building, sale announced for
American National Bank, building on corner occupied by
American National Bank, selling of, by Col. C. C. Slaughter
Arlington Hotel, purchase of interest in, by John Murphy
Aronson, Morris, piano teacher, change of address for
auditorium on the central market, impracticability of
auditorium, opera chairs in new city hall
building occupied by, called "The Times"
Banker's National Bank, building of
base ball league in Texas next season, prediction of
Betterton, W. J., two-story brick building of
bicycle boys, nuisance created on sidewalks by
bicycle riding on the sidewalks, complaint of
bicycle riding on the sidewalks, more complaints of
Bijou theatre, opening of, at city park (2)
block 62, cellars in
block book of the city, nearing completion by Frank Dormant of
Board of Trade, organization by business men of
bois d'arc and other paving material on N. Lamar, laying of
Bookhout, John, four-story brick building of
Bookhout, John, four-story pressed brick bldg., building permit
brewerymen, meeting in Dallas of celebrated
brick, details on cost of
Brick, J. J., completion in city park of modern natatorium by
brick, ruminations on scarcity in Dallas of
brick, want of, retarding growth in city
Bridge, county, now pending
Bridge, Dawdy's Ferry
bridges, four more, needed by city and county people
bridges, two new, contract awarded for
Brittain, F., burning in Flanders Heights of general store of,
Browder Springs creek, during flood
Brown-Sequard elixir, discovery of
Buell & Connelly, bldg. permit issued for two-story frame
planing mill of
building in Dallas, report of, in Manufacturers' Record
building, unprecedented growth of
butchers' license, abolishing of
Hotel, committe appointed to investigate condition of
Capitol Hotel, destruction of, by fire
Capitol hotel, falling of walls of
Capitol hotel, instructions given to tear down walls of
carrier districts, extending free delivery postal
Caruth farm, purchase of part of
Catholic church, building permit for
Catholic convent, building of Dr. Howell residence close to old
Catholics, steps for building orphanage for members by Oak Cliff
cattle, showing of, by Nussbaumer and Wilson at Chicago
Central National Bank, work to begin on new four-story
central market, report on establishment of a
cigar establishment, opening by J. B. Ehrick, of
City National Bank, extension of apartments of
City Park Pavilion, now known as Bijou
city garbage furnace, test of
city hall, description of new
city hospital, plans being prepared for two-story addition to
city hospital, recommendation, or erection of addition to
city park, constructing a lake in the gravel pit at
city park, old sand pit in
coal mine, east of terminus of Texas Trunk railroad
coal, finding of, within a few miles of Dallas
Cochran, Miss Mamie, two-story brick building of
Cockrell Fair Land Addition
Cockrell Fairland Addition Co., negotiation for electric light
plant, etc. by
Cockrell, F. M., five-story building of
Cohn, Lee, McLeod Hotel is location for barber shop of
Colored Lodge A. F. & A. M., bldg. permit issued for two-story
frame lodge bldg,
Commerce street, two more six-story buildings to go up on
Confederate memorial window, description of display in
cotton mills, meeting of stockholders of the
court house yard, work on curbing and iron fence enclosing
court house, new ordinance against hitching horses in front of
courthouse, description of improvements at
courthouse, laying of cement sidewalks around
courthouse, laying of sidewalks around the county
courthouse, placing of furnace at
Cyclorama, the, opening of, at Edgewood place
& Oak Cliff Railway Company, extension of line of
Dallas and Pacific railroad, grading of seventy miles of
Dallas Club Saloon, celebration by brewerymen at
Dallas Cooperage Company factory, flooding of
Dallas Cotton and Woolen Mills, details on operation of
Dallas county medical association, meeting of
Dallas Cyclorama Company, incorporation of, by Alex Sanger, et
Dallas Daily Republic, movement to secure publication of The
Dallas Elevator Company, elevator being erected at
Dallas Police, second annual ball of the
Dallas Republic newspaper, meeting held regarding The
Dallas, Pacific & Southeastern road, grading of the
decorations, suggestion to remove "washed out"
depot, work commenced on the M. K. & T. Railroad passenger
dog pound in shape, city marhsal has
Donohoe, M., three-story iron front brick building of
druggists, registering and examining all
dumping grounds under water
Dallas Bank, absorption of, by Central National Bank
East Dallas Baptist Church, plans for new
East Dallas Baptist Church, work progressing on
East Dallas to become a part of city
Edgewood Park, erection of building at, for Dallas Cyclorama
Edison phonograph featured at benefit (2)
Electric Society, The, meeting of
Elm street, paving of, with bois d'arc
Elm street, paving, with bois d'arc
Episcopalian college in East Dallas, benefit for
Ervay, H. L., improvements on building of
Exall's, Col., business undertakings of
grounds, electric light plant in position at
Fantasma company, organization of, by Prof. C. Reik
Fellman, Grumbach & Harris, description of Confederate memorial
Field Hotel, Isaac Taylor, architect for, arrives in town
Field, Thomas, permit for six-story building obtained by
First Baptist Church, construction of, delayed
First Baptist Church, work progressing on
First Baptist church, building permit for
First Congregational Church, lot of
First Methodist Church, auditorium of, finished
forty-fourth judicial district court, validity of the new
Fourth National Bank, to occupy corner of Elm and Murphy
Fowler, Mrs. Juliette A., land donation via will of,
Freedmantown, widening of Fuqua street through
freight depot, roof on new M. K. & T.
frog farm, intention of A. W. Flemming to start a
Frogtown, sending relief to
crematory, flooded condition of site for a
garbage crematory, rebuilding of
garbage crematory, scavenger's wagon falls near
garbage furnace or crematory, visit to, by city officers
garbage furnace, advantages of operation of
garbage furnace, embankment around site of
garbage furnace, fire at the
garbage furnace, operation of new
garbage furnace, purchase of wood by city for the
Garlington, M. D., contemplation of erection of six-story bulding
"Gasthaus," theft on Pacific avenue from Dutch
Gaston addition, residences in
German daily and weekly newspaper, issuance of, in Dallas
Gibson and Henderson, seven-story building of
Gilmore's Band, coming to Dallas of
gin manufacturing enterprise, organization of
grain elevator on Swiss avenue, construction of
Grand Windsor, contemplation of addition to
Guild, C. W. building, selection of material for
Guild, C. W., four-story brick building of
Guild, C. W., five-story brick building, building permit for
Mrs. Sarah, residences being erected by
Hawkins street, overflow and canal on, planks across
Health Journal of preventive medicine, waging of war by
hearses, P. W. Linskie acquires silver-mounted
high school, establishment of, by Col. J. R. Cole
hospital, need for comfortable, fire-proof
hospital, request for enlargement of city
hotel across Commerce street, excavation begun for the
hotel on Akard street, negotiation for granite to be used in
hotel on Commerce street, arrival of limestone for new
Humane Society, complaints filed before
foundry, operation in Dallas, by R. S. Munger, of state's largest
Mortgage and Trust Co, offices of
jurisdiction, clash about to occur between city and higher courts
street, work of grading
Leachman building
Leftwick, F. M., three-story brick building of
Lemin Bros' Show, opening of
letter boxes, advisability of adding, to private residences
letter carriers, request by postmaster to Washington for more
lights, electric, bids for wiring city hall with
Live Oak saloon, selling of interest by Philip Miller in
Lloyd, A. D., four-story, brick flouring mill of
Lone Star Salt company of Colorado City, heaquarters of,
Louckx, Jno. B., three-story iron front brick building of
lumber, in Dallas, abundant supply of
K. & T. Railway Co., permit for 2-story passenger depot
M. K. & T. Railway Co., two-story brick passenger depot,
bldg permit for
M. K. & T. railway company, two-story freight depot, erection
Main street, erection of arch across, by Wm. Ernenwein
market House, advantage of city
market-house and auditorium, plans sought for building of
Mayer's garden, banquet for dramatist, Maclyn Arbuckle, given
McLeod Hotel
McLeod Hotel, building permit for
McLeod hotel, building of seventh story at
McLeod hotel, towering upward of new
McLeod hotel, work on the, moving upward
meat, peddling of, repealing ordinance of
medicine company, right to erect tents requested of city council
Methodist Church on Commerce street, laying of pavement for new
Middleton Bros., four-story brick building of
Middleton Bros., four-story building, building permit for
Missouri Pacific, Lancaster extension of, in progress
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway, freight depot, building
permit for
J. J. Brick completes, in city park,
National Brick Makers' convention, Dallasites attend
noise creation of, by vehicles over bois d'arc pavement
North Dallas Baptist mission, arrival of lumber for
North Dallas, purchase of property, by Philadelphians
North Park Addition, opening by Webster & Wood of
North side home sites, description of
novel, South Dallas lady busy preparing a
Cliff and West Dallas railways, operation of, as a belt line
Oak Cliff Female Seminary, proposal by Prof. Bode to erect the
Oliver Chilled Plow Company, new warehouse of
Oliver, James, four-story brick warehouse of
Oram and Chilton, five-story brick building of
Oriental Hotel block, contracts let for six-story buildings on
Oriental Hotel Company, building permit for
Oriental Hotel Company, permit obtained by, for construction
Oriental Hotel Company, six-story and basement structure of
Oriental Hotel Company, work now beginning on
Orphan's Home, transfer of property to R. C. Buckner in town
Orr & McElroy, permit for 2-story brick and stone addition
to hotel
Express Company, changing of the front of
paint factory in operation, Ernenwein proposes to have
paint factory, establishment of, is assured
paper, rumors of new morning
Parade, Fourth of July
park, building of fence around North Dallas
park, offer by E. P. Cowen to sell city land for
passenger depot of the M. K. & T., foundations of, are in
patent medicince quacks, waging of war on
patrol station, three-story
patrol station, work began on new three-story
patrol wagon, night duty of the
pavilion at Oak Cliff, lawsuit brought against T. L. Marsalis
Peak's addition, new residences in
pest grounds, completion of keeper's cottage at city's
pest grounds, description of keeper's cottage at
pest grounds, inability to find a keiper for physician's house
pest house, building of cottage at
pest house, theft of goods from
"Petite Comedy Co." performance at Turnverein Hall
phonograph, exhibition of, at the Electric Society meeting
physicians and midwives, requirement of, to register
Police Benevolent Association, organization and description of
police patrol, need for creation of
public library, struggles and death of the
public square, contracting for paving the
pumping station, proposal of new
City Electric Light Co. on Swiss avenue, well being sunk by
Queen City Electric Light Co., stockholders reorganize
of "Serat Israel" congregation, The, at corner of Jackson
& Ervay
rectory, plans for St. Matthews
road law, the new
Robertson survey, Elizabeth, survey of
Rock Ford bridge, right-of-way to be secured for
Rock Ford crossing. construction of iron bridge at
Ross avenue, work on
Rowan, C. T., three-story brick bldg., building permit for
Rowan, C. T., three-story brick building of
deed of trust filed by I. Sokalosky, for his
saloon, deed of trust filed by J. B. Able, for his
Sanger Bros., purchased of more lots in their block
Sanger Brothers', addition to store,
sausage factory, erection of building for, by Geo. Hamm
School, opening of a select, by Prof. J. R. Cole
Scruggs stock yard, matter of, being a nuisance
Second Cumberland Presbyterian Church, building of, nearing completion
Shumard, Mrs. Belle, three-story brick building of
Siler's Transfer Line, Ed C. Smith purchases
Smith, Mr. H. W., reminisences of early Dallas by county treasurer
South Bend Plow Company, building formerly occupied by, sold
Spring Lake, Oak Cliff, repair of dam at
sprinkling wagon, daily rounds of
sprinkling wagons, request to widen tires of
St. George Hotel, change in managers at
St. George Hotel, five-story addition to the
St. Louis Republic morning paper, efforts to encourage new
St. Louis Republic, assurance of, by capitalists
St. Matthews (Episcopal) Cathedral, lot purchased by Bishop Garrett
St. Matthews Cathedral, sale of old property of
stables on Ervay street, erection of
Stearns' addition, purchase of
stenographers, meeting of Dallas
street numbering, absence of and need for
street railway system, description of
street sweeper, description of work performed by
street sweeper, work of the, judged
Swiss avenue, laying of a double street car track on
institute, will organize a
temale vendors, trust formed by
"The Fall of Paris", exhibition of,
Thomas', Mrs., progress of three-story factory building of
Thomas, Mrs. E. J., three-story building, building permit for
Thompson & Co., fancy grocers, blurb regarding
trains, ordinance regulating speed of trains in city limit of
Trinity river water declared by Col. Taylor as unfit for use
Trinity river, catching of catfish were sewer empties into
Trinity water
Trinity, bridge over, at foot of Commerce, wearing out
Trinity, more flooding of
Trinity, report of flooding of
Turkish bath, Thomas Field to install
Albert, architect for C. W. Guild building
and foot bridge, opening of bid on the proposed
weeping catalpa, discovery of, on Jackson street
West Dallas Railway, purchase of, by Currie & Burlew
West Dallas railway, will raise grade of
"Wienerwursts," serenading musical company called
street, complaints of obstruction by cutting up
Young street, steam roller riveted in mud on