 32,000.

September 21:
Early payments of city taxes indicate record collections.
Police find five whisky stills in one South Dallas home.

September 22:
City to seek A. F. of L. convention.
Street car earnings show $76,000 gain over last year.
Texas Judges' Association meets.

September 23:
S. M. U. enrolls 1,344 students.
Downtown factory fire causes loss of $300,000.

September 24:
City bank debits gain $6,000,000 in week.

September 25:
Postmaster General of Mexico is visitor.
Friends plan dinner to honor Dr. George W. Truett.

September 26:
Mayor promises extension of Junius Heights car line.

September 27:
Thousands greet Lindbergh at Love Field; guest at night at banquet.

September 28:
Reserve Bank report shows cotton sales stimulating business.
Equalization survey expected to increase tax values by $40,000,000.

September 29:
Special committee asks postponement of city manager election until bond issue program decided.

September 30:
Seven persons injured when street car strikes work train.
Tax collections $163,280 ahead of last year.


October 1:
Retail lumber dealers convene.
Cyclone strikes Letot; heavy rains in city.

October 2:
Brock and Schlee, world flyers, stop here for rest.

October 3:
Discount on city water bills is restored.
Theo Marcus estate valued at $200,000.
Neiman-Marcus Company opens new building.

October 4:
William Crow, educator and lawyer, dies.

October 5:
Live stock arriving for State Fair; attendance of 1,000,000

October 6:
Plan commission recommends annexing of suburban districts.

October 7:
Three killed and three injured when train strikes auto near city.

October 8:
State Fair opens.
Federal Judges give fines of 5¢ and 10¢ for possession of beer.
W. R. Hooper, Uvalde, Fair visitor, killed by auto.

October 9:
Clear skies draw crowd of 65,185 at State Fair.

October 10:
Central avenue track removal to be included in bond program, Mayor says.
Air tour officials here planning route for 1928.

October 11:
Dallas Day Fair attendance is 176,602.
State retail credit men open convention.

October 12:
Brookfield Addition is sold for $132,000.
John W. Stayton, magazine editor, dies at 44.

October 13:
Dallas banks show gain of $16,000,000 in deposits since June 30 report.
Reserve Bank officers refuse comment on South Plains criticisms.

October 14:
County and District Attorneys' Association meets.
Legislators visit Fair on Children's Day, attendance 60,316.

October 15:
Commercial secretaries confer here.
State Fair attendance 121,880.

October 16:
Four persons hurt in West Dallas auto collision.
Attendance of 209,866 breaks all State Fair records.

October 17:
Delegates arrive for national meeting of Railroad and Utility Commissioners.
Three prize-winning turkeys at State Fair sold for $1,000.

October 18:
Fire Marshal orders probe of Cadiz street apartment fire.
President W. W. Atterbury of the Pennsylvania speaks to rail commissioners.

October 19:
Levee district appraisers begin condemnation hearing.
Fair attendance passes $50,000.

October 20:
Real Estate Board discusses bond plans.
Fort Worth Day at the State Fair.

October 21:
San Jacinto Lawn addition sold for $140,000.
City Commission asks bids for paving Greenville avenue.

October 22:
Ulrickson committee bond report made public; recommends nine-year program of $20,900,000.
Eight hundred bankers here en route to Houston meeting.
Pat Sullivan man cooks, wins biscuit-making prize at State Fair.

October 23:
E. M. Reardon Jr. found dead at country home.
Total of 1,028,317 sets new record for State Fair attendance.

October 24:
Aid of city pledged to Trinity levee plan.
Texas Democrats begin move for uninstructed delegation to the national convention.

October 25:
Bond issues and charter amendments to be submitted in one election, says City Attorney.
Community Chest leaders plan annual campaign.
Frank Morrison and Charles P. Howard, national labor leaders, entertained by local unionists.

October 26:
Admiral Latimer guest for Navy Day.
Police Commissioner to name 100 citizens to assist traffic squad.

October 27:
Library Board indorses Ulrickson plan.
Blue Goose order of insurance men in convention.

October 28:
Gov. Moody, speaker at life convention, urges State civil service.
City Auditor holds up street repair payments; claims lack of bidding.

October 29:
Night school enrollment of 3,054 taxes capacity of building.
State hotel men plan to advertise Texas.
G. F. Vaile of Chicago killed in fall from hotel window.

October 30:
Catholic dignitaries dedicate St. Ann's school for Mexican children.

October 31:
Thousands throng streets and parks in Halloween observance.
City legal aid bureau seeks curb on loan sharks.


November 1:
Oak Cliff Association indorses Ulrickson bond plan.
West Texas bankers seek to oust L. P. Talley as reserve governor.

[November 2:]
Work started on Cadiz street extension to Oak Cliff.
Two bandits, driven by chauffeur, hold up motorists.

November 3:
October arrests for drunkenness total 528.
Business men visit Trinidad power plant.
Seven hurt in motor car accidents.

November 4:
Inter-racial conference held.
Dec. 15 fixed for election on Ulrickson bond and amendment program.

November 5:
Hagen defeats Turnesa to win fourth P. G. A. title.
Dallas gets 1928 Marine Corps League meeting.
Hijackers, within an hour, get $471 in three robberies.

November 6:
Open Forum begins season with Cameron Beck as speaker.
Methodist conference assigns thirteen new ministers in city district.

November 7:
Completion of Lake Dallas to be celebrated with barbecue.
Loring A. Schuler, editor of Country Gentleman, urges advertising of Texas.

November 8:
Dr. George W. Truett honored at dinner attended by 650 citizens at end of thirty years' pastorals.

November 9:
Texas theater owners meet.
Dr. T. O. Perrin resigns as Westminster Presbyterian pastor.
Cotton slumps $5 a bale on Government report.
Texas bankers offer $5,000 for each bandit killed.

November 10:
Scottish Rite Hospital board to meet.
Three men jailed on hijacking charges.

November 11:
Armistice Day celebrated.

November 12:
Dallas gets 1928 Rotary International convention.
Community Chest asks $512,897 budget.

November 13:
Baptists leave for Wichita Falls convention.

November 14:
Scottish Rite degrees conferred on 139.
American Society for Municipal Improvements begins convention.
Three men seriously injured when fire truck strikes auto.

November 15:
Citizens' advisory committee recommends acceptance of Lake Dallas.
Joe C. Thompson elected head of Oak Cliff-Dallas Association.

November 16:
Katy locomotive crushes auto; two badly hurt.
City makes final payment of $512,703 on Lake Dallas construction.
Gene Cameron, Dallas movie actor killed in auto accident in Arizona.

November 17:
Bandits rob Grand Avenue State Bank of $1,500, locking employes in vault.
Herman Webster, former Dallas realtor, accidentally killed at Kerrville.

November 18:
Rangers join hunt for Grand Avenue State Bank robbers.
County teachers open institute.

November 19:
Little Theater corner stone laid.
Reserve bank squabble up to local board.

November 20:
Clarence Owsley speaks on McNary bill at Open Forum.
Police officers kill negro in chase after Oak Cliff holdup.

[November 21]:
Cotton up $3 a bale on ginnings reports.
Chest funds $170,000 short of goal.

November 22:
Ruling permits absentee voting in bond elections.
Federal reserve directors called for Dec. 12 to hear protests against policies.
Edwin Hobby, local banker, dies at Kerrville.

November 23:
San Jacinto and Trinity Heights carlines combined for crosstown service.
Elks to give 250 Thanksgiving dinners.

November 24:
Thanksgiving Day observed.
I. C. C. examiner arrives for cotton rate hearing.
Fourteen persons injured in auto accidents.

November 25:
Shippers ask $20,000,000 reduction of cotton rates in I. C. C. rate hearing.
Santa Claus arrives; street traffic tangled for hours.
Eight injured in traffic accidents.

November 26:
Mrs. Elizabeth Woods, 95, survivor of crinoline days, dies.
Marion Talley here; says she wants to be a farmer.

November 27:
Mary Austin, Open Forum speaker, denounces reward for dead bank bandits.

November 28:
Jack Gage and J. C. Gillespie killed in plane crash at Love Field.
Mayor Burt urges merger of Highland Park with city.
Second avenue property owners agree on widening street.

November 29:
Prince William of Sweden lectures here.
Flying regulations proposed for Love Field following death of two.

November 30:
Dallas leads twenty-five cities its size and larger in volume of bank debits.
Martin Insull says his company's faith in Southwest shown by $15,000,000 investment.
Jewish Federation seeks $55,000 for social service.


December 1:
Dr. W. D. Jones plans $100,000 surgical clinic.
Ford plant to employ 2,000 men on new cars, starting in January.

December 2:
Five arrested on charge of raising notes.
Visitors seeking glimpse of new Ford car congest traffic at plant; 25,000 there.
Labor Council indorses bond program.

December 3:
Savings deposits show 17.7 per cent gain over last year.
Robert M. Means, labor leader, dies.

December 4:
Judge Ben B. Lindsey speaks at Open Forum; crowds unable to get in hall.
Highland Park citizens in mass meeting opposed annexation to Dallas.

December 5:
W. A. Wilkerson given fifty-year term for robbery with firearms.
Cold wave brings plea for clothing for the poor.
Charles A. Hotchkiss, first 33rd Degree Mason in Texas, died at 81.

December 6:
Chamber of Commerce holds annual meeting.
J. N. Whaley slain on Main street; C. H. Hart surrenders.
Grand Stores, Inc. of New York pay $2,400,000 for thirty-five year lease on two floors of Wilson Building.

December 7:
Jim Norton gets ninety-nine years for robbery of Irving bank.
National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues opens convention.
Republic National Bank to increase capital to $3,000,000.

December 8:
Coldest weather of the year; pipes frozen in 300 homes.
Gasoline dealers may have to pay $259,000 back taxes for 1923.

December 9:
Dallas bank clearings show gain of $125,000,000 over last year.
E. R. Brown re-elected president of the Chamber of Commerce.

December 10:
Four fireman hurt; $100,000 damage in Consolidated Wafer fire.
Seven injured in automobile collision.

December 11:
Paul Harvey, Forum speaker, praises Mussolini.
Eight injured in traffic accidents.
Dallas now thirty-seventh city in population.

December 12:
Wholesale trade for year $80,000,000 better than 1926.
Highway Commission asks lower rates on material in I. C. C. hearing.

December 13:
Wholesale merchants hold annual meeting.
Eighth Corps commander praises R. O. T. C.

December 14:
Creditors take over Nash-McLarty auto concern.
Democrats plan Jackson Day dinner for Jan. 7.
Reserve Bank directors end hearing of protests against Talley's policies; meet again Jan. 6.

December 15:
All bond issue proposals adopted in city election; thirty-nine charter amendments carried.

December 16:
Col. C. C. Walsh reappointed Federal Reserve agent.
Water Commissioner drafts plans for $4,000,000 in improvements.

December 17:
City to spend $350,000 on new central station and fire alarm systems.
National statistical review shows Dallas business for November 56 per cent better than a year ago.

December 18:
Snow and cold weather over State; below freezing in Dallas.
Local pastors reply to Judge Lindsey's companionate marriage views.

December 19:
H. A. Olmsted re-elected State Fair president.
Property owners seek widening of McKinney avenue, Lamar to Haskell.

December 20:
Banks announce Christmas bonuses.
Civic Federation completes civil service survey.

December 21.
Mrs. Lindbergh stops here en route to Mexico City to join her son.
Twelve members of bond supervisory committee appointed, three more to be named.
Seven passengers overcome by gas fumes in motor bus.

December 22:
City may employ special counsel to expedite street widening proceedings.

December 23:
Industrial survey report filed with Chamber of Commerce.
Bond supervisory committee of fifteen is completed.
Jennie Lou Mayfield, 5, killed and four others hurt in automobile accidents.
Downtown finance company held up for $2,000 in daylight robbery.

December 24:
Dorothy May Martin, 6, killed by auto, second in two days.
W. A. Green Company closes $4,225,000 lease for new store space.

December 25:
City spends quiet Christmas.

December 26:
Second Christmas holiday.
Census Bureau gives Dallas first place in Texas, with population of 211,600.
Three Dallas residents hurt in auto collision at Grandview.

December 27:
O. S. Boggess elected president of Wholesale Merchants.
Only 3,000 of 67,000 auto owners have paid licenses; limit Jan. 1.

December 28:
Pine Bluff men negotiate for purchase of L. R. & N.; may bring Illinois Central into Dallas.
Quarterly income tax payments only 1 per cent delinquent.
A. P. Smith of Waxahachie killed by fall into railway tunnel.

December 29:
Surplus from trolley fares raises issue between supervisor and company.
Plans complete for opening Texas intrastate air mail routes.
Dr. B. P. Fullerton quits as City Temple pastor.

December 30:
Alex Weisberg awarded Linz Cup for public service distinction.
Police connect Hickman, Los Angeles murderer, with local crimes.
South Dallas citizens protest Highland Parkers on bond supervisory board.

December 31:
Bank statistics show new high record for year's business.
Business leaders forecast great prosperity for new year.
Mercury drops to 14 degrees; further drop predicted.

- January 1, 1928, The Dallas Morning News,
Editorial & Amusements Section, pp. 7-8.